The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-04, Page 1_17 ... 11 *� ­­. ��,11-�'ll",�,��.1.1--,:..".'I , � ­�' 11 I, � , , �,JK,j -�,-�,7 � I I � . t � f . . . 11 'I . I . . I. I 1�. �,� I I ", .. .", 1 2 . , : ., •i I , I 1% . . � . 11 , '. , - I i , � I � . I . . . . - I , I . � , � ", �� I T. I . I :: � i, , � " - ,� , , � �� * .: I , , .1 - � I � . . . � . : I . � . ,�, *,", � . , , , . . � 4 . I I,- . 'T � - �,, ., I I" � I .1 '..'' �1� . ., I I I . " I I 11 . 0 . 0 '. � I I I . . , , / . . � . ", . ,.-T I . :� I . . . 1.� r ,�, � I , A , " I . I . � I I I I I . . I __ � . ,� I � .. �� ; '-Z, 4 ,,� . ;, Q 0 ... , I a 1) " - - -1111111 .. T",-_`W,�­ , � _ - .. , I . , , . I ,�. [ I — 0-1*_ 4 ,Vel�� ss. No. I I . . Q . I I " I" I 'O - -. -.. k , ., . .__ ()LINrl'ON .- � I I —V r 4 oi "man - - ."', .. '9 , — 9 QNT., 'FRIDAY, MAR. 41 18870 1 1 , .., I ILIdl—st..63 Por kii,ritipti In .dvancal 11 ." I . . . I . I I . . . I 1, .._- � - . .. ... I 4ROVER&CWTOWN61.11re I HVIALETT. I MORRIS. 00LBOUNRI � - . , - . TUCKER"I"19. . - . . 'tenbary St. were not *o largely attebdea.&4. �- . I Bethany church organ . BRIEFS. -Mrs. Hodgins, slate of John BRIEFS. -Mr. Bosman, sr., died at the BRIEFS, -The R`e�,,-Mr. Kestle is hold. was anticipated. .,Rev. -Dr,' Ryokaram '�, FOOTBALL. --Mr F. Scott, teacher of Asocial,inaidof] , . . - I - ... at I .11, 3. S. No 2, and his pupils, ,wen't over to fund,'will be given at the house of George' Kilty, is seriously ill. The storm or last residence of his son, Tomas, on Monday, revival iierii6a'-in, they 1$enmiller Loudod, gave a splendid -discourse, in the I 9.- bodist,ellur of Gods- mbruing, and in the eve I ning * platform me , S. S. No. 10 to piwa. a friendly game of SOrling, Ba'yfield line, on Tuesday even- Sabbath seriously interfered with the act.. and was buried on Wednesday; he was ch. k W. TruAk, . .'- cot. . I football w.itk3lr W. Doig and his game in . Alareb 8th, admission 15cts. I vices at the churches, and many o,f the one of the old settlers here and was well 4, took the Rev. blr.,Keoiiela appoint- 'ing was hold when be Spot Mr. Rupert ga�e, he 17th inst. ,The game ,9, most devout were rel(tetantly compelled , 6d liked by all acqhainted with" him,- the ment at Zion Method int church, last Sun- addresses. Rev. Ar.'Howelf- not b4ing-abig on Thursday, t Bitws.-On Thursday evening last, a I , here, after which. at! contested fur some time, but . . ) d to conduct their own religious services in Sabbath School Convention ,meeting do day. 'A persqnViid'had little to do entered to I b§qriptloua_ to the . . . . . I - 4 Pi - Ins keenly conte social was held at Mr. John B a Miselcriary CaugeXbre,mkon 4P� .. - bap: the boys of No; although the roads were in abed 'O Mn their homes; we hope all who were not at Wednesday, the futietal WUS not quite so I . I last week' tisin.1 10succeeded imcompletely ,','da C�om. �i condition the Bbomiller sch6l;onc sight setv4oe of Some of those who wire ja--, � . . whitewashing :their opponents by a score the attendance `was very large; music was church did so; some one suggests that the largely- attended as it should have been and tore six leaves from tlie Scriptur�l fflitted into the chimch r�cen .1 , will tak � - of 5 t9.0. The No. 2 boys hope to do "Prince of ofthe Air's is taking bid ske been no meeting. Mr. Win.' Readings, qpBet the teacher's 'desk and place ,ii- _ , .'141 hirnished by Mr. and Min. McCullaugll-; xt 8iiiia- ­.... ... -T. , .- .1 ... . .., ,-<�14.�­Vftjcr nem' time. % the proco,4da, which amountedito Over 818, undue advqntaga-over the'weather for the his books around the floor, - &I - or. ug, J r. uh , __ e Drum ondr- of Blyth, knew Mr. Gosman scattered I I I . :.m I , I . . I - . - I part will assist- ise oilar�y services at Sea. - r . . , -Mr John McGrepr ,. past few SablipthO. (O ­ 51' There is a- I --*' 4 ,11 .. forth on 90day evening, hia.-pul�it he be - - has NOTES, --Mr aref6k.phoberiefit of Ea,lish church, years -.ago, in Scotland. . I . here be ' ' ' similarly . _ . . .., I has sold his imported Clydesdale, ptaIllon similarly sucul socials were also held OBITUARY, -We deeply regret that we rumor of it protest being entered against . iq,g suppli6d by Mr -Truax, q atudeAt for &` , I and two 3 -year-old gelditigi -McDonald. '' � Dr. Macdonald's election for North Ell- SCH00i REPORT: The following is a miniotoy, imatead Of the person aunouti6ed , - . . , at the boai�,eaof Messrs. Jtwett and Cluff aro called upon to announce this iveek-the- - __'_ . .. I McKinnon sold a very flue horBo to Mr , roll ; ffifia"Is probably only gossip, as the correct standing of the pupils of $. $.. �Fo. last Sal�batb. . . . .. 31 . Afy. Poier.O,ole, vf the 9ih con., disposed dc death of one of the early settlers ofth' is doctor's campaign was conducted oil ,3, for the month of Fobruary,.baa ONTARIO ST.