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The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 6
.........,�. .._ . - a a � f i " - .. -- 6h .. FRI • ree.hottle `oaf Pr. DAY, FEB,.% 1887• The Quebec Treasurer is reported to t pp ��TT��+*�� {' have drsoovered that the late Govern- It wasacowtYlwrth mild brown eyes, and have re ane for kro 'hitis MERRY XMAS UL HAPPY ,L111' 11 YEA9-TO ALL � Jpg's Medloi i menu had a deficit of over $5110 000 last K ne8t QIQ TQ GLASGOW'S s rt to the popular lace for GENTS It'URNiBHiI)145, NEWS, NOTES. + auburn bangs and a tail with a loose 1 rued teat a , g frem it and highly ri;9il,. mend P p P year:, when they were claiming a stria lock on the end, that switched the air it, Mfrs. WI1usON. NVO keep in.etook all the latest novelties, consisting iii Trlontreal's assessors give the city ; surplus.., and knocked jmagivary flies into the I i . Solei by J. H. Combo. jigs, Collars, Cuffs., Persian Lamb Ga S, Collars & Caffs; i111ff8fi4M population -of 1$6,000. The Rev, Thos. Griflitb, Ph.D., of the hereafter with a snap.. She was being p.,. Y Y g Westistreet toward the Cort. ' - - F�RSIAN LAMB, BEAVElt CAPS, COLLARS and CUFFS, S. S. SEAL and BALTI C i Tho Presbyterian ladies of Winnipeg Spading avenvoMethodist church of Jerst sled in t whose complexion,fowing t 1AL. He has in stook a very fine selection of UNDERWEAR, and is offering Lis goods at have undertaken to educate the China- Toronto, has accepted a cordial call from ey n, g Your C h �' i d e reasonable price, and whiah-c.an not be undersold by any one in the businers. He has. in a ' mem of that city, one of the leading churches of Philadel- the cold weather and hot whiskey, was i rook of lES, the latest style and most fashionable viz:-Excclaicr, Toledo, Knot, Scarf, Pain cannot exist when Weet'e World's phia. He lt,aves for his noir field of la- red as a meteoric sguset. ; . r e constantly exposed to danger from Polo, ale. He. has al o in stook a beautiful DRIVING GLOVE, and which he claims cannot ' Wonder is applied. Cheapest and beat. 25 and hot• about the end of March. „ SVddeuly, with what was apparently t ,11,1x, Whooping Cough, Croup, ani i be surpassed in the to)�vn. ITie stock. of BOYS, CLOTHING is tine and can b. e bought at p 50o. All druggists, unnecessary cruelty, the Jerseyman very low price. His selootion of SILK HANDKERCHIEFS are handsome, and so chef • Mr. Blake's terrible arra: nment of the diseases peculiar to the throat and g struck the cow across the flank with a + Big aasortmont of PAPER COLLARS viz: -Ore, uomet and Opera. His CELLULOID and ' A great°revival is in progress in Dr. (,}overumsot, at Montreal, has put the club, swung his arms over ,hi's head, lung;. For such ailments, Ayers LINEN COLLARS and CUFFS are of the latest style and from the beat manufacturers. Talmage's Church. So for 2,000 persons Organs completely on the defence. His danced a maddening double -shuffle inthe. (:iterry Postoral, promptly adniiuis- In Mews Boys' BRACES, he ie'having a great demand for them. studiously moderate statements based tl red, affords s ed relief and tura. i., have been converted. Y street, and sat down with strange ra- Pe . y upon facts orderly arranged and clearly pidity upon a car -rail. The cow looked As a remedy for Whooping Cough, CLINTON.Rev.tjS.J. Hunter, of Hamilton, will stated, cannot be easily evaded or turned over hot shoulder reprovingly, and stood a it►t which wan of our ciltlslren were ���• �L�S��W be asked to accept the pastorate of aside. -Montreal Times. in her tracks. The Jerseyman arose a filleted, we used, during the past win•, Grace Church Winnie . ter, with much satisfaction, Ayer's _ _ - _ _- __ -__. - ____-___ • Winnipeg. Charles Ogden Ferris alias Sit• Roger