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FRIDAY, JAN. 28, 1887.
H rows, Trunks and Valises eery cheap
Spring stock of Boots and Shoes very cheap
Z1owf Fopt.ro.
Committee rooms, Searle's block,are open
every evening of the week, and Liberals,
either from the country or town, are asked
to call in at any time.
1 a number of years there has been no re-
presentative from Clinton on the County
Board of Examiners.; but through the ef-
forts of Messrs McMurchie and Manning;
ve the following particulars of interest :
a e i ine'a Day-'eome+a-on—Moeda s
ent'begins on the 23rd of February apd
ends on the 10th of April; All Fool's day
comes on Friday ; Palm Sunday on April
3rd ; Good Friday, on April 8th ; Queen's
birthday on Tuesday ; Dominion Day on
Friday, and Christmas on Sunday.
THE THAw.—The January thaw was
genuine enough this year, the rain exper-
ienced last Friday and Saturday, setting
at risk any doubts upon this score. Quite
a number of people in town have, as.a-
consequence, from one to twelve inches
of water in their cellar,imperfect drainage
being the cause of this. The sleighing is
still good, but roads are in poor order.
SKATING CARNIVAL..—The first carni-
val of the season was held on the rink, on
,Wednesday night last. and was fairly well
attended. The Doherty Band enlivened
the proceedings by good music. Among
this has been changed, and at this p bi.:. .:.arra in costume were the following :--
sitting of the council Mr. Turnbull bas
been placed on the Board, in the place of
Mr. Harstone, of Seaforth.
people cannot complain for the want of
excitement this year. A few- weeks ago
vie had the Provincial election; then
came the municipal elections; then school
trustee election; then a councillor steps
out which will necessitate a new'elec-.
tion; the whole to wind up 'with the Do-
minion'fight on the 22nd of next month.
A LONG INTER13L.—The other day a
letter was received at the post office here
with a slip en -dosed, on which was writ-
ten a request that the postmaster would
give the letter to some member of the
family of Mr. George Sherman, one of
the early residents of this place, but long
*since deceased. The letter was accord-
ingly handed to Dirs. Green, (widow) who
was overjoyed to find that it was from her
brother, John Sherman, now a resident
of -Australia, but from whom the family
had not heard for 30 years, and whose
whereabouts was unkpown until the re-
. ceipt of this letter.
SCOTT ACT Cesxs.—Last week the fol-
lowing Scott Act cases canoe up for trial
before Mr. Smith, Police Magistrate, and
M'r. A. Govenlock, J. P., and were dis-
posed of as below :—Mr. Dane, of Gorrie,
adjourned for further evidence; Mr..Has-
kett, Gorrie, 'adjourned ;-Mr, Dennis, Ho-
-wick, 'plead guilty and a fine of $,50 and
costs imposed. . On Tuesday, before the
same magistrate, a charge against Mr.
Damei, of Cranbrook,was dismissed,while
one againstJas. Shelton, of Brussels, was
proven, and a fine of $50 and costs im-
LITERARY MEETING.—The meeting of
the Clinton Model School room No. 1, was
held at 3 o'clock on Friday, Jan. 21st.,
with vice-president, Wesley Moore, in the
chair. The minutes of the last meeting
were read and adopted. The chairman
then proceeded with the programme,which
was rendered as follows :—Song , under
the leadership of the choir; reading, Miss
Mary Lough ; music on the mouth organ
W. Holloway; reading,_ Mr. Lough
music on mouth organ, Albert Moore,;
reading, Miss 13. Dodd; song by the;
school. The meeting closed to meet again
bn the -28th iust, at 3 o'clock p. m.
" Hoa ENO'rER.—Mr. -Rnbeit Martin, of
the London road, lost a lrorse valued at
$200 last week. Mr. John Curring, of
Hallett, a few days since refused $225 for
a three' year old filly. E. A. Russell ship-
ped a car of young stallions from this
place last week, to Lebanon, Missouri.
Mr. .Tobart, 'horse buyer, has left -here,
because ho could make no purchases; as he
thought farmers held their stock too high.
Mr. W. Grant, -London road, sold a mare
to Frank Thompson,: for $250, and Mr.
Tipting sold two others for nearly. $400.
Mr. James Crich, of Tuckersmith, sold a
pair°of two year old colts, ,the other day,
to a gentlemen -from Listowel, for some-
thing over $300. Mr. Bawden•bought six
near Exeter 'the other day;; at an average
of $180-each,.art d two bought north- of- this.
town be paid $416 for.
change in the management of Jas. H.
Walker & Co.'s store, two Canadians have.
been promoted. We refer to Messrs. W.
.K. Balfour and John Craib; the former
has charge of the black goods depart-
ment and the latter has all thn_colo
•Both• are practical dry goods men and
their promotion is in the order of merit.
Continued success gentlemen.—From the
Canadian American, Chicago I!l., Jan.
27st, 1a87. [Mr. Balfour was a resident
of our town for some time, and is a bro-
ther of Mr. J. P. Balfour, at one time
teacher :Hi our High School, while Mr.
