HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 4_­­. ­­.___._ .."I I-- r--------' 6 ' '�,'- - � _ ;- , — _ lanl acqep ace. The (w)gregfitions were a, .Con noll'of Godprich,fall on Sunday ),as t. � -The official statement Of ths, Dominion Thresbing 'friest olr the new. S,eparntor ge 4, because of bt;c return from St. Petee,o and -broke her I i . , ontreal Witness says. -Mr, Blake I --Xou#A1rc4,vP built %.iF8Jrr 0- I the extremely unpleas.tnt state of t,be on I revenue and expenditure for Jan speaks to the peop'N as if they were 1� Clinton. weather, but there wt,re, nevertbelesis, We. Thompson, of Bayfield,passod quietly I the six precedi . ag- months is loot of an, ea. ' — , IlLrge congregations, who gave an attentive ! . human beings as if theM were Britu'lt and k, . away to her rest last week, at the oge of . I WEST HURON couragiDg pheira0dr. It showa tjliat tbp rate , Some few weeks agii we described briefly, 'hearing to the preacher's messager. The e1j;hty. '. -7 I . . . .. lovedfair play, as if they were Christians the new separator I'Moaarcb,'�. built by text chosen f6r the morublig discourse of outlay is increasing at a rate .which will and demanded moral -elevation in their poli- "" - 2 Mr. Armour, of Waw;posh, is about retiring - � ; . PUBLIC MEETINGS- certainly result in another heavy deficit at Farxan, Macpherson & Hovey, after they was from Exodus 3 , 29, 11 Conaecrato from faritifing and coming to WingfiAnt, to re I I I ties. There were'no ignmoderate appeals to had tested it ill the different kinds of grain, yourselves this day unto the Lord;" the aide for the balance of his daye. . '110 IN THE INTEREU OF the close of the financial year. The ex- the pat!SjO218 and prejudices of hie audience,- a d ve are now informed that they have ,t,irliject being complete or full consecra- –,Mr. Richard Wright,of Sesfortb, met witg, 14. 1 . penditure for Janua;y exceeds that of the Mal solicite4 by 4 largq number of fbresh- on, the scriptural truth iO power of a painful accident last week. He fell off a 31. C. CANIER there was an absolute absence of epithet, ermen and farmers to again test the ma- which wis forcibly, presented ; ,first the soaffold and hod two of his ribs fractured. corresponding month last year by $237,800, - ' . PORT ALBERT, Saitirday, Feb. 12. . . whether, abusive or othe7-tvise. Factir we,re chino* as they are anxious to see it In Ope- meaning of consedtation as taught in the Messrs: T.Berry and 0. Geiger, of Efensall, )IILLER, Monday, Feb. 14 at while.the excess of e xperld.iture over re" laid before the audience jib an ht I tere8tiiig ration. The firm have, thereforo, made bible was expounded, and made clear 'by havesold their entire horse, "Black Diamond," BENI venne for the whole seven months is $788,- . arraggements to threbli ft.r two Ta-ys, on the words of scripture and illustrations to Mr. Klitt, of Iowa, for the sum of $l,'500. - Miller's Hall. 272, Exceptional circumstances, especial- way and in a striking light, but never in a . Thursday and Friday, 17th ard 18th of the from the lives of great men,, all pointing Miss Emma Skinner, an amiable young lady LEEBURN, Tuesday, Feb. 15, Temper- ly the Northwest rising and the settlement fake light ; the arquinent was wever specious present 'month, on the farms of Messrs to the great consecrated life of Christ. Of Usborup, passed away to her long home on .00,11 ance Hall. ' orwar(l. W, Weir and W. Butler, both adjoining Second, the evidences of such consecration, Monday, after a continued illness, aged 25 . DEACON'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Wawa. Of the questions growing out of it, were or tricky, but solid and 8traigA(f the west side'of the town of Clinton, and or how consecration will manifest itself iq y60 r8 ' i nosh, Weduesday, Feb. 16. partly to blame for previous deficits, but We have said so much of Mr. Blake's style within 15 minutes walk from their facto.ry the life of a chriatian, was dwelt upon, E. il Talbot, one of the oldest and most or it is the essence q again referring to the sacred records to in. act OLIVER'S SCHO*HOUSE, Thursday, for the presenf shortage no such excuse and manner,f f the man, or the r ilwav tation. The firm have is . assignment for the benefit of his Feb. 17. . � can be offered. It is purely. the result, of and thepeople of Canadashould respect qnd sued a circular inviting all who may be establish the argument, use being mad -a creditor . I ., ' . interested to, witness these t6sts. and as- of the history of David and Paul. Third, a Feb. 18, Grand h - honor and learn to ,revere and support as . vital Statistics for the village of Exeter, for - 0 . I GODEkfba. Friday the extravagance of the Ministry, w o, In- suring all who may come that they will the prelcher pointea out the. happy re- the year ending 31st December, 1886: Births, . opera House, ' stead of endeavoring to economize by dis- well, statesmen who are as noble as 111r. have ample opportunity to examine the sults which have flowed from the, rife and 53 ; ingirriagas, 20 � deaths, 27. Average'age at . HOLMESVILLE, Saturday Feb. 19, at , utting Blake. Tltey are the 8ali that 8aves. machine thoroughly. So favorable an influence oftruly -consedrated men and death 29-XW!'