from the impression he had made upon Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, wd !li Mrs. Elliott and her two children, Tiebbortlt3, convicted in the United the ice, smoothed leis coat-tails caress- consider this preparation the most effi- The People's HARNtSS De ofStar Island, below Klagston, were States Circuit Court recently for fraud- ingly, and started toward the cow. _ He •(•acinus of all the medicines which havo rapped her once, spat on his hands, sumo .to our knowledge. -Mary Park- ' burned in their house on Thursday night ulently obtaining a pension from the rap ed her twice, put his shoulder horst, Pr'eceptresa, Home for Little • r rrt •rite false claim that p �t'anderers, Doncaster, bid. last, r -r' • y against her side -all to move her out of A _,"N 1 F Q--�• �! • • hg had been wounded in the army, was the track of the drays but to -no avail. ety children have been peculiarly d IA) , West's Cough Syrup stege tickling in the jel t to attacks. of Croup, and I failed to throat, stops that hacking cough and gives on Friday,. sentenced to,' five years in A crowd assembletL The Jerseyman tied any effective renntdy 4dntil I coin- -, Ae . , - ..+ i . . — . e. of relief • it is certainly worth a trial. Erie penitentiary. got lots of sympathy but noe%ssistance. auenced administering Ayer's (`berry + One man suggested that she had frozen Pectoral. This preparation relieves tho Having onlay red ut show room and of in a fall stock of all classes of gods v as -,All druggists. A tall countryman who ave his name difiQulty of breathing and invariably g 6, Y g g y ig fast; another that @he was undecided cures the com plaint. -Daviel G. Starks, usually kept in the In some sections of Fontana there is as Henry C: Hill, of the neillborhood of about the folic of the ueiv Board of 1 Y P . policy C lad CulimPia,Co., N. Y. 1;1 serious fuel famine, and' people are Stratford,Canada, fell in with the "green Aldermad. The owlierwent afowyards 1 have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral YXd,Y•it103.4t-, "lad "Vi211i'..-I'vo IR"SilleCs. � using up their fences and outhouses for goods" men in New York on Tuesday, ahead, grinned a ghastly grip, and steak- in my family for many years, and firewood. in exchange for $127 not about a ound ing his club behind hinit in a suppressed have found It especially vahtabla in I amtprepared to furnish the public with- all kinds of HARNESS BUFFALO - g " p f Cry pleasled in persuasive tones, "Come, 'Whooping Cough. This medicine allays 1 , I, The recent blizzards in the far West of hard coal done up in a couplaof old nlooly-Come, Mooly-:4looly." But all Irritation, pl•eventsinflammationfrum and COAT ROBES, BUNKS, VALISES, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES. / have proved disastrous to the cattle, newspapers. " He supposed 'he was gett- _pool saw the club.' extending to the lungs, and quickly sub- A large stock of first-class HORSE BLANKETS, ' lowest rates. SLEIGH and many ]rave perished fou• want of ing $500 in counterfeit greenbacks. At last from the crowd stepped a lank -J. B. Wny ellington, Plainville Complaint. BELLS, I have a large stock Mich 1 will sell cheap. food and water. A Lesser Slave Lake Correspondent and unshaven specimen of a 'longshore- I find no medicine so effeeAve, for I ma%e all my own C'ULLARS To ladles. The great beautifiers,for the of The Edmonton Bulletin :---'The fish. man. IIo teas gifted with a wisdom be- Croup and Whooping Cough, as A}er's >t , and ,will warrant .them to give satisfaction. complexion; One of West's sugar floated yond his kind. HO strew the. .owner of '-'berry Pectoral. It was the meats of. REPAIRING promptly attended to. All kinds of TINWARE on band. Liver Pills taken nightly. 