HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-02-11, Page 1IsK
net very seriously. Some time ago revival- , EAdT WAN AN0S&I.' ,
Baws.—Mr. Wm. Stirling has been
meetings were begun in the Methoiidst-;i RIEFs -Mr. Brew Williams had a '
eonfdued to the house all winter with
church here, but owing to the in_.clement' sale of farm stock on Tuesday. Mies J. '
sciatica. Misses Mary and Sarab'Stirling
weather; were discontinued fora abort and -Mr. }'y. McGowan have returned from
are laid up with rheumatic fever, • Mrs
time, but re -opened List week. Mr. Jok t a trip to Lucknow and vicinity, Mr. T.
(deo. Weston has been under the doctor's
roster, of the Parr line, Stanley, is mak- ) Shorteeed, of Eequesing township, county
. care since New Years and i3 no better yet,
Mrs. David Richards slipped on the ice
ing preparations to build a new dwelling of Halton. is vtaitiog friends Arid relatives
on his pplace next summer;-i<lreadv ,eon- i in East %Vawuuush, Morris and Blyth. -
and broke her leg recently. The early
siderable of the material is >��u 1�� i` f;-,-olru Ellis has gone on a visit to friends
lambs. were skipping round during the
Mr. Reynolds, of Hensall, has the con- j iii Brockville. At. C. Cameron addressed
fine weather.
tract. A number of young people from it aarge- asseuibly of the. electors of East
POLITICS. --A meeting,as advertised
was held at Porter's Hill hool house, on
Tuckersmith, spent Wednesday evening
of last week, at the residence of Air. H.
Wawanosh in S.S. No, 10, last (Thursday)
night. Action regarding the Scripture
the 6th inst,, and the intelligent electors
Dayman ; the floor was occupied until a
late hour.
Reading in S. S. No, 10, has been delayed,
pending the receipt of informatiou from,
of this neighborhood were sorry Mr. M.
C.Cameron could not address the meetin
----••.r.w•0---- - .
the Hon. G. W. Rosa.
COVNVIL -At the first meeting of the
he having a sore throat, but he was ably 1
represented by Col. A. Al. Ross and Mr, I
iWORTHY OF NOTE. -Each of the oouu-
� new township council,inteMr, Paler Porter-
hraser,•but we are sorry to say they could
cillois of $uliett have had a son added to
his family since election day, .
field was re -appointed clerk, at n salary of
x+75 per,anuum. Messrs. R. Shiell and J.
r+(it get a fair hearing, The Tories, the
rowdy element of the art we mean
v vd party ' I
BRIEFS. Mr. A. .Latin, from the vitro-
is his \Ira,
bleCallum were appointed auditors and
• turned out in full force, primed with
ity of Belleville, visiting sistdR
8rd Mr.
Mr. R. Currie appuiuted,lrbit rator fur
whiskey and file necks of black bottles 1'H.
McMullen, on the con,
Garret Noble, jr„ got his hand badly
schools for the township. Tho auditors
were instructed to have the township ac-
sticking out of their pockets, the contents
st which kept them pockets,
kept up s I
scalded a short time since, and in conse-
quence he is spending"a couple of weeks
i counts audited up to thb 1st of February.
Application was again made by Charles
continual interruption, but. we expected ;
nothing better from such parties as Maui. 1
ing betterfr9rack,Stag rues a Mauimmy,
tit home. :Jr; Jas. Tremier, who has
Campbell to .have the north end corner•of
toba I
Red Pepper Cbummy. Porter sent a man +
been away Dear Oshawa, visiting his par-
eats, has returned home.
lot 33, coir, 8, transferred from No, 3, sec -
tion No 7, East and West Wawanosh, to
to look after .his interts, for whom we
HFAI,TH,-Mr. Cokeley, of the 8th con.,
Moat a child 8 months of age, cu Friday
S, S. No. S, .The expenses of holding the
I last municipal elections amounted to $32,.
heard several names, Some said it was !
•Bairi'(.from Kincardine, some Jones, fromtwo
last, by bronchitis ; and at last accounts
others were suffering from the same
75. During the year 1886 there were re-.
•gistered 44 birtha, 11 marriages and 21
Brigham, but we found him to be Mr, I
Fresh Beef.Brown,of Toronto, and he got ;
disease and were pretty bad; the house is 1
deatha. Council again meets again Feb,
a ,good hearing, never one interruption.
T „1
evidently an unhealth one. lwto h}Td
y &
ren of Mr, Stewart, also of filo 8t
11th. x I
from the Reform party. When Col. Ross
was speaking a young roan was seen to put
can., were down with brouehitis, al
red pepper on the stove,a small, contemp-
other members of the family otherwise
~Yr fHicted. Mrs. John Garrett is laid
BRiFFs.-JIr, I Murdock, of Ethel, paid
ible trick, ana considerable coughing, but we are which caused some delay
up. lips. WaiteAnnd young Cole, both of I
us a friendly visit last -week. Miss Mo-
Allister, of Clinton, is visiting her sister,
glad to say, the meeting Helped file Re-
10th con., one still lying ill, and neither
of them very much improved. 51r. R.
