HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 5O F USE FITRITURA CARPETS, &c, instructions from MES. PETER CRAIB, to The The Itudelsigued has received St.,opposite by Public Auction at her residence, King the Foundry, TOCK. P Saturd1ay, Feb. 19.1887, THE FOLLOWING IIOIiSEIIOLD EFFECTS :—• Pi RLOR-1 Silk Brocaded and Plush Sett, 7 pieces, only iu use since last Dewmber; Centre Table, Small Table, -Dominion StovePipes nd ie, Lace Curtains, Curtain Pole, tLamp, `s eart' ' Pcu es,Brckes, &c. DINING 'ROOM—Sideboard, Extention Table, Lounge, 6 Perforated Chairs, 1 large Perforated Rooker. 1 small Rocker,Folding Uhair,Coal Stove, Wheel- er $ Wilson Sewing Machine, Library Lamp, 7 day Clock, Lace Curtains, 18 yards Union Carpet, Door ortnMre etts,c u etc.na Tea Set, Glassware, UP STA7.13-1 WahTit Bedroom Seta Cherry. heer rr . Be1 d Child's room Set, ath Set, Lace Springs, G Chairs, 2 Mirrors, Curtains, Lace Lambriquins, Cretonne Lambriquins, 18 yards Tapestry Car- pet, new, 13 yards Nnion Carpet, 30 tc Rods, eCarpet, 8 yards Stair Car- KITCHEN—Table, Sideboard, Cook Stove, Chairs, 2 hand Lamps, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Wash Tubs, Wringer, Clothes Horse, Bird Cage, and other articles too numerous to mention. Any of the above articles will be sold private before the day of sale, if de- sired, and can be seen by calling at the house. Terms Strictly Cash. Sale" to commence at 1 p.m. Sharp MRS. P. CRAi ;, Proprietress. D. DIChINSON, Auctioneer. Dreadful Railway Accident. — WHITE RIVElt JUNCTION, Vt., Feb. 5.— At half -past two o'clock this morning the Montreal night express on the Vermont Central railroad, went through the bridge at Woodstock, some five miles north of here and fell 70 feet into theWhite,River, caus- ing a terrible loss of life, the disaster being the most appalling that has occurred in the history of New England, and rivalling the „ famous disaster at Ashtabula, which it re- sembled in many respects. In the pass- engers,coaches were most of the local pass- engers,wh ile in the sleepers were the through people for St. Albans and Montreal, most of Op latter. being en route for the coming ice Z;hrnival. " At what is known as Wood- stock, an old abandoned station the high bridge, a- Howe deck structure some 200 feot long by 50 to 70 high, was reached, and here by some means the car left the track 'while on the bridge. All that portion of the train behind the postal -car plunged in- to the river, two cars breaking through the �iee and. being partially submerged. The forward pNrt of the train--passed-..over--in- safely. passed-over iusafely. The coach left the rails first and dragged the others after it, the shock of k'ties breaking, the coupling through the personal efforts' of, the Queen. But the strain existing is so severe that it is believed that before long, despite the scandal it would create, application will be made for divorce.' Says the Breslels Posts --A farmeress, (this . word is coined) sold a beautiful cake of lard to one of our general- storekeepers, It was white as the driven snow and most beautiful to look upon. Shortly after the honest seller of lard lett the store, a gentleman drcpped in wishing to purchase some extra nice lard as 11;s wife was "varra perteecular." Sighting this beautiful cake he concluded to take half of it, when cut upon, it was found to be a cake of tallow veneered with a fine sample of hog's leaf. CLINTSN MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. ' • Thursday,' Feb. 10, 1887. Wheatf spring . 0 60.a 0 30 White and red j • Oats . 0 25 a 0 80 Barley 0 40 a 0 48 Peas 0 50 a 0 50 Flour, per ib. 4 00 a 4 00 --Potatoes " - - 0-40 a 0 40 •a - Butter - • 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs - = 0 15 a 0 17 astir hn 1P e Pork . • ` 5 50 a 6 110 •- -between the-postul.and t (Leoac.. eorge" Hwy 8 00--a-.8-00 oolin Parker, a rear brakeman, was going from 1 `�trade 0 18 a 0 18 0 1 for cash one Pullman to another, when he heard a Sheep.pelts 0 50 a 0 75 gret crash and the cars trembled. He Lamb skins b so a 0 75 - juin 1 to the step 'and. giving a glance 1 Lauver, per bash. 4 OO.a 4 50O ahei aw the coach going down through SEAFORTII,.Feb. 10, 1887. the ' ge, Without waiting he leaped off' '`..hest spring, $0 77 a 0 80 ,the , the frozen snow and rolling 30 feet. Wheat, and whg, 0.77. a 0 80 dow an embankment. Ile was terribly Oats, • - - 0 28 a 0 29 brui i, for he says the train was going 40 Peas, 0 50 a 0'29. mile an hour. One side of his fade was Barley, - .0 40 a 0 48 torn redly and his right arm broke. When Butter, 0 14 a 0 14 --1-13Feorhut t-fecrtl says-a-fearfulaaight- . T;ggs, .. - 0 .15 a 0 1-7 met his eyes. The cars all mixed up, some Potatoes, - 0 40 a 0 45 on their tops and others on their sides ' Pork, 5 5g is G were.lying on the ice, while a bright flame was leaping up from diffdrent parts of the wreck the cars having taken fire andburned to death those whe were pinned down by ' . the broken cars and timbers. Stretched out upon the ice were a number of