50 ills 250. All cries here were a partial failure, conse- the cow aside and whispered in his ear: saving the life of my little buy, only six Thanking my customers for past favors I .respectfully ask for a continuance P uentl times Are rather• dull. On th .months old, carrying him safely Uir"u gh * P , p y 'druggists, V .n Y p (1 Twist pert tail." The Jerseyman the worst case of hoping CBugh I i -ver of their patronage. Mr.Parnell's malady is reported to be Peace River the indians are' baying a shook his head. ' Then, as though bid- saw. - Jana Malone, Piney Flats, Tenn. ' -:x; Bri ht s disease. It is thoaght im rob- terrible time, as the lynx and rabbits ding for the support of the multitude, (yl�O(�ER IES. -1 have decided on oto into the in g ' thou,ht have left the county or died out, On the 'longs oroman raised his. arm and Ayer's Chert Pectoral with my other lines, and have purchased a nice and select stock of all goodssus ally kept in able. that he will be dole to stand the y making a stvee ing astute exclaimed : the whole itis blue„look-Out for the g P � � Pr.)aredbyDaJ.C.Ayy.r:kCo.,Lowotl,3faen, the grocery line Parties wanting anything' whatever in this department can save strain Of his parliamentary work. "Gouts, I says twist her,tail.” bul� by all Druggists. Nice $1; six betties, $5 b calling nn me. Indians this winter. Thoss who escaped al Twist it erself;" was Clip answer. y g Sam Small, the evangelist, denies the measles have now to face starvation g Y that.he is going 'to leave the pulpit and unless something tmforseen tutors lip. arm land t r lantpf scorn b r theicotbvaon the ' fie and--_. —_.___- -- GEO. RiEld4/'� 141, 1_OioBDG �tDR4 g g P P _ - - - return to journalism. Just now he is - - -- .. -- - -- doing sph.adid work with Sam Jones to It is whispered that the Province of took the lgvo-lock in his hand; ran his _ Quebec is on the eve of a most alarmlq .5 'I l - I _ O O' ® O Boston. The far;tters in some parts of INlgin Qlc ed scandalous opasfi admin: trat casnancial e T e grasped fandlla d tried toe of t bre aaknot r An his . sa1;� �4i'P,;,,''a ,. . � . county, thinking that balmy spltug was lntnlsters refuse to give any laformatlou agonizing silonco, which was broken by 1'I i •:w- .� � orfs '' R t7 tb 1111 , 1 near, commenced plowing last week. The on the subject, but report says that 'the a roan and(lottedwithAbroad-brimmed _ 1i, _;. `` � � present `(cold snap"hasdoubt•les3sha ter- teachers' egsion food and the North g P P ;v ( '', ,t-'' 1,j �E wi pay the abcve Itoee.r". for any i • 1) P hat, a air of sus enders, and trio arms 9 n ) e ,,rfi ' ed, their hope in that direction, Shore Railway sinking fund, amounting and legs of a 'longshoreman doing calls. ,`_• , '. y. �i oa of Dysfpopsia, LirOr co:nta�int, _ On the opening of the Orillia High to over a million dollars, have disaap- thenics in the frosty air. Tete battered ,, j- �'i�_ 13ick eadache, Indigeaticn or COscruese P b b eared, The rumor is given for what it I we cannot Cure with Vr'EST'.; Livr:r, I P g remains of the 'longshoreman were .j t i , t CURES ALL HUMOR S School on Monday morning,it was found is worth at resent, but it receives muchI'r . _ �i PlyiLs, when the Directions are strictly , P carried sway muttering blasphemy. / + a that all th'e copies of the Scripture in the credence among the Government party, The cow after she had replaced her -Oka .! , Al r' . sehool had been stolen. Investigation who say that the examinations of the Be" hind hoofs on the ground was led on to 8�, " ;, " thus far has failed to give any clue,to the counts made so far reveal a terrible state the ferry by the Jerseyman, who' ob- + "c. f thief. of affairs, . served as he paid his fare: ' _._ I/ la llAllE ONLY $Y— Jos. Atkinson, a farmer living near The report on the crops of last year Talces more'n a Yorker to lealrn me Marden, four miles from Guelph, coin- just issued by the Department of lessons."