The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-04, Page 7FRIDAY, FEB. 4 1S67. lianas was as follows :--Asbfield,$40.38; Colborne $25.8S: Goderich township. County Council. _. SUMMARY CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK. Mr. N. Watsou and A.• Dickson were 4„, appointed auditors of the county for the year. It was resolved to -raise the sum of $3000 for We improvement of the boundary lines of the respective municipalities, the- same to be expended as directed by bylaw passed for this purpose, and that each municipality be paid after the June meet- -•^ ing,wben the C1brk calculates the respec- tive amount coming to each municipatlty. Messrs. F. W. Johnston and Peter Adamson were appointed on the Board of ' Audit for the year. The sum of $300 was granted by the council, to be equally divided among the branch horticultural and agricultural so- cieties of dee county. •. A. communication from W. J. Paisley, in reference to the estimates submitted by the Board of License Commissiono•rs for West Huron, was read and. filed. Clerk was instructed to procure a copy of the Ontario Statutes for each reeve and • ajeputy, said Statutes to be the property 4 the respective municipalities. On motion of Councillor Cox, seconded by Councillor Whitely, it was decided that half of the Boundary Lineappropria- tion of Goderich township, usually ex- pended in the Bayfield line, be, expended an the Huron road and first.;concession of • the township. • It was moved by Mr. Milne,and second- ed by Mr. Kahle, that;as an application iq being made to the Legislature to form anew council, taking away from Heron, the townships of Grey and Howlett, and the villages of Brussels and Wroxeter, that this cou•Icil protest against the scheme being carried out ; it being against the wishes of these municipalities, and the Warden and Clerk were instructed, to petition the Legislature in behalf of this Council against the act being consum- mated. A Memorial from the Scott Act Asso- ciation was "read,and on 'notion, (without discussion), deferred to the June meeting of Council, for action. • A motion to raise $2000 for the purchase of a Poor House site, was referred to .the Warden's Committee, which, however, threw it out. A motion in grant $25 to each Elec- toral district in the county, fort the pur- pose of establishing Farmer's Institutes therein, was referred to the finance com- mittee, which acceded to the motion.'% $ll A petition from the ratepayers of Col- borne and Goderich township, -asking for repairs to lloinle ettle bridge,was referred to the Bond and Bridge Committee, which decided •hat it was the duty of Goderich In addition to passing accounts, the - township council to make the repair's committee reported that ion account of the asked for. large increase in the management of $15 was ;;ranted to pure:.ese flowers and schools, .especially with reference to ex - shrubs for the Court,House square. aminations, they 'recommended that a $15.89; Grey, $9.82; Howick, $14.42 'Tdtallett, -$2 Morris, $7.29; Stephen -$21.31; Turnberry, $24.16 ; Wawanosi West, $12.82; Bayfield, w8.155 ; Blyth $6.32; Brussels, $34.13 ; Exeter, $5.59; Wroxeter, $75.58; total $309.1UM. During the year the 'treasurer stated he bad in- vested $8800 in taortgages at tate rate of "6 per cent, per .annum, and have received on account of investment heretofore made, fallingdue, the sum of $7769 50, leaving, on the 31st of Dec. last, the large sum of $22.114.79, available fur investment. As there is considerable difficulty in effecting loans, the tretasLrer recommended the ad visability of lowering the rate of interest below 6 per cent. INSPECTOR'S REPORT. Mr. Tom, School Inspector for West Huron, submitted his first report. Dur- ing the year 1886 he visited each school and department in the Inspectorate twice, He was pleased to report that in the ma- jority orf schools he found both teachers and pupils doing good work. The meth- ods adopted by most of the teachers are :good, add reflect much credit on the in- structions given in the Model Schools of the county. In those sections in which there is a constant change of teachers, the progress is not as satisfactory as in those where the teacher remains for a number of years. During the year an unusually large number of candidates wrote at the Entreuce Examinations, and a large percentage were successful. These examinations show that the schools of Huron are keeping in time with the edu- cational progress of ourljprovioce. e. ROAD COMMIBSIOtiER'S REPORT. Mr. Ainsley gave