-The'contract for the.ealarge., a . White of Exeter, for' $225.1 Mr'George of &_,,2yr° old horaQ tg Messrs. Cox, and town of Mrs. Waite, ec 11 I I . Alliott,- . .. - 1p in the' honest, manly principles - regular attendance' condqut, oil 'm tiAnd improvement tif this ifiuir6h lig three' '- '. �. . it g n �, en , "I" 1, . T. McKay sold an entire colt ris ' fpr the sum of 8-20(C '. wife Of ,j , Richard Waite, of the 11th � been let 'to Mi. John Scott for -some eke u! D .. RicY era w -b I yeara years old for $450 ,to Mr � vIll , it pirolloiency; tbe named cit, onj t - � BAcx iBo - ree $18.75 ; ,there were Several tenders 411 " This colt is Said by competent ED OUT.-S6me time sinc.tLA ver- con., which occurred on Sunday last. De- ZY;E1. th beat in each olass, are given :_ I th, about 4 oven. ceased had been ill for about seven very ofo8,e in their calablations.—Th. S..*SA ' ­ I 'ridges to be the best colt that has ever bat agreement was made been Messrs. G. BAND CONCERT. -The concert given clasi, Ruthie itichardson,' itachal Rich-. Anniv teary ser I vices of the church, 613,5un., ,� � township. Hanley qud- P. Cole, of lot, 20, Bayfield weeks, with bronchitis, and. despite fill in Vle temperance bait Tuesday evening archon, 0 Richardson. Fourth class- day, . were fairly attepoled, . considering tho.", - . ,�l been raised in the line, that the forme: should tent Mr. that could be doaq,rfor her, she gradually Blyth cornet band was a very successful Mary Id Louis Wild, Frank Ddintey• roughmess,of the wont ber thatilay. Rev.15)'­. . BRIEFS. -Mr. Alexander McKinnon is . sank. She came here with her husband, I I - about to take Horace Greeley's advices Cole's faim fol, a term of years, at a stipu- from the township of Whitby, about entertainment.' The choruses and. solo Third clues -Ellen Scotchrrier, Geo Pepk, H Butt, of London,, preached wornit:g atid Hlittedsunn.' the strength of this .Rglree- were magnificently rendered, while the Alfred Sootclviaer.° Second -01ass��'Ed in u qd and is going " west" in a short time; ' , � __ - __ stroll __ _. , for thirty-five yours ago, and the township ,. ' evening, and was atteritively,apd-proti6bly intends to visit both Dakota arid Manito- ment, Mr. Cole made all arraugenrignts " 1P songs of Mr. Win. Shane, the gleer Peck, Jonothan Peck,John W Raid'. See- ais"tetied to.on both occasions.. The anbariftp- , , . . I., . ry qqtvtl� rilmovitlig to Manitoba in the spring, eves was then one vast wilderness ; she usually, of the choral society, and the* songs on bart-Rieliard Peck; Sarah Reid . 46n'aske&.4or wa realized, as we 94tioi, .;ed, !. , , to getting out his�,sale bills, but. his, vve . yed good �hcalth, arid was a par ticu- , I . , 't, it w -a .0i Mr.. � � , ba. The passed off vei O ,k r6 . and recitations of Miss Robertson, of Edith"]Fittl4n. ' .. I . 1. oula be� On Moadv4averair1g. A " �1 . , . his township. Dr Campbell got the - . ani y active woinwi for her age, 61 years I - , , , . . I I in t ,art Clinton, were well received and drew from . 19b. .., - Butt displayed his,ptereopfle-q., ­' . . . bulk of the tor, vote and a very smal.1 Mr. Hanley bacl<ed out .,tif hi,s bargain, Hei circle.* of acquaintances was large. .. __"_ I � �1'6. , 5.1 . . - . I 'n %,laws,, Irepre. �.- ' i,m vote ,.atid as there were no writings drawn, Alre . the audience a hea.ity e 0110. Thesip,;' - " " ,peothig scenes d4ling the ,late rebolli and • . I number of Reformers. The Reft ' i,ii and she enjoyed the confidence and esteem , ,�Pg - . ,Addiflofia;I L0041 NeWse QW . .1 Cole has no remedy. Of cours� ifivill, - of the National Anthen .*,Wbilud up a verl K also in Eastern laxidaf' -a fargo,audi�fice being 1% . I that was polled went almost solid for Mr convenience him somewhat L'at 'lie tvill" (if all. A faithful member of the Alan-. successful -bap .�, . � , li,Tao0.R,XAN, of KinearAi (bro*thvr,, piedent a0 taking, ii &ee,p interest in, � a an:, I Killian so the boodlers got badly left conve c I .d concbrt'. . . ' I. . tU® as been v 4ev"fal tertainuieut. * Mr. Britt ave rennin Me chester Presbyterian church, tier life al- of Mrs. Whitt) It, e py. 1 3 . 1. a their little game. . � I likely have no trouble in renting.the Who) ways gave evidence of the possesion of . QBITUARY.-Agai6';ve, are called upon days. , I I I . , _ , . . � in - . . �plauiitiov '61 fbe-var'was vL a as , okese . pro- I I ;. " " 1". - , ­�w _ _. 4� , ---y-9— , . as it is in good shape and a desirable iQne . F! . -a- . , . . I I .1 .. those qualities which testify to the in. to record the death of anothei OldTp I MR. W. Gq Stan eyp( ti t , a 0119, , 'I heo - Ol ars of, th 6" '661 under' . I mAT. I porty. Ir _,AN, of "" "' - ,. of tize township of Morris. The subject *�'T, - I..4c;�hip-,4i Mr. Oakes. asng. a um'b;r of . BRIEFS: -The bridge bn the 2nd con., 1� dwelling of the divine spirit. pirit. She had ef this notice was ;the late James Gosmau of M r. E. Glen W; �,'u p'iy with It . 'Council met on the 21st pursuant topd- only two children-ason- .and daughtei, conggStiorn of the lunas. ,:� .