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The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-04, Page 6
. _ . .,, a , . , t ' . I.,e. • . Y, - A, (a .•.. - .. ... „ �. a -«--.... ,-,. � a �"1. ... *.. ,. .. ..... ..�.�-... ,.. .. .. ... - ... .. .. ... ., .... .. .. ..., .- - ..,..,.,-.... +-..i...+r . . Mw 11 , • - a �legd tk�cee'bo,ttlea:,ofVr f t D Xe1• d 1887. gel. of welt o@ a>fineiS th38 i:.Xtable to ', ,Dat]pg tb?� wla'd etQ1Cw on Friday, even- f, " • , .. ? RRY XMAS 4 HAP�'Y NEW Y A it I0 ALL be a catcher( 'the. deltveroy isx't pzwx- tagttobiirnop'tliallremtseeof•1♦Ir,�gionnou Ju a 1'tllleinp;' or b4.cbltia g J t he Loearng, Ut:torville, visa blown dtlwn.. •Tbe, I nd Have. rice!•Yitt>< "test;'bepeSt CjjtQ TO C, L. ISGOW'$ as it is the .popular plata for QTNTS FUttNISIilNGS, , f po_,e_1 • np .1, tQ 1 tes• titular abmlt U.4y, _ag CliBh dbwtrl,• 4u . \Ve ktse in stock all the latest novelties, •one*iatiu • in . • ! j '+"�- �' wants the matter pettled some way. If cul.' it. and h Ma rerwmme}id u p i, dame a will fog u to aboux t'4 yQ "Fence4 t} Mxtb 'WxmTI19'. - •Il ,0 Q , the farmer can't av cash down, he'll ocko. era reportedltoti the � .fferetl luat xi � T1asli - fi0ltarsil Cuffs! P6r$lan Lamb Cad!$, COlisi$ & GllffS, lilllf8iION BOSTON ,�'eb.' ..,3. A De ort lie. , t . by .' - y 1. ib ' P P. s?ld b J•'H• Com°• t PERSIAN LAMB, BEAVER CAPS, COLLARS esti CUFFS, S. 6, t4EAIt ni.d'liALTltt ...despatch to the Globe says that some take his note ; if the farmer gives his pily, dll.ring he gale, Weeks ago the Rev. Fr. Poolier, who is note, that settles it -he is bitten, and if • . As an article for the toilet, Ayer's Hair -" -' I SEAR He lla6 in stock a very race selection of UN1iE1iiVEAli, and is offering lila goods at egnneeied with the T@misoamingue Col he remains obdurate the swigdler retires. Vigor stands unrivalled. Ib aleanaeethe sealp , reaeouablo price, And: which can not be undersold by any one in the l:.usiners. He'L¢rs in a onixation and Setticaw t . Cgmpang; -(That is the way they talk,andthe catch and preserves it from se,grf an(i; dandruff, � took of TIES, the latest aty)le aud,plost fsp_hionable viz:-ExQ0bit r, filed(', ICnoty Seairf, a cales itching and humors, rgstores the heir, Pimples,Boilr),,. I Poll &e, He has also to stook a beautiful DRIVING GLOVE, and which he claimsqunotiz;it luknbarGamps.iu tktp xilder- all lies in tiff@ lack of s eciflcatioci as teaaWent toy when failed or gray, to its orxginsl dark .col- be surpassed in the town. H,s stock of 130XB CLOTBING is tine and can be bought at a - . ^ Zlg0s north' to investigate the ; unrors how much e two casks' Shall contain. It or, and promotes its growth. % And Carbtrnclesresult !rpm a deDllitatsd, ) very low price. kits selection of SILK HANDKERCHIEFS are handsome, and so ekes ,. that have long been current about the is a very neat triLtk, but sometimes It The cold in the interior of British .Co. impoverished, or impure condition of the LI assortment of PAPER COLLARS viz: -Ore, t-omet and Opera. His OELLULOID Rid horrible treatment to which women are don't work. lumbia continues,, and it is estimated that blood. Ayees Sarsaparilla prevents and NEN L'OLLARS and CUFFS are. of the latest style And from the best manufaoturere. 4* subjected in that region. He says the ' - nearly one-third of the cattle in the Pro. cures these eruptions and painful tumors, ItI-Men's Boys' BRACES, he is baying a gihat demand for them. y Important, News !,tem. by removing their cause; the only eflec4 fall truth has not been told and never Vince will not come through the winter. A A i will be. 9c will apply to the govern- Cf o a nu m• miry. ars witb 1-ndhad bestlonntr u d rough estimate of the loE}il number of cat- g G � �j LASGOW -• C L N"'� ONE '�' , I P y 8 ed for a number of years with Iudigost;on and B ual way of treatill„ them. • went for aid in breaking up the -dens Qf Constipation, and was induced to try McGreg- tle in British Coluir►bit► places it at over A ees Sarsaparilla. has prevented the . vice which abound iri ever lumber Dr's spe(any Cure and found it all that was ever- 100,000. y p U j' ed This- invaluable remedy is sold in every i usual .coarse of Bolls, vinic