The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-04, Page 2t ,
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FtGjl?9�*, I,13. 4, 1t387. hurry llim, had lie bad the faintest hope Pelson exclaimed ill a tone of apology, fwrock on fire,' murmured Lucy in e. I a $1 Q� j,t {, N [>r1g�/R1
-•-�--- -•-- 5. that she would accept him. �vklicll _you had r> ring of an}usoment in very low voice, so that his ftieltd t3I]ould i 6onstipation
•'''� - 1t. I It reale was so droll the way you Dot. hear it ; then added, as Mr. Wey- 11 Ai71� Alice OR3!iA31ENTAL �'ItFF9, IS!1�
But hope is m but he had not lead, Ha Y
. tsvri]&. know only too wall that Olive Weylaild sang, " Oh, Hien I'll marry sally !"' land approached them, ' if it were your is a order lIt troublesome
Dso. WAY AST ACHAN PI N&, p►1Kn '
.. did not cane tar him in tl fl way be ,Plias Weyland ghed likewise. heart now, Miss Weyland.
Y 'Yes of eUutS9t was but I IOde "All ! if it were my heart, Capt. Lucy'' pressiou,}'mpairs the �;,;11t and Hearing, TBIE E,lTT1C$ ole WkiT013 ps taalckl a 6B1UCiA!>T
• wished. His favorite udage-ono which + p nestroys the Appitite, and, when long -" '
he hail made to tit all occasions-wits 1 that old sung, and ft always makes ilia she answered, gayly. I continued. causes Entar •eruent At ch(1 LARGE STOOK ON HA11O . ;"I
BY JOHN STIW.QE W LATER' feel just as if too, had a Sall ' t Yes dear (lad • we aro going to see t' - '— f
.. I Hurry uo man's cattlo, and upon it he J + + Y 7 7 g g Liver• lutianlmatfoq c[ ilea Bowels, anti Tile above orna-n1patal trace and shrubberywi11be , d
~' - acted in this instance as in most,others. She looked past hili, toward his coin- your beloved horses, certainly. Pilon. 1"otlstiplerion i. aProdily Iltatd at very low pricos, and those wanting nywing
CONTINUED. , )anion, Lind held out her hand. I As the;. tjiree-Olive, her father,, and by Ayor s 1'illa. nhie eonaeo�lQn will ears Haney Dy p(lrchtleing pqn , '[
bo"lgug as Olive showed no signs of i
' Yes+_mi Harkness toes with ole caring for at)yonA elle, be tit+s content `How are you, Capt. Lucy ? I'ul so Iiarknesss�-ruoved away in the direction For •t numb� r o' t: ,nth:: I weal Orsfera by Mail will be promptly attended'io
JAICy answered• to bide his time to livehil`fsnldier's life glad you've come to 51rs. A.rkwrights of the stables, Lucy found himself sing- troubled ,viii, (o;:;,rll.;,", in Iona'- Addras;s
r yuonce of wi,;rh 1 :,J,%,'rr,l 1'ruul toss of '
» I u.ay us sell Lull you here that Ctlet to o on his placid good-natured wa , ! in time for my birthday patty. and fog unconsciouFly, u.� 1„ .allowed then', k petit(', I),•F +sl.., i•,'•! a disorderc,t
g 1 , g y pl / t 9�NN STEWAItT Denlnillsc� r-
Lucy, of the Scailet Lancers, had hilt and tell his story of how he lie-vah want- this, of tours(', is CsIrt, Hat-kness? i-n a very soft voice, a line or two-.Ut I ver. bin eyo, r i,Il in '. ! • l tae, 1 waw t
' • null ;l to \. ,•at• L. - .I'.v o%vr thein,
ono near relative in the worhi-that ed to marry but one lad ill all his life, holding het hand out to his in tutu. Olives song: !Eat buses. ttlki Ili, ,:• ,,' bear ux-
' was his .sister, Mrs. Arkwright. The y ` Y(:s.' Then as the hand was taken RuL when Inv seven los ears are out, ire �33s�+L1r�,�C.�■
,. : e and how silo hod thrown him over fut ' t= Y tri to the 1!„!.r. 1 + :,:, s a:;sct,
he went on ,laui,il ° In time fur your Oh, ttieti I'll martyry Sally ; 1
name Of ArkOrigbt, couuec•ed with that an ale shantiue \\hose name wns I 1 Y illZt: `1�9 A 1Finde of }uoperEy insured at }owost tariSrlstea.
