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The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-04, Page 3
_ .. ... .�., _ .....,�,,,, ., .� ....- . - _..r _.. .._ _. . r, . , ,. - • I I 11 11 . .. -_^^- :'�^^--^.._.. - .. -... " 810!113., .. . _. A11W. ' , L ., . . FRIDAY, FEB. 4,. 18$7. bur ed o>iaurdaXlitI.osea X20,000 was a Sick woman, til cllang�olo$ Beckoning 1 M• ,,....CKS- 11 ..1-,_!ll.lL-"R._0I F y NEWS NOTES, B ) LOX ' TIDE FAT PASSENGER'S HAT. Three of the oldest residents of Aur(lrst T�A. Crawthors, of Hardwood, sold a. the nurse to the bedside with•a wlstfu " I --- died last week, bean Geor a Andrews, long, she wills girt a CLOCKS! .1,JAU' ' Ai TER IT wa+B LOBI THE O]ILICiIN4 CONDO@ • 616 lb. hog at P/ltliCbOt'O recently. g g , + „ r P d softly u, her ear :1 W. Daville and P. Soules. Comforter. the one word was enough. � -,.-.•--__'._..•. TOR COULD NOT DO ENOUGH kOR HIM. Pain oanuot issfiit when West's Worlds The Senate of Tennesaoe has assed an Withal woman's quick wit ahe guessed MARBLE CLOCKS, WALNUT CLOCKa ALARN � Wonder is applied. Cheapest and best. 25'and p what her `friend wished for at once and o ALAR'""' amendment to its constitution, making C S�t /^1 �I �"�- Afat man with a new plug hat was 400, All druggists. prohibition part of the same. set off dawn stairs in quest of the family CLU'CK►J, -and t �, h'til merrily in the Northwestern Do- In a runaway on a business street fu Bible. having found it after 'a short KLoV I o every deSCTl�JtiOYL. `aiU 1 otg es erda afternoon. `Just beat this 7 Ayt r s Sarsaparilla wonderfully improves _." p y y Kingston two horses collided and were the complexion, and brills to old and gun search she lugged it upstairs with consid', BQTTo PRICES road from 17ilwaukec, to Chicago,' he said, killed. 'he bloom of health. As a purifier of the enable exertion, for it was heavily illus- with a r, &r. 'I wanted to get to this town Mr. Arthur Bye, of Sydenham, took s ¢loud it has -no equal. trated acid bound,., and set it down trium• I have ust received the worst way, and I didn't have a cent. dose. of belladona ILnimout for. pain•kille, Jos. Stringer, while working in the ohantly on the patient's bed. d It was too cold to steal a ride, so I made \ gibe. Baso of those' noted a"few night(; ago, and died before medical wends at Quinn, near St, Thomas, was •Zo her surrxriso the sick woman said u m mind to ,,,at into the beat car of the killed on Friday by it falling tree. kle tt No," plainly with her ane:tkin; (•yt's, , P Y aid could be allmtpl0ned. flhel nu'vet a' irtiin and trust to luck. We had just got It is now declated that Jessie James, , wad pinned t') the earth by lirnt)s ucrust I her head blictIly in taken aI'll f ;, t p,t 1'c out of Bay"View when a queer scheute th(�fatnous Missouri bandit is not dead hit head and lets Ile I!ved eight houre dissent, :tonin tl a enerretic nurse set oft' , TJ'I I'll a i15 0US struck me, Itailsing the witlrlusv I ran my ' titter ju great Ilam, but never bpuke. uodidcenragedand hunted ,ill ill(. patierIL's' d, l"', ;%V, , .l head out and began s.nifixing the cold air. but living in the wilds Ot Arizona. The 1'tie l unsul-( ichrral lit tihuu!,hal re hu+bvnd, w'hoin she brought. h"peflsllp to . , ' `� t AW111,11 + . S )lrrts that $1,260 hus'been c"otribuled by l � � . illy plug haft wl',icb was not the hest it) alleged asaassinatiuil was all it ruse, 1 )' the .ick ro•)nl. '!'rattble(1 lout sir )ri:Med " ,, .� -tri ! ' ,t '' } , 1 • the world, : wile fur obvions r®aa"ns tilted '1'u ladles. The groat/ beautilier . for the Lite Chiuet,e 1',)r the Ctlarlr,tr)n sufferers• at the nn:;atisfird' ]note of the sick .roman, , ;� �� S ';�3e ! ck of to hood. 'nils conductor o0mploxieo; One of «sets angor coated she went offs Biu without Ihinkin ) -'� - ��I. gn.tile ba Y 1'ht? Chinese are evidently ni<,ru liberal K c r Oqdis' came down the aislpi of the c•ir. Never Liver Pill' taken nightly. 