HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-03-11, Page 2^ °~" ' | �� ^ ... _~- to ~° � . ` . , ..,. -- " 1, I to hear ai,go , �!J!uo, W. 61W IN braver auiii.Ue�ter #4,'Ishe'llita� lot- Kja4ling L 11 exp' I 04ger IT. MUC9. Q A��, I i r"; , I_R� . , , � , ,�, Y9-1�1�ty P - Oren - I I — Wy'jt)UN -lit , o be' 1 :'h`effwja5-6, despe, ately Anxious to bide TQ was why he bad gone tip to town ; . . . .12 , lilt I anything about hii; it was to get ber valentine. Of course To Dion toy purchasing ,` . , As a remedy for C at very law pitictial, aii-d themes wanting anything, � I I firoul Clipt. 'Harkness in particular, slid With which = of our children were this ecolnoctien wl I OIL 110in , I — tl�4t, ahe -444- be mlist have ordored it sonie time be, -afflicted, we during I coilatisut:v. 1. y - ii avo been '. . . ter, with much satisfaction, - -tiers 5# Hitill willo! 64 'L ; . f olit -bt 0 b , away tela in the world in general Ayer's Ol , proipplitt pilpnooled fia " , -kp , . n ) AV 0-' , consider -this preparation the most offi. I I _-`_�1'111- 011tuded. He saw that quit 'bp my Even to, heiselt,Sho ,Wfis isin tp come to, oui knowled — aik- — . y . v ; %% ' she � --his valentine and his woe; Mary Little , P.de Critic forlilinc, It was tbis wit .. first gift to bet i, hurst , Proc tross, no for ' husband hilard lie wit Wanderers, o eividently oll-ii, li of. Tony told him lie impl)080"i he lue'll"o "et -t 0 & lifilt that live heark Itild been She took infinite p.tius with her toilet bly children have been peculiffirl sub. A klirds of pro , Ie w,a, evi. I 't to attacks of Croup, and I failed to � rst�cliasured at lowest tariff rates l . - down, and so oil., tich better that evening, and the result was perfvc- _T1 ly IvIii.-Voll Nillpli, the tia)e ' "I'Vefloll I how M �'i`ld ally effective remedy until 1 06m- I . . , 1,,Ilc. %%jib hjm. Not ve-IT 1 -ed, oll`Vsu� � I sili. 1'elt ; ri­:- liew"s Ill.. ba -1 altogeth - tion. Her 'rown was of dark blue vel- TA10 TIC POIZLOSATS va-Ule for It-' . I') , j trian he it'furtual ly who,, tile day is fixed., #oft ber—in. ieffility, from (he effects of vet ; and round thejoretty white throut, Pectoral. This ptepdration reliov iVjNNjPZ0 AND ALL LAKE . U 1 I;al ly Conceited I I Never - .old a 6wreath of ic before,' - difliculty of breathing and invariably )%,or tile -GKAND 'Plil A , _. .-.- - ,, " _ 1:leing a 11,11-tlul lie which was 'one of lier� gvefttesC attrac- cures the coniplaint. — i.,avia 6. Starks, 6), ail raii linou c arov i [iought, thal'be -RIA by the tittle Ae j)A P*CIFIC to o point ail tbal I.Alacid, neverfbr`01�0 01t)'""t tl Litcy doclarel], decidedi, .,,. ,` (hat tions, was it low of fine pearls, f) -(,M (21ta Biandoo, &c., Duk ti. Kansas, or an, _1.1- --ac 41 . . I"ell of '. 