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The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-11, Page 3
, �' 1%f : 'M' 11 r"'.. r'g • .. .. K' -.x.. .. tT r. r... !^.. .nn --pay COURIlLSi� U, 1 �'QTIN%,.,.,. -.-1: ..»., 11:4 i^\siN ,r ,,-r. --"'.n-��,-.._. +fr 1-'-r r " - - p ( . • :...f.. .11-11-I..- � _. - 11,' M TC - -. .. ,.-... a : - rte a For goaghs, colds ptil all throat and lyng 4'` v a,v Wve enre0or !n+n�(�� '•', I , yVea1 , tlpngta $yrap. All , ; , , ',I � i;, ............ 00 a .,,.. Fry.Mavw, +otwev.aee on thq ^-*-., tutelligeat observer who kaoirs anything;,nf-rapeorh. 4:Olt,'BurAn.grates orant�sole .r r ele0tioe tactics tont mons Po lite $_tliGor 4.. ohs 9'ri10an's-OW �r Qt, y is just O powar Wtgtnotlitu talcs , 0 heal. Tr7 lffo(l;. Ar yMrl7tic a>w . e. k'ARM' FOR SAS. " • ; iql to Aa 'i g blastema i Deu o e4r*6' :" o. ; 4ts 1 0. toat>e of, the,E;• y n doeidin an eleotioa ltl� 3t RaR . r' X> 7'JE!IRTY gP W ,5.8, 1 bservs >ia .� fate .i thirty A.Rr ago. rr .Qt.ra;; ,� pp3ding of Puir, i3 y 14010 _ OP FOR BALX�=L0T of i AIr1Y Poait4r� an article ander the•; . _ - . ' F Con. o:. good' illais. good buthibige, and ItZ r V� 0,LQOK$ JUST 0FANIP'P. OUT AT . w c ' __ scant Can►assing,'t in which the, editor quoteii. Rut if the prinoipal of ssarst,votingbe. good legality. Came and rpq it, will be w]tl .4 Vi.. _., - and ri ht for the elector, jy7 pipit$ of reason Swtrteot wadi A,ais� ?gOteo. , fiowitIe--p. O, dt e!P #rota the: N wEP*,--gXpr»eping lint eadstots- B.. 2I.1[oltic8ellt ?L. tion 4 his becoming- a convert to hlltwfew: pg, . it must be right for the representative. also, e•� ' 00 cry vchng as a Dare for the wdltfer Would tt not then be a wine anal m resejve No6od► btm sego ground hatrOwed �!qR ro8 sAr.>� -rear o>P->Gars�sON Tim �]g progressive - Ytth con, pt the 't�wurhlp 8u11aEt, ggntaioln¢� Ti,CLINT iece of le islation to p e p , '►rad want of seal, apparent M. man , of p B give the same anvil ge too tn4ch as a. preparation for wheat;fOr, tau►4o.ag7 Termato wit pyretl, it Apply to, •1 ON;- .,. ITow to tI o elected that fe given to theelector*,[ask it-ia hardly •possible to get too•fine tilth, OaYEhON,114W 0Al1IERo]i 1Barrlet. gWRtloli. I .1 iUtl eleotera dnribg aneleotioa oiplpalga, he should be biased b improper, I ooutese it seems otra a to hear a complaint y influence, or - - made on this score. T moat pec la i0 would intimidated through fear, and also compel If there is a bilmi4 And roarin in It wo V,APJN FORSAU_ e-LOT80.INisr■CON„ e ° ;_; p in t0 attend 1 .� g �lsdarlt 4 4opruhip, tR good trt�te o! gWtivat{prl. 04 seem that there 1a an ezoess of zeal rather punctually at his post or slop bive 1n the dead of winter theta is so me- lung hoyre:feat built good hero, e;aellonE foucasultiva cud �' than a lank of it, s►uce the int noon of all gthe a satistaotor� reason for not dein eo. eonven[entty situated. Also the om thalfoflot 70, in p g t}314 wrnri the ltaltland cuneeeeloa, Goderioh townsht election laves hitherto have been to restrain Ie it not sbmewhat incourlstent to say that � g p, about 9s 10 d. the cora of, ovornmental ower arrear b cores cleared and seeded go 4d �ar wo ild bush r Within reasonable bounds, thelinterdpemte.and by the elector%'tn the frauchice after it is their first winter, and Calves i4 Perms 110ay t APPI)or rltobIaNN[no 6 sCdoCr aBaerla ": 1. " unscrupulous zeal of agents and aspirants of , _ , y ke fora, Cltntou, ' trana.er:ed and de gaited with hie re reaonts �� I. political houors ; but where is the necessity tive, should have freedom of notion best of%et when well moistened before --- _ ___ 4 V: for it ? Would good government be attained t f@P.dinn ARM FUR GALE. -FOR RALE and lighter responsibilities than it had when D e , f,OT so, CON � thereby, or would it`reinovo the oceatdeu far p Pu'aaslos 2, L.R.S, Tuckerswli;h contatmn�r 5o scree F _ • ti:nl6•finding, zwhloh seems to be a chronic in the keeping of the elector. Is i6 not rens- - To ladles. Tl.e great beautifier for the of which 45 are cleared wallteacea5, luno unilordraines �1 M ` eakatea iu meat' of our political critics and enable to believe that the duties and obli a• complexion ; One of West's sugar coated slid In a high statoof cultivation. Tbere is a and If y g x „ , ,t. tLana of the tranOtttae are trausfanred from the Liver Pills taken nightly. 