The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-11, Page 1A1 N'.�- .. +. ..n _..... . w ,. � V . 1. . 11 11 ­ 11. . - ,� � , � , "I'll - I I '' --I � � " v�A, ... �:; . I .. I - I 'I; , I , - * .1 , • t`° I YY!. P . a. -.. .,. . 41%I •u , 1 I ° _1111111 I v o • P «. M .?1" , .. ". -..-.. �... .. - - Ip •i, �' . V Tr 'Yp' ­'!­ . . IM 1� I ry , 1'0'... P �­ "I Ii• . - 4�?!I I . . .--,!'R--, �' " * I- ,��__�,,.,. . . " �­ - i 11 . . .... ".,., T . E % �,r \, 1, J. - G X14 °.yf M � - 11.-11 N . . I..v. ni,'� .1'.. I.- . . , "',." � ;O� \11 -dd t-.-,. I * . : ­. . 11 I . I 11 . , - I I - ,,,, — -_ . — - — . I ___._ ­­ -;-- . I - .►sit. �� y/►. u a FUIDAY, MARCH I1,� 1.t�87;. � " .� . �u,.I CLINTON, . 8�-;1.6) Per %antra In a Tens • UNTe„, - -_ n11 __ - lnYilrlbi. a� LONDE$Bolto. Purdon, J. Donnelly, W. Bair, Pat, O'Calla• of $40; .doe makes" a good asseasor and up- It was a sort of" bachelor" social' the sub-�ommitte I consisting of the, tees ENTERTAINMENT. -The ppuublic enter- TuoUGHTFUL,-A few kind friends sent' µhap, Thos, Wedster, Geo. Greer, Alex. derstands the businses well but makes it hoist being a bachelor, and the char, th budeputy-reeve.-e tainmeot laud debate Riveo • by the mem- a present of (ileven bags(of oats to Rov J. Po.rvls, Gso, Smith, A. $• Cameron, Alex, too warm for his Grit friends. - A grant of Mr. John Beacom 1 ' beta of Leeburn badge, on Friday evening Hough last week. ,fd'ucb eyideaces of aero,,; John Inglis, Joe, Foater, W. Thom, , beipgr a 'melttber also From the report we take, the followiu t.T3rnry Rintpul Jos. S, Habldik John $5Q was also given r the town band, to be ofthatrank, 'semi,c They show that under the rose -ivecher sof Nita bu school �o�ed asGchir: ( kiudly feeling between miuiatura and pee -ding, John Gaunt. Dnngannou appoint applied to the purchase of new inatru• "' tngnagem@nt the finance of the townI plc are valued by miniator� at mute `than ,116 mens. I BRIEFS --Mr. P.0olo, wbo had intended raptetly gettrng tato seed shape : a f menus were left over until next meeting. man, which position he very ably filled. they oast the rtonors. The clerk was instructed to notify the tr C$URCII SITE. -At A recent meeting of g°ing to Manitoba; for private reasons Amoursyy�('.yypprrotreit in 1885.,,,, p, $.4700 Afar some songs,readinggarid recitations, NRw 3aoa STORE. -Mr John Jackson, Y gas• has glveII u the yuG en, it would pro- llmpnoA)borrowed in 1884 ss0o: urer to have the books placed in the hands of the trustee.t of the Methodist churctl; who + P tits debate was._pcoceededs;stub.. ,Thissub- • •of ChU0iu, is (opening a bunt and shoe p bab'ly haa,ve eeq nt we 1 it he had fan --- 'ect was, Resolved that the cavae ties of P Yd ,the auditors atones. Council ad uuraed to met for the purpose of discussing the ad• his mind bef111e;" he had hi sal ged DI>lorepceiotpvorotl8ae...., soo I - J _ t store here. His re utatiun of 30 ears is meet at , he call of the Reeve. R 1 . MILLER, visibility of purehaeuig a efte.on which to .; - e, he Amount on nand let January,lass Io woman -equal that of man. After both . � 9 'a 4e114antee that the business will be pro- T p Clerk•. erect an edifice. Atter cunstd able de- return' mulch _f. fpot }tall. '.b ti "turd ewouucoL nand let Jateiti, 188r,,,;;;;;;; 42iT.I s= aides were very ably discussed, the deet- erl ll' g liberation, the P scholars oP % 4 an'd th ' QfN. . 1- eatne '' sinn was iven in favor of the negative R y conducted and not a butlout lar y decided to urchase the increase over ism,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•,,,,•, ••,,,1201,. g g otock offerers.' Parties needing foot wear r3leAta'oltTll• lot immediate) south of Al r. Robt Hq- off 0° Saturday and resulted in a victory Difference between estimated and actual re - F t, After this J. Williams was called for will no: astilt t) eft own interests b calling Y for the scholars of No, lU, 13a Sold eoa.) sea is,tnorease..,.,.,---, „ a son he replied b singing "the March Y t3 Building 1°tQ stet in great demand here ward's residence, on Queen at., tlwh'ich ! p of the Cameron Men," and gas loudly en- at alts Lunde§ oro shoo store, at present. -Building operations will be they dict, at a sum of $310, and purpose by a score of ]goal, Fo 0; ,the�}tli bnya. �igere4ea between ostiuiat'd*a'i,d'aetua►etc $749 r *- cored, he then gave "Bessie Brown," in • HAttLOCK brisk during the ensuing season. erecting a building on it before long. The fAegl eery sore Ayer'their defeat. Mc. 00. DG 'ourea ::: .....:. ....... 