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The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-04, Page 6
_ �, _ - _. r� .. I. / - . . . i , _ _. . • - I have used three bottles of Dr. .. ,.---„ known anything better th-on his present Bistgop Cleary tlaa sir Joulik lttctlenttla Jury's .Medicine £sir bronchitis n •gRlpAy, FEB. 4, 1582' condition,hetakes it as a matter of course, --- AIE SAS .& HAPPY N +!J1 �T� TO AZ,�t slid acorns the coyper which is given him It may not be generally known that in I' and httva received great 'benefit . • A Quttiat Texi a 'town. in charity. If his countryman cannot du his famous epistle to the Uomau Catholics i irotu it slid highly reeommond GO TO G1.A.S Gi'O10 18 as it id We popular place for GENTS F'QP.NIS1H719(0, '- - better than that he perfers having nothing. Bishop Cleary, of Kingston, took- pains to � t, Mets. WI1,RON. We keep in stock all tha latest novelties, consisting in, INCIDENTS ANp EXPERIENC4S. Fla ordinarily carries a uaggage over his say that his quarrel was not with they J)o- Sold by J. 11. Combo, shoulder, into which donations of every million Government, tut with the "No , _ " 1_- - Ties, 111111 ]fat Of% Voislall -laMb Roans, Collars & Ci(Iffsj 1041i0il . Chihuahua, Tex., Jan.- 7 -(Special.)- kiu.d are poured without much reference Popery" cry raised in the proylneial con- - _ F,RSIAN LAN -16, BEAVER CAPS, COLLARS and CUFFS, S. S. SEAL and I3ALTIS Agyope who has visited southwestern Lex• I test. 'These are the BfShop'S own words ' AL. He has in stack a very fine •selection of UNDERWBAR, and is offering his code at as, bac" perforce seen some peculiar types to congruity. In his day he has been a as we find them printed in one of the Scrofula g of men women children duuk 'e oxen great horsoulan, judging from his bow-legs . PI reasonable price, and whish can not be undersold by any one in the businers. He hall in a .� ' ' on which, with the help of a cane, he organs: s one o! the most fatal scour' ci Wbtch , took of 'PIES, the latest style and most fashionable via: -Excelsior, Toledo, Knot, $cath mules; goats, dogs, oats. and gophers.. totters aloe Once I saw a little girl I leave the honor to be well acquainted --L Polo, &u. He has also in stock a beautiful DRIVING GLOVE, and which he ala ms•canngt Some time since I spent a few days in g' g with Sir John A Macdonald Premier of afflict maukiatl. Itis often inherited, but ( be our assod in the town. I -Its stock of BOYS CLOTHING is fine and can be bought at a 1. Ohihuahua, a village in Taxas,uut far from with him, and could not but reflect what the Dominion, and we have frequently ex- .Wray be the result of impropervacc•inati"n' t very low price, His Felection of SILK HANDKBRCHIEFS are handsoms and so she a life of poverty was in store for her. The , , Fort Davis, whorl I aas,thrown in contact old man has Saco man viciesitudes,atretoh• changed courtesies by friendly visite to mercurial poisoning, unele:ud;ue», uud Bis assortment of PIPER COLLARS via.--, Ore, uomot and Opera, His CN]LLIILOID nnjt with -some of tha nbove•luentioned beio>s, y each other. A sinal htin or his Govetu- various other causes. l'hruulu bores, LINEN COLLARS and CUFI'S are of the latest style and from the beat manfaoturers. ing back to the time when comparatively g , 1.. ,. and will endeavor to convey my iropres• ment I shall not say one word. lie has f'Iders, Abscesses, Cancerous Ifuntors, In Men's a ]3oys' BRACES, he is basion a meat demand for them. little toss known of the interior of - *' slope of this peculiar place. The inhabi- never, to my knowledge been an enemy and, in some ruses, lauuciatlmi, and Con- " tants are pretty much all Mexicans, many Mexico. to the Catholics. He has often spoke 1, sumption, result f ruin a scrofulous coudi- � CAL��GOW -- CLI NTOR1/ ' In some of the yards we see the people of them being natives oLChihuahna,in our well of us, and done good service to us ; lion of the blood. This disease Call be I drying long strips of beef on frames,which „ sister republic, who have taken up their is their favorite way of keeping it, the and in the present No Popery crusade cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I +mm+ 1 •_-___ ' abode on our evil -with a view of besehttin he has open] and ubliel again and - • �' flesh becoming dry and hard, eo that it Y P „t};t g i inherited n scrofulous condition of the 1 Q ®Q - - `� their condition to