50 ills 250. All - frame-k0_gQ Inu,gndstablea, and an•orcha�of A:ci public men Y - Ifie �',5c[ii+BTtar-snys,' Suc111►` elector, along with the owar to his substitute dru = inter " y • p w . Io It iarvithiuPto)irtmilae of here to a nev brae it F/� ie law also would have a strong tendency to do 60 that lie shall in „ 1 P Dints trLLl r btS P away with any remnants of baiber that have' s p . y opres.ut ! Bruccfleld, with n good gravel load leading to each F--1 .It ` .• y the elcetnr, ac t'h& Phaliow retiresents the IF Sivute ria to be ke )t oil the farm, place. For further particulars a ply on the reall"s ! },_ pot beets wiped cap by .the ballot and file the hest profits will Uo found in the fin- pp P jrt{ Mti _ - ' 1.1 or to Clinton P. 0. J. B. UROSSUN. , ,. string$eat election law." I vontoro to say it enhdCauce. - ' ,. ala' da nothint of the kind; all it would do Allow, aro then, in con�tu§tour to expr0ss est breeders that rola. iufii'fnittrttred meat `FLENDIIf FARM FOR Se s,�y,.�Y,i;,Afi FXa- W% _ r F r ' the Dopa tl at enah,a iiiS `t * ,+r~� 'jt;mptil$ory the fi1'st real , �7 taxr•fatm of 154 acres; -- ,Hats: U8, 7o and YJl, l '-!,�-4.'t; t0'd.12e.,to, maka au.abominable exhibition r frit voting shall never find a lace in an statute' oil the Maitland concession, Goderich township, 1' l iia of i►r1)itrarJj power exercised by the majority; book in this Dominion and tliab a law so hu. A correspondent of the lr;ueash Fal rat- About 135 acres cleared and in euod state or culriva• j �,.: ,M, c: " ' iu dictating to tb0 erector how and when he tic). On the premises le a good brick house, with all 1F a mili.itiug ,and i0sult1l' to the electors of era Gazette aserts that five pounds Cf eontientences of stabling, bank barn, wall wutorad, Ao., h ' b shall u13e hili franchise. Just fanny the editor h g E, of life l^IxpogiGo44Potu�pg Det as a onndidato fur C 't°ytla will not ba advocated by any in3n, oonintou wliit0- boons r0uutl fine and bQod bvsring orchard, t;l1���rch on the farm and s' I o rti . wh ) calls hi . sClf a Llbar 1 at all eGents that not far awn) , about U m7les from the town of Cih)tun. � )liff0al honors; and issuing nis arldreseiu tba• • !•- °l a � fad in half- )° v C ' , ^ 3". p ,,, our egjslatolawill ahotv;tj a same caution and l tUid ila.3es' with Grtul CwiCe Tbls farm is Dna of the bast in the tomiship of Gode- .aw {;. � , - N " .,' , t: eLLaly style, Tu tlib .freta iiP�$"'ii)dteNendent a Gldy will °ill's the worat Case Of bloody � rich. , Possession given at ahy holo. Full particular8 � 'hi y� o "I.1 „ ,, a. M �� deiiberatiou in regard ti, thin rnensnrC, they 111 0u application to the pro )rietor,• JOPiN RUDD Olin- i°;;i ! 'j" t . c ' ebcto,af Sptitlllagptu0aatls have shown to another inxuitel more ne0ea milk. t con V. U., or Of ERA OFFICE, ,?,ll f a mals to c Itme t the ole t ieir tutelli etaco, ii- Y ,d ba y; -rov6 of jcistfCe, and toleration, and the sAt'y anti more boneticial,�viz.:-A prohibitory iVoudorful is the t11'�et of 1`7ast'a 11'elld's; r4Rf. �''' Y *'+,d ro N „;, liquor low, and tvait Patiently until the conn• I 1 ^ ••. . ' ►1 ,�� t iAItJ{ (uR SALE. -THAT IIAT CHOIGC P,1R3I THE uioxtik moan day issues ntt•ukaeo commanding ovary try is pr(par.d ter it lest it should receive 'Wonder recures t Liniment, Uue Uuttlewtll • F estate of the Irate John Thompson, being hest • r assn from one eodY'bf the ridiun to the other, cffeut more Dorsa th n fuer times the number half of lot 40, eon. 1, lsuat lvawauoah, ountaiuing 100 41��il:' tea . ti;p ,11, lig to Appear at the polling place '6�Nain of Nue `v"ran 4leatgtent -thatl even the poor boott• I of any other liniment. 2,i and 503. All. neres luorourleas; 9U acres cleared iuid in gaud state � r+ ryi1"� `"¢ _ � Wllat be¢utifu couaistenc AA bus gotteu final the general public. tlru,,;,ie f aattivution, weltdrnined and true Aum bnuxi ® r =a--_ _.,, _ y -r � ` ._, " ., � r.