Mrs Geo Robinson. Will Murdock arrived
home on Wednesday from Brussels. AIiss
form cause, there are two that we know of
and heard them saythey had .never given
Wilson, Iot 6, on the 10th, is laid up with
C R Langaide is the guest of her cousin,
a Reform vete but would this time, for
they were ashamed of the Tory party, and
congestion of the lung, and will not likely , Miss Bella McDiarmid. The Murdock
be out of doors for some Aime. Many ' Broa.bave taken a residanoo on the Brown t
others are suflering from severe colds, *Mr. I Alias Annie Agneiv is
had given their last vote to them. We
think if Fresh Beef, and Red Pepper to
estate Cranbrook.
CMullen, Of the 3rd con , is very low ! again,under the parental roof; she has been
season it, stumps the riding, it will swell
with consumption. Miss Biggi13, who is I residing in Putt Huron for some time and
AL`(;. Cameron's majority.
suffering from the same disease, is now 1 given n favorable account of the place,-
slightly better. '
MAgnew, Anna A new Martha and Will Mur -
•dock assistedat an entertainment at Pine
FRUIT -A voter came to me the other day,
he said, They tell me you write some for
was hgld in School -House, No. 7, on the
evening bf Thursday, the 3rd inst,, to pay
River on Friday evening last. Mr. Neil
McDiarmid arrived home from Duluth on
_ the NEw ERs. I told him sometimes.
He NFw ERA.'"
"if it would be of shiintefes.
a it w a
",%JA b`gtomo the memory of the late T,
Thursday, with his collar bone broken ; he
to readers the ERA know what
`V• Sloan, who occupP a pfti tun i�f
- V{Ne- mpf6yed in-Aha-_lum.bering business
he thoughtmeeting," I said id de-
of that atyou
teacher in the section, for a period of over
three years, and which he gave til, when
there and had the misfortune to get struck
with a skid ; we are glad to report he is in
Well,t know I R
cidedTory:' "Yes." "Well you know wrong,
incapacitated by the disease which caused
his death. The chair was occupied by Mr,
a fairway of recovery, Mr. • E. Dawson, I
of Pine River, will deliver h]s famous lec•
but I never gave a Reform vote yet, but
will on the egad if alive and well for this
John Curring, who, in a few well•choserl*I
tura in the grange hall here on Friday, the
realign not the only oned I was
remarks, stated the object of the meeting, 1
and his regret at the circumstances under
18W, subject -heroes, or men the world
admire ; we hope to•sea a crowded house, '
totallywith the way .our party
.acted on Saturday night at Porter's Hill
which it had been called. He spoke of the
Our Wednesday last another of olir young
meetipg. After the hearing the�Refor-
almost exceptional interest taken in the I
section by the deceased, and the good will
bachelors. deserted --the. ranka-:._ �f single
blessedness in the person of Mr. L. Doyle, -
mers gays Porter's speaker, never inter-
-.____..._....p.:-......___ ...p.,.., n.r- 7,-_--,....-,_
existing between him and each member of
i who was united in the holy .bond by Rev,
ed to speak the mean rowdy way they
• acted in booting and yelling,not allowing
°"� . ..,,., ,.,,.y, a.. .,. ...., . , ....on...,y
endorsed by those present. A coalinittee
i•n+uer ""�1n. , . ,,.. �,.,..y _..,.1..... .w,
of Ashfield --the happy •ooupfe are spending
him to speak, made say, I will cut
was appointed to draft a resolutiori to con- 1
their honey moon in Craubrook ; we wish
, . ,
myself loose from such a rrtwdy-pack iso I-
vey the sympathy of the. residents of the '
-- _
thein every ,success.
have done so. Do you think it will be at
to the of the of; the departed and,
to send
to Bond a copy of the"same to :YFw ERA
. all' interestin to the people around Here
to knew this ' "Of course it will." '`Well
and Harron Expositor. The following re- ,
DEATii.-It is our ptiinful duty to re-
. I; know it will be particularly interesting
" for they. knowy I,
solution was adopted :-
I Resolved. -That we, the residents of S. S.
cord tit% death of bliss Maggio Ferguson,
of Fanaville. "Nearly a year ago she con -
me -for a tvhile,if vots
M. C. foC.but 1 ata cin I "You will
going to
Not. 7, Hullett, mindful of the' -deep interest , 1
I takes Ill then welfare our by the late
tradted, a cold, which, settling on her
remember the $2nd." • your
. - __ -. _ .._ _._._- _ . _}, . . -,_T.
