HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 2-1 1 u N ' . e•R .. -. . n . 1,z:ll r, r . �A hatch and Clock faker °kt� t; - ... _._T _ ___ - _— — FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1387. times, I adini•t it. ' I'll give you a right person ; and as Mrs. Arkwright champagne )a ne cu had been set --""' - -_ - photograph,too if ou like I' c 1 g P 4>3 4. little. n -i , Y stopped .to speak to i lady, and imuled- table, in readidess for any Ili}rsty per P '�pie � BoilPLTT�''K For a moment Lucy almost,forgot his iatekv introduced Ca)t.Harkness to liar, sons o mi tt happen to comp that �' role ; then his habitual serenity and his Lucy, after lifting his' hat and making way. There were two comfortable gar" And Cnrhuuclea result irgm a.debilitate drawl came to his aid, and he recovered a bow, with the rddition of one or two I den cbaire also; Miss Baumme took one "," himself. " ' 'Lucy ' A one, impoverldhed, or Impure condition of the po'ite commonplace remarks, sheered off the other. blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla prevents and BY JOHN' sTaANGE WINTER. ' Will you indeedPhe said, with quiet! and made his way to a little geo.up, con- `This is a wreasonable way of enter- euros -these eruptions aad g`ftlful tdmoi•s, self-possession, ' Wreally, Miss Way- Sisting of all old flatly, two young ones tafnment, don't you think V said Lucy, I by removing their cause; the only effect. ( ONq'1St'XI). laud, I'll) awfully obliged to you.' and a young gentleman who wits so very handing a glass of cup across the table. ual way of treating them. Each time lie had so come it had been -O' Y -o began to sing teasingly : young that Ile did not Coal }t for anything ' None for me, thanks; Y shall con- Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the But when illy seven lung years are out, at all. usual course of Bolls, which have pained ., w ith the fixed determination that lie Oh, then I'll marry Sall • flue my attentions t0 Coffee tees and and distressed the every season for several would speak to Olive and get the mat- And, oh, how happily We'll live ; ' Good morning, Lady C Itadotto,' said, Sponge btsei.lits ' she answered. ' You years --Geo. Scales, Plainville, 3Sieh. 1 b but nut in our alley, 1 e , ter settled one way or the other, fat• weal 1 , , Lucy, pleasantly, ' Fine day, is it not, may have all -the clip,if it won't et in- I was badly troubled with Pimples on Poor Sally ! she cr}e J, she little .Miss liaummo? How do you do !' to to our bead.' g the face; also, with a discoloration of the or woe; but each time ho had gone thinks what a plot is being laid against Y I skin, which showed itself in ugly dark awayivithot-t putting, the momentous the boy. Then he drew a chair a trifle � i l heat{ ' said Luc ' is wroof Patches. No externai treatment did more putting, het at this moment. Y than temporary good. Ayer's Sarda u question into words, Lucia: a he felt that •'That is vewr twruo'answered Luc nearer to that of the young lady wuont against any twrouble of any kind ; the porar y p . so long as Olive seemed to enconrugc no- r y' he had first addressed, and then sat rills effected b b serioasly, but, ay-er all the world fellows say .coigne it's so empty, no- A Perfect Cure, r 8 bod else it was best for him t0 await , , . , ,himself down thereon with considerable thing will ever stop in , Y ll now$ all s fair in love and war, b L •, ,.•. it not even the s in plltic reit 4he devr.lopPmeut of events. care, testing its weight -carrying powers effet of bad li aur.' and I have not been troubled since.