11 wlli6fro 14 - 14 bukig the locket with Lbe sapphire I havO "sea ilo_yjall, local or forelim. . . I . won't be a single bzlcb"Iueif' tllkt "eg'- . it- - L. town hall ,ilist be. Wbooping Co, . h ;nIoL-julr it Illoo-WW-e long. '\Vby.. at tile I fol,e tllh�`,I�zs�q_-",Itf, .till wele almost, all irritation, pre% I wiWil, Owy were f 0 - 0 wl,,()Ie pill were conAill.g fill' tea ; arid a very fair , -- ,,Iy,' he said, are 101W on. I -:sb4II have tit ­ itninediately followed by likilf it dozon �Kws any teivieney to Lung Complaint. I Y. , .. j ,,ther ldtov it ".Is all Over. , I -(: Mignon numbei did f..UI1;t---lII(i)t,, jiltist havi.) boon L, .1 pipe toge it, ff%. II)e,.s . t "' lljyself ,joig'Uelloi officor% who entered in siri�le filo -find - J. R. Wellington, Plainville, Mich. '.... , 1. � !, 1, -It:%. I cturned, iq,ypar,le yo.ung twenty., ljajt(,q j%li�N.,-q! hi-,g9od tittle 0 1 f ex. .1 find no medicine %0 effective, for 1. I 1. : 4. Badly --1 . grows .u.1) into it i.itarwr g a,lid Stayed ttr! tLe* lu,t, though '110 ]'all well . t to their seSts with that ai r 0 Croup arid Wliooping Coughl.fit,4 Ayer's . , I . I 1, '. 1 . liti5ilishiliellit. woman.'. . ,lity of,saying anythi.bg cesslvo modesty never assurned so site. ,_, ,rIjy , ,,,e, ra,.i, m,,',,,yta,, ,�he ea� ( * is I tj on . . I Well perk ., r."i ilt,t, badly, - absolutely Ilot much . ce -fully by ally CI'Ass of men as by. Sol- l 0 , y ., vei Olive nocelitpill tile news it; , III] ff I hard, itictinsidellito L-ilkd Of wity-ne roiLla,te-1a, Inarried-:. of a 'privato -natme Lo Olivej be did Thooping cougil, I ever ThosSte"Vellso asking ber"to dance, triie. 110 was g , j rilljol) jIowov;rIjav,o.a dillinee of asking ho� ii diftra. tile worst case of V Flats, Tenn. . . I - "goinly IINI.I. her, Or - 8110 sat inst where tile blow ha P . elf po D'Albiac, most possessed Saw. - Jane Jualono, Piney ­ . . : or it'1*15-thill". Ali 11:',il"' like lion her, although the pcOIlIO rIlOv`d to of them idl, with a arilile and a Ilow foi- - T H E.- "I . tentioll at an affiliv. like thii. I d fro and clian"ed placei Ott each side wall . . I ' -0live,who said Ilittle trionkey' to herself, Aydrls Cherry Pectoral, . N . I , I did ask llle�,' Litcy at'Sw .1 I_ following eveninL, l prepared b r. J. C. Agr & Co., Lowell, Mass. o I ie. Al, a gling ,Avith an over, V11 'tea $1; six bottles, $5. "' ' ' * . , - Cisely wr ,ftIsed ) b,It uf her. Alen o , but . Fesi,i t9 ,be sure we a � then Harkness striw said by all iggists, d. I -- -well-not llwrc .. 1. Leading Uideftkiw4u.5 I she shu load only 0110 left, tile Isearanco came and spoke. tp her ; y6ti nbt goingl'. I I , , ,. .. ' Coat it Crushed list, a book ot words,and �5 1 she told tile live, with the faithful D'Albiac still .. illaw,utly- ­chango for balf - , . 1. . � last ;`111111 then, Bile added, all') didn't 0 was, 1. qO I gbaft'seo j ;u there, %* h A" " --at � - ;! r 6-a . , " Sib� . ' I 11 11 .'