zTiTe--'Well, goofi a - •
of school
\\ . Slda .during the period for which he i
t -aborad -s -di '-s-o�f-tlre
lungs, has baffled the skill of. the best
hysictans. She was much esteemed iq
;n_rf sscl3W i , anti cin
i benefits do ived by a the success hie
Pier• -C- r`cle of- acgtiatinn rL,F-IVte -extentT :
INOTEs.-One, of the worst slert• storms
,from of
untiring a orts in our behalf, and knowing
influence for good will loo be felt in
that'liis r,
to the bereaved family our sincere sym-
pathy in their sore bereavement, '
ever seen'•here has been going oil •for'the
•last two days ; Sunday wt•as very unplea-
our.midst,while his noble character, excellent
example and self•pacrificing devotion to oun
BRIEFS, -Alexander Brander, a well
known character in these parts has passed
sant ;. not many at any of the churches-
wonderful flow little keeps some people
interests, have endeared him to each .and all
of ria; desire to coney to the bereaved family
over that,bourne from which no traveller
has ever, yet returned ; be died'at the resi-
. from church on Sunday. Quarterly meet.
our heartfelt sympathy with.them in the ir•
dence bf Wm. Chapman, Sexmoutii. The
- .-.. -. Ing in the Methodist church here, Inst
, reparable lose they have sustained in •hid re•
ice storm has damaged a many of
Sunday, but the country people could not
I moval from them at an early age, And
the ornamental trees ,in our village and
get in; Rev. Dir. Gee gave one of his best•
we regret,'Cso;thatrtbis 011etion has removed
vidinit Owing to .the rapid thaw and
Y•' g P
discourses. :Our council had another of
from them the second member in eueli a ahoft
apace of we each n£ the
] rain -fall bran of the cellars in this
�Y Y
are flood�cl. Air. Blackwell,.
their meetings lost blonday, after, the
reeve cams home from Goderich, and Ar-
naytrub thattto
bereft, life's journey may be that much brig. •
ter in the glorious prosp.ecte of a linppy re•
place .for
some time station master here has left
. ran ements were made fora pub, meet-
b, gp
ing to be held oa the DID*th inst., to di.cuss
union with •those gone before. Signed on
behalf the
for BI'RniAt011 ; his successor has not pot
arrived, 'The political meeting here, nn
railway matters; all are deeply interested
of section.
ni Mc-
:lloived night, in the interest of
. .
in this; a very excellent road would be
a tt , Rlnvar.L, Committee,_
Millan, ver well attended.
y' �.--
from Wingbam by Clinton to here; Olin-
A. T ,LfO'fTI �
' ton surely would go for that -we will give
,. 'tbe result next week. ..D-ur friend.Me-
- Milian, one of the Reform Candidates for
wE,yT WiCWADIOkt[i:
-CoLxcrt..-Council -on
'POLLTH':u.-A large political meeting
was held tri the township hall Morris, 1
South Huron, gave us one of his excellent
' addresses. last Tuesday, on thel tions
met the 5Ph. Mem•,
here all present, minutes of last meetiirgvead
evening last,tlie contending par.
ties on
lice on the platform were .Mr. T. Farrow,, I
of the day; the Audience was goo and
and approved. The clerk's and treasurer's
bonds were presented •snit pronounced sane•
ex M.P. arid, Dr. McDonald,of Wiugham,
Covr'FRT,.- A. concert and oyster supper
. gave an excel Ieathearing; Mr. Eason
factory. On motion the -tax levied on the
occupied the chair. None of our clergy
parties assessed for ditch lin con. 2, 3 and 4,
will be given on Friday evening, Feb. 11th, 1
take any public part in polities; perifaps
was ordered to be refunded for first year, the
-in the township hall, under the anspices of
they would be none the worse if they .did;
first assessment to be made at the end of this
the Forresters. A large attendance and a
none of, them :mote or pay " tribute unto
Year. A petition was presgnted by D, V.
,good time is expected.
_ Ctesar," • they perhaps think it right, the
Callophan and 23•othen, praying for the
trauslix of certain Union S. S.
BRIFFs.-=Mr, Rose Stabbs, who some
.do not, ,
property into
No. 1.1. The cleric was instructed to notify
few weeks ago, was sm•iously injured while
falling a tree; is around again although
the arbitrator and the
� diet able to work. Ainctiaa sales of first-
' Tim Fitt)IFlt'S 1:LUn-At a recent meet-
ing of the West End farroer's..club,_Mr. J.
trustees ,of the several sections interests(], cf
tl'o ttppliuntions having been made. Appli•
I class furniture are beim+ held in Ww.h,or -
- 'Thor -the
I cations for cities of assopsor were read from
warerooms this week came to Sun-
r read a ver interesting essay on
1 Y M y
_ , proper wily to manage a farm so to keep
1)nnald. 'Murray, .Tohn I1'ehinbottoib, Win
i :whine for -good and chbap furniture.
it clear of weeds, and tit the same timeF.KII;II
AVilson and .it, 1h Anderson. Application
of \L•. Iiickfnbnttotu was accepted, ' 'I:ho
. --- _. a--
• T�iakerit ,yield the best returns, On a farm
satuo fence yfewers, were appointed for 1887
' Biticrs,-:t numberofinen are engaged
pvith ,t0 acres of tillablo }arid, his rotation
that 9vrved In l R,% lles9r9, Loolcharts (iib•
taking out ice at Trick's mill (lam and
of crops would be as follow s, having his
son ttild 'Codd were appointed members of.
