HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-25, Page 6i lru� Baby pr9wed it. about a quarter of"art, ovince of chilled Even'thee, death did call to come - I I �'�*ud ave received great benefit GO TO G L.AtGOW"S as it in tho-opopulitr'Placit &r GENTS FURNI"Go. -- , -
1, shot in his shell, and it is a po.qr shot Oil that morn bow sad to tell, " .11
FUNELI who would ruiss a vial or evest a mus- Righteous God does aU things well, . I
. a# named Scott, who was i Sold by J. H. Cumbe. neil; aolforsoj, "Cuffs, Poislan Lamb`�4api,. Goillars 1% 0 '* "" * "' ' � ' " *'
o a woman quito wii#h that charge. Then tbore is Great is the lass that we susta ra . ' I *' , I f
)peAre4 be- Except lu'lleaveD, we meet agal 0, . I P EiSl" 'U),IB, BEAVER ( ,IAP$, Co 81 A.1.4;4upita, z".9,0. a."AL ;2ud,. 1P.AL rm
- Carv6r, au�4 other exbibii,ion shooters All our grief will then turn to y `4 . a goo 0 �.k .
. fore a Mercer County Justice of the I SEAlo, . He has"jal stock a very fine aselectfoif'ol. UNDh&W1U-A,R, aull.is.0fleritig Ill , 4 " . . "
Peace and swore out a wl - "I 44 loln TIRS,-�tbe latest style #pd in 0,117. 1
travOling withsuch shows. They an. Pueplete with love our souls eimp 1i it sa
I arrest of a young man naraed William . ved iy Life" k a boxiXtiful N1 �� ..
; Uounce that they will-it,boot balls riding Then brothers iye will slog the lay, 1,010,40. . He h ilso in stoo) YING 'LOV-9,andwhillih.boolaplil 44ti 1 "
' t3littldsood, On a. charge of assault and [1ow happy, happy every .da. begurpsis�tad in tro r6wa. .His d3tock 41.3oYS CLOTHING.'fe fins fuud'�au,.be Q'ugh . as a. .
on hoiseback and in otl.lqr ways *ith a Is a common expression, oftfil. ,heard,,
. * Rloodgood was arrested. The I I. . . Vp in I hat world of endiess Tay. . from those who have realizea, -ZY lq,w plrjqc. His oeleptiartal, of SILT5,'. J3A101qUCI3ttFS ai�.p lsirdsoiae�
Impittery. I Winchester repeating rifle loaded wivIl pray. ,-,a by Ver" I B' � , - and so class 0
� .' Bound.Jesui feet to watch and ottyllent of PAPER COLLARS %t
'. -young wotuan swore at the hearing that a solid bullet. All their shooting .is . sonal nse,'the ourativo powers of Ayer's mz.. I � _ . ., the beat mauufao%tLr . .
corne to her house, and, as she objected Lead us onward, upward -till �v in Prlepf Ayer's Cherry Pet.-tolul, be- .1 1'5�,.;�.- - I I , .., , I
11 place of a sol,d bull. A solid bullet I . . I I . ,Vqg, %W
. to his remaining, be bad choked her Love shall make our souls to thrill lieving as I do that,,but for'its'ust, .
W allowed in any city, and in sacred rapture and delight, bliould long sinc "u -t w . :0LINTON
: left wrist,, al,m iting it. She they must assure the authorities that Oh we'll cry at the lovely sight I troubles. - E. Bragdon, Pal�st III,-, Tt, x, . - ____ . . I .. I . - . . : II."i I
_,ost disloce they will not shoot a -solid buflet before That God is Love, and Love is right, I ---- - , I I 1 1 .1 "
I they wilt Ile allowed to exilibit. 1, , _0___.._j. 11eincirrhage of ;?�,,- I" lirolight I I . HAR N.." 88' Depot
, THL, VRICE OF A DRIN . K. I J . jue of sleep anli re 'un - e's._
)" thumb vere vi4ibIg on h.er .throat for , Many go the thealers and see ad e:�- by u allstarcsisifi- Coligb. s,i;;vI, (Itjirivetj The A* JLJ .