blackened, bleeding figures, covered up: with what could be snatched from the broken cars, and, assisted by some dozen country people the trainmen were carrying the wounded to the house of.Pingree (a farmer near by) and in the hospital the sickening,terriblelsights cannot be described. The wounded, most of whom were suffering from horrible burns, were writhing and twisting upon their beds while shriek ;'rayseemed but aoB iVen Ont by � bundle rags. number stood by and saw their fellow men slowly burning to death, as it was impossi- ble to release them #rum their horrible position. Every few moments some tortur- ' ed victim while being assisted up the bank would break away from the helpers and rushscreaming, half naked, across the frozen snow. The smoking ruics of the" burnt cars gave forth a sickening odor of burnt flesh, which made the small baud of helpers ill and faint. It seas a remarkable feature of the accident that not one of the passengers who went over the. bridge es- caped scot free, All were injured, and to show how fast the flames spread,only those - survive who -were got out of the cars ten minutes after the first crash came. The „rescued numbered 30 all told, and deduct- ing this }from the low estimated numiler of 90 on the train, leave 60 victims who met 'a dreadful death, r.- 00 .4°s. Ti - AKIN G SALE y - Goods-Pa1aCe. We enter stock on Feb. 15th, and in order to reduce it to the lowest possible point, we have made Big Reductions in all WINTER GOODS. . Our stock is large and well assorted in every department. FIVE PER' dENT'`' 'PTOR-"CASH: '``-" ,` ,• - Estate J. 11OEEN a JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. - To Our Patrons. We are profoundly grateful to you for making the J ear 188(+ the most successful one 'in the history of our firm, and we beg you to accept our sincere thanks. The result of the year's business is especially gratifying to us, not alone because of the very great volume of business done, but more becaiise we know that our goods and prices have 11\TOTES FOUND.—IN HULLETT, A FEW DAYS lel since, a couple of notes of hand of considerable value were Bund, drawn in favor of John R.,Hulland., The owner may have the'samo on proving property and 'paying charges. T. H, CADE, Londesboro. 2i* Montreal Live Stock Markel, • At the local cattle market the supply was artl.ple. The arrivals of live stock by rail at Point St.Lbatles sinceFriday,were 189 cattle, 52 sheep, 8 calves and 62 horses. These numbers are smaller than usual-. Prices have not gained much since the serious drop ou last Thursday,though the butchers are buying freely on aecouot of the increased demand for carnival visitors. A large number of the cat- ., tie on the market, to day were of superior quality and sold at about 4c per Ib. Com• mon stock sold at 3c. to 3,e, and lean at from 2c, to 241e. per lb, Calves ate in demand at very high rates. Sheep are scarce and bring slightly higher rates, or abont 4sc, per lb., L forimixed lots, with good lambs at 5c. per lb., and in some cases a little more. The horse market continues very active and during the past week there wore shipped from here to the 'United States 120 horses. and mares, costing $12,935.50, or an average of $107.80 opeu,also two stallions, costing $425. A London cable says: The actual pres- entation of the complaint for divorce of 1. Her Highness the Princess Louise against her husband, the Marquis of Lorne, has been stopped, for , a time at last, C b' rriv r11;I v.� Is rr— BERT SO NS pleased you, or we would not have been so richly favored with x x—x your orders, Your kind expressions of satisfaction with' our . wares encourage. us greatly, and are a giiarf,ntee that our policy -j COTTONS at Mill Prices, • . of selecting goods with extreme care, and employing only the SHIRTINGS at Mill Prices, very best artistes to make them up, is appreciated, and con- DENIMS at Mill Prices. firms us in our intention to continue that policy. - , • We are determined that you shall have even greater cause for satisfaction with our goods this year than last. We are going to keep exactly what you want, and our MISS SHEPPARD, and her- efficient staff' of assistants, will spare no pains to ma ke your hat or bonnet the loveliest gem of Millinery art that talent and cultured taste can produce. fi'IIOROUQHBRED.DURIIAM BULL FOR SALE. 1. The subscriber offers for sale a two year old short horn bull of first-class pedigree. Hees registered in the British American Herd Book, will be sold on rea- sonable terms. HENRY C. COOK, Huron road, near Clinton. 1m" FARM FOR SALE—BEING THE SOUTH END of Lot 21, Con. 0th. of Hullett, containing 90 acres, of which 30 are cleared and. balance mostly hardwood bush, House on the premises, and good watering privileges. Terms easy. If not sold private- ly,. will besold. by -auction on, the lath of March, For particulars apply to, RICHARD BARF.WELL, or J. .IIPWSON, Auctioneer, Clinton. In conducting so extensive a business as ours, some mis- takes will occur. You leave kindl borne with them till we could get them. righted. We endeavor to have Millinery fin- nished ready for delivery when needed. When we could not always do so int ire busy se�isons, your Xooa 'nature iaidulged,.us_r_�1 till we could get your .order completed. and the year has glided by smoothly, and, we trust, With mutual satisfaction. N.B.