1 teaming it to Clinton. The Methodists
farm divided into Dille tell u.:rc fields :
,Ane floird of Ifealth. 'l'hr members cif thq,
- are malting preparations. to have 'a ten
Breaking a field, out of sod,smv it half with
council were appointed road commissioners,
wee ; -ey shoufd
meeting in a few th
Teas and half with oats, the next year
11. N', hiller' was reappointed cleric ; NVm.
hurry up and havn it during this good
' wheat, and ants the next, amts and hum-
Durnin, trenaurer, and Alex. Rose, thistle
81eig 1. , Last Saturday afternoon an
'-�__�-� ....-•---.1•-• mor fallow t1 n i r
� ro v the oat, barley and full whoa'
inspector. „ The council re•n ointod the
Inttrewttng game of .foot ball was played
.� _.. +" the next, the next two years world be in
1;ound•keepers for 1`+86, with exr,,,lfti,•n of
mi the fourth line; tine contesting parties
hay, and the following three in pastures;
Thos. Itutlrulgp, ,lames Lose being appointed
Iwere the boys from the adjacent schools.
which would com»leto•tho rotation.
in his place, .Joplin Gordon was granted ti:10
for use of Win. \Golan, n msioner. It was
, ..
� l.ley met in a field nearly halt way and
BItr,F•s,-1Vlisa I:Ha P.obb, daughter of
decided that the road coinmiasioners shall sell
each went in for a good time..' Jae. Laith-
lSlr. 1Vm. hobb, of the end con., nne been
all tiro timber belonging to the township, ill
rvaite has sold his thoiottg�f(ired ball to
ver ill with di theria but at lash
Y p , accounts'
their r e e ti •e divisions.'f llo -
a e p c ��,, The following ao
John Barr, of Huliett; for something in
Aleasrs H J
had token a turn foa the better. hast Fri-
counts were or7lered to be paid: -J, P. I*
the neighborhood bf •$1
day night about thirty new names were
refunded drain" tax, �t3„dl; J. ll. Smylie,
Whitely, of the loth, n d (lakes, sr., of
` added to the list of new members at Tur.
work done on drain, 34.115: Wm. Milligan
the 16th con., are both on the sick li§t.
I net's church, as a result of the recent re-
refunded drain tax, 30ets; Jun Stewart, re,
I ..111-1r�• -
vival. A great recent ice s t of damago was
donee the ice storm tofruit and
funded drainitax,$2,85 ;;♦Jas• Nivins,refunde•
drain tax, $5.63; Wm. Bailie refund (train tax
Co,,-urr.--A concert will bb held in the
ornamental trees, acid in .the woods the
$3.23 , Jno Glordqu for Wm. Welsh, $30;
Roswell & Hutchison,municipal blanke,$3.03;
school hotiso oR 'the evening of Friday,
I Feb. 11th, and a good time Is Expected.
v gronnrl-is literally covered -with branches
and broken down trees. The friends
Sentinel office, nomination bills and ballots,
Madame and Miss Annie Sage, of Walton,
Messrs. John and Robert Londaborough
$3,50. It. I:. Miller, expreas etc., ?L25 ; It.
R. Iliiler, balance salary etc., $23,2.,. Cuun•
have been secured to furnish mtrsicon thou
I wonderful Isases. Whenever they have
will be sorry to learn that they continne in
. very Low health, with sligl,t prospects of
oil will meet on Saturday, Feb. 26th,
It. K. blri.r.rn eLprk
performed hey have drawn large audiences
recovery ; the former wag very low on Fri•
- -.-•
and all pronounced this Clio finest music to
which they have ever liatened. In their
clay last, but rallied somewhat ; they aro
among filo earliest sc ttlprs +f this town.
-\Ira, Itobt, Reid r p(' the Bayfield
tour through filo American citiea,tliery ivoro
_ _ll..w
ship, and am justly highly esteonii,A-
road, hnts been ill during the last three
heartily received and their music spoken
I .• ;,,a...I ..
III ._i . c,rrl,t•,y.
month9, She is now over 80 years of age,
acid fears are entertained that W Day be
of in the highest terms, in addition to
this W, (3. Duff, of Iloxbnrn, ` . i', iinlln
Nr:ww'x Irr�rs.-While working in the
her last illness. She is one of.the pio.
day anal W, Shane, of illyth, aro upon tho
ro ramme, besidas diaingnes, readingsyiy
last 1 ) I
week, � Ir. I Anie] dell, of Hay,
n rs f tritownship, t i, s r .9'r
Doers o e all,] has c' led
pp g
y ,
r wwa hurt. with a tic., though we believe
I nearly fifry yenrc in this vicinity.
lEcal talents .
appealed to the audience and was sustained,
man who is possessed of Ouch political
meeting of the Brucefield Branch Bible
Society, was held in the Union church on
spent at the residence of Rev. J.I'.Parke,
on Wednesday evening, by a select cam.
higofry and FdRY Gi Ufliesi "should lie
not ”
alipwed by any audience to act as chairman.