. ).some time. She had no peit shot aboot thimbles off onoanothe..'s 11. - fills voligh bahtarris arml P%Iwvtornoig, I .1 . . I
. ,arooked .(or �aa�d.. The tbimble bus. 4 silrinc, th%b is "Pive eputs a glass?" Does anyone think Without obtaining relb.d. A frient! wi_ I , l I I -1L I
ri . That that'is really the price of a drink ? % . vised me to try i .� 11 -, 40 AIN I . I
`xitbesses to Aubstantiatle her statements invisible ottacted -to it, aind when t "Five cents a glass," I bear you say, . . .. .
�1.10p prove the Asault. Btood000dadwit- explosion 6f V1a.C24,auke'a`.'l)lace it pulls "Why, that isn't vary much to'pay." � Ayelli., Z�_.,,!V,:Pee�aral'.' . . . -1 .. . - .. .. . - . . I I "
,- t bose strings- atthchad to the ibiniblO. All, no indeed; 'tie a very small sum Twilled tile at once. li y ct in, i all(!, I I iso : i . .
., ed having been present I t1lat it - .
Th a there is another' trick of aritiffing You are passing over Itwixt Heger and thamb; this' inealleitto vl.rod igil"alli.1, I f-Havulu, onlarged rn�&r room''snO '6t in ll �oll &joc�jj" "
.. Ta,ut- denied that any had been made That is . akyou gave away ain satisfied, saved itox -, . " M,rc. E, .": ." - .. I.,
. vas held, however, �.to await trial at, time by placipg the cindle in front of a ll� % ouldn't,be, vai y much to pay. . 1� Coburn, Is secolitist., 1. ki�l t"Muso'. . " . I . . . I . � 1. . . 'i
court., ,, solid it -on plate. Any shot strikino '1',he price of a diink! Lot hial, dqpide,� - - avnd' rrlui;�'a.., :" - -
. eved ,that the irl had been 11 Wbo-has-lost his courage and lost hisi-pride, for over it year, it sitivoiol-'s-l"'li, ,,,,, I I ,t .-- v i _ - . ,, lit e "Si
.. Few beli withih 'an inch and-iihalf oreven two And lie -i a grovtlling heap of clay, I . �;.�,.I"la-%(-, 1!11(1 it -epa .. . 4' I I. _"- I
inches of the wick will put the light out. 11, �- I t',�o plilyHo with all kinds of H-ADNESS' $ 'A - I '
.. * 'ot far removed Data a beast to day. ine of � ,,, _'T Y Co _T1 ..
,,. exlpeeted,Ny his hiends as soon 'is court , dangerous alloylon of tile lilligs; and C. o' /r RaBES !T'RUN'XS, VALISE% 41 71111 , E . ,' ' . I
The concussion and splash of the bullet The pi ice of a dr, n k I Lot that one tell f0p WIIXCIL I Tiad allawit dimpall-ed ur m -t-1. I !. - I I , I Ut C I
3met. The case �does this. The match trick is a similar .Who Oveils to -night in a murderer's cell, 0 fillding* n winvily.-TL A. 3it-Mullen, a . .1 ft � Gi. 4
. ,term of the Mercer Court. The coni- One. -that is, li"lliting a match with a And fepls within, the liras of hall, Vindsor, PrONIUVL; Of'Olititl it), . BELL9, I have "- i cto stock As,hich I wiif 86111 P, , - " ... . .