- 1'hen, wbat about dances this evening ? ver gingerly indeed for it was a frail- q T. W. Boddy, {river at., Lowell, Muss. 5o each tihitt he left Ilia•sister's hoose it [Lope you are Luing to be good for me.' y g y ' He tested the quality, of the cup, and- - was wi0iout coining an noarer to the , looping affair of wicker work and seem- I was troubled with Bbils, and my b Y Iwo waltzes, she answered, ' that b , then lenked,orounc "',,i�. •° r health was much impaired. I• begau attainment of his wishes ---without in Qitgh:t to be enough to make even the ed utterly unfit for the responsibility of ' This" s a vwery cosy place,is it not'?' using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in dice deed any Change except that ho each hardest of Sally's hearts soften, if t carrying his goodly allowance of bone he remarked. 'The sort of oasis in the time, the eruptions all disappeared, and • time grew a shade more intimALw&%rit .. y Y and flesh and muscle, Joillhl R. El was completely I• Obselid,- y o,tra could see 1�t.' desert you don't often meet with at gar- John R. Elkins, Editor Stanley Obsetroer, the Weylands in general and with Olive ' I hole no Sally would-' he began • ' It will smasb,if you don't mind 'said den parties."- Albemarle, N. C. in particular, and that be each titu.e, went g Mise Baumme with- a laugh; then, ` Like a good many thing$ the Wey- I I was troubled, for a long time, with n then broke off short, looked at her in humor which a y ugly away more desperately in love with her ]lis wise way a moment,twisted his mus- nri,Schievously, ' HomrI wish it would?' lands provide,' returned Miss Baumme," Plmples and Blotches. Ayer's cS in than ever. tache as if seeking for an idea,theu said, Lucy looked at her with his wisest as she ate bar ice. rilla cured me. I consider it the best .50 n�an man t inns seemed to tomo air -and shook his head solemn{ - After this the little flirtation pro- blood -purifier in the world. -Charles H. •L ','r 'Y"' Y' •a quite quickly for him 'Two waltzes. A Y P Smith, NorthCraitsburq,vt. Dettveeu them, st rtgna-as almost - maul- thousand thanks.' ' `Miss Baumme,' he said reproachful- greased amagingly. The strains of `Mon` T mountable ,barriers. In the first place, ly, ' what can I ev-ah have done to you Rave' stole softly to them on the still Ayers S a rs a p a r i I I a Olive•would one day be er} rmously rich, CHAPTER III. that you should be so--er-cwrugl as to summer air; but neit}ier of them moved Is sold by all druggists and dealers In med- and as lie had only some seven or eight A FEIGNED ATTACK, wish to see me-er-spwrawling igno- except that Lucy filled tip his goblet icine. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and bundled a year --a fiery modest income miniousl on the pansy beds? I--er-- with cu and Miss Baumme helped bar- do not be persuaded to take any other. rt was jest four o'clock in the after- Y P Y p' P Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Me". beside. what hers would be -he mote -noon.- _The•-f-Avden$-at-Dorplethwaite `°stn you solemnly that if it does comp self to another ice. The music ceased, than onto went away feeling that some down I shall hold on our chair and- but the cu and the ices were slowly trice ilii ; sI: bottles, t3a. Y b were already very well tilled with guests, Y , P y. small spalls of encouragement should and more were Coming with Pack uto- ,er-you shall come clown with tile.' consiitted. After an interval_ of a few _ -tom rfrom her beforQ h-0 cou•►d ask her r - n_*'.1,- -R . , " Oh I $hall {tear the warning roan minutes the music began again—' Liebt (� ��7' ��-�•'� o went. 1'he party from IDurn trdwistle ' b g' b, b R�J��Ji, ll M , to become its wife; and it must be -that is to say, the Arkiwrigbts (bus- _of yours, and jump up in time,' she an- and Ve�loren' this time -but. they sat -owned that while Olive was always very band, wife and several childwri) with swered, with a laugh. Then, asked in still, this pair, who were both of them CLINTON, sweet and ftiendly to him, treating