- , ' . ,,� , I pieces during.-t.he cylening, that added to the � I near the Stephen line, was lifted and car- ' i who was born. in the y�ar 1798 and at the tha't'Mr. tph. Doherty, pleasure aiid� interett. of the ocb4slou. I p iedg'tpn rods . down. the stream arid le-it,on journment.." Al,embers all present. A it'- and her husband has the entire sympathy time of hie death was in his 89th year, . Wh under,§ta'nd . � -Ir ales 6f Iasi meeting read and passed. of all in his irreparable less, traveller, w1flo ne family have. been residing ank, -during the late iresheb. The' Board of health was appointed,- consisting . I I , 9111 -PU9 ..", � . I the .bank, . . .— He was a steady, highly respected resident at Gale for some time, has decided ; I CLINTON, I . I . . , ,creek 'near �tbe ,new iron bridge, on the of Reeve, Clerk ,and Messrs Whitely, and agood neighbor. The deceased' was fiaaking. Clinton his home atf(k will t . I - 1. . Stephen linle-is, filled wittl ice I ; the water Churchill - And McClellan. Dc Whitely LONDESDOILO. a member o( tire Presbyterian persuasions 0 ake .The followiiig ii� a statement of the. number statement i I 4 has gohe d'dwn and left great cakes of ice I up his residence in the house now occupied df pupils carolled, and I ,average I � was appointed medical health officer. DEr,rGATE9.-Rev. J. Hough, James and a large cortege of relatives and friends by M r, Searle.. I . . atlendatme'lii � ". I 0 " ' 11. " e k, high -and dry on the Star's tender for printing was accepted, it Braithwaite, Esq , , and followed �tho remains to Blyth union c' each ro6i.auring: thalmo&h of February 'i" I A. Woodman . came I 4,'80)TV ACT.z7-Alr. Cook, hotelkeeper, . Division., � N�0.011TADJJ , Avgg, attendsace. . �. land ; a$ one time it was feared that the ,as, the only one received.*, Auditor's re- Allsies Hough 4nd Hiles were at the Sab. tery on Wednesday. - Varna, was up before Police Magistrate M -W Lough's, '. r , . . . .1158. . , 62 1 I . .1 . .ti go al go too. Mr. Samuel Murray port read, passed. and 100 copies to be bath School Convection, ai,Blyth, this J.OLP , 0 Mr. Linklater,6 , 56, ., o . . . , . jo I . L . . is STORM. -An old weather-wise s.4. that Wanless, �Und . '. .. enlock, . n " - . .1 . . ,. p sold fifty acres, on the 4th con., to printed for distribution. Moved by Jas. week, as delegates from the Methodist the storm which .passed over this section V,ednesday, ch r 'ed wi violation of -the , . Miss O'Neill'a. ,' - ., '66 . 1. ­ .. I . Laitbwaite,*seconded by Tbos. Churchill, church. The "nScott,:. ' Z � 'Y' is neigh . r M r.J ohw Corbett, for a good Rev. M. Ramsay and wife- u 11 . a to ,move his family to last Saturday afternoon and, Sunday' was Scott Act. Up J. * nton, appeared Miss ForitoID10" 4 63, . .1 .. . figure; he intends that that pa1t of by-law giving twenty and several otbers'were present from the ' ILd F, Powell for ' I . '46� ., . .. the wont storm that has ever visited this for the prpsecution an Miss 11elyar's, , to 4.54 . I is far that he has �ouglit on the Huron cent's per rod for wire fences as a bonus be Presbyterian church. . ­ the dele tie-@. The, cbd . Miss -Leslie, as; 4 - 46 .� , 39`- e snow drifts are the lar roe eirig proven, -%,'#2., . . gest - I R4qd, between Clinton '�hd Seafoith, in rescinded. -Carried.. No bonus for wire - - ' ,on We atatutory' fine of f�O and costs was Miss Plummer r9, - 65- , , . " UNFAIR. - The dry' goo6 sal6amen tha� have h even sees here for -years. Al 9 - , P ' li� county. , Th ' I fences will now be given. Mr ARdrew . Miss Simpson's, � -'OI- " � : A40A�-�ne night last week a debate was L 70 , I held ateSodom Hall, subject -Has the.Key's - .- . -vacated the village last week, and no, the L. H. & Bruce the'drifts in cuts are, imposed. Four cases came iij? at Exeter' 0 .1 ..im_ '. account for brol�en buggy was -laid, Jon I . . I. . _ I , . 'AnTried life or the Bingle -life the ()ver to the, npxt sitting of the, ec�incil, doubt took with thewteonsiderable money ten feet deep and heavily packed. The ­Kohday, but were .�djourned until nex�' , - 1. . . A10.11day", T * otai ' 488. , . . happiness; both sides. were., argued well, Moved by Jas, Laithwaite, qecond by �­ Qapy(' 8 ' A , " that might have been spent, as profitably Snow plow with two engines attached haq Febr i I ." ... but the happiness; went in, favor of married It" with the local merchants. In'8ome case to take the third bunt before, they CoUltl '� IIQ IL SCIXOOL LITDRA'RY SOCIETY.- , February, 188 , av1,r3..,, 4 � , I. , T�e .Dilt - I . life: 1rq§%r%Nxt s;Admt,lo be discussed John MeOlgllarl-,' t4st Albert Halatead-be , we know of, the strangers got the cash and clear the Watson ciltwilich 6aboutforly ..Literary L erarySociety toolli No. 1. The . 