HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 8• ;LINTON NEW ERA, FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 188T. _ LOCAL NOTICES. - For the best and Cheapest Harness go to JAS. T }VITCIIELL, Clinton. 1r goodCords CHR S. DICKSON,nClinton. nge fo A few Robes :for wood at JAS. e T WJTCHELL' S t Clanton. A Genuine Clearing Sale of Remnants at fifty cents on the dollar is now going on at 11JCKSOaN'S Bookstore. Go and see them, Carnival numbers Montreal Star 40c. TVit nese 15c., and Grip 10c.. sent post paid on receipt of price to any address in America. Conic Vatentines in great varieiy. • CIIRIS. DICKSON, Clinton. ' 1V. H. Jeffries, of Indianapolis, and J, J. Sims,, of Brantford, are holding Gospel Ser- vices in, the Meeting Room, Perrin's Block. having commenced last (Thursday) night, and expect to continue every evening until af- ter Sunday, Hour's of service for the week nights, 7.30 p. na., and 3 and 7 p.rn. for Sun- day. . HORSE NoaEs.—Short John Reynolds, of Bullet', lost a splendid young horse,on Monday night, by pinkeye. Mr. Thos. Welsh•rich township, sold a mare to Mi. Jo�WWloskey, last week, at a good figure ; this animal. in ten months' time gained the remarkable "amount of 335 lbs. Messrs. Bawden & Co. advertise a sale of good heavy draught horses and mares at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, OD the,23rd ins1P. ais first-class an LOVERS OF GOOD BREAD will do well to remember the flour used «,t Fleischman Yeast Cos: free baking schools is made at the BIG BRICK MILLS, SEA"FORTI4, ONT. RATES OF'VCHANG E—$8 'lbs.. Flourl .101be. .Bran and 3 lbs. Shorts for a 100 04' Wheat. Custom Chopping Sc. per 100 lbs. FOR FARMERS WHO GET THEIR SUMMER EXCHANGING' DONE I*' TIIE SPRING, we shall keep a ,special gran . of dour they may solely vel;, upon to ensure them first-class bread all summer. 'Our EX - CH ANGE,FADfILYand BAAEBSFLOUR are unequalled,for quality and cheapness, A. W. OGILVIE d: CO., BIG BRICK MILLS SEAFOR TII, ©NT. find a It ":. —The High School Debating Soc et F. �ad a dieeuerion on Monday, on thesuis• t, "Resolved, that the hanging of Riel ': 'ustifiable." The speakers on bothside a, ' , ! . he matter well ; de- cision w or . a.} ; of Mr. Mathew- son, ofth ' though it was clearly pts ' A minion Govern- ment 'was prig es • onsible for the re- bellion Muss', 1,.tur�nished by Miss Mully and Mit'. arson. The next meet- ing will be he • en` the 14th inst. -at 4 o'clock, when a good programme can be expected. 1`�,! sawn Zolti.ts. \_--SdoTT Ac'c. CLAsE.—Inspector Paisley 's, laid information before the Mayor last \week, charging J. Currie with violation &the Canada Temperance Act. Currie plead guilty and paid the statutory fine cif $50 and gosts. " REu^ WINO HEaLTIII.--Mr. Thornton Wallacof Hullett, who has been in very poor health for some time, has,. we are pleased to say, recovered sufficiently to be able to go around, and on Friday last he visited a number of friends. in town. He looks thin, and\is pretty weak, but will soon surmount these. KEIt1Lor.—The \they <lay an active young business man `sprangjauntily into his sleigh, which stood at the door of his shop, and dropped on the seat without gathering the lines off the dash board; the horse started quickly, so suddenly that the merchant was thrown backwards 'over the seat,taking a somersault before he could say "Jack Robinson." - Hopi( E8vILLE SCHOOL HotTSE.—Ten- ders were opened here last week for the erection of a brick school house at Holmes- 'lle, and the contract awarded to Messrs. Co er & Swaffield, at $1278; and $25 is alio ed for the old school. -There was, only thr tenders,and the others thought they had g ` the price down pretty fine "- "however; `th they will get a builders turn oat scription. FAnmERs' CL n.—The ranton Farm- ers' ,Club met at Granton, i n' Monday _evening. In the absence of the resident andyy.i�ce-president, Mr. Chas. Av` was nd ap chairman for' the evening, ter a lengthy and interesting discussio as to the relative merits of stall feeding against grass feeding cattle, it was finally decided that stall feeding was the rnaip�re --profitable: - The -meeting -.adjourned ,to meet again on Monday evening nex4to ..,.discuss thesanao subject,' ' • COUNCIL.