� J. BRUNSD01 I,OTDdRO, mitted suicide by shooting himself in the Agriculture at Washington shows that , i breas� with a shot' gun, Deceased was the season of 1886 iii the. States prod le- A Tierra Del Fue fart Canoe. Will carry .A heavier weL any, . well and favorably known throughout ed an abundance for the supply )of all g kwaggon HIar ,k .K. SouthWellington. ' domestic wants,, and 'for , all 'foreign The canoe is a rough, primitive strut. r+��•�• .• c ry �+ °`- dema'ridwliable'-tic be inade d'uring'this' .'taro;•several-•breadtheof-bark stitched 1W-F•'TER�,' .TIEc`IS,•, &C. A -member of the present Ottawa Gov- est. Wheat hada .much better season together with sinews of the seal and esnroent denounced the trades -unions as be• y gathered up at tufo ends, 'Along 'each we. e ing a "gag of thieves." Yet the Couser. than in 1885, and with a larger breadth aide a pole Is lashed, joining the gun'- HURON AND BRUCE _ _ _______sativ.e�ask- he electore.to a_upportthe can• and a yield of 124 bushels per acre gives wale rail, while several stout pieces laid ' •�-- .clidaiewho promise tosup`por�at"tra3daei T60�00',.D00- IitisliQl`s more than- flue "crosswise serve tis beam tiin -- :- Tnthe --tya-1--a17T( "ICI CBtiI1t T1t �i4� and associates, who have never, apologised previous crop, suflieient fou a surplus bottom,.amidships, is a,mud hearth on . • for condoning the outrageous calumny. latest than recent exportation. _ bats which burns a fire, with sticks set up —`" . Professor John DeLeon of New had-& geld `o£ 2G4btishels per acre mak- around it to dry. This CuotpUny iN Loanlr g ti 64ey ore. 1'a? nn -- - - - - ' _ ..........:._ 41................._-....,.,..�,,......1.. :... 4e.... n `,- - -1 o inducing young girls to go to Panama - o -- _ -- v -'C--_ r------'- __ -- -' - - 000 bushels. Its volume was 5,1000,000 •erait, supartuxu ]rum 1-1110 "L1Vr1llt3r , L)y the cross -pieties; in tllo forward one for immoral purposes under the pretext bushels less than that of last. year,. find are various weapons --spears, clubs, and of finding • employment for them, was (sentenced its value per bushel is 29.8 cts, against sling-stones=and fishing implements. to fifteen years of imprison- 28,5 cents last year. Barley, rye and The amidships section holds the fire- ment at hard lobor. buckwheat made a medium yield, - and -year hearth, the ineu having place on the forward sing of it;, the women, who do Tim standard remedy for liver complaint is the report says that the may be the paddling, are seated further aft ; ,,Vest's Liver Pills • the never disappoint you Y PP y drgggiats. _ considered one of medium fruitfulness th while in the stern are stowed filo boys, 30 ills 23c. All with prices low for most .of the products girls and dogs. . A mob of 'masked men entered 'the Of agriquhum. .. : _ 1,___ �._ . _...---___,- .Jail .at.Seguin, ,Texas._early_Wedngs.day. .. .. . ' morning, and after overpowering ,the _ .___ _ ... In Plaice of Tap. . 1. - ..,11Ci1V -ii Tif�fi�ritt lh 1i`eoti:. - • jailor', took three negroes-Thompson, - Williams and Nilson=and hangedth tem Tlv, ,•iip that eheni'r. hitt not tnobriateg, I):, • •I -n;:l, by pools of ail ago, ailll ' Of course, yet, kiiaty that such plc- . to trees in full view of the town. On - 1'," ;;mitt Elliper.Ir lCteu-Ll+^) 's it: • i • : i o r,i)uA the I)rt)pt'r. pr,; )ar:Ltion tures as you sec ill books oL� in b't. .