11, .1 . .4 '. . . I I o,' I I * tf:n�ig were read and I 11 I 11 , I ''. . . . I ., 11 , paid ten dollars for a winter road through tlie'merchants' bills are un aid likel rods long. The first train since Friday minutes. of mee ­­ '-- ' I .. , . . . I )e y I . - Di rock�, �o -' -67 I . Cal — - '61 [ •... ........... I D.. It '119t of a minj., " will be, capital punishment the best Iiii'larm and aniotilit to be refunM if the to be Be for Same time. It does not look afterndon with mail on -board, arrived, at adopted. The. rogramme re,ad-aw-faliv '4,�- Tli� owing is % .e-,ro-. .. , , 4,.', 7 neotI8 of punishing criminals; this .is a ',port;ii I . . .. ­ " '� ,I I I couriell buy the road. --Carried, X;ved . Secretary's,, ' ' ereadiAg, Josie Reeve; tions:- I . . like the square thing. this ctation Tuesday afternoon. The . ecre ary 6W, ., I .. , . ... ,., . - subject that might -to be ventilated now h .a , .. . 0 * . by J": LaMwititer seconded by 'Josep snow on queen street is piled up about recitation, 'Bgttie -Rumball; 'reading, . 318. LPUGH'.1i DIVIBIQN. . : that the elebtions' ' are . over ; executioR �, , � 0. . � " I Whitely,, that � where 'the' concessions or , AlOVING.-Mr. John Stephenson has AS attainable;..' ,58Q.... . . twelve feet high. , Pliama Oii,o; song, choir; reading, Hattie Senior section,, ma I , " . `�' should be one of We things oftbe pfist, as 'side libes require turnpM.cing, breaking'up moved out of the village to the farm rented - . , I D,3dd ng, Mary Lou &; reading, AIr. Bertio Davis 491, Hattie Dodd 4.59, Alifert;,.r " � , it is only wre t of barbarism "' 'from house to Srn to: - tll,Q road . from Mr. Moon� on the 11th con. -.Air.. � �.-' , Luh o VIvans 442, Hattie Ram. � I a1h; in ; many an the xda4,, S. S.- QpNVE T,- Thi ,annual qu soug, - noir -reci,tatiou, Mary -M( , '� ,.\ . 1. . - � TIO . - )or6r4W-HarP . � . . I innocent person has been executed pro-. tbQ'ovv4er, �011 have to fix �he same with Nathaniel Su'ridereock has moved on to ball'424, Nellie Keane *2 - Eva Childloy 07 * "' �� Pili� � a , 4 . - - . . Union Sabbath School Conventiow; was ley -, s4g, choir ; readtng, Mr. Lough. i . � I testing.that'Le was not guilty ofties, , , � - held in the Presbyteriaii church here,1ast Meeting adjourned to meet ,on 'Frio " � I `.!n' culvert Ati his own exp6nse--Carried, tbe, farm he has vacated, and has now be . . JAcy Keane 401i 1 )Jury Paisley 8ley 400, Cal, Mo? � 11 . I I � I � % "for Which he had t@ suffer,', ,and t i"I" The foik;%iing accoadt; were pAioJ 'viz :sI., (ionic a villageli% Air. Alexander Callander Tuesday and Wednesday and was a grand March 4th. . * . I ,ponald 399, . o , e 'i `Junior attainable, 506 -Lk' 1" liocence has be n proven when too la_c has removed to the farm on -the l3th, con., - -- ' twin marks -� . . . .. i A. M. Polly, 80 rods wire fence, $161; success, not"Itlastandinj the severe draw TSE BIRTHDAY. -We undet- 4 ,Will � Adrian Miller 882, Josie I" 4 . . . ----.4— - .1 I Star, printifiv, 16.75 ; clerk, registering. 'la-tely,occu pied by Mr. Sundercock. Mr. -back Yh ich'was caiised by the,recent snow stand theta meediror of the" citizens Sidt�ey � OBie IJUNNALt; ' I I .Johnston, who has for' some.time. will Reeve 371, Plia 366, Theo Spe,cht 358, - , 1, :'. _ � ' it b . I births, marriages a,id deaths. $9.20 � Jas, John X0111'st -storm. A large number and be-cMlod shortly -to take into consideration Ar-kn't-e Young '33 - nail L, -34 ]K4' ' OBITUARY,-­We_ar,-. -sorry that oijr past resided on the gravel road just nortli lay -delegates were present, alb -b a large 'th ' %Viq ,16, to , - , ,sad duty to annou I . Fair, C; inion, lumber, $12.83; R., MeCrae, e getting up Ora monster 'Taylc�&35, DoI11-yha'ir­: H wSdn 32.8. ace the dPpartur,q,oT,, 1, Fair al, A:my I I., . ,,i6- use of house for Pro�vincial 'eAlections, $4 ; of the village, sold out his stock last week, number visitors. The subjects intro- alration on the ween s' bjrthday.� The ' -1'1ANk1,AiFR'$ DIVISI . . .. .1 1 . - thek of our.early spttl�prg. We keter tQ Clio � d is moving to Buffalo, U Iduced �and the discussions- were good. jubilee yearwould be fitting time for., � -lit. rt %36 : , . 11 ,John McCa,nn, turtipiking on Elliott's an . in . . Senior section,"'Marks attainable;., - - 6 st "Dill ... and draw $10; Henry BRIEFS. -Mr. Thomas Welby has re- The mass meeting of thechildren Wednes.' Something . death. Of Mrs. Sturgeon,., who 'r-WTO,Oir I ..ing gravel, ,ng big, andwe hope to see�llo Arthur Du'rrent 330, Robert Menzies 364, .: ,'name was Mary Sinilfle, which sad'ove,fit I in. . into with enthusiapin, 'ell � n-, Jame Sbepherd 204,'Tbov. Diehl 090, John - , ok,,repairini-Awn, _j�lilyortq__!M�,_con,-„ptosed,.fro�tn _tlli-i villitge to %Vawanosh ; day afternoon was a prominent feature of . I ' - t residence known the I ,)a, also the Welrboard. lessons, fo,,tttep. gone e place to celebrate ille!b0th” H 1, I - C.. , I is J uat the !I '. took place a her r a'ddrawiqggravel,$8. Council adjourned xve miss genial face from the Village. thecanventii on' I 1�34, 2t nest. Herman 281, Thos. M .1 Brown FarM, near HensallY She,had"been I � ­., , . . " . , to . -St# 'dwar 'ff itchell . 