The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-04, Page 8• CLINTON. NEW ERA; • FRIDAY, .M4R,.4, 1887. ».�\'"L0GAL NOTTQES. If oto tb04 Vetting Calf and Shell Corday 13,41" 4000. An e4.411:.11W• 1'd SE• Ii7.,Citntan, I� 1R Oho Jalu1 prPng Styles in Hats and Resit*, .Ta twat* 00 Chip, at 1111ils LoY $tgib Land• Pine and CedarShingles from 4Ocea. to 70 cis per bunch a 148. T WITCH - ELL'S, Glutton. oodGreenHard- WA TED.-100Cords of tl •wood, for which cash will be paid. CLIN- TON WOOLLEN'MILLS. ROB. W. COATS has fitted up a depart sent in his sore exclusivell r Spectacles _ where he will be able to suit atg perfectly y The Daily Globe reduced to $5 a year, .10c 2l week, and tc. copy, delivered before twely ' O'clock. Subscribe now. W. -COOPER, Bea- ver Book Store. LOVERS 01? GOOD BREAI? will do well to remember the flour used at Fleischman BIG BRICK LLkt\bakinS,schools SEAFOR'I'He 0NTis madat . .RATES OF EXCHANGE -38 lbs. Flow, 20 lbs. Bran and 3 lbs. Shorts for Wheat.Custom Chopping 8c. per 100 lbs. FOR FARMERS 'rWJIO GET THEIR - SUMMER E,JCI1AAWING %''DONE IN THE SPRING, shall special grade tmay safelyreli, upon to ensure them first-class bread all summer. Our. EX- CBrdNGE,FAMILYand BAKERS ''LQ:UR are unequalled for quality and cheapness. A. 1V. OGILVIE & CO., BIG BRICK M/LLS. SEAFOIfTH, ONT. o M8, /QS. C44A $ERSt who bait • been. working far,eore"'One in Stratford, has given up hii'job ,there and' taken -a eitees tion in the Qrgan Factory here. J4,c88QN• Enos. are making internal imprpvernentsp to their store; the& are ,. honnf 'floods Palace hoe also bn the e rank. internally dry' -. re -modelled. DOntIVIon DRAUGHT H0R6E BAEEDERY' SoorETg„•^•The . annual meeting of the above Society, •for the election of officers, recetvi reports, etc., will be meld in the Cou• •il Chamber, Clinton, on Friday, March 11th, beginning at 10:30 o'clock m. This meeting will be one of con- siderable importance, dealing•with matters relating to the further growth of the. So- ciety, and all interested in the objects and success ot the new Stud Book, are cordially invited to be present. PRopEa'rY CH-ANGEs.,-11r. W. Bruns - don, of Londeaboro, has sold his house•and lot an Princess street,. west,'to 14Ir.George Johuetoo, for the silm of $600. We un- derstand that •Mr. W. U. Searle has sold his cottage on Rattenbury street, and the block of land to the rear, containing' three-quarters_ of an agile of land, to Mr. Swarts. Mr. Searle was the last person in the -town that we thought would sell out, he havipg spent a great deal of labor and means in beautifying hfs property, however, he has still plenty on had. Mr. Swarts has seemed a good piece of pro- perty, as the lot will give him plenty of yard and stabling room. THE FIRST MEMBER.—The first parlia- mentary election for the united counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce wad in 1835, but the people took very little interest in the" ctThtest, as- •there were ;tat, .6N s • ,'„.�,� in the whole county, those "few being scattered at ,very wide intervals along the Huron Road. Capt. Dunlop, Conserva- tive, was the successful candidate, his-op- ponent isop- ponent being Col: An'hony VanEg- mond, (falser of the VanEgmonds' still living) Who was a radical supporterof the doctrines of the agitators in Upperjiluada. In 1854 Perth became an .independent_ county, when the late T. M. Daly was re- turned as supporter of the Hinck's Ad- ministration. COUNCIL —A special meeting of the town Council was held on Friday eveniug last, to receive the report of the commit- tee on officers and Reeve duties, who recommended that to the duties hitherto done by Ovachiefcons'able, and collector of taxes be added that of bell ringer, at a salary of $400 ; they also recommended that the position of caretaker of the weigh scales and lamp lighter be combined at a salary of $250, and that L.-Trouse be ap pointed thereto. The council adopted the report, and also decided to dispense with the rioging of the bell at 7 o'clockCin the evening. The pay -roll of the Fire Company, for the half-year ending Fel. 15, and amounting to $65 was passed. INSURANCE.—We beg. to call attention to the annual statement of the Mutual Life -Insurance Company of .New 'York, which appears elsewhere in this gaper. This company is one of the most reliable in the world, and its assets foot up to the immense sum of $114,181,963.24. During last year alone it has paid out to policy holders ;and in annuities over $13,000,000. It is wealthy, pays losses promptly, and is iii every way- thoroughly reliable. F. 3ctllo .ay is agent for Wingham, and any information respicTiErfft a"compaa'y' avid-' be cheerfully furnished by him. We under- stand that Mr Holloway is desirous of securing 4 good liye agent for Clinton and vicinity, Folk will give liberal terms to a suitablepan. SNOW BLOCBADC.