+r . _ nil •Or iarprisogmont. 1 y 7 do'r:pt,know what the public IoClin ma ' '`'' t9. '" I weeds, l9 acres hush and remainder 'tsture ]3acrav I,,1 -.,i -i" .�rayl --- there Weuidr be in each a piece of bneineaa ca hC: on ,this p g y All fU1Vl9 that ttiattler blowly AI'0 Yup whout and fell plow'Ing dopa, uu the enrol is u �+ � `rt e - - _ `1' ' ++' tyr9it anti et'tbie drould be exacta tau, •Feeult queatipYr, (it flits often happened . 'noi Prume divellmr barn 4oxu5,'stabb, a?x'zzt, and 7- _ -'. ,- y -'if the 1Crlvo3a tff vLts<itit�¢svro otxburtltrtl-thoitY'. _. . _ ,.,,.,-$+?y .sb#L :1trJug ¢ilei haul to farm ttsuxrlly�hatrdy.. 4*fitr ttiSttfnGe. th0 til fh� "wt r..uetburlillr)gY, 2•tiv'o)rs s ria - cree c and o .. f� -- ` _ .- ti � _ mo Vul! ,u c pinion in moordauce with their own, lituriog,arahard, T,to furnt'is nttu,tted on good,;ta ul ., '• f )viah, 1 mss. It is oct•ni to the fact lhtt,t the road. 1 mile from Blyth, IU mitis from Clinton nod 12 r „a . l?n. thiliK i kgo\v•that as far as I nm 0oucertt• i L n r /� r� `1 T 4 T'Lere seams to he at'tho present d'iy aA ed no = drtli'tl On the, $yslyyli oeeusioned by felt tittles Pram (lnderiah; t, wsll faucad with hoard, rails; �bu� tilt), • �' rvEiati lL Y�� MOWS l'a , rat' T61 U1WS W.111cht I'• • - t• ;abnormal desire for^mnldillyiug law;' Every' . > 3tr;,umt4, eau autviuea maof its ueces• n and wire. For furtherlittrnculars applyrmtho proml- ' feathertn does not weulevn them, low sea, or to AlS, JUf3N '1'fI0\{['SUY, Loudesbnru -- --•- --- - - m Viouble and evil that affects humanity is adEr sity-,t would, indeed be a deplorable state of a .-. __- _- things, that would make such a law a ueoea• feathering, wliile_ 'owin is ittd';.clttive ______._.- posed to be a proper.•subjpct for the legisla- O g g tA11-I FORSALE--TUATSPLENp[D FARM " t r. IF irn R bad it is the f:tliit Of the city, and no poraunsion will, reconcile, me to. of hardiness. �� 7 p � pe• its p inniph+, which is alike arbitrary and ale t of 10i acres, hying Luc 87, Cott. a, , It. S„ pf m °.law, if poverty abounds the lagislntm is to a )otic It )a I'a111S, ,nilh.Ia oIIrred for solo 671 reasonable NE NODS, "' +; , blame, an&if this or jliat- gt'rty loses in nti 1 Iyternal enmity is the only feeling j V9. Go Clean life 3110w away fat' tr.rmy, wttligond buildings; frumo bnru, 4oxall, ARRIVALS1 electoral crvuteat, it is through soma Naw Cr which I call entertain to ]a,.v so opposite to the hens. Locomotion is a very ditlicult stable 4-14x36, sheep and nnrringe house. 16x46, a all thv feeli0ga of human anima, cud will good 1,6 stury, 2.4x36 framo house and kitchei,, defeat in the 1aW 'The-t"rutli of the matter matter for . l)Oult1'y when the Snow is 70 acres under c nitl\ atlutt, 20 acres stented but • ` is'we have Loo muth,Jew;' if we Lad'ld: a law never cease to nae my votee, vote anal intlu 'deal), suet ill@ Leak will often suffer trout 'lot brolten ; IU ;toren good hardwooil bash, 11 - ,' a oneP, 1 owe erem.ill, a lainit any ovurnment ell wwtcred, having '111TO Cf the built wells lu - ' aqd°More gospel we�tould Le intil.ito,y bet hunger rather than uudefr�0 the task of Huron county. Onod Uenriu o r. off. if`iLer0 wer,p as pian• honffst Hearts V L0 mill anumpt to rob the elector of the a" b ,, g reliaro, situated r ' 2U mites from the Village (if 13rucefieled, and SEERSUCKERS ,1111(1 G1NtIdIAAIS, _NTEIV S11I5S E-,NiD11OI.hERlES' �! a' ae tliere are intell ebt headayw. would have right. of ptivato. jud;tneut in the exercise of travelling in the snow, After cleaning 6 from the 9bwals of 'ClLttou attd Sn:iforth rC- `r ) his frvuellise. JCROli.--. , s'',,Lv lessneed^of laty, a'td fewer causes cf Coln• Away snow Spx1al:.l,=.Ahee on the ss,enrivoty,then+ipaaplattdidgrurelroarlpaaseei ..