him the two Lancers Harkness and Lucv- quite a different tone,'Who is that with playing at love making. But presently Manufacturer and Proprietor furthe best Raw tel with a familiarity which she accorded r�o . ' our sister?' when the slow, nog in use. Agent for the silo mal application arrived �qst as the bout struck. Lucy Y , swinging, drearily, $educ• the gar'FISIIRR PATENT AUTOMATIC BIIILEIt (;LEANS no one else, she had never given him thought he jtad never seen Olive look ' Oh, that's Capt. Harknests, one of tive strains of Waldteufel's ' Munola' STEAM FITTINGS furnished and applied on she thaf'particular kind of encourage.mont our officers' answered. reached their retreat Luc looked in- I notice, half so lore{ as she did that afternoon �'Lucy t y which he desired, partly beoahse, she ill ,a own of cream muslin and lace' ' Staying]at Barnardwistle,' said the quiringly at his companion,and she rose, never for one moment entertained an + g y ' llon�Me, Enl;lnea- re.l all khats of :li with a great cluster of crimson roses.in Young lady carelessly. saying she ,thought it was time they eHluery rept.ir(•d e.,,.,Iilt..t,s],Y au., idea that pro was really in novo with her her bosom,and with Ler mother's bangle Yea, and one of the best follows in went blr.k to -the world ! to w satlalitcu►ry ,,,tuwcr. or suspected that his extravagant and b the world,' Luc returned: b of rubies upon her arni. '.The fan which Y TO 13E. CONTINUED. Farm implemouts tua°ufactnred and repaired. Stean mysterious sayings were all true and he had given liar as his birthday offer- At that moment Olive came quickly and water •Plpo, furnished and put in pn.,mon. Dr and had allus1011 t0 herself. along 1110 path toward the gt'011p Of Kilts fitted up port application. Chi rgts n ,,drrate, ins was in her bund and his jealous eyes a P 11Ilncral Poison. 1. Well, for full three min'tos Lucy did were quick to notice' it his circus `which Mrs. Alkwright was one, Hark ` _ riot say one 'word ; then 1]e remarked ' Nothing but 1pnrc entracte from plants ertl �� , �� �' , heart gave a great bound of exulant tress turned aside and spoke to her. roots are used m preparing AfeGregor's Lung - riot , i suddenly :s ° Lucy envied him the bright nitrile and Compound, the modern and now popular reme• pride that his gift had been singled out a dy for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Asth- 011 I by the by, Miss Wayland, I from wliat he knew, from ex perionce the upward glance she gave him as,with ma, anti all affections of the throat, lungs and GENERAL' DEALER I 'i CNi�r'�i , &C., Ventured t0 bwing you a small birthday 1 ' chest. All mineral poisons and dangerous sub• b Y Y had been a host of presents. one or two words of reply, she passed on stances are avoided, which rouders !t safe tot• I HURON sTmi T, cLINTON. offhonorolo I hong you will do me the Poor Lucy ! he would have been less and entered the house, "After. a' few children or'arin's- Rbld at Luc and $1 per bottle honor of accepting It.' t minutes she a eared again an t Worthington's Drug Store. ' Repairng of tall kind, promptiy attended to at reason exultant, 0[' n1008 truly, 110 would not PP again,, d, this - i - able rate,. Atrial solicited. ` To be sure,' replied Olive, never no- have been exultant at all,had he known time took a course which led her past ° to rile the silence and thosudden cbalige Lally Charlotte's group, �'roft%lolllkl anti Aller C$lll�ds. _.� b that at the very moment x11 her thoughts _ --- ice of leis tong, chiefly because she was were occupied in thinking as she had ` The band is going to .play some G LINE � 411_ q thinking what's fine fellow Lucy's friend thought in the morning,�� that Capt. 