77 a his usual comical style, which kept the BRIE" -Walter Hannah o1 Ilarlcok Mr. Ed'. Mills a former employee In congregation have extended a call to Re Anderson, teacher, lies very flick tvittt ""' ""' " ' '•_$7, Y' . audience in roars df laughter. Recita- has t, ' t Mr. J Picictird's dr old$ store of this Mr. Tonga, of Alma, to become their tus- congeatioII of the brain, and consequently :Estlmatpd surplus less 43,00 underektimit 12015 g sen away is n ..all his far two Years, Y g for next year. l • his school is closed ; we hope it is nothing la 1885 fhe Corporation re 1. t.iona by B Linfield, Henry Horton and he says that in .all his travels he has place, but now of Merits. Brethour &Cc's, y r. Mr. Tonga purposes ad- 6 (}aired to bc,rro ,aid Anne Comings, tvvere well rendered, not ween any place like home. The Har- Brantford, wa>i in town this week, paying dressing the congregation at a future date. serious. - in the mouth of Mardh, 'and in I386 in th' Ira of May. Int e his old friends a visit. neo„* -_.. be 4 present year that ' also a snug by WfllfeCarter. Iostrumen- lock school'and S S. No. 2, Grey, played BRIEF§. --Messrs S H Gidley, of tilts will probably be no neceatttytoborrow anti tal•mtiaic with violin and organ by Juba A game of loot ball, on Saturday lust, at The Good Templars open meeting, last place, sod Geo. Tyndal, of Auburn ar- HAYFIELD. the cud of Jane or first of July. a Horton ,and daughter. Walton neither sides got a game, al- Monday, was well Attended, .and .a a- Y TRA BIERTING.-A tea•ute"tlug in behalf of the The committee also reeommedAed payment PP rived here Wedpe{da evening from a 1slethodiat church, was held to the town bars, of tits following acoouuts:-1V, J. Paisley;, WOOD CUTTING. -J, Horton having though it was thought Harlock bad the rently enjoyed by all present, 'i'heso purchasing tour at Londou, the Rankin bore, oil Monday evewilg last, Rev. ;ti Gen e,lar to Rill bought some wood from J. Clutton, had best of ft. meetings are held every two or three 9 $20.40; for work on streeti) weeks a comedy company are announced t.. give ev Ne:esr tcrlluwe ll av'd Hudkeus.i6The pch fyi 7 75 ; L. Trnuae, sal cry, X21; work nwatreets` qu to a number of men and buys employ- --- , and are productive of good, ' in the temperance hall here, one of the' of Ratteubury St.. church, , untuu, stung sump t)1 25; Jae. Cook, charity for Miss White, ' EI U L L L.•TT. ed on Thursday last to help cut and saw Tile anniversary of the Sealorth branch popular concerts on Wednesday evenin, flue anthems, qu,irtetcl,s, splps,or",, during rho 8. Dnvis, figtuirieq, X11.35 ; J. Ridout ins evening. The ,riucf ui s raker was Rev. Dr„ , r it -t4 et Gurdon And F Linfield took FOaT BALL. -A font ball match was of the Alissionary Society in connection admission 25(. Mr. Wi ., VanEi;mend,_ Qritfir .Pr President r p ango, $24.8Q;S.Palliaer i e t ,ep L'uufereuee1 tivltu AiI 11 & Co•, saudries, 5 io4 1. tits t+cket., „ �-wp boyo, iv)th,,,,teptlt,, think',--.P.ayed p,n the ev�gtug qf, the 3.rc1 lust., be •wa-th-the •Dlethodist church wets held la3t' 4f rho gen al, Inas recovered t'ruin Ilia air addriiss en , All sorts of people, or whtott receipt of weigh scales 16 8 lessen the u ils and teat er of.S,S No, Stindi Rev.. W. ,Griffin, of Guelph, •illness and is able tG ittteod t° his the foil. -Wing Is ,a eumu,aryy of his rewarka These o $ 5' inj, they coyld draw it home as fast As it p p' h y.'•: daily Nh110 there is great slruilartty between all b (, o rep rte, nn inches, were referred '�va•i cut, managed to upset oi,Ce or N,i('e, 7, arid' pnpllq and teachers' of Harlock President of the Guelph Conference, oc- avocations.' Mr. Mille intends visiting I human behrge, yet all are different, a k t the fivaaoecummittee with owe uuune just p r.to I tbtts bringing forward the old proverb, school. The match result in a draw its copied the pulpit to the morning, and his friends In Brampton next week, The 1AO auotber-some very thin, sow(; very rat, publish them as,'they see hest. more, burry less speed. no goals were recordi d by either side, One preached a st rmon such as only he chn meek •parliament is succeedin r nivel but s"n1p or "ked, some straight, sorue, tau, sones REPORT OP THE Co11t11tiawrRh uY 97FICERB ANrf.' RATiiF.A PROYOSINO.-While one o£ was claimed by Ilarlock, but was distil- preach, from th. text "Search the Scrip• the members need to study the books and with shortthe ri�ds�.r wm�,tle, oo�twvwrk isouhlstron u TIr>`rn P#1ARIxs. lowed by the umpires. The No 7 ties$ tures, etc,:, In theeveni° the service secure freedom of speech. Dl r, John aometat"'y,eutuestuveuiiy, sometvearuluthoe Chts committee rpputEed Ehat applications our pruminthd other a was bringing g they never pay for, scull, wear• old clot ee up were received from t bllowtn had laved three matches before with tbe''touk the form of a platform meetiu The Sherrill had a very auccesaful tvoudbee o,u one would pay t4rryUnnng for; sows to ,b•' rhe position, pante wood°the tither Jay, he stopped at P P t;• i1 f g perwuna for }larlock buys and were defeated each time. opening exercises were conducted by the Wednesday, AI r, Jabez Walker recently minds stilus -with either people's Ituow) Agee p tutors, of Chief (Ifitpstable:-A, Hillon, the house of sue of his opponents think au that the look u un this liana victor pastor Rev. J. E. Hmvell, and Rev. 11 r. met with n roan there is the titled aristocrlie who ttilnk Phos, J. Brown, Geo, Tedford, D, D,ekuson ing a havP,oad iietly can leaving his Y P n painful accident by being the world is nmde for thew—thou there is the D, dte`t'art, Clinton W. Denison. Mitchel'1`' bores alyd load quietly standing. When HYMENIAL.