life. 1§ume of them own will last a lung time. Even in hot weath. again and again, repudiate' the leading blood, W'hiell eatiaed:t derangement of mY The People's 1i ` large herds of goats which roam abont on er the evaporation is rppid and the meat organ of the policy of atrocious' slander whole system. After taking less than Depot - the neighboring hills and „Iilaius, where, and legal persecution of the Catholic to- futu• bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla 1 aro I %J P dries before tainting, and .can then be g even during the winter seasons, they pick ligion. Understand me., therefore, in Entirety Cured carried anywhere without danger of ]using having no reference 1n this pastoral to i I -,� �-� � . A up a good living. Buys .generally go out it. 'Thus treated the beef ,is wholesome g , and, for the past car, have not honed r. with the herd and amuae.themselves while Sir Johns Government, or the elections noecsN0rV to use ,uq nredieiue whatever. , j, 11 and good, and by so means unpalatable. , „ _---------_ the animals are feeding, by throwing for the Dominion, Parliament." I :till uuw in better houlth,:rnd stronger, , It may be sold by the yard, as it lrom tiro , stones at them, In this accomplishment the above menus a gold deal, and it than noel• b<•foro.=t). A.• IV'tllurd, 2116 - I •- , so many brown repos hashing from the TreMout st., 13ustmt, :!lass. r they 'soon become very expert, and are frame. DIexionn butchers have the knack takes on all the inure meaning because it , Having enlarged my shoot room suit got in a full stool: of all classes of Hoods able to throw a stone with, so mach preoi- of Stringing the meat out in this wa Was Written in advance of the present sit- I \c,r3 troubled With Sc•rufulnii Sores usuHllp' kept ill the I ; Ston as to knock a 1iy a goat a ear five ' g y' nation. The politiciansImay interpret its for iivc i Vacs; bur. nt'lc•r u.iu, It few !_ which must have been acquired from the ,olll,•+ ul \ter N 8,u•.a ,arilla. rhe Fortis r ,. times out of Sts. ' Th'e g is of course du Indiana, whcf' do the same 1�'o salt ie tie- meaning 1Y,r themselves.-Newsj,,,;de,l tool [ boon now ,uml health.— • sot relish this kind'gf exercise as much as �'��Y'g�-'�' ���kt� �1)1tWg-tire 13Yps4iYae�g�. the boys do, asci are apt to manifest their eessary, When one of .the inhabitants The NEw 1�,RA published the above . P:lizaboth 11'uruuek. J•1 A�pl,letou btreet, l.o\\', ll, Ila.., I am prepared to Ental»li the ,ptiblie with all kinds of HARNESS ' l'UFFAL- wishee to make a trip into Mexico, he gets paragraph Without comment a couple of r t y disapprobation by wrinkling up the ends his moat road than his corn meal suit r:ntu1• Itlonths woo 1 was tr•oubwd With and GOAT ROBES, TRU'lkKS, VALISES, CURRY QOAIBC ,RUSH•. of their noses and enufting in a peculiar y' ' weeks ago. rile following which appeared ,.,•„fulolls Mores nn Inv le:;. The Brill, A Lire stocic of first-class TIORSE 13LANKETS, at lowest n SLEIGH away he goes, finding water for himself , W:l> builh• a\vol 'u and inll:uued. an the C "^ way, and his bores at known places, the animal as a telegraph report in TuesdAy a papers, '-„I,(,, dia;ch,TrgttIargI. yu,uttilles of oiren- BELI-S, I have a large stock wrtieh 1 will sell cbea, This -is the home of the donkeys, and to feeding on what grass it can find, and do- places altogether diifererftinfereneeupon Ni\rt, ),,;,,icy 1.\,•rs renitdv tuilecl, anti{ see them struggling aluug under heavy iog well enough. it: I I!.,.l AN -t -l'`, `:rr,4a1mrilGr• By taidug I make all my' own COLLARS, and will warrant them to f,+�te satisfactiop. back -loads of hay and wood is something There are very few books in this town, "Bishop Cleary. while at Trenton on j;',1 ;. brr�rd alit !I,�lu,ilIvIlIvIl l Inv h he alts REPAIRING promptly attended to. All hinds of ,riNIVARE on hand• to remember fora long time. Away up the people not feeling the need of then Sunday, blessed the new convent just i, 11;;;'; ro'inl-o,l. ' 1 trill "rnteful•Pur-the Chlulking my customers for past favors, I respectfully ttfik for a continuand'e among the hills they go, where the Mexi- perferring rather to gossip and visit around opened there, and formally, inducted three 1;o„d i hi, trtodioino hats dune too,— Mrs. . can fioolibunch- rase and with their lung r• of their patronage, , . -=ltaisesi `tint oaf ah yin. the course of an ' "here snit there, relating, what .can