HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-25, Page 2--�-�--.^�^-~�-r---`�-�--~��~-'---~`'—~-~�' ~~~r�-~�~---`�---~-`~--^~^�~-~~~``~�~�
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___ Or - I, affitir, v I ..._g_. g iftnething like a waltz, this," ' 4; I 15KNAMIA-0 NUU011Y. -
. FRIDAY, FEB. 25, ISS7. him that eveNing, On this account be infor43a ,ad scarcely Standing in to . I Scrof ula —
I., " � 1. 1. 1. I.... I . lied to decline 4ilrs I the light of kt regimental entertainment urmuredin her.ear, as she arrived at 0
. was reluctantly cotope entaill to din- ,it all. the oonologion, ro cup pt -the zqeit� $at,.' scourges whlii:4 FRUIT ANID ORNAMENTAL TREUS.NilliR
. PIATC11C $6 1 ner there.. . WQ,'4!d have come Wpk for it,'� more ,q,d(led, rather stiffly. I We go together may be t4 result of imi;roppy vaccination, ,48TRACRAN PINF, I
!, f,bau I ckxn say ; tlu� o,s he watt, In, com- potty well., mercurial, polsonitm, uncleqn1hiess, anti
. as silo bad always been, -,a very good ' , various other causes. 0 LAFtQ4. STOPK ON HANP
: 111. By JOHN STRAXGE WINMR. friend tQbim, and in trut� wwjd have 0 ,, I I ped it a Ulcers, 4tiscesw, Cancerous Iluillowi, � ,_ I
I '. ' t' nor to blame for not -tl at the hand -holding heirs olasI
- liked him aa a gon-iti-law-seeitig his ly neithek, presen , I and, In some cases, Emaciation, end COn- The.aboye ornamentai tipos and shrubbery wig beadd
I sbade mere tightly. at ry low prices, and those wanting anything
. jigapp6intment, asked bitu very being so. sumption, result from a scrofulous coudi- thi4yeolutection will attya money by purchasing a #,- -
I CONTINUED. evident t But, be tile �eaeon of his absence what 'What, others V he asked, with his tion of the blood. Tlilsll�d�,W,Vsp can be -
0 kindly, indeed , to come the following . �
..Miss t titiobt, Olive's afternoon beaan with brave air of cona posed possession, when cured by the use of Ayer'� t9t'tNM`kpuriila- Ordpra by Mail witt be,promptly attended #I _
I Lucy lind reason for knowing evening; so that he took his way back I . . f; thougk the music ceased. "Let us arrange it 1* .1 -A'ddre88
l3lanitli, and for knowing that, if it were strong sense of,disappoh b nen - Litillerited a scrofulous conditiou of the �
I to Gaystown barra,48 in a veryjubilant a d courage, Ole gather- now, won't youl or I shall have a dozen biotici.,'N�woh causetia deran,T,cuient of my JOHN STEWART,
.,. possible, Miss Smith would contrive to flame of mind. I being a girl of goo whol , Benminer.,
outstay him, Ile fairly groaned with- id up all IICr pluck and tried right Val- fellowiftearing at me for introductions.' ent. After tahi�ig less than - ,. ., .
] in himself, when be saw the lavish af- But, oil for the crosses and mortifica- ( eling. , I am onga-ed for inine-no, eight,' four be= of Ayer's Sarsaparilla I sill
1, tions of life ! When he reached Cop- iantly to Hde what she was fe t2 Entirely Oured Fire XneureLmLoe.
teroolia tea, which came in in Mrs. Wey- plothwait,h,at seven o'clock the following Lucy'asked her for the arst dance -a she said,looking at her fan,with its rieat I .� not f'ound it 1.