have pained camp along the Upper Ottawa. For Hpart at Canada at Soli and 81 per bottle, sold at -On Wednesday afternoon Df r. Arthur and dist'ries)ied me every season for several . Worthingtou's Drug store. Hunter, s onir;; married man residing on )'ours. -Aso. Scales, Plainville, Iltich. The People's HARNESS Depot,lbonths in the year the loggers mak@ - ' Y g "I was bad! there home in camp. Gradually hotel PERTH NEWS. . Burlington Heights, while g(rtiastng a welg- y troubled with Pimples he on, wheal saw what he thou ht to be, ca tbo face;•also ivtticadfscaloration of the I 'and there throughout the Vast tracts of g B p akin, which showed itself in ugly duel► g ---r box an the ground: IIS endeavored to latches. No jaxternai treatment-l➢id more j.101,1N I3�27Ed 0. vPiWernriss, rQugh'*board houses have Mr. George Challenger, an old and "open the box by striking. it with a wrelpoh, than temgor y' god.. Ayees Sarsaptr ; ' ' been built to serve as places for dealing • respected farmer of Logan,_ while walk- when immediately thyro was an oxplosioa • rills effected • ' out whiskey and tobacco, and as a resort !lig to the bush a couple. of weeks ago, and Hunter got the whole fowhich rce of ft in his . ', _ A Perfect Cure, for the rough loggers. fell and broke a rib; esti otherwise re- fu�ednn �thi ndsrobable however b1y lu Hiid I novo not been troubled .since.- Hpving enlarged my show room And 'got in'a full stock of all classes of roods ' Female help was entirely absent at ceived personal injul les. p that he 'p, W.. Roddy, River at., Lowell, Mass. - - usually kept iu the ° A will recover, I was troubled wit$ Boils, snit toy , .,,, 1•a4,, bt1G gee on(,) the owners of the West s World's Wondet: is the, marvel of - I �� • . laces secured abapd'oned'wonieri its "-- - 'healing,,,superior to all other liniment's: ; Al• •-iuvo you.ever tried -41i ger- 'd3aaekeys, health was much impaired.' I :bee�t,,atl r Calbolto Cerate for soree'ot any kinilt I it' using A er's Sarsaparilla, and, in.,,l,,,, xl� `�'YI�T rltl�'VItY'� ��l©1riG51ct. p via s keep it in the house, All druggists. , 'agates, These houses throve and Y P beyond doubt the very hest >( reparation tote . time the eruptions all disappear°ed; anJ e mttltlplied-a$ the demand incrgased. In- Thele ar ,confined at present in.Strat- cuffs t rhe lingBkotaeaauii is the ouiI proper„ illy health was completely restored.- I am prepared to furnish the public with all kinds of HARNESS BUFFAI� Bohn It. Elkins, Editor Stanley Obsvver, ankles OXT ROBES,TRUNKS, VALISES- taURRY COML'S� F1iUSHI�S. Celli encs offices have been leased into ford gaol, ` 21. persons, G of whom are method of ApplyhtR Carbolic acid. sola at :Albemarle, N. C.. ' g p females !4 of the latter arbinsane; 3 of worthlugtou'sDDrug Store. for..25q._.IZQrbox, A large stock of first-class HORSE BLANKETS, at lowest rtites. SLEIGH service to find Vlaterial to fill the ranks. I was rouFled, for a long time, with a the, males also belon to this class • 7 This man who cursed the recant blizzard .. BELLS, I have a huge stock Which 1 will vel[ cheap. In one case it is known that the female g ' in the Northwest was a tall' ,lean man Pimples and Blotcappeahes. on ye ince In ugly } g more are paupers. , Pimples Anti Blotches. Ayers Sarsapw keeper of an intelligence office 'in Mon- P 1 from 'i'oronto. Ae the train stack in the rillu coifed mo. I consider it the best. I make all my own COLLARS, and will warrant them to ,give satisfaction." treal was decoying young girls by pro. Ladies suffe •ing with sick headtiche will find various snow drifts he grew more and. more A blood purifier in the world. -Charles R. REPAIRING promptly attended to. All kinds of TINWARE on hand• a certain cure in West's Liver Pills. Sug ft melanchel until Duo of the' passengers Smith, North C)aitsbury, Vt. T i88 D' �liveel�� kitis,;yt , p. Sonic coated. 3(1 illy -25c. All tiro gists• y' p' „- Thanking my customers for past favors, I respectfully .aF1: for continuance _.