. _ ,_ ulusic, Ustened to a ,I shall do ,my' beilb to get. a sQ �t - % Atli then Miles, %vho looked care- , 9 I away., Bile bo.ird the . I fully at nothing, arid evidently tholight blainufactuter still Proprietor for the boot 14a N III it I Anfleeptic jEndalnilin Flurd kept !' , � --%�, . .. . Dog ,a. Ageolt for the$a1a,dyid application of -4 And.didil'46 take it V - ess remarks yet" , 'id ' lo everybody was looking at tile 2: us _ , . on ,hand. . �. . .. .. I tiat wits tho ,,00,1 _r 01. vat jety of more or less valuel. him ; then Floinall, PATUNT I . & I am afra .1, 6 Li %volt t J)e able to ( STEAM FITTINGS furiii4fidd and applied un sh,)rt . 1. - 11 .- I �" 1011, uo, W Ili! wl.th fill at- find gave ans'wer to tbein. and went that, for %&o took the �.nly tilree left in Hartog, Who came v�ith quite the do. notic'e. I ­ �, . . . . I --took the hint instead, adieu to the lady of tile house, . jected air of a man at a fulneral of some . _x__ . 0, .. .. . . terlipt Rt indifflire,100'. into the dinino, room for a cup of coffee that row.' I . . I.. .. . one WbotuAiie.expect bus left him U Bollern. Engines. almoill Bill I ikinoillps of MR I ` " -X . Hal, ness Shook his bead �- Then I shall 'sit thinery repuired la-pediti-,U-411Y Road irec even.. I lliq 11 before they le wretched thumpInw lega' maltioner.. Bly Funerril D . tor, 4L C. St ' 1, 1. I Poor liWo 50111 ! 'She tnight we * be marlied.' aud look murderoll,11Y tit tile C 4!y. . IBIS . . . �... look so b3l.ed as She did at t Whatfour terrible movils tliey Were ! occlipant till tile evening. I IIOpe,y6u - -.- FaTral . alplo. Montt; rumnufactured and repairt flit stearn balming 4 irwToronto, � 14.,C, . , should have . Tiloy f�i filed themselves into a sort of wi!l wORr all extra 11" [Lilt[ Wool application. divirges moderfito. I . I . and not have loft. hot- alone tiIj an ass , ' of lookilig pleasant All plains ()I- ftelica torill be infitailtly reMOMI Kilns fitted tip 0)) -�. . . 11 i, Sing , song chant and regularly beat give me a challco . Ar (il,olls of Fillid i,tgbtijiug applied over I , —I- .- --- . � , -DIAlbilic Cr a butuptiolls idiot like once in it while.' .. tile affected 111LI-18. No tittle lost -, Ill) loal.181-0149 . . . I , - .1 . . ., Garnegie il had a ellance of boring her .., i I i, wi'l,l with quite -all orealwilultneuts. it xviii not wister 4oriliseglor 9i I . . I * . . . into r,jvlII,, tbitnt dances., . married.' . ebi gA thoakilo. Sold at 25c. a bottle by Wort hingroll. K3 0 1 W I Vso �);' 9 . I . . .. ., , . ,Nly pet, will hardly describe tit titer -ers froill liki.11:111gla ass'llie us !1. -OT -, . ji , " tilt. OIle, bile . . - morning dawned it Diuggist. SuIrel - - Orpo-l'r.J'. I'lil" ""() " S lflLl,. , ", - I If ,sbe"Walitya to aive iii oil, the sad I Z�1, Ni'llen ill( it whon thiiiii house cou GENERAL DEALER U 0 A 'q,, I –0- Ir I .. ", 1.2, . At 1101 pillow for"the was tilt, f(!,jHt of So. Valontine, arid when ' talus a bottle j"Itild Liglitnaig. . ' . � lt*- ., ,W is `!.., I j know nit of till ber hOlMs-th'I Vain 1 of lotti-ri, addressed 