'waltzes,' she informed them ; ' so, if any h,Y� NNING 1& S(.'OTT G `� i i 'h-4 was, and bow well set upon his shoulders Harkness w•as without eXception the body--w'ants to dance to them anybody � was his handsome head. ` To be sure. ' can go 4o the marquee and be Qaj'risters, `Ulicitors, "°' ` .r u hazrd. omest man she {tad ever seen. Now 9 Itis v(y kind of you always to remem- as a matter of fact, Harkness was not ` How very nice !' Miss Baumme ex - Ler my birthday. I never make any re- what many people would have described claimed. ' I,- for one, shall bo a -s soon • CONVEYANCER•S a - �Ve� a o�' Lodahrq,�� turn for ]t; but this year I twill send you as handsome at all. A big fine man as anybody else askes me.' Comm)ssionersfor OntarionndAlani4obn. p tt II a presonr, neo if I don't.' with a broad back and muscular arms ` May I have the pleasure ?' asked' OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON rho leinCss of Lucy's tone melted as Lucy promptly. - Parties going to the old country Lhis summer should -a man of extreme good -nature, sound [' take this popular lino. i UC boil, are rho DSI•.t tom• he r=eplied, stir gAVQ ph1b0 t0 the tender- jlidgirlent, and a Somewhat ailiusing Ho -was undoubtedly a inan of action, MONY TO LOAN, MORTGAGES BOUGHT. take en, filo alar lin anti t,o boatiudre the'nstttpassc. ness of ineffable love, n PRIVATE FONDS. C. RIDOUT, Oftlae tongue-btft otherwise not particularly, this officer of the ScArlet' Lancers, who over J. Jackson's store, Al bort Street, f. will keepat forev-ab l.' be exclaimed. enjoyed the, to some people's4ancy,.tin_ CABIN IFA ItEs Vr,RY r civ distingnisbedfnanytvay. ARRIAGG LICLNSES.-APPLY+TO THE ltil•AP EMCUR1!!tN BA'IF� Lt was hard lines, but I must confess enxxable_re utatton-of being the b1g est M"andersi;med t thrp L;Trat"tr�othn-stil�th a . _..�,M-- _ .- that-Oli1e Wt3 land �Vtnt into ati cryo= -Lu ,_on_the contr-ar;,"_wasdusGabout P e .g y.--7FEetAAAE l•ASN'A4AE All, Y b as handsome a fellow as you Could wish fool in the service, though as many.had Sl°ok. ac JAMEssoarr. Itt►rru tl hiGtuRE nizina fit 0f laughter. If Only she had LO look n yon -lithe graceful and very the, opposite opinion that lie was simply `{ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE Olt SkIALL known what tale drawl covered , But Illi sums on good mortgage security, m6derato t;"il and ;lit rill partict)lar, of t strop though -some inches shorter than I as clever as daylight: But this was . Atfs• 0. Ptd-rl-�iSIii, tc;�.IN1.0lily she did not therefore arra an$tvered with g' o ate oP mterest. H. HALE, Winton, ' Harkness; with sunny, -smooth hair and Perhaps the very first time on record, r—� _ _- _. _____ , AGENT G. T. R. careless gayety and a world o£ laughter very blue eyes, with good' regular fea- when he had not, at the very first menet L H, DOWSI,EY, M, D., M, it. C. S ENGLAND ' In her dee gra eyes : g e Phyeleian, Surgeon, ote. Office and residence I --' _ -_-_'-_-___ __ __--'-'M - P gray Y tures and a particularly pleasant voice, tion 0f.-.waltzin;; sought to secure Olive nextMolsoWEBanli,marketsquare,Clinton. 'Then I shall certainly send it. There He was altogetbdr beyond comparison Neyland for the first danco-certainly I y 11 � 'l `is $sent a solid satisfaction in sending a y P o APPLETvN,-OFFICEppos II heEnglCF,oljl%(L(j� ��� ��� OR"'AN •� with Harkness, asHarkness himself it w•as the very first when he -bad omit• DonUuLasiostreot,clintou,oppostcetheEngllslp (UAjj,,l1fV',,1\J present to somebody wbe'will keel�it- would have been the first to declare had ted to ask her for the second. He felt unt„n. ,rutrauceby sidegate. 1 11 forev-ah !' It was quite unconsciously the subject been put forw,ud for his it was no use half doing things ; ho had B. PROUl)H'0 _ CIVIL ENGINEER, that her gay voice took an inflection opinion. made up his mind that he would rouse H•, yor, - Yroviu<;ialuud Dovinou LaudSurve W1 Mel was a 1 ,r ., ,,,... , -.. . -, ., _Archtt .