, z_sO the gray gown and the Scarlet memorandum on the first bar. 'How and, for the past year, hit,., A kinds of property insured at lowest tariff rags. I
: lat,A's wake. How be could have bless- evening, ba found the drawili .i000m Ivalt necessary to Inhe any metlicin,6 -whatever. First-class companies,
,, 9 way together. many Are there to be.' I am now in better heall 11, and stronger, — .
ed the eight of dry breadand butter,aud full of people, and away want his dreaul jacket floated it A
.__ ,it big, fellow 'About eighteen, I think. Suppose ,than ever before. -O. A. Willard, 218 ICKETS VIA N. NY. T, CO. LINE BOAT
thiii, watery tea, it wits so ofteii. his lot &9 a long and blWsfully quiet evening' " ( By Jove,' muttered Tremont st., Bo-iton, bla. - - TWINNIPEG A" ALI, LAKE POIN'ls, ,k;#
i a a beauty you give ine all the rest. We need not CA
to Ineet with in the pi;etontious society with Olive, while Mr. Weyland -dozed standing by tile do6r,' I what . I was troubled with F voftilous Sores hy all ruil'Ifues over the GRAND TRUNK and
Of g4kirl j&9n towns. Al"a ! alas ! the tea , Lucy's got hold oC Preston, who's the dance then), and nobody will notice how for five years; but, Ufttl' 111ldn"IL few I)A PACIELO to any point on that line, Will i
. serenely in a bit, chair, end Mrs. Nvey- . I , , 1J1r#no1e&,,&c., Dakota. Kansas. or any point reac*
-y strong, the cream of -1 dancifig with Lucy 1' long or how often we sit out.' bottlei of Aver'..4 sarsallm-111a, i'lic, ,*Ove,l by rall, local or foreign.
� . W40 fresfi and Vol land w(uld, corntainly remember an all- git � Nov, it must be rpuembered thatsbe hVILIE'd, and I haV0 JlONV �VOOd j;e-lith.-
ibe thickest,ibe bread and butter -,looked er which lie must kindly 'That's Miss Weyland.'. . I Klizaboth waruo0i, 31 Applei.ou btreet, come and see tue before you buy tickets anywheoe
: delicious, arid (lie cake had cbme from important lett 'Weyland-Weyland. Where does had been wofully, (fisappointiall by not 1�01,Llj, �Nljj.,... .
: post for her, which, would not -take tell . Wil O' '` i ongst ije� soldier — , .
, Buzzard's. When Lucy'saw4t_lthe, in a her fathor. findinor Harktiess a Solne. nionths azo I Ivaq troubled with
I , -jiluteS,to write, though fiom expe,i, silo live ? , -
1: ,,r-V&ipjicar4a6, tile festive boa,rd, I Live(411k few miles away, anj lAer fa- bosts;t'and beino, disamppointed, and in a p �;�. �L�. "', "o, on Tho linib I -
; I I A �,�. her is great in coal, cotton, calico and rather reckless mood, did not care in the
mean, not that lbe cake ]Ind come t Flo-t"i jli�(�11:11','�Wkl hil"�'O(JUMIlitiCS Of Off('11- --------------"
. . an hotir. ' n They least1whether site shocked Mrs. Grundy 4ivo 1.nattvr. E vvry reni'Ay fitiled, until 1.
; - from Bruzzard's lie .-avo ill) All hope of Pool- Lucy ! Ile was quite its disap- Other ilood things of the kind. �.
quating the enemy. Ilowover, by dint ' ,.lay it's one of the nicest houses in ornot., Thereforgo,notcaring,she agiced illa- By t,110114 .- .. .. .
pointed for a few jidnrltesas Olive bad .. - 011.4-v bottles of Ilk in�,ITHW, the"-.1;i)ics I .
I neigiflioilloo(T. Sbo'sa piettf-g-41-j- -to-givo I'lartog, all the danqvs that were ' have lwull elitirelv healvd, all(l Iny health ;
of altLk,(,)s,, 6irning his back upon hot-, "" been thopravious day. IT61 1`,a1t6UTrRi7. * .
I *" k4p , . - -ties�----tllp,se-��,�.Ip ho'met the '_rV�ry, Ali, there to tell ]low many. g, Hr ihil MCL14
. 8 much, -Iolly dress, too. A 11110,111-hin.138sullivau st., Newyork. ,
. - , - llk� .Pal i 'e - _;� they Ire stopped. I'mgoincr to get an in- The next dance and huStevellsoll
, I- - . _ -
. . �11
'i IV'a are going- io4jave a suittTl- - tho4e where he met people Ile had never 0 'got t hat were A er's Sarsaparilla, H t
I vewry small -afternoon party on Wed seen. . He bardly know wbicii bored him troduction., , hrough' with partners t y ,..j,c.Aycr&Co.,I,oweIj. as T .
nesday,' be told 6r in a confidential . Acoordin-lv, he slipped across the neither use nor ornament. Then Lucy Vwparod 1))* Di M a , I -
I tile most wofully. -1. . M Sold Vail Drusgistd. Price $I; six bottles, $6.