Ue ggth• Sisters from �.ille 1Vlario, Montreal.. After arw a t:r!i,n, t,iti �ullitau st., ltic•ty fork. _ Bred from time to time and makin as communion the congregation presented '��i ” �`” -',' g1 1� y C l' S a rs a pa r.l l l a gROC�R iES- _I' leave deeide(l on going into the grocery business, in eounedtio hour on two to make a load for the donkey• much o it as nn other people le in the %lie Lordshi an address dwelling on Ills ` „ ► R F.y p p p ,, with my.other lines, and have purchased a nice and select stock of all goods usually kept The bay. is firmly fastened on the back of world. Marriages, deaths and births are labors for the church in 'Trenton, his eP 1'renared by I)r,,T, (',-Iyer&r•o.,J.owell,Moms• the grocery line Parties wanting atlythln” whatever in thin d- artmeut can Save ,nidn��" - 1. the animal, and then both than and beast talked over and descanted upon much in forts in behalf of the cause of education; soi'1 bya!It,lvggrnie. rliretit; six intoes,.,. walk quietly homeward, where the load is the earns manner as in more pretet►tious and Ilia noble stand against those who at= by calling ou me.... stored away for future use, •The man places. Many of the inhabitants are quite tempted to encroach upon the precinct,% ----------- --- --•--- GF -0, R,1E1�'1'f, N, . D ESBiU sings as he walks along, or smokes his nig- superstitious, though they all claim to be of the Church in the Provincial election _ _ _ _ ®- �� . -- - aritg in great content, thinking of riotbrng oud Catholics. Ahout dusk ever Fri- cam campaign. n. In his ret to the address ' 3�„ 7 =m' ' ',:, �'0 r : in pit tioular so long as the sun is bright g Y y g P g P Y reply 99 Is ®® �'0 �a ;,I t : Q and the'gnld north wild does -ant plow, da conning a woman named Dolores nes the Bishop sound] resented the insult of- , �. ,. u ^ , M- 1 ? I up on the hillside, and, building a fire, fared by. tlr$ Conservatives here In saying A i r�nf + t . Near fhb-inusee,whi3h are built of large remains there] nutil midnight. Sha • ie that he Nus a supporter of'Sir Jolts Dlac- c +� ] ' -- -_ 3 1,' = f ft brielce trade o mud these women do their ri� i �`+""` ! ' "t + 1 l ; f, harmless and weak-minded. It is said donald. lfe` was glad of the reference ,.�. ,ley ,arKL I 1. washing while lc3teeling ,on the ground.. that her Iconic loss killed ears ago b the made in the address, bectluse ho wished ''t. ' I - .. r"'! --• ;"�R �' !ll h" t. �` They also prepare their meals in the asrne Inditins, and she makes p the fire so as his stand in the resent ,contest to be well " `'' t ~ 'ti l gg� 1'. position, which is a favored one with them, P �' ` l ''� `�. 1• S . 1, I , r_� E will 1'ay t'!C! UuevO T^"•\' :'',i a^.•,+ The too smoke their t' to have it ready fox Iiia return. This baa- understood. He Was nota politician, he ` 7v!!-,, ,,?^AmA w i case of Y)•;,;,)%:M.t, Liv c<... I •_:i Y + con fire is well known to all Lf the people, said, and nobody ever heard him speak ' ` -t-t�.,.�.. tom" �J - i ' They, in ct„aritae and chatter away with one another as �, fir. dick .II©addnc�, Intl+ ;c•stic:t o; t`.,. ,;. 1.,tan e and is asad eight when thefacts7c'Onnected for or against any political art in this hF• : 'Z LIVER _ g Y P party b we cannot Clue with �'t'„,"1 c3 1'., c r't and -happy as so- many houses=•finches. with It aro understood. country. Efforts had been made to obtain ,__°a �, "�✓ c t 6 °�' PILLS, when the Dircetiu a:: strictly - _ Surely it takes very litho to glue happi- his influence and power, but he always �� •7y '^ „ -, 1 :omplied with. Largo I3u cos, containing , = The houses are all mad color, and not i ,� / `" sees to some people, and I beli�v�e the replitd that he knew n&political party ; ' - 30 Pills, 25 Cents; b Boxes $1.00. Sold fl�j r�I r A8 e } .Mexicans as a nation are as happy as`any specially picturesque; we moot buys in the one was the same to hfm as the other. He � .$ I by all Druggists. p96Vi2fIt1� ate pSurgical Institute on earth. Several of the old ladies db• street carrying headloadsof wood,whistiling stood with crozier in hand at the sanctuary m „ a t very nice work in the way of making lace -as they move along, wapparently very well P p Y - — --U�� �O ��__ contented. The big -eared donkeys take oftho Church and the political art "that _ — DfADIs ONLY ISS— HEALTH I S WEALTH and fancy table covers, taking the utmost endeavored to enter thereat was his enemy sins with the inea °naive materials the Possession of a good deal of ground, the p P y. and his foe. To enter that sanctuary be Nano. Orga■(red otitis as Tilli Starr As alabteen sear,i us their backs show's that the has P p, J. BRUNSDON LOND ESBORO. C•w g "p° find in the Benda or store. g 7 wfpttld ala over him and no olitical It`ruperite■ant6 n■.