Tuesday evening last, `Tile Rev J C
Manly addressed the meeting. Owing tar
pony of invited young people of the town,
Ill fact he is not St to act in that capacity at
any time. During the doctor's
the bad weather the attendance was not
AloCic PARLIAMENT. --.The first meeting
he was often heartily applauded and the ex.
very large. • i
of this socieiy was held last (Thursday)
pression of the meeting was decidedly in his
$RiEFs-,Dr Cunn intends Foing to 1
Wingham to Dr
night, when the subject of Free Trade or
Protection was discussed Me4ars.Tanner
favor. Dr. Alacdogald is not merely ageutle,
man of`apotlesa character, but is a man of
Attend to McDonald'sgto
patties .while that gentleman is engaged
P g
in his
and Murdock Acted as cataiDs.
BRIEFS. -A I•a'r of fair
large experience ; clic who can express his
idea is" plain ,.and uuequivoeal• Saxon ; .one
political campaign: Geo Simpson,
loth of Rev J H Simpson, was in the rid-
ge number our
sed have of Late had their heads phrenolo•
who is thhoronghly familiar with the political
issues of the day. Dr. Macdonald is without
lage last Sabbath. Chas Alassiti has sold
sized by ?ir Galbraith, and we are glad,lo
a doubt the choice of the'people and the 22nd
his imported at.alli(on, McCartney, to a
note that the head of one of the most high-
will see him at the head df the polls.
gentleman in Waterloo c )uuty, I
ly esteemed ladies here is in every respect
----.-_-Q...ab- ,,.--.
T('OnT BALL. -Avery interesting gAme of
playedida between
equal to teat • of Florence Nightingale;
in the estimation of the phrenologist Miss
alvatio.n. Array intends
thotpupils of S e last SFriday,
, t
by Mr, Geo. Baird, sr., and the pupils of '
Hattie Ritchie i s One-off rh-wsmartest.girls
to town an`d F. Metcalf would have ex-
has'ing A --''-Big o," whatever that may
be, next Monday evening, Revival ser -
Brucefield school taught by Mr, Wm. Mc-
celled as a doctor but as a civil engineer
be would ]lave Bifid few a uala, miss, Wild
vices are still going onlu North St-ohureh,
t not on1 with unabated, but increasing ia-
The game way played at S.S. No.
1, and resulted ill fav„r of said school b Y
be said, bad a very peculiar head, and no
terest ; good wort: is being done every
a score of 1 to 0. A return match will be I
played at some future date.
veneration, and so on. It is currently re-
ported that the 12th of July next will be
night. Subject for next Sabbath evening's
discourse ill Victoria Sr, Church is "The
observed b the Orangemen at Bl
Y g Y a
White River Calami' Y•” i�Ir Mathews
- 11oLITICA MEETiNas.=.Cn Alonday eve- ,
last, Ur. Campbell, Seaforth,
Messrs Smith and Campbell shipped a car
the genial clerk, who damaged his ankle
Ding of ad-
load of flit 6 a toT9'eNastern markets.-
some time ago, is getting better fast ; die
dressed the ratepayers in Dixons hall. At
A young dat iter of Air. I:migh s is in-
does not suffer pain, and declares ilia in -
the appointed hour, Mr T Simpson took
disposed. Air Ross is meeting with eon-
tention if possible, of voting oil the 22nd,
the chair and after a few brief remarks in-
siderable success with his Knife Grinder;
flop Drew 'is rapidly recovering, also Miss
troddeed Dr Campbell to' the audience.
"When is p
this alien n took a
K n e c the pl tform,he
he has 'sold many county and township
rTghta, ant! the demand for territory is in
Annie Mariin. Thus, Vow:wn, of (Xalt,gave
, i admirable :�}tptch of the V, I ,and its
stated that he had two reasons for oppos-
creasing. Some fine pork still continues
; results, front a conservative staudpnilft,ott
ing Mr. '_McMillan, First -That he con -'to
come to the Blyth Packing House.-
Saturday last in Crabbs hall,to 14 lar+ee au=
sidered that .lir 'McMillan had tried to
pack the convrntio held in Brucefield and"'I
Master Riebard Walker left Tuesday for
Detroit to resume his former 0 ition As
dience. •
- _ "�
had in;,other ways tried to force himself I
second clerk in a 1Arge hotel, wktiCll I,_
upnn the electors of South Huron. Sea-
I troll he�left when called home to attend
' Aw51;M13I,IrS,
and -That he had been asked by several •)
Reformers to come rut as a candidate. He
the funeral of his brothef. It is reported
I that a couple of John A's supporters visit -
-- °
And now, as the great orators for our
then gave a few brief remarks oil the tariff,
I ed and spent some little time at -the real-
Dominion House have given us.our turn,
education and temperance, after which he
dence of our reeve, and that shte boodle
and have explained to us the great ques.