- I.17 > P B took uity on him and asked the ..cause of t of the gu is escaped, " liitti t story of r Ayers S a r s is p a r r I 1 a. Df their patronag@, _: thtlir, experience had siren an- that A woman Haloed Sarah A crib, forty- his heaviness. He replied " -it 1 p Is sol(! by all druggists and dealers In med- :ti: that branch of the hitelligetice -office slyly Of Stratford, who Lias been Confined stn dos in I3rand0rl Gn tiVednesday,to bA • , I have decided on gatng into the grocery business, in eonneeti(m e married; and I ti-ove only five baurs to get ;chic. Ask for Ayers Sarsaparilla, and ®R� y other lines. - •1 at the London asylum for some timo;fell with my other ]lues, and have purchased a nice and select stock of all goods usualt kept in business, for the time was i osed, and there Eve or six Cin>i'drod milt's of oto not be(ilerauu(led to take mly other. . h Y p • � down stairs last week an(l.fenetn red her „ the grocery line Parties wanting anything whatever in this department can cavo mon'e,v i the keeper arrested. ire dens are holds snow drifts, We neverfouni out whether . Prepared by-Dr..J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Man& b calling �u nae. • slcu'll. She died' next (day. he got there or nut:-Kainloo s 13. C. ' • rrieo 81; e➢z'bottle% $5e of violence and crime, The keepersa�re P (. l Aiwa s keep West's 00411 Syrup ill the Sentihel: . 'desperadoes. The-lumates, in part, are Y P GAO. •NEdINTOi+�', , 8.ONDi�SOORQ • house for sudden attacks of colds, asthma and _ _._._ -.—- _ _ _ _ _ . ___ unfortunate girls who have been allured all throat and lung diseases. Leat in use. -All 1,1vorCort Plaint eauteaP)•aprpjta,intl1gPminn --'------- ------ - _ 7,ii•crCuu,ptaiuteausol,Sitilr eadaeho,Dizzi- I ffi U4to the life of suffer ing, and many of druggiels, u(1ss, - Liver Complaint c:iur;eynli Pid''n(Ly Troublos. •' • ��I '• ST. THOMAS Whom aro practically prisoners. Dir. John Munro, of tae• 6th con. LivorlComprnib etiuses thine fourths of all ,--_-- Fr. Poolier says there are 200 women g (rise se ^ West %arra, (lied ell DIonrlay, abe(l.l i si' ,'i!: ill the Cam) of wholu probably half IdyerCompiniutiyonre(l'byDrakhaig%Liver w' 1 1 A y, s '� �t/+. '• s+ r ti y�{gt1.�. 1 �y 1 Y years. t r.Alunro hat} our been ailin care. ��' r �! a- al'0 not OVPr 24 -years old, a11C1 111 Solite 3 �y (, Y n, i g "(`'•' •`r �!I.� ' da �4'' Jct" ".� w:Ti'��� •�' R �'"•] ��.�-' Whjt� 11iL 1'Ow (lily , OO11neSt1011 Of th0 lnnb� )e- A y,011l>o,1t'011l(in tlt^Bylsle ,En }and, t, ' I 1; "!» , i ;Pr 4 BronZj Mon NMjnt �,"oases not over 17. As far as'known inti the cause of death. He i•esidctl thyro who }ins •bean marrie or only five ,f "� J • �'; , �} .f. �+, Ei'^�� till 9 n over a dozen have cued so file this season since ]834. months has applied for udit)i'at.s@ a- i`; ' ", �`'"+¢°'ATati `5' ''y; -• PI j p b Cs cid % n P t� :'rQ•L=fioni rough usage and disease. One t ,:�,_.,;,/_:�' )+ ,- �Veat s' World's Wonder or Tamils Giui- ration because her taltsbaud tVill ;lot cat , , . •, ',..,, _y - � 1 riV lit,, �� `,r, T ItOVAS ()\'I ARIL. girl told b r. Poolier• that she was hired many. Useful in ever house.for oats burns, r '',! , t j 1 r r QRS `• 4/? ,�«, ' Y y his too nails, W11ioh ore of abnormal J t, Q ;fit in Richmond, (Zn(1., to go to the north scalds, bruiser neuralgia,. rhenrnatiam. At length., alit} c(etupPns tlitit site is scarred i yip .t, t s ' 7 •��-�'' `1 r I • u --- to Work as.'a waitress in -a restaurant ; ways gives satisfaction. All druggists. a k �r,f_.� "'PI , ,i - �, �FQa . that .she Was nl('t at Desert; by her @m- While Dire \V. Wilson was. work fan .from lie (I to foot,b ch@lu.. "This"i, cel . ; '� moo• o taint as stranger a ground for ae ardtiotl r , `, v-.--- r itv J"-' t rTl��u l.', till d ° �e l'O116 L'.• �' =)111'll� E' 1 liloyer and taken to Gilmour's camp, 40 ata .planer•, in .Mr. henry James fac- ns ever ]!card of,.' '- P.. s QNO�'%._ 11� q �' ,, miles to the northwest. The camp was• tory, Mitchell, the other day, lie got his N ��,'��� r; Mlti 9�Z in tha D011lllllon. - Tlur is to certify that fibavo used IloGregor's composed of abbot 100 shanties, inhitb !land caught in the machinery, and b@- This cure for Dyspe►psinandLive'rCon,pl,titit \IADr. ONLY Bg— °• Q� . ited by 400 hundred men. There w@ie fore it could be extracted, the hand was . bo � e r wogld risay that lio;t it ids it batr�i�r#out j ��V���b\@� . " � --0�'9�,Pj, t 16 'other girls there. The first might badly lasoerated, and part r,f•the thumb lne more good tibnu all the mediclues P ever V. BRI -NOON, LOM BOK `��CS � �'�` '� r used, and I feel like a iib%v. man,-YOUIT, truly.