of i e lanil-We land & Atkwti ht-- —el- tFlibh, t1 parson, Wreverend Solomon l'urty, bliss Weyland l Why, I-er-; And, oh, how happily well livt3 r First-olaaAeonlpaniw, T,
Y Y g g r But not in our alley. .rte- k •.,• •':, 11•:t: c ml _ _
1. was one of the best known in and round came on 1111 1080 fur it, �l ,wetty
Fllgg i how lie Ilttd spat htlr t,1nC0 t13 the 1 ! 1 7 I Olive heard hint and lookntl basic. ; , ll ^' 0 ,l .1 !til u.t,.I++''r� `'`}_ ti,,.,i!I r, I �Y WINNIPEG II AN. W. T. , CO. LING BOATS TO
bother we had to ret lent•(' tO—llUdLI t ( N E ALL LAKE POINIS, .1�
[lbOnt t]]0 d1St1.1Ct of tVlI1Ch Pat'IISt,I?t'y hlu0nthl_ lllother• of eleven little Fiiugs, to ' , You dotl't sing it with much eS- :,••, , • .•.,, . ,. ., ill ; , .. ,• by all rail lines over the GKAND 'TRUNK and CA ,a�
WQS Ile C('ntl'C. Well it nFlbct}t-1)(3-1{, -11
all Oonies ill williatuve of their estimal.le w07 lial'knOSS?' pressiou,' she Said turning t0 walk b^- 1)A PACIFIC to any point or thet.lina, LYinriiiptg�, ,
'-f01' it A•flS t0 be SP,0i1 U\'el' '\Vllel a fUl' 011 tin awful Uotuer !' Sald. llarkilesfi I 1 ,sty,% r I Ii.•t•• �,a: ir•:1, Ira. r �••�•,, Brandon, &a,"Dakota• Kansas, or any point reaofled
J •papa; lie was content to live and slot p sidehitn. ,,',lt:;tlti), IIIT » :IId; ;ti• :. by roil, local or foreign.
miles and miles around-on cults anal ,end s� ,aik so as to throw dust in the stroking his mustache, and looking very I I would sing it with expwression !. ►'i e :\„•, : r;,l..,;.. I --T. j
trolleysflncl railway waggonswllike; on (Ay f nearly all Who and modestly at lovelyOliv% trough,' he answdered,' (if I thought II'l;ka, t,'1,..',',"...•' ;;I,f,`'I;,,,;;;t!,,.;`,;� C""teandeaemebetoreyo7abuytteketsaaywliere.'
thousands and thousands of bales Af cot- Ra perhaps he neither meant nor ex I-er-said my sister had got twins, theses was the vewry faintest chance of i,kitJt, 1,,i., r,• u•• : u.rrta ..:. .,I I L - .
ton and calico; on houses and trills; I petted thv most effectual! blinded \vas Lucy continued. So she has, you Sall''s even looking at me.' "'n 1''"` t"'r ""'' ""11l"`t" ' r " r
1 Y 3 e lam-0 „f t' i •,1 '.,.4 (•I:t;. I I . ,r JA4,4 111011PSO Clintou.
might also tstiy, -on Ines and warren.- - Olive Uerself. know ; and I didn't think it necessary „ . Poor . thing V remarked Olive, but troutiv-.4 tU ; ,wi • •r] •. 'u•a •I:: lin”
Of the :two seuioi• partners of ,tile CHAPTER 11. to say it was thwree years a o.' without any pity in her tones ; for she }'ro. o,i Irl• ;,, iw.&:tt,, - `a . tti, t !„r,
{'Irm, hZurray Weyland was a tuall under' I N'lIAT 31IALL I 111t'1•; You?, ' But, if you 'are fyund oily ?' Olive was accustomed to Lucy's extravagant .lt}'lI"r•': :':., -
. 50 years old, and JamoM-or, as he wits cried, laughing, love making, rind never guessed at the I a"lTI'''rtt ,,M'ol't Com • ' I( tha h
invariably c led Jim-Ark'wri rht was It- was Olive Weylaud's twenty-first I Oil if I am found outV shrug ing g' g as,nn(rIt ,aI .I nn on:•issn., ripe ,: that 4 �`1 j��
y ;1 b , og o depths of earnest reality which lay be- f,•ared tt %kmlid rant:•.• 11 oop1•:t;I' of tilt' ThosStevenson •i1
quite fifteen years5ounger. birthday-Iter coming of age. ._ his shoulders, as if that was a very re- hind it. ISo it bas a Sally, and its bowels. 'I'ec,;,°xt';''f:,,,,;rid j,'ll'"'ure,l
It cannot be said that either of there -It had been the invariable custom of mote contingent about which he need r nae' cotnl"` ,t•, ' -`')' lir " ' Saco, Dom(
her parents to give a summer dance ' y' Sally is not,kind,to it? Poor thing, And /� f s i y r
was •a npullufucturec of the couveut•iona I o not particularly trouble himself. it looks so rejected and iso unhappy over Ay e s� f" . tl g - T lI E -
story boob type. Mutray Weyland had upon that day, a dance following.a gar- I Well, you did get it, and that's the it 2, ' Prepared by Dr. ',T r..ty"r & cc , ' •.t•• 111, Masa. . -
beetl educated' at Eton ; Arkwright at den party; but now that she had corn- great thing,' said Olive, smiling. ' So Luc y lou ed strai ht in front of him gold by all Dr::^ 'e,a a,,a t,oalc,a ,., .:: a, ; �. 1
. Harrow. They hunted, and sliot and plated her twenty-first year, 11Ir, \fey- now come and see the marques. I was and said not.a: word for a minute orstwo. LCal�ltl Undertaker,
fished ; had grouse moors in Scotland ; land would fain have had an entertain, on my way to see how the men are get. It-fell rather hard upon him that she ' •
and must summers ono or other of the ment of a grander sort, and of a snore' ting on with it.' It is where we dance sbould be s( ignorant of. the truth ; for ROBERT DOWN
cent off to Norway for salmon fishing; (elaborate kind, blit Olive would have this evening,' she added, by way of ex_ during all these years, whenever he CLINTON, ' 1 I T� I '
each had n beautiful-. place in the neigh-' nine of it, , planation to IHarkness. could sera )o a few days' leave to ether
boyhood a B autifur and combined the `No, dear dlatlt' she urged, (let ' 1 Y R + Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Naw m"I
y Harkness made her a grave little bow, he had almost invariably spent it with nog In use, Agent for the sale and application of Anticlaptio Embalming Fluid kept
life of 'a cou•ntty gentleman with that have everything as u.•ual. My birthday followed by n polite little speech ex- arra. Arkwii ht who was his one near ST M Fists FITTINGS Paras, Aorausrto Borrie t nslisa,
)art has. s-•beou enjoyed ed I) ever Jr I STEAM FITTINGS furnished End applied on short On hand.