➢ sl[illfnt D►ifyaictang Corn is brought u front m is creek 'hard usage, the Pdexieana;like the Indiana, I FE' FS and e,trwona vor ma areata.asat of g P ,Ly p party in Canada could Certify him and Q• . whore large fields in season may be seen being cruel inaetere. The streets a g , , y IlaakB him yteld One Little or lets to those Will carry aheavier weight than tiny \ til tpl4reiric llnfsr.aa9a. wavingin the breeze and rustling uietl good many people, all seeming to be Imlay waglron rade. - td q y. jtresumptuqus arid unwarranted intruders. t Here, too, are- raised watermelons, murk- and industrious. Every house displays a All honor and glory was due to tits Pro- �+ SHOW. clothes -line filled with clothes the women g g �� melons, cabbage, sweet- potatoes and testan£a of Ontario who manfully with- CUTTERS, SLEIGHS; &la, , ohr®enc. Nmsal Catitri Ka,'roatarul being the moat tireless laundresses in the squashes, Cucumbers and tomatoes are stood, natwitUetanding tl;e great 'reduce trRearM£NT,•_ ; Lung latssa.as, H.1vor aura Kicllncy , raised in teat rdfuaioD as well as baane world, and a Mexican man is. entirely hap• moots which were held out to cin the Mseaffen, 81at➢'tl'or tulsoas” imisssuses (, py when he has on a perfectly clean shirt. t, „' Dg. R. C. we�f. Nerve t' r 'awe �"or?.Djti0asee slid Nerq.. . And peas,. The fences,. encloSta„ the fields No Po er or of..th.e. Conservative .. _. d , ,:u1,�3�r patmgnt, a rstt tar _I �'o°o Popery" . Y tee s tctfie torp x nae,• A-fP¢aot617.Jrt, [ vred hero-or'at`hfs8w "-„ Their linen is the.whitest as well as the , p" yateria,cnnynFone.its.nervcnonenral to are quite primitive in their appearance, party in the late contest) and sever the Li);1•.il ,1,11d 1il')resf Illent 4 0) bgadnehe,nercous Prostration rnneed' by►he nap of aleoho with orwitl+;n,cya n the natlent. Come aqd finestmusliuS. nrtobneco,wakefulneea,mentald'epression.softeuingofthe `�O us, Or tend lett r.ettta in RTat,1�)il for O r "' though showing 'a good deal of ingenuity, social relations existing betweeretheni and ><Rva31R.0, 4%Ili,do Boois „ , a n rasa �tq} and stone walls are laid • which would be • their faithful Catholic fr.ien6." iW t , Rat$ to d age, ba leading ►n misery, deme and , w rich globs The.etraw-covered stables to rear of the _ —` dgnth, premature old n$c. barrenness, b,ss of power in either I till l .:rtirnl,tra. -. no discredit to, any farmer: - The cotton- dwellings are crowded with animals, the se:, wvnluntnt;r losses and epermnfr•rrh,na caused 1 over_, 1Nervous ] Di(blloty. Mlio.-'-"---...- .-.•...-. '— .J'h13-.i:IJ1M Ji/I-_is...Lcaui. llio"1 "•(0A--FaY4n^ xorgoa-°Fah°-brgl,melPahrbeTrover-tud a'°ce`. tiueTi . _ t9-Mcy .Noclistrial jLoa/e/ -"-wur3ti treds -furtrislr`flrfe Stia�'ea, and -trio 1io�s ave pigs G tngiip fltiy vacant spaces -- ' `- �t'n•velml�-'--'- -" y - -- hnxrnntmm',inomafto`Krr-eirweur.---MrnT,nx, orae Cs T,o:ea ���i�Q�E anclnll Morbid Q ondi'tioats (loo doseo$i)r. Chase's LiverCurawilleuro orctnity cit. T,ntccat ItcftNR of IutrrrNt• I ro, $5,sent bv,naeprepoldonreceintof rme.• I conceit by 7fontlttul Fol. mesquite bushes on the hillsides, though -which may have been left. Thbn, too,the Sick Ileada3he, Dizziness, and your Stomach. tt°E (WAR ANTES Six llOxg,4 I DISEASES. Sind and Pornofelou/ Soli. n ,filled with long thorns,- make excellent sheep need some shelter , -oven if the are o .- -. -- To cure an • rase. With each order received h usdrr six tau q �i�. Wtt>g.-Jcgt:---U,x-N,re-speedily, P ' Y ' 1 to buttes are ZVftrr:tCited ta'tltiTO Liver (;02n'r`" "' [ , tic n , e, �w, seu"'"fi o pur, aser our`- fnel. The rocks are crowned in miiny not considered as valuable by these people plaint, Indi estion hud Biliousness. Sold b °ritten uarautee to refund the mope., if the treatment does artd petnnttnetltly Curer] by our . P fX y AlI C1tTGAC� l,S - . - P URCIIASI:I) not allect s enru. Sold by alldrn ,tib m J. C. Nest & Co., i HPeaialista. P.ouL, post pattl, 30 cls. in Stam & - places with live oak trees, which are green as the goats. Horses, of course, fare beat all druggists, Toronto $a i 1E.