The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-25, Page 4_ ._ , _ � _ . ,. .. ,. . .,.,
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�1��U �QukC#����1���• � B�.s•m� 1Qay even�ng in the. xss�cifltian ronins. �aqo the sympat�y ofthe com�t,uK�it9• 'L'O�i,Q*FTO CORR��PONA�r��. �'erra�r�y Tt►ktiireii." .
� Jvnii..��.-A Unlltluj�h julrilee Na� held Lxnt �iuuduy ��•euing apd ilie Sunr}n� �ttirFs.-Revi� al servicea �u �ou�ec- *� '''_+
' ,�uCt�ou eale-•�1 �lcox� -,, ' . . 1�Luozs, T�'«�. rab. 21.-� �t rrida
hore ou. �YednPsday, i❑ tUe bnrrucke, un- e5�niug preric�us tho nt�eudanco cvms so bi�q wtth ,tt�n. ��eLliodiac c�urcliee, l�:�ve � 1� T�zonLc►.c�rrresponrl.•nt wr�tea: "The � -� �
`� �i�)QGtf �---��i1iT1.�9'S'�fiil.cbell - � � dor��Lli.o uuspices of 4be Salvutiun Armp.- � Iurbe that muuy 1►ud l0 (�*O A1VR}� N1��lOLLt �1UlIT1�DCC(� in the Jumes 8G[08C CVl1fCV, tdroperance cttuipaigu f"�gbt uut at tl�e las� ��'���ng three tnasksd mem Tcnocked at the ,
`� %;�71jI1��CS� a.�rnca Z�S�'lLC�1E�1 A-large uumber of oSicera �Il(� Rpldl@f8 U�iu� able to get into t�e raoms. � COUdUOte(1 Uf tb8 PA-tore, Zi0P9. �SUlBh []1,UUl�:l�l�i1 elrCti��u ln 1�.ld CILy Lt&8 iCBU�G• �OOC of John Bartmu�, nq Old CriAO, ��
'�ious.e to rea4-A pQdswortt� I trvat eu��oun�ing corpe n*er.o present, and Tbe �oapel temperance meeting Geld in �rahuin' and W. Puocoe; reaults, eo far, �d vcry aucces�I�Uy. 1�� staiteot t6e moar, 9eara of a�e, tiv.�o livea atone in Oalcland
k3o wunted-N��v J�:1en oilice ,� p � p;����» � hall lasc 8un.da atternoou, Nae g B A p g townehip. The meu demandecl e�ptraqce, ,
y : nr rqnd time n•ne e ent. Amon the vieit- � enCoura io for the romotera. blea�r� . ersiatent cunva.,si� u! thu aldermen a4d �
. SNring gu��s-�V � vuinie,c,tQ,. , ��ng members �vere C:�det Prince, furmerly fairly attended. The Re�. J�dinunds, J�bn Crucker and �V. .fi: Pursony i,ntepd ut pruroiaea to cut don•n the oumber c�f Rnd the eld mnn firad at theni wtt1� a gan. � �L• ��
, 73u11 ca'.�es fur �ale-Jue a1oI� uClana ' jn eomit�and Lere, but n�w etaGioned xt pf SG. lbhmns church addree�ed tl�e rneet- ere��ing brick residencea ou 11ndn w Se., licrn�eK by a very amall a�mou�t, tue pro- ree ehot did not talce eflect, aad Ehep the
-�utual Iusurance Co.--I R Hollo�•uy !�auciudi.ue, �J3pphy Bill Co�per �n�1 �n . Me�srQ. L B rIollia apd I� blora�� during�he cum6ngeu nn�er. It ivexpected poyal uf Ald. I�lemlpiog to reduce it by II�en bro6e�the �1oor stnd �nocked the old �
Lectures-J J Siu�s aud 1V Ii Je.ftricn f other5 TL� AtIil1P RR$ A VfI'9 BUCC�98�I1I related c�eir past ospelionce, and tuld ���t butldtng op�rutione this yor►r ►v�ll far uue-th�rd has b?en carrted. There are, mRn d<:wn. They ordered him to tell
one. �vhat intem{>c'rauco Lad doue for them. esceed those of lust year. Un Friday of cour�e, enoogh of bndly-kept housea '"uere liie money was hid, but he refused.
--T _ =_ - -
' evoning, a three�milo re�Ce toolc �lace at to enabl� the liceuse commissioners to They then put a rope around .l�ie nec�,
� � `" ( �. �. Cor�'��'�Ioz.,•--1�be nnnt�ul tlnipn A �i���y tirue wn,s P�e�it at lUe Temper• �lie Star Ii,in6, boctiveen J. Vail, f'ormerly weed out tlio necesaary number of un- tt�re�v it o�er the top of'the door Rnd pu[-
' ' I SaiiLatU echool copvontion w•ill be hAad'�in <<�i�� }latl last 1�'riday e�e��ing, by :� �ee- of N:seter, Rud CriK >in, of Loodoo, for w4rtl�y liceuse Uolders,°but the liquor �el- �ed tl�e oid mao otl' hia feet by-•the rope.
° � �°'' t � � tlte 1'reabytcr�nn cliurcL l�ere, nea� I'ue4- �i�u oF �De groa� cold �vater army. Io re- the et�arr�iouahip ofktl�:�t city ; iu scarting ler� will' make n, great mis�ako if tUey T6ey hr�uged hitn in this R�ay threo times,
,�j�����," �� �,��.�� ��,�� + �ay nnd 1'�'ednesdH3, con�meucin� at 1.30, ��oni+,e tc� an �n�•itxti�u aLout thirty inem- ofP Vail tuolr lho leud, but Crispin eame euppoye t6at the muuicipal crueacie ia Uut Bortn�aa stubbornly L-ept the aeCret
, � I��, ni, LLe first �ay. An e;tcellent aud ber� uf U��nytnnco Lpd�o, aod •� like Y ug to end liera. Next year tho city �f hi� money. Although almost dead, �
I len tt� • ro rammo I�aa been• �ureful,l�y � iii firet• th.e judges, ho�vever, cluiu►ed two boi
� y P o 'number f'rom blitchell, paid flurun i�ud�;� foula a�aiuet (:ne in, a�d decla�ed tha electiona will Le fought uut to s.ouie ca- n�ter the thircl haneing the men restpred
F1i,IDAY, L'LI3. 2v 186i._ Y, � preparecl. A number oE'eloc�uent epeak• i�f'Good 't'emplary lier� a,traterual �ibit. i race u drn�v, AZr.�It��chard Jone'�, au ol�l �ent un tl�e �arue ia�ue, ��ud some of tuoso l�im, nns then oncs ot them drew a lone
. T--. , eia �vill tnl.c� pnrt in the di�u�. ��o�:v. A��`lia uaual order of' Lusine�s beinb di3nos�d , reii�entu�t bhis vieinity, liVipg in Uybnrui� w,�u opposed tbe reductiuo tl�id }eur �vill Waded IcniFe Knd sei�ir��; E3ortmas by t6e r
`� u,.inn�cru+�►a I.nio�.. ; �H�.����umberoFdelP�atesa�rce�pecled,and uf �I�e �ve inn tiszy F ent in �L social �vn hau•, he erked �is head back and lacecl
d) b P Y•{ �pc� Eseter . cliatl in i:x�te`r un t'fie l;tl� find t6emsel��es left ou� of the evuucil. � P
A 7'0 •oulo �:��rrcGpo��drnt �� ritea n:� ful. j fur wl�om ample uccombdntic>n has beeu A'urograni�no �f retidin�;y, niuQic, ete., �va� !�iucG ttt t�e uf' �T yeara. `i'l�e liquor eellers hnve I,;id their iuuings, tl�e bla�e at t�e ol� m:tn's thrAat. Bortmas _
; w:�de. 1lelegates u}�on arriviug hern. are ��•��� b m�;��.�prs �>f' the xeverul l�ulges I , - nud 1he tem �ert�nco H�.rl:ers are bouiic] I�0�� the meu to cut Lie thraat, but l�e
' lon�s := �, , e•eque5ted to report tl�emtielves ait t�ie 1'rea- ��.���r�t y't'l�e meeLin ; brc�ke Pp ji�yt ���• � .� �� � ° tiu3v tu'Ixi�•� iheirs. F��r tlie p��e:sent the �v��uld not give up tl�e money. Fuiliog to,
�f�z E,uLliu.:u'u 5till �li�cua-in:; +��illi euu• � byterian e6ureh, tivl�en Lhey �cill. Le in-� f�Tre tht�'we� ema' l�uure, an�l all a��nt � "'' ��0���� t�t�' �"OUl1�y' i<,r?-�i-Q•<. t,: � crtcat aa�euaments �errnrize :he uld main, �he meu took a
E I n, f Fr�rwe fr�clii� thu n ver � au� :l;br��,a w��re .�l�,u��iu+cuFrancis,.blrrri- Pr,,rcci!s��, �... :�[i�
siderable ciig�°ruess tlie ait�ituclu ut; the strticted of Llicir �to >»n�r �lace�. h �. � y 1 Fa � � � } 4LiLI1 U�'inuilo �n' - . sl�ovel and heaping it full �iFcoals, onP of
31ai1 tuwiird tl�e UunsorvaGlt_� party. I Hnrn Co�rctt'r.--n�ir torvi� e��rnet ��rofit.lbte ti�ne ha�l beo� s�ic ut. ti , .; � s �nlel��l:�,� �;asu Lirth cP�tt�reeBhursd o`1 s � �rur c�Roo�c� .��^r them lield it to the solrs of the man s foet
lon r a*n infbr�w�d yuw•read�r� �t�:it �vliat- liand ti�•i:l eiv�� nne r�f tLeir populxr eGiter= .���. �,,:.. w � : a�'Chll °'�ciii. l���sc ivecl:. k� Nt�ile tlie c�i6er rat on l�i� leos,and so pre• "�Mr.4� �: •
b b fi`'�ngr, �sI 1 •�r. Phuw,�y J,qyl�,r�hu� purchased����.�f durii.i�' tl�h, x��p'ro:tcl�iva mee�ing of tLe venteil his ilr:u��in� l�is teetaway. `Pl�is
�:ver tlia e:ause of lL: �reuch bet�veeu Llittt tuinments�io 6ho 'i�mperance Ii,iU, tLi;��� �" .. � a;� ae��'� the ltiev. I.oct �
t it�rKi�louii�a esuo�itiur� uf IiPb.�in e�lie � y, �ry � torture �eas ua�rre Lortma� -coulel
jnurnal t�qd Sir �Tolin &tucdonald mig� �(1�'ridaY) qight An excelleiit pro;:rt�mme ,fine ftirm lattl in, ucd 1, , t,Le Autd fawil Le slatur.e;:' ,tUe C�o erqme��t Ln�•e an• .