- - ll Oar material is endorsed by leadiu+ scion- '-- - ,she was outraged, tint! .from that time was torn Off. Awmx. S'rhil (Wrioton Place, nte. Thr -8 Tunili- Will carry a heaviyr;weight than tiny QQ fists as being practically imperishable, [r, her4ife had been one of vice and cervi- cine is forst�lil°at Goo and -il ltet t)o �+'" w pp h�P ' cannot absorb tnnistilre; and conregnendy It with ruins pleasure that we recommend r Ctltftt h\vagi on ma!lu. 4� 1 e ` tulle:' She w.ts takers to Desert by. the oar readers to try West's Cough.Syr'up. You, Wort1ii11Kton.erDeuz Store.. j T r �.+ �+ l C �{{vet �oe� ©•' is nut affected by the fi'rat. reverend father, cruel •vont' home, more will find it especially useful at thig season of The trial of Henry D(id�o11,of Aa i ; CUTTERS, ERS, • StEII> HS 2, D 2`V kp,'t'f'• '� .• � Ciro r,?t. _' _ the year to cure su den colds,-ibmak.00agh tarliy., Charged with being<w ,vttgrlint I �' 5 i ° 1�','.' �� t� �. I' I clear than alive It is probably thin - D , _..-_.--_.^ I . ; and lung and throat troubles. .. m , off! r " -` ' Send for Designs slid Turn's to the bovernnlent' will at once pat a stop , citmo ofI'on Friday befoieTxtdge' Brad- r ; t*. _ . Mr. Claysll)tiv; \ir1)o'se pony fell ford, and tl 'lir •. Cli@ '151. after ]teff-HUF(ON AND BRUC d, I ',. m "1.9 si r. "' - to'tbe - abuse. ' . r jury. J Y, . . v, B : ,�1 > ro- t -' _ a pud(llo of water,tu►1 pee of t'lte,stree,,t,$ in; all the evidence, retro red ti v.rtlic x., ' ��" '� ° - Be •on,Youi Guard. of St. Marys,'a short tiln'c ago,'All \v s of guilty, Hud or(lered Dodson to be sold L')1111 Sill(L I,lll-C'Silll('111; �!() 3r i ' x , ; i T , � 't t drowned has billed they -corporation f tot @highest bidder •at )nblic auction -- 4rriir �,; .. i' `'' � N. �' Don t alIoyv: a cold in the head tu'slut4ly and , 1 r ; viz 14 a �t r; ;c. , . surely run into Catarrh, when yogi can be cured that town for ;loo.. for period of sevent five da ys.: Jllydg@ I �"+"(�• ' ' v for 25c, by tising Dr. Chase'stCatarth Care: 'A ,� lesfri Liver 1'illa ;viii f I' . Y S ." y/u 4 Uu),ri,auy i. Lwt,iu,tr steer!/ an. ('arra l `.. . - - - - - feid applicatlnns ,cure insipient catarrh ; 1. to •3 tl great blessing. S I3,,ldfol d ha„ flaed M 11 .t`ifirlr'„i i the J(,.ur%l j re t l h,r, n li,etcS o% !,(h res t, . �N � l ;; .t hoses cures erdlntity',catarrh ; 2 t ] (i boxes is always be found a great blessing t•o t110$0,0f• dilt;> of t1C: '111is is a 'first often of4 o '.' ' i' 3 i'� ' . ” - gnaramteed to cur chronic catairh. 'Try it. fiicted with liver complaint, dyspepsfil indi 1 1 i i ,h. p �____ )n it rlttr;glat� gPstiislfitaYt t361f t5Kt7iacGc: "T[fi'rf :pttl?i `�5i~ tre;riled-tlrnt fl rs tSC�tlrrPrl in this cotiii- .� 1 1 iLo��Is�rol oi��holl���II� ! t ;� Ilr�1�I�-«e.-= AII'druggists: ty fol ;1 (;teat llt)(u; year;. Thi �u'o0f f11t !'t.r 1(.1. • i:�G1:C1.II.a'�LI) II i !`rya i s}y c �$ 1 � li Ikjt�s,l* � ` s aiesv Nwlildle. i1Ir Pit S )iub 's flouring mill --- 4 ' . ::., �l' I C t li ;, -"V r, -het\'Cd .t11:1t Dodson tvaS tl \t'olthle,;;I q (, w l`;, . t�, .� ��, ±r"' I , .l L b e insolent a�abgeid tvl,o li\ lid in ii, s oto ! S: V 1 NC=S 1.',:�;� K DRANO [[. After bi iu t:i„r6u> hit otc,hnioeasnit ,e•ellodt, ilh ! �� �1;� I� ' � d. k ' ,i "��rAl iKil:n ' . a Klrlct s destro ed"6 .t1 e ou.Fri- , i t .,. -. .... ;-- ..»....".._-v..-.._..v,.. s.. _-.. , _ .... '..�,,._...,..�...;..: _ _ • 1 _- . r .1 POW ATA11IIN) KY of thenwNt.m ,rnveaklmis,these I .l`�'"�� �� £ -;t, 1;1' �t'N� �1 s r"A'' `Fill \\'iTIG1-I l-.Aitl FRS"ARE (IULI.I•:1) ()\ T'11E. w' v tii'S a`YO I`l-,,• lof' "tltli :iliit,1f5l,.il 1 . ..yro. f1i S11(5tt , . 4 ? 'Y itycT <, N`7 r c if 17r i'akt tt ilritrrr� On )tt [ M. a s` t c .pt r ¢ k. » (lily. A lit O� CL t , .0 , / iI ti ( b) rn t [t mttd I Unnmy ,Delle;, and S\ rtt nn. ' ! 4 6 i n •4 I fie.urpassodhtthnin•dha•oPthot4(t'orkduneb}'tin),I .l;rr• .'{} Ilial -:vii BO(3C$ ROOF .1'Alrf. . ' S. differ d a s' their loss. . . faillily ill C1'Ul'y \Lily illlilglnable. %1Nl)u$;I.$,- 1".,.)