50 pills 'dye. All than tn,uly of t,.rir White brothers. t:i+ inn u(5 the starch and tills limo �'�`� � f t dru is " r( untied till" ' `.. , At tilt revisal tut etiu4 ut the i'alal Sugi-the lilu,il+ r)artar. Calcine I <fi I sold ,ffi) of them durinn before did a ticket phnuher rooks such g& ta./ �` rapid progress, lie fiitted•from seat to loggers Dixon, a wealthy farmer of noir 1luthudiat chwch islet Friday even• •the gond rnan Note the hoes, ,just ua he ( F, '+1 %` a lti5ti ,lull the•'• " ' at like a butterfly. Pretty souu I felt Pot,Union, ft•11 clown on York Street ing at lady had a bald fit, and pierciii';; Was retirinir rot the night. 'When the ' ����A ` iZtT � ) y •ire all giv his hot breath on the back of my neck, To'onto 'T'hurstja�' afternoon and ex• acre:uns slar.led the whole immense nu lI- combined efli)rts of the three sneceeded in ��/ �l� `r'' f- - w and then I heard lulu yell."Tielcet,please!.' ' ' )uttiv a warm coverlet on tb.e bed the " r .,A;( � ���� � -n I0 I'heall and overbody pilled in a few tuiuutes. . ence, which, nightly throngs the ciful'elt. 1 g i�; �' s1. I was too much interested in the )Assing it took four strung map, stmid coutider nurse laid down, fairly exhausted. by her iwl,G•" Age+ L slioutd havo one. accost to say any attention filo oarse, 4Georga ]aallas,a Danville (Va) farmer able excitement, to carry her riga a stairs strut lt? to muster \ew England English'. lij '�7!2—= =s rasping voice. 'there was a moment of has been arrested for ivbi I )ing to death to the arlorsof-Me church. Sheshrielced II�II�, � f � t - _-�..�.K.. " intense silence, during which my heart Will. Fitzgerald, at;ect 13, a son of his all the way'dutvu sold struggled fiercely "}lc wise ted(ty;'tis madness to defer ." 1 1i1.,''�'i ��£ beat a loud accompaniment to the puffing wife'4 brothor, Dallas testified that the One gentleman w•as kicked violently lu Uun't nevlect your cough. if yon doyourfate tet` .qtr >'" %, - N_ - , of the engine, and then I f0t,the conduc- I boy told a lie. the t:tce. The revival has been. ill pro- Wily ho that. "f till• rountimis Ilanleatrrls who i N )V,; ,/h " r``'u-� 'I 110, i ulest lection of hav(d os liltuwide, and twl>n t F•day till can- ' �• - ; tura hand fall heavily upon my shoulder,_. .-....._,,-,, . .� . gxaaa, tic.u, tvt;(:ka,,.isnd 3.UU cq.u�_f:;aifaus urir � •. ��' t� - e Tile concussion was so great that mv plug 5i:c indi;anai,t woolen r.I;mpI telymde- reported. Five short hes are represelltu(i s"'uptivas.sirave8. Nivht•ew•entd, Flitting of i :, `I-- �, : , _ I`�ATCIME't '. 9EWEELERY 1 d, in ui: s. � t y'r..;,s,l'. :incl aaLVCR'WARE in the mnlished (s saloon and gambling den g snd couaump.lon itsr•lt if , a ha' fell off into the snow. the conductor The defeat of ill r. l.tschen, the new- takvu in tune can he gored by the ore of 1)r. I ��.� -. , , r. sic, aghast when I withdrew my uncov- kept by Henry liutmerpian, at North ly u) )o utod Chancellor of the Rx -i Nierce's to Goldrn \ledionl Discm'crv." This i "�:i. ('ounty' to ored head and looked angrily into bis pale ,, , 1 E ) l ) Ile seen at Grove, near Peru, Ind. Tile dau)agia chequer in the patchod Cuuservativ(? j woody+rfnl prol)ersti m ,ns nu syusl uan rum am fac4 iYhu've done ]t!' I•exolajmed With a ,'amounts tq ubont X1,000. The'w•aie'n eI' tar !nog and thrl a. disea-i8, All drug. I '!t Government., is the )nwit ilupo tont. gilts, I R CUpppi� t { , e) tVe1`0 aTl'BSLPd illlt} released on b011fld. fierce air. news which OUmea from I�nglAno. :ll r, ! --• 0 d 0an I dicln t jostle your haL off, did I . rear, 's (,ankh Syl up stops tictcli n ill the Goschen contested th(1 l.itar )oil seitt.a „ P > 1tJIS 1 01: i:1L1:, S e fit m S � � N—m be asked. throat, stol)c that hacking uor.gtl and f;iveS 1 ttr r ) per&ot relitlf ; it i certainly worth a trial• tendered vacant by the Inst genial ill elec. -(�lAit,l IN A)ol(I laeo,. FUlt BALE,- I.O`r :;d, "�"� -- -ecrrs+°s,mg ,ik.,.,, - , E R & 0"904% . 