�740 - '' . . Knox's Hail. . continuing superfluous offices, and c, . ,� - epportlinity, may not again occur for some women: results not cinl� ��iperienced'by N14!- J, - Skelbom,.1mi>-purobased I the farm The above meetings will be field at 7;50 down heavy salaries and'uselees Outlays, reftenal sludo-i-1111tical. time of seeing a mabhine which is so radi- those alone wlia have thus unreservedly fo-rmeriyowned'by W, J.' Kue,3htol, Morris, I. act as though the resZ)urces.of Canad@6 were ' — . cal a departure from the old methods of surrendered.to the Lord, but the results for the sum of $3700. Mr. Skelton has secur. . each evening. ' ' The Ottaw It ed a good place for the mone inexhaustible. A, change of administra- I I a Free Press asserts that Mr. threshing grain, and of learning the great which show themselves wherever sup I The Conservative Candidate is invited to I Blake will have a majority of forty. I—- advances made in the construction of persons may be placed in life, smangst The new Presbyterian church at Herisa,11,0 - - . attend. tiop is absolutely nipceseary in o7rder that It in ,reported frofn South Waterloo that threshing machines and a large number those -with whom they live. The very in. which Mr. Robert,Paterson is contractor, ill . � be jrop��Fly Mr. Livingstone, Liberal, will not be opposed. I doubt, avail them- to -be finished the e"d of thialmontb, and wil! - . GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. the affairs of the country way- , lint4ediately'ifter th .. . ofthreshers will, no teresting discourse visa brought to a close be formally opened in March. I . . __ ' 9 pruicApaF speeches �pce of seeing it operated. by the Rev. gentleman dwelling u on the 1. looked after, and the utmost economy will Sol vek (?f the ell p The trustees of Cranbrook school have on. . .. . in the debate on ,the address� the Ontario grandeur and power of a fully consecrated gew gmiTertistailtats. be necessary to prevent Canada becoming legislature will adjourn 'over the date of the gaged A. Reymann as assistant teacher for the - . The Belleir Society. 9hurch, and showing bow quickly the next live mouth-,;, as the attendiance was too I. Carnival numbers-Chrie. Dickson bankrupt.* � . Federal elections. - . powers of darkness would fall before its large for one teacher Mr. Raymaun commenc. I (.ospal services -W 1-1 Jeffries — �. Look at the two countries. The national EDITOR NEw ERA.-ICindly allow me onward march. . ed work this week. . I Flour -Ogilvie & Co. A raiisehood Nulled- . debtof thoUnited Statca has decreased by spaceinyour paper forabrief report of The evening's sermon was founded up- 'On Saturday last, a young son of Mr. J. T. - Tenders wanted -A H Marming . — - $1,700,000,000 since 186.5. The national -oceedings of the Clinton Ladies' on John 8, 12, " I am the light of the Westoott, of Exeter, while climbing upon a In its - issue of the 2ad the News. Record debt of Canada has increased by 8200,000,000 the pf 101 h Jfebdere( wanted-!-& H Meaning 1867. Relief Societ� which was organized eat ly world ; he that followeth me shall not sleigh slipped and fall underneath, the a . Encouragement -Jackson Brod. contained aaetter sign;d 11 Querist" in which since emb�r', with a membership of walk in darkness, but shall have the light runner passing over his legs. OrietifilialiN. .. What they say -M Fischer I of a ques- Attention is being directed to the fact that in Nov � � it"was insinuated, underthe forT, nearly all manufacturers, -who are offering thirty, Kra. Carr being appointed Presi- .of life."' The aim of th�e sqrmon was to was broken in two places. . Vresh arrivals -John Robertson.' . t. I vatting of the JdOcAl Olee- themselves as candidates for the House of dent, Mrs. W. Coate, Secretary, and Mrs. set forth Christ in his life and teaching Farm S(I I. -S. B. Webb; of Wingham has . '. Auction- sale�Mrs P 'Craib ion, that on the e Annual disedunt sale -Palliser & Co tion -Mr. M. C. Cameron was helplessly drunk Commons, are seeking"'I'lection as supporters