-On Wednesday 2nd just., Rupert, of Clinton, leading prayer. Mr. kicked by n horse. The calendar says it natural yeoinnury—uo kind of weak to be dune and R. Ferguson Win ham, and thev r •o I Miss Annie Sanderson, was dined in wed W. M. Gray w s called to the chair, and • is spring, and; judging from all outward but sumo one to do it. Theu there are till the imencted tbe`ap;pointment of Mr: G. Tedfom . be gni through, however, is found that J 1 g' 1 g �" digereutoreede of the world list man belongd•. his load lay in s field Bome distAnce ntF the lock to D1 r. Wm. Skelton, of 'Morris, by made a fete appropriate remarks. Air appearance it is correct, and for fear that to; out a eommulllty In the World c*thuut youAn amendment, t the. sub -loin horses having taken refuge in tt neighbor- the Rev. J. F, Parke, of Blyth. The Howell read a few extracts from last years some of our love sick swains may forget smiguino people, they see pmeperity ,u every the name of D. Ste*art fur that of Mr. Ted ing barn Yarrl. Rathtr provoking, bd't ceremony was performed at the, residence anqual missionary report. Rev. Messrs. it, we beg leave to suggest that the Gar- thing—if in a storm or (L rkness—see sunshine" ford, was loston t yeas and nays being nothing compared with victory in debate, of the bride's, father, in' the presence of A Rupert And Gri�n.addressed the meeting, derr Of Eden chestnut, about hanging over owes more to this.otasa than to any other. Next t at '' lar a number' of the relatives and. friends the former in a .very earnest and practical tho gate, will soon be in order. As to the the melancholy mall, overytaiug to luoa,y to the chat@t3:. Tho petro-il recommended that BR{EFt3 -Mips L. Oassidy is spending a ,tf gthe bride and room. Senn after the manner, and the fatter gave the s seep of t"tnth of the assertion ne cannot serif hie'+ afca(d to sUuut, look Pur {;II th(+ ark tests, as Al r. Pntaieq God been connected with tile . ;? ':few de,ye.of recreation, with her motheri.Q• g P Y, in the Bible, all ,s dark. the state:" dr,fttux,tt,to 'cror oration for a lou tjme” a suitable r6so. . 1_1 ' knot was tied the large an employed the evening, 11 who have heard the but it is confidently t� K, o this neighborhood. Several of our citizens g companyy reported that Ayottmg ruin, the church all gots g to the hud,tatto iso' lntinnooncernin hlBeervioeashould be drafted took in Capt. McCab's lecture on Tuesday themselves at social games, at which they Dr. know that a says things that very lady, of this burg, going to have a young chiserhilof stew of complaint t the right way yrs g. -t g few others as but ho says anted of thtecuwptulut is to sea sowebudy worse, and renordod in the minutes; which was done. • .v night and report a ipleadid time. Rev. enjoyed themselves. so well that they chid Yr ys them at the man arrested for, as she terms it, planting than yourself and you get ashamed; the 04) If, 1Mr. Black intends .visiting among the not separate until an early hour the next right time and just in the righit place; He a kiss. against her will ; serves the villiau , Inuuity is made up of these characters..' The11 * '8W_- mornin .The ours con le have alread bas the right, idea concerning the mission- ri ht' he should have lanted it a ainst morose map comes next. An E;°ghshinnn is - Funeral Bermnn. famj'liee of this",neitrhborhoud this week. P $ Only happy when he Is finding: fault; sit Irish- -- a ��� settled down to the stern realities of mar ary cause. The choir of the church fur- •hegr lips. A number of Salvatiouists from ot,►n when he is eghtlug, some men find Yaulc As previously announced, the funeral sermon TFOHSBaIMITH. tied life, with the best wishes of the com- nishgd suitable music. The collections here attended a jubilee of that denomina- with you because you were bora in it opitati, of the late Fred Holloway was preached ilk the . BRTEFS.-Miss L.' Bartt., of•Benmiller, munity for their future happiness, for the day aniounted to over one hundred io'n in Brussels &lott(Ill afternoon and country, finding fault continually with sues •Ontm•io $t. chu b„ en Sunday evening, by,�. . has been upending a fele days with friends BR)RFs.-On Thursday evening 'last a and eighty dollars, an increase over last evehjng; they came back Tuesday morn- man sayei sus qumudRn'thwi+"duq`i(tlf ue`; tilts ue "v' ��°' W;Sparhn4, pastor, Notwithstanding «> - �rn�thie'vicinity.T-°hlr.