•(llrt!rtl, a)?Wltitt 1 �, �- . :.,' . . "o I e rine! t'r)te !e t nti;( t th f roun'41 t ,,• , ; Chronic nasal oaturrh-guaranteed cure--• List Sunday tttght the Chief Cun trh!r, s `�t \.- 1 wAa`t 41�- I., _ fie It Will be intetestlnb.to soine bf Ou llr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. j and his meii nlhdo :t raid-n�r� rlitiliri^ "'� e��s °.� - ��" 1 { 1' U , r; w rr 4.uu , r � j _:_ fanner friends to know just holy tllo Whilst 11tH slid Mrs.> Giisey, of St. Irouso kept-byunr) James Johne>iou uti the o;rru'r:,-ruruuc rIt �L,,i:c h',jnnre andl.eriltSu•eU � 1(I 71` �� , �,, .... • Speen cliliili. e� GRISTi\G. w rT vorked� lh� o) g l ! uuRACL HOHTOv. I . �sl sun£ aint \farltet 5r ,late (auel,)h. Johnston an,] °° 7 rI n R t „n p ' ''. s ! 6 2'Lt•ID 1 R) �. I� p. .. .I.- 41Iu1y..s,,,SYeGo..911G..1u.1114 count ,d, n_ �" T.�l a t t 1 a '1� iY S b' 8 g� �y -. {,)til^-mlatl°whir '1, erc,•irrrtire., .lame tlt•T!• ici;..-_.:,-. s . ... __ .,-._., .,,..,- ,,,.,...r. 1Iyltaot4lk •-. ...-��8tt.t,tE.?•Ei.kr�.trivtinl it �r(5t��t��tl�'I'1$i�f9 ..._ .._ eratidn is as, follow'& :--A .stranger fit).. iT t ^"'''"Ctrarrr� i. N�� tTltrm �,IS"Pr(•r:.., „on rhursd;fy horning, the catter'run on l; ,t., •t:'tn_i:,t"lwl°•;: • F rested and }oc(tcrl up. Oil 1liontiay nn:lr,- peari3 to, a....fariner,_ states• that rte. is a snowdrift an(1 capsiv6l:l, tlii`O-wing tilo ing they were brought huforlu tie Po ice - i' . -- Sati,r•ncti, n ;,:unrantr.(l. !',u'Uc� t,•nntin, v,yu iu_ 1S��rF_-:_�Q_, iV'_ -•-_ travel}ing for,ft r'bbGn; company; and 1n r whatever in thio lino will had tL thoir iiittrc:t i�� . p Yr occilpants'out. By the full '.11r-. (useY A1a!�i3trnte' and tined "�li and coats ciCll. Fi�l�l3}Zl2(3"Al.i. �,�IA��,.l}ve,t;as•,11• q),r�,lr.4�:et \riff± :i r'.41: .�::.¢; cc ei Ir •,=a ' order to- ill trod ne@ their eotnpoiu,d be sustained a dislocation of the shoulder• `.the cards, counters rtrid other g.nnit,liig prescr; tion 'of aq)hysician who � - ai Lt .- would like to sen(!, th.a £armor ten gallons s bt'n b• bruised abo'tit tho, tools, found iii the roost wero seized au(i 3 cxperthnce ill I;: iIt'tslal propriokm x Rp�+( C•,i,: it (ikail t;lr`_;3£u1 ti'lynxci !rsy, b<:sidl, d g adly k; ( 'I:++s had a life Ion t l . ?.,� treatin femn;e th-+,isee. Is tlye l iI 4E(:A ,r:nH;f for !?ic Leo l6r±cstt of - f't@o:. ` Iti order to show to this company T ordered by the 1}a(,istrut,) to bedtstroyed. t :4 ., month! with pelft-et ,mectsi t,,; .. , rr,,'•;i.• . that Bell trod; stiai;lit T)1151t1e58, ho is 1 [ �'-1) a y E. E:..ollsc 13i,eases. Ci)ilblains and frosted feet sail hatids cured Phu four frac nentPrn wero ley leen r '0. 111"! , over IO,000lndi,-s. Plea:•nnt, tt , I elector, u luercllitnt, n tmntleri fu farmor gist or Ladies ask \ourc�, I-! E A Lr T - i L T. H . ; , ? 4: obliged •to ask the farnmr for a writtoli .. ' 5 w'itlt a fet4 applications of West's World, a , , ® gist for Pennyroyal tuft rs itt+<1 i 'a rf�' %1 6J, v194wNESS and a hotello.eler, '.tt)c VlliceiYIa nitrate%„ take nostibatitute,orincl;;.i.,post•• I � Oordhr for the; paint, and he will give the SConder or family Liniment•, All druggists. I c �,-�� N.Rv 'k P-RALUt -' slave diem tt tefrlblo dr'es:lin;r down: .It...is�. 'age l3olilby r ! k'1➢•tor:t:, ,"Jr1.ai4 t':ei[trr'1 h::.ron" nF,�s.. farmar In rettiru '1 1'il ei )t, so lie call' get �l'Il0 C101'g Ot' LiStOWell hay0 Ct1t10n ' ro\ all!iroggists, El8,(t'box. Addr•eRs i AF,•C'•NF� ireiiir� &)EwNIt+. a.,. ! x h- 1 p ex ectod that this raid will pill a eop to T'ziE ujiz KAC-11FIMICAL CO„ Dz,r'no:z',aiitcn. +, s ' E.Ee't•r .,t*, K.I, ,:et' �Y P O Yllli4i,Hl:py 6Lfu,ldr 4 4DEncta•,c:, T•o•..rnew the paint- which will Ila shipped to hill).' ed tho business Dien of the town•to tulolpt gambli -g 111 Guelph ill •the meantime tit Roll in Clinton by J: if. CoilB :anti Drugglsta , Of TV('- ici ifslelo 1! Dilioasov vt);lS:or'v- 'rh1.e receipt reads :— alt uniform system of early closing, any rate. - ' very �Yl`ere. _.. _— ; ,, w1.4 of i Sit 011ions,tt �;t Its➢[i110r tit �' ( . h tin,; , ,I Th'ls is to. certify that Mr. Blank is loati or in aged ;nen. suffering from The sari caso,'of suicide of Anisic ('ar�� � v, . e,�o lis, 01• send t(r) (vnI in Ysratnp9 for our to have tell gallons )aint,s )eci(ied old the nervous aobilit dors of memor remature old y ' C ` 7 l". °i 1(llvtuislAd tartdo EyOoit,%>;v:hick eiv'r• l 1 Y memory, riero, wbo was only 16 years'old,daunh. f C 1(�.