old baby., 111er lawyer put bet�,4n the . Two v(irwago 1 -look it vvry .,,%,(,r(. colit n `t�-,�'ioaetiota. ,�,
rifl6 bullei. Twelve matches are sob to A I the gloryand pride of youth, , I intike all my own .COLtiAIIIIS, lab'd will sviii-rail �iot` ,
. juake a circle on an iron plate, the heads Hopes for manhooil, th!6 wreath of fame, . I ,via' -L s,"'!l,iI",-,Iou Illy 11111"s., 'I cf:11mullod ill - I 1, I
star) . she swore that 13,loodgood , phySiclans, and tool; tho rvinvilles 11 V . I i,nda (if TI X,W A RE bn'.band.. � - b�%�;
�. I - of these matches all point towards tile 1-ligh endeavor elind wr "-th oLfame, Im-svilbod, lint 'f,1;lAd`l0 (111t1tilL r4'1'J!t1 Thanking my cuittoul�r,s for past favors, I 'respectfully ,asli for .-
L gasaj)hed 0 'd bat I These are tile treasures thrown away until I bevais usin- A� .I w. - ronage. . . - I . , , . --�,
she was -the niotger f the baby' in her ka. the price of a drunhard from day to day. Jotal. `Nvo bold _ - . .
. had center. ' If the bullet bits anywl) . lif their, pat . .. I . ".:,
I lit, the circle, the splash .of the bullett will , ghod 1pletch _:X .4 , � .. ..
.arins. -A physician cort-bborafed the Fl,;� ceniti a -lass! , .1 -low Satan lan v restored lily livalth. - hizz' I fp ,--
fact of that relationship. Tile lawyer ignite one or all of the matches, the A?a over tile bar the young man quiliffed . ith lily other lines, and have +_urclaslta a ritIce up(l select stock of &U goods. us % "I
, . ruore the nienier. Then there is knbek- The beaded I;gnor; the demon knew Aybr's Cherry Floctoral, ' 741 keptJol". - w% ".16
. ,ilientoldtli C rtthat astbealdf6bee lug the 0 the grocery line, Parties wati Ling anything whif eTtii in t�is- departin, ean 80,41. mosay A
. i9dro ashes off r) out cigar,,'tbat The terrible worL the liquor would do ; 0 �.!I,Nf.ps 1. I . . ,L�. b ,chIllris (it, nte. l: ,, . . %0 . .. 'I. " ,
woula ask r I uittal is done by ibe shooter's assistant having VNI 4 oy U I rugibit;. I'det., $1; Dix butt leu, C4 . .1? . I .
, I t-&iin , been committed, be off�ped it �fi� the butt,lo the lighted part ' Ft;r the pleasure of ,takiti.; a social glass.,, . ------ -_ -
! aptus' bead part of the pin;-wbich is in his What some are willitig to pay for 1%, gA, - . T, , . I - _ I I
,testimony tbe baby she bad in her' , 110 E 0 fil
Vhe prosoeuting, lawfe'll toQk the.intant , Ti,rouill. tbat wretched tditeniput over-thore, . ".1" , , , I ST.. T 1-1 0 IMA, S, , , ,- ., . .
to the and �qoverin'g i,ts, thro h dingv w*ndow and brdkbii stainr . � "P,,U"N. I ___ ,VQ.W . I . .. . .. .
. jhry, at' �ii6cks the ashcl�off in front.'_.'-'Cinoi.n- % il diseise, like'; v4 - tK B 11, - ,
a ,, PRICE 10V - . 'f �, - - 9 I 11 . '.' , .. z I
pfain. rid unniistakable improssiori�6f a THE , :a , , Al. ro , I'M
: foup,. fingerg �n ,Pne side of it, and the _� . - , I /.1k 11U�A if Er : I .IEN M 1z 01=11 ; , ,
There poverty standij with her hung;y broocl, " " " j"� j - 1-,. . . .
. p atkti, swollen, as if it -bad been sud- i, the splendid work on wild'. anin'llitis The sacriffee wonlid indeed be small, ' ' \ � 11 , , I ,. . " I - .
I ohild's��Otber swore sl� A iooeived stir book upon wild . Will learn the terrible iWastojW blight . . i . I I a , I, i 'All B6 *
. If, ., animali%, white delightinag*ud instri 6 Five cents a glass. /Does juryouts, think ' " 1.0 I- I &/, 11. . I. .__ . . . . %.00% - . . . I .. I
. I . &r, will gclve rather al bgw . That this is really the piice of a 'dTink? ' i BROSDONS, , MN, :� . 0 �
. The ' I 1.9 . tedz�_�...."A - � � , I tye,�opuhtr belief in their compa. -ud�e . . . . . I . .1 LQ,X D E 8 kU R p0 , Gt4 nioerial, erado a d stlion.