►ipteare, or ,Breach, rade- throughout the whole winter, and bunches of all, then cows, and so on, down the Ime , ' •+� .---_--__..__ _- i l rah cured, vritbout the knife, of misteloe are found on many of the to the donkey colts, which receive no at- All . ]Font Charity: 4JAVINCrS BANK f3ltr]NCII, illi?Ti,D ,•, wikliorlt dependence ug oa branchea. Large yuccas raise their thorny tention whatever. 'there are lent of -- 3 - tr�d�;:,A tmd with very , litt3e plenty , , k,(fx(], u' I)rr C'r>rt, i)ctrrest Atlntrr•rl on ��� f,����.��� •.i. l�t''ti°➢�Q' in stamp•, huin. Rook sent for ten cents fronts here and there, and Spanish daggers wells in the village, the water being quite Where did you get that watch ? said Drhoyit..•, (aecording to awount - - `5 e9 ' — ]PILE r0grae''sas and S`.TRI 11a)1111U EN impede one's progress where least expect- Hoar the surface. All of the inhabitants her husband, tis she very ustestatinaslS , suit tune t(ft. -->--•-••-- • - .. - - .--• . ,. treated-tvfttrttre ;;rcairst 'sucooNs, �Ilnutc sent ' ed. Those bunches in the proper Season wrap themselves up closely in their blas pulled uuti a watch ,tad looked at it. .'.�• H. :S�1•ML.�, I for ten conte in stamps. t -;dross wonLD•s . have -large clusters of white flowers, ,as kets and shawls, especially about the face, `"I bought it.' _ I — tInt•in;racceptedtheagenei,fortheAyrDlanaracturiii, . �isetlBufftlio, V iY. Asar;ulnTtu r'u&3 Dials clear and shiningas wax. Herds of cattle 'A Christmas resent ?' OFFICE.-'Curne ntr;Tarke s,ianrc andl�orth Streo'I cn., (WataoW.,) will ol)en cut on office in the prem;soa an old custom derived from their Moorish ( T F Istel Data ded b Mr. Eddy, Albert Street Clinton The treatment dt many graze on ther plains near by, the cows re- ancestors. All of these people are exceed. leu ; T bought it form self. I couldn't HORACL HORTON, a I Y Y ' 1 at , s `lfousnudo of eases of those P P y nrnrly eplwalu F'air's Mill, trhm, he will be pleased to �tcu��c��3 �r, diseatie» pr'culiaf to ' '. turning at evening to be milked, together ing polite and well-behaved, especially to help it, I'couldn'tuo Iti poor family starve Df"•AasR.I , r0ceive urtlurs fu,• tt,e eelebr,tted ._--.with_the-goats,-Goat's milk -is -exceedingly one another; their balls -and parties are of and 1. iougl t the cvotilari's watch.' (In+lorlch Au;nNt nth tis:; - STEEL' - TWINi Z - 131114DE� WOMEN. ' , •ZeET6� IV.i�M' rich, though somewhat strong, and young frequent occurrence where ever thio, is `Just like ou ' he said. ` ] on'ri al t`8 at tl)o in\:Wds' lintel and q + Y i( yen,' And the NEW HUMMER 6JOW-ERand DAiSYRAICE, ilurgical ,Institute has af- kids are really firatrrlrte eating,aa the''17ex- carried on wit�i grc�ttt decorum. Of course ways doing eo:nethiug "kind—with my mu_ i'ENIdYR�Y1�L i1VAF w•, A fun tine of repairs trio ,also be kept in stock. forded large expM'lenea iu adaptiuggremedtes ieass well know... A stew, or what the there are .other balls, .so called, where Lilo ney•, •Prescripption of o physician who 11'gaull1t attention will be given to all orders, whether' for Chair cure, and • has hu a life long' ekf k-ettlnee-4h ' U,r mnit ur.otherw•iso. Alan ► Spanish 'All a o11a; 'is,as appofTziug•a dish ronghor elements. of aocioty covet and nor You're not rued, John, are you ?' nesting femlllca diseale». Is usrd 1t111�, $7dS1fik" �` as a hungry, man, would wish Yo sit down res ondin freedom of manners ma be Nn ;let me 1nnIC at it. What 1,11+1 ;•.m -. monthlywith perfect success by i PLOWS, STI2rlW' . CU. .J to after a hard. da 's work. , responding Y , '- over 10,0i)o ladies. Pleasant, safe+ • And. all other flan Ti„ p I ° i pltmenty ko t In 'stock, Y • witnessed, but we have noshing to dei with give hot• it ? .�• , effectual. LadiBs ask yrn,rdrug -- , �p g�i9 �g A Mexican would tint know -]tow. (o. live these ineetin.gs, nsver'haviiig'attenil'ed one 'Forty dollars.'._; gist for Pennyroyal SVafirs suit ?. +gl �.y �., Qq,,,pa.�(+�q�ga�°I•f P�°'e51��°9i®111 ( ' ,r wA . tike no substitute, or inclose post- .=a• a L-1„'xaa�l.{.tmuta.*.f �-`�Add,d+-4 .L ®N•. I - ivithnnt'M8"'$lanket, which ie hip coat by in this portion of the country. Forty dollars , and the 11U»i';n[Icl l,i'�H❑ age Sold by _ _ 1s the r¢atilt of this vast osperfoncre. ` day and his blanket by night, sc that lie is r exa:niniu it. r.� all drug ists,11 perbox. Address _ d wherever darkness m In the ovenia the men'love to assemble ' ?9`1T• -J"rIiAnnrF. I CAI. C(J., D>.