11cConnell,c' of Ayltnor, lr:trrowly ics- Ropalrug ,)fall kii Itt * (14 Ok I rt,-isrn . , ,i,\,eN.Ijjjjd. l.rilciri, n, grand. apetl being burned to death oil 'Wed -.I a lie r it I,< , I I I —_ ­ , I I., "M led. tile tinth that d . beeil lilfiying with .. " . kl` ... .. i'. : . to , IN 11 -k -N -1w ftir that, and leoul . crietl passionately, to hers, rialle,st 'oc,, agii �Ihdl. , V 11,1vo-, taken olivo I"nili'llied. - . . . . ALLA I o .. I . . $'10,000 TAGA ' . . . I � (Vk I wore. , ]Tuw rearf I . hall offei ed her.' fle I .C�� &-,q un uo 4. ,�41V!0`1`T hol- 1 C".. . . . I over. &%rfcol in Such a vilal'rek . or 0. I"31 -in-, of t113 sal . .� I IVIVIN � lgthafir: k wholl you (fail get I)v�ney frow usat G perc, . . , . .. It cy'&.46 kind;.awl tbol-o was One - t ( "'S - 'It - . . i. '. 7, , - I ,I( o- 3 0 . . . m.1 I yes, it was. vvwly 1;(, bopetir.t. Sho'knew tbat a104)n a I k, t Ali] to stlit ho?rciwer regarding . -foe a fellow ' ' 1. 0.1-0 ill sapphil ,� ii-ttio, Otl ' -*.v ,ro LOAN. ,%,IrTljF;j,jGk. -PAMSzVoli" A ,AI L� . . � - arid 14!ifi like it a'.%1%;l(fv, Capering abont I oil a sbeet of 110tO 14)PI&O )�'O�ld*hav(" and the lo�ters were A. 11. , 1-0 T I LE (,,Il uii.i vct'aii partief0hr, ­' , BANKERS, CLINTON. . � . .. n (, to I)eat again. with squiethirto- Rke lie- 1IL?A,D OFFICE MOIN-TRE&L. . . - I -ceel would lkavt� melted at her. . ,, , 'UVIdUj1,8 l3s. . uk, uluxbot square, C)juton. S Y 4P 6 "' , I 11 1. 301,t.of lf� fel low., ".. r, b tilartty. ne-xt , ___ OAcl �-E.�Sl i Ort " B T110MAS WORKMAR". ....,.president, .1. Ott 'talk about,'- it .�Ijojy wreatli, before the hark of P11 * Aftf�,_*i,�,�bo had.been a st -OFFICE-A, i . — . I J. U. R. ITO LSON � ........ vice -pros. Amnist 91,11. ; find its f1buded dignit A ,6��I,,Ijjltr jia�l borne a vertir agony of D r" APPL63.1 US tile English . . F. WOLFERSTAN THO,a&S, General ma"ger I , 100111 was fill],' sho, wII­r ,Wbat w I witllo * t, the least cause'for I ' _ . I ..�Mjq t4eq gevero�st tost at, tVill'illte fair in Notes ol;jcoanged, — 6 ' Oh, I skid till, . . 4, 14, It", ffend- paill, . 11 . I.. _­ .. . it it',� ' Ily fla%itwu diat I" . L Saidi . . pomptiri%on with tfie treV. , r -pall,. whatever. H, B. PROUDFOO.T., CIVIL EN011Nr At, FOR ,r.gg o3i;i1oled, Sterling ail I ,� . ed (it, not, 'in � . .. eso it Wits trite be wits froing to Provin-cialand Voillillion LallflSurveyor, FINISH,, ANT) SwLIPTIN ESS OF I ON ILI the . bougla and solet at lowest - ---- - ,1 And tbon I' ft . . . I uro of Olive's promise I . lit Oli . vi� � Of Coli - Architect and Dran.clitsmall.P81IRIN IIIA)Us, or 4. . ARAY-U of all otb- __­_-.-­-4Ur-?ee?1t­Pak8. --.---- .---- -- . I , ,*I sklid it was warin. 