Combs, Treasurer. Seven working meet- as the only source of light in wbich the sold his 200 acre farm, on the 14th con. East . . Y. F. Law - of Mr. Blak�:"- . ing have been held, at whi'efi a large quan- Great Father of all, Sovereign of the uni- Wawanoah,s short distance west of the town, - - -, and had been taken home by Mr ' . The new Quebec Government finds the fi. tity of clothing was made up, and after- verse, could be found and truly worship- to Gen. Thomson, deputy reeve of Turnberry, 111t,0 C41L I ,I rence. The whole insinuated charge turns nances in a bad way. The previous go . vern. wards distributed. Twenty families bad ped, and -bow the children �F run, by for the handsome sum of $9,OCLO- -%. - One day recently the Meairs. Wilson Bros Ol 4* 6 out to be a malicious 'falsehood and Mr. Law- merit had overdiawn its acco r wants relieved, and tuki c I I unto some $250,- their most pressing ... 1. _Vg Christ int ir lives on d escape Wiugham, drove a horse belonging to Mr. I I rence was a,) thoronghly. asha oed of it and 000, and had actually paid three'months' were supplied -with a Christmas dinner. the darkness in 11 thie � . FRIDAY, FEB. 11 1887. the pee of his name that he has given the fol- salary tactic of the clerks who was known to The cash receipts have been as follows: - enveloped. and how they could have a thou,in Dufferin county. Soon after it arrived i I lowing stitement over his owA signature :- be a defaulter to a large ainount. Anonymous . contribution, . . - 85 00 daily supply of light upon the path of, it dropped dead, although it received the beat ' d I whe South Riding Contest. . GODLiticir, Feb. 4, 1887. ,. Sir Charles Tapper and Hon. A. (.. Jones, Members subscription ........... 0 00 life. which can light everyone who will of care. e to state that the statemoift Opposing candidates, held a joint.meeting in Mr. a . Ira. Peck ............. 55 walk therein, unto the noonday splendor . The annual meeting of the Ashfield and . made in a Clinton newspaper (the. News- Halifax city, on Frilay, Botl� cabdidates Thanksgivitie offering, St. Paul's (if the Father's home. 'TIN Wawanoah B i each 'Agricultural Society was . quest of many Reformers," has consented Record) that I drove Mr. Cameron home were repeatedly interrupted, and a tremen. ch u rob ................. ... .7 10 ANNIVERSARY TFA MEE , G held in Dungannon. The following officers to be a candidate in the South Riding of 4elplusely drunk on the night of the Local done uproar occurred, in which every particle Employees.of the Organ Factory, 12 70 The ann uftl tea meeting was held in the were appointed for the year 1897 :-Chas. election, is false. While I am a staunch of furniture in the immense hall was broken --- church on Moziday last, the 7th inst. As Girvin, Prits.; Win. Duruin, Vice -Pres., I Hurrin, in o�posidbn to- Mr. Johli Mc� Conservative, I don't believe in such mean to kindling wood, and every pane.of glass $40 35 with the services upon the -Sabbath, the Treasurer, J. M. Roberts ; Secretary, Win. Me - - Millan. The doctor is a Reformer in political warfare towards opponents. 11 smashed. . The Society have pleasure.in acknow- inclemency of the weather interfered ma- Arthur. . R F. LXWRENCE. A despatch from Quebec says : I I Hou. Mr. ledging the kind charity of the merchants terially with the attendancc. Tea was serv- While Mr. E Bossenberr ' v, of Zurich, was . politics, and und,er ordinary circumstan- Blake has written to a political in dOD111110118 ofelothing material, and in ed in the lecture room of the church, from on t on the ice skating last Monday, evening Xespectable Conservatives everywhere con-' . friend in this and going at full speed, he ran against some . ces, we would be a little surprised at his city stating that if his Quebec supporters can reduced charges on purchases ; thanks are 5 to 8 p.m., where a spread was present- tough or broken ice and fell on his face break - action, but he has been itching for notor- demn, such disreputable tactics and already a evenly divide the Province in the Federal also due the ladies, .,who so kindly enter- ed by the ladies, which it would be hard i,g the bone of -his cheek, He is now in a iety so long, that we do not think it took' number of them have. personally told Mr. elactions they can count upon a majority for tained the inembers; at their residences to surpass ; the ladies of the congregation critical condition, as he has much pain and the ,I . " -,. Cameron that on account of -them they will their parfy in'tbe House of qommons of. 37 at the various meetings. A pancake so- bad spared no trouble to offer an attrac- doctor