-1Fruux-csf•Qiid6-Mash; -pnr n ' -- year. Ing .having enjoyed a good time. Our yes wtcU octtor priopio's tponny; e,ry the utt,i' whip m";av0'abld weather', the church was, filled denc"yitf,Mrpenple"iiianciled at the town bund la ed Bomeatirrin later isploue, uh, yes, lie to paid for it. Ihie attentive audience, chiefly yi,ungpeo• ' preaehed'iti Turnery church on Sunday residence of.Mr. David Lancing, on `the p Y g tunes On e1as8of may is guodlio society,efor some thing§, ple. During the service, both before, and after Mr: Alex. Broadfuot,,9f the 4tlr con , one base line; the time was occupied by vocal B1tIICHFIELD.' the market square Tuesday. evening, ; it you can tend out, New cewrs the vassataciug the sermon, the excellent choir rendered several ".1.` _+ tlf'tbe oldest s4,ttiett,til the county is very .and in$trumental music reojtin arid OBITUARY. -We are called upon this which were ° very touch appreciated" mail, like Lire seasons, kind of electric sort.of very appropriate splpetions, in their usual ooct ' g - PP .people, friends d yours to -clay, fgeo to•wurrow, ;' style, 1 he text chosen was Proverbs xA II rl. law with in.flammatiriu of the lunra. The other harmless amusements that; together week- to record the death .of .Ada; eldest by the residents. Both blocks of Gray, 'obapae from one bpsRieas to anvtitnr=•scuwt- .Ill his introductory �Alexander farm, oecupi.ed h1Z Mr. John with t -be gond thio a' rdvided b the daughter of Mr. Joseph Bell, eon.;2 Stan-• „Young & .Sparling-s_ salt. works are run- maeter, preacher, lawyer,,. P,Aitit<iitu.aud all. remarksthospeakerre€eq,6A,.••,- . Thurit, (sill bs sold by publiq auction in worthy hostess, made tlpie evenin by hl ley, 'She sufFereo from @'onB.umutioo for a wing. full blast, in'order to .com t with surls,char,ae their dlet often, bor6arg u, Query to the'uncortatnty of lr`fe tinct to the fact'tihti" g highly P J oh"I' U, their -history wade up of mu,,ny plans C'od hind wisely hidden the future front maiiV. ° .�I.. Seafurth: on Saturday" the 12th inst. the enjGt'able. Several horses are sick with considerable . time; and passed quietly 'the increasing demand. Messrs. F. W. arid sib"was=like tile pru„ked rivoi�a tong vision. He said; nowhere in this life do w tanner and W, Shane will take '� aKt i❑ there nbuixL eons to tusks the juntas . e find purchaser geitjng possession next {alb- distemper and other ailments, i.n this vi- away on sabbath morning, the fish in$t , �p y'; Thou evidence of permanency-tbe history of the'past, . ° tinily the weather bein at the earl sae of 14 the Roman Cttthc',lic concert in 1Vin pain geiu;ibeh ver&i aasIQ�neach;. r pe t li rcent- declared that man .was the subject of change. , 'p AUCTION SA"LE;,-7n Friday? last a suc- • „ very ehangeablo Y b years,. Her remains g h 'cesslul sale of farm stock and implements inav have something -to do with the trouble. were interred in Baird's cemetery, on on the' 17th ; combined they make a eon- wher e heal lain, he writes his owil uaionio• th© compared man's life this stile of that lave tee.:• was held un, the tarot Istel sold b Mr. The bliR$ea Riddell arc vision friends Monday litternuon, Tile funera As at- .Dort by,themselyes, And are worth min a1a.hY with i,leuhy of 19: Nest was rhe two- Preface of the book.' If mans exinte'riee" s y Y g feuded b . a int • 13 miles to hear. Aust r Joe Irwin litre Y� urt1. nr aigl�t qi,° ,u fttn''tl.s heterodox to should utcl havee to anfuhe bo thi rave, then all itis •' 73ugh McDonald, ol't}te West End, In near Ifiocardihe. AI r. and. A1rs. Wm, Y- be number of friends sad ip W . y ti who t book vv"' . be the pre eo'. i • . Hamilton, of Wroxeter, � acquaintances.- On Alond evening Mr. returned frons the States, . - Your corresr Your back is turned, says to rile doctor, you are The first thought contained in th'ii to •w spite of the hard ti we$,stock sold r`eroark paid a brief visitG q , b- a good pU.. a,eiau, to sou,rborly else, bn is an ulct t14e a.i»totiition 0 the ui+e man, t ," ably well, sheep bdrigi"n r'$20 a p(tir-and to relatives on the 13,th con:; last weeks'? Bells youngest daughter, '0, "gie, rtgW Potident was misinformed regarding the quack. T- the rl,to s"r, you arta,goodei, • f ,tit: "Boast ", thy'. Another load froth Wroxeter visited A1r, about one year, died apd vial;_buried un txispeak- [ ire • last week which said that glanders at, at another tune, ns" dry utcl sticl(. '17reu lire s e prevailing rhspcsitio (if inan is �...,.._.. sows sal li.p}„frunla.$36_tu, '40- a_pte'e'` A _ .... .... •. _ atone ntau carted h • •'� presume on the futur • ':in 1 general purpose brood mare was purchased Geo, Watt and a few other frlenda' '- tlie "H'ednesduy.... AIr: (ind-Mrs._Bel1 have the dere p1t .tit. tlmQng- horses in- this vi• Nliu r 'v of Ri,h. hngsare uo good (, c he I. di,pnsed to While kin(,no a cow is good for milk, a horse, lay his plans with as mach certatrity a.