� i iolm have to be engraved itpon each victim was tacked this notice: kill- 1,;. I-, 1.1•x,•;,)nti how•+Tr ;fi.;f) llkty' �o toutetl `bine surface from which an impression ed for murder and arson." lilpnil n l ;)t1t,'re ttpa'-(•till. ,, min. be takdrl, before they are printed ill °'Che news of a curious accident comes Thos:r quaint dirccticlns run sontew-hat the book or the magaLme.' And you from ��,est Oxford. Whilst'& laxly nam- ah full{.ty� : O'er gentle lire set a tripod, probably know .that the kind of en - creavings generally used in, such books - ed Karn was. eating bar dinner on Satur- Old iiATorm, rich brown from use; are'wood-enc avings. .day, she accidentally swallowed a portion • Then twit It efoarest water fill i'l, Inwood -engraving the lines that are of a plate of false teeth with -two or three Melted front eternal snow. , to ink the paper are left'standing, while teeth attached, The plate and teeth aro IVII(In this; walet• seething hot is, the parts between ate cut away from imbedded in the stomach and although g Crab to rcddcn,'tist�;to-blanch, four it out, in dainty the surface of the block, so that when causing consider able, pain, no serious re- porcelain whi'l."io leawes-'ef choicest tart. an ink -roller eller is passed over an engrev,. ing of this kind it leaves all the lines sults area rehended. ^ . PP • «'hen the cloudof (lenso whit o,steam is Turn d to thin of li;htest.lrt.e, tipped with�a coating of ink, to be pick •.• 'Walking advertiseme4t:s for Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy are the thousands it ;has .1( ot!tly on the Rurl'ace sh;:rinl.:ritig), , Slo- Fly drink the Ilr;ul;thf, ed up liy the sheet of paper which domes in contact with it.-So,.you will curers.. 1 precious 'Ilius thou gain'st tlto streu,;t:) to coin- see the wood engraver must sink two line On Wednesday`a twelve year old boy but • lines in the block to make one which son of Eric Nelson, living at Pleasant All tho live great cares df life will print. , Lake five miles from R ' - C dtllaq Mich,, wasplaying with a loaded..-revolvor'and Ctlat. the mind perturb tool trnuhla; Thils tfu)n lenow'st the L'Hst so -soothing which drink ' Of, coarse, considering the hardness of the wood and the delicacy required for this £intgic imparts. the lines, this is very slow and tedious emptied, as he supposed, all the cllanib- Thou can'si, tanto it, feel its pd%w,ei, work... You may easily form softie idea ers. He then pointed it at his 4-yeRr- Dut. 46, Hinrnlg eannot describe. • , of how tedious it is by plgciug a penny ` old sister, just` for fun, and a ball was I over any portion of awongraved picture tired which penetrated the girls left Tf:---��0- :+understood Reproof. -RllCll as that of 1tlonitstotwn Castle, in breast, She will probably die. - Charlie" Charlov; you'lliust not inn; the December number of.+ti/. `'icholas- .that way to your plilylilate. J) i, 1 makings li;ht marlc'around the penny • . Sometime ago three young men at wat- hVILr yon (-,,I)! hint it liar*e" rcproN.,iAY with m black lead rttlu�dl, and then by erlooconductedthemselvesinanimproper 1'hhlell a Sall 1•'rulf'isvo Illot llr,r a:: nlla' called hl,rlil!lo.oniu 1'r+uu the+btr+ct. the aid of a magnifying Class counting y f nlallnCi' .At £. )S,'alvatlott Arnty SCl'w1CC, 11 yos,111," rtepito.l the hay. tho line,R twithiu the circle. 1'on twill see and in order to escal)c nplicaring and " Go oat hn)nedilit(d and teal Jin�nty that your penny has covered snore than one 1119iitlr lei lines; sail then you roust answering for their conduct Before a . magistrate, they attended tho next you are sorry." The Loi• wont: out, and shouted to J1111• remember that at every place where, the ser- vice at 111e barrack.,;, .stood lip in it row , my, who twa.i a half block away on his tray ll'mo: Ste Lthug..iu..t1will:aa%*Wgavliacl.l.:Wa"E-••mil-_- graver 1R.