can't do much for him,as be refuses to . many Reformers" or very much p6rsua- t their votes for, him. votes..' Liberals here claim that the Province - cial, in aid of the funds, is in contempla- tive and sumptuous repast, and it is say- take chloroform. . sion to get him to enter the field. Whe- 0813 1 . will give Mr, Blake A majority of at least 10." rs later on. A. M. COM13E, ing little when it is said that the sue- A lamp burst in one of Messra. Gordon it, ' , ther juitly or otherwise 'we cannot say,but - Alexander Campbell, ha been .appointed re.r -C. L. R. S.' I ceeded, - The gasoliers, etc., were taste- Alolndoo's dry:goods windows,Wingham,Fri. fully. decorated, and the tables, loaded day evening just befoie closing time, and bho - . I some South Huron people have.the name ' As might �e expected the I whole career post -office Inspector forsthe Stratford di- Lor,AL CHURCH CHIMES. down with delicacies, weie beautifully oil taking fire speedily burned the valuable of being exceedingly and over -zealously of Louis Riel is one of the ,subjects of dis- vision -an office specially created,for him. . 'D It was finally extinguished . . ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. -Right Rev. , r. embellished with plants in bloom, all goods displayed. anxious t'D get into public life, and there cussion during the present campaign. The The government are filling every office unititing to give a homelike and cozy a-p—hut not before everything in the window was has not been a Liberal convention in the rehearsal of the events of 1871-2 is not very they can create or make vacant, indicating Sullivan, the Bishop of Algoma, will ad,\ arance, enticing the most fastid , ious to destroyed. Amongst other things destroyed . I . . . that they expect to be badly beaten an dress a meeting in St.Paul'sSchool House \P,e were some valuable, furs, The loss will be I �outh Riding during the past five years ' d on Friday, Feb. 18..at 8 p.m., on " Work pl%Ktake. ' The literary part of the pro- about $200, covered by insurance. comforting to those who about about the want to provide'for their followers. . I . . . - in -the Diocese ofAigoma." Collection in gramme was commenced at 8 o'clock, Mr. at which t4ig spirit was not manifest to Liberal, bei�g the friends of Riel. About A despatch from St. John, N. B., save : Stewart taking the chair, in the presence .. Great confidence and spirit are apparen . t in aid of the work. . � , BORN , such an extent that it has been the sub- the time that Sir John A. Macdonald ' the Liberal meetings, both public and com- 31r W H Jeffries, of Indianapolis '. of a very fair audience�, co�sidering the TWITCHELL-Anclinton onthPGtb1nst_thowi'- 1. ject of comment among delegates. I . I I and state. of the elements. ' The entertainment of ,�lr James Twiteholl, of a h1ughter. . , rolling his eyes skyward, was declaiming mittee. A moderate estimate gives fourteen lvl,r J; J. Sims, of Brantford, are bol was cornmeoced by-the--aftl in o __ - -- A.DA,Nl,q,-Iii-ILIIllett,=Glvtlle-.7t["-t-I the wife of A�J Mr. McMillan was theldnanimous choice '&I wish to God I could catch him)" he -seats hi'Nova Scotia-,- eleven in, New Bruns- Gospel Services in' -the Meeting -Room, 1000i P,ia I in. and prayer led by, the ev, ,)fi-�-11-c,r�r�;-A'('fa-iF.4,-6f;i daughter.- ' - - .. . I I . I - I - " ' ' . wick and four. in P. E. Island, to Blake, 29 Perrin's Block, having commenced last Mr. Ross. The choir of the con regation, MARRIED .. . of the last Liberal contention, he has a wrote' the following letter to Archbishop out of 43 in the Maritime Province, a two- (Thursday). night, and expt�,Ci to dontinue . I . claim on'the Riding that no one else has, T,oh, aLWinnipeg., , - I I .. , isted .by -voices Xrom the hurch of lIl,NCHLFY-'13LANSHARD.-At the manse, 51c' . I -will win, and,many Conservatives admit it. I:i g Eng all an 0 is and will represent the constituency fully pRIVATE AND 1,7RICTLY CONFLDENTLiL. . . vices commence, for the week ,,it at I . E.11inebley, to Miss Mj..Blanshard', hot ofMcKillop .- - . as wel I as any ot , her loc . al man that might I The offeial statement for the ', months 7.30 p.m., and on Sunday at 3 and 6' �-m. anthems, in such a manner ,is to. betoken SCIIOALFS-DODDS­-At tjie manse, MCKMOP, On It I - ' . O'Hara, Dec. 27th, ikil, ending 31st January, shows ra deficit of ' I careful training and practice. Bliss Wfflk- the 2nd lust., byRov. r� Nlusigraye-. Mi. F.H.Sehoalc4, , have been selected. But, because it hap- o-I'Ls -Rev. John er and Alessrs. Oaks, Harland and Smith , . My DEAut LORD AtteirBISHop,-I have Q788,272, notwithstanding the enormous BAPTIST CIIURCH N of Hullett, to Miss A. E. I)odds. of McKillop. l, 11 hives" there are a number been able to make the arrangement for the qt - n I a a 8 'ray h, I WILLI &,-,ISON-H0DJINS.