....'- .. k, Doctors. goriorally�supposed that the'lion being T a �1 PeAri Th.e'6u!. 1 -.600 I . . .
I .. pronounces your (lisease Liver Complaint, ind the king of keists," fetches tbe highest ta CUTTERS4, &L-FIGHS-1 & . , - q%.*. f?;'i � I . I I .
..zoii,f4tiier, nettle Ottav�a, last week, coa- popoturnus..was a gift-wbich is ono of . its parity and the syst6ta of its strength. Got I I ..... I .. I I
- b" r calf s 1. - * ., . -, .. 10 I .. " '001 . . -� . "Mik,
... , P j" . , . I A - R"011 , �p
. solloolf9ur" . 'aninial, in the Gardens and Hie worst despatch says'��A slid ii SXVI,NG,S - ,,, �', t 4k "
" � in tbwp and'waljia eb and frpm her school- dreAd- -"such. a Jit -in the way of gar-. -had l.ust',co.we,to:ljgb.t.li.ere,,iiiWbiGh a -Wife :8i 4,a*d 51?e�-Cott.- lnteml-Alloioe�f on the'naost ap�prorved kffid,,,,, , . 1 4 1 ;
. .. - and family are left iTIVO verty and deprived - - site, accordi)Ag. 6 ainovil 6, %, , .Be surpissud lit th� qual ity of,thit work done, by X
. . ni_Z69 __ --I I I there, leaving his wire And YOUI i ,r . a North , I __ .
, a littl 1c, I Whore It Imilitis . yard, iind sent hnnao'his nioney r Godeee . It 1. August btb 1686 . . -1 . . . ", CI1Ol1PlN(;1)ONl� 01;��fto*NOVCE. ' coliFluered by this- powerful, . ptirifying,- and , . . . I
which Nine-tentlis 'of the disease denominated ever wee7k. - He enpect6d to 0,17 - . - - , invig-orating inedidne. ,Groatt Eatinag Ul* .
she would kiitw ail �ron .ga,to7 .- ' get wor L __ ____-k-.-- - - --. -- -- - satidiletion gfirkiftnt I Partics"Lithi-6 1.1'IN't-hing, cars ral)i&lly head under- Jta&bZuTgn influence.
. -ed ' ed or oft -re- this, week, and'Ieft, al the 5th. intit, . I. . ' Ff I
with frost. 'Shep�"somaad Bost6n a ' 0 01101(��111. find it' ,It their I irt:�Qst to �pfkbq A� lots it itianiresi-tt(i its paten
'was ,badly haborated in h.e,r . . Ile wrotte. -that he was coming but oil Wed- , . I , I .. gire Ili a call, . , . 'ore,E*e .
. . 4 .-- � , Chief (if Police atatira that A bad tritating fenuale I .... . -is used . . lVilitte Swellings, ,�oltre#. eir 111fileit
. 8'. John Lute, n; 1�faow' of Sargent . ,�, * . I ' " X �, ._ .. ., *illonthly with *perfect success by . I 4. . Neck, and Enlarged tUands. Send ten
County, D3,; dr6f e five miles,alone one - . . . MER S. and was killed. St th6 reflu0st of the wido ; . , I ., .,over 10,0001adies. Plett-ot" safe. * .
.. I . I . effedtual. Ladles ask youidruk- 'R I `8 , W eA 1,,,T H - ,,red plates, oh. Skin ,Diseascb; or the same. , . .