`SHITE and GOLORFD j�r10E and, 1+IIILLI;YC;S LADIES' and GmLD-, q•. . SLAlLly, hfnreh-1, 1887. t u front of the premises. Partienhu's uud > > r ' t ' I , p'laint,,,; '. ground, and change lite •drinking Witter tcrma avec vg, n.pp�ieaticutn, nPPL> TON EL_ REN's KID OiLO`'ErS, ALL SIAS. LAR01E ASSORT\LETT OF _VEy i n . ks, "' .I n • I m wall" awilre thlut tele +real Mr. Blake � "� � n COAT. Britcetie111 1 . (I., or SAA4UEL CRivIr 5 Only Thirty-six Per,pent. ! frequently t° prevent it freazin„ r,14t ton, P. U„ or NEW r•.,.A OFluct,. DAVID SERISEYS, 'LATEST STYLES,' NEW °STOCK OF LADIES' ENCrLISH •t some year htr6 bxpressed hililself in favor of of those. who-d'ter from consumption inkier' th+,- I ELCOAT, Outario P. O., California. P inherit,. -the- IIavoyouTootiinehol. i4 soFiufdLlghtuiur I1i;FiBlt CiItCL'LAIifi. ?ll tiUTTU SAIAI,L ['I'.0I'I'l;ti :1\r 74 �4 QUICK •.- voting, his'• That ilio franbh•ise waif a trust.committed contracted through carelessness; or, according Haveyouastiff Jolt it Ust I9uld LiatniufC nn'll� nn p f r� fjp t {t A , . •;. r to the electors by the State, for the proper to the new theory of tubercular parasites, re- Ilave you Nen.algla 7 Use Fluid LightutuK A061��lt Sale Of It 11f sl'C�a111� FARM RETURNS. p sT Have youLumbago Usti d Lightning, . I �' ' egeroise of which he was responsible to the rceivad directly from others as an in;eo�iuua 1N r� State." I .deny both his premisos ani his d4sease. But yn either case, DrPierce's "Gold. 1, glituiu ou tronlrled \stili Heudache4 UacFtuld Mr, J P. Brine Jim been instructod by dtr. laugh a have jutt receive l Oilr �iYew t1041t1@t c`t ��It i of e ", a • eonblusions. That the franchise is a trust or ell Medical Discovery' isa posi,,iva remedy for Havo YOU ally pain t [Tap Fluid Llfihtttin Alexandar, to sell by public auction that splendid ltd Hai a7elc�ry$S 141 t7ltra�i' ''Cblp e r the disease in its earl ata es. Itis dela t g• farm, lot 25, con s, II,R.S., TuekerstnitU, os SATUIt• P gift of the" state i do not believe. confess y Y g y hitt' .. It will cui;�you the instant it la as)ptfuQ. T y DAY, MARCII 12; 1837, oil o'clock, p.m,, at the Com. Our patrons who itrtonfl""lixlving Hata 112nde over i is dangerous: If nu are troubled with short. 11, 23 coots or bottle at lyorthln leu a Drug metelal Hotel, in ibe town of Suaforth. The farm is Icavm their orders r e oto. New -Styles would eQnfer a ffi, b� to Laving a great, admiration for the dcetrtoo tore, /' g g ea ],y l;y doing so yoix will enable us to ha ossa of breath, spitting. of blond, nightsweats V in a first-class state of cultivation, mostly se�deddowq. ye your work ready when'r "'� laid down by the fatliers of the AmericarrRe' or, lingering cough, du noqt hesitate- to procure Some 011e lvants to know how much There ie a good Brick House on. the property, with a wanted. Poll mill not be.dissppointec� and we will be pleased, . " .public in the preamble to. the declaratiou of this Poi ereign remedy a£"5nce, Splendid collar under the whole house. The barn is Independence.: That all men are bora free - H-�-,_ , • to feed 100' tow Is, Ill winter give them at frame, in splendid condition, and theta are also two v v 1 a " and a nal, sad have a natural right to life, in the morning six harts of warm feed large'shedss', sufficient for the Properw•orking of any „ +,` ltbert 'and the _pursuit of happiness. If this "PERTH NEWS, o q , 100 Here farm in the county. .There is a good \\eI of . At noon the same amount of wheat Or • water atv the house, also a nevtee"-failing spring run. T �• be sound truth, and I, for one, fajta it for ning below the ltoasc,and a branbh of the Ba,¢cld river S�4 a �r r i f , �j ®v r 'a Oats and In the 6Vening all the Corn runs through one corner of the farm. There is a rood CLi�i`'�'Q:' such, it follows, that the franchise is not the i1lr. George' Hess election .expenses' ' ' t 6 �6A16�`s 7.�i•.illi� ex t"9eC gift of the State, but the gift of nature, a , 9- they will run after. This i9 •about the bearing orchard or the property. Thofnrm isaituated y tp Dry rV� . '• itt or Cruet which ever man who arrives at ill 1V North Perth amounted to 225.41 about 5 allies from the town of gomforth, with a gravel ,7 C g Y, Correct I mount for laying hells. If they road leading thereto, It Is about the same distaneq fsitsr� maturity Las a$ much right to nil the air be The sating assizes for the ;'county of are 'beiug'futteued feed then5,tht•ea times cortcriof thtitu�d there is n School house near the '-`"'- -"` - ------ -- __ :. .