a detailed account of work don®by him or under his supervi= siou. It einbiaced a number of repairs to bridges and roads in different parts of the county, and also a report of other work that was necessary to be done in different parts of the county,• details or which are not of general interest. JAILOR'9 REPORT. The jailor reported 13 prisoner in jail ; 6 male. 6 female. Four of the insane ones—of which there are 5—were referred to in December report. -Hugh 11lcEweu, aged 83, w;ts _brought from Brucefield on the 22nd of Jan. Robt. Fletcher, aged 84, of Howick, has been committed 3 times; he is so frail and feeble that it would be heartless to turn him out, and he was recommitted by Mayor IIortnrt for 5 months. One ot the females committed i, in for the eleventh time 5 of the fe- males will have to be clothed when they leave ,jail, as not one of them has clothing deny kind {vhatcver. FINANCE COMMITTEE. •A. petition from several auctioneers ask- ing fora reduction in the license fee was filed. A grant of :Q60 was made to the Town- •^ ship of Ashfield -for the building of lock eluded in- their ordinary duties tvilhqut tlrp at Port .1lbert. . remuneration further than their oridinary �., R. C nate, df Clinton, Dr. 17re, of Gude- ttiaty.__The_Fi_tiuuee Committee Ails° re- -a eh-atril Tar smith, oT S'aifnrtli. were a .p- coir mended payntenr, of a large number or memorial freni the council be sent to the Minister of, Education asking that the, duties of Public School Inspectors, as ex- aminers and readers of papers, &c., be in pointed on the 11ig'i `school Board of accounts. • - theserespeetive municipalities. — •- .-__.o.--- •.,.,The Special Committee were inytruc;e(1 r,,ret or Ahead 1 to prepare a congratulatory address and Ttlre is daagor ohend for y ou if you neglect forwar(l it to Her Majesty Queen—Vic- le- the her ehm w'1)1(`II flats f la giving {On Of the toric, during the jubilee year of her reign. 'approach of the felt destroyer—consumption. It grass moved by lir. SandRoe; by Nightsweats, spitting of blood, lass of appe• Mr. M:clndoo, that the money asked for by the' License inspectors and Commis- sioners as salaries and expenses be granted; via. --x+'270 for \Newt Huron ; $520 for South Huron, and $tt37.78, for East Hu- - ron, and -that the above amounts be de-• ,posited to the credit of ;the License Fund -=•41-•d- special accounts, for the above license dis- V. c. "‘'; we. trict. Tile committee, however, did not grant it,. The monthly tweeting of the W. C. T. L'. The matron of the jail asked for an in- was held at the home of Mrs. Dater, Olin - crease of salary, which was not allowed. ..ton.. There.were a large number cf ladies JAIL, REPORT. . present. The d(evotioual exercises . were conducted by Mrs. Youmans, president of The report of 'the jail committee stated the Ori aria W.C.T.IJ., after which she gave that 'there were 12 prisoners therein ---6 • 'a Bible reading, taking the twenty-eighth males and 6 females; three of the` males chapter of Tssiah;.-and ' making- it - a very are.insaine, and two of the females, the profitable service dwelling more particular-, rest'are all vagrants. --- .ly upon the 9i1.1. and 10th verses, She' sctroOL AND PRINTING COMMITTEE. strove to impress upon parents the neces, sity of instilling into the minds of children This committee recommended the pub- While very yuuug temperance principles, lication of the usual announcements of as they require line upon line, precept upon .the council in the county papers, and that precept, here a little and there a little. the tender. of the Seaforth Sun for county And from the fifteenth verse the false re- printing be accepted. The Goderich Star, forge of the liquor dealers, for they have i'ixeter Times and Seaforth Sun -were the made lies their refli;ee; (slid under_ failee- only offices that tendered. hood have they hid themselves.,t--heti HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS.from the -20th verso she threw out the idea A new by-law, licensing hawkers and that the foundation of the liquor traffic is pedlors, was passed, it requires that every "fast giving way; that orie by one the props person who pursues this calling shall pay ththatnhave,ve u; supported it are shorterecrumbling.i 'and a license fee of$'25, whether he travels on plausible, until very ease t w.a not be less foot of uses,one or two horses, but m1 license, shall be required -for the 'sale of seep( rted at all, and the covering (namely any article the growth, produce or mann- the excuses made for it and all that can