$ ,f :.some . i' by Mr, Jc,hu Stephens, of the. `Londuti 13th And 10th cons, Mr. H. Belly i$ heartfelt sympathy of Use comrnnnity in enllty,l,6 should have been distemper. lir to work, §sheep fpr wool white livtug,bat a hog assurance were given him that the founts wciul D B McKinnon is on A is no use esu h" I. dead,aboua the wuy with tho bring no Chau' c But a glance at -our Attit�' r road,, for $1'$6. Mr. J. Howson, Clintuu s away on R visit east.. Aliso Aggie Bro,ven their sad bereavement. purchasing tour at hoggish mill oe had to leave ins mons Leh'iud, b I` po filar auctioneer, wielded the hammer, is expected home this week fmdrt' St. 'rOr„ntitg this week, R J McGill has just gond Pur "sown ottoeelse. There erre •;i good teacher, that wise Providence has ordered George',where she has s DEATH -O'F .REV. JoHv Ross. -The' received a large, stock of s tin man other kindar eoptilealso meutiureeil, The that there should he no permanence to map's and, as usual, got tire last dollar there was • . =ant the winter. people •of'this village were much grieved' Mis. B Stowaet, who has been s tins to .efferent varietiestrberouud loleverycommuu- condition on the earth, There are causes of d'e '; in nu. article before letting it go. 11 r. , rAltnmOiSlvT. Ion Tuesday avenin-, tu,pon hearing of the Buff o has returned !tome. A public tin ids So much 9,diepe depends sins the shape of thein. ray imperceptibly - working; undermining wh t - AIcDt3ti"aid will go to ClintGn to reside. death of the Rev. .Ross. Ho had been ° g Lt I vus given by the ,seen to be the most permanent, au that N't ------ **,*. _. a FAltuwELL.--On the evening of Feb. tgeetiII„ of ratepayers is soon to beheld reveren(tspeaker in closing. titahion of this world asset! away, .lit the, - g' ill for some days before his death with fbt be purpose p' HOL.1115+tvILL1C. 28th, a large number of. friends of Mr,, + p p e of discussing the pros and Aman to be both great anelgood, midst, however, of these eontingepcies, plans pneumonia, but was not considered t° be cons fora new town hall.. :,1'lr. T. Jones, I ilius4live upon tllerichestfood, anvl lestgnsforthe fntnrenre every da formed BRIEF§,--NIr. Peter llruvvn, of,tlfe town- and Al r, James Smith met At their rest= -rn aII, ygreat danger, until Alonday.mor wino from A Pu llerhighest br,atid rend life proceeds to its asmel train. This•' ship of Hibbert, is s Pndin n few da s dance, fur the purpose of biddin them p- who has been on the sick list for a few Fruits of all names from every land a 'sem A g Y g tog, from which time he quicklgm$ank, i right,; for the uncertairiby tf the future was . 'p among friends her Special services are• farewell, as they aro leaving this part of till death put an end to his auflerin days, i around a-ain. Alex.. M�itrdoek is High fed beer ala savoury Iamb neve (less nod th rut , etikl cttminued rn t e Alethr ', the cr,un'tr-v sod.-f.n•t-and-•mak•in .- _.. _�. � �o>�Iiu well-t.o- t ie-front---wit11- ' - -. - uYeters,.lobsters-itxl-w-eu•sw.,ksd-1t -- _ . k b _ JI Y._ -_p t.-_%t-tsLxu_Iletetaua•fl'iilit....._' tI[st ClllliZh r g their fu g tats trotter, a'lT+ • actin Ind lanwvr whtetr lie hltrl bOtile 1sj3itiieiitTy teeing Harr wlio has, been hostler at the Coro • Anew alit h`cssedcwiihuglT lel d`iun, I; • P t to -day. lint wv must do rubes wiil probably luso ouTriday even- lure home in the vicinity of Bright. Mr, his illness, BIIo was about. ht £era f y' Y i' n gestion• it with special reference to t'od and eternity ' ' ing. .The nets ;blacksmith tat in an all- .Smith being a teacher in the Sabbath Y q inertial, itAs left for Exeter. It is about--..�._ and ill the spirit of resignation to His will. 50 ' it P I ago, and has resided iut Bf4kpfi'ei -n"i .ro, time that. the farew that if t)ie futme•shtukl brim* , pesrance, on Tuesday last; he, aided by school here, his pupils presented him with 1851. He was educated at Kites'C ilege, 1857 snow $terms �eero appearances tltAe , pint -f s iliacs. QODI:It1Cli. ter, or may receive g in the spirit w should our hotel keeuer, who appears to manifest, it handsome bible, and his wife with an Toronto, at Which institution"he graduated large black crow and A pair robins sion,ur hnuklitbtin8tidinastfgood esu should' �I . e interest in the welfare of the strap r, album, accornpanied• b an address to p Ir$OTUItE.