��•,¢at�;n�<arlh-�sc5t, at tl�e �F(etltridi56Clitirc,lt,; � ��� �,,ay�� �Va��'�u��di .�;rli,u ricu ..uia wse n.o�5nc��1 .�lteir i.n�eution to cut dotvn tl�e ( bear and 'tc br ed ti�r rnerc and told
be, the Ureec,l� i;self ���.�� a lact. 1 6ave has been p�eptired, ui�d„�+'ill consiat of ,,�zSi,"fiurxd,t� ovev�u ot;, ast�v��k,en'n ed � P, r , �b Yr
', aeen no rea�uu tu clinngu tl�at opinion, ���,n1 ;�i��� ���h�run ental mus.ic, �•ecitatione , ,�y y � � � �� �G;SUO. ""' nun�ber of�licetisea ail over by iucrenaing «hero th� roon�y n•�s, The rnb.t�ers ob•
�0 111ai!'a recent endorseiuent ol '�'l� best lo�l talent hu5 beerr Fe- a`*�'""�'��'rnGc;ilectual treut. 1'[r. lonug la• _ iZn�,.: ��'..J. L31;in uu l�ne receivp�l n u'i�- �6e ofe a uJHyiqu.= T6ia t�Gt,iun hus. �,
and tt" etc e }, b�red..+u�the capaeity tlf iq,'i�sinnury� iniuu� ' � I?..�' o ta.i•n.ed �Sl_ 'I'hcy clid not believe this
: 111osnu�l�r A1nul:enzie i�� l:yst �o.k con- �i�recl fur lho eveut. Dlii� 1�uUertcon, of ani�ucus� ,��w�icatiti«,u � rv�rn .•�the C�uorteTly b�•e❑ rrrtt�gtpy�Cedf •u� llie Tornuto City was :sll lior.tmae-Iiad, and �esorted to the
I tl�e Iuc�jpos f'or.n�ne y-e�ir;. lie f�ur�;hftyetl ,.
firms ita correctuee+. To supposc� thai it,s ,('!����tou, lia� cousented tn hinq uncl recite, , .. , �. in ereblin�� ma�iner "tl�c� n�,in- �O"�'a...°f �-l�eufi}�u i�I�i,siun�>tu return fur a L'�uncil,.;.aod"s�aleo by the To�vn (.uiincil ot tort�re �f t60 t�nul3 again to force him to �
i �u a��t'} t n � � p , 4� g rc�•enl• the tiidin� pinco of the reat, tlo
�ifterenee wit� Sir John ie Picka�ickiaa, ��y��rl� ti�ill fortu an inLereQtin� part of tl�e , ' t"lurd year. 1 arkdale. Ut! er, J�,c�,St,tire f tlo,�viu tho
;� it i5 ,�dvisin the electoi•a ,.�, •. � ye�•er P r�electiuns sill i�aventu�es aud l�ar�ships tticounh �.•liich ",�, red. ol}ia Y,RtVnY[Il� . u f R''in�i�nro, ea;apa�4s thu�'Sot and b tl�i� in eraction
:tit a tim� v{�eu � i � i g�,tmme, al o a � b� he aRsed. �omo ��f thG inci�leut�"�•�lute�l . 3�, � � + Y �� . nrotr,sted, under t��e tnrtui�P; ihnt hc had
. tc� eote !br Al,�ekeurie, and lie i;�arlYisinrr �„iven t� the ISlvth Chnrol Cnciety. '1'he P •�r . � � �s'ex�d c�a 1��,td u;iice-Pn+�iti;a� : s'prorter on 'be�wQen , , egislatuVup.'lind'�th�-t�ltt�uici- ; � moro and tl�e rabbere finzlly ceused.
theiu to �•ole f�r 13onitbce, i; :if�,�u:•cl. Y ' Uy 6im wero indhed Uirillino, .Lnd �o ne a�nlay�.c;�r rnnniuo bkt,gveen f;uff+�to and ',s he OY� CI'tY'I '1)GCI79C.' 'Jt1N 19' 1)C- r
�•l�ole t��ill con�;lude ��•i�6 tliu.t;..amuain� '� � Tyinb Bortmns to a Led pnst t,he thceo
�: unll so is the tGeory that the ilrail'� ��i.Ytrava auza" en6i�led `' In tiie .�vron very amuy�nb. lle HF�oke '}ur aboue �,svu ,`eN "� eci�in� oa�tl y�.ar more. ancl. more reatric- men �ceat into the kiteben, �vLero they
9 Y � � g' hours tu a lar�o a�,dience. • �,. ', � , � iir•e,_ There s nc� ain-sa in tho f,�ct G
n�w ndvocacy �f reciprQp�ty, Uet�seen L'a � linuse." Admis�ion `.?� ar,�l 1� cenls. ';� ,,qr'� �f (iqdericU �� ea�o U�l,c��}':,iiY� to D7n Frnnci�'°L�nip- � Y,� cool;ed thernselves:t�le�.ri� .uppc�randato „
'x�adm and Ll�e l'nited f�tutea 1� ��1c:iai�i�� to � '1'hc.I�ey. G�o, R� � a ' that tlie iocr sed re.+tricfi2in �s in accord iL.,beforo the 1eft. i'er� lo returnin
, i Poi.rrtcnt.. - 1'he Domiui�>�i elrctiona bell, uf t��"o ��h cc�npessi�n�7,;tYokeramith, - Y P �
ti' � 111f�cdvuni.l. That:id�.�cu�y �ue� � oocupied tlF,e„ {�t{lpit "ot Y'he nletho�{l,ti4a. �i�•� �rt r� ta;u fii�e limt��aou thi� lOtt� �viCl� �ub�ic yeuCfr.nent, and indeed there is f'rom n part� heard lio�tnln�;' erie� anci re•
�i� Jol�n � pt�ssed o(Cqitietly in thia �ill�,e, od'1'ue5- e ,;k,, � ��p
;n �, '��ou��uercial u��iun iu it�s chur.eli heru �A4G, ���U11CI.�y u�rui�g E�za�l ,. �; -�; d.rehsnn'to'believe� �l�at if" the juris�lic� ���9ed him. No clue to tho robbors l�as '
E�e 74„`�63�,.•. . � da �I�rotn earl mot'n tmtil'�he c.Ca c, «f . �net-e.,:ao��,klkq,�u� �� ,�.3ye�i E$+�o.