of a mancf business. party t'y' 1 Y Y Y pressive of 'ay at the good fortune lie notice.
1 J g relative. Her house `naturally stood
Well, to go back R little, Murray one, so why make any change ?' had to be one of those who were so lucky to him. in the light of a home; and
Weyland, before he was thirty years old,° Of cour:se•,Olive kad her way, and in- as to have the chance of dancing in the Boners, 'Engines. and nit hinds of Ilia r
71 1.vitations were soot out for the usual he`1iardl•v ever accepted any other in-vi- ..ehinery repaired•.ns17 and
had married the daughter of an Irish big marquee that evening. • tations, oxcept it was to Ferrieis' Court, in a satisfactory ■manner. My Funeral Director, J. C. Steven-
gentleman with just '►bout las much edl• thing-a garden thirty, followed by a I .But you are really to dance' she - son, has attended the School of Ein•
P Y p inhere'he always Spent some.porticn of Farm im lementsmanufaggturedandrepaired. Stearn' balunin in Toronto to make himself .11
gree as the Weylands had money, and marquee dance and la regular ball sup- said ; yon are not to get into a corner his los leave. and Water Pipes furnishe`d"MRI-put in position. Dry ie '
, about a tenth of as much money as the I Y and took as if you were simply dying fox g Kilns chargeesrdoderate, proficient in the art of embalming.
per. and when thn da came- it rest , '
bright and clear, as )t 1 es00met17 a fan' _ Innportant CONTINUED. -
FVeylanda had pedigree ; a hal,dsonle g p ' - a cigar., To BE C
August die to do. Olive awoke upon ( e �•—�----
s�nd vivacious woman, with regular fee g Y 1 I never stnOl:e cigars, he replied, ���T v
t res and that Uhte black hair, just the a w'or'ld which seemed. to have rio draw, gravely. , News 'item. S. 11S
t9res, COOKSTOwN.-Dire. t)ampbell had been trktibt i�, 9 REMEMBER THE PLACE,
shade of a raven's wing; which often backs, no failures, no disappointments ; Lucy lataghed out aloud. I I Should ed for a number of years with Indigestion and
goes . with those gray, eyes which look it seemed to her like as bed of rose-leaves, think not • the ver foulest bwriar-wood Constipation, and was induced to try Dlcorek- GENERAL HEALER Iii .TIOWARE,. F 0-- OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL.
Y or'a spoedy cure and found it all that was tired-
like black -ones, because ]),'line Nature aulong which there' wore, no crumpled you ever RAW iri all your life,' 110 in 'ed This invaluable, remedy is sold 1u eivoly HURON STREET, CLZNTUN. T �+
has glut them i'p with a dirt finger. petals. . formed Olive. I I assure you it sets 'tart Of Canada titug and $1 per bottle. Said at I
y g Y A orthlugtoa's.Drurt Store. Repairng of all kinds promptly attended to at reason
.rhe result of this marriage was ,un_ In the breakfast room a table was evewry one in the barwracles coughing able rates. Atrial soaritea.
broken happiness, and one child,a daugh , twaitiul_* her piled 'up stimost to over- its soon as ever 1]e bwrings it out. Have �1
"'-duwirW* with birthday offerings--• loves LL �IIN 00 To LOAN at 6
ter, who was ca)lert Olive. Anil Olive h Y C >° you got it in your pocJ:et, Harkness ?', V'rof to0ional , itllti othtr (EAV40.