�. i]lraathes or the earth he walks upon, and the Perth will commence on the 9th of 1Ia I , with a church about three quarters - y times a da all thev will eat ill clean. of a mile oR'. 'Phe farm iy situated In dim of the vast1 patiaing of a!franchiso low is not giving a man Y j D�- ;vHat he'hlici riot a right to beforC, but simply Nur •liver complaint, ayapopa,ia, ani sick «a �ashntturrn ut limo oPtss(i 'Ontarl>Qls))aoorn,su � r� ln'' to 8-Pc*o:p1c`4AhNESS :C� BOGapkppwledgm0ut of what is hist. ttulurui be tdaohe" use �Yosts Liver Pillt=. All' 13g 011 Your ,Guard. chaser, at U per cent per annum For further pari cu- �DV ��111111, VVVIII UVfffJJJttt���{{{�r0y,,t• � • b{irt•h�rdgj ti" drupgistr, I 0 Don't allow a cold in the head to'slriwly and' I� It1 nI9�rCLerstuitl,LTOPI ELCOA'4, Lat JU, ren. 3, - � y I � ' 1�" " ' Ata special of b'litellell doltn- stir'u�,y run in�o Catarrh, when you can be Cured l 0. (l agutu arAfles that a man j for ly by using 19r C Lase'a Catarrh Ctlre. rl - - . . - ,. a . dI he . Evxaositor when balled upou,is hound to serve as a jury- cil,. hotel and Shop licenses were raised I '-�-+' k . �°;A -v ti tache is and cu' bt to bo Com elletd to +) or n „e fery aprtlicatinns cure,inaip:eat catarrh ; 1 to 1 , , v £ P. from 0� to 2..� erxell. I Up' 'sy cures. ordivary ,camrrh -, 2, to 5 boxes is i ► Having, enlarged iii show r n t.?. o- h .. • 0yve ti's a juryman or soldier if hie country a linteed .to cure chetu,ic sturih. Tr it. , sOolu Asci of in a first.class. itoek' f GROCER ± t� q . t,•"•: wf 7 Oral 9, y, R A r•,I � , �''': t_'b g 118 ill O Y G n I E <„ needs it, but in bath of :Less eases ho is doing AZ 0 are glad. to say. ilia. X. DIe. only `_':`ic. and sure cure, 86IJ. by all dru;ghte, x5 t.' " ? ; , s : u1 connection with my otter lines of business. I Ana now ire >aret to furnish 1'ea1'service, while in the case of c,Cmpulenry Kenzie, of AfVnckton, is netting better, t P, • € , •. 1 i the. e •�aotin , he is doing no service tit all or if the " A "j; r public with all kincls'of 5'tallfg anti 1��i1Cy �tr9d'Sr19Sr CamAd �'®Gids lied g ' We are'glad t° know this us Alex, is a i Peollie V;r,, clergyrii'gn. _ f :a � `' � f5 end all kinds std and SLATE'S tilsa Euler Articles 'Expositor will mhlto the analogy perf ct Autl • _- r Candles; •• .Sehofi0 00OP-; eom late, let him state. i•hat compensation he ''le ht ge4(1 boy. v,,_-:: p p , ' Sonic peal)le delight e' ciiticisinry rind., ��tf, , such as VASES and JUGS,- KNIVES, PENCILS, DIOUTH ORGAN-S,PIPES;. will allow for Lis lost time and tramp to the 1 or rheumatism, neuralgia, ctitp, wnuii;js or I o r; ,. 4' ... "' CIGAR HOLDERS chi , Also a stack of fiudilJn fault tvith,thcit clor mile. He F ;' Li ' Putmlt 1ledicir.cs kept on Land. polliuj; places against his will, merely to rn barns use West's s ll'oi11's 1VCudur. Alldtng b gy - 6 W O alt. a ,t i ..i - ,. - " ..',.t O tifq a whim of his superiors, I four ifl his gig e, is aul)fiosed to Icnow @vel'ytltfng, aril yet I' px�T,N�-.ca tae s�ireri:ori:� e r a„ly may ��Y'��� t�.�t®C� is Mor© COM}rht@ in all its brPlflc}les: 'z ` argament is carried ant to its logical ooni,lu- Mr. Thouws IT Idobinsou,.a nhd of 'PVerYbody iii the congregation thinks lie eompliect r;'fth. Lars; Voxes, r•ciitit4n4ug have a fyw of tLose �LANIiE1'S and BI,*.LLS which'will be sold eh' 4k ,•sion, and bnth oases made perfectly aualp• �, bap. I Make gone, -it.would greatly increase thetnuinber-. St, Ma ITS, tint ri0W a resident of o- knows , more than- th • clergyman. If 30 2�i11.1 25 C.ufe; 5 %oxos 1;2.O - Sold jj li � ` ro_to�ivc4 sal-tistlstio'!t jrP� 1Om A rotito the %1P,rn1 nitlu sticks to religion, lure by, all Druggists. « l?ii��i-P 1� Of "osreliae, lazy, and indifferent votes," , is the chunittion• skater o tli'e Do- a: a , 1 - __ _ - _ attended to and charges moderate. _lIy stock of TO�j�aR is ajsir complete; The eieoti r then, upon polling dad, I utlirm tllinion. , _____ . ':- _ e _ . and sim.pLo9. the t otiArecntaiti°u .complains -?r�-- kinds of produce taken in exehangP -for all kinds of b�i�s, '1'huubin m costo- - - -is absolute- soverergn"1r1 titr(`eFeioiire oTLis that he Hives t11eM nOtlltnn lew if he f niers for last )Lironu P and soliciting r .c eontiliti,t�n0e of the sume.y right, aud'is not air..