-Iles. i✓.C. AIcG ibe delivered be thankful but n'ot nndul P. g' Y fu the spring of 1549 manftesting great were seen here M.onda morning, The his remarkable. lecture last Wednesday The re•tso-tr for thds ado puffed m-" . wa• observed removing obstructions and tphigh a.suitable reply was made.bid Y t I'oi thou pavid .th,e way 'fur business, Mr.. and BRIEFS. -- Miss Annie McIgtogb,,••-of, pa'efiQularl Ii lithe Het 'ologicnl studies, Toronto morning. Globe arrives here by evening as advertised. .Tne North 9t: lcnowestnot," etc. God hila misel cnnceale DIra Iv nn, of Kippen, are visiting their Hemlock city, spent a couple of days this literature. Y He wxa Hebrew language and th.q,ten , a. m. train, instead of at, fifteen ,church was noarly filled and the reverend .the future, for this ignuuance of, o +rrerruw is week with A1iss 9Tartha' Murdoch. ',Air, ordained ill 18Cr1:” minutes to four aentlemeII found favor in the eyes of scores easentlgl.to the pre,9ecutiop of clfity.,'taud-indeed ti - daughter, rs. IJIiAs Potter. , p. m., as furmerly� and is b tolour very existence. of di drawasidethp° Ed. Banes of Duluth is enjoying a visit Owing to his refusal to enter the union o mvc6 afpreciated by its readers and it who look upon ordinary lecturers a$ bores. " ' J Y g . the Presbyterian phurches, his congrega- will no doubt, increase the circulation; g veil cif tile, future, the sight would o.so pti.raty.e' 6 _ -- n , lvc,tl/s�mrttt. among his friends and acquaintances here , He is a entleman who has pathos, spirit- us as to unfit us for the duties of life. l pts tg•, he purposes going • tion divided .in 1870, a portion Becedin the price has also beers reduced to $5 per uality, humor, gentleness and force, norance of tomorrow ought to be an incentive . R✓ BRIEFS.-Nev hue just arrived from P P g g back, again shortly, to form what i$ now Union Church. annnro which makes ft the cheapest blended in an extraordinary manner, and to t;ret,ar:t ion of the future, aeco'rdin • to the `" the lumber w.onds o the States of tip ac- Mr. D. W. Potcher has purchased a farm Through s mpath,y with his views on the morning daily ,n he ust captivates any words of Christ +` Be ye therefore read cident which ilefel Gel e, sou of l;ir Jno. jn Huron county, Alichigan, id moves g y ' the Mrs. A.. J P y who are fortunate ' y," etc. there Burin the summer. A " -goodly union q. shun,. and respect .for him'per• H.. Jacobs, of East Wawanosh, is visiting enough to have personal converse with Prtpare for the in ore by living. well today, Willard,,ot this village, v ich resulted in g g Y sonAlly,.a large number remained, and of friends in Toronto. AIr A, Carlton has, him;" A vote of than was moved b V. Mah is naturally a hopeful being.. Itis natural • his rec ,iving a broken leg. Mr. Stalker, number of invited guest+ assembled at•tlie these ho' continued" to be pastor till his 'inn sold a rAl i°tere$t in hi'ii lately ay-im- S. Consul Chilton, and sec. b 1 Y ' for him to wort( and lay plans that carry lam who has occupied the Greail i farm for residence of 11r. Geo Robinson, on MOP- death. To the last, however, his friend• ported stAllion to AIr Royal, for $100p has p Y le°• Dr. on hopefulanticipations into the future, but it some years, has rented a farm o the 8th day night, and- spent a very. en o able Ure. Chaplain McCabe responded by is the utmost fully to build ort till Future, for time. Our town is booming J Y ,hip for the seceders and pia ,brethren of gone to i';ngland on another purchasing singing the Glory Hallelujah_,Chorus. any moment his plans are liable to be upset and ` Con , Morris, where he moves $ ortly gat present the Presbytery who accepted the ba is of tour we wish him bettor snceess than- last BRtEFs.-Revival servic his ),opts to be cut off, and disappoiutnient then 'r Revive! services are,being held here w; The eleotiona are over, and Grit and Tory union' continued • unbroken. 's ' es have be begun will be his doom. The rich fool in the t tits Rev. AIr. Burwash assist' are going hand in hand again.. he mill ' $e was a time. t; gospel 11 Ing. T man of strong convictions'�dauntless cour. in Victoria St. church with grand success furnishes us•with an example. . Sacrament of t}ite' Lord's Supper wibl:be which 'has been idle the gFester part of age, and thorou' h consecration. His ns"- rAlvLlsT<. so far. There have been se♦ rel runaways The duty o being •f titre.- ' r g r� prep(o ecd fur the xc dispensed ill the Presbyterian church, on a winter, is now in full force, and logs tural ability and .his scholarship were far ' BRlars.-Mrs Joe. Dmnbar w §last wee here lately. A good pro raiihme was re- life w which preparation for the us ly n - an, 'lumber are -kept t .on the move. Our {t $ P life re which the peat §timajorityn-aro busily an- a March 20th Thomas Rutledge attended P above the average, and but for his upas- on a visit to:her dao daughter Mrs Thos". Baird last eFrid a Hikh•School Literary Society gaged, providing avainst the future by increas•' r the meeting of the Orange Lod a in Tu- men t the forge are busily eu'gaged fn suming character and some harmless ee y The W. C T. U. intend Ing riches, worlelly connection etc. But these tanto this week.. Mr. Robert afflicted of making arrows etc. to meet the demands- Stanley: A2r W. Glen is still suffering holding a private social ill the Temperance bulworlts are totally insutrieent against, the Wawcno$h, has been aevrre. Afliicted P pn er The centrieitiek, which prevented his popular I from cotlgeatiou of the len s. .11 ty of the d rt trade. Our local p , ity amongAbose not intimately ac' uainted g Hall, on Tuesday, .March 15 ; after tea dreaded storm. 