. .� � •� �r.r.s�ecl�R�•e uf xfritislif. �•' y .� , �"� ,��•' , E},eUl1)a�)G•.�?ripRtl�o occu>►on oFthe,no�- ;�, .N .�:� �r.•� oQt,�,.°,+�'' . „^ , 'Ci'oii�iKertheliquortr:,fl'ic�verelef��ntirely been Qbt�ibed. l;eyides tho ��12' tl�eg
fol�`e�f, be�ew,• � e( tl�e polls, men n�orke�l l�ke tr�,�<in,, Foi nlvers:ir of l h�' cl�urc, ,,, ! �e conryrera-, t�4O �` � Ef �"` � n._, ., a�M to the ril L�'•islntUrB tv.,.�tVuulil.. apCttr�d, Pl�htm:ts hnd �lUUO uuder tl�o
intereste xltopether. ti tl�e �>tl,cr papere iheir res �ective eand'rdate�. y � b ~
c mu out �vitl� a siuiilnr . I_ In �lis ecen- �i��s nt bnt,h�s�,rcices"i�+ere lurge, aiicl �l�Q �" r�.,;I: PNrnraon;, :�lr,}�z�k$k�,./�finT�•vertoi�, e���ot�: 1»ve n Ontario if".not a� enernl .
of Ontarin tvould o �n�� the" Uonservniices assemUled �W the tloor witl�in tHT�feet of ���Uere 6�e rob�
decl�tratio❑ the whole politicnl 4i6,� ation- Or.�n o Hxll and the I.eti>rmers in Wat- ger�"O9 `�eli�*ered by I41r. T.}) rk «��re at•pa diecl quito endr1euLy a�, h4y �1�c4+uo�1c?n bI� n �r�ihrbitory�luw, certain,ly a bett,�er,.local bers tortu�ed him.
� I S >reciat tl b�a4l��vh,q l�e, rd t7ie�n. As tive �.ny n���ttauf 1"a'st wuel�; ��rrrm'::�jr'�,��'ir�acic of � g���n""tnensure, hxn Glxe �cott [�ct; �nnd
�v��uld be de►nornli•r.eci, for ttierc c.t�i be uo i������ liall, to recei��e tli� re��or�s aa they � g "� � � � —~��
, � e
' ucl�. t' � a
h o.ularit of' 4he roci rocity ;' ., intimate�l lxst ureel�,a two t�unil.ed cloll�tr eryei,p�lab ��i.�the l�,qad. Deceae .s�,�,s oi�e th.�G'coul�l:�b eryforePd. �ft'urta Nill Pt��•e, Crosaly and tIuuter nrb holdin�
, doubt oi t e p p. y. P � cnme in ; n l�en it n•as nnnounced �hat r.0 �ollection" t�nd,�eem �glred f�a�', 1e �» t�?Fti- brutner-iti-L•�w ot�D. �FV1cIuues, d$� }}�r���iuro� bo m,�c�b clU'rio�' tUe 9C937fi❑ to„g'et other opecial sc�rcicos in V1'inr'aor. The churches
idea auiongrt Uatario farmers auQ buai-! 1•��v w1s �efeated, tl�e li �s �,f tl�e Con�er• "
� r is a�rowin � feeling 1., F moetiu; «•ould be lie.ltl t}ii�s �car,{ 'l.,he I j,l�t wo� k lticiia�d' .�.rins'trph`��, �rd` con:, �tinendmeutg mado in whe Crool:•s Ac�, bnt h,ive proced tou srn��P1 f r 1,1�e cro�vds, aad
ue�3 men. Tl e e k� .�,titi��es drot�ped :���•ay �clow ��:u•,and equaL- ���,rin� at tli� rn.irra�inn SPi�vice. :tn�otinte�l, .
� i• ' ouo of lhe fiis6�»eationa ,. • „ - , -, � ,, h , �Idsria_u:��b�,rlscsaunL9�m��_n.,:�l�qlluwtcta,�u"',�vhat their.",p�reGigc�; nnGti`ru will be ,j�t is thoy are l�kol3� tn g��. t�� cl�o Up�ra-houeq;
'°here th o ia 9 ,, b I 1� bo �v�en �t R,i� announ� ed tl�nt 11 L to �1�5, Uesidea there ,�.��ta pfaced�iipon thc.sthu b�i�a��_.°'�.li�y, woru all d-eepo-titcl�s uu�l- tlio premntFtro tn anj; Th�; cruspde ;a�aiost cheso nre tlic moat sucre3sful nieetin�os qet
.it�e ne�v Parliameut �v.ill'Uave to denl «it I�Jn�neron �sa3 defeated.. ,lilytl� dicl l�er ^ ' '
ry ilatG s� clie c fo°�� 13�, Uy o��e �vhu I�,�d Fi,_�„r nte':�voi,�h'4,-t,if;'the s�t�ii ,�n���uqted to .Ehe.xal�ans in Tui�ont� Vizs iw�h delinita h��ld b thrs� c�au ulis:a. •
•5. 1 7N ,u�: �:�' ,. � I y S
It is geuerally untlersloud, auion� nea I S�nro f�r, the. doctor, i�n41 did not �:ary� u �eeq ivatruuie�itai rii.. c�ll�eei'ii�a ;f,i°cffn n ���. ���t,�{, �j�}y� ig lc��kiod uf a i�nSr l�i�nt ��ens to aut>ther.rnoWeme't, namely r>�ie to --. ------ •--- -.-- ----•
,��aper -men.,�}tleast, tLat tne 9I'uil still hns � vo�e frou�, th� cnunl-, and in..futib�e w�41 clo t�r�, 2 Hubscri �iqy~" f'' Ion ska,nc3�n� .' p " � °' �� .'"'�` ` seair.e� �xterisi�n of �,. ,�� - L'UR\
p Y' �, U �. 6'' �' c'�(ttrGot�trta:F' ., � _
' er ound coii ecti�A �vith tietter5 1'hia tiroe we hroirghi�che ma;joii= ��� �l;t.�•� nut ay et earel thea �r�irsuut o�, y+ `°- �"' '" �°'� ' ' , `�
p. .� certain und �C , e , y � �Q ��,�` `�1'i1�..�: '�_er.' on� .a�i, Iiyr��n s:. ' d- ti�'osta�,�.'SCPi'IL.t��. Cf>Cili.-I,� f;Iintou. ou tlle I.1'L iu�t.,C�o �ilb
I ty „ciocvl9 to �le� t�nd. 1'J fc,�5tdulent votea the""ftill da s��lleetions buG 8a eet tl�a'� n�� , `'��; ;. , �" '• @, � " or str �t �R �„ t:, ur t�rrn �lt,n;;t�ters.
•` LMe Conserti•ati�•� pnrt�, 1nc�wLile some' �i•��n tl�nt in�ea iG 17, when f�r�n�,rlp Che. �.� � yn ' .P ���a?Lly �igne�r�.�i9�gbd''m�1,"y �n �uescin`�'olast .in munidipal'&IecLions, At pre4out, n�11 ,, , ' n
, � t,l�e��, SO tYill be;,reulized: , �„ ,�t�t,he .r� o w 1i'e ,of �0 � r3. �izrce tt�e . �•omo�, mu •i \te1T�1.II;�
ot its .�.6i�les .tre esceeJi�ngiy Lilieral iti CSnservtit,i�•e� I�1d•„4�i'; �r•e" are gp.iu.; tb.;,, . �., P� f:�„ ,�, , 1.�'ea'��'un r l� i,�riecl a11ke; l�a-r•e ,TA�t�i
One dit �l�s�t tweel; <is tli�' ����� n`1t�3 gi.t•�s �1c�iCh of her;,aged purtue� i vho dier�,fs,., o t,he sdhu �,�rancl�ise on the'saaze tertus"as qt , �?�;. �'o�rt.-c>�� «'c��tnea�ln}�, ret�.
' tove it Las .�iuiiposC iiiatrt,Z�'ntainiir� it"s slwN C1�'i4��c�n �ow to �ote L}.c�at t�me: Iu . 3',:, 'th..liA - eon 'Itev. , q , ti.,�rt)�,.�c,� t�ir oY �hrbii�lr�',, fitth�r,t,sttio
' � `� ' �l-a,s;� bfdt ��ub le�din , ive will` lead :Ctune°citi't-frnm schc�ol,. :� uUniUQr �if lliem yoare' go, ��1��� li�tl w,i c , , men, that i�, they can vote`.a't the Clec- x«�.Irnt xu�n.<; �. Drr.]nux, ,�rft�iu•.t;uuie,sou,
•�resent-positio�� lh:�,t�tisiP1 Ue se�n..Ueforo �Gb .. � � ,
- , and"yo'u .folj,�,�y. Several 'f'"our„laere tg�ok. ,��t a�� �1�n�1 for'�,�,rule, aud.:�}•ta,en"tbey. .,��t�n "�,�ii�►;,L�'Sat Tiiburyy •�Lion of sclioolm.{,stGi•�.�if theq ane re5ident t� nt;�� aenui� ..,ero���i a;xu;;i�cer or nic xohccc �
� `Vli�� n•e �vanC a eei ill °•to clo,is t "�"�' ssio in h�� r.aE uur vie• h:�d. one.,as far �S 61�e la:�c1 o�avislieil o'ne '� '"' ^"'� . q� '. su��tt, ��it oc ,,,,; tu�su���il, a unnotc.