1; I in a-eclininj health for a nqmb I er of yearki , meet again 4irst Alonday. in. April. Mr's. Bell, .of the hotel, is now able by Mr..T. McGillicuddy, of Goderi,ch,' year of Her Ahijesty's reign, and��'Vtim. Cuhig272, 14i Qook265, I'dwar . 11 I - 4- w I JAmES, fAT'To-.q, clerk. 94 , It Wgirish 256� . - ". . . _. AvIrat we hear i t , - , I , . ­ - , . enii6ift ever seen lieS,e�,-- . , - Ilat 1Cwa&.aoLth.oLugb_Lhei.eAd wit"amear3 . . _ _ ,4 - - . - I � Lmye her rom, .1.olm Byqrr�jqp has been. yyerehigh!yMpreciated. It was also re- '�Wvill'lilioly be"the bigg6 . P ... I-— _V61 . _ L - -, -_ - ­ . � laid- up with a severe cold. Mr. Xturpliy ibil solved ih e con v bat the' I 015-M - -1 Ae-iii0-n-s-tr­af1,o-,n, , , . - il,huior soctioui �ftrks'-aftaid&b1a; 420- - a Villtei to take RII 'h 1. ' 8 they J.,jmma Tk,pliug 3 . �� . � " I WING ' THE EXTERPH1811W Gi,Q,di.-The Toron- . 9 11,evo 328, Barv#y .• a she had been able all v . �Alll. is this week leaving for Kansas, where he of tbe.method of the Woman' ,,, Sadie occasional drive 6ut, and : on 'OhristmM - - 'lackson 322, The4i� " � - I -kessrs. Waite&, Walsh are -about; to sell. !ias bought a farm ; big family will follow Temperance Union of. ado,%ting temper- to, Globe'now reaches this at, 10 a. Ijeu,ia 310, ,,,,, ,,Xenney :31:3, Hannah Me- , r . . 1� ­ . day especially .she spetlk,ir. very p1"*.9aut. - out to some parties from Listowel. I I n it fe w clays. DIr. Will'. Murphy is de- ance principles into our public schools: eh 0018. in . steitd of 2,30 as formerly. This is u is Plumeteel 299, ."Robert � . ­ ... time -with,. -her friglip� Mra -ill-tiie=olJ,c)fLap-r&--ivem,r.e�p,le,eI � Gardner 297, Do . Mabel. Kerr - . ,, Wilson,' thi,y_ __ _,,,he Co _ed� _,CO . Ilie SP00110142�969 I - - — . thin iing it wa , � ­­­', - - , I -is ship- Rev. Mr Johnston, of Goderich, bei --N�linnie-f3heiylTertl--l'-�0-�'r.---- - ,. . .---_-�-, - - 7 —r1Jjfo____6k __­ is -the las, Ch I ril I A I In'Ps I - "th-e-sno - islic ,b -tho�Glubo_r,unniiig-a �295, _ Q _. � ), iqert-96. ga,�e- -� -ee layed, in, sh-iITing-on­aecQun.t--of -w- -Xearly-1 - In a -fr �Wtkpl: ,d-.- -y- _8�e, - •. '. . .1 ,, they were to spend together on earth. On entertainment tainment I in � Belgrave, Tuesday blockade, Mr. Abraham Ak.�nl Ing cial train' from Turonto' to London, solely . MISS O'NHIJU,'6 DIVISION, I , I � �. ,, " ing stallions -sebuyers eledted President, with F. Metcalf ',J . " . Sunday,. February 16th, slievvas noticed - III . Mons from here. The hoi fl� for the' purposes of reaching its western Senior sectiori, marks attainable, 6,3 0,; - _! . . �1;r,.Z%Ilibq,'from Cobou rg, . hag brought are around picking tip the good'horses. It assistant secretary. At the close of the Subscribers at an earlier bour'than hereto- A, �,�ngus 520. T D,molme 15f5i W. Foster � - to suddenly grow worse than usual. A in a stock 9f bankrupt goods *nd opened 'a very wei � tivenletit to have the scales out convention the visiting brqhren expressed. fore. The price of the daily It . as also been 512, *D. Cantelon I doctor was. at once sent for, but all to no 3 P, , - ,51 1;1. Tliompsob -491, G. , out in the store' vacated li�' Ti. Sali & Co. of repair, they should be fixed as soon.as themselves that they had been most cot reduced to $3 a year. Tile Globe is un- Thompson 491, , Al Lennad'4841' L, John- , I I ­ . purpose, as. she rapidly sank till the worn- The fire alarm sown d,ed by even- possible. - . . - dial)y received and h%artily entertained qoe . stionably "the peoplo's paper " and is so,, 483, Al. Waed 473, G. petfioia473, L. _ . cog of the 25th ult., when she 1%hcefully I . " , ,departed this life --aged 59. She, with ing for a fire at Dr. Tamlyn's residence. I i by the people Of Bly'th. The next meet- bound td lj",omo more so that', ci;, by Shepherd 468, H. Bowers 465. . � , - years a�ro. moved- . T11 firemen were promptly,on hand, but I I ling, of the convention winbe the 21st and this latest exhibition, of .enterprise and Xilnior section, marks attainable, 565:- - . , lier husband who died 14 ye, WAST WAWANW611. , A,GruieIwhank_44,7g .,R­Cuninghame 445, R.'__ I their services were riot needed. . : I 22nd of-June,and will be held in Goderich, � -_ �� . . . � . from near Montreal in the year 156, and . Inspector for the Fire Insur� . A full report of the -proceedings ofthis puall, � I Kenney 432, It. Twitch -ell 422, T. Southcombe , I they and Mr. De4n, Bnu,ws.-Mr. Turner and wife, of Da- conven - DIN, -Judge" Doyle prp- 420, :P,. (Aflin 416, F. Sparlhig 41 1, F. Patti— . then ,boughtt the Tarin which ...ape "-�,��ociation of Montreal, was in town kota, have Seen visiffi6g friends and re- tion, will appear next week. jsiox COURT. their family have occupied since then till sided at the Division Court on Friday, Bon 391, 0. Robertson 0389, 11, Davis 36, J. I - I . " real- ; Wednesday, looking tip an agent. F- lativesi during the past two weeks ;three BRIEFS. -Fifty cords of convenience Portfield 370, W, Peargon 375. 