•' his aiid� be `Wise / p t . card signed, free of chtlr(y-6 ;land for roti=•• 'age; as the roval't'of bad habits, should send' 1 d i t 1 7R tilt lerNa aura: ` ., ter of a carter in Mol the:tl, has Been ill- . __- M EAT .• N<r 'ort;1!',cb33rty Ttrlpo• inry t Jon r SuiTILy to cents ill st;anips for Large illustrated treatise - � p tt 910Y. I` at-4n,•Atsal' 2-,Oatrer". ' ,,, nuiro(1 into before the coroners ill' , It I have opened ie l,lyth, a ftr,t-rli(as pr. E. v. W t,ws \errrnnd Brant Trefihnent, a-unn;.,u 1 UNSA 6; aritl,tll'i', Orbid Z'onilltiowN ,I 11119 ll Catin lihPailin Cn [e. Address WO[ltl'r' •1 Y - feed.4pevifie forb steris,runl•ulaions, tits, uervous neural in Tho 1J,aper which the farmer gives the gg g g I r g on,rscd b, erili¢ins¢]1 lief•. ( �,, ... Dispeneary',Me9,cal Association, Buffalo, � appears ft•onl the l,vi(lence that deerlas- ����` � • P'� 4.9!Fi� � ��� huadnuho, nen'nus pro6trntton cpiised by The nee of nlcitho I Di716Aeii(2.' iiOs Ntitl' $''cl'¢iiC➢0119 f80Ii- agent as :-- 1, ed's father was addicted to intemperate )erste g orW,bncao,wnkath neaa,mental d(presswu,soaeuingofThe Early ;t•d'lt4tiCes atC y!]eetl)ly Hallett Feb. O f 1887.1 brain, reaultinq in inanuitg, leading to misery, decay and ana. lit`rnianentty cnr'ed by out Knox church congregation, Listowell, habits which great) grieved her (AS it •meq '�(N ,C g Se death,prematureoldam )arr.... 8, ho fpower ineittt-r I .ppCCialists. Doolc, post' -mid, lU ('19.111 stamp R. ,y ' !� Y - .l�i.,�,i,'�,1rY �t�.�r.V� i�I 1) sex, iuvoluntary lossea and of I torrhart caused byprer &Y3¢ turC oi• Breach .rya 1 rs ' New York Rod'$'n„ Cc;- contemplate erecting it new, chpi't'h t0 caused nnha , ttness in the'famil . After ext!rtton ofthebrmu, aerr' abtae orover,in)iulgenee, Each p r } a l ! Y boxrontalnad emuuttt'streatu,en6. 7 tibor,orsfsbuzea • ¢ally cured, w.ltbout tile kulfr 11 .'•GENd'1S:"Please'ship me by Miehi $ g 'l I�iiRTtll�E, w.ithotit dependcnee u or: cost 15,D00. doino all she could to wean her liai eat for $5, ai nt rnnu pre Hitt on rccelnt of raii, j up or. -Central 'Rad road to Clinton Sta , front 111R Cyli habit tVlthOtlt sUCCeyS tris % Matic and Mend till kinds'of Ducts and Shoen, and 't EO OAR tANTEF (;Ix 11 '(E8 i Lt,llyeC?y,� Ttitd'with \•cry bttl' t ph Ayers 'Sarsaparilla lwthe best medicine for hoop an excellent stock on Maud. Flnit-claas work• To cure nay case. with each order rebeived by as iter six,1 in Unulps, t•aln. 13 U ,,l.nt for tell Ct'nt,3 tion two casks of 3, our roofing compound every o. in the spring. Emigrants and deee,,sed lieoimie despondent land put'- bexes,accoinpanted wills $5. tee %ill send the purcbaser one 1 It t�,7 �f '-'- If you want anything in this Watton Qnarantee tolrefuud the money, if the treatment dura I 1PBLE $ 11109fDI39 And 5yp1 TiUTCTUItll S o . aCCOPdiir t0 the ftYllowing Rgreemeut', eravollers will find it"an etfeetual euro for the Chased Paris gl'CCn, which Sh@ tOOlt; ami �1 ��i\ �i9<1 line it will pay you to came and not aaecE a cum-tAld by fill drugg,ete ni J. F. %V(at S ('p., i treated lyith the great(, t suraotss. 13nnk Rent 1•iy ,`" y;, eruptions, bolls, pimplks,' eez0mas, etc., that , seo'me. I keep (roma litimo st,•ap to n No. I set of Toronto , I' -dor Filo ' C(mte in 6tAL A A(ATIO W3 1-jWH notwithrtsndin rlie(fical aid died in n _ __ i DIBPF,N9AHV beL,DICAL A59001.1TIUK,t103;Ia(n Ill out on the slim -the effects of disoriere g t[NOLE or DULI31,h1 HARNESS, beat of stock and I an] to have t@n•' ?lll°ons of y.," r roof- fu the blood, caused -by ilea diet and life on Rg011y shortly / after. Eltftef bearing the workmanshsp may always be expected. Pleme give i Street, Buffalo, ,IN. Y. !n compound free, o char e ' for all Hie a call. 