•Zop'g, P Y. � �� p.��rt in•.tl�,o p ce n, o �o yo' , : r� •� Mr, fI. �,r�e�t,-wliohy�,s�resided Nn��Viu�- in the �,G,hulil dis�rict •an.d'ar� assessed on SAr,i:rr.n-,Tnr,1;,-[n ��nd��ric�l� too•uFhip, �
�� aCteptiot> . a tlitiL• �`�ortiou ot�5e' xcity i" LasC 13uroa, �el�icli t�k l�eti"at of C'hp bo s, in, gat,Ciug ofi th'e slea�,l�,�.fell ;���,feir ov,iin £ouxteem p'ears, lafG�ah i'uks- either property or �ncome. F�h ip�ini� ipfll �ti tL� iaili inyt., ��y tLc x�a�•. r�r Ure, JuF�n w, I
' �tirec� . 1. � h Y
�`�.'1F' '.V •''2 �•��137� �Vt�ty1� t118 T CC951O11 .NflS SLUOlTC tW0 31�C1'befo�e"Cou�lr� geC�Q)1L�of tk�e.tti;�5�v fl ��� B�T (xOC�`ENI�� ia�ho�re ho,i�teud4 n��'�Ip B�QCt10I]9 the;aSranc�i:, OTIi]O�eC:�tO Utl� µ�('6ti$ eiiti �GC-.Mr lr•aHif H�ilkulll, to t1(;uP9 H�
. �Lbo�� ecl�icl rfl.�g io Cont�i9eb�1 .I, �i P,i? a y et�lestdi�a{;ht�•r of tLu 1:�tu ,Ir C:corgo G J:iel;,
,.a:,,,J> . � mi�les"„•loiia, ,tl�en s;p.eeclre9'ive"r'�.g' �,, jn� �e�im-.Ll�nt, �qas,bel�i�nc�,.i1C.t�rly'�vent� o4er ;�{��ter3.i��'p��t�i cY l�arness busuaess. ,�j8 �1 11� m:�rried�ivo�en and WIC�O� �{V�10,'.II�f)j� lt uPPittabuc;;, 1•'CnlltCIL'tf: COLll1Ly. .
M;��uii ��•i�li tlie l'uited ' �t�s. •;It �vily 6e thP h�ll t�y the : di�r� ��"oferi4Ser� oT;tl�e him:. `Tlias inan managecl•his�tearsi„very �9ant Ep�c�avis� G�odericli li�i��"�oEor� iio lf�za on the enme coridition as n5en.,, ll�o prc�"�s-' , I
o, � IILCCLTCQPON-TOR'N.�7u FirtlBRtti9, Pu tllo
renieml.�crea tk�t {�rior�, tl3e �do.ptioz�� iiding. • � a t . ""r dexte�ibtisly,'xnd a�o�pec� i$����l�orer�s ,�,ust been.';liere fc u�6o yesrs. � ent ino�,em �,is Lo secure he�+rh�^i�e�e rau'� 1ugt., ny� r�,n- ;��:+,nstu, �tr.�n,�,rt N nTr-
,, " hs e slei. li came.c� to tbe bo when 6E . ,�" ;-,� ,, �� for marri �v iue,p �rho a� assessed ;�or �'��t���H��u, ��t �t�tan,�c�;, tu Dnas r�ttt, n, �tanet�•
" �tUa \, ] , b � tli� Neo le the Conservatices � ' � ' �a ,
y �, Bi�r�rs.-1Ir. A. DicKe1'lnr caroo from �tcbil�d os�t�*� rece�tl u nch ed�the eCf 0 • tc4� df Air Tlium;ia To�cu, OP LCUSAOIB,
�> `� � . �� �v��iEted �ut`�nl�urt. �Ve ho e�ti1�i .tri ;: �r ' i
�,... , ��,..,.� � . �a, ,,. Y.P n their
°' ex ress�d �l;tii��r �vil`I'i�i� -�s's--i.`b'�t►Yeet=;'�Irre a'sar�»�C-tO'v,pte ; he ia a snlid�'�rit. I?ivi- . P ��' 1 pt nr�•,boTon�tu4 to Robt ,r1cF�rlm�o :'pr�.P_ Y,. inConie � o�v� rigi�t.
p � bs a lessou to l�im aud o`�ier boys r�'ot to O��H9,fi:�'a � --�.e.�e ---�-�- llIrD
%� �ion°Cqurt Aq �eid }as�.11Ioud:�y but ow- �"�bei� loto-22 :.2. Nl.c�rrie �2,G�,0 was-.tfie �,,, ,„
!lmericatt� un eti•en tcrms foi negotiuitou . n .�i Ue �etti�� ou or ofi'aletgl�s Nh�,n in Inl'R� ,��. . ' ,raman hae n��v 400 ���Pl�Y�"'�� �'��nbrunt,s,memberci lLo G7'tKLINC:.-,1tCnrnouauF,i'ore;ir�hire, Scot� � _
�ne to 6he)udge oqt�}�ut i ti,.►.cj�n appe�r. pn �':1V7'�: E�. � hiu�1, n,i� tlio ,.,t
''• �'t �'r �csi •• ansl Chc N. P`: nas m tiou. �ad LtY`o,"�tirmer; been ��ol:in; i�" eu"n� td for' , a �`�rivatinn Arm , who wae o» trial at �In�ii;i ^• r<i n�o., tHxs, nnvtd 5tirliu�,
ruf a recipror.� y�� y, a,h�e; ,n�t�in�, �vae do�e. �TIr., •.Georg� �„ ,
., ..
'•� „ - , :. . sdme othu c�irEc�iom :�nd „vnt �nutcl�a�tn a dee�o� land ui L�'is h�Wnship ana E� r�rfle�c •ts , � 9� ' n�2cQ 49 yeat:,� cuus�u oe Nr �v stirl�n�> �th oou• ._
: _ do te l�i�rrcel • Leeau�c co .le tl�.ou Ut� �i'l��{lip�, pos�o{�c , clea•k�,^Is s1� iudiy-,, . • , .. ; ^� "' Srcu�e ex'� 't ou liis.e,�i,�r.g•y.wh0.p �t;�'° A't�i ' . , , . . '-_ .+�..,.._,'. � .i+oa_ertc�� tuwns�i�. '
N, �f{ir the miirder nf �Vtll l��y li�if
r", ��� o y r� .„�. °. poaecl, bu'� sve„ h pe h9;�vill ,s6h�eor'sr: �� �eRiu, there .�s no;doubt .b�it;lt�i�e �`y�. , thmt, ti��rGed lif� 2U. cgtUca ngv a�itlaout ��"�<<�� d.f.. Venbrunt s scvee6l�eurt� wns ----�- -" ro,, .
tihe Awericttus t�'ere '." sistigh�t'ei�iug in , y�{70141<i �1:1V�� �Q 11 6-'rlled./I < e t .._ 1�. •� o �• ,; .f�urt�d �uil2y ut,wiurder io the 6ret �;;ree, .S��le lte�ister.
, . • . .A ��crv'rocc t c,uxer af, fin:l:��atiN�n ttrm"� teaChers s6. " � � � y, '.+tn„d, ee,ntsnqod t� be h�n ed April l�tli. i'[t�n
qur•i�it�rkels, «•�itL��uO' giviu�;,us the sanie �,er�' n�as fu ' y ,At�i��t�arEi; ti,�l� i•en• of,.tlie' c��t' of �<�neY•>' ,. x." �
: ��',c� help e.4�(y, slrnn;k, rue�s- .,� �ere ara sn mat� �•acc,iilelta�;•' 1�a'o nrc �yft�i,G�.bderich', �vh.a•,s�tola,g, ,t'•ke�``d�fo�icea•,ssinsarii4 .�� _ A1•, r�s.::�.-r•�tir� Sto�x nnd lmpin-
meuta of Jolin Kndntnnd, (�r,�r 9t. Antiustine). ,
,,:�.ri�•i1M�e in t�e9r�.y 'I'he §uestioa liHs �ny' c�c,ui�g, ���„f�'y 4t�,l;3es;o�:,� cer,���p., a' :�i4 ,�'�o lit le Uovs add Y•irls jh t}l�.i� � u;�nEit �1t�o�Y".•fia,in �:►` y�un4 mui�: m, �g�~�� „ 9 utonoo•CIO�IL�),Ill. C.IIilLL11ICbI1.AllOt. ��
b�tel: .DI;�"nv f�licusancl atrc�:• woocb.��ive ��' �'� n� � � � •y ° �+, � � 'C�a S'�t►t:nr ��..��terqoon t► �maii namc�d T!il\DAY, FeH. ?A.--Fann �roe�;, da; oe F;et�nr�t ,
.��'. ?JCC•❑ OCC�.sYonally:::mootc� wince' Lli1�,, lim:C, t,-. �„ � WA}*� Tll'�L 111 11'�ll�U �C y}�00(i j);�ltl t0� �)i1G tiary�e��.�l�l.b��,i'(13dd1; :1RQ.���; �od� ..froµ� 1: A,y' .�,, n „. Rtonch��useplot#n, cou. 7� [:�utiL �Piit1'0.11USU, at 1 p. A�.