. of the 6olUat motrxiilgs�'of last week to ,710 at, 9,ijtc�r ol-* bw cl"d,Vn A'(10 E� a. the Chief telegraphed toIorward'tbe body - for Pennyroy-ig, Visfei. - and f A 4 1 . . AXnoiizlt forntreatisoon ScrofulousAffectiobs. .
here, which -was doho on Saiurday last . ' W'snoinbstitute; rinclo t- , hany I ,1�6,.. , gvwrtcu BLOOD IS ITHIC�' LIFE.itit . .
. atil o -aw for her stock'. Oly -MIt. NEWAI,UA.-In this turbul6lit sea- , , age for,sealed 8 0. - 11 " all"" , l T, pro-ughl realty
. . but on its arrival the door woman had not I'll, I . all'I . ts, $Ul,r boxi Address .1 " �,.O..Ae�� I . . ly ioe:iiyitettivaijDi-;cox,ci,l,,ttli( oo .
. . liglitding I made a O' a cent to bury it with, and was only living %MXLUREKA . .. " US, Vit Ktile. lh�Wirid *;onq iii ot .
-she reloadea ,it, With the tbermortietef tour thr,itigh the . 'lizatou by J. H. COMBE %Ud Druggists I , , _ ,al I IN, Al .&I est�bjj.q!�ed: . ,.,".� .
,., -o. . . country in the company of Mr . in lodginRe. The corpse lay in the ddpot Sold in G . everywhero. . I . , I �111. , Ilati. I I I . . . I .. . ..
. at 05 deitrees below zei ,.. . - George until to-dity, as the civic aitatlinrities would- .1 . ______-i_ I . . I ".11 . I
Dd.rlug th'o prevalence of a blizzat(I the purpose of' working up The butter riot (In auytbing, when Dr. Laberge,'tho F
. iiI Illinotg"three wookslago a straw stock making business.' We arranged for meet- medical office , Read- T " 180i which is Sca .,Case, 9... , 4
oi�, the farni Of jobn §;�wn, near 'Or- ings allead,and in one place tITe politiciaps . . I . 1h I �- Lungs, is p, .
, - widow being the only mourner who follow- to ... ! - . and.,gialred by'thia Uod-given remedy, it takeis . 1. .. I
leans, 4las blown down. At the satne. forestalled us. During the "election . I haver 41)64 it,. Blyth, a first-chvs. . Dr. X. 0. West's Nirve aWlallnn Treatment, a gnar-mi . before tile lait staqcs of the (Ils0libe are reache.d.
- . tim . e a. taluafle steel, disappgaired from I weather" "hard factit" are softer tban 'ad the hearse, - re(,lbsticelac for liyairii, convOitions, fits, tiervous neurtilgis Frorn fte wonde�lul pow ! over tills terribly - . ..
till, pTellifiture,old age. )I Ily "I'll thoul; it serious a ca , ng, it bid conut, '
I at one of our.'meetings, riot 100 miles from 11 Bill -Joe, (ten -nd _n�l_�b __
during; . the cold snall, the steer re-ap- . Rough Hands or Face I . .. .. .1 .., . .. , izeitictivid Lhelirsut,'Heif alit,iia-ur.riyek-Juthilience., Each
.1 0 Of the s6ack, dred minutes in proving that he knew cut e, namely, MeGarfmor and Parke's carbolio - I , . .. 11 . - . 1. , )bt Iiii one I a 0 b , ' i
.week, after bavi g lain in.concea-Iment. Palnlergtoft, to an it logical array of bo ZARNESS 03MOV 8AX "a _' 3"b _dl ' a, 0, an
�liillied'thrdugh the aid 0 e� a r ' 0 ein V rl
_w orattr
, Combs. Tf you but try it., it will convince you. forsti,sentl 1001il prelittlil Ti rerelpt of price. ' I- b .. F, ". I g, llaltl� b 11. -
I oking plump and hearty . . ' more than the goVeroulLent, and although Itcostilbut25c.atWorthingto s-Drug.Store. I Maketand' Ateno' all kinds of Boots and Sh I ] Mr, j"egltc ter till I - tis lit ertl ., 1, _4 q .1 .
he was returned as a follower -of Sir John, T, — . . ...-� brixes, itemillianle(l with $15; %%lem) manit the pi,rebaser ottr Us, but fw.,�, .