-Although very little snow fell on Fridaynight last, the wind carried what did fall into such a solid mass that. on Saturday trains on the London, Huron & Bruce found progress exceedingly,ditHcult. The morning train, south; didriot.reach.here.u_nt /_four o'clock in theafternoon, and the morning train no th did not get here until late in thiel,,, afternoon and then it had three engines and a snow plow on. On° Sunday a regu- lar nor -wester blizzard, clear from Dakota, struck £his ideality ; it snowed, and it blowed, .and it blowed and it snowed, for all it was' worth. As a consequence roads north !tnd south were badly drifted. On Monday morning a snow plow started south from Wingham. butwhen near Belgtave it ran i.ff tbe•track. The morn- ing London train got as far as Exeter, but not being able to come any further, re- turned to London. The snow plow was not replaced until Tuesday,. when, after -considerable difficulty, itcleared the line, and trains were able to run in the evening, as usual. This bar} been a bard winter on the railroads, blockades on the London, Huron & Bruce being of common. occurr- ence. Several from Goderich and else- where, who wanted to get to Blyth for the announced S. S. Convention, on Tuesday morning, were delayed here, and finally went out by conveyance. The people of thls section 'have had all the severe weather they care for this season, and will raise a complaint it they have to put up with " fair to middling".weather for the balance of the winter. LECTURES IN PERRIN'S HALL.=•••Tile lec- tures on the Book of Revelation now being giv- en in Perrin's Hall, are creating a general ire tenet in • the , tozyii,,, „liey are to be continued next Sunday afternoon a"ri"d erEhtli'gt--as'd`dur. ing next week. Among the subjects taken up • Mr. tree Slims iiteinsio a ave ofMahwYtares, how the annroh of God has been corrupted by world- ly influences. He also will continue the Book of Revelation. Mr,Sims will give anyone an op• portunity to state objections. and will answer any-ouesiions. .Reading meetings every after- noon, open to all t`Zp1V1t+'idiliiC. Mit. JOHN SOUTHCOMBE leaves this week for Chicago. Mits. JOHN . CALLANDER,'of London South, is yisiting friends here. MASTER WILL MCTAOGART is laid up with congestion of the lungs. .MES.. JAMES STEEP bas been laid up with an attack of erysipelas. MESSRS G. E. PAY AND J. ROBERTSON are away selecting spring goods. THERE is not, that we know of, an empty desirable house in town. Miss J. BAIL, of Toronto, is here visit- ing her cousins, the Misses Foston. Mu. J. H. MoBLEY, of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway, `was in town on Tueeday-. MR. W. Coopii has contracted to erect a new house for Mr. James Cox, Goderich township. ,: - A N1TmBER of skating rhces were an nounced to come off ori the Clinton Rink last night. THE last carnival of the season, held on Thursday evening of last week; was only fairly attended. MR. FENTON, of the Huron road, bas ° been laid up for sometime withinflamma- tion of the lungs. • Mrt. WroLE, the defeated Conservative -.-•eand•idate-fo.r...SoutiL.F,ase t,.. is ? cousin of, Mrs. Gee, of Bayfielii. MR.•HOWARD,late a'tuner in the Organ Factory, went to Detroit this week to take a situation there. MR. JOHN DAGG, of Lucan, Grand Master of the South Huron Orange Lodge, ' died on Wednesday last. MR. R. D. BAYLEY left for Battle Creek, Mich., on Tuesday morning last, where he intends to reside in future. AT THE annual meeting of the Ontario ---Creamery—Associatio.n--in_..1ar-onte, last week, Mr. John Hannah, of Seaforth, was elected- President. MRs T. MCKAY, who has been confined to the house for four mouths, by inflam- mation of the lungs, is now able to be out, though still far. from well. 34 It. W. F7. BEESLEY left, on Tuesday to purchase spring millinery, Miss 13tichanau, representing the establishment, of Mr. Robertson, also left on the 'same errand. LEAKING AtigHEIT Va. Bic ARMIN AT 50 CENTS' ON TIE . • Thousands- of articles must be sold to make room for spring stock. Now is the time for im BARCxAINS 100 U1 -,1[3S WOC D WAL�TTJ 1 . Carn4cal ntunbcrs Montreal Star 40c. 11'it. ness 15c., and Grip Me.. sent post paid on receipt of price to any address in America. Comic Valentines in great carieiy. CHRIS. DICKSON, Clinton. • •r 2 CASES Of EMBROIDERIES p Cases of White Cottons, Bales of Gre- -=DCQttofs. • y CHRIS. DICKSON, • CLINTON. WALTER COATS, formerly 'of Clinton, has bought, out the ,gtocery business ot James Annett, Brussels. Walt. would have done better bad he come to Clinton instead. THE Mitchell Advocate intimates that Mr. Wm. Forrester, of Mitchell, (brother of D. A. Forrester) Will shortly leave the bachelor ranks. It wouldbea most natural thing to do. • ON Sunday, while a farmer and his wife were on their way to town--to-attend church, their cutter upset threeImes, and the lady's shawl came off' and teas carried away by the wind. So SAY THEY ALL.