•e ngraving grows lighter or before a largecongregation,and submitted• , t ' Hey, Jimmy_ I'm sorry you're o dancer he ila�t to chan;;e flue width -of to a reprimaud from the t)f the liar 1 the line; for just in proportion to the .captain aro) ., Y' It was nn o' ; oriental doctrine that women I thickness of the ))lack lino lett between the two tt')lito ones, will be tlw "tint " ' Wouderfultis the ( Il'ect of W(,st's lCorld's «'under or hamily Liniment. One bottle will have no soul; . More enlightener] pilose )hv concedes the( .he 1 y have purer.f�iner, ntorelex• " or color' of the corresponding portion effect more cures than four times the number site(] souls t11 ul mar, But tliey give too often of the printed picture. ,rboso changes are called by engraverR , of any other liniment, 25 and 50e.' All d'rhr,ists. 6- ' • . contained in' frcble, suffering bodies, which hamper and retard their full development. ++ stops." And where, there are many l young inan named Eugene Ilei he " 5 Por all these I,linfnl ailments incident to the " of Chase one s( Hato facia of engraving is 1 -f' &fair (lay's work. C b Serving a four years' term in li�t., Vincvnt sex, Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription" is the best specific in the world] and is sold un. I bays• spoken of a drawing, for the on. . Ile Paul Penitentiary was recently der a positive guaranten that it will rib all 'graver has a (h•awing to tyot•lc from, pardoned after two years'' punishment, that is claimed for it. Price re(IHCed to one Sometimes it is mado upon the wood• and orders were sent to tile Wardell to dollar. By druggists. block, but it is more frequently made by sat him flee, Another convict of the jRA7�LWA''j,� Tlyd3'e CARD. the artist much larger titan the block on which it is to be engraved, and a re- samo ng -mo wns also in the prison serving dated copy of it produced upon the . a like tormond this on©ryas mistakceu.fcl ,Trains leave (Tinton as follows:- )leckj) __�.1Tto�C{+,>.Apby. Bx_• this plan the ritiht man and given his libert Y• 1e I' tv't (going L'„•ast. Going Nest, t 10 Rr 1st can tyorlc note t meso freely, L The friends of the other soon found out 7.25 a.m, express 10.0 a.m. mixed I and the engraver is enabled to havo the large. dratwing in front of lihn, besides the mistake and after' communication with -Ottawa had him released. The 1.05 p.m. mixed 9•l,ip.m. mixed 2,20p.m, express I 0.15p,m,express the reduced co )y of the sanio .which , lie ,. mistaken l Ierbert is off• and cannot be (IRti.tT WF.YrI•:It$ RAIT.W.,IY' is cutting iutd]ineR ajlou the block.- S/. Nit-Iplrnv, � found. Going North. (:Ding Sent)), in -lye • A.55 a.m. express 8.03 express lial]'s Vegetable idilian ]fair Renewer ti,50 p.m, express • 4.131).mi."press -The man tubo fot,g fishing, ai4d Rita imparts a fine gloss and Ireshnesa to the hair, -, ..` - - -------.__-_—__ _ in a er)ttnl)•iuritiiigl)osition nu a narrow and is highly recorrinivnde,d I)y physicians, Fi•1 IiOROI'O It RR Isr) nr Fill tyty VOIkRtTh'. Till-' tlltwart, from early worn to dewy eve, 01er)rymen, &011 sashtials. It rBriupyeR dap- (!ruff, nlalres th0 FC1111) white and clean, Anll 1 cnbseriber offers fur suv v, o Ip"rh on itni V, Ilse a %,rnrlinv the. other y�eo:;er, Alin sv%.vn f Helfer.. All of Illeie nt)lmals are grit•elaaa 11 still Calla i fine," ld the Rilnl(: 1111n will) never ;!seg to (aim -ch b(,:avis- the . r(-sknres gray hair t') its yOntllfnl Cclor, S?irlI by or pe ii,ri, _. the I.t,• tarhoinrrewNtered b) the li)tniniwi Mir,] ll,nk, ail file bulli will be re•t;sh•red• will omvt; an, ri!)i comfortable. all ,ltu,%,isls. 41 be. w,ld nn ren+,n _ nhlvtern,. A1.1'La:roN Is'L('(),tT,Tuel,er-v)ith, •1 ) I ,�I0RT+GAGES - . - P[ RCHA•SED SAVINGS 'BANLi BRANCH. 3, 4 and o per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, accorellny to amountI — Mid time left: ' 's i "'. H.' SNi i ' CHRONIC DISEASE$ IIavh)g acceptod the agency fur the Ayr 14faiwfacturinj; OF THE QFFiCid.