- _____,-_ ) ._- _., _,,<:.-4--.-echo of htS... v_�Vlr.aa . ,-_ _,__. __, _-- _ _.._ _. eat un(t Drangbtmn„n;Pgiti Float - After•the severest test at: the late ' - Y Howeter as Olne kept tathet:' in the her void heart into jealousy; and thence Clinton.]r to shall it be? A birtLday.book?' ' P Cllnton,'it wits universall�adimitted that rear Of her mother, that she alight greet into IOVC ; tbal'e£OI'e he rose• from the FOR PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY ' A birthday book' returned Lucy, ' R- REEVE. -OFFICE RATTENBURY 8T - y ' Y, each .newcomer, Lucy ba.took himselt chair., offered Miss Raummo his, arm, D Afarray Block, two doors east of, Hodgens' en- OF FINISH, AND SWEETN! M OF ']ONE, the with tile' ready, acquiescence he would farth r into the gardens with his sister `Without even suggesting that Misa'Wey- trance. Residence, opposite the TempArance Hall, EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all oth- e b have it•ed l g' - , had she o a g proposed'to him land ahonld Iva Niro a dance befgre the .Huron Eraet,Clinton. Cf9aehoare,8a.m.toGp.m. era, and,destinod'tc, be the -o ' ar iriBtira I. att ale hint or a crinol;inQ on the lookout 'the' while' for the sonic- g B P 1 P one who'was tb be the moans of bring- regular prograrbroe. AMES HOWSON, LiCENSED AUCTIONEER mentof the day. "''1'hiscalong with the fact They head reached the stablo yard by in . the wa ward Sull`v it b J•fortheCountyofHuron._Salesattend'edanywhere that a special prize waitawarded it, certain Ing Y 1to;a fit and Fot:a'moment,Olive was so Astonished •ufthe•County,atce:tsonablerttes:'Residence,Albert L s asks volumes tor the inatriiments,and that time, and just ,as Harkness and. street,Clinton. proper stats of mind -that is; a state of that silo could scarcely, believfi the evi- parties -purchjleinL, sholild" see the ExCEL- IYrr. Neyland ilfsappeared through the mind that should make het• adopt 'a dance Of her own senses. A comical R. S.TANBURY, ttaADUATE OF THE MED.- SIO,R before buying elsewhere. doorway of a loose box Olire made a DCALDepartmentofvfotoriaULsivereity,Torouto,for manner which 'should enconrat.ge.-or at idea flashed into her mind; could Evelyn merly of the �osplrals an•d Diepenearice, Now York GES, F. E➢AKES, PRCJPRt•t TQTf. fresh suggestion. least disconraar; Lim from asking her to Baummelbe the 'Sally" of whom he had y yfiela,Ont, i CoronerfortheI Cosnt of Hn-11111 Or, suppose. the say a nice little become his wife locket, that you can wear Sally's hail' in pretty ' es'.in ans}ve1 to tri Should oortant notmpt a kinl ken en of utrnHo lied COroOg the n O Biline d8 1�TRS WHITT, TEACHER .OF MUSIC. REST- FactoSyuhre L[enbnroors stSt of Md]lilUto'! Pump and ban- oil t0 the end of our watch 1 Y Y P Y DENUE at 'Mrs. R. If. Rends, earned of Huron and p+ y r BEldi�ILLEit l�� SERY. FRV IT AfuD ORNAVENTAL TREES, NOR WAY .SPRUCE, SCOTcil AND ASTRACHAN PINE,, THE LATTER op WHICH trs MAKE A sPECI:ALT - 1 AIRGE STOOK 01Y HAND The gboye ornamental trues and -shrubbery will{ be d at vary low prices, and those wanting anyth)-o this connectlun will save money by pnrohasing . Oxrders by Vail will bepromptly atlenckd'to A(ldress, JOHN STEWART, Benolllq. Fire 'IsLauraiace. - A kinds of pmpparty insured at lowest tariff rates, First -cines cumpanied, FjiICKETS VIA N: W. T. CO, LINE` BOATS TIP .L WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS, AL$e by all rail Lines over the GRAND TRUNK and CA ,k DA PACIFIC to any point on that line, Winnipeg, Brandon, &c., Dakota, Kansas, or any point reached by rail, local or foreign. � 4 Come and see me before you buy tickets anywhery JAJ& THOMPSON, Clhito . _M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ThPS8tevenson -THE- __ :. �I Leading U11-dertaker, Ci.1NTC01,V. I Anticeptic Embalming