- f you want anyt,hing in this taffeittictire. Sold by all drurgioto of,i. 0. West & co,,
stripped him. and left him or H armonit,titi,celebrated the eighty-secdD ftARNES,8111ne It NY111 Palryou to conloand . nrfl CHRONIC DIStASES ' ,
While traies' were blocked by the lie had W out HuosoNtv, Pa., Feb. -The Ecorioluites
snow in Montana last month and small ou-t of br6ath to keep up. The ne anniversary (if the formation of that society mgelt inti. I keep fronil orento . .
. xt speaker a haine strap to it lie. I 'set of . . - '- I . I
t pillies cut off, a. cer- occupied n-inety minutes in all yebterday. The day waa,devo'ted.to feast. work manshop im�y always be expected. Please give , . I .. .
. tain er was a it vartv tool I " i prhising God, Pjoicinl:i and making . me call. . .
. and carribd half a �arrel df whiskey in' a, 0 try s -y the t4conomitea , .. � Implement -:.-- . W147-411 .
I ".b'odler," and a traitor to his c6un' '' .1 Agello"T Liver, Bbod, al -10" Lung-% ,
soloon-keQper rove into Bozerran the- previous speak a
.. his slei,yh. As'bo was unloading it the interest. As heliaiL.no chance of replyin , h ... been dailil expectitiR the second earn. 0. YATES, . I r Tf you feel till)], drovt;ey, deliflitatpd,, bivro I
barrrel 0 slipped, the-4ead- was crusbed lie asked that his opponent's statements ilia; of CbriFit, as it is believed His gloriotia I . . IL H.' .r�XELL 64110W color of skill, oil yellosvish-brown's ote .
in -and the precious fluid Aushed forth . 11ti,vin accepted the agency foill`fiti Ayr Manufacturltilf
__ . surviving nio . . ,0"(. ttt'4�17)'S) Will 01M) 011t Rn 61000 In the prettakes aft-tiating with bot thiallea low spirits ana . -
:In a i inwiv. an . ynce ordered him to " sit down," - 1. , ?I 'n lately adcupicti by mr. Eddy, Albert Street,, Clinton, t.
91der Ue.norior'said lie believed the time ,
- F nearly oppoHitc FaIr's Mill, when Tie will be pleased to - roin Indle
,. in an instant and the sweetened allow "get out," " hould yet whist," " yer a for which ihoy had waited so I' close -; '! ::, TF JY E L E 13R ATE: tLeon, yppetIlisiaganarforplat Livero
disappeared with alarming rapidityl Put loonRt!C," &C., and such, like 'pleasant at ]land. The prophecies concerning the I '1 ''I A - YVCHASES - . ,eco,. tirdors for the celebrated or Biliollmileitim.,11. lit lually cases only
'41�j-URAK,P_ tv STP-- lk,L, - TWI N E - 1131 N DE R Part of these Aymwoi '
the owner (ldietty pauged the hat, collect- epithets. But the chalrinnn,ainused me last dayis prior to the conainly of Cbriat and ... , are "'Ur. Plerceis
ed half a dollaii frorn every man present luost; for after tile �disl urberi had their the destruction (if the world had been ful- 1. 'Opooftlan And thi') Ni&VV,:llUM.)lPR 110WEII and DAISY-RARM, & den ItIedleat Matovery'latial no . I
and made the be,36 of the nuaf6rtulle bay, lie arop, . and with a vowe of soprano filled,*and he� thnn ht the present troubles ,4,Z V 1. A N11 line of repairs will also lie ];opt in stock. I-I'Voll-weildc 1,11 -.- I
I , R , . ... prompt attentlonwill Its g1ven to till orders, whethor 1 41101, %PIU11111 ot 1311.004 .