1 the present time., So slie,bad been a reSL cordwood are which was held for convenie to in Alp , � dent of the one place for over 30 years. Holloway received the appointment. of the Turfier brothers were m-irried with- wanted at the -Blyth woolen mill. As M r Powell's office as' the chimneys of -'the . Allss r0x,rO,;'.9 'DIVISION. *. . o I I J. Drew, a young fellow charged with in a month. ffr` father Jos. VanAllea was about to leave the town 'hall were , riot in working. order. Senior Section, marks tottainabW 350 :-, ' . The friends and neighbors of the deceased . D. M`aQ1. and his 1, showed thbir sympathy and kindness in crFatitig a disturbance in the Salvation Mr. Jas, Magill, have. recovered from,,p station here for Georgetown, a portion of The only import case,was that of Charke& Azie Gibbings 31.4, Jamea .Fortune 301, Mal. Army Barracks, was summoned to appear attack of sickness. We are sorry.to any colin . McCuaig 301,. Luirp, Thowpaoa• 299, , I an unmistakeable way by their untiring 'I. efore the Mayor on Friday,' but was not M-rs. Jas. Magill, sr., is -seriously ill - all his household effects were seized upon at Baker vs. Tnog. McLean, action on pro- Lester Wfiitely 297, Lottie Kerr 295, Amelia efforts to' -assist tbe-other members of th-e the instance of, Mr John Young - Air mibsory note for $200 -.'-__..,The plaintiff Fitzsimons 294, Rifth Carp 293, Ameiiii Har. . family by day or night to attend and wait, forthcoming having skipped the town.' ' tbai medical help can do is beingii, ,one- Young holds the goods until the note L,e bought the note from the payee after it Hand 287, Marion Harland 286, Mabel Doherty � I - . upon bet through er illness, and do all The notorious dive in Lower Wingliam Miss Webb, of St. Helens, is the g fit of paid, A an mbar df cases of I glanders in becitme due. The defendant says the 285 CluraDayment285, Manole Whaley 285, that was . possil P66� human power to do has changed hands. Mr. Jos. McDonald Miss J. McGowan. ,A dance, largely at- horses exist is tbim village and vicinity. Geo, Nimens 273. . , , note was originally an accommodation. . .. . . to comfort and relieve her in her dying is now running it, and no doubt he will tended, was held at the house or Mr, W'- A Young Mell's Liberal 0)n9ervative.. note. , The Original payee• of the note Junior' section, nmrhs attainable, 950: - , , '� bouts. She leaves a grown up family of endeavor to gain a better reputation for Rose, some �i ne ag.) -. inlvit�tiona were Association has been formed here with Aa,y.­R,.was trecomodation only to the ex. 'Richard Worthington 314, Lottie Cantelon, )a a, � I 1 3 daughters and,i2 sons, besides a large the place ' than it has had lately. .. Be, )a a, long ditsance away;,the F. W. Tanner as president. There is on tent of $50 the ba!ance of the note being 293, Bertha Aitkin 291, Willie Biggarb 290, lc� Is cir6lo oCotbef.'relatives to mourn their Th6 carnival Friday evening was quite M Brothers' upplied the music for the Queen *�treetwhat is supposed to be a for good consideration. I Arthur .Bennett 28%, Alice Twitch, 11 277, . irreparable loss, but what is our 16ss is we 'a success, a number of extra fine costumes occasion. Mr. R. llerk�e-rson takes pos- �ery, but it1s-reported-th-at morn thanRoRsg N:OTl?,,g,-AJr. it', (5, 1 . . . s. grIX Thos. Colborr � -Arthur., Craig 275, Lon's Peckett 272, Susy ' ., Co. I es this groceries are disposed of, some one should Goderich township, last week sold a nine, . I hope her infinite gain. The funeral Aar- being on .the ice. The first prize for ladies session of faim of Air. T. a Powell 263, Grace Webb 265, Howard Grant , I - I I I I vices., which were conducted by Rev. Mr. fancy costume, a watch, valued at $30, month, and the latter moves to Blytb. Mr. look' after this stand if "the powers which months' old filly, iot.by Hibbs' Lincoln. 2601 Oswald Hunt 254. .. I Torrance the following Monday, were very wag won by Aliss Violet Fields, ' The first Win. Stonehenge had a sale' -of &rm stock be" do not, The blizzard which prevailed 1X.%, )hMISS IIELVAR's D'IvIsION. . . I . - . solemn and inimpressive, it being the for g�rrtlerhcn, a gold headed cane, valued on Monday: I . "hire Tom, to . B,'All, for thb sum' Senior secli6n, marks attainable, 42.31:- . __� in this village and.,vicinity last Sunday of $100, and R. Ferris, of, H arlock i4st Lizzie, Wbeatley 387, Ma, Campbell 385, .