--Cut^pa of Marko 9gnnre ttndNocth Strco Cu.. (Watson's) will open out an office in the prenptses' lately occupied by Hr. Edify, Alhert Street, Clinton, Liv +A.4. -- -- _ ) E lI RTU na rl • o )()site Fair ti )tip when lie will bo lems ttv �r ap t�* tr1,- - -..-- �11tI1 t0__ _4 _?3. .__ ._ _II- Duel_- __ __. -- _, _ Blood, _ _ . _ -_ 3rA _G_9I vee-oi `-%Fi ersTir TISe ceTo'tiite"ci - - r If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, .have. t;o,Icrtch August bth 1x85 _ _ STEEL -,TWINE -BINDER sallow 00101• of akin,.or yellowish -brown spots . Ant] thdNEw lI(AMEll, MO11•ERand DAISYRAIiE, on face or b(Igdy, frequent headache or di2zf- A full lino of re )alts will also be kept in stock. tress, bad taste in ;nouth, internal heat or chills PENNYROYAL WAFERS. I,' P alternating with hot flashes -low Spirits and ft��IPrescription of a physician who I Prompt attention will be gh•en to all orders, whether gloomy borebodings, irre6gular apppetite, and has hada life long expdrience in 1 Py mail or otherwise. Also coated ton Rg�0. you are su11'ering Yrout Indi+ -,. treating female diseases. Is used 1 PLOWS : STRAW :: CUTTERS, goetiou,d)yepopgln, itncl_Sorpid Liver. motithlywifh'pperfect"success by ! 'or stBlllousuess.» In, maby cases only , over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, 1. And all other F,trm Tmplemcntk keptnn stock, part of these sy^tuptorila' are ex'pperlenced. As. -71 effectual. Ladies ask yourdrug- • — a remedy for till such cases, 1DY. Plerc0a; 04, for Pennyroyal Wafers and ��� p.�TTM" "° ,"'" T*Tp� *T, Golden Medical Discovery has 'no "111 age no substitute, of ars. a pposts _ -7 cc unl. 1�9� . ii gage for sealed particulars.SoIdby i - Siortiaenm OftL1lfSroa�T�tf1a➢3roitDellLloitall.drulaxists,9lperbox, Ad(ICIL THE MERCHAI1TS' r 'i ➢il , n(� EUREKA CFTEd3fiIICAL CO'., DsTaotm, Mroa i Severe Cou i as Const na )tion n Sold fu Clinton b • .1. H. UO3IBE soft I)rn gists 1' kindred affections, It'ds a soverelf3I remedy. 3 g }a }1'.0 rflt (� n},ft 1 t n� Send tett' cents In stamPe for Dr. Piero. everywhere. _�_ I PfUtBCtIVe and-VO�I�,UIII'Ig QSSUCIation book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists, Olit Q I80TTLIia$ Read This and be Wise. ' - - PRICE $1.00, ,POR * 43.1x®. OF CANADA— I., World I head -`t/Luce, 11ainllfon, Ont. - World's Dispensary Medical Association, I' have opened in 'Blyth, u flryt-alas& , . ESTABLISHED 1884. Proprietors, 063 Main St., BuFFALo,pfry-, 33O/�L� P• 1v an Assneiatibn of-buAlness and prafessiohal 111.011, _. - V i, - 33MOM; - Gaud having Pyr itx object Cit. COLLECTION OF DEBTS; V�"%_ \@CCS5LITTLE AJtNrb rprDN0� a And to ptevent Its members making bad debts by P®a9lA ��'LIVEfurnishing them with lists of,partles who do notpny, ti1P 2►�,iV4) as®�.J PI � LL Ue t/ t i ns an I S I . a a a) 1 , Iond all kinds of Ile ,t and Shoeq, d 3[crchants and ethers having accounts to collect sail keapnnexcellentstockonband. First -glasswork. wishtngto became members, by remitting $7 toour I ANTI-HULZOI'S and Q)Alf][NARTIC. , If ou want anything in {t'big Manisgers, Hamilton, Ont„ will recotvo by n-tulh`mail., Sold by Druggir4rs. 3,i cents a vial. I[ARNESS € lino ft will lacy you to enure i:ml full particulars, oertilicate of membership, &c: I -.— -_ see mo. 1 keep from a Mame strap to a No. I sat of I . Sl,l(;LE or DOUBLI; •HARNESS, best of,,Wek ami J. B. I4ilt,i.S a� Co, 'i i7:anugers, Hamilton. ; ''; ?