-At the residence . peas to ll�,,' ':additions made to cuqtom taxatio a t e - G appene(l to slip on the iqe the other sang two qbartettes in voices in good OP I of men who are perfectly willing to run individual that, we' have talked about. I sion and the cousequent increase of re- day, -and hurt hiniself so badly .that lie trim, tone and time, entitling them to the bride'.4 father, oil the 26th Jan., bylthe Rev. W.- . could scarcely -,tand. In consequence llis hearty thanks. Mrs. Laing and T. Jack- T. Cluff, Mr. Alfred Williamson Is to M1,9 Isabella, old.- . . now send you a sight draft on the Bank of- vopu Tile re' est daughter of mr. Jos. HodJln , all of Grey. . tifeir own, chances without the sanction of Montreal for $1,000 ; I need not press up- seve e venue collected during tile i appointment was unsupplied, son, jr., rendered with their well-known - . . 1, . rith month ending January exceeds afternoon S LE -ROBERTSON. -At the manse, Blyth, on � it -convention, and "sacrifice themselves on your Grace the imp6itance of the money that of the sa' , and Mr. Jas. Young took his' work at vocal ability a duet, Mrs. R. Ransford 0th,A2_'.'dPtnst., by Ruv. A. iMcLean, Mr. T. Sample, of tile period last year by 82, is own in a style Grey, to Miss Isabella Robertson, of Morris. mouth- 395,276, but 9til,l there is the usual do the heart of iho audience DOIG-ELLIOTT,-In Grev, at the residence of ther - .. ill the interests of their country." Dr. being paid to,him periodically (say .. icit night. Mr. Gray expectx to take It' sang " The Land o' the Leal," I Campbell happens tobe one of these, but ly or quarterly), and not in a lump, other. of over three quarters of a million. work on Sunday next., The Baptist give that went to , bride's parents, on the 20th jan., by the Rev. Mr. Ste,, and our . a hot pancake social in the Council Chain - with her expressive voice displaying tile vonson, Mr W Doig, of Etfiel, to Miss Lizzle FAliott, of is we know anything of t4:�Qmfp_tJu wise the Edoney would be wasted, .In order to make a pointagainst Mr. Trow, - __ I I____1 - - ­ - ­­ - fig. Grey. ,. , . __--ga r ,.:-h�­wfi -,-- _­ - - emi*ri%ssmettt­begin-- agaim -- 'T he , pay- --I 1141o'm` - x0idite _ 'for 96uth Perth th6 -bet., on --Wednesday evening n . ex . t. . Pro deerti pathos oftbe so , should spread over a year. Believe Mitchell ceeds on bells f off 6 chat 3ff. -The Rer. -Afri -Craig d I Advocate inquires, in large type, . address, touching uptn the -social advhn- I . to make the sacrifice . Wifh fill respect to me your Grace's very obedient servant, 11 Why should we go outside tile Riding for , Don't forgetr the -iniesicnary services tages of church festivals, atid upon the . WEDNES . , Im stock-, implements . t L the'doctor let us ask what claims he has (Signed) JOHN A * MACDONALD. our member ? The principle is bFkd." When next Sunday in the Ontario street church, which and lurniture of' the late Henry wise, on lot 41, . upon the electors. We do riot know that, What was meant by " our'orribirialfii- the thee happens to be on the other foot' as Rev, W. F. Canifibell at 10. 30 and in the question of ecclesiastiefil. union, Myfleld Concession, Goderich iownship, at i2 o'clock. . . I . n the case of West Huron, where the 6on- evening Rev. Mr. Campbell and Rev. E. was full of friendly feeling and .sterling James Howson, Clinton. " be has eyer done very much-fo went begin- again," can be diEcovereaby a I independence. . , FRIDAY, Feb.,16.-Farm stock, etc., of..Mr. 11. I . L. . . I t, . . servative candidate comes all the way from R. Young,of'Meial'ord,Toronto Conference. The Rev. Mr. Ross delivered his ad- Moore, lot 28, 2nd con.'Of East Watyallosh, without I . I . Outside of his professional capacity hels perusal of Archbiqbop. Tache's . evidence' Sirocco, would the Advocate 'wiBli to have the Collections and subscriptions in aid ofthe Ire _e 1,;d eed es or no- reserve. Jas. Howson, aactlonee�. . - I , b'efore"the comwift�c, wbich investigated same query applied ? If the principle i's bad Methodist Missionary Society. Good mis- WFDNESDAY, 23td FEB. -Breeding mares and 11 lArdly, known,- and if he has-Thken any in South Ilertb, surely it must also be in: t " hi, till ne"ativ kse, Clinton, on the 23rd - , .. ,.. ' The same ces 9a; , nti " " .� h was replete with horses at tkic Rattenbury Ijoc . -vote . West Huron, , I I sionary music by. the choir. . . son " _ 4on 4, 1 inst. Bawden & co, proprietbrs. . more active, part in cobtests than to th6l, Northwest difficulties - . i - n _. 