'resumed his seat. IIr T' Frazer, of Stan-
changed bands. A car load of flax seed
tions that are convulsingtbis fair Domin-
ley, then rose and stated that Air McMil.
has arrived for the use of farmers in this
ion of ours from sea in sea, in lily musings
lan had acted honorably in the matter,and
locality, for seeding purposes; is was sent
this time I will briefly review the public
as he was the choice of the convention he
by Livingston Bros.,who are going_to erect
'meetings held in our burgle in, the past
alone ahonld receive the support of the
a mill here in the spring. OivihVi;o ilre
, k-.--AR1-intimated--•i•rrnry-last- that, if
Reform party,' The meeting was then
recent rain and thaw a number of cellars
Amy infirmities did.not taken sudden turn
drawn to aclose by passing a vote of
had to be vadatea and their contents re-
in the wrong direction, I was deteriniotd
thanks to the chairman. Judging from
moved to drier quarters. A pleasant tike
on being present at the " Cameron's ga.
theriag, Igar
the hearty three cheers given for. Mx Me-
was spent ii•t the residence of Ur J. Q.
and the war note of Lochdel,
Millan as the meeting broke up, the De.
1 Moser, Wednesday evening, by a. large
so at an early • our I repaired to the ren-
had.very few friends in the-nndience. Om
i number. of friends, when the German dia-
dezvous, Arid was courteously shown to '
Wednesday evening a meeting of the elec-
lett was freely expressed. For want of a
the front, where the sages were assembled. -
tors of South Huron was held in Dixon's.
quorum there was no meeting of Council'
-Before the speakers arrived I looked
hall at the appointed hour. Mr David
Monday night, We understand that the
around and recognized many an old
Walker; reeve, took the chair and in a few
Methodists have invited Rev. Mr Sellery,
friendly face of my younger days; men,,
neat remarks, introduced Mr, John 310-
of Ber•vie, to become their pastor for next
who, like. myself, have come til -rough the
Millan. who addressed the au.dienbc for a
troribles of " 37," and all the varied
considerable time, Mr M Y McLean then
took the platform anddeliv red a ver neat
p e
I aTNlw'ItFtr.\Rl' �iKltvic r,. -`Che anniversary
services in connection with St. Andrew's a
I changes since that time. 'When ray mini
was thus occupied on bygone topics, the
and lengthy address. 7:he aud'ietsed was'
church here were colidectecd last ,Sabbath,
speaker's Arrived
C +
very.largeend the ordergood. The meets-
morning and evening, by the Rev,W. P. Ball,
Wise m,en ot'a goodly nuniber,
ing, however, would have been mare in-
tArestin if the ha d been
of V_anneck, who delivered very appropriate
And of asses not a few.
The oration which tile, 'le
opposition party
g ppo t n p r y n�
and elot uent sermons. is an excellent
g resit of
5repi•e'lIL*n'te'd'-"'-"Tier McMillan--is--ceitainly--speaker,�of-noDrrlinar.y.taleat,.-and..is.possess..--
an delivery,
the Huron Grits received was) enough to
make caps . t'hiin 'ni'ifie
the favorite in this vic}nity,and should be,
he was the choice of the conventinii, and I
ed of admirable and was greeted
on both occasions by large audiences, who
olcTer n ave,-3ine1 to
frighten away grim. rhetimalics for another
I! a mtfri in every respect worthy of hiap(t
wero highly pleased with the worthy gentle-
( man's discourses. In the afternoon Mr. Ball
The meeting
5 was then oil the
-----0*++�-�-- I 1i
addressed the children of the Sabbath school,
in a very able and belitttug manner, which
genial DAD, who, in hi. iisuai impressive
im re
I1Rlri,s,—The wife of Mr. John hell, of
was very pleasing to the childran. • The'fol•
lowing 'Monday evening the Rev. gentleman
st le, addressed the ole( s for a short
time, characterizing the comiltg elections
the hotel here,'bas been laid up in a sick-
delivered his popular lecture ou the North-
as the mast Critical that have ever a ritat- '
ed'the public mind of'Canada after di-.
bed fire several days past. Mrs. D. Fell
is getting better. Several of the cellars
west rebellion, entitled "Men of the war and
how they fought." The speaker was one of
greasing for a brief space on other subjects,
,have been pretty badly flooded by the
�seent-heitvy-_tliat4 �K1t1,c11. came when I.P,
the chaplains of the forces during the cam.
ai n And ,was an eye witness to the battles
g Y
if, Young was called to the chair, who
introduced to the meeting �[r. Dlanninj,
people were not expecting it, ant: were
leitst prepared for it. We heard of several
tougdtt •-IIc-cicacribed.xery.mintttely.the line
of march, which was a very rough ami dun.'