.. � i til In e9 �ee'h` th:ltvere<;] nt tiie��Blyth 5adt tr�brk•v ,g � �t' 6hcuirin tue �uc�: «p I'u.i• a ni�tit. „1�Iillas�etr e at \�'imti�am, h:�s beon eei2 _� �y``�r�,,.e�n;n]'ii3 e�, by the Montrenl �xA C ti�
� but� �1or,kiin l�,�ea bocn �lo�ic i❑� t c�lir�ng tl�e .�int;�r•. ��ivipgsto"no Bro ."are � � c,:x,m��co�,, ��,ac.
�' S� � �• ` "' ' ,� V a t� :.rue�a: �..-..�. fi�l'tri�uin3 ii�i�utli9' imQrieonrnent i�p @'��?'Y;r met ��tt�j'a slioclsi�;;;� d��ath; 'rtIe-a�aa TVEsnaY a{irc3� t,-t7i�h N rado stock of �Vm.
,. . . .
v$�r-:�^�re�qlvtivsr`w�^a�ivCrotitre�c��i�nt �sec�E�-Ite����t��;fe-oai�3meneGbti'�•l�lat�;;....�-,�.�.�lec�.�ii,„,r�1�ce 1. S �3' �--�-•• rz��?� lnadtrr;*rotraiat�'--�rc,hcas s ar�e. �.�. m:,r ��-,�..-�� "
'. .; , . � , . • -. ' 1., . � 1'• ,•- \�'ell. �lo�r't we . � ku�nv L}rnt'?�., .Dariiig the'�L�rc�r:1C^furinutorg. �'�r com,p:�utun,, :a^Uei�.3;i'i�ime2�'g�(� uunCit.. f�ll`li �u h)tlt, Klrkblicauct6:,0, c,;� 5:"`ra,ri-�; �tZ-yr.-rci.�--Grormc-.___ _.._..
'Cungre5�, i�%oriuo rcc�prociLa. Z'V��atl�ei the ne�fla,� iuil Air. Tuo�, D.t.y, me . ' �9 w
�, chzut' of �enforll�:i��4iitto�sia o T�as^• t1�e �In not muc�h' e��:iEc `� «•�s n1j�a,. �-,T�tin � tllflilf� is.,yet tc� bo doalt «ith. crrtu�r.otel VU.P�LTIfi(Il�ll].+ iV}lELI l',Rtl1���tes TUH;nAti', �[areL 2-rarm stock, ete., oY Air. �.
Y'"Y :� o l-�ina�iz�u C�ore�•nmcuL �cuu?ct. �iotv �e $ �.,. � ,
ho]oo.1:s i'vel'�6, On .'il�ursd�y Iu t;� lni�ge� ;reii�t"•i�ere; but jn -Ll�e e�'en�or.,,crc>'�cds On• lh•��rsduy ��f,last� v^cek AIt�. Juhu Yik'�dwae`e.��ctivcto •• �� �', l�i�+at, lut ::�w oun. r,, stuutcy. J. t�. L'cine,
` .`'�� � ' '� �r , n � �ro �osttla. of tl�ie nuntber dt fciencla• �ttendecl th.e fiinernl o cnngre�;:"ted at Ll�o� �'�u��o LiUer�il ;,itic,l�;,�1y:i�igli.t,,i7f '.faor��iog m�et��n•itti Nhat n�i�ht . . `v � . :9 � nt G �a3P eucr': .
�Vll�l:l`�', CO GGSISI.�L l j( � � �`. ' �+� J� • T'R[D�Y, Jlarcl� 4,-L'rerm F.Uc:k, S,c. c�f IIuglt 4iuw ,. .
q �!'aur-,eur oTd snn of Dtr..Jolir� I)oflholm, ���i��'vatire clnb rnoni5, tivlierc Cel�p��onts„�°la�_e: pr<>� c�• •ei•y soiic,us or fai,Ll acc �, ���� � »�wn. b� th , na , ea f J
. q�it�u•e iy �'eG �o be � bebnuse to do .0 +� "� u, �n ��littiury'rniis av�il• wre"s i I��n 3ni1 ].�o�t. Steui.h,,t}', were nrrceted :� �nul�l, lut 44, a» �. �a,'tuc):crsmith. J.Iio��•,w�, �iuct.
°�. °•' ' , ot this Cilla�e:. bIP. 1:ntiad� 3ias ��riuea- ;hacl Ueen-pl�ced, to he�r t�"e re�fofits.oF �I��nt.'�;fle.haci� ,. 1. .�, � ,
.�� " �• (��'he�t�ef-b� ttio 7C�' BLIC�:- ttbt�l ,9��.X-��1 khlrC�S- FPUUI"�� i1Rnt�iS� Qpt., 11] i: '- '�'l7�� tiD 11', J[urrh &.-- Ya;�m aYock�,. Sc , of I'cter
��o�Yhi in"tc�fc��c� "�`ery"�uatri:ially ��'itl� ib�e ��ome fro�i e�iait�'ti� to�r '�i e St�,tes: tLe-ele tion3. As ll�.ey„cam�e iu rz q�,c.�<l ,p�l��� t�io�u, t�Ii�,'hn �,. ,.hueh iu� tlie toRuahi. ��f I{,mm�e Iianh coic, wc2o, �s;��iioia �ine, G�,ac�:cn tow�„htp, a:�K.
� iain,oPoCn� c"c�cnt-tarifl'. 1�'e n�tic"�'j .�drnn�en rn�v ec�s stnrted i,� ectral deal af�l�eerirrr �i�as inclul�ed in,esi�ecial lri�,.j;.i tJio'bud uE o'�ir���o€ tii� mail�,,a �d�-as � 9, uoH•so��,ou��t, � _
,�;; D, I, •�. • � ] oat•tl�e �•oorns di tho I;�tter, tcheii �sord � r��... MI2 rrail �d', or�e encl;tlieon"so"fell, 0°���x3 ����n n cl�rge oF �uurder, which'ihey �Lrci� tn.-rnrur ,tr,c�� "�tc o¢ n>
b'•� ' liotel �n tl�o ni=�it of t o�lec6iun, U 9 �� 7'fIURSD.aY, :�.: ,� �
ratse :L cert,iiu r;�'�nue [tu�a :i� mucli � �f � � a�t�ik,in"n'h"m Ai�-flie bacli of' FTi 'hoat� in- �re snpnosed to htive coinm�fted in Taxas. C7etirr, tot �, cou lo, �torri�, ac i,p.m, r. itfln�stto.
r r� ti ii. ;�rc f'ron� tl�c� i'nited I�ll�ur l holn;.san aud 1ed Fiaz gart; Uut w.ts received �hat t'or�er ��•Zs electccl ii �� ,, ..�i� ' '1'he t��ill bu fal�e.n thruu� h to Suuda•ict� tu- ���cc, •
, l�, ouc �iu�p� t.� G g. r i.1.CtI1J�'Ul] lti�ly. �hbt�;h qot� serious•�r•ounc�. y _
�' � s that re�euiic deci•easecl ��'�s���0n sto��ied Uy` tl�e propriettrl�, w�o; the �Vest ltidan O, h•o«� Lhat dicl make - ��loht. � TL'esi�:,�, �tu�•ci� t;>.-r,�:�m etoc�, hc„ oe r.
Stzte , , collared one of th� ruftians and Uut him tl�em croN for a littli; �vhite,- «��th bn '�,I�.q�'�uub�r,�p d�,..,form�:�d ,� af {xur-. - c'����ser, ioe �_>>, c�n, tc, C,n�u��ch tow�nsliip, 1, �+. ,
" • • •• . � . . . � • •.._ ,.',. . . �.,-.. ...-.,. , ,_ . _.-„tuin .s,-Sl:i, 1i.�.1�r,,.,,.�,3u;�,.,}.lU�.v„n;G„S14 feeT_,f„�,-n. . __,.,, - •. ., . • � Y Y etter, receiced at Aueklaud, Anelruliu c���rtin�, nucc.