1. That's what you did,, , qy; B° All tlrtl i,iata. ('nn.lt. Unud pisco, good bulldin( ,and gond „ r t tion' and it wits hoped by the lxoverli- .In,,ality. Cunle and l,ee it. will be sold cheal,, 11 , "' • °' 'But your ticket wase t in l i• "-Certainly: Mr. D. McKay, of Kincardine, has a lilent that as lie still proft-Sia- 1 to be a.i,sit;,xtc,rt91•;r„_e_uFhtallco P. U. ai _' , . There was another moment .of rile» ca Liberal, though for years ht; has beet llrtu FOR SAI'js PAll'e of Lanett o�-,r- .''" remurks►l,le silver watch which has been i1PAL11.4-olti.aS +L 1•!th emu. uf.Lhe t"Ivusht, uP lfultctt,anlptinl"g S ,ifand then the, conductor :gid : ) out Of ley ui'puthy with the ov erwhc\lwin • ( l ® ticking away CQIIStflnty f'q/` "i'` yeAl'F, ,” nbout •iii acted. 'Fano: to suit uuruhnscr.. Apply to `I I I'm sorry,but you'll have to pay your and during that time, it has neither been inaJo'ity of tlrti Yparty, ha would P(, a'bih V.+NLRON.11nr.'rx cA 116;RUN, ltarrlster:c, (h4criell , fare.', a to get enough Liberal votes to carry the r .wo F,tR�mk'ORo-SALF.-LOT ss. INI$ThCQY, 1+OU1C :11)1":��'L:\t+l: (11' 'Ilii l; liAltf;>,' �IAHKf:TK To tall' '1'IIEII, 1 II I I have n'o more monev,' I replied • cleaned nor repaired, tnd'it keeps excel 1 f ' lent ll[nW, Seat. 1110 h0 )0 \vti)s IIUt 1'eullzE'd,Lh011t, tiudcrich tue•mbip, m gond sttue ul'cultivatiun, • '. my all was in my bat. Cant you stop snug huu,e Jo,t• hndt, 9� ,d hal•u, rxrellent feaue, and , Lh0 (xUvl'111ti1Pllt CObl;Clitl'afPtl-1[H fUl'CCS eonvenivutly Atll;tted. Alen the o•tst l,rilfeflot 7tl, in I .av NE -.- the train V - ' - ,A CDnspicious example of the folly Of the ylaitl.uul c ,nc,•s+i-m, /h•derieh Wwn,hi F tbout Oa - ` / 'rr' � , ";The file is a Irii}e behind us. It's some hew suits has been afforded b the in aid of tl;U allutister, and lu a'ill,n,)\v acre.,,; avre, cleared awl •,etted dml,i, sill acres ha - l = C ?�' = �� = �f�. �� v� I but I'll let you through y have to IUUS ,1!'0111111 for all0tllel' CUt13Ll• pr purnliuu hn clauring, b.dnnt•u unutl hnrdwnnclt boob _ _ + against orders carie of -two American farmers who guar- t 1'UNIIAaady. n , ily ail IIANXlvli l sco'1"1', ilarris- _ _ __ '- I � _ _ = c, — without additional chargo: Next time 2 utul( y'a. ter., Cllntln;• l l lkeep youtbead in the car.' reled over .1 pit; worth .,)ftld before they I __-.-- -_ •, . � Vtil - L t�� :) t. were done with it ran ill) large costs to '•1 Would That i wwero Dead!" � - _4, "' 13nt my'hat,' I exclaimed with a hold I b 1 ,.!.,tyt Dolt .8AIJ',..- vol. N.',I,ls, IAT s0, cos' . air. I I lost;it through yohr rudeness and the tine of $400• cries many a wretched housewife today, as cIieII0N a, L-1t.s, Tuekcr,n,ith, cuntaiuln; 50 acre.+ , l which 15 are skated, well fraimi.:cell re is i bowl 1111(1 ill•C' OI CI'llly tj1C111 11 L' C :(tl'C111CIj' jl)\V )1'1('Cii I must be indemnified.' weary and disheartuneii, she forces htrdelf to .,,,d hl a high.utate of culthatiun. 'there is n nod ('' 1 , t There's ,, A company of friends recently called. x . :� ]ll1( as- " bur Ball tack. •' It tion t seem as if I frnuw housro, barn an�d,t�•)1I le,, and uu ureh:u•d of plum, " `Indemnified nothing. There a no at the house of a citizen of Meddleton 1 y j ) _ r could ,gut through the day, This dreadful al'Ide, cherry and pdre•STL s. Thera i.1 u never-faihn • sortment Of i. hat store on the traig, Conn., to spend the evening: They were back.ttche, those frightful dragging- ,Iell. It is t', ..hen four mite" t,f Clinton, and three of . • down But you have got to get ma a hat just sensations will ki l toe! Is there u0 rcliof f" lilace" Fo10dr f )rtber p rti ularsla`�'Iv oil the")re Wags 01$1I y /, � Y asked to lay their coats arra cloaks and -vl .