Weyland was not oily the richest .girl and bouquets, pe As and diamonds, gold I I don't Lake it to make ,calls -upon slopO Ur �UIlI.
about I;,:rnsbury, but the most popular land silver. I had alrnost'said frunkin' Ladies,' Harkness , answered, I Now, F{ddl1VT�T]C1� G & ISCOTT -
+• and ley fsal( the prettiest. . • .• cense and myrrh ; nor. should I have Lucy, on the contrary, 11'liss 'Neyland, (� -1 � ^ 2 0 ^
I�rur ws hers corncnon every-daybeen very fair out of 'it; for there were is so devoted' attached to his cls that f�
p Y Y LD`C�)L')L'1SPiT(S;.' ��I��1tUTS, Why a others 7$ J and- 1.0-. er cell".
:R � y;'°fir .sdl K is a,�iTJ -lvith an air perfuipes. in bottles and flacony of every 'he goes so far as to tel{e i•t to church l pay p '"
(r ' `• ) : nn/rht re onabiy calor and size and form ; and the ail- with him.' ` UO, c. livop 0� Lollchtq,
Cwhey you can get money from us at G distul,utsht cl as of c o els . ' 9, First-class loans 64 per cent. Large loans11
i °expect to meet ou .i fair da 's march. It I'eKi•aau�f-tli"110le was tu01A like an riot reale !' she seaid smiling u at Commt�l ionersfor Ontario andManidoba.
P 5 Par cent.
"'`� Marl beell s.tid of hor that -the traditional array. o£ ,bridal gifts than of- birthday ,Lucy who Ue an to lane h iu , ehahne .OFFICE NI xT Dolt NE ERA, CLINTON Parties. oin to the old country this" summer should TERMS made to suit borrower, re ardln
_. - -tip0o, w+0, which &hel had -1?Aon • born- presents. .. __ -... - . - • -. faced way, and reddenedA. little under � tor]�t � I t accommo ens ~ e n rind o4 h loan. . take this popular at line. The bads are the .nost coin- payment and pii • U
lied .lit:t:11, 11,)t Of S11VeC, l/tlt Of j0'w'e.1S and 'A glorious day! Olive,' I'Mr-Wey” the giro. of the black-fringed gray eyes. MONEY Piot LOAN. MORTGAGES BUL•GIIT, Plu p Arlan ic, and dation urpn. . ,
g tvAra FUNDS. C. RlDOUT, OtRce h - '
-_----lil- uenaiuly`-,hv- -Bird Ax--ktek3 tt1 .•land,_whell-aheJ,3.itl lae.__f>gCt•a;i(1-Uloom- __-`A•nd--a weal:- or two ap' Hartness. «---.---over-4t lack.ioii!.;Atoror-AUter_t..screet _ ---- _.___._ ___ __. .
b ; " _ ._._ E7A�iav iw,FtaFs-�'ute7f—g{)Av -_ ~.....-.. _ .. 9 to
that "lle hurl inllevitod the: best poillts of itig cheek for an instant against; his, by went An rnthlessl}•, ` ho created rite a t t1'In,�l• Fx( IItts3luN RACEN,
�_�,.�� tl ARRiAGE I,TUENSE$.--APPLY TO THE A pl(+r &T
1 ry�"u��'•�
I father's and mother's p(']sous. 'Ill's, t\'}`Y tlf Morning greeting. SCt13a`TCiA[7 in •Idlominster Cathedral, ixnd N.1 aQdersigned at the Library Itooms Smith's lt1'RlLritAGiF; A'A•la1A(# A'C rA t LW 1. la
Rloalc, 36 JAMES IJCUTT. _ 1i0'P:TI)RI FIf L itis�� ���� 1Jti'
Tt711Aylnnd teas A sti+nll, 'traight-featill-Od, . , Lovely, isn't it, dear dad . I resal'ly set all rho grandees of that distinguislidd ' I - . ---
'Sptai'1{11t1a bCli]7ett(', f1111.0I ill's and 6111 think I . m ono of-tho' luckiest girls in city. agog. It was such, a joke. We. �.TONEY TJ LEND IN LARGE OR SMALL Call and got all particulars of BANKERS,
:1ud tivatitc, \1'oylntul uu the, cc's- the world.. 11[other, darling. that is bad .'stem+ an good Hortsago security, moaormto A. On. �q�-■��e�Ojtd1 CLINTON,'r
had hall art Awful old swill of a general ate of interest. H. LiALLr, ul,nton. 1 r 1 )
trury, tuns big noel °f it and
slow, with 1'r(im vAn,' hotdi/lo �ttt a bangle set with to morniugservicO in the gain icon claurch AGENT G, T..It. i
what had hien a brilliantly fair curt= rubiO;. ` Nobody else knew I was wish- and eonse uentl to lunch at our mess r H. DOW3LtiY,.&LD., M.R.C. B. ENGLAND -_-- ------
Ing for Mich a one.' q y• Physician, Sur,loon, etc. Office and residence Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1835.