�, q � ��AI twgrkmnnihspnt,•ly always be expeetmd, l''lea,e. I(tve 1 1!T $ 0 P nee n call. Or to JAs. Tairiii,so- , Agent, Clinton: i Is pffered by the prON l•iet0 rrsa y, rpt t)r. 1,a£re's Catarrh pp.1Z ' • - -. . -: - .._- ._. _----� I 1 ` I',)r a ent:"e of catarrh which they C. if A T' E S , • ' �/ ealnnot euro. . D s ;: I f you have a dlsoharge from '}gyy fhe m;,pe, ofr•eusive. or other- ^ 1 w iso, • nn , lel io,rn of smr.0, taste, .. l I O or hearing, twclik eycs, dull pain -- . - -- -. n 1 �l �s r r . r� ••�C��JU�OIi l Rollo.['l� cRs.i ., i,. t)c:nc v0u h;tvo ('at rrh Thou. �4llr a -^.„._ - I . � sands 0f t•naeR torininate in consumption. ,r'. - Xr •p;r. ' LEBfdAiEfD_ -� Dr. Raga's CATAttR11 RENlfrnv enres tho worst r „P •4"+.it p Afior boinxthuraru,hlyol',rhnn``Plland re-fittc,fwith cases (if Calarrfaq I'Vold lea the Illeadp» ! ;. ,11.I" Ellsi''},all. '' N14W 3tAt Irl\isltl'of'thuuv,stdpprov4'dli;nds,tbosa and CLttarrha( llSendrnciae. LO conte. . � r ,%D14A f<Lt- I iW114 are naw in ,14oicli,l rtuinin:; order, and will not --- -- - Lv ._.___.._._ _ ' i'll '„-wr �1"'v �..y t� I he ,urns•;,ed hl dw qn 11ity of the work dune, by au}' i `4, 1}y'' . �A,1� �-Et1l'. I tntll hl t'hccnuntry. . t9 r r , '1• tri)• ) f. , .11 _1�1 '' � Slc6 l Alfl�nlion 'PiVC-11 fo GRiS'I'1\GI r ... - (f ��/' ; Se ® l linPrr�n l)oNr•, N sit( 1tT No'P1cF.. )¢7r ” vo rn au'j: +'."'`' .SYb, .,/§14 �,11i fid. °.;, ;,iny. , SathfactL,n guaranteed. Parties wnnting vi)•thhtg . 3• P, ti- ✓/r yq�9 p yr,g�p rhe uhatuwcr ht thin fine will find it to their intarest to ,, I F.IVY E°; 11' 50 � VER AND KIDN EY USEASES give ui aeall. in M. ri%IM, T ;1 ,• (rrb Ji 11r11illerrt tam), lf,,aals to ,iter- 1 if`I FC'9f ;+ O, 4':h,tJ/R,)'int,).lrlYli"xahn,cesl(tpulit+pi)t' M. ill'RhR,Prnl.riet,n_'I �''t!itt®® /a : • •� t•ern1. (•allies(/.s iu rr, f/u(ir'(rnt (•o for the ---• - ---- .T ! I . M�< '%h.0 1le,t,•tr,.rtv's.' Thisste•rlingnlottois' t' ( - 1 I y XMAS CANDIES and FRUITS, e ~ �, � .. t ^' 1. f sac in rr (nrd'tn xlfont medicines tete �rj I� � un , ,,c merle by pFnctical professional men, by t 't 1•r.I,tt,,tistfn)wcllan,lfavornblylanowuhy ' A, ^y h' , r. i )t boolw to rot nils its rucommonda- I u +' r, i it)L y n 1 r A,T• BRODERICKS. ii',; I, `- op f�M .t � � J � t. 1 1 r ' i I r %-I•."R fiver Cmr has a receipt book � }I , t t4, , � I& V .1,IrnllndL%crybottlewhich isworth Its _ ,a7tl,*.,' +,ili,;w,+)�aJO» f , (. ,1,,, I.1 ,::I. 1 1 N",, , }. T% ;t tc':''., NEW CANDIEB IOc. per lb., Nniv b'I(.S ,t , •( , w i„ 1, ., ,:1.t.': LiwerCnraisgnarantecdt0etn•o �},l .' . •I!! ,: ,r:•imt tr,nn a torpid or inactive 1i)AT7+:S OItAN(l'ES LEMONS AND ' ° ";'• •:"tl'$•"?T,T':;`�"",:t,t ;,.,,, It 1 r''-'• -h ns t,lrct• 1'osnpla111t, D;t•spel/sra, P CCRR.\- FR,siI I-IADDIi' I 1� h,'i °, ('�'t ry N I s , :,'; Tion, itlllon,novr, .!noodle(. Itan'tl- aAiSI G9, ,, '• 11 1l t FL, q o.• . ,•r,,;m;p, !:ntlet7 a'omplexIon,Me•, TOBACCOS, CIGIkRS Find PIPES, i • ar .i'. I�i i Til: tSiDM1IEYS iFiE KIDNEYS ®vSTE�L.9+ 1 l5a per tit., sarveA vd 'I •.''� ;" t;"i;tpy" . i - •,i ' •+',1 •,' ii n (,rhliii e)ire fat• ^' t5. t. ill a' )+ nth ns Iain in fq alt styles. Choice lot of (lnocsnla:s, all new, ; Inndlil•ln innnll I'aril rr, •1'onie. Diuretio tn.r,ioa�rpn:'I'nn,,Ptlu:ah,lnt)p+`7). ( • ), I Los++ o,•siin: 1 �I ,: t_a 1:1. , 11 t•rrt atltl ly"'", \VA'L;TEh.-Chi)ice It. ll Butt(r, hiphest , i' ,1;,,.. 1,,,1-:. 1, r }++pepaia, t,, Pilion•11(-, .I.,,nnlp" iikt-r- l'umplaint,. 1 .:. , a'•,.� ial;:t' I's ,)n �ngu, Brigiit'y price paid, Fowl of all kinds bought. Rhenn),nisu), all i(idr, �. 'iY,..,•,t ca, irtvfula, „ 1, „1 ,.!1 ,,11111 , n• „1hle., eta. ; Uisensei p, „tll,lr I•, C, I le" tialt IMennil . , ,,,",! •• it ,%i'11 stn Sort. SniQ '� ® '�+'� I "�" y, S. ]tcaMna Cud all S;,in In",•ares, lirnda Ile 1. . L+111„ - PRIPUllinn of 1;1 I 11 •.In. -ar ,'toautak Atka T'. ra)17A709f1.1;+'r:.Co. ,Heart 1311th. Vikluh "'e;lIuhb•, IOLC AGENis roR CAN DA, aaAOy,opo ) JAcusnN Rt,octc, IluROx STRin.T. CI.LNTo:T._ ( JuesC, 11'Uea',kUu". luronto,Oat. b