+ .a _l _I �•a �]�-&M '. ' the same. ' Yes madam, theta, ts: 1)r, 1'iercia's "Favorite ur to (`1lntuu V. U, J. Ih i'ROS50N. I G A�)�,`", ., t + hawls on a bed where a bag was _ l i , .Oh, I guess not. � � The y 1 reacriptjon" is un `unfailing remedy for "the - l• / , Well, I guess yes. v� sleeping. The little .one was unusually complaints to which your 'sex is liable. It SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -THAT MEL- _•„„. . What are you going -to do about it , good that evening, and neither stiried will restore you to health again, Try fill on Lho` Maitland Jconcesric nit' "it”Gellecln`toand 71, "' Report you to Marvin Hughitt.' I nor cried. When the guests ;one it All di•ugRi�ts, - About 1:15 acres cleared and In stood state of caltiva. a - `t � Y was found . to be dead, It bad been: `-� - s- P -&:1J1_ t2S_+ � & 00 gilled with defiant mein. Ilan. Un the promises is a good brick horse, with all . "I That's a chestnut. GO to sleep. Ill RED DEVILS WHO DANCE 1VHILE Iliac.. '� wake soli u "lvhen we et to Chicago.' smothered by the garments piled upon it. , t , gond hearing orchard, church on the farm and s:hool . tiw�'ZaI dr O ■ ` P g g Stu that cough, b .the sae of A er'sCherr 1'fdLY T'uR1L1vH, trot far away, about Castles from t1ietown of Clinton. „a„T1,,,,,,,n — 1 '1 This is what I did, and when I woke _ 1111111=11111111 , P g + Y Y y \, ^— This farm is one of the best.i,r'the township of Oode. _ — ^.__s I' n the train was then passing Rose 13111 .1 ectcral-the best spticifie fur all diseases of , 1 rich. Possession given - :fry thus. bull �nrticulars , ' P P g the throat Find longs. It will soothe the (" "eel Shelley (11exi.ean Joe) Lusa nue oa aliplicptiou to the proprietor, JUAN lil,I)D, Clin. ' I' Cemetery) I found this new the on my rough feeling lit your throat, :Lid respiration; of the eurlitAi American settlers Ili old Chi- too P. O., or of tha,XEW ERA OFFICE, Clinton, ( , head. You can see by the initals just and give the vocal organa flexibility auil vi- hauullur, locai.Nul .n. large rauch in the pplAlta Fort BALI?,—THATCHOICE FAIt.IIT1IE -' above tiiesweatband thatth(ahatbelonged. tility:_.. Sanaa valley. 13r'•juporterlthti tii'at.Jer-I.1'i e:;tote v!' thelani'JuheTbony,sun, Luing west. to the conductor. I didn't see him again Bays and Durham cat, I( 'It the country, half of l„ta0, con: 1, East Wawnnush, enntFtl11:1`r t) A new style of antertaiument, called sere, more lir le,s; 8o aures cleared Fuld lit good .tate I . during the rest of,the trip, but I'll bet dol „ and hall a fleurishin�t rs eh when the moat g .-. prnureasiv6 lunch, has become popular t,f .uuttic.Itton, yi•uli drained :unit free frunn obnoxious I larx't(Y-011m shells that that fellow would (, terrib]ts_.tt is c,f .his -life tui_ place. � f►I U t+'cad., lu aer,a bush and rcinaittdcr pasture, 13acre- ' in Chicago. It is conducted -on tb-ts_pritr- kick himself from here to Sturgeon jay' , day .I wits out on a solitary pi•9.tvl ninonitt Yall \\1)catand fall plowing dune. Un Ino Tann iso if be knew how beavtifttll •he had been .cip.e of ptugressive wuchre, A number of t:. new fr:uu0 decutng, barn 46x.,1,, stabtu, 02x2s,msd Y small tables are provided,,at which four Lite Sterna 1lndrp na)nln 4__ a. Col( l that outbuilding.; 2+\-otls, spring creek and ag0011 Bold. —Chicago Herald. Shelley, the lithe!' da lid al two' white . b raring undsu'd. -The form isosituated'uu toed ••ravel ._-.. .. .. ..— ,Bested. At the end of each course lots aro ' • ••Y Lrl)idly.1.a)11.lufc-4&i. ,):tl),J.o-tn;lAmfr(st"iititon .•;((at) -1.8--I--- - "1011.- tirl-a-•14C.Lki, Midi-•-(Ce(l•-`\V4ha••'itrY'1`tetl- "t?r"i x _ drawnBiuTEiv�'T`fPliifS-i,13tj Ci115fio'i(i Glia mitesttum(:ud,:rich: is,Icell tenrudl+ith ijiarQ, rail This is to CertiYy that I have used McGregor'a tbeit• (1lutrt t', s, .l was ,just uuikiltu• till iu- Fuld wire.