Flexion,. though ilbw i,t wss raldcncd a afterwards; and as this old gentleman next Dlotsou'allauec,viarketaguare,Clint au. _ 1E
ple tanned by much ck0t,surO to sun r,.T.s it exactly what you• wanted ?^ her, sat and prosed and prosdd till half-past q n. . TON.=•�Fr'IGE-OFFICEIrl gtuEi:"CE (\) C�j RRON CAPITAL; _ $2,OOa;(108v-
tuothet: asked. I ryas more than b9lf - w all We could 110 to �uuuutssinstraet,Clfntuo,apNusltethoEugl6b ��•1��1J �AJ1o.lU 'MONTREAL �
stud Wind and ,ill Mor t.s pi foul woltiber , three o'cleck, it as HEAD OFFICL 1VION CTi EAl.
and, As large, slow•-speaking nlen, b(tA., t('mpted to send for a few that you might get out of uniforol and into morning unr,n. r utrance by side gulls. y -^R- ^� p
v 1 arra.' «'e hind lead a firili'true, choose it yourself, only it seemed mare clothes and drive dOwn•t0 t10.CAt114'dral T1TOb1A9 WORT{iIAl11.... a...President, .
�, y B. PROODFOOT, U�IVIL. ENGINEER, - J. 11. R. MOLSUV ...Vice-Pros.
kla e, 1 h ha<T i]evor ',urthA6x "to let it 61ile in the light of a iii tuna "for afternoon setwioe at -four•, Ho Provincial and Dtimillion Land Surveyor, . After the severest tvat at the lafe fair in F. WOLFE1tSTAN THOSIAS, General Manager ,
Steady tender licart, whir Architect and Urau(;Ltsluan,Pimu1N BLOCK, Clinton ft was universally adwitted .that ^ . —
clone a wrong to :any mail or woman surprise.. Of ',course Litcy couldn't, do-�'-do-I cautou., FOR PERFECT A1ll EASY, AUTIU\ BaeUTY llotes,discounted, 'Collections made,. Draf I
since the dily it first began to Leat. `Oil, much mut°n i it is lovely !' Olive ' moat]'• couldri t. live without a pipe, ia3Netl Sterling and American.'ex,4twppe , '.
answerod as SI10 CIaS )Cd t170 Uea.gtiftll R. RF.EV'E,-OFFICE IIATTENBURY ST- Air FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OF 'DANE, the ' bought unci bold at lowest
Oiive,had got the father's true, stead- p . 1 7 squeezed in, somehow or other. So he D Marray. Bloak, t\vo doors east of, Hedge as' en- EXCELSIOR was away ahead of all 6th- '�
(list, nature, comnined with Oc6Rsional ornament aeon her arm. What is' Clint? . smoked one ilr .the cab, and -as we reach- trance. Ros)tenae, opposite the Teraperauee Halt, er8 and destined till b0 the 1°'ular instru-' curintesxat tit d pdrrent oent allotwad on deposits.
HuronBtxeoE01[titan:Otrlcelicars,8a.m;EoBp.m. r 1 1
flashela of the mother's wit; she 'h+tel got -Edith 11•rkwright ?' taking a letter ed ou.r tlestfnation before it' was half Hent of the day. This, elope w ith the fact
1.rho father's large stature the mother's from rho pile beside htr plate tis she finished be 'est sl}ovod it into his ocl{- JAMES HOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER that a special prize I wasawarded it, certain ;tt• niRMt�>�t .
gr ' ,3 )Oke, ` Oh that i3 rii.CO ! `f1CeCil ha3 ' I P J[or the Countyof Huron. Salesatteudcd dnywhare. ; ! s eaks volumes for the'instni inenta and Monef advanced ti4larmobe on their, own-notes notes )t'ith
grace, the father's yellow hair and fsir i r, , ' < « et anti went innocently in, as if he Ila , in the taunt ;ac rorsanablo rate's:. • ILesldence,Al�ari g- .p , ' tie or more endorsers. No mort�ago required ae
come she read aloud brio tog Street, elinins. parties see nee the Lec�a• .;unity, .,
• }less of skin, with the mother's regular p b' n novel- donQ. anything half so wicked as stole before buying. elsewhere. H. o: BRAE Man,rr
• features and gray Irish eyes. She had Capt. T3arkness, of his regiment ; so, I smoke a pipe in all his life. But by slid �• STANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE MED- January 189 Winton
also got the benefit of the duty finger, shall blinb rtlttltl to you 'to to-moi af- 'bv_Z w;as sitting in the row of stfll)s erly of�tihel"�epicalalaad7lliepensariee NawtYo;k C. F. O�KE"7, fei'PRUPRIET(t11 .R• ,
and the effect of :ho w'aolo was to give ternoori. That could not be better. immediately belga him=-I heard afear- CoronorfoY�heOoantyof Hnron,Baylield,Unt. IaCtOry thre9 (lours west Af 1YinitAy's Pump T
hn..k19 P-' Nrq'lfl '!tl'S• lou 1 a young Wo. Met, always improve everything. " iJ • T D (� U B �i
X44 ely Ly ry fol SCllflle behind• 1110, find a SmOthP.PCCl RS WIIITT,'- TEACURR OF .14USl(1. •REST- Shop, Itattenbury St., Clinton. ,
�.�- -- Iva ?t-v .