• unrr Dirc[i. ( +_ , It is a powerful Restorative' Soule prepare14Y overtake g T ll toll you how it happened.. l was Sold in 6lintoa b J. II. (7pdIB)J audDru �1•�l Mtr„�"`CHANTS and Nervine, impartevi g.or and strength him., . Of course the winter nights are cold and sin;, their Songs being amorous ditties passing alum; the street and thea; was ail y (:gists � to the system, and enres, as if by magic, Leu. a .pyerywbere• + �1 f {' ' ' • eorrhea or tttvhitos 0, excessive but in the summer time, under the bright or the more stirring patriotic etre of,Rlexi: aucti�u going an in a atpre.' _ _._..—.---__ -I Pf�tBCtlVE• it oollectin Association s1o•tviaf� Iralnftrl monstr[tation, nn. •M starry heavens, the blanket inakes'Agood .-co. These airs are sweet and pleasant to '•An auction 1 Oil 1;,, a tj1d, 7 ��7 ylatnrit r"ltpODDiOUS, pr.olatrens or listen to in .rho clear and loyal 'yes I was liotoit.. slid looking, and Read r.9 his CfrIf.l.i be VO' Wise "1 � falling of t', e, Interim," sveaic back, L bed. The Mexican carts are cer- y nights, , — u r CANADA D(A t> A — anteversion �,ti otroverml to be tin . fainly objects of a good deal of curiosity, when everything Seems so peaceful and as I stood t•herd••a poor, distressed man i down sons. oras, chronic eangRe r quiet. The men are far from being Bread' •t►Idtic-e. Ifai s mon, tint. tion iaflamulatioit and ulceration the whoela. beiDg in some instances made . 1 g de- catme s.p, He pulled Duthie watch; and he I t have optuid do Oyth, a first:ria., rsr"aursnan last. of tjte tvomb, Inilamthation, pain of solid blocks of wood, which have been monstratis'e in their way, and as a class asked the. auctioneer if he'd auction it fur +q�►/+y , and tenderness Itt ovaries, internal chopped-utrt=with an ax. The bodies of are ,remarkably temperate ; they .are ex- him. He •said his wife .snit. famil were l nn Assncintlun. of buFinecy and professiggatl Toon, ffioat, and cc fetttale well➢snemra.» "' Y id W �g�� `'�'�_� htivinq for its object the .It ))tomptly relieves and cures Nausea these carte aro radely 'farmed, but when 'ellen£ workmen and fair hunters tis starving, and this was an old fainily heir- and 4Vtta1CtleRN of stomach Indi�ies. uprights are properly placed, and a good may be. supposed, they are very frugal loom and lie .wanted to sell it, Well the 't':'. I , , tion Rlotatin Nervoumpt'imtrat on and not at all envious, The have not �' �+� �� ; GbLLEGxION (?I' DEISTS; and'Sleepless ibse a covering is 'thrown -over, they are quite Y auctioseerhe said he Sell it, and pat it up, , in eitlter eez. much knowledge of medicine and some of_ and'all they'd bid for it was a The poor - I And to prevent its meulhers making had dobts by i Qlyl 6 ti®'TYLES. cohost along The people carry their pro- + y w�". P furnishing them with lists of partle,wwhu do not; pa PRICE � I OO visions along when travelling, and with a their 'remedies are quaint enough -as fellow began to cry. "It's "t4orth 100; + I Make and Mond. all kinds of nonts and S1,ocs,atnd 1 F®r►, lli+.00., keg of water are able to cook their.meals boiled mesquite bark for fevers, and pill- be said, `` Won't somebody give more keep an excellent stock onhrind. First-classwork. Dfcrchanoand others having accounts to collect and Sold by Druggist" ira istscoos tvlaoro. Semi almost any place along the road. The . verized eggshells' for ague. They have than 97 7 I can't sell it for that, I've ii gy�7•� I�n � ]f you want anything in this Dlasntngurs�Ilnn Ilton, Ontbetoine Le will tees velby reL�trq malt ten cents in stamps for Dr� Pierce's large creat faith in charms and amulets 11In A/17� 11,10 it will pay you to Como and full particulars, carttiicato of membership, etc. Treatise on Diseases of Mince, illustrated. can do with very little, 'and are frugal be- b , as well 'had an offer of 4'p1a," And I got mad and aro In I keep fmm n hnmo strap to a No. ] set of , yond any conception. Of cotttoo the young h nits. heeling power ,of laying. on of the sorrq Far the poor man, and I bid y�8,'and g[NC3Lr or Ds fro t+. HARNESS,nwtral bast efstI N nn,f J. B. MILLS ,% Co., Managers, Hamilton, World's Dispensalry �tellical association, gills moat have their ribbons and finery, , • Somebocly bid,,,, ,, and I bid 8,10, and finally tvorkmambsp may always be expected. Pluaw give ®138 Main fittest, BUFPAi,Q, N: Y: especially for Sunday when they go to The men of this village have