1 tone, that was scarcely above it Ni-hisper. Still, even if it waRa-stiff,stupid, PaTTI . room-, and murratu ed a request for an appeared at her side, and announced .
I -- I You'ivill balle tile lorm . . ty, Olive'was there, and she, who had introduction in . . I I . 5
.. 'I have -not forgotten it this time, lie -
I raorrow. - You will be able to come, I recovered her spirits by the aid of a few - Lucy turned with a little start. ' , in an I undbrtone. ROBERT DOWNS, .
hope.' . I I 80WIding tears in the keeltisiodof her ovr:.... . Oh, to )e tire. Miss We�ylanj al- ,Sald. I - 40 jr-A IL _N ru 40 IV . (
l Ob yes, and be very grateful for , w me to make you acquainted with ' . TO BE CONTINUM CLINTON, � :
being asked,' Olive answered promptl - Mr. Rartog.'
. Y. - 15 � . - Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Saw M111
. 'It's a vewry satall affair -only about herself not it few bard names for bet I May I have the pleasure of tile next ORe on�Your Guard. Dog in use. Agent for the s%lo and application of Anticeptic Embalming Fluidr'kep
foliy, was looking lovelier than he Pvcr , tile AgrFIRUKR PATHYr AtrTnhtATLo' BuILER CLEANER, .
t' dance V said- Hartog, 1�vhen tbe3 n the )lead to slowly and ,STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on alvirt 0 "'.
fortv,' lie went on. ' You See, so many remembered to have seen her, in a rose- had ex. Don't illow .a cold i . hand.
I I . surely nin into Catarrh, when you can ke cured noticie. . I I
. of the fellows -are away.,' colored gown, with a great knot of Step- changed �;ws. for- 25c, by uAng Dr. Clime's Catarrh Cure: A I . _Z_ . .
,.I yt;& , hanotis bloorn upon her bosom. I Certainly,' said Olive. . few applications cure insipieut catarrh ; 1 to 2 Boillerm. Engines. aied sill kinds of �fas I
Olive'. tone was distinctly inquiring, . fid Then Lucy put his arm round Ile,. boxes cure,t Ordinary catarrh ; 2 tofi, box6s is ellinery rej)aired e-I)vditi.-usly and
He sat beside lier, too -that wits no . gmaranteed to cure chronic catarrh'. Try, it. in a satisfactory manner. Afy Funeral Director, J. 0. Steven-
' Yes, about half, of course. And,by Small R(Y-111. Hartor, fell back a ste t I son, has attended the School of Em. .
favor. I fear his own youno, lady ^ 0 1) Or-, we, Only 25c. wid sure cure. -R So d by all druggists. . I
the hy, flarki)css-you remetiaber him?' found her cavalier a not.very etitortain- ' Ro" Yj 'Fatuimplemonts manufactu red and repaired. Steam baltning, in Tor6ato, to make himself
- , Ypi., 1111, pet,9011., for twice,Fhen she distinct- i. - , KiltisilLted up on application, ChttrgcH moderate. , proficient in the art of embalming.
. 'i'-'I'et. we,�o in a, n oment once rnoro in a RAILWAY TIME CARD, aod water Pilics furnishod and put in p
11 Olive could se'areely spe, Iv addressed hill), be answered with stu-" th,,-g . Trains I,bftva glinton as follo,wa:- — ... ......... I—- I. I I .