1874. 1 He ,, --- - t - . ,- I - . rid a nd wh oles.m e advice to old. and J . as. Oke, auct. ­­' - . Is Says : -� , ­ ". - - - .two speakers will address the missionary, oung, and was delivered with, his charac- ---- I - we know nothing about it. , Toronto Mail ; The net public debt, after meeting at Turner's church at half past y ness and force. The ad- -1 I � , " The words in Sir John!d lotter, 'A and deducting everything that can be fairly classed two p.m. Mr. Young will deliver his teristic earnest . . I . 'Beyond all this there is it more impor- , our embarr"ament -begin again," rC- a's an asset, is put down by Conservatives at dres's throughout keeps to the great main Sir AW s Agod IQ the Antu . 1: very popular and thrilling lecture on the . I . . .1 tant reason'why the doctor should not rer'to the possibility of Rie'l's coming $190,000,000, whilst Mr. ,Blake states it tit it Wi d -North La"llid" in Clinton Ontario point ofebrigtiarl, principle insistiag upon ' be " back befor . e the elections, and - the em- $220,000,000. Our own.balkef-ii-that it is I that as the true'guide in life. 0 . I I . I supported at present. Mr. McMillan repre- :: b&rrassment caused tbeiWk to the Gov- ,$225,00'0,000. The difficulty of determinin street Methodist church, on Monday,even- . . The programme, as a whole was lis- I . sents a class that I& none to merit. Sir George told me -as one of the exact figure arrisea from the fact that we I ng .it, igbt;' at Brussels,. on Wednesday toned to with marked attentiqn: which is Sir John has'dissolved the 'Dominiou . presented . on. the floor of parlihment. He "Noreasonsto induce inotoexertmy- still cl to the antiquated fashion of being d 'y the best evideuce that the audiences were Parliament, and appeals to th'e people to - it a yearib"etind with the Public Accon n ts. As- night, and at Seaforih, on Thursday night. � is a practical. farmer, and one who under- solf to procun Riel's.. departure, that by . being entertained. support his policy.of governing Canada. " this act they would likeli obtain a larger suming, however, that the net debt is only ONTARIO ST. CHURCH NIOTEe.-They A children's social was givpn in the &, BAYrFY also, appeal to -the I stands his business thoroughly. ' As such it $190,000,000, is it not time for us to seri?,0817 have commenced to haul the brick for the lecture room on Tuesday evening,' to FOSTER � '. . I support in the elections, and would thus sider the situation? I olley of mak- . he will make a good representative in the " be better able to procure the amnesti." con . contemplated enlargement to this building. make away with some of the superabun- people to, support tileit p __ - The proceeds of ing the finest Life-size Portraits that bay . . It The Reformers of West Torobto have de. There is some ta supply of eatables. I 0 , p�eals to the electors Another pleasant reminiscence is that co � House; As such hi� lk of putting UP a P'Pe� dant . cide-d Dot to bring out a candidate,so that Mr. organ wly�ift 'the improvements are in- the collections at the Sabbath servi.ces ever been produced at the extremely low , of South Hdron, all of whom, outside Of recounting the defeat of the late Sir George Sheppard, the Labor crindidate, may have a pleted.�Some good selection� are being and at the;Ionday and Tuesday eveiiing . . . the town of Seafortb, are farmers. If the E. Cartier in Montreal, the withdraw�l of fair chance t-a-biat­-Col*'D;nnison, the dudo practised for the coming anniversary ser- entertainments, which are intended to price of $10, including frame. . . constituency was composed more largelY Louis Riel as the donservative caudida'S' Conservativ ' e. In East Toronto, Mr. Jury, vices.—Missionary services will be held meet interest on Indebtedness, amounted -- - -----------' I . t -the Labor candidate, will run against Mr., in this oburch on Sunday n*ext;"Rev. W. to ehe sum of about $200. 1 ACIV ;1duertio-entfut5 , , !� of what are called "the industrial classes," for Provencher in Manitoba and Cartier�s Small, the Conservative. It begins to look F. Campbell will preach 4n the morning, ___­411� . which means 11 workeis in towns" there " � as if Lablor and Liberalwere working together, STILL PgoGitEssLNG;-AIr. 1'. BICF. - NOTICE IS HEREBY' . . election in that constituency. Sir John and in the evening Rev. E. R. Young, of OTIcF. TO DEBTORS. would be greater reason for.a professiorial , ' wherever there is an opportunity for the coali. Toronto, and. Mr. Ca7le.ly will deliver Scott,who, commenced his dry -goods career Ngiven toanTersons intlebted to the estate of Mr wrote to Lieut. Goo.Archibald to see Arch- tion. In no instance that we have observed . 