facture of tits Province, if sold by the possibly bo said in its favor) or cloak un - manufacturer or his bona fide agent or le- der which it ih(les is getting so narrow nod presentative. All perso), who ere agents warped that it cannot ,wrap itself in it any for persou.e not resident within the county, longer. She said the prophesies contained gvhn sell tea, dry g •il+, jewellery. or carry in the 201.h Verso are so fest being. fultille.l and c.vpO,e samples :Intl (rail testis of any that we may look for the speedy overthrow such goods, In be 1Ise reseds del?Vere of the whole traffic. Altogether -it was within the said county, In any person not being Itwhole:4'uieand retail dealer in snrh goods wares or' merchandise, shall require a Ileen se. ROA tr.1Nn 01114(0E (OMM14i1-11't•' 11E1'0 T tile --these symptoms have a terrible rheauine. You can be eared if you do not wafts unfit it is too• late. Dr. Pierc'e's Golden Medical Dis• covery, the greatest blood purifier kuown, wilt restore your lost health. As a nutritive, it is far snpea ser to cod li{1'er oil. All druggists. For the next thirty days we will sell any article in our immense stock of GEOOK- E.RY and GLASSWARE, at a.discount of 10 per cent. Just think of it, $15 00 China Tea Sets, 44 pieces for $13 50 Cash. 8 00 G 00 15 00 Dinner 1100 8 00 G 00 3 50 :2 .)),5 5.00 4 00- 50 11 '' I1 if 14 7 20 "- 11 _ t1 - 1C II 5 40l " 1, 119 ,,T 3 5Q0 1f 104 ,,9 90 1I Combination " 85 7 10 Decorated stone tea 44 ,,N 5 40 Irony Tea Sets, 44 - 1i . 3 15 'nolle 11 ,14 C 2 03 Decorated chamber 10" 4 50 a 1 11 10 '( 3 60 Stone chamber sets 914 2 25 • ;'Fine Hanging 'Lamps for ` - 2 50 10 per cent off GLASSWARE, LAMPS, FANEYWARE, E're. the isle just lasts TIHIRTY DAYS. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. In Groceries, our stock was never more complete. All our new RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL- MONDS, FILBERTS, CONFECTIONERY, &c., • - IC CC 11 CC tI t( C( 11 • Remember Are in and will COOPER'S be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see the handsome presents we are giving with • BAKING POWDER. ANDI • . J ONAS' FLAVORING EXTRACTS To every purchaser at oats store on Dec. 24th, we will give a decorated eup and saucer. \1ra want any quantity of good Butter, Eggs, Ponitry, Potatoes, and Wood in exchange for groceries. Give us a call, it will pay you. Thos. Cooper & Son, UL7CNTON_ The committee re1•w)unentled that t re' tender of Mr. 1I:)rdv, for building-• phut,' inerts to Clinton bridge, 'it9 per valyd, be excepted. 'rue, the tend r (lf itobert Jamie'oe for building llorrislf;uik bridg.', $447, be accepted. 1 hat tit() fonder ot L. ll;ully, for building 'nnl)le bridge. $5514, be accepted. That the tender of Is Hardy for building 1S. -mile bridge, 8340, be ac- cepted. That the lender of D. Fennel for budding 11- aver Meadow bridge, $155, be accc'11Ud;and in ease he refuses to.sigo agreement,,' that the contract he given to L. •}lardy, rat his tender of c300.0- hat the bridge between 'they and El ma Le built at as early al dale ass posible,- pro- vided Perth pate env -Dalt' of its cost. That. $75 be held back from I3russel4 bridge until the 0 mmi.siioner is satisfied as to its Cumpletinn. That. an iron supers'ruc• ture be built, for Clinton bridge, and that Hunter Bros ho nward.•d the contract for ironwork at 81,800. CM. NTY 1 0 E t5c' aye's It El'ORT. Thr: 1:1'il-nlrr', r`p,.11 '-1 \:ed 'that Ihe c est.ltT7.11 ,1 ( fl( 'nrr' f;r Iii„ p;).t year. fiar Varian p'n \lose. twat $3.1.•20 55; while the ac: nal (Xe a tlit{arr i)ail been 533,430 - 27. The eon, thins from non-resident very iulol)s;in; and weal eale(l1'ted to arouse and eticoura.;o every ti.mp.•raoce worker. Mrs. Youmans visit will long he reineoit^rad by the rueulhere of I he NEW FALL And WINTER BOOTS & SHOES, At 0. Cruick.s.hanks. My stock of ROOTS sand SFIOES is now Tref 1prgo, and I will sell at the very Lowest Pridtt. possible. Having made a large addition to my ' previous large store, and filled the same with every kind of the beat goods in the mark, LI . H to Cusmers can depend on the - ery best atti b for the least money. FOR LADIES', MISSES' Zc cI ILDnE1l'S USE, CITSTOW 11'Ol 1i as usual unsurpassed and at T3<Y IT. short notice, American & Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS Endless Variety. Try lily DUCHESS and TOPSY DRESSING which can't be heat, Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boast Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON C�NTRA� DRUG STORan. FRESH ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES PUIf'E INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA. SALT FRES?H LIME JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN • CASHMERE BoQUET PERFUME . - Fine line of HAND MERIt°o'l5S, cheap. • I{3E11TRANDS BULK PERFUME CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP YEARS (ENGLISH) SOAP YEARS VIOLET POWDERS PEARS BLOOM 05' NEECON. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in tho county. Beat 5 cent CIGA a in town. , �7CA?� FS Imo. CCeI ISE, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, . CLINTON, ONT. Removal d Removal: Dr. 'Worthington having bought out the business lately carried on by W.H. Simp- son, purposes removing it to the building lately occupied by Thompson & Switzer where lie intends to open up a large stock of 3ooks, Stationery and Christmas Novelties ® e0 $ 1 Which will be second to none in tlic Bounty,' 'He also intends removing his ;rff Wit.■ _ DRUG STORE to these premises. As he bas taken advantage of the times and t. l. knight prices, he can give you good value for your money. Please t • call'iffia inspect hi's stock: $li1i1ihStove - io uses 11'1': 11AV1; A SPI, ENDID ASSOR'1MENi 01 COOK, PARLOR `s COAL STOVES WE ARE NO SULLIVAN, Front .the best manufactories an Canada, and cif the latest patterns, bought at the' very lowest prices, and .will. be- sold as olose,as they cut. Our stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Lamps, Oils, Paints, tic.; JS PULL AND •COMPLETE. 4,C1LAIN' a4DN eqr rover n)ti,m, 1v ttral;:ia, eats, wentels or bt,)e use AVest's Wo(ll's Wonder. All di ug gists. One of the moist serious drawbacks to ruilro(t(f travel an Venezuela is graft's hoppel:s. They` are so nuFl•)et•ous that they literally °over -the rails for miles, and, as they do not 'attempt to get Out of the way of the engine millions of them are crushed under the wheels and' make the track so slippery that trains are often brought to a standstill. It is said that this gr'osshop,ller plague will last, for seven years. '1'. C. O'Connor, who was the master of the Pratob Village Public School, fell dead ip the bath -room of the Richardson llouse, Toronto, Friday morning. Ile had been ailing Mr cacverai days, and seemed i to have an aver, •'n to n doctor. Finally he eense)11rd so allow :C nit (heal gentle - mull 1' lo,dt into hia.na,e. \ti ce:unina- ino (u) \tedne,.1,ty night.slio(vr(I ;hut his ' 1 U'uriI(:2 the \tants u'ns.sraian<,y a(1'rc„��. night he col tip 11•((111 hi. tr d 10;;41 a I;la•s of tenter in the bath -r.' 0n end nn ars iving there he dropped cleat . i. TIM PRA 1111Y60011S11011SE 4'oNI) FY -41301a0 Bu" the rale has very few exceptions; that every one who 13-s of Pants, a Vest;or Overcoat or anycovering Or a Suit, a T'rlil ants, . � the• body at the • OAK HALL CLOTHING - HOUSE Are so well satisfied with the Fit °Make and, the Trimmisl, s, that when they want another suit they always come'.baclh t© i�lp and send or bring their. friends with them.' This is '' by olx'r business has increased. so rapidly. TERMS CAST y: PRICES RIGHT FOR THE TIMES. Mrs. A. Fischer, Prop., M. Fischer, .Manag" v. Dominion .Planing Mill. Cooper & Swaffield, SL CCESSORS TO • Ho STEVENS. & SON, CLI NTON. °■, 1fn.facture. Di SASH, DOWN, BLINDS, jIOOIIvCF, SIDING, Great discount sale �CW going ��' ii(:iLI\fl, MoDLDINGS, FRA;1IL5, PICKETS, .&C., and itOinds of. Ulterior and -Exterior }� iitisiings. LATH and SHINGLES kept ° on hand. Mill ell;t Vellin,;ton St., opposite Woollen 11'IR evernt department i'f;S ,.n .SPECIFTC ATJ0NS•- PB EPA RED. d arai in s Ashtons SLamped Priuts 6c a yd> A11 VVi (h1 T -4-'0.1103.r 11.' .1ATNT IF; 4 att t) eentg!Dla Ktl•>d•c�. COME EARLY. pp`i v t+J.itJ'.ti COME OFTEN. • LOiNDFSEO O s ,Aet . tug. ,fit file] (t . f a o.e(emaea1Came MI.•11 e... C 11111111111111ltl1f ll 1, 11111111111 ess The undersigned hogs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that be has bought the 'ARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried o11 by W. L Newtii And that he is prepared to furnish itarnsss, Gahm, Whips, Trunks, Valises, QuffaloZilobes, Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first-class FlarneaspShop,at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my etocloof Ltonr ILtexrva, which 1 will make a specialty. 7l .� LTi XNG 'PROMPT:' " &TT.E sTDED TO. BysUriot attention 4,1 bo +inns t, 1nl c:1rr.Lllly st,cavin! ww 1a of mYrst> n tr.), merit a fair share of patronage. t;eve me a call before Inare.liasn g elsewhere. REM EM 11E1; T11E s1,1 ID—OPPOSITE TIIE MARKET