1. began to'beat so fast and loud. pid politmiess and that wise air of ini.- I What it hands�rrlil man,' ren-mrked (,1jtA,ND 11'RUNIC RAITANIAY. . , �
I �Vcll,bo's awai too; beV away three perturable deliberation' which di,ti,�' Olive, suddenly referring to Hartog' ' Going East. Going West. I S. W1 1ASSON9 - 'R -."-,. -
I weeks or more.' I Yes, and a good "olan, too. Like "r 7.25 a.m. express 10.0a.m. mixed' . . . RE,SIENIBE TIIE PLACE,
� . . . guished hirn in general society. I . . 1 05 p.m. tnixea I 2.20p.m. express
'Er-Yes,'and threetimes, 'Aw.-'no,' myself, 110 110 tl 1 4.15 p.m'. mixeti j 9. 15 p.m. express GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE, U.. Oppos= TnE Tows HALL. , '
I It�-.vj',,as 'well that,convelliontality caulo and once, ' 1-cr-nev-ah heard of more inclicii 'than brains,' Lucy answer- , . GRFAT WhSTFUN RAILWAY. IIURON STREET, CLINTON. I I . . I C
to ber,aid, as it bad dono be(6 i6. Her that.' ' e(r. 113ta Ile wreallv is a good fellow- Going Nor, - Goiul, South; Repairng of fill kinds promptly attended to at rea�on THOS.'STEVERSON . -
'� one of the best in ibo-wregiioenf�-and - .9.55 a.m . exl� .03 a.m. express
tone was admirably indifferent, and,in- 0 ,'89 � 8 able rates. A trial soliefted. I ,
I An awful duffer,' said the lady wit ' 4.13 p.m, express , . . .
.dped, no one wbo heard ,it would have ;Nas,of a slangy turn,to her sister when dance,, divincey. -1 dare say you'll like 6,50. p. in. oxprebs — I . I I . I
I . only,' _-, A jotheir (Tarfb. ALLAN LINE $50,000 To LOAN at 6 por Cont. ;
est in that officer: And yet,whatitlead- ,V,Qr� good-lookin,ai and lovely cyes,bnt .,with him like a house on fire, all V'rofessional 4,
I- 'ly disappointment filled her heart! How M .at.once assualing a very,terider tone- I .
. I utteily had the delight and glory of . such it duffer.' oo*tvell'A .. I . 4ANN'ING & SC()TT - - — --- -TO- .
'Ob so taken -up with Olive Weylarid,' ,don't get along ' t . . I I
hoMe seemeiT for tho moment to halve, return I ed her sister with decision. I I � I art not ,likely to. do that,' she daid, I . . I
died out. For i -be tinie Olive Weyland .1 , . Barristm, Why pay others 7, 8, 0 and 10 per ce4
- t . done, andjourneying in was j us� opposite to yea, you know, a!nd . with lit"nervous laugh. . , " . I . . WIten you can ,get money f rom,p
. jound hers,elf ' 0 really,the way be looked at her now and 117041 01, 10didorq, k. _a at 6 per Q.
. She. felt. tne closet, presmire of the arm coN1EY,ANcrRS c. " First-class loans 51 -per cell.t;.- "Large loank
. in a land of sand and thorns.' then was quite too killing. I dont think bout her wilist" and who can say what . . . 5 per 6ent. . I I ...
Lucy's voice recallcd her somewhat , ' 1. a , , Conirntssionorsfor Ontario and Manitoba. . . — , .
1. words miglif I , OrFICM NEXT DOOR � '�ZE ERA, CLINTON Parties going to tile oldcauntry this summer should 0 1
. to belself, and helped ber' to throw She cares a straw for' him.7 . ' . ._ . 0 lave follo,wed had not the. TERMS"thade tZi suit borrower, regarditio, .�
. 'Never could uuderstan.c101ivb myselt' t'Apsic at'that ,timecea§edl And then - - take this popular line. Theboats arethemost oont. -payment and period of loan. I - I
aside the. effects -of ]ter sad I disappoint- said the young lady, who.,bid g6no ill to .LjIcy found hiniWf beseiged Mb.intro- TO LOAN. MORTGA:GES BOUGHT. plc�e cn�tho Atlantic, ,Rod accommodation unsurpassed I . . �
. I You will give me come danceq,,' lie dinner with ..Lucy. " "But 1, can quite (tuctions'to Olivia. Before be could shake - over J. Jackson'� store, Albert Street. . CABIN FARES VCRY 1,0W - . . ,-�
0 understand no w why Capt Lacy really bialself and her free,of all the, men wbo CHEAP EX('UR
is considered the biggest fool in .the ' 'were anxious to 161ow her the band. H uudCT3ig1)bd at the L�brary Rooms Smith's � . I — .