13 1 !S Ileum, 6. wise, oceased, who giedim Godericli to%vu- 115 man expecting support, but,under the pre- . the Conservative party assisting, to elect a addresses.—BIT. It ey took the with the firm of Fisher & draili, of thi - ship,'071 Or ab.0Ut the 21st of January last, that they_ - bishop T4pbo and have him tApQ his inflil- le . ng service here last Sunday, the PRS- town, Rod since occupied responsible post An horoby required to settle tile same before tlic 12th . I sent circumstances he has no�riglit to look Labor candidate to thellouse of Commons. event ing the tions in large retail houses in Cleveland, day of March, next, and. islone holding claims against ence'to get Riel to retire, and Sir George tor being absent at Turner's,attend the same, Nviii furnish a tatement of their account,4 - for such,and we hope will not get it. We The 4orst enemy of the Scott Act is the Ispecial services, which continAle with un- I Chicago and other'A,rnerican cities, has before that t1m(,. MRS.,, 11, WISE. Dated tlds 4th .1 Cartier elected in his' place. The matter Senate, Still the*Government does o-ot appear now taken a- paefrier§hip in a businesi . vin day of Fch., 19'17. 1 .1 . . want to see John McMillan in the next " toliave considered that the anti-Ternp.mrice. fagging interesf,—It is expected that fm . was all arranged after numerous telegram s, I meeting,, for the Goderich Norwalk, Ohio. The NEW ERN con.- --- - - -- ---- --- -- - ----- --- --- . Dominion HoUse, and we expect that he . element of thA Senate was strong enough, for educationa TEN'DrRS �VILL III', of all the nominations made to that jet will i early gratulates Mr. Scott and extends wishes r UNDERS WA'N'VK0- I will' get ther6 by a large majqrity, I e and Riel retired and Cartier was elected. I Distr be held in this church sliecess, both financially and rr(,,cci% e,l lip to 12 o'dOet; poor�, or Nyc(inesaanFob. V - is known in March, to lie addressed by Revs. Drs. for future 2:3rti, fortho erection ofan a(lditl()"-tOtilctlli6l'SchO()I Nlr, McMilia as a friend to the Sc'ott ilet. Thelastofthe Williams and Potts, of Toronto. otherwise. �Xhicli nuty be seLn at tile store of it. (!oatq . areglad to soe"tliat'i n has Thofollowing telegram * on the day of nom-' the last seseion of Parliametit not one er work accortlin� I ination wag sent by tile parties signing it : A CL0SFCO-,F,.-On Tuesday Mr. Jas. Ofications, the support of the Exposiior,the esteemed batch, Mr. McCallum, of Mon�l,� is stalwart RATTrN,lWRY ,ST. C111:11CH NoTES.- &,,son. Tile lloird of Trustee, do n ot bi rid: thermell 01 e Winnipeg, Sept, 4th 1872. in bisopposition to Temperance reform, and Miller had a close call with what might to,qeeopt tile lowest t)r am- tender. Tenders icalell has julkt, added $173 Chairman ofthe llomrd. it inan likely to go T6 Hos. Sin Grow;�' should the opportunity come lie would not have beA a very unpleasant so 111111ittec, if, . editor of which is not, Thej5abbatli school cident. to be left with Mr, Alanning, , back upon the regular nominee ofa con. MOSTrFAT.. -Your election in our Oun hesitate to give to the beott Act the finishing WO . ces will be While passing along by Mr. Biddlecombe's S. B, T., Clint(lo. ,, cc - in Canada until we got Senate refor 9 , I INDERS WILL - ll is b acclamation, and have reason to hope , ,,d ' held in Rattenbury St. church on the some on( vention, eveti for a more strictly loc (� ty blow. Temperance reformcail-fieverbe ainetl ' Missionary Anniversary Servi ) yelled to- him " look out,". and - _ - -- _ - - __ . -, . - - _ man. . � �yckman will preach expecting that something v�as going to F,N'I)ElJS NVA STED.- -Si,',A LEI) TL 01ft 0 in t c success of the cause tetisted In your 27th.iust. Rev. Dr.11 The ro'ci% ed by tile undersigned 0 h I If f th'! � ­ _K!, �, '11_ — . bands. I Mr. Iflalce is pledged to reform the Senate. I a,nd a platform meeting drop he leaned backwards, not being able . B1111tung Committee of ill(., Board of ritateeq of tho I Up in North Simone Dalton McCarthy and I in the morning, , to step out of the way, when a heavy cake �( The Tories of North -have im- (Signed) Lori-, Rij, c� Speaker AnO n are strilogling hard for will be held in the evenin'g,to be addresE_ Ontarlo street NfethodIA churcii','Clin oil, for the ell . . Eisex of ice fell froth the roof of the building and largentoot of said church, according to'planx and ope- ported'a mail named Haynes to help in . Y . victory. Ever since be carried the constitu. ed by Rev. Messrs Ryc'knian, ,and