man as Cullet author Ol reader CoialU1' �•"" 7 `'ice Tpf % htj�h' �111id 'wheelOk941• iAltdtd t11S, E�>; I[. Road's earner of Huron and - - - - --_ -- -
I;nC ilw i M mflkeiS tlings U Uff weli: - ' ' Ornngestroets. Aga ' l'nWtty"Mttrim'fe -• �' i 1 Acu ��' �
iwiz b for the heroine of a Story, of to be Y=- a.. '' Y' u' �' wns poor Ltwy, with a face
as red a9 a Association. sec., H, Q. Collins, 21 Carleton St., To- To -
the dariling of any uian's hr�art. he's such fun,' . ' . turkey cock Ar his full drhss tunic, try- rentor Pros., Dr. C. A. Sippl, London, � I - XcWELLER, &e., • -
afio':'Delret"'ehrhd''tlla'tr Ea}ivo hart coma She waf not able to linger long over ing vainly to get atlhis coat) ail,,and his �,¢
to mgktl m.isic in the prtltty Old hotae,� .!h!!bra kfast table, or to examine tllo coat tails.WerO smoking and srnlidgin �A Not I[ It. PO eco ' Onto IScARRiia RL.ocaielta'- - A��:. ennet t nit■.at�tl'ssri �'�lE +>tAtefl,tte'r.,ci,alvarav
where the jVey lands lived; yet, thoilhTi't many offerings- which the day had like a fire at It picnic !' onrthyTosie�, lie kin ;t tTrcciman �aPrtrateatnuds. sta ' " lvhete he 'cepa a select aseortmetit of - .
there was no boy Wevland to take his brought her. There weie, she declared, Olive's face had been rowing more can at low6t,rates,ofinterest.1.
a hundred and fifty thione to do aiul to g i -z'lrn: T,EA1t7Nr,- i'JATCHES, CLOCKS, ,1EW/PLLER'Y," S/L✓ER•
place in tete firm, Murray Weyland did r, and more i..nterested with each weird
not mA'k� a trouble of the fact. There scO aftes;_zo prosently she..went,.away, that fell-from Iiarl{ness' lips' and her W-. WlLLIAMS,D.B.,Dt.T3.,ORADt1aT OV \Vhichwowi dee atreaeonabl6etate.
��.Toronto University; 7netnber oftbeCollrgeofPh
rv0l'U Ct1UUgi) of tho y0117g E111{Wl'1glltS^ singing in a right ringing voice a ee. is eyes oli'oned Its wide' 1s ail aston- plataneandSargeona,Ont, orrrcEJt LtYemtNcstbF rNOLL
Y i Y Y Y' Clinton.rigcrlyuaaupied by Dr RaoveyAlbezt street• �� ATO. pof sen old hsLllnd wbicll Ilitd been haunt- over at Barnardwistle to carr on hAlf fished uhild's. attatoRe attingo,a and
awry description promptly
a dozen firms, bo was in tho habit of inn, her persistently for weeks past : 'Ali(] how did yon put it otit l', she p� ---r__._.-'-__ Feuded co, and an work warranted.
saying, and 1L WriS ,t1't1C. Tlnl Ark- It. 7VARTHINOTOh, PIIY3lulAN, SURGEON J. RIDDLECOStBE.
y g, Of all the girls that are so smart, demanded., ",kcQbucbenr,Lioentiateof the CouegrofPhysician, u,intoa,Nov. 188`9.
Nlright had married when vert young, :.There's none like pretty, Sally,. Ifarknesis laughed more than ever. and 3nrKoonAof LoworCanada and.ProviarislictandLicen- _ ___ -- - ---- -- -
,tCld the) Old p1aC0 Whel'U 1)lS f+athcl- al)t) She the darlin(; of my 1'1P,art, t Oh, Oale Uf OnI' At11C01'A happened to.
t[ntenndQm•onm•fnrthcCount)efiIhron, Ufilcrmt,l 't 1i ' �,, � (a �j
Anil Ifvea in one alit residenco,-'1'he bu[ldintt'lnrmcrlynr• )IC. i lNt��®9 coo �lJ'J61�. �'t17�r�
n his gian(lfathNr'had lived bcforO him y be next to him and promptly crut;hed Tilwanes,Rnron otroet. I -�I.
Mere is no tally in the land • • ? Clinton,Jan.l0.197i. EMb
. .
, .• resounded with the nolso of six little That's half st' sweet as Sally ; `(1 the smoking tails into bettev bel)aviear.--------- ALNI �� lg;;(; SN ii• C1��NTI•;� NISI.-1$$G.