I be round ones. Shall we say thwreel .. . I never sat next to him at din- . J. 'O. It Block. so -J"E-9 �QOTT. BOTTOM TIGURE
waltzes V I I -1 ner before; aiid really at dances,if'a man with a very,oroprietorial- I 0 . I Call and get ,,tit particulars of . BANKERS, , CLINTON. .
. . waltzes well,you don't think about any- ('Out, dance, I believe.', 310.ums on good mortgage tioeurity, .moderate A. 0. PATTISON, OWNTON, r
I probiised you;' she said with a laugh 1. . toof,luterest. K HALN, Utiaton. . AGENT G. T. R. S_ S I
.'. -a very shaky sort of a laugh, but one owever apparent the real state of iinies are capable of Standing bu't scant EI; DOWSLtY, M.D., M. R. C. S. UNGLANEi — , . I -
bravely managed forall that. Olive's feeling plight be to others, Luc� ceremony and be certainly disposed of uey,j Moloon% Banii, market squaro,Tlinton. -
4 . I Forget. As if I could'forget any- discovered nothing. He drove h ' onie tbe�.hiilf-dozen rn�n gathered :Around her I I '. '. .- ____ .r,APITAL, — . , . "
-, . _: tbitl,-,' li�'bcgan passionat.ely. . wibh as gay arid 06glit a heart as ever . R." APPLETON.-OFFICE-AT RESIDENCE . , ..
I No, then you didn't forget them T n - with no ceremony at all. I . Don Ontario street, Cliatou,ovposite the English No,' EXCRAR ORGAN HEAD OFFICE, MON .. ,-,X-:1 .. *1.
beat beneath a manly bosom. He 101d Tony'� fit. to back the whole of' . tiarcii. r�aGeance y side gate, . I -C; , ".- - . .. . -1 .. I .1, c _.
smoked tv�O'Oip�s before turning in for. Use,' said Miles -�vith a laugh, to Pres- 'R 13. PROUDV60t, CrV& PNGINEER, . J. H. R. MOLSON. ..:'.::',.,.Vic V.1", �
I . ., '. "Tbab ,the nigbt-pipes which were so-all-sitt. ton. I What a swaggering cliSP it is at - Provi nelal and Do,ulniou F,ana surveyor, After the severest teat A the late fair in F. WOLF ERSTAN THOMAS, General Mari. er .
birthday, with Evely&Dauuituc. isfiletory that the tobacco which filled __ 0 Archili,Mk -aiz.(I,-L)tauglltsmLhn,,PBURL'; RLOCK, - — '-1)7
Elvsinni : for in. the blue wreaths which Then-,'ag Lucy 1(4,_"�,,�,Z vay with his DR- WOR was,jaWay ahead of all oth- ' , . current rate8.
went floating up, tip most listless'air, offIce.hours, 8 a.mo ' era and deii6ed-to -be the,pop,ular ipstru- 16terest at 4 per coot allowed on, deposits.
_, up, be saw fair and asked, trance. Restlence, opposite the Tempe . .
� Lucy laughed. " _�ha t 1 -1 --say -Lucy, is Ton -one oil Miss Huron Street,clinton. I ,, — . I .,
. lovely visions of the long,long years .to O,P,M,
I Yes is P y el . . uncut of the day. This, along with the fact . V.&nMIEUrts. - . -. ---' _ , _11
P and to Jacl- Downe. H e were to come -years in which there was Weyland, do you,th i' k V . .
. . quite the beat follow in the world, 'and , . 1) ., I ANIES, HOWSON,, LICENSED AUCTIONEER that a special prize was awattled'it, cortairl Money ad,�anc6d'to farmers on their own-notos viith .
' .- i for the County of Huron, Sales attended a ' nywhere I .
how nice she is.' I I much sunshine and but little shadow. , I Can't Sa'y, I'm Btirc,` returned Lucy In uccounty,atre-Asonableraws. Rosiolen clo, Albert y speaks volumes; for the ifilltrainents,*aild me or mbr6 endorsers. No mortgage rcluired w I
. Such ,shadows -its there was only i'er, ' t , - _ ,.XCF
, , I Very.7 . I . illdifferently. I You'd bet-tah ask hire. street', Clinton., , parties purebasi: --,_ _ I
" . . . ved t 0 thrqw iipi into yet greater bril- Old-er-'f6nly-is not a man who, has -' " - .� GRADUATE OF 'Tn'P, ilED. . Slott before buying chiewhere. , I I janu,ari, 188 � . I . . Clinton :
, Olive i tbouglit be war, uncommonly liancy the bright colors and tints in seewrets, or who generally conceals his D&L Departmontof VlctoriaUnivcrsity,Toronto,f or GEO. . F. I OAKES, P,nop . R uap R. - .1 .