Fluid kept `t on hand. a _ _ X__ )pry Funeral Director, J. C. Steven. son, has attended the School of Em. I balming, in" Toronto, to make himself proficient in the art of embalming. REMEAIULIt THE PLACL, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. THOS, STEVENSON $50,000 To LOAN of 6 per Celt. Why , pay- othe.rs..7,•.8, 9 and .AO per- een when you can get , t money from use 6 peri, Fi%st•class loans &, per cent. Large loads s per cent. TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding Payment and period of loan. . -Apply to BANKERS, CLINTO*. THE NOLSONS BAtiT K. Incorporated by Act of Parratment, 1555, CAPITAL., 7 -$2,000,000. I HEAD) O FI E lC c , SINTREA . THOMAS WORKMA31......President. J. II. R. AfOLSO N ......... , , , ... Vice -Pres. - ' - - ly WOLFE1tS'r l,"ILIOSTASTGeeera4-ia&agor, ,Notes discounted, Collections made, Drgf isWed, Sterling -,and. -American excimage :_. bought atad sold iii 'lowea6 current 'rates. ' •• Interest at 4•per cent allowed on deposits F'ARMEFits. V19oneJ advanced to formers on their own notes v ,ith .ne or more endorsees No mortgage rcqulred its' ,urity, , H: C. BREW64t , Manager, January 188, , 11 Olt . J. BIDDLECOMBE "I o y chain ?' she laughed Mischievously. ' It q t1C$t1011. Ho,. therefore, being leave wistle whenever hi* could get a few clays Orange streets. Agent for the Ontario Music Teachers u Association. Sec., It. G. Collins, 21 Carleton St- To. - ( �A hatch and Clock faker °kt� might milia Sally jealous; and there's a man quick' to Why, flow blind she bad been ronto; Pres., Dr. C.A. Sippi, Lndor:, out. .. ... _ _ _ __ ___ _ EMBALMER' decide nothing 'like jealbltsly, cit know, f6l• Y alld ]la$telllrlg such matters, kept Ills eyes open, not cast about In ]Yla 111et wa to de- ' q y' to sue 1t before. Of coarse It was + Evelyn t}]at W 15 the attraction. Silo -VRANiC R. POWF.LL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, 1.' Notary Public, Ufli:c, Sra.RbV,,s A A JEWELI;EIf, &c., '11'➢11E 011 little flflall's 't3f that kind. terming Yrni will be able to say in ill{ honesty which of the many y cans ladies 'turned away having. come to, this conclur etc. BLocr., AL- �/ -y P 7�'�/'n/, P C fT $TRENT, CLtNToN. Toronto agents, Messrs. MC- I `-.�•-9AO�V�V. V V � earthy, Osler, Hoskin & Crcclntan. Private funds iIPPOyE'FE 01AQt➢(liT, 1 0,i1Y'�Q►,lr that a lady cavo it to --a who were present Ile sbould boner for sion, and gt5cotyn.tereel••-1Irtt-ktle;,•s---wh-o to -•Aaa.atdovcst.ratet,.of-intorest. Where he keeps a treleet liesortm' of , you . young 3 b rho lady. Don't yeti think you bad better' ' IUCkCt?' time by his, tlttetrti>3'ns' Thfp1'L*"wa§""11s'd Margaret Donnithorne, one of the rich= _-_-_, , -tea c�isl ytil scare i oI liar - i' , They arty just turning up, he said, �._ _ -. _ w. WILLIAMS,B. A.,ALB.,,GRADUATE OF -TILL LE:1D1\G- R•TorontoUnivorsity;membcrofthoCollegoofPhy WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW/FLLERY, SILPER. WARE Say A - est ' If yell will Live meoue. ATId-CL' garet -you Wreally think' --looking dO'v`n had girls in that neighborhood; but Mat'- 1'CfeCClilg Donnithorne was intensely stupid, long t0 t11C irltlnCl, ' Yes I think every one knows who Aiciansa ilftrgeone,Gnt. OFFICE& BESIDENC'the t housaformerl ocoag3ed by Dr. Reeve, Albert stroot_ Clinton. ) I --- ____.__._...___.._ ruflah",L METZRepairing Which we will.eolt at reasonableratos., ' upotl llpr without so much its n ghost of b though a SIIll1C O11 111a face Ol' t1lC least {{tile exquisite a b 11CCli lllig a 9Wa11 whlCh lovely in that""regal bird, and many in a woman on aper' is an - noon Wallt$ t0 1tilOtV Oliva answered, Not ' people care to dance in the after- bncthero 't re aonro w•1 h d •' _ .,_-_..__.-_ _.