—Theregular.meeting of conn - ell was held on Monday evening, Mr. T. C. Doherty, the newly -elected member of . St. George's ward took the oath of quali- fication. The fire committee recommended. payment of the following accounts :—L. Trouse, salary, $21 ; Jos. Ryder, , salary, $25'; S:Pratt, salary,. $18.75 ; W.J.Paisley,- salary, $87.50 ;' W. Coats, salary, &c.,$52;.. W. J. Paisley, sundries, $12.45 ; -. Cop; Clark & Co., $7.50; receipts of hall, $10.50; scales,•$13.35. A letter was received from Mr. Payy-ohief-_of the fire department, giv- ,.ing the list of fireman for the year. A, petition was read asking for the appoint- ment of a. night watchman,instead of a day constable. The officers' committee recom- mended that W. Coats be clerk for this year at a salary of $200, with no fees ; N.l • Robson, treasurer, mai D. R. Menzies and H. Stevens, assessors, at $50 ekch. The. committee recommended that the scales be let by tender and that the offices now held by Mr. Paisley and Mr. Trouse be confbined, and that ,.offers he received therefor at a salary of $400, the present incumbents to hold office until next meet- ing. The free use of the town hall was granted the Oddfellows for their benefit concert. Ontario street church was granted the use of part of William street for build- ing purposes, ' ' AN ICE STou:1r.—Part of Sunday and'al day Monday a mean arirzling rain fell,and as it froze while it fell, soon everything was coated with ice. The telegraph and telephone wires gradually sack beneath the increasing weight of ice and finally numbers of t,liem snapped, until no less ' than ten telephone wires in town were down. while communication by telegraph w-as-ont of the question for the same rea- son. The trees presented a gorgeous ap- pearance so long as they. could hear the weight of the ice, hot they present a clelapidated bed; now that enormous branches, and in Eowo cases the entire tree, has given away to the pressure on it, On Monday evening, after the rain ceased, the crashing of the trees could be heard in all directions, and the sound of the ice and .'branches crushing together made a roar that would be startling if its cause was unknown. 'file streets were like a street of glass, and many a pedestrian sat down without any regard to the rules of etirltiette or good breeding. Many of those retiring from the anniversary services in Willis church found locomotion exceed- ingly difftcult,and one lady who happened to be going home without a male escort, actually sat down on the ice, took her shoes off, and walked home in her stock- ing feet as the only safe way that she could manage it. ('fin Tuesday the rain again descended in for rents,this timewith- out any frost accompaniment, and as a Consequence streets and cellars were flooded. Singularly the roads are not in as bad n condition as one would expect to.Tnd there after so much rain, and there is still good sleighing. MINOR BRIEFS.—The backbone of win- ter sags a little. but don't flatter yourself that it's broken. There is a great demand for arms in Europe; so there has beeu -here' ever since the sleighing season be- gan. Every Liberalassociation in the county should now be in thorough good working order. Mr. -.Allanson is cutting large quantities of ice, of superior quality. variety is the spice of life;' -existence surely does not ladle for seasoning, so far as the weather is concerned. this winter; fourteen changes a week is decidedlyspicy. Division Court will be held on the P.5th day of they resent month. After one more issue of the NEW ERA we will be able to settle down to home news; in the -mean- time politics is the all absorbing topic. It is rumored that detective McCarthy, well known in Clinton, has left the G. T. R. service through some misunderstanding with the heads of his department. The nomination for the South will be held at Seaforth ; for the West at Goderieh, and for the East at Gerrie. r BRIEFS.