-Fe,r•ftxrther inrtivitlars o.pplytinthu pronli. i Speedy cure for Dyspepsia Liver Complaint next, thus bringing about a continual sae, or u, yttt�. Jut1N 'ruoyll'SUv Loudeaburu 1 , • " terestul" haul ill a aline of tnoute, ,when and do honestly say that If it cost lets $100 per shame of partners, and allowing each par- g ,__ a 1 7 bottle I would not be without it, as it has dot,n my hands \yore soizeti frdin behiod, ,t gak `ill t�OR'SA IX Tli,>,T SPLI' DID FARM B` . jaii;l ance� S l�I lis -Cot �i��ct�cles e� 11 -1 ' oar to see oomethiu; -of every one prat;eat, F Have Ft tcOrld•wido re u e more good than, all two mtsdicinoii I ever was thrust joie ley mouth, and I was re• 1' (it, 100 arra:+, hying Lot a7, sou. 2) L. It. S., uP Pututiuu :nal have been recoinlnentictl by .lit the leudili , omni Liu They urn ). ry iii the used, and Ifeel like a new u1Ftn,—Yours truly. dl bad accident OCCUfI•C(1 a S'1101't. di:,• lieved of ret•olvera ill a ai ill that. +t Aa t'e- , Titeltel•stnitli, in otfalyd for solo on reaaouublts Y• guararrtaad in give rrlieY wbarr,all other aids t0 vision roil. l;v•r ALEX. t3rsEr„ Carleton place, Ont. Title medl• Y naurauteed. The t 1. pair Ili n. cine is for sale at 600 and $1.QO per bottle at tunes north of Toronto Wednesday after- frashin,i, ill its ra idity. 13ouud like) a ttT,tlo with gone buildings, ea iatte barn, 10x00, Y are (+rely' to he obtain(•s of trio an notice vi and t and f.Lr.f Air. Loa ri tit's next I y P atal)h+ lixai:, sllrrp and curriuee LOnae,'10x40, w'hu krepv a 1u11 line Of tilt uhuce.)Oods. Dtto notice wilt b0 nru of Air. Lanrnate,'d next Worthington's Drug Store. I trussed „Litt key, I was carried till night up good 1;: story, 2fx:s6 friuuu house land kitcireli, ].Ile) visit to Clinton, Nvhrn ail dales snB'errllg rrone defaetivn visterl will }tavn the U r lortuai I noon. As Mr, Jackson,of Victoria ave -1 y+ 1 t ty the munntaius ou" ,ill back', and at the ,Wal o•res uuder (•ultivatien, 20 acres cleared hilt of ilia services, at ill; store, WITHOUT i:NT4A CIIARIiE, • • pE1ZTH 11'L�VS. I nu•e, Eglinton, was driving down Gal P ) not broken ut arses geed Lardwooll intsh. I �� � break of slay was driven thn,ugli the nor. wuil•n•:itcrcd, Laving Ihreeof tile hestw(+Valu obi W. �®r,t�� o-e-vve.��C�w� �J�HHa�®XA . Iowa' hill, accompained by it lady,, the, ro+y naturai'gatewily that led Cu tho ntoun- IfnrOn ouuety- Goo(i hearinZ otrwai•u, actuated A. Stratford girl hal. bean fined. ! ftlr whifieti'ee buoke loose;striking the horses Iain fAsttieas of Chihauahun-a lateen n -'i t`lii`'s rroln the I'll of I)rnrenrtd. and " b _ — _._.. _._ __ '__— P 0 Trutu tilt; 'ruwud of (.11111mon tonin Sruforl.li re- __- ..- _,.. ,_ abusive Tanguage. llZtil 'Tlinht7rsO�xn�ttway and the cut- snrreundtsd, by natural mountain walls: title(•tivofy,til):rei:;a(splenilictnravetrondpaygcil NEW T __ --, --_ ' .'ter u )set throwing the oceu )ants out. 0 if a rising fr lin 50 to 100 feet, above the the trout of the proulises. Parflenlars lint I r TFor coughs, colds and sit throat and lung 1 •' " 1 turntsgicencual,plic•a,ionto.APPIdu'l'UNI;L• 1 I ` diiertiti.use.West's Dough Syr -epi. All ill r, Juelcson struck a telegraph pole ordinary le\•el,' approached by. tortI10110 UOAT, llruvell(if l I', ()., of Sh,AII!1•:I• (1ltfc1f, Tttgljr ' jdruggists, ,with sitol ri0l .nee' (r5 to' kill }lint in• InUunGtin paths; toads iinpregnabl(? Llie ('lis rn:l, P. O., •or vitt, f;1:A ()rrL(ns, I>i1t'fl) a✓ Q tl, �J E STOC& eyrie from whtCl) the fah1011a chief nn(} his T•.LCOAr, 011tlll'IO 11. O., (;tlifornln. 1 The Main Street 11lethodists,llitchell stantly. Tho lady had her army' 1)rolccll' f011otvs eulergu:l to raid over all the sur t:ZI1t't-- --'-('t,. 7e) T)— ---' Tt)lt . I �w ••mo�ii�s' /� made 570.'out of tilt+jr entert:tinnrents . I.iverComPl'alntcauscsngspepata,inrli cation ®MOS, Out..,$1,, E' LLIOTT � BLOOM ' Litiur WwpLflr!tc11,11' Slldrileudathn, (lizzi 'r`1(tnd'iutf country. tier three clays and Notice is ha1roU 1\ml, h) otSre,3l,Cbup: given last month. luras. nights 1 was bolihd' to it s„pling betweey 107 of the )Levine, Statutes pursuance(if Ontartc, as nicutionctl iVI'.:T DOOIL '1 C) 'j'III; + , Mr. Geo. Uvorsarre Was elected .