­ . . at,$20, Was won�by Bis. L. Campbell; . I . ..,MI I I - ­ 'had the, effect of preventing many church- ve-eir,gold a span of yearling fillies g, � . I tbi?d death in'the family in loss than two , .got by Grace Overbury 379, Alice eudniore 375, Geo. . r; " years. Mrs. Sturgeon was the mother of Traffic and business 114§ been almost 11101,31USIVILL9. � goers from attending divine service. It the same horse, for the large Sum Of $250. Cooper 372 GI -ace Tedford 871, Richard Finch I Mrs. R. Brown, Huron Road, Goderich Wholly confined to the town itself this also had the effect of making the corner- Mr T Mason, of the base line, Bold a 2 -yr 369, Joan McTaggart 365, Andrew Porreater township, and a sister to Mrs. Robert- vveek so far and consequently the town BRIEFS—Mr Bain and lady, from Falw bummer seek a more genial clime and old gelding, on Wednesday, for something 362, Maggie AndersoiW61, Blanche Shepherd .!, i Sturgeon, formerly of Clinton. . has been, very dull, to what it usually is.. TaTton village, are visiting at Rev. J. S. the Sunday evening's love -talk of short over $200 ; T. Ti lin sold a three-year ,old 361. I thou art gon. t. the grave but we will notWlepfore When the town is dull the reportorial r-isher's. Al iss Entickna�, from Parkhill, duration. Anumberofour town sports, Junior- section, marks attainable, 415 :- then, thee, I is the guest of her grandmother. Tire gelding,to Mr. Jobart, for $200, arid a grey � I business is unusually dull too, and conse- were trying the speed of their horses on mare 4o the same for $190, Xessra Baw- 13a Hamner 371, BerthaBoan '263, Olive Hel- . ., l . Though, sorrow and doorldiess enconipawi the tonob, congregation of Dublin street church, . . I The Saviour hasp through lt,i portaig befon e thee, 4tiently there will be no startling'peris Taesday, when Alex. came in Seconddap-,&yar 3.51, Annie Howe 15D, Joan Fortune 349, And the lanap of h19 love is thy guide through t tie Guelph, has asked Mr. A K Birks, I Cp.� sold a 2 -year old filly to Geo. tlker 34 1, i Nor- , s . froin NVingham this week. - ' for- best A large number of person,; were at Date for 8190; and another for Jeanie Smith 3443, Thos. We .,I , $150, and a man Werry 334, Bridget Newman 331, Frank I �) Aporn. . 11 . merly ofHolmesville, to come, back for Wat'son's cut Tuesday to see' the ,snow mare to E. Jones, for $185. Mr. Jobart I I . - I I — .next year. F . k -1111CII. a . DAYFIELD. plow clear the track ; it was a grand Bight. -to the other A1184 L'rSl,1r,'8 DIVISION.- ,., , AA01)p shipped a car of good horses ],'air 325, Agnes Jordain 324. ScHOOL REPORT. -Tho following is the SHOULD BF PUNIVIPD, - Two young _Nlr %V, Southcott has removed to Exeter, Side yeeierday,* Mr. Ben Churchill, of Senior Section. marks rt-;nable 162:- tj ,,, I The social held at the home of Air correct standing for the pupils of the hi' h- men were observed throwing at. the will- where he has purchased t e tailoring Hullett, recently sold a fine yearling sial �Tiolet Franilin 160, Vina Coolit 155, Bonnie : P l . I I Ephraim' .1),owning last Thursday evening, er divisilon of the school here, for the dows of the school house, on Monday business of his uncle, having sold his lion to a gentleman in Turnberry; the price Webb 148, Harry Cluff 132, vAka Sparling 132 �.� , . " succeeded was a grand slucess. $15 were taken at mrmth of February, based on regnIsr at- night last. As Soon as they had succee place here to Mr S H. Girt ey, who has paid was $150. Mr Thomas Walker, of Cyril Craig 12,6, 'Jana Matheson 123, Cbarlio � . ,�, I the door:� � Jendance, g'ood couducf' and general p.rofi• in breaking the glass, as if ashamed of taken possession. Billy was a good citizens Stapleton, eold a splendid two year old filly Reeve 122, Newton Davis 100, Samuel Wit. , . . , . I Al Colborne Bros., having given up their c1cney ; rho names of only the four beat in their stupid work, they beat a hasty re- friendly t?) all and had made many warm sired by Borelatid Chief, to Air T. Shipley. son 100. . . Ingersoll buBtness,blave removed the stock each class are given .-Sr. Fourth, 0 . race treat. Such persons, who are evidently ffiends,, arid his loss to Blyth i? Exeter's Mr. W Whites df Exeter, was in town the Junior Section, marks attainable 162 i- % to Goderich and are now selling Out to Cameron, Geo. Stanbury, Lillie Morgan, lacking above the ehra, would show traces gain. Mr Ed. Sherritt has sold his brick of or days and inducod Geo. F, Eme . on, Minnie Aitkin 162, Anipie MeCorvio 158, Jos. . .. make room for it. Lillie Elliott. Jr. Fourth, Bettie Janson, of sanity by leaving public buildings house and lot on Morris street to Mr .f�allettt to part with his splendid McRae 146, -Maud Kean 139, Lynn Weir 138, 1 Charlie Ligrin, Jos. McEwon, Chas. Roth. alone. I Donald P raser, of Morris, for the band i � Idek Mary Irwin 136, Tena MeCtiaig 135, Leonard ,-,TIve revival services i n North St ell a roll - dpi ,in the horse. Mr. White has Recured one Wmr�131, Eva Brode;idk 126, Wilbert Put. -Goo. Grainger, Chas, Falconer, NFGUNDED.'