—Mr. Thos. East has disposed of all the bricks held over from last year, to parties who contemplate building this year. No less than six tramps have been accommodated with lodgings in the town hall during the past week ; it is not the best weather in the world to be out in. Mr: --Dave--Birks; formerly--a-•-student-at. Clinton High School, is now teaching at Bracebridge. The Globe says that at the last meeting of Knox College Literary Society "an excellently written and thoroughly appreciative and appreciated essay on William Pitt," was read by Mr. Mark C. Rumball. The other day a mer- chant in town took a burning stick out of a stove in his store and laid it down on one of the back steps, no doubt intending to put the fire out ; the stick was forgotten and burned the' steps clean through. By an oversight one night last week the water in the steam pipesat the Organ Factory wag not turned off, and during the night some of the pipes froze and burst, one "Trustees-may--rest•assured *room• beingaPlig fly flooded when the men ood job, as all Clinton came to work next mot i'h'g."Our-readers- ly work of that de- should remember the free .concert to be given in the town hall. by the Oddfellows, next Tuesday evening; the programme will be goodand unobjectionable ; the committe has decided to"liand the pro- ceeds over to the Mayor for disbursal. Mr P. W.: „Hayward; who recently suffered from a reletpse, was able to be out on Sat- urday. Mia. Cole, relict of the late Dr ole, is very ill. Miss Bishop, a former teater in .our Public School, is here visiti ' fridtds. A boy named Cole was arrested -on -Monday, -charged with stsal ins a,h:tnd-sleigh from in front of Dick - son's store; the charge -being sustained,he was sentenced to twenty-four hours in the lock-up. The Otteson family have re- moved from town ; we extend our sym- pathies to the, 'place where they have gond to reside. - The falling of a limb or altree on Huron St., on Monday, evening frightened a horse attached to a cutter, and--thcr'horse, running away, threw the occupants out on the road ; we did not learn who they were, or how much they were hurt. Mr. Thos. Greig, of Ripley, who, being on the sick list, was spending a few days among friends here,returned to his work on Tuesday. It is rumored that a very popular young minister in the county will shortly tie a Gordon knot that will remain' tied for life ; and this rumor is not so fresh that it requires • a little salt -on to keep it. Mrs. Greig, of Picker- ing, is visiting friends here. Reeve'Mc- Murchie turned out on Tuesday morning and worked like a Trojan in opening some of the drains, so that the town would not be held responsible for damage done to cellars by flooding. Miss Sheppard, mil• liner at Beesley's, was called away on Tuesday by the death .of a -cousin in Deleware township. Mr. P. Craib, who has resided in town for several years, ha's decided on removing to Chicago to better his circumstances, and will dispose of his household effects by auction, prior to his removal. Miss Grace Robertson is visit- ing at Rev. ,Mr. Parkes, Blyth. A meet ing of parties -going to the west in the spring, will shortly be held at the (Grand Union. Messrs Robert and John King left for Shoal `Lake, Man,, on Monday, taking tickets from Thompson's agency. The Fleischman Yeast Co. free Baking School is attended by a 'number of ladies daily; it is a capital way of advertising agood article, Miss Lizzie Correll is now able to be up. Mr, Smt"ith, Police Magic- trate, Gerrie, ltd several more panes of glass broken i , his store windows, on Saturday; such ..escality, while annoying, only strengthe.is temperance sentiment.— The C PR, ex'. ibition car will be here all day on the 171h inst; it has a number of new features attached this time, British Columbia products being also represented. Tenders are being asked in our a ver BOONS this week �X Al Ma den Grath Price 161. X X X XX X X X X X_ X �r X.' X filoFt p The new Canadian Novel—An Algonquin " A romance of the early days of Upper Canada, by G. Mercer Adam an A Ethelwyn Wetherald ; 240 pages. Crown, 8vo, - -!' (Free by mail) ISSUED FROM THE PRESS TO -DAY, THE NEW ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPH't, ILLUSTRATED with the finest designs and engravings ever published in aiCana- dian School Book. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising productions; exports, imports and the principal routes, of trade and travel, given particular prominence. PLAN—Beginning at the school grov:nds, pupils proceed over their county, province. country, continent and theaaorld,andare_tanght the effects of climate and'productions upon file condition and pursuits of the iuhabitants, ac- cording to the moat approved methods. THE MAPS are modern, beautiful and clear, and the ,whole work is executed in the highest style of the art. Price 65 cents, free by mail. The New Presbyterian Hymnals, In various styles of binding, etc. SCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds. Rose's Hand -book of Things worth Knowing, 100 copies. Price only 25 cents. 100 Copies- Home Cook Book. - The Saint and His Saviour—by Spurgeon. Moody's Choice Sermons Moody's Select Sermons Four Great Preachers. Physical life of Woman) Transmission of Life, by Dr. Nepheys- T�he Royal Path of Life. The Royal Road to Wealth - Mathew Henry's Bible Commentary. A Mystery—by Caris Sima. Dolly, by E. E- Sheppard, of the News. Rand St McNally's new Maps of Ontario and the word. AND MANY 0 HERS. RISJLJICK$0!k,- CLINTON. 1 d d ing columns for the addition to Ontario Street Methodist Church, and also for the improvements to the High ,School. Mr. Cooper, of the Beaver Book Store, has left us a copy of Grip's Carnival number.;tit is a fine issue. Mr Coyne shipped a car of apples to Liverpool, lass week. As sprang is neat lag, business men are daily ie eiv- ing their spring goods. Doherty & Co. are busy preparing a large shipment of Organs for Liverpool. Mr Trwin is daily receiving barley id three, four and five car lots, from Stratford, Wingbam, and other points for cleaning and transhipment- — John Weir and wife had a narrow escape from drowningWednesday night, by driv- ing into the river while coming through Jas Steep's. farm, Coderich township, - ('apt. Lewis, of the Salvation Arrpy visiting her sister in London. Ce RANCE: & CO EBRUARY - . O O O Q O O O O O Q O Q Q O O 0•6 1n Q`'. Are offering GREY. COTTONS,. WHITE COT- TONS, SHEETINGS, both in single and double width, PILLOW COTTONS and , SHIRTINGS, all - new and fresh from the manufacturer - x WE ALSO HAVE FINE LINES IN x EMBR©I ? I4 -RIES & PRINTS, 'Rill jive a zscoUnt .o f IO per Cent for Cash for the next sixty days. C. Q. RANCE & CO., THE HUB CLOTHIERS, CLINTON Three Doors Wiest of Dickson's Book Store • A grand Stock to select from. Como and get a big bargain in a READY :-: MADE ;-; OVERCOAT. .61 UNDERCLOTHING at all prices. Our DRESS DEPARTMENT Is large, and we will give you a good selection now, at away down prices, in preference to taking them into stock. We kindly ask an inspection if only for -comparison. GEO." E. ''PAY. & CO. THE DRY GOODS -EMPORIUM OF-CLINTON. ENC DRAGEMENT We have just got through our annual stocktaking, and the balancing of our' business for the past year, and when 'we sit `clown to look over oiir. "trial. Uel ee," we'find every reason to be thankful for.. our large turnover. We might -have been bet ter pleased bad o-nr profits been a little larger, but it is pleasing.. • 'to -know that we have•the confidence of the-public,•,whell we_ advertise that we are <elling the best goods at the lowest liv- ing prices. For the coming season'we intend to give special attention to the Ready _Made, Clothing Department. ()1T1l ASSOi T;\IENrl, OF YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING. Will not be equalled outside the cities. We are making very careful selections in all our different departments, and by the first of March we will have , the grandest exhibition of goods ever shown in this section. We claim that we are selling the i1EST GOODS AT TIIE LOWEST LiVING PRICES. __-do--- JACHSON BROS:, �IA1Nr.Q' (➢N N.