seen many they got it tip to $IO, and I boultht it, • ilia a call. Or to JAs. Timm—n;aol, Agent, Clinton, church, and the brilliant colors. of their thkissitudes, many of thorn having served Poor fellow ! The man went off quite re- I • shawls show very prettily in the dim light,' in the Mexican war against the French and jieved and happy,and I felt So glad that 1'd 0• Y A T lE S , i ^—' _ ^ - ;�� �I��°�9�f�I�ACV�Ey They are as, vain as any of Eve's daligh- Austrian soldiers who found oitt to their do -no a good deed -ata hargain' + 3> i➢bona Headache, euc,han d prize anything handsome full as cast that they aro not to, be despised ' ];es, the poor chap was relieved,T don't' 11L7frla - I 1 I %Dizziness, Constipas, They are choerfnl and subordinate while doubt i`, This watch is worth x„ 1.75, and -- -------•- --------- ----- I �O�,I��isPJo� ell " l) ,Pallor mills I Ai.on, Antdigestion, m s their more highly educated cons• , �y k"� ,i suit YC6ltoas Attacks, ine. Some of them aro vary handsome, serving to the army, and always do well that ryas a trtnck auction, and that distress• and all of them are polite kind-hearted when properly handled, having a great ed-]oolcin roan^was n ra capper for the es- cfr '-, 154 'F_! r�npfi'P1'1? r.-, y -- prompHy cured by Dr. P {� >m i e re e�er•••1M're as a n t . , as any of the gentler sex. deal of military spirit. Tlrcro aropo bet- tablishmenr, Ho does dint twenty times 4. � :'.` l'ti;l (,>"p yy�te,`��•• a;' After Laing rhnrnttgtlly' nvvrhaultdarld re•frtt0tl frith ' \;i 1Pt11•gative,l'.elilete.. 25 f :I:"•' ., s. dtl ktt•t4h.� NF.\\' .1GlCl[tl riktY otthO nu ct npprnced tilnds,these • Cents 4 F'lal, by Dl ng$ietB Of.aourso thorn could not bo a 11Icxicatr ter horsemen on earth, a day, l,' = ',.. town without a Catholic church, and a Enoh family, unless very, ver -poor, has ' � s y,\, ar�3ft3htr'�!ti tz 1-bo1LIrl).VNV(1mine art nm.r in v (Ithili running rho curer, and will not Olt, John :' . ,j to � t; lax , t In.thu quality of tlw cork donC, by nn} short distance off is ono btiilt some ears a' supply of bene and chickens, ' which t �i % � 1''i3 '" r ixl i ,nim in tl,c,•nuutn, ° t ' ,'. , y- � � .1net like you, n,� dear. Always doing i �,;fy �'. ;,ity �,I,,, ., �.. ,; I " t �� �•� p ago by pious hands. A ;,:noel padre cifli- thrive os alma: anything„ ilio e',f,' furl)- sninetbing, stupid with u)y nt(otey.' I ' • .;.,.. ' . •• .l l ,rt .r r ' . pip j (r d ' 't elated ]sere for some time thou'+h ho was ishing an ngrc• thlo • chanryo of diet from _. _.--a..0.x_ . -.- •,y;( M,t .. " V r \Medal Atlenlioii mimi �--O 1111.11J1,1`lf, � oat„ tt [ P.•e't oorl aid. Finding that the good Hurn +' ire F ; t" ' �?{ y" ' p y p q n tial.e..to time. "lin women of rho hoose 1',r liver, enmptaiut, clyagaep»in, nncl• sick "'•r:r t < ,t„1� +e ; ',� -_ y$fi�I ” �,', "-, Irad no food but parched corn and water, are careful in te,cing. care of them, and see bene}aoho esu TVost'it Liver Pills.- All .t qtr r \It f `• �t 1 ;; n \ „ (+�,� - •gyp some friends helped him" as best they that neairs nrF conducted to the very heat druggiata. �%, . 6i1. „�{ k error ► ta'i.uu., r. ON tittul;'r NOTICE. *i i"I i Q� A E' could and ho grit along bettrtr, He trier] !'dvantago. ick aur} geese are not pion- Alme, Nilmon's Marriage to Const Mir- '' rJ$`e t�r't"11 t.. sntl.farti, ,i gmlrnutecd. partita lc,u,ur.; anythlrr fir; I ; to enlarge his church edifies but did not 'ttful, Garlic anti lard, tion melt essential ., r ,., MON s �r 1P +r n•hnt,,,r In thi. lino will linri it. to their interest to t f .,l Vit' ' g , ands will take place At Mentone ov Feb. FRI V�I %' �� i�id�i�s�.n Xaio►k:Ft E:� giro usnenn• :t A"i3'i: ir. succeed very well, and even the bright things in housekeeping, can at all limps be 1)i and will bo an extromel ter:: , t y quiet atYsir, ,n rra J?11,1lr;l^nt t»rrn. ,!,•ants fo ))1(r• =tp con white coating he gave it became seriously Purchased at the store. \]gnat an abiding only the Spanish And Swedish Conauls" riv . h ,',,,t,. /'r•ur., i,arl-,.; whope' sfanrtfnft in I 1;. 1ti'I)Rtt, Prapriotor, ii;(� {"' y l damaged during a great storm and a rood small garlic has, and )law dear it is to the t:• ;, ,•, r. •i ,,,Ni,ro,c ;,c (', (marantee .for ilia -- -- -- bn ,i b' g h g ;,and a few porsotull frid]tds beim; iahvited -" I ,c; ,. + . deal of the mortar crumbled off, giving it dfoxican stomach I IPaso onions, as to attend, (' ,';'rr(gi'ttr'ir•tr:r,ra:' 'Phis srerlint>smotlnis . "- • a worn appearance. bright and clear as silver,also adds a charm ' 'i 11-11C hl ro,;ar(l to patent inetliclnc», buy XMAS CANDIES oRd FRUITS i , •• .. q�n' F R i. un'; t`i,-sn made by pr,t(•tienl professional lnen. i " ) g l,jnrt s 1,T's Anvlcr, ro Dfarnsrss.