'rhe treatment' of many Ing lm g , board ehip, evidence, wbi(h left do •doubt on the Im ' lleineli� -.:- A gene 1 thousap)ds (]f cases of those futdro. orders I am pay two=thuds of �,4,�_ minds of the jury As to deceasgd's reasons a �' DISEASES OF diseases peculiar to the retail price, Any verbal agreement NEWS NOTES. for biking th@! )Dison a verdict of suicide C. T r _ �tf aalr� ''..11 'VV3i Wig'• W g 1 ' 1 F,. H. :3I�J�. LL ClionErv. ab the rnvalide' Hotel aatl different from t4,@ above will'hot b@ rt' xll:Yri[ iLivhtgncceptmitl5coatm(•yP(A thoAjrll3}tuufnctnriug forded lttrq» ex'prrien('e iu adapting remedies i`: tVAS rOttll'n@d. I ~..mica. Institute, has af- cogn}zed. JAJIFs JoNIs. Rilferriug to t}10' 1'l Clfbt caI'th�tlRk otAl AI)y10E TO MOTHEAR.- Are ,yell diatlll'hed - Co., (Watson's) wlil gpen out an office 1n the premises for their wire, curl Retail pri'6+s X2,29 per• gallon,Tice Italy, a telegram says he t _ at night, and broken of your rest by a sick r--,. •� LEGRATED lately occupied by blr. Eddy, Albert Street, Clinton, A11 this , t\'nil@ the styont and the cumber of deathe ti to the resent time child suffering find crying with pain of Cutting `''”" �2 I nearly oppeatto ISth's lfut, when Ile will be pleased to D lid - Ih X k{ )i y I'll P P Y S 1 R ,,., „4r, �,�jjpp,gg 1 Teeth? If so scull at once anti et a bottle of . �:.h , �: HA reChive orders for the celebrated farnleif liiivo been tal'kittg in a ]Dose way is about ` , )110, g . r, blr9.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child- ,•• `Z, w„ jtiT1AKk- .k. STEEL - •i°�jINE - Buff;®ER • about r tell gallons' and ,two casks,) Alfred Firkins,, all old man of 59, died ren 4eothing. Its value is incalculable. It . %. -= �kw I r QAC gl Fannie Prescription an ide,l lois crept into the farmer's head it, the"Guueral 11 ;si)ital, lufont , from in. will relieve the poor little suffererimfiiediately, A,. ���®�L10. And tile RiT;dy[FR b10WEnantln,lrSlraAKF, ��r������ ; Q,�'' A fill line of.rgpairs will also be kept to stock. I that each cash is to eoutnin cul five Juries received „ t 'l uesday by falling dawn Tie;>enll ui>on it, roathers ;thew is no mistake , kt.11. •a•;"1'S v-,• prompt attention will bs given to all or' ors, whether l tr the result of this Fast experience. Y about It. It card Dysentery and Diarrhoea• i by mail or otherwisc. Also the stairs of his ; +idcnce, on (ween street v"IV., It ,% (t powerful Restorative Tonle.' gallons ; but, bless you, you were never cast., Cregulates licas fib s Cho G�ib and di eelInflammation, cures ii t���'' ��4 14�, \`" � PLOWS, : STRAW : • CUTTERS, f and a et(.vii teff,, imparts vigor am➢ strenifbh more mistaken B and b a week or „ yr.r- s, ,�tl,:� : i I Y , and �nree, ne iP bis magic, T.oa. Y Y' e The belt springy medicine is one of bleat's and gives time and energy to the whole syltem, t { 1.4,1, r.. � ® And till ether Farm implements kept in stool(, eOrrliOngs or t tvhitbs,s excessive two, after, two casks of the t oo(ing p�fint Liver Pills taken,,evory night on going to bed. " Dlrs, WinAlow's Soothing Syrup," for child• ,' ,, 'ry ,„ �y:;" <� r� -y.e.i S;1" - l lin sial esu inr©csioin iptruaUo I lln- v�laed at fR31S, aro delivered. l he Jnat.what you m , d. Sugar coated. 3o pills ren teething is pleasant to the tante and is the ,' l f ,it�.n. gN.".nle.7 C �IN'lI on ppp , prolepp�lls Cbl "t�`>!b�'•+�/ ,' s i flailing of tiio ntertls fives➢c bne➢1 • fa'mev is rather paralyzed, begins to feel 25o. All dru,ggis:s, prescription of one.of the oldest and best female ' t• - " !physicians and nurses in the United States, and 1� 1'2 �t7 ,qq�� AND fr�� S1�H A� �'p(.C@ � ....— do%viiCseux , ons, retroversion, bearings ,4'. ftp_ d bll _ g `.y,'e.iiu •7duia f+l';A3� L��441i�IE� Gi��RAES 1910011 6OlainnOtA9, ehr011ic e0i1 CS- }h(Lo�gs b£elLdt,I,e_,__ t_ntal'�tlar's to. _The Wiudsm School Boar will ask is tursalebyaliclruggfststhrmlghoutthc world. i r oc i;lolevntntnutlon ;inti IAlcoritton ,. ,"t ea befd1i!Iell Titan. wants to pur- »a ht' °thinks i ot. IIs ttoVer gave ttY1 9.,)tvn Council tw appropriate 4US,fiv0 for a Pricb twenty-five cents a bottle, Be sure and olnb, inflnninintion, pairs .� f' ileal 111 11 achuel. If Cho. Council refuses sett for" J•1 RA. WINSLri\V'tl SOOTHING ,�,lYRU p," ter(„r;vL .rL,: V.e f)1!+ut,j9 t$1) 4C1)(a rnntee fount in T�� r' ���'�� TS ! told tenderness •ill Ovaries, internax order for 'such an"amount, and whllt'hu ) x to fro so file Board will insist on bringing and talcs no other kind. 20•yg. 4.,,,!;r!to,!heira •n'r.v." 