1. I - - nothing of this,. *P be marrieJ, it"Nits trtle Lhat 1; would Clinton. . I ________ z "I y y bt: tile p,q)lllar inistru, Intereolt at 4 per cont allowed oil depollit'), , . I 11 . . . "Oh, th, , I . . . . would- DukrArray Meek, t,wo duorto oftat-of, Rodub"Lol that a -kpddlal prize woF. awarde I it, eettain Noney 4ollfuneed to farmers an their own notes with 9*ilmen,iUme-Toissaud thilig, be; & bride, wid. it would be her name brauce, Resiaouge, opposite the Temperance Hall, -a voltinies f(,r the instruments and 930'or more andorsers.. No wortq"4o required its .. .. .Arid a -ked him if"ll 0 . . Thill day, %AjiQh btoke told arid grave y li'e woni'd discloso to the Huron Strolostookinton. Ufflashienrit,ba-Atiell.m. ly speak ., ' lately " upoij -it chilly iworld., w; t . 'e(yinignt find to socibtY at '­11OWSON, LICENSED AUCTION ,It parti purch%si Bj( Jove?., Harkness co'utinueo, with ­ After lionie two hours' fi it I officol-S of.bis I " . Slott j)o-,furXtVi -ja . flun'ry 168, ,ii, I I . . I - i. . . . . for the County of duron. Sales attended anywhere . 1 -_ _ . ,.; "' laugh. , Dime. -Tussaud's �fetultt I blive. Februaty, .. - —largo. . ­ ifitlieenuo�y,atr�3t3,.)ti-,tble�atoi. Ho3joitiace, Albert I � � . ',' . a ,ea godsond. It'smy Opinion broken �nd uneasy slumber Olive ope , She had been to street, Ciluton. _____�__ GEO. R. OAKES, PpxiritirTOR. B I D D L F, C, 0 M WL, been qnit � cd bet, eyes'.all(I wi mit"lit lie expciato What it little fool $ — I . J. . . . bf paralysis, before long. He's ':Ick-'Il�, enderness, the, gerkne'll-ch-1- .]).All Dtj�Artjnvut of Vietoriauuiversity,Toi,outc,,f(-t ..: r -�V-_K!qe Ck tholl'illt %%,as to tell bir Illaid to doubt tile t "hop, t left too flinch to) go his owl' Way liillcf'bed ; but see, P rotecting ail 8 to tile Corun& t I I A__,:�b JEWS'l-LEr" &c., . eft tb�rofriment. Booties used that silo would remain in he bad not told big intention ". . ­_ --- I ... : I Booties I 0 . . ond tbouglit said it got lip.' 0 , fItS lott'llITT, TE(CrilUt up MUS101. KLST. I I j� t9,eFt­TjI)On him like a naustard poultice orld. ,. How could lie pleiid guilty t . . DrSuAld'All's, It. ..I,e8d'A,Lo 'le,litiroanna I 0 4-1 ILI 0 . 1411TH 111,1111,113. ,'72,-A!t1&C'r,CI6 I ILNTON '. '.. I . ation --on SEtIpid Bill) 1111-d Assoclal . Coll1i1q, 21 Carleton St,, To- *bv loreepa 4�tiibloat asofortreetat, I , away by horsOlf, anti also to d be -ell i - Sho oligh b to havo khown W__ - ­ ___ I IIVAJCUES, cLodi(S JEWXLLENT, ' ,efl m - - . . 1, . I Well, I'tix going to turn, ill IIOW-- lip Ill"olit by I olvill�.j.1)e arrily., the gal M Notary PkIbile, etc. Offild', bMitLA'd T)r'0_CK_1_J'M' . ,'(I-- . I .. 0 was determined to bide by every means A 'o1q. -, Messrs. I,lc-. __TIjr, 1,11AI)IN Whieb we will still at reasonable rates. - I iy6od-inorning,ror ]ant profession which lie lovied-simply Aga, s,.i,,, 01,1.Kl . Toronto ngont% I . . 