I f tenoT, to]d tile ill -liberal candidate to in Europe, the Unite -i Slatda and Ciiinada, , I . . byinailorotherwise. Also shortnew-4 of lareath, I rollir I at 4
& __ — --b- " howld his ougme, or lie would go down would shortly inv "" , I Severe Volughm, Courilluitutillson- tin --
I I A Aier;4141 - olve the 200,000 000 peo- X NN , "", PLOWS, ; : STRAW .: : UUT'XiiAtti, kindred turections, It. Is It soverelfiM rdirnorly
Unable to sleep in bed, �nablo tq WOJ� 1113. and knock,t I tituffin' (lilt of him." This pie. spoken of by St. John, in tl?o better .3 I And all other Farm Implements kept Ili stinU, � taend tm evalts it, etanips foi, : r. Piered'o
able to takegxerciao froill the,effects of Asth. side ihow oi-cunTd three timeii, when the strife. He reiterated the fixm belief of the l . I -P -= book oil Consuin lit I on. Noldlaybruggletok I
ana until'u9ing Southero Asthma Cure. A Harnionisfs that Christ, will establish a . .
past eleven vire lind an opportunity V) state . "" I .PRICE $1.000 �
, sample package relievedi three packages per- ' kingdom upon Mount Sinai and hinted a,t A 11 I . won *0.01009
matiently cured. , , our busirie,.s an(] request their attendance the removal of The entire st:ciety , to Pales- FOR LIVER AID RIONEY VISFAM -- _. .. . .- I - —1-1 — . _.
1. - . ---".-.-- .- there the. following 16vening, We arrived title as sonit as there was an indication of " ll'hoi. an bilrll' r, t man. wants to Pur- .. � world's Dispensary Madical Association .
19olne .E.T.0eirt shot%. , in (Lue time and found, not so many to I r,q, WO Milli St., %FrAL,O, 7y. . -1
t talk about what would beafinancial belle. I the fulfilment, of the last of the prophecies, 11v-1`-.Q,r(,J,(r r,tillailkis a ( ytrantea for the " I .
-t- that lbey inight be able to greet their ('I ifthpiru-,trea." Th(statorlinginottols lit I I --- _ --
now A (;oOD DSAJ, OF '19-13, MACNIAI.OUS fit, its to hear a tirade on tile leading Master at His coming and place all their all�:,'Wt'irno iii reigard to pill ent, inedicines, buy Protective a5d1ollocting Association � -
81100TQVI Is DON t�i bver, a good meeting tfint night, and an- ' :I"""`nRr1ol)yprlr"' ravorablyknowrilly 1 ,V LITTLE
— .- I_- . � 11, ., %,, . . mites untribered nearly 1,000 members at N4 r�;olptbuoka to require any roucaumenda- —OF CANADA — ., -
. jdllly vtaeg ) IN iulci tile abootist, 'vve 'nt. A joint stock ciMpIlliv alone tinie, but now not more than 500 "'li�ltt. ("ITAIAVs mver fnro. has a rerelpt book netad roince, ilinatintlitoral;,40111t. . 0
. r1coting guns and dbgF; a A -miles dist� I , survive, Their prnporty is villued at $50,- 'wnup;w,I vi,-,iind ciery buttle whichisworth Its I .? I PILLS. -4
who bas nim 0 %il't,,s formed, �rovisional officers appointed 000,000 to $100.000 000.- N".1-1-J't ill w -!d. .11 ESTABLISHED 184,1. i .
study for the -last fifteen ye'ars, said this to work the bu,4iness up, and so we leit .i-. (lit ��i,'., 1,1.ver (Inrcisparnritnedtocure 14 ail Association of Inikincl;s and profoRmlonal nivil, , m-ri-tilia.liti-q-4 atia (,.%,rUlrA11TIe
I . . —0 (d) C1?'o't',!S111-j.,)og front a lorpill or inactive Ila% Ing r4 Its object the I Sold by luruallIti i-41.. 1.') vt o('i A N full
I inorning :- them in a proqperous condition, despite ) i WIr"Mr-IT= _I�VV(171' 4*40 In Plitt 11 tj 111tyPIPC11141a, I .4 -, — __ . .