+,nable to ¢ray power nn• Alt'. John Notts, Sr., Itis piirehasea ° " ' HAS CANDIES ally I►'RUI'S �' } t g,•' I.. der heaven as to hvw Ile shall use,tl,e power. lllr. Thos.` A'eals' old ,homestead farm touches nPo►t living que9tiocs, they Ac- - . Vested in .iiia. Whether he votes'orrefrains oq'the 7th can: of Hibbert. Tb*e Tirol clise hiul of preaching politics. If the •- Sat©. ..NEWTON; - • � � �.t�:`�i1���18®9Z® . hVf' in voting.• is a mayter Which beloligs to clergyman (loos not visit his zl'ishfoners Ala D S. - ' ,.eelf alone, and no man has a right to die• c011tains 100 acl'2s and was sold for $G,- aY P' tate to him in anything.copcCrning it. If r00 0 every day of oval tlley.say ho is a eery � - . nine =an out oF..te>? in their i+,tonne z_nl and E'nili ca�nno' , pool•. pastor; if hA makers iiia visits re- Irr4av' CUmitts 100; per Ill., Nrw FIGS, r i exist when West's lorld d A111R.-Ral V I �, C It I Cntl7nSIABm hABten t0 the poll t0 pUt CltUlr rC• 11r01tdCr 13'AItp11Cd. (iheapest'andb.st, 35 and 'glllat'l\�, thr'V36011 llxscot^el• -thAt hlj t9•a DA'.CES, t),ItANG.LS, I,I;lIONS AYD `< '� JQ L� a.pective fuvaritti into Cf£)Ce, woiild it not ba 500. All diuggista:. • very poor lireachcr. If he exGemp04'iZFs tt t4slNs, Ci'RR:ISTS; 1+4iE81t 7IA DliII:. the height you for them to pay to On Friday idtt lligCllce Was received tltcy' complain that Vis discourse is TOBACCOS, CIEf ki and PIPES. • � ' ALL the tenth, you shall also -go to the polls and " vote,ormsta.Mari--11iillotalthethCr-you-think w".AU.S,._V-_XQ,Gtehoky-oi;-41-i-1-Feeten;titat- 1'nnl!.i.itllg; '1141 11M pt•eacbes fl -0111 b0tes .OYSTERS ! 35e. per alt., nerved ( t �p{ra'. { 1 the !1 ¢ "'' it proper or riot.,wSnrely„ifbeissati0ciAto her daughter, Eniina;-was dangerously they Saythit any fool can doi.that. 'If ill rall styles. Cllnlcelot ofGROCEIttEs„all new I0 Pei, cellt or Y•tl'1' ('ilrwIl, ]tit he ilext, :�" €i;� allow ihemtoingkolawafor him. they, ill at Syracuse„ N. Y., pull on Monday a cle)'gylnau saga but little at a futterAl 1t ANTED. -Choice Roll Biat' higbeet t351�jr. toil aild Ail�i1���>Z+:�{t� %l.31Q2 . �x ��t�����f + .ysi 'in all Cotiscienee, to be satisfied with that �RE. anything else. would be Abominable tyratiny,� allowing a telegram announcing her he I's called unsyuipatlietic ; if be, says price paid., Fuwl of all kiuda bei ght, io which no free libertyaoving Canadian death, riioch' h@ is Recused of bus}ling. The , _ should ever submit. Again, as to personal If feelins.nhl -renew your youthful vigor b r ay person.' tunny. A. M. ' � 0 =. tB _-- ' 4 cler0 man is 'tib© last '"' • - Canvassing and the objeclion raised against it, using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, It will vitah a talo a man would help to Support, and be is JACKSON TLneK. IIr,RON STRPE:'li. GLINTON. ' . „". the writer can see no force or propriety in the blood, recruit the wniting en.ergie-s, and build n) - - - I ' - - + ' argumente used against it, not tbtit the proc• th® system: 1 the last man you tisk n favor' of Ito is - ' --" ,- - -- -•-- [ lice is commendable,, b�a togetiror the re. fl S, ', not called ill till the fllnorul. is a) o. uteri. t�v�� �.�i \.. �[L1.-bUUCj•841,1 4 a 13een-`~IIIcar�d'< t `ttd - i,lrg'ill illi(- Will. g 've - rerae;`I3t4t I 'presume that the advo0atca of bIi' W, IJ. G►aham o St, Mar. 3 l l ►• ! ' -i b! �' r cl Man who never .helped to tray the - , O really Cheap j Oods iri thiS.li11E. compulsory voting condemn it because the Las purchased li farts of fifty acres. in 11rC�laSerS 2111 0131) rtUtli'.0-111 -4110 ;et g Blanshard from Mr. Bears paying pecte roan when alive c.tuuht b� ex- r) I elector is therebyin danger of betn�g biased , P Y b ere- The subscriber begs to rutcrn his•sincere thanks to �eI71�IIbC1' this offer Evill' of ly 121st �0 days, when we take Stock, pected to give biro nn} thing, when dead. m..