of Clinton,11
' This gentleman •w.•ic -wre-1roaied- w,itlh -
fishing• ea•'cursions carried on underground
gerous one,. owing to the nature of the coun-
great applauseafrom the, house, soul for
which resulted in catching provisions and
try ; the bravery of thesoldiers,.aal the hard
t, tack" which they had t4 subsist upon. The
half an hour kept the c•rnn d,ed audience
completely under contt`ol :•v hiA elrquence;
earables.; one party• issai(L.w.have caught
battles of Fort Pitt abd Fish Creek were
dealing forcibly with the lawless expendf-
A e0'ld. _
CliUltc•ir.-The Quarterly meeting ser-
briefly treated,. and passing onto the battle
.9fflatoche, Nlbieh was the decisive ))low. to
tore of our public resoureek, the C: P. R.
scandfil, the maladministered N; W. T.,.` ,
vices in the,D.lethod,ist church ill Londes-
the outbrealc,,,the speaker narrated its'eisr-
cumstances, with beart•felt emotion:. For
'and 'lastly 'Porter's .garbleit. I:Ianstird.
boro, were held on Sabbath morning last.
The attendance was rather small, but was
nearly four long days the brave Coonadians .
.stood at their post, while ninny' fell at the
Ihen, atter exlicrting theelectors to marl:
wisely, he, amid cheer, of triumph, made
larger than was expected, as the vi Cather
execution of the enerfiies' bullets, - It was
way fur the shote that was to to!low.
''vas unfavorable for persons to come from
here that the bravo and gallant charge of the
rt ••
Simon„ then Arising, completely, sur-
a distance. The muting was characterized
bayonet was made, which drove the half.
rounded by a confusion of Mail newvspa-
bv very gracious imfluen.ces and tokens of
breeds from their entrsncbments with great
pert', note books, bogus Hansards, And
the Master's presence. The meeting of
slaughter. There ended the rebellion. The
excited by "Smiles” -And the suliport of '
the Quarterly Board was held on the fol-
recapture of Mrs flowanlock, Mrs. Delaney,
" Telegraphed fqr" Tories, said, " Whitt
lowing day..when Mr. Samuel Trewin was
and the Campbell girls was then undertaken
people or what political party do I now
unanimously recommended to the (rode=
and effected. The lecture was a moat into,
behold ? or what finally remains to miser -
rich district meeting, as a candidate for
, resting one, and was listened to with marked
able ate, to whom neither " To -morrow," -
the ministry of the 3lethodist church,
rittention by the fair audience present. The
collection and receipts of the lecture amount•
nor any ef'iire constituencies has offered
ed to a very handsome sum, and the auniver-
a place in' your Ddminion .Parliament 7
Still I know that 1 am a most useful
nary has proved a success.
knave, for am I not an Irish Hansard
BitIFrs.--Miss Keyes, frorn is
PuLi9•rcm. -A union meeting of Dr. 'Mac
writer, and, (lid I not serve nobly as
.tile guest of Mr. W. Stanley. The special
donald and Thos. l+arrow, M.P., was held'in
volunteer; and ailed to put down the Riel
services conducted in the Methodist church
the temperance hall, Friday evening, when
rebellion which was caused bythe care -
by Revs. J. S. Fisher and J. Patton, are
both parties ball an opportunity of expressing
less mismanagement of our old and care -
well attended and it is .hoped much good
may be the result. Rev. Egerton Young,
their opinions on, the political issu-es of the
day. Dr. Macdonald was the first speaker'
worn chief, sir John Macdonald ; And did J
of 'Toronto, will deliver a lecture og t.
and in a brief and concise speech laid before
I not accicdeniallyt-geUvouruled tinder the
ba tae wa non .,it fiatorli(+ where 1 had
Northwest, on behalf of the Woman s
Missionary Society here nexta Tuesday •
Y Y y'
the intelligent electors plank after Blank in
the proposed platform of the Iteform party,
,rola tits rester ersonat+fiateCV And
gil'ver collection.
the prittcipal ones bei'.ig the reformation of
i have I not coins to fila 1Vost hiding Of
file Senate, file abolition of the ponsion aye•
Ifumu, to beseech ettlrpat'rngly fox fire
tem, and free trade. The Dr, was listened to
cause of Robert Porter, who ha -4 so rup-
1tIP, N:{11161,I'I.. I
i with great attention, as lie passed from on(t
I turgid the party mind by the garbled I [an-
I1Cist'+,-iIr: Thos, Elliott his renrnvod
point to another in his speech. When the
sarcl, and Are not my expeDseu4 pail doily
to the :;rtl, coil,, Colborne ; hu is still in
chairman called time, the lir, resumed his
1 olj*of the public erih at Ottawa, whgre all
chat +a of t110 junior department of our
srltoul. 'Politics are all the rn^+o jn�t now,
sent amid y rent applanse, Mr, Farrow, oil
arising was applauded; "titer mnktnt 1u
the-urplus gir"IMN nip fell frolic :'
1Iaeing (lc•IivcroQ the ,burn oritlion, etc
Air. Al. 1, frammer is' preparing for hnild-
nsnal complimentary remarks, lie pitche+l into
.fit(, previoug s tealicr with great violence. -Nit
9to +p
t eel, and having illl�taketi lit( erlt'H of
int;, ti hank barn next spring, Mr, Wni.