'I he best refuge earth can a£ - with black erysipelas in the arm, Wm, Gent, 1►.as c nged hands, 'and i$ now in with them, he might have occupied a Fool BALL•"A foot ball match n•As the subject of bcientific and Ten eranee ford is but a house on a foundation of sand. char a ofa fem a editor, in p much more prominent P There is but ape arm on whish Ave ears rely, that Young, jr., of Colborne, will start shortly g he arson of p position in the played on Friday last at S. S. No, 3, Physiology in our school, will bedisenssed. the arm with nerves of divinity... There is for Dakota with a load of etalliona;'i11 A1(,ereBa Ila Reid, and is making rapid church. He leaves a wife (a daughter of Stanley, between the pupils of B tyfield -- only one loco on which we can confide, that is Is. a ggnod horseman. Jori. Stalker,paid P g +iia c , um, being filled every, the late Rev. J Duncan of Bayfield road) school and those of No. 3. Theoulookers "d(CKILLOP. the love which baptised the cross with His the Village a visit thio week. week with the leadinti questions of the ,d saw At a glance that tFe Bayfield boyswore blood to will a rebel world back to God. Here _ r ale, fivmoulrn l s�lcyseeToythese wenoxf g l3RIeFs AGospelTemperance meeting is the object to which the wise wan gave his d:ny, F.vt ry giy'>�G will be ut forth should 4t toG strong for those of ;•To. 3, 'hitt b nod uOLHOM-49• a new county be formtd, secure the management the buys of No. 3 succeeded t�°dRI the auspice of Ludgo, 305, 1, O, G; chief attention, that after having p)ttyerl wall BRIEFS. -MW Whilmer, of'Eatit Wa county build in y, _a$ Pttrumou is a sen tend our sincerest sympathies iII their stud in keeping the ball out Of the cal for the T + of Seaforth, was held in Nu. 4, 19chool• his part on earth h� may have a pin' in tho '`" ' Affliction. The funeral tonic place on g house on Tuesday evening house of many mnrarona. the ehrtfittnh rhes wiinton. is di. Tho relatives here �il in j ural place, and is really worth -- the Tn&Aday afternoon, at I p.m., and waw set'time of one hour. Mr. Allan, of Chndet Y g i a number of not fear "wbA a day may bring forth .•' f"r :' w "Clinton. Mr. Thea, Hi;mi tin is getting name. Mayor. Davie. will be con. ilted I rich umpired the time And as he did not 1 speeches were given interspersed with knrnve "all thin •s work together for l,od,'r he the'material ou the g`'round fi,r a ]rrge on the matter and ste will be to attended by a very large number oftfriondsther P game, vocal and instrumental mueio b the lodue He does not worry for lie knows sufficient we will 1 1 Arid aeon+intanees from here and tither commence at first, the teacher of No. 3 Y t bairn on Isis farm, Ott, the Uh eon. Air, pave no stone unturned in th kept time, nrd at the end of one hour choir; a number showed their concordance unto the day is the evil thereof.'" While he RObt-'Sallow$, bf the 9th cul. hat been Y of making it a success • a foil account place$. He will long be remembered by with tem works and lays plans for the future, lie dtesso °' vdrt• g ' s many friepds in this village and stir• sailed time, but some played on when the peranee principals, by eigtifng the laid ,up with inflammAtion of the lungs, of the council pruceedines will b" given g boys of Ba' field made a ' pledge at .the close of the roceedinga.- soul maayf be ever required of th ee."tltThe�speaker but we hear that he is now on a fair way later. g rot ding country.. Y Y umpire's,deeis�on was a goal or Bayfield, Mf John Grieve has been sick for some closed his remarks with an earnest and s„lemn i ” to recovery. Mr. Vareoe. has also been -----=-•� •.� I BRIE , - Mr 'Charles A;asr,n left for but played acertrding to rule it wits a time and is unlikely to recover ; he is an appeal to all tr, ppreppare for the future by givinga®icted in the same way during the past wegT wnwA[votsH. ,Scotland TuesdAy • "nd intends return- drawn game. Very good order was'kF t old mac pearl . 80 years old. Rev •P, G ei. Especially did he appeal l� y their hearts to. u two weeks; we believe he ie gettine better Co;Nem,-At s moetiaheart t, Held on Feb. 26th, {ing in about vvo montl'rA; ha Bails by way throughout the game, on the ground. P Musgrave was absent on Sunday last, tisk to the young men who were exhorted"hy the de• " Afr. Arthur Hunghary has also been con- the following were atppoiuted pathmastera for 1 of New Yt,rk. The Farmers' Institute .� ing charge of servibee ut Hensall and Rev, ceased, m his last hours, to give Christ their fined to -his house; he is now over 102 the year:-Jobn P,ntland, Jo. Taylor Thos, was held in Dixot' hall, on Tuesday last, raODEItIcti TOWNr.)EiIP. Mr McCoy, Edmondville, filled pia nl it. the Intend deet him n he shin' Referring to years old, but notwithstanding his great "RutJedge,.Jae, Windmill, Thos, Laiv�er, W, . and ,was well Atte. de SAL> .