I cold about- it ; sn't'l after all, porhaps which the chief fticidenti'werd painted. ". . . . morly of the11asplioals and Dispensaries, Now York I - .
, I�velyn was not the Sally of whom lie feelings,' , Corouerfortliecounty of Haron,13ayfield,Ont.' J. BIDDLECOMB14,
� I.. We have all -I ' iad these sweet visions I That nii.-Ilt be said of you,' put ia '.,----.-. .-.... . .. Factory three doors west of Mul toy's Pump . ,,, I . I
. . I had told her. at scuie tirrie ol: other of. our apan-ille Miles. . I tts WIIITT, TEACIIER OF SIUSIC. RESIShop, Rattenbury �t., Clinton.'
I Arid bow is Sally ?' she asked. I 311 DEN i, at mrs, R. H. Read's, corner of Horoo anti —. -- -----; . — '
I . span vvl�ict, for so many, is made, tip , I I dare say it riligbt,' answered Luc),, Orange C A=_W_a_tc1L_an.d__ -Clad fakef . , -_,'
- . I Sal IV.' . . strootg. I Agent for the Ontario Mugic Teachers '
chiefly. of sordid arid carkino, cares - with admirable ,placidity. I Every one A.9sociation. see., if. G. Collins, 21 Carleton St,, To. _: .- I
Lucy positively started. . me 0 all't ' ronto; Pros., Dr. U. A. Slppl, London, Ont. - I I / I JE WELLER, &c., I
. _' They are very lovely, so c -he"' knows my sorwry. How I was-er- - . _ - - -
- : I I Yes ; the Sally you were going to castles in the air. . -awfully -in love with ,it lady, who- F RANK R, POWELL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, A - v A, - B el,rrutln. ett 0P* '"ITIO T11111 IVILAII&ILACT, CIA NTON �
try jealousy upon.. Don't you renient- . I . . Notary Public; etc. Offi !0, SEARLE'S BLOCK, AL. , '
CHAPTER 1'. or --jilted me ; her name was Naom-' PERT STREET, CLINTON. Toronto agents, AfeasTs. Me. . . . I ", Where -hakeopas select 1_-m,tU7CLt Pf
- I berl ffid it-answor 7 I never gave you C.,�hy, Oster Iloskin &.0reelmau, Private fauds to . .- I . I , ,,
. tbat locket, did 1 7' - I . --...,--.,.,.AN AFTERNOON DANC I E. .But here he stopped short for Miles can at loweA rates of interest. %.. I . . . WArCHES, CLOOVS, JrWXLLERr1 SILYRi?_
I No.' - �w ' bad fairly bolted, and Preston, with, ta - , —TRE LEADING— I .
M had recovered himself by Olive as dressing f9r the dance. at I I I 1W. WIMLLiMS, B.A., M.B., GRADUATE OF . . WARE I i
. .- then. I But you must give it to'me now, Gaystbwn barracks. It is not' often that laugh fellow him. . Ra Toronto University; member of theCollegoolPhy Which we'will sell at reaeonabldTates. I
I lbougli. Aly biithday is past now, you I venture ,to il�scribc a dress, because - Lucy Simply dropped the story, bav aicianeand Surgeon Ont. OrrLcF& RpaiDENCLthe r ' - ' I
I 1. . itis -a process in whieW-- Ido --not, excel. ing no audience, -and turnerd- t Olin I Repairing of i.vory description I
' I will. .I'll got it next tinie I go to But I must attempt to describp hers,be- some laaies. R � , IL L MITI .
tZ I "'eel. so neav manslaug Ill Ave THINGTON. PHYSICIAN, SU114i6l'4 " . Clinto'n, Nov. 1882. -
I Gaystown,' 01iro replied. I But you cause it was so prett ,so -I berr yi6ii will '.I never I A ter DAcconchour,rileentiateof the College ofPhysician, , .