�'�:ar- Livor Complaint cnn..c$ nll.hldney Troubles• two stakes,• atld wds au.allialated tdruet fur ,by{4o I'tet , t't,atl, tl, enat.un crlcutt�s :uul other per- CI1Y I300I� tirULL, CLINTON'. a Liver Culupla+nt eau,es• three fourths of till : ,ns lutviq slain„ astainut file estate; of John Cooper; • disellse, je.or$ and jests :cud arrocts of the bucks q�� lS�iUi �a �zy . don Of t1(y C011llty of Perth at, .tile l<t5t. deceased, into of the im t•ur CIIuG,u, in tlw cotton°of 4d aid, SETS, PARLOR SETS LOUNGES LtverCumrlaint i„ toted 1nyIJr.ClutSe'd Liver and eqn»was (Tito colonel has. tilt? marks •liuruu,w9io 41c(t on lir ubuut the sixth Jay of Ni,v. ' ! I , ". Westin of fire Connty:Gounoil. CI that furnish the docli)iients for his filter 1860;aronprebyrequirecttosend7hvpnt-prepnid,of Sg��j ®A �Rw' . �7y� p Ty��b pT otherwi,o delivered to tile .undursil;ne 1, Executors uP SIDEBOARDS'' S ' dJJLI Sb dlkbl �� , 9e�j.I The staudard remedy for liver complaint is Wm, Fonger, a young man living 'at statement tatooing his entire' body,) ' The , the taat will and test'alnent of the, sail 1nteJohn coup- ' . West's Liver Pills; they never disappoint you Hamilton,. had for three years been greatly arrow beetle were sharp as the blade of a er, lit Clinton, Ontario, on or before the fm firth day of =1v I'1 A f(i•_NF.RAL AssORTUYNT OF TITIZ 'VERY $FST yt ) i + 30 pills 25o. All druggists. troubled, with an H)'krown toenail. Ile knife, and were shot so as to cot throb h February, A. D. 1887, their crhrisrian na)nes and sur. r � At t, I UIvNITlilir . AT _ names, addrnusts and description, the full particuhtrs Rl ASONAIILr I,RICFg, Another old resident of Mitchell has went to Dr. Philp's office Wednesday the akin and draw plenty of blood tiithout of,theirclahn's, a statement of their accounts, and the �r morning for the. purpose of havingan, touching a vital. spot. Tbrea days I defied nature of their rncurittes (if tang) held bit chem And ��Q�w�l. t�i,�g �� � �ei Y w.• gone home, Mrs. Motley after a few g 1 that ininiediateh, after the sai.t fourth dtiy of FeLruat'•y !,. r ' operation perforined. Chlorofrom was them with all my powers of endurance, al- next•the assts sol the estate of the said is mini Cunp, ____ • • _ days illness passed to. her eternal rest administered while the o Brat}on was be � - last week. r, P though my flow e f blotted, hardly to will be distributed a o the of entitled theta .., ..�_--....>°.,^•._-..—,._------- _;,,. __-.. .. _— - .. Ing performed. the unfortunate man equal to the volume of blood I wgsted and t"• Iu1lwg regard Only to the ctnims ut which notice - - " - . e ,,It 11 inve boon received • and the Isxcelltoi- will not The DOtn1h10n governme�i� Las all nevar-r•Baovered_ wnsclousnassl..,altbough. -at ._tbe and of thtst ljm(I Wtta asalgne(1 rt0 no liable for the sa'(1 nsurts, or int )ort thereof, t $ • ..r elated i41r, P. Wh 1' the combined skill of five phy$iciaq( Were the care of two uai'ds tod(i riteniel dtitiea ' cely rl by thereat he e0 t the illlilio suet n0 (ore ,ee,5 rc. �j�t� s��,I �� p olibAiin, re istrar for g r � g exerciied,to-tlaK at7fl d.i. - 1t13�1it-2•W£ a y}) l noDatl by them at the tilos c such distribution, g ° South Perth, t10 returning office); in the q�•'•1�"-- I)atr�i thio lith day of Doc„ 1880, '' a short time afterwards. �. For eighteen months I scraped hides and ItENRv sTEtI•,1. �� �° approaching cies ion. , I1 , CU(1PEIt, I Fxecutors, Clitltnn P. p, X11 An interesting argument was heard On s.uod the ri)ag}I racket of an Iitdiau title _ coIdj � t: t,xA 41 • . Mr. J. H. Kelly, Of St, Marys, for- Tuesday at Qsgoode hall, before Judge enter, Finally, one Of the chief's squaws r�v��i�a QF�L ����. rhi��lf��ig� . 1'• - merl ninllt watchman has accepted the took a groat fancy to me, and through her 1� ti 11 Tllc stlbsgribel/ has bought out the Stork of P. Robb conal"sting y o + E Galt, upon a motion to quash a' con ic- a aid I saw a chance for escape, ' of position of colportep , forT'oronto for the p i shall - -" GROCERIES CROCi.IS ERY v ; E ) tion under Llle• Lords Da Act. Joh �/yj �� �li r�t� �3)�wA 1 C Church of the Now Jerusalem. Y, lover forget the beautiful rrl(ir)Irliz;ht night '1'hC •411h,(:rlbl'r tlea!a t0 Tltlll'n ilia ufnccre LLanls to ��� `���� , � r Q P. ' ' Webb, of Petrolin, was convicted and t. 