,�e�-.:n . . .: .,, , , ,�,: ,. .� .. a , ,�. �>„�•.,�£ -ottt: af•�ci<a�ia. -�rs i� t�sun. our toNn -con � �6 b � , �r_.. _ .�6��iiaclr .., uL�.Sta�ai�'-._.:,.. 1� .1. ,-� .. - .._ .•. . • . , . . . � . , ., , . . • r t_ __ ____
corrs�ckie�l�ly �� :� rec4[ iocs y S. Yr., ��v'hil� asbia�, ►m n� Y � f,
:�, ,
°"' � � 9E�UI0 (I�Bd AbE Il� en to ue aroun �v.�en � t6e doctor liere, altliougl� �elfortFt �id - _ � �n. G.h, � f��m � �imlrerly, -�°coufiams, an� �� --2irl��s�aY, Ilfi�cir3�.--Fai�m �oP�90ac�es,. �em�, �>> .� -�
�'. �' c6urs�e bhe counterb:�lauci�� ueneCits'tliat �p manf'ull for him. Gf' course the s tite�vf b'i•ia�t��Ont,, met wltlr a seriUuy acuidetit.„ accou.nt uf a� torrible s1�u�.;htAr �f btucics ic "t, nu,,00n, oc [tniie�c, :�c t;em:, [io�c�, Lon3eabnro: .,
` �,.. � . . � �JUC�1 .fC�iCfl9C3 ACC goinh�on. 1Mea�8. �'. y � 'L110 Wt'1'0a OUfltl,� �1��101t� Casi,tCtn N�10❑- � . R. P.ryrkxotl, prop'. Jati,Iioa•son,auct. - -- ,
,� es�iecLed,Uy a free iu6�rcThnnge gletcalf and to�vn clerk �Vilson acted as the �olis liere ���is the fir3t oUEai�ed, tiqd y' -� p � 9. 9� t6at district. llie mir�era s.tolo.,. n y_onnm
, �f.Com�uodi�ies lill�+'�1i4 �'C 9ltCll�xS to n•nr- returniug uf�cers ou polling�.day; :� num- when �G w�s annouticed tU�tit the doctor �g7�m�of CUe ir�oltei�s;ta ame in contact ��e�ro,.kill�d min9ra und �woundedhLe t�so '���� �
, �s*: had sevent one of n u�a orit iii to�vo, it �itt�'som.o rus4y,•p��r.n, which entised,it coinpanions, v•The laLter e'senpt.d� eccnred (,�_l . Joh� s App�al to th� C��ntry� .
ranG St,, Tl�ere cau be little or ��o ryues- Uer �i�•ere�5�vorn,.and �ko epoiltbzllot�. nIr'. � 9' � � �� g� nll over. the ahnp �'ain gettitig,n , .
.� tion• as fo t�,e sadvaataaes tLat , tvould "' Ant h�.ny Giii lton's importe d' °s' ta l lion, •��'�s ;� sti r- prise .to a, great man y, as it was � ' aeeiatanco nud pursued. tlie bllcks, and out
which was coufined fo Bostpn hos ital'l�as p , aharc� of it .�n' tl�,e Eaco, is n lto�et l�e. �f the'band 40 �cere ahot dowu.
-;'• � , morc� tban was e"s ected but no.doubt it n �
y� �ccriie�by our isnsang freei•:f,��ade rclnliovs recbvcred �'rom his injuries and las been cheered,the oua directly eonCerued,: and likeey ho,w�ll lr�so. tlie 'a t of -ono of bis Gladstone wns.rece.ived in siTenc„ upon.
with�: tLe "�lmoridane. ��'e 1�elieve tlie tzl�en houfie ; it is a tinest;�lliqn ttnd looks braced him up t0•reCei�e noUso CnCt�urag• ;eye . • reap enring ia tli'o I�.ouse pf, Commons Sir Jo!in Ua,s dissolved ttie 1?omiuioa ,"��
iu re �ort� froin tl�e otl�er laces in tt3 . �'�• ��'m. Holmes of he 12t1i con of 112�e;,. P .
ba�efit to Cannd�, �voulil be muC�.greater �'�>>• ' � �• � �' � Iiillo iiad what mi�h hano been a vet .�'Iunda Kh. Ho � r oat poa,�d i►ttackin� �ha pnrliament, avd 5 p peals to the peo ple to
'` tihan f� iue TJn�Led �tates, anc; if the neN �' 0=' , riding. �lluriug Lhe ear�y part of klie �erio usac�id�'nt;l�e was rawiug homecednr Spen�{er's reci�n� rulio, ag�inst Dillun,
fi1Pi��,�" ecen�n� tlie totvn bnnd� came �out and. maki�� + onl a, si3e rcference to his iuton- support l�i� po]icy ot �overning Cana�s.
nrliament t.ikog tliis matLer u wilh a� � Tn ed �. few tunes ou tho sireet, to kec P�'sts a•hicl� he piled cr�aswise on tho sleigh � y I'oe�t'cLx c%� BAYLEY alao appeal to the
, p.� P� 11 is, l�•i5un aYid brotiier ate visitin� p� Y p atla in aasing throu h h:s �ate-�ay his tion of diacuesin� tl�e eubject io tUe future,
' v�e�v to its seltleaieut :ib �r•ill nccoui lish t�ric���a in Lis o�sel and innham,, up the spirita of the disnppoin.ted, as tvcll p� �vith a vioN of efi'ectinry a modi6cation uf �eople to sup.port ttieirt policp of mak-
' p � � a �9 to re o�ce with those��vho re'oicec•L r�>ad cavgllt against tlie ate poat throwing a
� ,) � tlse rulhng. Afeor Ciladet��ne had concluded in ttiE tinc�st Life•size Portraits that }�ave
�" .�� .s,omet;�i.n}; uf practical be,nefit. ASr. Nicol, of Palmerston, took cfiarge ,^,..�_ Mr. E3��lmos c�f in front, hen :tha�'horses . 6
of tl�e statibu liere on Tuesciay; blr.Cleg� , - ' raia quite a�•dist;�nce with hi,ru lyin� at�ross. tlio I�naiae becam� eRnptq.° T .,� ever been produced at tfie ex6remely low
' `�ir Jc;Tin lu, g n �31tt;Qt�rlf�r.n. o
71tL,people,l�ave preferred '_ oin c,Wa Londou to cast ,l�is �ote for On Sunda , the 27th inst. tlie,lt v. G. the•ton�u� nrzl his het►d draa��ng on the Ut1 blouday u�ornio�r'Peter I�ath, 6aher- price of �10, including fcame.
F3'lake. 1Vl�itc ��wo canrrot admiro .tUeir Carltn�.i--, ,,.., y ' � fruzzn auow. Ho ie badly shal�en up,` al- man, of Yort Dt►'Ih��us�e, uccompaojed by ____�^ __,.,,
�1. Gif�'urd, 5I. A„ tivill prencl� �,t 10.30 � thoa�h we ure leuaed ta sa not sorioasl his soo-in-law and hiced . man , l�fi thut �` ,lt c�
,, choice,tr�.gracpfiilly accept Ll�e inetiitaUle. �- �re ba•oke out in�T. 11IcClymout's �,ncl 6 30 in tUe nletl�odi�t cliurc6. �' y � ' �^e�U ci.���u���X�'���XC11�� ,
�' �=_��a�___ U]nCbsmitl� shpp on �Vednes�ay aboyt . ° injared. � vit go and went oat over the ice on tho lalso
13RIGra,-Mr. Coburn the�tem ernnce to l�k after eomo h'Ats. �Vlten u dieiauce '
,.�;b2 Ii.LR K in Yoneral ud Cliut�U noo't't+; l�ad it'not beei5 notic�d in tin�e ''' � �' � A� tho-e�•enin train'.on I+' idn ou tlio
�' -P 6 _a� lecturcr ad'dressed a �cry l�tr e auclience g � 9 frum the shora n, ahuvo occurred aria' tFi,a ioe bZ ���"C�ti:'-n's3cX'[�'r`TN'rE�ticr�'r lic�y
mosG of IiSppen n�uuld ba,��e been ewept � I„ g, c� B. Rna ncarin� '6Vingham, and bo- � wunce�t c� lenrn the prin4in* butiinosa. A gecd
'�,� ]tl j�il[CIGU�'AI' 18 :� pretty l�atd do5e to swal- �wny , in tl�e Unioii C�ll]TCI� 0❑ Suuday evenih� tween the unction An,cl tho town o" as3W BO�aPAtEa� �i3�iFM�ltio them uff froni tho �and P�a�o for,nn AC"PI�'� boy. N�S� �,YtA O:lICI�..