-SiaC0 the clectiohs a some sum of $800. Mr Fraser takes of . beat farniers'. driving horses that mail 124, Flossie Pilcher 124. --I Sr. Third � U. , have elpsed after a verysuccessful mission. Ellie Cameron, Jno Whiddou. Jr. Third has been rather extensively circa- possession about the middle of the month. comes into town. " 1 ' 1 s the e 0 Pickard ' -,,� Upwards of thirty have united with re to the effect that Mr. T. C. Pick .No me -ting of the town council for six . " I -Grace Cameron, Jos Blair, Jno Lindsay, . miss rLU-nmrn's DivisT<),,,. � church, ,and many more will dD so. Annie Miller. The average attendancoi for, bad used undue influence on Mr. Win. months ; what are our town fathers about, Class III. -Lillie flunt, Mary Gill, 11allie � 11. . `the pancake social lield at the palace the month in tire tipper division was 45, in Lobb, to induce him to vote Reform. One of the meanest- things a tramp can LOCAL CHURCH CHIMES. Erwin, Ida Everett, Mabel Detlor. ' . rollell .riulc 'by Mr Harrison and the the lower 47. . The report is entirely false to all intents do After sleeping all night in our village ST.,PAUL*s GUILD. -The next regular meet. Class II. -Frank Herman, Louie Holmes, , . Fleigelimann Baking Co.pwas it success. and purposesy Rs the subjoined note will .school is to quietly take his departure in ing of the Guild will be hold on Tuesday, John JUenry, Chas, Biggarts Lizzie Gardner. . Proceeds were to be given the poor. ,VARNA. � � March 8th. Admission 10 cents. Claes 1.=Edith Hodgens, Minnie Smith, , allow:- the morning. Without replenishing' the Lizzie Twiteliell, Mamie Young, Sarah Rmitb. The Veneral:ilo Archdeacon Elwood, BRIrU-,s­9otvicea as usual in the Math- EDITOR New ERA, DEAR SIR, -Where- woodboxes. Nearly four thousand cords WILLIS CiTuRcil.-For general church I miss's XPSON,9 DIVISION. . a . "Ir A who has for some time been 'seriously ill odist church on Sonday, evening. On as certain reports are in circulation of wood have been delivered at Gray, purposes, the congregation of this church urch last Highest Claes-perfy Plarnateol, Harvey 1, . - Tnesday evening, March 8th, Rev. Dr. to lie effect threat- year raised thouun% of $3,693, and 4xpdnded 1",.rty, . � . 017paralysis, died here on Tuesday even t ,ct that, Mr. T 0 Pickard th Young & Spatting's salt works here this .81 '' , Willie Bowdon, Jessie Pay, Maude winter. It was reported here Wednesday and formerly pastor horp, preached on..t8l' Moffatt, Bella ]Paisley, Roy Ifelyar, Annie I � . . . I � ing, The death was all the more unex- (Irifflo, - President of the Guelph Meth. ened to turn me out of house arid home, it from Man- 647.—RoMr. 'McQuaig, ofKingaton, Moffatt, Jim Le . glie, Maggie Davies, George I petted from ,the fact tblit on Tuesday Conforenco, lectures in Methodist church, if I failed to support Mr. Cameron at the night that word was brought day evening last ; he is about reniovin'g to r morning he %va*,-, reporte,1 ng being much on the subject of " Alatrons arid Maids*;" pollsr I Hereby wish to state that such chester to the effect flint a recount Ifad , ess. I e British ColuTbia, bat before doing so 0 inak- end Highest )'lass -Arthur Bean, Harley bettor. Ilia portly form and genial face proceeds to be applied to the church funds. damaging rppoit4 -ire false, in any and been taken in the West Huron election, ing n tour in the interest -of Qneen'a Cot Steep, Flur&Unningliame, May Reevo, Josio I t I I I 1) d 19 Alla venlo, fi a g V \ i' �i( (� ( " I " J () n Ig , and a . , .b.t",e _ 87i 6 , ffm I " I , , I -. I -I.- I, I , � � [ 'I I I - Will 1) much lnk4od in' o! town , fur On Thursday next, a Union S. S. eonven� every partienlar ; jk.r Pickard (lid nothing and resulted it a majority of'seven for Al. —The meeting of the Presbytor College, . 0 ir I ial Sn'is; I there were few indeed who dill not know t;,,n will be held in thq .Nlethodirt church, whatever of the hind. It would be well C. Cameron, the old ;�ar -home,rind "not It Dayniont, Laura,F renilin, John Smith, Lloyd ' of Huron* Presbytery will ba hold bore next Cole, Charley Olow, Willie Thompson, the rector arid wain whn ha,l no, f,)r Jilin corninencinq at 10 a. it). ; there will be air in future if ,,,rich �irfles,would not ci' rcu- man after .John. A's own heart's The week. Lowest Ciips-Effia Thmpgon, Lizzie Tip. A- he highest 0.1t0e,11- 4ad X0,411CCt. Ire hay afternona, could ,it lv"W, be coffin which the Free Preps is having pre- RAXTENBU9Y ,.�, ...... rho trpmt,ndovs storm Ung, Lucy Grant, Ooorgn Davin, John Eve - been , _,arid evening session, and it is late reports, iinfil. there . . ber,n a reqi-lept of`.1)ode,FiycYTi ,for about, I'll") t,xpected that the oxorcirice throughout will a little foundation for doing so. Nvm, pared for M. C , may yet contain the dry of Sandoy kept many pooplaawayfrom church rett, P,-rt,Taokqon, Percy Coueli, Pe6r.Afatlie- � years. be most intere6ting. Lofts, 1� Loney of .11 r Robf. Porter. .1 . I I eftsequently the mi%elunary services in Rat. ron, U111o'Waterlionse, IA,iral Paisley I , . . . I I I .1 . 1� I �, . I � . I . � , ­­ n,s�%fil,­ o11111--- . ­­�­, ­­­ 0AA,"'W-Vm'. .4i.— "".