•! , elector in faVnr Of One;pC life other Of fol. the num of , 3 .UOO. 'Ile has eOld One all who -have so liberally patronized film durlug the .. ', \ the oiindldA.es�ow,I ask, what,ie tlle'inten• of his imported Stallions, r )taudol h • If a clergyman does riot keep. abreast'of past three years, and to inform them that he la still on tion of the oandidxtos far parliament gain r P the literature of the day, the congrega- the. trach, _=_ round night alter night, addressing the oleo I ing, to Messrs. Gardiner Bi1Ir9,, I+'t'r- tion say 'he is behind the times ; .if lie HURON ST.r CLINTON. . • . tors,but to influence them in their own favor; gnhar, for the sum of- $2,000. I§ the elcetoF not in clanger of being intliSenc The cleansing, autiaeptja and healin •c qualities g1vGs them all epitome ,of the bent With a full ono of ed b the -often g 1 thoughts u b ften sliame o ,thP h y fol falsehoods f I) e4t writers t11e seen, un'd mi o r Sage's Catarrh I s0 s se temerly are unequalled. ' Y FLD F ®'PAL"14""iE E & C01 statements it private so lavishly is objet io him. Sure• jlim' of _yl and st@sling. If a UR FEED & VEDETA�LES " ly it private canviteei0g is objectionable, pub While AIt 1Vm, harnet was at wdrk cjvrtiytnan preaches sliort S6t loons Lo, " a ,�•�xy'7 q �T 1. lie moat be mush mere so, And if in Alessrs. Whites packing honse,blitcli ' Of tht, built qualities, which her will sell at t�o lowest. 01fi , .W rd'r®A.V . ell Le fell` through a floor and in Lig i3 aecueed Cf' laziness ; if he preach long rcmmienttivo prices to all „•310 may favor him with a the right of private judgment be eo sacred p ) Sermons th© people oto hit tedious. If eon. {lis stock includes FLOUR, CHOP, RARAS Iss�ie: = - - -- -- that you wolild not allow an elector to be dCtiCeUt Cfltl,?,ht his Rl'tll 'bra R m8at hook, ' l BRAN, OATS, PEAS, HEN FEED, tlRAHAIDf - spoken to lest lie should be biased, how is it he dr@x903 like other people, his appear- FLOUR,,gR4CKED WHEAT. GRANULATED •ROL- p' ancl was thereby su9pendCd in niid air. :ER, and STANDARD OATMEAL rind CORNMEAL, � � STOCK that his judgment is ignored anal taken'awny once i3said to be unlninisterial; if be all lth,dsof Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all oPwhich when polling day comes and lie is Dom elled The hoot} penetrated the arm near the I will sell for cash or coarso N°lr�� ��P choker in sotncharg d ur dons c whit@ grains. IIRAN, SHOATSV 11 to go to the, polling attics, like a slave to Lha Clbury unrl tore it dOWIl i]eAt t0 the and EI,OCR by the inn or cwt., and'everythin sold anetibn stand, to bar humiliated; said made a wri4t. bar. Jahn Molyneaux seeing, the choker, he ]S Charged with afpeCtallUtt. atuilRprlcos. All articles delivered free oP cVoldrgt. - .. publicspo'otiole of, that he is uo and a flee t+ If 118 busies himself <RC the fair Ot' SOCiltl withill the corporation. My motto will Ybe "Coad ` ACC1dCnt sprang t0 the 1P3Ct1P and sale- goods, just %%-eight and one price.•' 610131 MI I GUt in E ti+ ZOTTIS BLO03M• °i And ii:dependent elector, but a mere political ' 1 " , it i3 .said that he had better ant more. 6 d d�duE dr r i 4 -tool in the hauls of unreasonable nail un• efieded in liftingthc unfortunate man oft' time in his stlrmon' if be Ives his whole T1108. WA'1'SON, scrupulous men, the hook. ) g jlluron Street, Clinton. NEXT DOOR TO 'TBE CITY BOOK STORE, . CLINTON. Agnip,as to the progressive legislation Which timo to his sermons, he is said to be a -•- .----- - -- . -.