'`` Y.�t�ctrrc� SCH00L,.-0�a,r teaclier intends ��`'t. t� lar o crocvd assembled here o❑ � occur ed 'owia to tho de il� of the fluo. Thoy`�voio•uu the ice �11 night,. aud __...-______
Iow; but�n�e will mako �o-virtne of necossit S +�
�a« �_,:�,,,�_;;,,�,__ , Tuesd� eveni��* tt� hear there6ur�s of p g p eu(iered aevey�+l�p witli tlao cold, whtcl� f�r• O[18GTOR�NT.--TNOUOODI�RA11i�Fi0II�Titi
-- . .. .... ... . __ .,i....,, to.��se.� rtiusical_ente,��tsin�r�ent in a�few �• b • • • eno.w. t1 ladq paaseu.ger, mistakiog the �, �-I
• � -� ._ . , . .. - the elect�on • tho (Cr�ts �vere dasa aiuted _.. • tun tel was uot so esLrgme aa to caase ���FiucSn9t.,to rent. Hare jusLbeenthorou�t,•
� . b� E�l�nve goae u� batG L``�eol. fot tlie wect.s, �vhicl� NP, espect a�ill bc a grnnd ' ^ ��' t�ppngo for �he arrival at the HEAElUD At- " � Y. . . iy,�varhnulea au�i reai��'ntecl. ��"dl Uo ranLed�n ro.r-_
;: time bein but no `t:ossin wavelets �t ill success. IIe is utilizin local taleot nn�l very n�uch when t�hcy hesr� of' bI. �.Cam- �,N ti�ct to et of}' but wlie,n on the eteps thei de�tU. �cnKnoo ��� tne N�►�a brou�ht 4�111b1c tornis. Apply� to A. DOD�NORTII, cunco�,. ,
'�' � nre�tL• re arntiuna, eron's defeat, bnt ti�e;Conaerv:tCives n�ere received :t erlc fiom tho motian �f the bnck tho ico aud tlieq returued cr�fe hume __._
�reveriC us '}'rum wor�Lin s[eadi1 for a ab��n�' �.. P P ' � next mornin Z+�t, citiLvrs r`ott snLF.-SCBsr,ste�x oE�•
j � Y � Ligl�ly elatc�l> � truin nnd wae thrown off Fetween tl�e cars, K� �i�► rr,n9 [m• salo acvaral thoro•bred C�:!tea nu�us
_ ..
ictor on 9rLe f�rdt availablc o ortunil The aniival meeting of tl�e I�ippen y� �Sll� iust, � tca•meet- t for6tinatel was re�eued b� another. Tl�e "UrioinnY Ne�w (�f�•leaus Universitq ���i, Ri.,;y, from rc�ietered At�wk. .11sn tho imported
. 5 �,PI' Y� Ou .1�Ioi�dn � t�e _ ,� by4 y 9
; , t , , �, ,. , . T3ranCh t3ibl'o S<iCiety N�I1 be held iu tlte • . ' ' n Eli� occur- Sin�;ers" avo au 4.ntertainment at Sta nor ytalll�n Pride,ot T}�ne, or hal¢ interest in aiLme, Wil�
lhe ,tIumi t4�l�i lienes arouicnlly^�ro• , »g teill Ue l�eld iu'tlie ASetfioc]isC bnirr�h r���euaor «lio �va� a'itneset4„° B y
� I resUyterian ,cl�urch. here on Thursday �(' Lt139 tr�ce. Te:� �er�=ed from 6 to S'i. , on. �ho eveain of th�; 17rt► 'inat, Juac n� 9oia on rcusonablc terms. JAS. Mo['dRLANG�
mark,;:-'You tvtll ki1�,d}v notice, dearly eveoivg, bIarcli 3nd: The l�ev. J. U. r p � I ance. ' s 4�t, �ou„ sc�n�ey.
i„ after �vliicli n exeelle�it progesrome Uefbro the arrival uf the cumpany by the _
b01���e.1 '1'ory lirclliren,' flia,t c�o �ot tlie, blanly' �vill delivsr n lec�ure, :tddresyes ' �. (>,i ���ndny moruing n yot?P,�;. �u�,u in the
,.tsi l Uc� ollered consistiu of nddcesses noon trnin it wt+a necertairiod thut tlie hotGl �
I______-- ' • xI�A- aftet-2�-xlec-_..are nta� expectecl�fron� seceral rev �entle, '��+�� tlio IZec�. �Howell, �>t ti�cafot`th� Cxif- ��nP��Y nf ,AFr. Jc�hn Wtls�h, of tbo 9t1� f ee era ir��l r�so'lvodimt--tm�-a�lmifi tl�en�: :�uclio� Sale Qf a fl:�st-class FARIV�
� etrqra-l--vret�i�: --�3trG ��- men, �irv linpe to Ciave a tarqe altendauce; • c�' ' • '' c�ii. �f. Hutvick __Uo__�_vout t� the stablu •�
' r• rie d n t e�i�nt fur mtle.h, • ford, .t ��ebringv�lic, n,ud �iir��ssvn, af �-- ,--- - '- -'ii-arrien�thoy_procceded to the Ctiuttrnn z
tI0t1 111>l31 VICLO $ (1 t�e meetinc commences at 7.3Q. �• � � kt) i4LE0Ot� tO tha horEe4 nnd�ouo O� L�1O -(y(i•�-,i- 1- l.r-i+io--li��--1>�_iau6i:EtstcKl-l�V--��I�r -tiu{,il+-------.
� ._.�«-- ,--- Bruce6e��1 1'l�e Seaf��r61� DletLodi�t a a which tiad becn newl el�od tho fi°use, as their agen�-�t had_i�roviousl.y:��ia�e n�At�`���dec, to Hott ny n��hi�c nuctio�,, tihnc ��iFn�u�t �
U.:i: of Glao rxio�t°' graGt tying ci,rEtcm- :fhe eqiiilibrium nf hUr usu;tll'y quie.t �����r tv�ll be in alLenclaisee uud ���ill fur- �011n��� + y contraet . c�•itl� the prr�priotui�; f�ii tlieir t;Lrnt, I��e 2:�, c��n cs, il,lt S.,'P����;orgmiu,, on �n�rtt[t-
inn is t�e re- villa �e was disLurUed a few nitil�ts ago bY �ni:,h 'the music in' liieir u�unl �uod stple. d�y (7i•��iane, lcickAcl -him in t}ie face� board uud l�d�;ing. Tl�u proprieto;r., hucs- ua�', �t.�xcit is, ��y�, nt 2„'ci���i<, �.rn., 1c �t,e e�����•
stancea of tl�e vvhdlo caro}i� o y 6
tho sounda of H113 �nd ecreanis. 5oou �; � ltnocicinh h1�n •sensoloas, «here ho lay f�r �,vor der�iud them the l���s >itnlit" of th� °101'01"t notei, tn cno co���n of s�uf�» •cii, 1i,� f:irp� i+
. eleqti��n of Iion; l�. �1f1C�i£117,10 itlY Zi:1St y L�C�1111651611 ..J C�9. r � 3' intifir�l-ClassetnlcofculYiV'ntion,movtly'soodei��Tonn.
�. I�IC (IOU!'5 NQC� 11��.G'�l R'ILIl �&(11�A� and :� no�ecty. one �lOUC. ���1C❑ il8 CAIIlO t0 &�C� �1�118C, ll�)t CV@u �orniittin� tliem to (ilE Ftf��.� 'Pherr, i, n�;����d I;�icl: }io t;e on the prupm•t}', �cith n�
' -�ork b ll�o �+nntiso e ma'nrit' of l.>0• ,,� ' vu f c ur Iio�:qL No•rr�;,�.- The lwrse belnngin� f,r.tnxt. liia w�y to tlie house it wus found a,i,,��ai�t cen��� un�tm• ene wt�otu n�u�o, 'rno i,�ru ��
. , y P�; 3 Y cro�•d of �rien ecrllec,te 1 in f at o� tho taUlo whieh cvnsserced f���•dinner. Ar �
., lq �icC.regor' ��, 11TcIntosh, tshj,ch «'aa in- I thnt hi� u, er uw bono way brnlcc•» in twp ��r r:�n���, �n >pl����did c��nditi�,u, nnd thore:ir,o nl.n cw„
� )❑ �f�11C fnCe n�' �LO C�O,rts macic. to dmfe.tit })�:1Ck3471I�19 9ilOW3. ,���)I] inc�Uiey jt p�RB . � � p� � �. rnngemeuts had tY1�3DNIllIQ, bE?em m�de fur Inr�;o .hed�, si�fticlent f��r the prnper ��•nrhin;,� of an}'
,�i�recl l�tst�week: i� sluttly reeoverin�. lIr. ��y��g n��d a11 the �eeth Icnoe� ed out, se
n,. ^ di�COPeI'P.(1 LI]flG a'mC�ee �cas in I�ro�reys , ; 5 �ul<1 lii� iu� nrted rnare to � ' tl�eir ncemnmod�sriun Apd Lhe Riu ere wero loo am•e farm i�, �i,� �o��„c�•. 'rn�ro �a, a h��o�� �t•�u �e
' hill�, Li:t elccl,ion is a„���t�,cl t�zct�ry, C,. lf:iwon h i P wrll ne t•lie front teeth in tha lower jaw, � tt ��uter Kc tno �,.�n4c, nt.o ;� nevcr-failin�,• sprin� r��,;-
' �.6.�-- , betrveeti the s�mitL au�1 a former appren- ntc. AteLcan; Itive�•si�le ; tl�iy i:t lhe fourtl� --• convoyed tn priv�to Lousea. Turnuto hote] ��i,,, hatmv thc hou:cc,nnd:a brnnr.h nf tiic 13upfiolQ m'cr
lrce. At firat ti�e aroitli hnd th� r�n6tce . ar�d taiA face was foarfully cnt. At lnet re- keo sr, /trented tL� Jiibil�e Sin��ore runy Lbrou�h nne corncr of tho f:tirm. 'rn�,•c ��,:� �;����
, 1lxciu'r �hc c4ieekies� ��ieeo �f businr4s �j��Ntl " uo�v I'vc� et •ou where I���aut ��A��'ted� l�orsc i�o hns qolct �t�itliin the p�rte �,o Was doin� ne well ae eould bo ex- in a ei�ailnr fnahi<m hut the found � frit�ud ��'1rfng orchnrdm+ Lho pri>p�ity.""'rhq Gt1'III i981UPitCd
���� E' } �flti� T1lQlTL�I� f10 {i15 A�SQ R0�(I (IUT10�" LIIAE nl>nub 5 iniles from tlict,uwn nP Scafnrth, �vith n qc:icel
' � in °the cam ni �i�tt•as tliat of Cli� �enfoitt� �ected under tiie circumstances. • ' y
r� p' you, L• ut presentlyi' t{�e sca�es here tur��ed , I in Dan. Eswiird Blalzc+, who toc�l: thom cr, ron�i tea�t�n�; thcrc6q. IL is nlinut the .�nlnu a�+c,n�o
, Sun afntir, °thnt the 1\r�t� �Rk�'endorsed +ind the amitlY �•:ts under ,shou�inrc" �u1� timc four l�iu�:�dian l�or9es• it ie nntv l�is
� � „ ' � � �ntention lo etnrt for `�cotln�oQ in ,aUout a As the n ile of Sehool �ecEiou No. 1, ltis owi�. house and entcrtu,ino:i them ernm Ci�„con, nnd cnero fy ti schooi i,m��c nenr tlu.