41 her power tile fact that she either had becanse it would bo,impossUe to renlaffi carthyr osiors Iloekln & Creelinan, private falidA to ­_ I . a behilacbe or had passed s, ' bad night, in tile slime 1reo,ilnent with Capt Lucy, . nd,pRtring of every deFforMlon, PrOmPtly I t " oletent olive Weyland was le.ct any otic-sfie did not define in her bo lmd, not _f)j'j'jV, beOlk ILI loilVe' With 1161' W. WILTJAIJ�,. I', A,, U D. GRADUATE ON j � 13 IDI�LECOMBE, �ijjg into her pretty, whitc-oll U I i "liti-I V66rl Nfiliftivif THOU_ -DIROT-01 - .1, -go-W.,ftilly'l1affy tbat-Bl'o 0 Harkllegs' greatest friend. boa.jei,l,m,oyuco4piool by 3)r. Itebve, Albert $treat I . ___ . tained-bet, -orn her. She never caililoct, her indisposition with. Harkucss' Dtlt tllo�rr., was a %-(orjust witi,till thG' Tintoli - . - ___ _. - - _..... - -...- I - _ I I - - . --i AN' 1) : - - F, t CENT ' - tried even to shut her eyes,lint lay wide mal�yiage'. lid bf the case, it lcttev ill 3, big, C I)Allooilphctll.,Tjieolltial.(Ofl�lieC . . . . I awake during tile, "Hit of the' ilight, .11andwyilitio l,l4iich made h0v And,jargoons of Tjowti-0,111adift,1111d J)"t"flutlift)LI(ell d , _L -t , IS I -G-..�l,'F�Mj..CBNTF,�NiTAL-1880- tile le tbit)killa o ver all. Ilow gentle . .) fasf. till op Mont . - " I EMBAL YL or Till',' , silo jeft,Copplethwaito 011 a tall, lobk at it; Rd-i'l ME' I d 1ouk tile road to Garg- rilq-titrit'll'ir"ll 4j'nk. . . L der ani. Ite W! . 1 S. POOr t o %v n. After going I' Milc Or so, "hO ., , I vCjjf;lI,o to send N oil till offt.,ring for 131i.% _._______. ,---. - I - . and b avo anti I-onest . 0 t1leir . I lilt -------- _. , _ q04, C-NinucyVii. C,ORE DISTRIC-f FIRE INS. GO trittil, thilt 1-tarknes,4 lilid but look .,I f .1 eel) illo, it Von will COU(I tile, "laing, Abolit 1"'M N'0 llilif . - Prosidelill. , tbn f6end 0 1 1 shall look for Toll at I ho concert to -I[ all tho r;tia,111114 Newspitpov.4 alf-i 0,1111111clolls of .. Vit-o-i'vesitlent" , it wils, thnit biril. d b, I .)I I,;. tl I ul I M 0 i" 4 -�­-_ V . - A large nfil,;ort-11101i , -a pinsperoug than at ally eyllill(Ol Illitis Jid not lo�:S(all till Sho di -I I 111, Zi (it'llildilints bill, sti-night to I -lie point 'U %#�, w(101"ll, . . ko stm, C d With the Olvario (.. . olive '��, .. -tho It Wai not lery pleftrialli, I , $ . word t r) bis ellemy's .III ANN I N U" floc 1101 11, OW dt-posit ill �1, 't'gift'r.(os, Daben t I for Illirtog bill, . , , . . I ' 'n;'R', � I,ESjj)Ej4CI,',, 0 T1 A N 61, R, ST - ininiediatOY n : Illilo fill r. ced it grei, t ( leal fimi I'll(.). I I" "" Nvf,tll,l send HSS ()I available W - her. IV Olive drew rvill I NA V willl fille woIltr it, I , — I , 'A: )l .11ol(lorA in tile itify illo wvvIc of Febrililry, how- , slid said Alic tilt - 9 1 \ VIVO IT 1% I i., cent. It .- % , 18ball you be at 110MO this fte ')' i.4 first , I , 1,661,No dono Ve y Ilitilt flail to Atilt 12 1 I)tlt tAIwoj,H ; fol Wits 1101) this Ir f, lelive-Ii. not Which Olive learned while 11artog agiled. ,If so) I will ri,lo.o I vor, gift. y0s, silo wolild well, It .is she . . � _ Cott., Clinton at % large rocep'tioll near (,1rAystOWtl, to if I Inay-' � would wortr his I-oravo alld Atalwa t' 1 i ­.. - ­­__ ­_ , ­ . - .