I A good doill of this 6hooting that you tile dillietilties we Ila(] to encounter. if � "What 1-% N104rocor's spertly Cure for V, fliffl%:-4911011. Ullio"'ilkesm, .11111114111re, Illead- (110I,T,r4,CT10N 010 DEUIT'18; ! , , .1
. see on tile stage and read about in e%- we could only get the farmpni to take as tlit is ror DysliepHla, m ver cinnpInInt, Indigeti- ,li'R." User spa,14, SaIllow Complexion, Cie., . 1 t4l $ 11 -1d
on, and I -A 1 le filirst blood purifier in tile , ' 'S And to prevent its incinhors niftking haa deloR it.%, ' . t , 5' 9 R E WAA R 0
it looks to bo. T Much interest in ,preatnery butier inatill. known world to-fln.s. I THZ KiONEvs THe KIDNEY ftirnishl,rig tticin wini 11sts of rrortle4 %i lio do not IsAy, I '. f.F,A;I 11�- llin prop
know a little nbout this t live V.millot Pohl; to title Installee whero it did :I!! 41--;,tng(-own1-; (-Nho Mflneys.glich ail taln Ili liferchantarind rithershaving iterountsti, erilleet roo 1. . I ... 11 I'l 01'.. o., " Catarrh ?Prnedy
hing- 'PakO rn;dw raphl'and griant stri&4 to wealth ltrit, . 1!11.1; I I I I 111111110-'I (if t1lo nil( ,l)"U'll, wi,hirtig to bectinic troniliers, h,v rei iltutig 47 to (111V :. I ... 1r�l (ilsv.,t 4,atnrrh which they. , .
Japt. Sbihbthe Arkansaw ity, -where ritips it, linvo f he largest sale r, '' ";1.,;,.,t, ,1',.,.,.,�.,'r"�i,"','�,,:,,',.3 uritio, red anil ,whito ,Bl1t"allorq ee. I (:oIll"I t Or,%
for instance C and prosper Mr. Browning has five : . ll!unlltj)l1, ()nt., will elve li,y return niall . ', ., a (I! w -'l...
shooter, who hit little Vitals thrown ilp croinierie.q'in courtie'of organizaion this Worlit, Ill Illn elly of ITAll'iltoll where It Is � -i ; 111111.4, S:-1411. I 1.;1,11,Aill 11119';:19C, l4righ,t*9 - It-in6l'i'�cnlrtr4,certiflerttoofnioml)ov�lilil,,l.t-. I I , `t�, , %,;-,, T:'ol i'll le q orsillell taste,
in the air fifteen or tweniv feet rroill Ilitil 4(41�0fl. 11113 Mill, tft('t, urb,mity and i ialiq dollars' wl,rtli sold lit lit(, 1w;r yf,ar ret,1111 .. ., i, t 0, n in, lwi�-. it N -,:Il v; I ro ),oil. S J. B. Mmi.s & Co.,TV[nnagers, llairliltoil, ! .4 4, , ,
Vrith bulletsi of forty-five Calibre. Nvol'y bu4ines-i charaeleristia:-; win for hilTl'f,r01d0II I Aid i'lipgreat nor - 1--i liv i,f t4tilem are, hy 'one rit! -� ail tl�alt I It
. (,ul actul,,,, op,iniong wlierever lie go(-, J. W.C. ri)itiiii(,tj(liiigititijititiilif-i,, Formloatrocand I'll ll*n,.111A,.�'itb�-. &, Co., , Or to JAS. Ttt,,N.ir9ti.N, Agent, Clinton, "'I i i !,, or,,,.,, ., t, I i, � ijif,,:,!":",Il.4111111,tloll.
me mho sees Lint shoot tli y . ,4'1 itcr buitti, .It Wort ItIngion',; llru.,g store. 11: 1. 1: A 6 E N1 5 F0. I CAN L A. . . Al"INDFORD I . 1'-S1I$Z-`A('AT%i k1l , N I's Col' -'14 Illi-WOrd
' `
. . .-
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