'this tsterlinggulottots qp , , , i hent, and rYe,npes and curel,9.,, did Order' was t0 be withont dharge. - -- -- --• d.ntbiv true fit regnril to patent medltines, buy, Prot and Gollaeting Association i 7t Proln ru relieves and encs Ntra esti th'n n)attor to a popular vote. a on'� i'I . ,, i,)r(ie 1!t' pritrti(• 1 rnfessional mcg. � and `CRI [t'lli Tp 9tOlnacl¢, Tad;Sow„ r >----- �p +gi p tion, itceplessi1 16ei vonw PrORtr etioer, Certainly, Certainly, says the attorJteyr ��-n9t'sCotl h S rn thy) hou•ohold romc- ,4 � i.r.(':i'.r't;itfuntvollan,Ifn.vorablyknownby pu91 Sleep➢ewsi¢evw ill yttria;• sex. • ( you, have ten gallons free, but' anll lie t3 j' p' i � _ m A PETIVE Gl1PE _( !,, t• ,'. ,1,L I,u,k:i W re.iufru any reeommenda• —_ O r CANADA — ' try f. r conchs, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, R ( $1.009 r j)roduces the farmer's Ordon for ° two inflolmza, wbooping•eonnh, consumption atilt SOR iia, C t t.•lir•, Livor ('aro has a receipt hoot: Ilea(; 091lee, IrAtnitton, 0111, PRICE $1 .n0 pis G iIlD'i� I E yy 7 - V by tv lt''OJM *133.4000'. CA<?kS.' The f,tt'lncrattPnl attempts t0 P ia141. all throat and lour; discaeea, 250„ 50e.,,an !, v`r�w if��i c:'r.,r;' t :. :n.(1 every bottle which Is wortlaits FsTAnr.,snrtD l8e.l. 0 1 y P tit Url )er bottle. A 1 dras+gta(s. 'Q w<? Qg@� E QRR4as (''l i•, •,:,t. Sold bslDrttatrl9tp ovorytvtler@. send .46 but the Fleliveror situs• h0 (1011 t renew 1 �^ G� 3 I },r. Liver r aro is ruarantectl to caro Iv mt-(ssuciati"n tri bovines anti profes,fonal rneu+ ten cents in stamp. for Dr. Plereo's Int'(;n an true about that. There is the fnlow Dltleh into i, takCil ltd O11lCln1 Cil'- .1 ' - � CtITXl:3 , ;I , uli. in„ from a toridd or Inactive having far Ito object the Treatise on Diseases of lyomen, illustrated. y, Ei L�+'id.IhlCIiCAD l:. I: nn ti*t•i• e'alnhlatnt, nflipepgtn, ci's order for ' two casks' Arid his signit- curs in the atttempt of Mr. DlcArthur,of ,o iilliudiai8 iit'Iia . , ' :,u;,., i,i,oiu. J..:><,,,,Il,llnflice, 11(12101• . _�LLECTION- OF DEBTS, W�Id's D6speltsarV 6�o�iflal Association, 1 ',' 'S <' ., , t,..t.-, ri•. ,,.it4 dn.h1olrx¢on,Vlle., Cllre, which ho has acknowledged. There "ln),ipcg, t0 Leach the North Pole. lie % 11 • 1) - �- FOa - ,,. I rAnd tto preimit its menders noldni; Kitl dent+ l,t 0, 'i ,' ,�... 1, /S-i'HE°ItIDNEYS F1f38 ibIafn ptseet FiUI:EALU N.Y. 1S ills bill ttltd iliGt'blll Of lAdl»g S1lOwlltg h11A lre(ttl SYPppiIOC} eddy 1110 DOtllDlien �Jt� `, �� y�� I ���fl�l t'nro ;s n ( linin en re for fnrnishln:r 1},cvr ufth I:�I, of 3'niil('i NIA du not pnj, I - ' _ ' that fife roods hare, been shipped. Thi+, '(lOt'el'nmr`Ut Wltll 7111in1bPr Of SCI@I1tIfiC "yfl^=a} ' t r,,. Li+i:u,:s•.'trhos11c��lin �terehantvnnd other, accumlfate coihct and '' �q [ �pgQlq�.m f. } I ' .'�f R �t+�y 1' - :,'n,.fthorthil<,rnen, gp- 10-t�� db616r0i"� N” �ta�, L�kLI . t4lshln tb hceemn members, by r(mlttin to oar i goods hive been Shipptd in gear faith, 1)IRtI'tttlll`11t4 and fir. �Jrlw,yn Director `,y 1 „ r„t not whhn 7 ! ' 1, ��a._ __ L_�P'wf`*'_Z Cit:+Y''I'J l"Tiff,. A[notig a, Tfamilt"n, Ont., a•t11 reeen a by return mall 1Ie wn11t8 to Know if the f,ll'11101 1H 111 of t.liC (io](o,deA Survey, COlis)del'R his t', r, Jhll;ht'9 I 1IiIiAu4 ITCadaellr, full (trtiruhu v, eertineato n4 member hi , the, Kot ii flint, powder er-Arrl;a:hl,; I,Ignfd. price "I I (' ' p !' IDizvIlli , Con9tEPa- �`+ the h•lbitof doing Imy,illoss ily'd,is Wily ; .,);ou'es arid, phlil of ol,rr21tions ono of the ! ' .fit :• '1 (,:•.0 \ ,n. Sold "T. B, 1lftcr� tC Co ,linen era flamilten, ' r;. tion, indis 001 11, r. , , Llclo,.nnrl $1.00. If noto.,lainahlotit, ,t,r •ler;• - , "1, •'1 y g , and iiilione Attaclriw, 1f ht' Illa7(e9 Il 1>raOhCC of hl)tI1;I 1>aolt 011 I1ti7St F `Ilk11t1C Yet llrvlal-ll qty l_ Olal' (`inti, tent l`repalr,an rc,cipt cf }`t'.c , A.t.lre•q f ,., . ,`ti.7:E). t.e1 . - promptly cured by IDN. ' IIIS-tTo:',1, t1s tho knavwi Llvatialily 01-00 (r>i. I 1,"�9�,s(' 1) ,y'"C�.? .,,ncl,vlll',., o t. ,. C. oiaoroRD i Or to .).l: fIi \(1':.ON, a�sa*CLt, Clil1tU11. , � _ f IsiorCe�q hlAa9illlt Purgative rollots. 2r) • "- . cents a vial, by Druggists, . . . q . . . \ . 1 \ a .