I.antono is going to raiso•up his barn anti'
found he hatlt•eoine hard uts to crack, and
soma he had to swallcw withoutbcing cracked.
I derision for Kupport, he w:t-1 about to
' start again, whr n nne of .)+;r well-known
put a stone fnnu,lation -under it, .11r.S.
lie undertook to verify romp, of the (inctot's
and offielow; Toripti Cot the ;'notes antler
V. Fisher, of filo ;Mrd eon., uovi9 t, 'li-
statements, and adjust them t911•t 1118 Y,w0
. wag then forv`61 to L , eaf
tun this week. „
likings, but this he failed sorely to do, In
by the cries, for Ca ivrtin, who then arose,
and for more than an hoar breathed fire
- -•••• -
his speech ho travelled around tho world,
! ,dwelling for a time upon the cvpensc of Eng-
and slaughter into the camp of the odoni-
itnim-:4.-=DIiss F Strong, of C,fansfurd,is
+ land, Germany, Australia and several other
ites, The meeting then brake up with,
the guest of her sister, Mrs J Hoggart, --
countries. nAunming those as a compariaou for
terrific cries for'C'nmeron and plaice, and
bliss Jewel has, returned to her home nt
our fair ion, but at last ball to sit don
truly i hRve never cheered sn lustily since
Kingabridge, atter a stay of three weeks
without successfully contradicting a single as-
the driving of the last spike in the 0,T -R.
with friends there.. The roof of Zion
sertion which the doctor had made. In his
As f betook ni self to m house, f frill
Y Y y
Methodist church shed was blown off by
s etch he mads soma rmn statoments
P blTng
which, when the doctor rose to reply, he
tirade tip my mind to he present Thursday
nigh rind if o9sible understand the
the wind last The conneil mot
last Friday, and decidocT to build a school
knocked the sand clean out of them, 'Ir,
Farrow would have led the audience tobe-
wvorkfn s of the party; +
g P ty ; but 1 have since
house on the fitly con,; the section is taken
frorn filo sections 1, 2 ;and 4,
lievo that the country was rolling in wealth
and the ship of John A's Covernment aailing
had such a grim wrestlo with my old ene-
my, that, unless i had had I we tfetermina-
peacefully 'along, driven by a fair wind, but
tion of C,halltam, i found it impnseible,
the doctor, taking the nitre hooks, which
to attend. But, however, wn•; not alto.
Brunw.L. - 1Ir. James McCloskey, of the
contains'facts and figures, allowed tlW_ tl�e,
nether unsuccessful in finding out some
-illi con., Inst a valuable Iforse last week.,
grossest expenditure of the people's money
{i?iiMMA a
"vajued at $250. llr. 11Murdfe was also the
had been made and that Ilio egtintry was mil-
cronies characterize if as clul and sfeepy,
loyer.of a steer worth $50. Disease seems
lions in debt, caused by the reekless extrava•
That, however, FAV. was there, and de -
to be, quite prevalent among the stock of
gnnee of the present government. 'Cho dacter
+ scribed to the assembly the infant knnwles
the neighborhood. eTiio people here say
that )4Ic�IIiIAl i9 filo man and they will
m replying to ilia reinarligofhits opponent,was
making things so warin for him that lie (JMr,
I in the pocky Alountainq nit the C.P.R.;
oti+o that the Tor c1n<iirinfe made a ver
y,. < Y
Pitt 1 -pint --i n, in spite of All opposition.—
T'arrow) committed a very gross and ungentle.
breach of etiquerte, whereupon the
tike impression on the Aubnrn mint] ill
1 ,
iVlr, (leer n Porter, who has been visiting
g g
doctor appealed to the chairman in hie lit.
regard to the erplttdatinn ,it fits garbled
relatives on the Stip con,, returned to his
Ione.alCrtlels4WAxdi e,�A.u. <Vednesday..ntiyg.,wvayild
}fait ; bat bo beim g ronnvnced Uonservn•
not exercise the rotentivii favors
Promising to !,A brif,for iii my future
Mr. John • Beattie, , of Dakota, is ni�9n AT` rtt r ,,,lnri"'to z cTi�irman; nnrT iii "7C,1��i rr+cr
prcQpnt visiting friendli in this vicinity. 1 ing at a glan. ,,, how the ma^hinewag runnhv,t,
..enrrespondene, I remnut the satitn ni
l+,li:;^+ a, i alwngq Afro. A'I,AT0.
..."i% ,... ,:. .