�_. )airs of feel., iiix healthy, hs+ p p r voices She is-the darlinr of m licart • I An awful daiId h, I is too--- uito the 7T,TNTo-T MECHANICS- TNTITUTr, T,iBn-
1 1 1 J Y Y tt ' q !! resit or 'kiln '
[ ' And lives in our all( r. g V,vev and RcAduig ltoon,s, Perrin block, a6wn .
shouted Dail, dad, clad, when het re- y sbowlnan of them IYyritllent, Alld hC wag statrs. About, 1,700 vn Innen ill the Llhrar,y and r•
t!Irrerl.from hisufliebc, or, in it well ho Right tenderly '(lid the fr(sll otlila going ttlaaftorsarvicc• Islssuro nut.hnLhsw}In�Nl,tr;spa4!tarnan,tt�rriodtcafs(ir I:t �.�il9Kaa�i. GORE
O{�,•glI4sT�OiC INS. CO I
M Y �' g 1 be Any on tho table , etnberahip tfclulG Irl per E7 DISTRICT If2 i.r f�. ii
spai,terml pink coat, from” liis I.lysian voice iiul;Ar over th(I quaint �eyciltecnth_ yoth. his faro of concentrated disgust-- annum. open nota 2 ttt 6 p.m., and from 7 to=n-�•�"'".
. field .If i(dight-flat. is (1-0111 hnutiu r; cantor word,+ laid right Yht ,brave' dill when tho excitemOnt of the nlonlent had a p Ila. Appueutious for. nrrnuterallsp )eMvctt ` -_ - of IJIUYl .t.1,1 Ilnnduatea nosh oh C,asl, anti n[utuul Finns.
. ll ), . i o r 3+ ,y ' :' Y b taut idbrurian lit til the roun+• - The B EMT ` 7 � �+ '
�.._-_ _- Aird thllse six Ween all bods, and tw•o of the 'hoot til•• that ailu:tt verse, which pnssod ovt.r :11111 he realized the filet - -- y, , v Ulm Jts, Cot Nrr. Dr. P. I' , .. .---Pre,tlrinnt.
thcri lend had tlsO all fltlCltV to cumO esu fella to any �syurpathetic car Stich a Ihnt. th^ Spic-eine •Roan y011Aw h1oves -- - —_ - -- iLUII)a Lsed in f,\lltAl;'t(I \t.; luA)r NaRrlopR, 7.•;r'q: t1<'o-Pr,'"I'tr,1tt
AM 10 Sill y. q�l',g Ill .%F •t R, S. STRON0, EA I-, - Managing Dirce.taTr
pair:. whole, big, wide world of tenderness Whirl• liars C,•irvv(!d his hands when ho We Olin Instar a frty 141 I lnmi4 froln P.11cATl; I A Lai A assortrttrlit of ereT t tanlr T Y� � �s Qui =a -
.Awl ns tbevo were euon-fi of the noel lobs sled patient' endillance: loft the iru•r,aOks.wOlo for• the must part) ieumm ht low rats nod' romiorate exlienee. g Y n , ;,
yAann :\tttWrights soul toss, i'e 1111'1111.1p +IIh blavk (•rou.,Ji for a fnnersal----wsas vcr • Terniv nt.ta•' to snit borrowers. in the Undertaking Liao. i'trong upon f o 1. r f Il: C1I t h;AI� til ash
n o 1 ' 1 i�f V n\aetHl' and the nei'irhhnrs till _ 3 - _t atrunlnr and msec .prnsp�n,un than Its any -
WeylAnd was well content with __ 81a1(c Rome of ino and Sally, I f!no.' I ,�I,lNNINfi :1. aiCl➢'PT, --. Ill -..--n-' t previous period, bouton t 'L18,89ti of Aaaats
;ire. 5ometirnes hA declared in just he f\url, but for her, 1'Il rather be I Oh, but, i gave. hind mint•, and-"-e ��d�,� H��� �,A��OR- t rl of and pratiaally NO LI \BiLt'1'X eltce a 'a lIb
rl slave, and row a galls y, _ Red Rocker Stoic, ' Clint0 1, hipuranee Renorve;tf �;i0,000. 'Cheers are $Z9,
)lad gout III. for ( i alit father than for mi n0 Wet•A IWw - tut its Imc • with"stn i . . — t 000 &,posited witli tine Outarin Godcrnmelit
a 1 Y' Bot when my seven Iol.i; yearn err I tit, 1 S' •.