'The outfit ha(d a big celebratll)n, all`who have n 11ber liv patronized hint (taring the , (X/ • Wonderful is the effect of West's ��',nld a I fined 5 for working ou (today tri his stud r •sci}l had thea best of their brains, !':a'tuirrc yenr,, and ko inform them that he Is atm on �VhiCh, hE?ing b011g�ht at IOw 1'atCS, hr is enabled to offer at filo ver Wonder or Family Liniment. One bottle will "a " a n R P the track, ,atronago respectfully solicited. All o•clers promptly Glle(1. 1 gems to j Licca . effect more euros than four times the number capacity. as enginnrr for DIT. l'.nglehai t One of nnrda •tuns aslee the ()titer , of any other liniment, 25 and. 50c. All Ili pumping water front his oil wells.- doze .. and went over the month of t ��1� RON ,,�' y CLgI�ITON. drtllgiats. Tt w:ts contended against conviction that One and illy kill through his heart at. the His �� ��LKE1� t���I �t���i! a with a full *line of il'tA ' Wilson, , same instant, It.i,y ther guard was Simi• 9 a 11M1'. \� ilson, the stet k of ,1(ullLtlton, tho Work was one of necessity, for unless larly'treated, 1 craw out i>f Lliti aloe p 9� �g p �^ I o k �*stT *r irrieraa dr3=.cam , has beelr-laid tip with itiflarnihation of primping wear, donaa large quantity of ingeninp,through tho , te+ andthreath,& FLOUR, FEED C,i EG�TttfBLl[:S - the }tarts since the last council meeting, r, winter a(cultlttlated on the surface of the m wily clown the tong b 3 Y h trai )out n loll(+ Ufthnvr finalities, all w-ho\vlllscll .Jthe lilwcut � ^�Q - A . Ilia little son is also dangerously love Oil)a, Which Nvould require much extra an(d a half, where the fIs thful a IW Lyne rrrlumrr;ative prices to lilt who tn,y facer huh with n e p tJ . C. 11, Ills stork hn'ilniCa i'LUCIt,•0101', SIiORT8, with the same trouble. ' wort: to get rid of. After argument the waiting with ten ponies..7'I)efl came wild BRAN, OATS, ,PEAS, Iii:N ,1'Flar, ORAI'lu ( caso was referred to the' full court. ride down the Sierra Na res. I rodc o rl,011t, ('10CI I) W1111"AT. GRANULATED •Rut,• - Mr. Chadwick, one of the widest and drove, nino allond of me. 'Phil$ I wont W -At, and KPANDARD UAT,If,41, and CORNMEAL Delicate iliseases Of either Sex. however nn- 6huls lit Vegrt,lbtrv, t;AItItrT,' SA UP, till of which 1i110Wn !loll al'l10$L tCRCheI'S til the, CbllntY 1, 5 miles baClc to (',aCClii, takirlrr, d iw,,,,l1 I a =,f`t"r rnuh "r ao,ar,e gruhls. 1SR,\N, filf()lt'rS induced, speedily all radically Ot-irt:d. A(d- + ) und't' I'itb ttie inn lir cat„ and everything sold Ilan resigned the principalship of •filo pony every time one was exhausted, )'C ' dresq, In conlidrnrte, Wo•Ll's 1)ispcns:try .lfodi• at mill pr.. All nrUrles dcltvm(d trrr nC chorus - fidM,g Stratford lublic schools to bOcom� the This stor was told with an air of stiles I cat Asso.iir)tign, IlulTaln, \, Y. Y witbin'thr rluraf'toh, My motto ai;l I "O'w''I U Ir ; I 1.inspector of a life insurance�company, :.malipe[ was a costly visitor to the simplicity :f(rud.:, - �: sire licit that characterizes Colonel Sbel. lu<t n, l., and enc Pyle_." peopleof-Montreal, IL appears ti..tt the ley. Ilia tubo]© life line been nnu of ad 1TITO'>, WAT?'ON,N 'O., S1010 ' , Gr U I I. The neweat sensation of London in tin disease lima been sit work in that city from venture and daring, and every memberi)f a `�, iltln'onstrect,(lntmn, d . • Austrian giant named W)nkelmeier, m'hoao 187'3 until 13815, with but three years' the cowbnyli' convontion has his story of 5-+Qltl 6,11 stet fi.-_- l.x . N°rC - 1•tiDlt __ � height is aft. cJiv,, which is over Mt. more interruputjnn,�tvhen it was Stamped Out, wild rotuanet and rnngh filo.-5t.. .l nal A snt'r•< I"tui tlr,lirim• u:anrl 0vpr `V011l(1 �C t0 Q11110d111CC .t0 �11 b 0111 C119t0111C1'S, 11nt1 hj10 )1d�I1C than that of Chang, the Chinese giant, I3etween ]S7'' n"d ]8S1 inclusive, •1,G83 Cliche. 