-Are on disturbed k.;, to the Chihuahua cuisine• and whatever t,r.c,rti�;istoowolinm�t,trurnblyknotvnhy •:b D ,,Ip 1µ,. l No of the houses belnnuin, to the at night, an[l broken of your rest by a sick 1 r.•.rript boaku iv t.rintre any ruuumn,unda• /i d ' Mexicans are very extensive, though many the Mexrennshave to cook they cook childsufferingaudcrying ..withl,ainofCutting _ �1 RR4A®�6�IL'IiS, i ^r^q;"•+ t„lp'.. t',' of them are quite comfortable, while others 011O0gh+,and do not pat on the table half Teeth? 1f an send at mica anil get a bAtle of I-;;, C.i.\fa's Livor m Coro las a receipt boob — i !:i" tr'' pY t� ;•�i the veriest hovels, flow the manage to done. They can and do make good cAt,o ` Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child• \' Ig,';l armind of cry bottle which is worth Ito tl .. •_ i �y 1\ �;' • ren Teething., Its valno is Incalculable. It n I •dd. Nrw CUNmEs l0c. per III., NT:\P CIGrS I, ]-,.•'" " p�`al,l•.+. r 4`d , Y g snit chocolate though old times the g' q t ,• live in some of them is a mystery. one ' $ Y will relieve the torr little sufferer immediate} 1 '• + r: \ o,.+ T,h cr Cnru isauarnnt0e(ltocnro r. l;'' '� ' ti,g,, + o _ 1.'.^ 1. old man lives in a cavo near the creel'.. knew very little about either;, the first T)e;)end upon it, mothers ; there is nn mists] o al; ..i "' `) n''i''ink horn a inrtdd or inactive DAT.1',a, ORANOESy�, LHM6NS AND � t „ik,,W '•+, ,bloc He is apparently very aged, and during, -coffee berries having been thrown into a about it. It cures Dysentery and Diafihma, t r1Il!.Z .iMIR, Pti'ir ttanrv4,Jat ridihc pHead- ltI;ATSINS, CURRANTS, AItrs.11 HADDIE. � I+' �1 I ` � . his whole life had been a onwherd, until t➢nt-like many beans, and then boiled, the regulates the Stomach and 13nwels, enres Wind a:•:,:', Inger?4;oot.;, si alow compieNion, t , TOBACCOS CIGARS and PIPES. �'1 n t1 1,.' 1^, ..i !I ' result being unatttisfnator Colic softens the toms reduce% Inflammation ' wK' Y:•9 't ; .t . i 1y ii a{Xofprevonted hid pursuing;hat avocation g y' and gives tone and energy to the wholes stem TH ` KIDNEY:: i iiE KIDNEYS �Yc�TIirRB ! g;,c. per rlt., nerved -1. ,( i ` d ` any longer. The old man is blear -eyed °•� - " AfrA. ]Vinalmv's 5oott nq Syrup," far child- I,- t,:1;:` rm;, A -T, (u I lilt •Q Kush semen 3n . Y " ,all new tagiPi:'•L-.d.P•C�Cee:M aLfr'ap. and deaf, wears sandals in place of alines Good valne. ren teething in all at lee. Chi,ice lot of Claor IttctRs 1 , q is pleasant to the taste and i» the t r rat• .: ,40.1 in lot\•cr portion of'the aldomen, , Jnfallihln lila•:d 1hnlfer, 'lm11c, j)inrofie shit owns an immense straw hat, which he Many sufferers buying medicine havo prescription of one of the oldest and beat female n ;;!lt j 1 rs nrine, red en(i white �VAN7 ED. -Choice Itnll Batter hi hesC I t.[ . a t o r r , R 1,0Aa of Appr,ie, l.wl;;. • t ion, DN,q)eltaia, l;;1J(^I;s, shont;Nr tering in In s•,nge, 13righl'S price paid. Fowl of all kinds bnnght, ]til,;tpnamwa. .Iaurrviln•. I n,•r Complaint', , .( ]tad apparently used far yer.•I e. File hoarse been disc ointed don't Iva 11 buy n l)hyalcians and mirages in file United States, all(] lif(elmialki Ff, n,l i.i-l.,•. Di o"1v!•e, Scrofula, e PP r €1 Pr Y. Is for sale by all Brut gists thranghnut the world. di, • w•• nf,.} nil u: ir,nry t r ,nl,tc . r'1'' , I)iatuules prrntiar t + t ; nn,:• +, halt J honni. voice frightens the children, and Ilia poor, reliable article like Dr. Chases Liver Coro it. I i'.n Il') n, 11n'•, it ,,1n e.iru you. Sold t o I. EcatlrA0 and ,.0 in I+ „•rt.,cli ITea[Iount Price by cents a bottle. Be sure and 1 •',•.Il de.tici:. at,Tl.Oq pcl, brill'.' I Idle tat ton +,f I1 u,•.,rt, � a, st M'Atl an(>< thin blanket affords Unt little protection and with it you get a reci�io book alone aslc for " M'R.i. Wtxsr,ows SOOTHING Bloom", Ir, VZMAd;f•IC 2% bah Co., ilonrt lion,, t'nr, tv \'0,p•I•ibII. from the biting nofth wind. Never having worth the money. 'gee and take no other ICiml. 20-y-(). $OLZ ACxftt3 ran CAN DA. ' ' nRADFORD �-TACita(1y BLOCK, llCar)� f TRBRT. C'l.1NTON, I Jofm C. N',rer.( Cu., '1'oiJrito, UIIt _ ... . . - ... , - I . . „ ,