—Just wait a minute before commencing to read any- • thing else, for we have a little secret to divulge. It is this:— We have sou& nice goods in Millinery, Flannels, Woollens, 1 Underclothing, Hosiery, &c., that we don't want to carry dver,, -- and will give you a bargain if you will callmice see '_ 'about it: t - e MOTICE. TILE SUUSL$,1)jE,li,,,,HAUllQ lliSq, ..L POSED of his interest in the saw mills known as Sprung's Mill, to his sun; Melburn Sprung, bespeaks for his successor the satne liberal patronage that has been accorded him in the past. A large stock of Pine and Hemlock Lumber, Shingles, Jath, etc., kept on hand. Lumber and shingles cut as desired,, as usanJ. All outstanding accounts must -be paid without delay to the undersigned. JOHN SPRUNG, Hullett. 4; E\ECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS.—NOTICE is hereby given to all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of Chris. J. Tehbutt, deceased, who died in Goderieh township, on or about the 12th day of January last, that they are hereby re- quired to furnish a statement of their accounts to the undersigned, et executors, who will not ho liable for the said debts to any persons whose claim shall nut have been received by them before the tenth day of March. Dated this 4tli day of February, 1887. JOIN JERViS, GEO. TEIII3U'FT, Executors. Four Cases of EAI131-10coIDRi1 at Prices which will Natives. all early and " ga,i1Ds. astonish the secure Bar - C` -1=1.• T - CASH • CTORE. great Semi -Annual Sale BEE$INEY 0;34 CO. - = CLINTON. j-_ C _ 2D 'Z'LQR - . & Ca.„ Dealers in Millinery d'c Fancy Dry Goods T SALE .10 per cent Dise�unt �ISCO�TN Aiival Offer their entire stock during this month, at . On purchases of one dollar and over: Notwithstanding the recent advance in per cent off for Cash;' for the ilex, � ��$ the price e goods, only, on all CROCKERY and ' GLASSWARE, t 30 d 1 f goods they have decided tt hold a 10 MORTGAGE SALE. -UNDER AND WV VIRTUE of a power of sale contained in acertain mortgage and assignment thereof, which will be produced at time of sale, there will ho offered for sale by public auction, at the Rattcnbury House, in the Town of Clinton. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on TUESDAY,' the 22nd day of FEB., 1887, all and singular. those curtain parcels or tracts of land and premisev situate Tying and being In the town of Clinton, In the Count? of Huron, and Province of Ontario, and being comp Ised of town lot number eight, in block A of Isaac flatten- bury's survey, and situate in the west side of Ring St., in the said town of Clinton, containing by admeasure- . ment one fifth of an acre of land, nore or less. Terms, 10 per cent down on day. of sale, and balance in 30 days thereafter. The other conditions of the sale will be standing conditions of the Chancery Division of the High Court of. Justice. Further particulars may be had from MANNING & SCOTT, Vendors Solicitors. I). DICKINSON, Amt. Clinton, Feb. 4, 1887__ SPECIALTIES. • Presbyterian Hymnals, High School Books, Diaries •for 81,' Canadians Almanacs, Toboggans, Snowshoes & Children's Sleighs. Wm. Cooper, BEAVER, BLOCK BOOK STORE. Our goods have. been marked at -a small margin, and will give purchasers an opportunity to get really cheap goods in this line. Remember this offer will only ,last 30 days, when we take stock. . PAL BSER & CO. CLINTON. ° — at They . Say. Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned, trotting horse Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Leading Clothing douse of FISCHEII'S Opposite the Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all'opposition, in Style and Fit it beats them all, and FISCHERS LEADING SUITS Are worn from one end of the county to the other. The Spring Stock has arriv- ed, and is one of the°$nest in the town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent from the 15th of Feb. till the 15th of March, will he given for cash. Prices low" and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash. FISHERS LEADING CLOTHING' HOUSE, Clinton Id GrR 3A:T - CLEARING- •SAL,A' During this month. Now is your time to securebargains in s. Dress Goods, Silks, .Cottons, Shirtings, Table Linens, Towellings, ,Prints, Flannels,. Corsets. Special Bargains fin Woollens, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers:. Millinery at nearly Hale' - Price. Bargains in Velveteens. J. C. DITLOR & CO, - Clinton. try, 00: ANDSIIOIIS Fulllines:Men's Felt Boots . American and Cana- dian Overshoes and Rubbers; German Felt Slippers, Ladies' and Gent's Fine Shoes. Our stock in other lines is large- and wel-1- assorted,.ttnd wi1L.lio sold_ at_clese_pxices, FIVE PER CEN'_' OFF FOR CASH. W.TAYLOR-& .-SON, CI ANTC7N. 0