-The sale of the stock of Air, pulpit. h death just as he waaa'stepping]Ion the tl raff Age he is Dunkeld, John Bailie, sr. .Moses McBrien h1 particularly in the A number of friends mm3 neivhhnTo of Mr y 1 i g getting well, and perhaps may evening ses,tinn. The meeting held in Peter Cole, Bayfield line, on Tuesday last, Hugh Grieve and wife assembled at his hold of manhood, with a future brightwich hope be rood for ten or fifteen years yet: Mr. G"e Rutlege,'James Johnston, Rohl. Medd, the Methodist churchAn : oda evenin conducted by Alr. Jos. Howson was ver residence on Friday evenin last and each ','f success, eiavingjusppaecam dished rho learn-' Juhri.Mill Thos". Nicholson Wm. MdMat1' Y 6' ' Y in of a trade,hedeculeti toado: to the essentials James Elaley ha$ pAlrchased the'farm of Yr the 2$th wgsasuece9s in eve articular largely -attended, and was n successful was made the recipient of a h,indsomo , 111r. Frederick Breekow ; what Mr. B. Th s. Begley cling Wil,yon,PW W. AndcCano.rew", P i side frorr: first to lsstw F�or$es sold Aa P night for eels in Ito hi; seeking religion. .On the % addresses were delivered by he . Jtev, resent in shape of n,wntah and cruet night previous to htaillnePP, while attending the Calculates to do is not known yet. AIe$4rs. Jos. Cllftlib, J3, Boyle, Alex. t3erlmgeour, Messrs. S.imP4oa, S,tnifh and albs • the high as $200 ; cows, $45 ;yearlings at $18 Stand. Both wore hnndeomo presents and vices held in the llattenhury 8t, church ho John and Jesse Snyder attended the fun Mait£u• Cn)nmir,gs, Geo, Woods, Alex, pont, music was provided ,'by the SeAfoi.Lh e. and calves at $10, AI r. Cole bite not vet served as a mark of esteem -in which Mr openly avowed himself nm the. T,m•d's eine. oral' of their sister-in-law, in Waterloo, btgd, John N,vins, Edward Towler, Wal, thodist choir, in thei •;usual gobd style. , re -rented his farm, btt,.t Ok' wits to do so Grieve and wife were held by their neigh- And the purposes thus formed, ripened into ,t • I last week. Our bridge builders will soon ° Campbell; Geo. Agar, .John Thompson fVm'. , at once. bore. Mr Gt'ievo expects to start for ennsceus salvatior»on the follnwin5 5nt„rdity, Lave to take ti their bridge across the blcAllis�er, 9linhnel McCabe, Geo. Borphy, I 13LYTH. Cd^IAL.-One (ifw,tho most strCCc$stul physicaon l snfferingtlhut of nine days of creek and s"top"pthe traffic from Goder} ill Pat. O'ster, Mi Jolts C McCabe, Thos. A, nr - Dakota noon- rho 22nd Inst. ons happiness In Cats, Henty, d • DII'LO,vins,-AIr, John Roas hdg receiv ( sre[ s ever held -in this part of the toren• -`��--- Christ, and with a hope blooming with Humor. township. Fred Kureehinskic gt.t it put Thos, Hent ' �Vh g� ilzon rink, W, Cameron, ell two diplrzn)a , one from the • Weglo,, • ship •t k place on Tuesday evening, at I'owu Con nail tality and eternal life, ho passed triumphantly „ him straight in a horse (lea] Clinton , John Claig, to the houa. f 11 r. Gro. •Stirlin Y , from earth away, His last holit•s were spent in last week. J, Ih Durst, architect and eon J„s. Anderson, Rtbt, S(eih jr.,(3eu,Irwin Hugh fair, LOndon,sutd the other fromaGuilph,.. a p„ tit the ' R anAtdell hirn for his newly inventi,d knife Byfield cut Tho 'hnu9O Nns jamtnel 1'hn regular mosting was hsld on ivlunr witnessing to tire power of religion, and in ex, tractor, has the contract, of ereelingtho Rutherford,° ., .l'. B. Jpmerv-.$ Jahn grinder. "The diploma awarded hint at' with people. to Pneftil washell R iay hotting h,@ynnng companions tottneet hi,” in new parsonage at Benmiller. The fanners [l`r'hr•rford, jr„ A ,11olltnahl, TUns,$anndcrs ( by ilio night. 1 4o menthere all present. The finance henven. When asked if hr, would n ,t rather �- of this secti�tn have merle gur,d'use Of the 'Jae. Rmm�,tn 1'h s, Joyar, J,hn Bar hour, tv, \Vttlkerinn I t ❑ot yet been received. I Pre.°Iaytt'i'iart- not IC proceeds itmntlnted °O°troi too repertarl thnt they hod exnmined live, he finirl, "Np, only i wnul•I like cn list to Wrllwuod, h;,I. Ht,ine., Jus lhr m,•scn, W, I CuU ICt[,:.-At n tneetin> of the tpcvn to $L �' R;'�tdittl;, i ,,lie, etc„ filled to rho naditnr's report ar.rl found the Pismo tor• show that I was nn eaMust rhristinn.'' His sleighing lately and ha)C marketed oto9t W,Isou, R„bt(., I itis, Edwin Gaunt, Jahn Council Alonday night, \1 r. Jn+, Curter the tune. 1 he Scutell s tgs of �fis$ 1'te• r(.ot, nndrecammnnd(rl that a entanin nnnilier end vva9 bk•s.scd of their n u.rl' T,,nduc, John Webb, 1V. Cvultcr, Rul E , w;t9 re elreted s"9,=cs,tir fnr�1$37 uta +itlury I bail grid the violin playint J1iss Flot;ti of copies bo Isrutted. They snbm,tt(d for tttp Ob. ntny i triu:»I,', •, - a I ' , . Donald were very much irfnrrnaticnitithnnonnoilneatefuJlytabulate(1 A,ul�tvi`nu,titisil1ri,via�(fePoo -- ..-_-. _..�-.-_ . . . - pltre 131:01. report on the na litor's report, prepared by A t'nder my tont nt ir, r „ .. ., c ..._.._L__ , 11 ­­­­