__ n , WORTHING.TON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON l 'a-�eacnacltottr,Licent;at(oftheCollegeofChyeician, and.9urgeonsof LDwerCanada,andProvineialLieblt- I of every description promptly teuded to, and all work warranted. J: BIDDLECOMBE. Clinton, Nov. 1882. •• twinli,o of amusement in his blito eyes eyes + thing pCillapS 1`00auSe lie was so ver n31t P ' Y but attractit•e in flesh and blood; a f to ave oven long wily, and will have to leave rather'--rosrdenco, tiateand Coronorforthe Colin tyoIUnrov. Oatorand r The building formerluyoccnpiedby bh•, I '-: A \ D - - - C11 and ` in -earnest and not in the least amused that -' ,md you wreillly think thea rc'S notL' sit; Margery, too, hada mouth so small early,, some people wondered, if,as a baby them.' had been. able to suck her thumb,and and so we always. have it f01' Tbwaltes,liuron stroot. _ C1lnton,Jan.10,187t. � Ja i LPNTON EMBALMER' ing 1•iko,jealousl-v lr h(,Il)ing such matt• fill, By this timo they hied.reached the MECITANTCS' IVI'TTUTE, LTBR- j G'>;llvand tteachnrltoemA,.ICrunblock, down Ct'C'n tC1.8 (111 l' tVCllt SO aa.at0_Say it-tX a; ,:�.4�1'-.s1..ilu ,uee*he1 %1 t IflCe CUTtai115 Of which r;Cf`tils, 'About 1,71)0 voii1lirrs Ill4,11MIAlmrry and 1.1C'1:,I11bC11C1' - her. nothing:' She answrrcd n,oni.ptl y , , l I y her had not ttl[I?D hr,r to gobblo were Wlfole Est, ial the hope, by d0in", lopped ill) ill festoon t0 admit• of iti�t(i}�y oni[i�i tn,hyspAiittui,oi'jieiPt;ih It 31 p(C �--y C>f (Cli ri><o.111. l,nt bora do you know• Ilio persisted. of (.1!I;' said sic, ` becnuso so air Widening a the ntrscd-u p li n 11 I 1 lips. tvas and light. Over tho boarded floor spread a well linen cloth and annum, Open front 2 to s I -n„ and from 7 to ; a p ill. Appflealicsns for IIIe11 llorslisp recived ', bythn Llhrarian in wise{}', uvcry n;w s lyq sit -u11 tllc stole'•' hooks - et-Ot' > Then there was Octavia Long the already b' ;glazed threc.coupies vrcre slowly sun: I ' rpt the room. -- - _�_ _-__.__ TI e ]11:5'{' of 1;(:1?P"1'1:1\ Y cleverest enc,' %vid) all expansive grsture of her half �ItiTstochT. , in the county or a dozen c0nnttes nenr�Ty,-JT3ut Llt�c iaag_rA1111d, tv:veling i11 t11r, unwonted 11,~11®ill c lf. IiPI®h1�Y. FIXIDti's(•d in }:1111:1 F 111.1: arms, its it' to include thr, wit"ul:; world. (lid Y space not tLiuli he liked blacstocliings and freedom from jostio and ciowd, , Wo' can ninlrrU few gnral loans from I uivA• l-, L i5 the., jealousy to be and Harkness int his aria rotind Olive,, Fc�n., at low rates and moderate eapcose. j A Large ast5ortln(ut of orot vthing Was oug bo h l'wUn�llt about '1' 11C asked, , ]iC91C1CB quite stun he was afraid of them• waist, UCtit 1101.1'lb) and-tthoy slipped off jltst as Lney Terms mane t6 suit I,urrowcrs, t1 h'. VCOTT•,"' in the Ullllertiikill" line. ' ` Oh it's all r cite gas to udge b y the ! Y( judge 3 Via 3r 11111 tC(1 x•1111 I Y i ' and hope 1 Miss Lalnnmr Came tui stirPlci-still. 111.1NNI?7 - Clintnm - • Pccn story book,. A little whOh%01l)o UPg1CCt over - -L little attention to with the of winning Oliie 1 a before his eyes, Lucy did not feel thrill Before that dance had ended an ginger had shot lilac fire through i,ucy's - -- -:- - .,•I.il�llL: N SHAVING PAIZL6R Roq o kor Sore, C11llt011. somebody else, it who is not supposed to mind or to b der would be possible for Lim to say ton- 1 Y heart-•-iL things to one eye at a time,uotevett words, thrill, which gxpio,felt is would llll�'C' told that ---`- SHAPOOI HAIR CUTTrNt. AND sfrArt- X. - Pt)O(N(1 donevcrY RESIDENCE ORANGE S'T, deceived for a` mornent, but who some- though timwrdie of a 'broken heart -a few gifts the tender things meant nothing g b, .