have not told me, how fair Sally is, and not think me flippant, good reader- as I do when Luoy begins about that aad 8urgeove of Lowor(lanada,and ProvincialLicen. —: A � . --.----- __ . 1. --..-.-- - - I
bere goes. woman:' muttered Miles, to Pieston, ' *R . .
bow You arc g.0-ttillA on V . SAVE' 20 PER. CENT
I Oh, slit, is n1riglit, I think now, and It was gray -a light silver gray -and land it's'al ways tile sll:nae, in season and Thwaitos,llurou ,.jtrect. , I I . A U, , 1p;k I
I've n�10, 'getting vewry nicely, thank you; of a soft, fleecy material, which fitted out of season. I I'was-er-awfully ill I . . EMBALMER, , 1 833) - - SENI I - - C -EN TEN IN 11.-� 1, - 1886. ''
at lva-t, I 1101'a So.' � like a jersey or a glovb.', Oil the Skirt love with a lay -day, and -she jiltf?d. tile ; LINTON MRCI"rANiCS' INTITUTE, LTDR- I Ti"Nit (MI Till: .
I . . 11 arit glall tp ho,lr* it,' with it little were many rows of narrow silver braid, her name was Naopii.' And so be CARY and Reading Rooms, Porrin block, dpwn I I
I stairs. About 1,700 vo.utues in tho Library and ____ —
s; S*h, for 11C.1, wx'il elis;Ippointulcilt. and the jacket was braided across the babbles on to the bitter end, if you'll lot all the Leading Newspapers and Porjodl"14� ... P, - 1", ,f___C1Ji_)t_1l-t,0,a -1 — - - 41A I
I that "'110). thlo " t militaire. Tboro were fril- -- -- xmium. Opon from 2 to 5 p. In., and from 7 to .
Lucy',, lienil, lilw a sword,t1toll-h it was linp (X soft gray diaphavious stuff at X.eansvWtte-l+artur'-a-ii--(r-O,Tiv—o were Oplul� Apt)[ioationa for taptunershap recived .. C001111VtOd hUth On CRAI ILIM Mott"' 1�ldt`S'
thoL \vas half pleasm-6, half pain. I an I ripples of lwr golden hair rested a I I told him to play ii, waltz,'. li6 said . FLUIDS uspil in F.)ll 11�% Lill IN(,, A ,t.;j ,. jc%111,VTt. E'Sq., - - - V I v, '. 1, 1, ., ,o) t
think ;f tit,) redoiflibible Afvs. Snd(h hit(]' -ray hat, which had a great many short as diny went into the messroorn, .' Sit , MON FEY. - - MONEY. it. s. ,;mox(;, Ls(i., - - manacim,, Direct- .
210t� 1,1con sitt in,, on the other sido of the 'roillf'd fbitbel'A Mrs. Winters a comfort, having ;tit informal afftil, like F,,us, at low raten and III ,A largn assovhiwnt (of' (-� ut N tlii,i r W FT E Gr 0 n. *,;� ...
1`0011), (li',('Ilr-�illg :1 corillill nvitterorgos. t('113 lu;js okllod it tip') withJ119t it touch this. We can have what dances ,Nve - Term,; na-Lrle to suit borrowers. I stronger and njore prosporpus, than tit any �
would promptly, thorn, and 1hen, ha,:r,, d n i ii ty. it t I -.� i ng, d r rv,4, 1) i i 1, o 1. o v, I I i r I I 1 lzo�; all I ho tinle, ;Ire you � she asked, UNION SHAVING PAFiLOR 1 Rod - ROC16Y ,MR- CUB. iosuranco 1�csorve of �430,000. � Thero are $20, �
takeii the darling of' ,his h(mi-t., to his : Huitrd It ,I, to -it nicrly. or. (to llw! tho ex. f �,miliw' - I ,� 1'1,k V *4 (", IT�i,, curri,;(i ,kNI) St4 11 �GSIDENUE, ,, ()RANG all(luverep),000hold ill Mort?agvs, J)vben I I
I armq, and lwgp A her I](-'VC'-,Ilt-V(,'I',Il(!%.("', I pressionofone of tho St,arJ(,t11,mjcc-rs, ! I it' Y.1 ,wollld plonline to lmlpo (11wil � I'(;61.�(,, li, � I I v v Cry lwa,, it -fill to suir tares, and Cash, iulfriediately available to I
so 10I)g. ,,, i she 'ghould livv,'let hini-Imar � when sho reached Ili' I fill! A)- with 11m I bliou"ll t,l,y wy littlo 1)("'it � 1',V(ry pel . " policy meet losses.