—A lady at Burn- side, Mich., renewing her subscription to the NEW ERA says :—" I would not be without it for -a good deal, for it tells me all the news about dear old Clinton, and all my dear old friends. MR. GEO. Ci;NNI}t THAM, of 1-Iu11ett, keeps his engagements with .clock -like regularity. For seventeen years past business has necessitated his presence in. Clinton on the 1st of March, and be has never failed to be on hand until this year, the storm making it impossible to reach here. MR. Rs BT. RoWE, who has been work- ing at the Organ Factory for about a year, has left to enter business for himself at Exeter, he having bought• out the furni- ture business of Mr. Drew. The people of Exeter will find him a steady Indus• trions young man. It is rumored that he will 'come holl-a-way back to get a partner. WE ARE sorry to record the death of Mr. Hamilton McMullen, which took place in Hullett,.on Monday, from con• sumption. Deceased had only beet) ailing for about eight months, and his death was not anticipated so soon. He was at ono time engaged in the butchering business in Clinton, in connection with -Mr.°R, W, Emerson A wife and child survive him SOUTH 11 URON FA R\1ERS' •INSTITUTE.— The second meeting tor this seasnn.,under the auspices of t're South .Huron Farmers, Institute, will he held at Brticefield, on Tuesday and Wednesday, hlareli 8th and Oth, when the following interesting pro- gramme will be carried out :The Institute will open with a timely and most impor- tant paper on "Causes of the E' cessive Mortality of F ; Is, with hints on preven- tion," by A.M. ''ampbell,V. S..of Stanley. To be followe,, by papers or addresses by tile following : John S. Hobson, of Moss- boro, ono c.l the fi remost practical fat-mers in Ontario ; A. McD. Allen, God- erich, whose mission to England in charge of the fruit interests of Canada has fur- nished him rare opportunities for gather- ing material for an instructive address ; John ?,lcl4lillian, M. P ; C. M. Simnron, of Lo'm, a successful breeder and an extensit,e shipper of cattle -,sub - j, et, "Practical flints to Fanners , Michael 41cQuade,Egmondville,—suiiject, "\Tanure and their Q.,ppl,.cstion," and a paper by Mr John Ilann ih. It is expoi- ted to open the evening meeting at half - past 7 o'clock, when Mr Allen will give THE regular meeting of the town coun- an address on "Fruit, Flowers and Home cil will be held next Monday evening. Orns,mcntation," which will be appreci The most important. business to be trans aced by the ladies, whom we hop,, will, in acted will be the appointment of a sue- large numbers, limo -r -us -with their grace- cessor to lilt..Paisley. We hone no per• fol presence..John McMillian, M. r., conal or party eonsidetntions Hill inter- will Lt,vi' an address onthe intp„rtontsub- ve;ne to prevent the fl pointnient of the •joet, '` \Vhy tha ynune mem leave the very bit man for the position. We don't hot;u." It iiexpeeto,l that th' proceed - know t$ho are applying, btit the council lug; will be enlivened by mush and songs, will requite to use its best judo -tort in and ih It a profitable,and enjoyable time making tire appointment, n will i,, had. •----- Vii® RANGE & —SEE THE GRAND VALUE \VE OFFER.-- - a>r - ail - i =MIKES. ALL THE —BE.ST MILLS' PRODUCTIONS.- NONE BUT, FA4T COLORED GOODS KEPT, IN v... STK. GREAT' VALUE.. Cotton GINGH , PRINtS and We have Patters), 'Qualities, and' ,Price to suit all classes of people. We' invite-.. yeut -inspection'. . ' SELL CREAP. WE WON'T BE U PEItgL0. We are��und to give you the best value for yol;lr money, to.be had in t e trade.. Wei'' want to convince the publie by showing the Che, Goods., • Vi• GEO. E; PAY &- CO ,i THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. Everybody likes to dress well, and, now is the time to consider what you require for the approaching season.. We are making the most extensive preparations to show.. perhaps the largest and fino&t selection ever br'ought into the county. 'You ought to see the nobby lines in - Till , give a discount of 10 per Cent for .Cashfor the next sixty days. :x: Ca C. RANGE -.■ & CO THE' HUB QLOTHIERS, CLINTON. Three Door4 Wrst of ilicicSOD'S Book Store , WPM [GUSH S SCOTCH TWEEDS. Which will make a lovely Spring Suit. For a Cheap Business Suit, nothing equals IlaiifaxTweeds And the designs ;this season are ahead of anything shown in previous years. , BOYS :CHILDREN CLOTHING. We will startle the county at the wonderfully low prices which we intend to quote, and no person. injustice to themselves, should pass our establishment before buying. ACKSON BROSe�,