quantity, and there were many who ph, then 111 marry ;;ally t nit Of nrpAstub(liaq• SIIaVIN<.. tTAT(t 6iJ'.TJ.»f3 AND SFTAI+S• I I;rSInP+.NC c', OItiAN(IE S'L'., and over �,91,Q(10 head in DfortKages, 'Dor n
agree with him ; among .thtlli notably And then huts happily we'll lite, ' Oh, then it's really tree 1' Olive Cried, 1100INO Clone vary i'i•ttt' ilio attic' NEAR MEVIODIST 011URC If
ovary person. ! ares, and ,Cash,000 h 'll in lnrtq available ref i
was El A rkwrigUt't1 brother, Cecil But not in our alley. _. in Situpciso. 1M ea
. t
meet sa
Ta4C of tl.?U .�CallCt 1�N11Cer5 whA-in :LS sllE! orOsged th0.ld6wnT )'test bolus , . I'l'i'nci - aC. {yS)sl)Cl�' aIIslvEred Hark ..'�0F,9�.SAUQ UAL SON. i1lNttlh's Atl[iCT: I n �LZ '�: V� n'1tlLual l'Oliay^holrlera its ttl]o "(iOro" ea�O
Luer, ,-.-__._—�_._.Y _._ 201S3P�strt, with nrtdmThttd security. '
_ spite of his affectation and his drawl - _»
;: - . , . ' fila terrace which lion in front of the ,nirss, solemnly; `slid if_lio Kuri happened J. ,�,� ,�$L�rs, I•'ur fall patt}onit+waprlyto fi(lAnOrtrtcngnr,T•
ISO nit• of wise imbecility, and hips thread- drawing room winylows (saven of them), to sit in my plsaco instead 'of where he or to d1111N Itil►OIIt•, Agent, Clinton
hare story :.bout his first Ione, who was toward the lar a marc lee in which thF did there is no Ila ing whAt alight hnvA 4r1rt(;i06\i t)G,NTiNT, i _ _ _ _ _ ,r
g P Y , Y Ilrlld the exetusive right for the county tar rho trued PLANI G MILL
'called, Naomi, and had jilted him, and were to (1Rnce in tho evening, and to been the consequences. For F' sat be process of nd ,inistering chemically puro Nitrogen { , 11
.his oft-re plated declaration that he which several worinnon were 'busil on- tween two of the clerg then • and i; covers dfo which falhasafefd extraction
and hof evsh. votdls-1 ® LL FD041
j Y Y ; cnverc[1 for ilio painlraa estrnctinn tit teeth. t`;hnrgos I —AND1
nnU;ll]S tU marry Ii00tiCS' llttl0 (fall htAr, ,i ed in patting the finishin touches, lit1C 'S pockets had bur,A into flames I mn+icrate, AatlAhultlon (reran Wed. Urrtett F:L, ;
Y g f� % 1 n g + Y P [,10CT'S BLOCK over.ranoo's Pdlor 81 fine- ,, t $ PER CWT.
Miss h'Iignon possessed one shot in his her voice rang ort as tritemphanlly as there, and had w,t tho surplices on fire, Stront, Clinton. ' L A'1` .11. 1 E ;
�:e;tvt which was moth more soft and if she sero inrleO<1 thA beloved of the why, that, wrtnld h eve Itectl a flare-np- f ---_ __•>•,� --••---.•- =--_ ---. ._
r�l,-,asuesamio nn HAViNG JUSTCOMPLETEI)• g�ly'�� l�r rtn9p ,lDl, t���`7111
tell ('.I• Llan any •of the fellows .in-tbo .celebratod Sally, who lived tip an alley, - no inistake nbont it,' - � „'a , I and furnished his new Plnnln sill aith inncMn- l D . C O k
1 '9'� 'TT T 11 S T e I or of the latest improved patterns, IA now pr'•pared 14 {
r•e,iTnerit., Or, for tho til:It!er of that, stnd kept her 'prolttico ,JAvo ns true to ' Taki) e-irn you !t^ave it bchinll to• � • COATS i7T.00t Y 1 t
toattonritn art nrdersin his Itno In the n,nvE Irnm It ;1T t3L)'']'a, ''1711 G1'J9"•, , I
E'•lith, Arkwright herself g'ir'o hint (•I•e• hor as the ntlo,flo to thb pale ; indeed day," Olivo Rteirl, will a lAtl,g,h, to JAWV; I „y,.,,,rrcc•u7uaa5entaart]'cm7rxaisaltalwilw.xlrs:oxRt�rA ' an<lvntlsPnator,9 utannur, and at renAonahle rnt,a. lir11
l Y _ ! wnnld also return thanks to all who pttroniUad the
dtt for---it spot of which 011ivw.�'eyl,ind with Rnch norvn.. nnsl dramatic intensitq ' fAl' I Am rgAln ; to tVt(lr 1l muslin frock, i «.,. ' "A��'1ir,.���t �"rp���t^y; i oldflrm heforothey sure hurnod ,nit,xnd now b+:I11, DelItere(1 nnT ichr.f( in intro free of v?lalg
\yaR`gilP,oll. ' Ts tVQS T1s ILA\V tllAr;. Any I (ilii Sh4 kith, th lt, Une? of her IS i'\.ai•01's i and if you llapphll('tl to Bot that On (1,1'e I ,,, .p'..i,��i�.t...' e+i..�+.# •.'� in a better poiatnn to exeonEo ett"lloroaro aliditinuAlt•, - -_ i
fools confident ho can trey snttatarttnn to till.
t.imn dilring the lust ftvo yeller.---that is, 1 I)mv out laughing, and made her start' ort in thn open air. T should not have . r„aur+its reonttn,r�nrrLeise(rrEna+atisiowsno FAC?'OItY -,Nene N+e. f7rmnel '1'rsritl' hail-
'• from her slxteenth birthday---he would I visibly. a I
the ghost Of A rh,10W.O,' tucty, Clinton. l�'lIDS"�. a'�4,�I�iN 11il�Ydr.i"ON6 i
have taken tho pJUJIgO stud inked her to I Ple:est: fargil$c n)U for laughing,' this ' I'll take caro never to set your 1 CLINTON. THOMAR Sic10V471 l , �
o .
ti • . #
: . ”. .. .....