3nPw'nI'. ill th"u1nl)d:+ of rasas.� general1 t)]fft IltaV' C0111171CI1CCC� '�)ldSI11C � �-- _.,a_ ( ores .,;1l'Tn,nhu•t4rrr, .\ivroa'v b Yr sg ill Ilis ol(l 9ti1,11tA� „- 1Vinlcc� ler was born at Freidbur near died in.the city atone. It is not knownt? �VIt)1 fl fol n(1 �fCll fiel.G c� g' SHE, IVANTED A CO3.IFOkTF.It. nnl` ll`di rvw ��•ni..Pll'lit'abuse. `� Cto(1 Stock Of SA]"sboltrg, Upper Austria, in 1865, hid Itn.r- ex,actl,y how many died outside the city, ants being in a humble station of life, He y y nxrouFl Indi>.arrr:rnl, lir "car Marr, M. er'ran . ' .. but file mmtalit vvas htav and has been 1 _ Poll. is paeka;rvrLer,,r:tr/,.r!!u r'r•r•r rr'/rtu(t fufl)r,•d ' is the youngest of a family of five children Placed at 3,000. In,188 5 the deaths in the SVIIFN stria nF1:Fn soh A nr.ANt:F'r 1'Inev hhif, nate ynnr n,•ng:;ist roll. I ee (sei•Itt i':nl orb a (3A�'E1fER A 11113LI:. Praeerlption; lug,• 1'n •ah�lilntl,, one ) C'h,,,.; none of whetnc are of abnormal stature, City numbered 8,164, fn rho province 2,F,70; — s $1. Sly $5. h,• :,r•Ill. w' .it,. r"r v:tml,wof. package �►. T I "( Yom' nor aro ilio parents -or grandparents onus- and the total death rate in the city and ]rit,rettit t,IV,uleut t o..w 0eldtrttx .RlftHr. +PLI1�A�O�j i�I�yl� .._ ti(�tbj+ {1 t ' wally tall. His fingers can span two act• province since 1872 together may be safely An kngl}sflwoman tells of it som-cwhaf y ) -' • rr�J• IilSS r �. ] , 0 t,i .Y L . -. old in Clinton h i It. )iere, Rand 7httggrsts y avec on n piano, and the stretch of his Placed at 13)547" The sanitary engineer amusing experience which brow out of a evm'ywhrro, � f 1 1 I arms is enormous. He showed develop -who cum )fled the above statistics laces misWnderstandiog on her own part shortly --- - -- ,___ .. C&u FE IM, CHIN p - �, �� I'l..i'.(��T ANT) went of this• extraordinarygrowth a to the total �OSs incurred in suppressing the after she came to this Oountr9 a few . �q p • tire-tigw-of.fourteen but sice then he leas , • nd the loss to traffic to months ago. She kindly 'Clover C�I� al�i�����t�®• GLASSWARE3 disease in 183:1 n g y volunteered to �� - been growing rapidly, and medical author- the railways and the business of the eity serve for a night as amateur nurso fora . . •� M ities in Berlin and Pgriq have expressed at a total cost of $7,105,000. The figures sick friend. The patient was so weak - \ . the ,opinion than lie is Nicely to incrbase are startling, and point st moral without that she enuid Barely whisper a word, or I will pay the highest cash price "tor flu - " . newspaper ler comment, two to tell her wants, but the nurse was sn llnantity of choi'ae y Ali of which will be sold at prices. which will astonish you when y`oll call on tho till ho is twenty-five. P 1 zealous and attentive that the feeblest east side O'f Albert street at our farfamed China Ball. Why will you $ufTor with x Irad cold when n Dave you ever tried ltfer3r,9gor atL Partr�'s , . i•-, Carbone Cetat0 for $ores of any kind 7 itis lisp ofa want was fulfilled at once. With CLOVER & TIMOTHY rnir " few doses of fl'eet's Cough Syrup willouroyou beyond doubt tiro very best preparation IrCthh an English woman's faith in fresh air,shr �'� ��� l el s eeE� Invaluable for all throat and ]nng troubles. market for healing and curing Sores, Burns ,inolk care to Conlloi$10 try it. Small size 25a„ large n`pthodtoflaiplyingl(larbolta the Acidn]RultLpnt ,foomwaswell)ventilated,i hough ndow so lodraat ift 4 t,ottlos l'Ol). All druggists, Worthingtotl'sDrug Store for Psc.I I.p(i1r box, Could react. the patient. $till the atmos- a,tA'ta:al ST1rL1,, - . No ®�s0 aC N� HALL, . _ - CLIVTON . . - L. .. . I. . I I. . ;-.,...-.. .......... ",*,-..'....."..,:..,. _._1. .. ^ t __-11-1-.1----- , ., w �'..L'-'"L'"'''-""- *'!., . -1 -_ -1.. 11 ... r ....... I,,; ..... . , 11 � h1: I I ....._.... .. .. ........ _ Lott .