('and hQ felt his scheme for rho cultivation of jail- nriiy and to suit every piVsoi). I > NEAR )METHODIST CHUR01f b and of Looks and flowers to rho somebody had only the object of making Olive ously'-Wa.s Wayland j©aloes. No, Margery would with beginning to work, Forth• he redoubled his attention. to Miss roli•v FARQUARSON, li nift Rtoch _ ___ _ w �."LL'N' `tJN gist? ; after which the obdurate Sally not do,and Octavio would not do, either. ]3a'mme, J. Ta WILKIE, .11 comes to 1wr Senses, or" his, with most True, tinladyliko and unmaidenly rapirlity ; a there was Sybilla North, as pretty girl ,,is any mail on earth need wish to e(l, ' Sball we look for an icer' he suggest as the music ' bb Hold tho exclSisivveetrEON Dht for ENTIST. my forthe"Iturd procoss of administoring chemically pare Nitrogen, T LANING A after WhiC11 the whole affair is settled in flirt with. Yet Sybilla would not do ceased.. , I think we will, She deliberate- Monoxide, which 1E the safest and belt myntera yet (Ito. five minutes, and the two live happy any better than either of theothers}for ly ,-,aid covered for the Pal nlessextraction ofteeth. Charges r moderate, satusfaction mtrnnteed, • OFFtUE EL- ` ` —AND— • . - is qulto the proper way.' a3hamed ii Cy knew, and a1�Ways=_f0Tt a_ TiWe of the knowledge, that Sybilla ' It worlcB' r ' sial' Lacy, to himself, 4 LTOTT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tailor Shop, furon Stro t Clinton. °!' i 1 v, D 3EL ]KILN t ' I'll twry it,'said Lncy, Solemnly, and bad w'tt11 Cm hails ' ' I'll tw'r It upon m with , Y r P y him works.? rather more' than 'a partiality for 110 had caught a half -puzzled expres- _-.-_-_­ .___ _ ' � 1) E N T I $ T9 - � ••j1trE SUBSOMBRIt HAViNG JUST COMPLETED furnished his word 1. will.' word alld would certainly take evcry Sion he said for and, indeed, Baumrne , upon OIN4) s face , a- she and Miss COATS BT.00TC I •i °tad new Planing Atilt with machin - cry of the latest improved patterns, 1•t now prepared to to in ' I WOtlld,' said Olive, nodding Lor might gospel ; even go so far as to yret[k her he left the mar nee ; where' on q P led her away with devotion attend all orders his lino 1n thb most prompt and satisfactory manner, and at reasonable rates. lie hoad and showing her pretty white teeth heart in a smile. ' And pile it tip as high es outright a contingent as devout- which an sit of de-,eir•ed everybody but Evelyn Y y y -jam- � I = wnutd also re the tinges burned ed who patronized the old firm hutnco they worn burned out, and now helnfi in a bettor to 1 you like about the locket, she added. to bt3 avoided as breaking ]li$• own Y Baumme herself. pre found her a seat ! position execute ordersexpeditionsi], foolsconfidentlie can give satisfaction to aii. 0 neck, Yes, she slid relappso into slang some ( in All at oner, however) he hit upon the trn a Shady and retited arbor, where a fol of ices gild ' y a great flagon o£ CIIAIZORS MODERATE I C L I N T O N . • - FACTORY-NearlheCrand Trunk Rail way, .Clinton. THOMAS WKENZTE , . 114 , «. AVE 20 PER CENT 1536-•;SE1VII--CENTEYNIAI 1884 .,...:.,,,,. - 1'tt l.. r' 6.v,)t1!ll,oi'„u..,,... ..,.> - , ,.. ,, . CORE DISTRICT FIRE INS. CO ('onducted both on Cash unit Afutual plans. How. JAS. YOUNG. If. F. P., - - - President. Aim.ii WAHNO(Olt, Ewa_ - - ,-Vi,vo-Pi'vshlout ILS. FTNON(l. Esq., - _ Arimagiu; Director 7t'13E :G0R-E ' {:liters upon its FIFTIMT11 YE1I1 mach stronger anr'l more prospereu4 than' at any previous period, having $21$,896 of Assets , and pratically NO LIABi ITY except.a Ro ineurallco Reserye of,$30,000. There are $20, 000 deposited with the Ontario Government and over $9-),000 held in Mortgages, Deben tures, and .Cash, immediately available to . meet losses, Mutual Policyholders in the "(Tore” save 20 per cent. with undoubteibilecurity. -. For full particulars apply to Il EAo OrricE GALT or toJ01IN RID//UT, Ag•ent,,Clinton ROLLER FLOUR _ AT $2.10 PER CWT. BRAN by TON or CWT., I AT 60rTs. PER C'OT., 1� Delivered any where in town free of eharg MRS. JOIIN RAYSON.