--. ..._._._-______. w�1 �r the Expositor speaks of, and for wbioh he Alt fimfitlly sad accident happened on poor worker. The clmgyman, it is staid, The Gr".t .t:aifi9ixil ri°t•eac:t•l�tfon. BEDROOM l7ETs, PARLOR SETS LOUNGES gives the Liberals of Canada all the Credit, Saturday which cast a gloom over the lives on the ignorance of mankind. It' A coact+aorut 3tedlcinp i1 Pd over i , D expressing the hope that they will add tie+s neig1)boi hood. On the afternoon of the this be true, he should have the best it 89 cures ui sperntqtorr/t,a. u 'rrrM y SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &C., • . one more to the number to make election li%we day mentioned, Aft, Will. Jolt of the of living ni's-n.lVeaknem tin,tssn»is. i,:tpotene4t perfect and complete, I would just sa a low y' b , hilt a hood living difficult c AND A GENrniliI, ASSORTMENT Or THE VRRY BEST I,IADF, FURNITURE dT s 18th con. of EIma, received a telegram thing and all di nn es rg:osf•41 by abuse, words. I remember well when tile' of o b fbf a Cle,gynlari t0 get. IpHronst indNerptimt, ot 4)( 1, PXprtlon, FTER7 RRASON 1DLR I)RICTQ, from London; station that his broth• -. _.___ �. ��6 Six p¢ckngPtt (;ugr,rotr,•!dto ('ttrr uhrnnllnthers r menet used Was port UC it, and ,the ai'gll' 7 Pail. Ask You" ltruggls't for The Grant Fntrlleh- •�• •�1--,f '� '• menta used to its Ad Of it, and tit. h0F Ca el• Robert w ' lying there In the hos. � Preeertptioo, talte no soboliutp, One pacitago o��"• S_ j 40 I -1111 "Y" F-4-1 ]L , ' entertained by its Advocates that it wogl(l Otial dangerously ill. Immediate] On ,lsfou{el,lutr 14acoosa. V. SIX $.i, by mAil. 1Vrile for pa mphlot.•Address forextever. bribery and as Wilton at isheeleccul receipt (if thetelegrain. Air. Jolly started A scheo'la German Syruppto lot tserson lwonderful o has u Red Lruri li t 11 y j. Fr. COMBEtiriQ Drurofiq ltrete forever. NQw I ask, has it•accom liahed all Sold in Clinton U � k � • - •� this? Will you, Ell., or tileE1xpoeltor, tell Its for Mitt -hell, but on his arrival lie was qualitiosbe known to their friends in curing .. evOrYWIleroi g bow many eased of election proteate have been tillal)1° to get a trt►in for London, con- Consumption, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, - � ������ Grocery `before tbe-courts since that System was adopt• • sequently he en;pjged a livery and drove PnrournoniR, and in fact all throat And Lung cis• �1���r��, C1Ce`� �gT 'ii � ad, and how many thousands these have cog throng, onsos. `?4ersoncanuaeitwithoutimmedi'ate . S T'Milted the country. alae party spirit and artisan rah+ batt oavjng to tint bad state Of relief. 'Three doses will relieve any case, and ��,Ej�3]���, �]►ls� It;b ag f�. _ strife been less kceni tinder ir,, : hon tti urns b¢. tLe roe is neat• London, the journey was we consider it the duty of all Druggists to rea. fore ata iatroduetioil, or has it had any effect' a protircted one. On his fit rival rat °mmond it to the poor, dying ennsumptive.at I will 1y the t)i hest rash t n on the a"" it was intend•d to Ouse, I r.• L0iidoill 1;1 ' e q+ least to try tine bottle, as 80,000 dozen battles p' g p •ic . t,ir any The stYbscriber has bought out the fitock of -P. kohl), consisting of h ns pilinpd to learn were sold last year, and tic Dun ease where it 'Jnantity of ohoice ((��, rrll%%'����QQ � / n meitiUor n et8ltltitg 6tatCmPrlt tnA(IQ 1)y the tll:lt 1419 br-01, .1. lead, dlnd sum° hours failotl was reported, ,juCh a ,IlalilCll,e A9 the r *`'�rn p. WI�V V1J14�1J�� �IJLb�����J��, �r���A���T T IF present head of tin: th,tario gn;^erllment in It )rr'viunyl / n r* �} S VV ARAL, P c,.- -- t..• 61)"Ch iletiVA-ell by llit:l n few years apo it 1 l' • Gerulan Syrup cannot ha ton wi,lely knowns l,; LOT >"�Lb 114 T��IOT1N .Nr ('('fa QG Vie ton n of Cbatun it ryas tiffs, t "'.i'hnt The shu)'tlard reut(rl'y"foF'ii�er Com taint is Halt your QrutYei,'t About i!, finml,le batt In Which, being bought at low rates, l,e is enALh\d to ofpf,r at the ver closest r'r. , 8510 000 INA.Y ex •en,1Eg1 by the 1)r)nlipiott p to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular aiz4, iv ate. I tahonAge reSpeetfally solicited. All m llcrs.pronlptly filled, lioom9 to let,es t � I 1' '' 'l'n:+ rl' corm, in y�. 80eV Ila 2"V,.t �111Adr t,ep n;v r d.sappo:rat yo'1 (Sold 6p A.11 Drn¢gists arra rlc•nlers In the ►'nit• oveantu(nt in t11" ,n p' ggiats. . a ed States and Cauatla. T 1?Y}: a vCt?F:P, (`t JNTON ' . ■ WALKER, CLINTON � 6 ■ ` .. n.. •r.•.......,... - . ..,.... _.. . A d'T