J. E. ftchine co-pany, Town % ­ . A. LAPINE. Lrticy in 1878 against H. 11, Cook, Dalton ]is, Howell, Al- J�-- r last. ,upright it would have the charge of Air. L. Trouse, up to 12,o'clook noo OfSat. . _ electing Mr, Patterson, the late membef. � l Sacramental, services actually taken bito on crsnvinx M . I R issomewhat ofa reflection on the ability , _' , JAS, Duflui,.. been practically unopposed until no%v. Ilis were held in this church on Sunda3 he bead. . urdai, the 19th day of Februa�y, 1887. The lowest or of local Tories that the candidate has to , - I otmonent would have but little chance in ,it The irellowsbil) meeting was the b Ry MEETINo. -ThE� literary so afinlytttiong maybe seen on orafter FrIday,theilth inst. go to a foreign country for a man to man. A Costly Al"miling. contest where the issues Were purelYlpolitioal, ever ifetil-I'ft the history of the church,and r LITERA ' 11. MANNING lety bf theModel School, roomNo. 1, on behalf of the committee, A. .age his election. -Hamilton Times. . -_ 'cut local cries are being used wi*tll much ef- a large nuaber participated in the sacra- met on the 4th inst. , with the President, Secretary. I I In West Huron the Conservatives In 1884 the Senate sat 1115 hours and,'40 fect, McCarthy's alleged double dealing in ,merit; ReV, Mr. Rupert conducted the Wesley Moore, in the chair, After read- W. JACKSOK, , not minutes ; price $133,576. In 18$ connection with railway matters in the county _a6ijices himself.—The Special Seryices. �he mjnute� oflast meeting, a program . 11 _�_ the it; being made the best of, and may defeat which have been goibg on in this church ing I ,only import their speaking talent, but Senate sat 222 hours and five minutes �rcd to be a for three weeks, are still under way, and Was rendered as follows: -Singing by the tway, their candidate also, The only man who ; him. The constituency is consid4 ipated schoal readingby Mr Loughy reading by Canada Pacific Rai' price, $175,508. Two years' wages, $309 - Reform riding in local ele9tions, and a Con. ' much good is being dome: it is antic -jigs Xnnie Youngp address by Mr Searle, AGENT, - CLINTON. .4 I is doing anything like work for Mr.Porter 084, Work done outside of registerin'g servative rtrongbold in Dominion onittests, that theywill continue it few days. Rev. I I is a stranger who goes under the name of F Ice township holding the balance of power. M r.Ru pert preaches educational sermons reading by Miss Mary Twitebell, reading en"21— - ____U . . the decrees of the Tory majority in the - - - - on Bayfield 'circuit on Sunday, Mr Gee by Miss Hattie -Dodd, and reading byMkss t, 1.111, 11,111, "I, I . ..... I . . row�i-,and this is known to be an assumed Commons, nothing. Trallett Horse R—otes,-Mr. Noble Adams,of liattie Irwiri. The society weets again. ' I . To this already cost- Kinburn,sold one twoyear.old stallion colt for taking his work here. this afternoon at 3 O)C100k. onitemplating a trip to - one. , It. is not because 'there is any lack 41k humba ' g.S**-J ohn called three new mem� the aunt of $350 Vo Mr. MeTavial), of Tuckw I ---. ___.W.0 -_e-_ . k communidaiion from " neildent of the section," , Parties a I of platform talent id the Conservative 1, .,'of Hullett'solo a 1, -bers inj ently-every one of them played 8-itb' Mr. Chris. Dale, ar Willis church Anniversary. ollCthc IlullOtt School Grievance, is crowded out this . * i � 11 ranks, that arn outsider is doing colt co,ming two-yeara-old for the sum of $400 1 week. It Is twice M 10119 A" It shot*' lie, also.-Fq. I aturlyping," but because most of the - - ______0`­�-0_ '_ to a gentleman from the cast. Mr.Won.1111111 Anniversary services in connection with I . 11 I Field hig heavy drought team for the onm of' Willis Church congregation were held on I ,A man in tie neighborhood of Mount will hear of �k local m9n, don't care to' throw away their Mr.Mercieris expected to:havea majority $300 to'an American buyer, BIr. A. Lawson cupied by I Forest lost a horse blanket, and on the Either on business or with stock, . Sunday lits need something to their advantage by consulting , of sixteen when the Quebec Legislature sold;a two-year-old filly for the slim of$240 . t, tile pulpit being oc ho con- following Sunday the fact wall Ration I time in w1l'at (10y know to be ,a hopeless meets. Mr.Taillon is likely to throw up the Win. Rinn bought a one-year rld r - sels, w - without dolv 6 colt fo' the Rev. j. Ross, of' Brus orn one of Abe church Pulpits. tile abovL fight. . ducted both the morning and evening ser. fr - I . � Opposition leadership. which he paid thei;um ot �140. 1 A . . . - ' ~` . � . ' -- --—^—--