' � tl�� fl1,UC 9 i�l'. Ciarri� Uell a�nd t6e. ��i�n ofi murder; CtC�� to 4he-gi•eat �tm'U90- �, p p x.: n� a�rnar of tho lot, �vith m church about tlirco qu:irtci+
tl�e ca d�d e f p � weel:,f�r the purpose <>f'Urin�ing ouC somo TnrnUerry. wero returnin� ho�i�o frnm• thore. ot n milo oft', Thc Parm ia s�tu,co�t i�, o„� oe ti�e i>eat
tneo� b�°tVre oulooker's ; no one was killed. more clrau�ht Loryes, �Vo «igli L�im e�•ery achool on Monday, one of the bnys, n lad � Yo`rt �Igin deapatch says: Frosl� BX- �rnln-gro���ih{� seCiions of ontnrso. 1'crm9-g��,,�o�
. Sf,''StCt17Ct1E R'f19�1C1Aa0 AIEBP OUC AI'1,ICiC COIl- _,.�,,_ , ensh do�vn nt timo of enle ; thu bnlnnco tu vuitpu'
de.miiing t,l�e dootoi�� had beeo, puUlisued. , �3��'►�'iatt'[�tl. euceess in his unde�rtnl�in�. about ]7 yeara of ago, took a baeket for n citement wfls crentecl in Lho ntinira of Mil chaqcr,nt 0 por c�nt pernnuuro, I�or furtner p�r�ac��-
, -...�— Mr. 1v :Tamiesot�^, mercha�tit of t6ie place, • �` -�---- - fnot ball belonging to Frank Nriglit, a�od ��onairo Webeter, tho old enan wh�se terri• • tnr•s ,P�iv Ln nert�rTox Lt,Conz, .t.��c sa, c�,i. s, �
1�st.�C�t. 6,ycars, so❑ of Mr. �Vm. �Vright. The blo death �ans told of in tt�e Ncw l+:tta ro� T.•a•�i„ 4"c�:�r�n,ta�.
I�rc;t�.PTtrirr To biu..,PnRTTit.—`VOC(� �vho hns beeu'in tl�e old country marketa child in his endoavors to get his bnakot, ce,ntl b the arreat of tl�e hntel-keeper, —
L�eing received hore• oo 'Wedooe�lny flfter• during t,he p�.st few wecks, returnetl l�omo QnrrLnu.r:.---We regret 6o chronicle 3�� y W. JACKSOI'� �� � �
•'nonn, that b'[r, L'oi'ter would nrrive from this week. th� deatl� nf l:liznbeth Arin, Uelov��l tvife did not nbsarvo a tenm cnmioq alou� with Keays, nnd tho man ZLaymond, in whose .'..
� C}��elerich b wn of a fu�r horso tenm About tl�ree weeks nNo 1�Ira. lie ler of Mr. Solombn Blauninn, of rxeler, a loncl of enit of 30 cwt. �re tho mnn conld enre 11�r:��Vobster wae plac�d by the sun, ��,l�a���, Pacifie I�;��l�va�r�
, y Y � b� 6 � eto � hia horsors the Nero an tho b��y, nnd Who ab�luctod him from Chice�o. '!'6ey are �
` the Cunservatives turned outin full Force in de�cending the atc�p� at her kitchen Ntiich sad ,c�:eut. oc���r� ou._._Mansl ' � y � nd � ��¢r� ------ ���-���-it bc�irg -=�-�vT����'' CLINTOi�F.
�c ' to reeeivo him, �nd gave U�m n�varm re- donr fell and ,broke her urm bove tlio evening, at 1u a c� of 30 yeara aud 9 tnnc e�i�n i
� & M � the horaos feet went ahovo the �yo n clain�ed that tho�r oareleaeuose resnlLed in �r r-r-.-<�'?'-.�+
cepti�n in front of tho,'. Commercial E3o- wrist.' The doctor aet it uud she ie get- montlia. pecense hud been ill s^arcely � �x�rxr�
teL In �ho ovenin� n t��Jight proces- ting nll night. ane weel:, she havin� petformed tho usu�tl hnother throuql� l�is chin nnd the wUole the terribly revolting dentl� of the old mnn ��; �'� ,��(�. .u,,.�, �
sioit, hettdecl_ by, ti�� Dol�erty 13�nd, nc- yrofessor `Ai�Son, u phre��Alogist, is nn- houseliold dutiee, nncl done tlio f:tmily lond nf snit went ovor him. Hie arm, leg, ��he greoreat intorest is ta,kr�n iu_ the eneo -- r r
.wn�hiiz ot� bTonda l•LLh ivat. Tucsda brenet, eyo ancl bacic wore badly l�urt, horo, nnd tlto whole t��wn is nQ��� witheuri• Pnrties coutemplatiug a trip to
coropanied him throngh tho principn! nounced Go lecttu�e :tnd read heade l�ero � Y y , oaity to ]cnq�v l�ow LhA prelin�iunry oxami-
stre�t�oftown, after �vhich hegna+oael�pr�' ;�y��xt-�n.�ek. Now, all �l�o desire to knotv following ai,e was talrcn Aeverely ill willi �CRt O'7Rih�T OTOnC�iCID�I'(5 �LIi�Y�'t".",4n(�"A"'�•�C�r{'(j ��{�l r�eult. Tho arre.Rt wns mndo �. ��
, speecl� froui the buPcony of LhY� holaf, an att.iclt of enngesGiore of tl�e lunga, .. _ �(,nvorpmeut Uetectivo �'CcGownn, »l;0 1�ANI'�OBA ol Britisl� Col�mbla��
� thnnki,� his �u nrtors for electin {�;�� �►�� theireood qn�lit.,��,and ivl�nt tl�ey nro -•••—
� pP � be�,t adnrteil tlsr, �eill li�tva ;�anco'to Nhicl� ter�ninat�d i�� drnth n9 nbove seat,cd, 9 y
and penmi4in� �o dn hie utmost iu rEprm- �� t�eir bnm s roacle rumiuent. Pece�.ved wn9 ti dnur,liter of llr. Thom,tiH �� \e�v Jersey li�rmit, wh� died n few has mn�de a vNr thoronqh"invicetiqr�tion of
�liem iu tl�e I{ot�+e. 5hort �.eeclihs � p p Cornisl�, and ��'as higTily eatee�ned 6$� nll claye agn, left an ��ld �un, tlio bar►•el of tho enae, nnd Uy his ability ar�d �erHietaocy I�3itlior on bi:sino�g or w.ith aiock, w•ill lienr of
ecfii,in� p If1C1't?AAIIrT^' inlerest is beinn mflnifesled
' fvare also mldeUy ottrer�wl�o iiccom�nnied � n 1VI)O hstd furmed nn ac��u�intance. The N�lIbI► NIlB Ft�Utl(1 f.1/ h0 �II�(t t0 �IIE 11111%'L10 j�g$`�UCIt�OCi�CI ltl UtlCATCI1tt1� f1 ���od do�l eonluthina co tbcir aclvantage b,y oonaulting
bi� • �n tl�e�l:�Y.(,,.A. meetiug9 Ucld every 5un• busband nnQ fnmily of aroall children, with guld dollir pieces. of inforrnation. I Uio above �rit:�o�it d�la,x
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