But "1111c.1, ! also! there, F,at Miss '1-41nith I I think I shall (1(,,' she inurnittied to you 100 (111-11'. "Yed 1,61. �11: 1.110 rc.,t. 'jost, " I . Forfitli particularARPOY to ITEADOPFICE.GAIM
uwlai.choly and inconventwnt fact --a maid had left ]lot- ; , yes, I think I ShAl this aftei'lloo?)., . I V 41 (A V, ON 1) U NT IST ow ____ __ .
NVol), I nm vww,od 1',wa few,'i,liv 11-111 11- -0-1101 I """ L A N I IN G , MILL
i"l-tho Ifurd � r
fAct, ,it.,; nawral as li�e, and, like it night. d o.' And tit, it she ndflod, with a blush ' C, In ! lwor-, ,d whohil-oliog chemleall.) *poro Nitrolcen .1. 011
Marc Or the indigestion, not to be got rid i n I it Fmiln, ,,I frown and n dimple, (!,tell au-swei ed. 'I M"11"Xide, which ig the'ate"t alld b"1,43'sto,l vot dis. , . —ANr)— .
. I -cr,,i f,jr i!io vainh-4s extraction w teath, hlarKos , nOLLER FLOUR,,
of-, nild tlitr�, too, did Aliss Smith ro. followiiig tlio, ollmi- in viq,id succv,ssioii, 'Oh, oulv a f, � w. W(!ll, diva I sliall i cm r , - -tion , . L _"__�
__ — witlyi-1- himself. -cry first glanco slit,, ,)lr. A. Ifni , 4n&fof-jjMicd his now Planing, Nfill ii ltb machin. BRAN by ,rox I
Inck amhow, that shn should have bill, gpAO roulli tile rootli, sho, di.scovered livirlinbly Nvoll : and Olivf" r(.111ombel-ing � I cry of,tllc latc4t. Improved patternq, 1.4 now prepared
five milallu"s, walk to, lici� own door,- and that Capt. IT.w.knoss was not present. Lucy's yntlifq' ontim9ingtic tiv,icription oi` _,L-Tev-mm-34=,��_!"" , � , and waidlet"r,% vqnnner, and at rwounable rat". lie AT G&TS. 1,E4 lk -,C_%%7,r,,
-,'o lie twd not thowzbt. the dance worth his c %pahilitieii in I hat, tino -(Vllusi:�,,- 1 vj+r�,,�;-,,�,. ", v -� -V,-.'w,Xr . - ! would also roturn tbaviicq to all who patroal/ed the ,
- �
I IF,', IT
thfit It(,. should riot only have five miles I '. - �.M P De trm -1 511 Y in Dwn TO ITf ah-arg 1�
to drive back to the barracks,imt should returning for. " tic for I'liny, ll -t i,, 1�11(10,19e` t- � 1<,,_ 11; _64-1 _ TR, - ;�,,, a hotter P" 14) nxvnote .Mor4cxlweditloo4li, , I �_ � P -A
nl.so luivv a nian, one of hi -4 own rpyi. � Now"ns a loattm, of fact, l[Arl I , If that lie was re'lliv tho very host, 1, NOR 01111410111 lie call 91V1, S'.ttisfactlon to all. , --- I —
. linssing through Giystowii � Ila(] nof so niuch as b(cii told tliit th,� ,,,,-,:,,�Rt(;vr Bile hno ever (1,111ced,with"iti-ong t ii %!iam vnnVIIAT9 � .
-h with a st-ay 0( Ono ni"'lit, dining with dance was boir)g givon, it w!'N morely an firti), light,piry. C L I 'P#1 T 0 N . . 10141(%�U; Me-NUNME , I- Hills'. J0 .