- --.,. - - - -_ ­ I L -_ --- - A . 11,Iq 801131y, gone because She i y list a o. . I do Lelieve several PCO- I beflet .-forel-er. T. - WILHI-E, I , I law A A 6: . . which III 0 olive tin- I age r of -to IIVT InOther" J. 'A' . 141 I L L — ____ POSITIVE CURE I I o w6oil(I b J)lo fire c,,)nIIn0c' in file tea" slilne sil"fow I tho letter Al"O"Ir nviwalls PLANI IN G 'Am exper"fe,l I a there. hert looked deprecatingly at ,It,,(, . tile age -4111TU41 - r 1,11 of Ifurd 1. . - 4 J,U-�y -was ill the I L )'Ott Come"too 7 I not tilo letter fit first;thougll afterwards ,jn.,i%,c aigi,tiorthocotaltY to 11 -:� , ?on S wils also D'Albiac said ; 'Won" She changed lier inind arid (lid.' 8110, an- Phf(()`na4j4jtIc, Nytiloll Is the sftff)"L ,,,,,I bnst flystem yet ( Is- - . ,�� - . he, motlier ontered,ft Fit yo�j btivii, not been near its for ages.' slivered with a blush and it I'llilO, ' Ye-il co,,aj-e,l for Like p,iiiies-i extractimi nt inutb- l7barg"'i � Y Jj I L BT I . 0 ment it seen when Mr.q. %J'OVIAnd aske I if slip, meant .. over pitneoli; T%Iior Shot), IT"I'011 I COLD I N TIJE H �Ag - IMMadlate Belief . f brilliant conversational pow , witli it Sigh for _ ..--- __ - ­ ______ lit new 1`11111ing Mill NXIth in, 71 I arid, 119 ft gotierill rifle, when It . olding flown to his face ; tile kissed her fondly, -not i cry of tile bite,,it sinfivaN If I tile 1110A prooipt �� I 'ejold in Read, 'w"'Of not very A, white as Chalk. Lney and III's filloll d isal) poill till 111011111C atl, nit at rt-mona ,IV Ilelpo,.1 611t,' ailt to stick fligi- 11,111 nwridly sorwry? All that bloss(A live long day (lid "110 .%, %irno,l falt,alld lirm, beful., a - I 11 ib� F.fA Bo 14-_i�l P .10 Bli, i�'� ..'I - , "C4 VV a to 1114. I Vn A E . WE—ULL —A_6_4_ -__"_7L. 6 t t ", i I 79 5�_l " in TdA �.,. of I Oil tit t ,, mixylagod to get It 'but. I've got to go find look at I tread, as it Were, upiln lifil., A dololl I -r-" -T-1 H -(�"j j:;;Z0 in a better po4itinii in o,.,cp,etjtv nrI(i1-qVN,.,-,I1tI(nf.lV, ­ I , necaRion It(, - I I ,:!j _11­�.j fo Lis onna'dont 110 (lan Oyu "At"'t-Actle"t it) 111 I - . I powder or Irritating Uquitt. rfieii ext to 1101, ; I)jIt. oliyn was not ill. tile Colonel, I A floll, . t t1link 1 (!an : tillj.-s she, took ]Jet' preciusIS lOck"t (if" T< Jr— J. 'Vrv4' Not a sillif lie %I 11 to ta�k(10119"(111C.11fly, WIVIII T'ile get (ff '. tit I i itS chrtill, tlI.1t q I muctz"Mm— FACTOR I%-, ill, 1,*rand Trifilk R"til j"00. If licit .btaliiablo at your drilop- elillvill I other (Iny" sail - I . NIA10104 ATOTIKKITF, '1111ay, Canton. ' i r on reacipt of price. Addr0fid "VAIllille very solon Ifilapsed into ailnifee, ( i kissed it nR tPriderly a., if it had beell il it � INTON. T110MAI . ORO & Co., l3rockvIlloll Ont-, ,pa,ently attending Olive, holding olit her bend to hin', ji,livilig.thing, then .�Gftly luvilled its bi - C L - ­­ ._,i..__,­k­&. , -,. - FULF . . . v ' ~' ----- -----