Craib is well and favorably known to our
Tw•o.YERy SAD DEATIIS.—We are very
sorry indeed to be called upon to aunounce
the death of Mrs.' W. J, Paisley, which
sad event occurred on Saturday morning
last, from exhaustion, caused by confine-
ment. Deceased was the eldest daught?r
of 'Mr. James Patton, the respected clerk
of Goderich township, this being the first
break'by the hand of death in that family,
and was respected and esteemed by all
who knew her She was of a jovial dis-
position, and friends once gained by het
were retained ever afters For years she
bad been a member of the Presbyterian
church, and site dirt conscious of " an
inheritance incorruptible, and that fadeth
not away, eternal in the h eavens." • She
leaves a family of six children, and the
deelt..:•ympathy manifested for these and
her bereaved husband, found expression
in the very iarge nuinber who attenders
her funeral on Monday list.
Another sad death was that of Mr.
Henry Wise, of the Bayfield road, Gode-
rich township, .(second son of Mr. \Vm.
Wise) which occurred on Friday. lir.
Wise has been ailing for a short time with
,inflammation nfthe bowels, and recovered
therefrom, sufficiently. ho thought, to per-
mit him to go out and attend to his ordi-
nary duties,(the boy he had-employedlltav-
ing left during his Illness.) Unfortunately
11Ir>;Wise suffered from a relapse, and al-
though he had the best of'treatment-moths
ing could apparently be done to check
the disease. He was a steady, industrious
young man, ,just in the prime of life, and
one of those parties against whom no one
could say a word. A consistent member
of the Episcopal church for several years.
He was married to a daughter of Mr. Win.
Mason, of this town, but hail no family.
His remains were interred in Clinton
cemetery, on Monday., a very large num-
ber shoo ing their esteem for him by fol-
lowing them thither.
Isteerff7'A-T l)A'rr:S --Alt inner fat S7
Gipsy girl, Miss ,M. O'Donnell; German
peasant girl, Anna Irwin ;•Japanese girl,
Hattie Irwin.; Queen of Diamonds, B.
East; Charity. girl, M. Pratt; Three little
maids from. school, E. Chidley, M. Kerr,
H. Irwin ; French bar maid, Minnie
Spooner; Squaw, Eva Spooner ; Japanese
girl, Dolly Spooner; Irish Paddy, B.Kerr;
Fakir, A. Dennis; Good luck, Mary Car-
son and Crura Swarts ; Old lady, L. Pat-
terson; Sailor boy, Ed Cantelon ; Cowboy,
J. Kennedy ;_ Shoe b;ack, W. Lavin ; Bel-
gium officer, W. Webb ; Seven up, Frank
Upshall; Jockey, H. H. Diehl ; Tirelock,
F. Diehl; Nurse, H. Lame; Irish lassie,
Jane Webb; Dusting maid, Emma Webb;
Clown, W. J. Powell ; Texas ranger, J. P.
Doherty; Jockey, A. Cottle; Highland
lassie, A. McGarva.
-13itIars.—One day last week Mr. Jas.
Hearn found a purse containing a srn,ltll
sum of money; the owner. may have the
same on proving property. We believe
that Mr. Searle intends, to put a mansard
roof on some of his buildings on Albert
St., this year ; he will do this to guard
against the :collection of ice and snow
that has hitherto caused trouble there. Mr -
E. Corbett has been appointed Returning
Oflicer'l for the West Riding of Huron for
the Dominion election. Mr. W. Ross,
who has been working in the Michigan
lumber woods for some time;has returned
home. Mr. M. C. Cameron, who was em-
ployee with Mr. S. Davis last sum mer,.+pent
a few days here this'week. Mr. and Mrs.
Weir, of St. Marys, visited here a few days
last week. Mr. Isaac I\lastera, M.P,P.,
for South Waterloo, called ;on a former
constituent, Mr. 11I. Fischer; this week ;
Mr. Masters was on his way to visit his
brother•in-law,-' Mr. N. Freed, of Dash
wood. Mr, Geo. Glasgow returned last
week from Bathgate, Dak.,- accompanied
by his sister in-law, Miss Bingham, who
is in poor health. Mrs. Depew, of \Vards•
ville, is here on a visit -.to her daughter,
Mrs. W. Doherty. Mr. Chas. llowson,of
Regina, N. W. T., is home on a visit.—
The wife of Mr. W... 1cQueeu is on the
sick list, and under • medical treatment ;,
as she is up in years, it is doubtful how it
may go with her. Miss Hodgens, of To-
ronto, is here 6n a visit' fa friends. Can-
telon Bros. shipped a car load of apples to
Buffalo this week. The friends of.Mr:
Thos. Fair, postmaster, who are numbered
throughout the length and breadth of this
-oeuty-revill-Moe-pleased-to-•know khat -la es
has entirely recovered from his recent ill-
ness, and is once more in .his office, though
still weak. The editor of the Seaforth
Sun was noticed loitering around Clinton
station on Tuesday ; he had a.hang-dog,'
suspicious look about him, but we did not
hear of him committing any depredation ;
the presence of a large number of county
councillors may have bad it salutory effect
upon him. Reeve McMurcbie and Dep-
uty -Reeve Manning are this week looking
after the interests of the town, at the
meeting of the county. council. Folks
say, and we guess it is nearly true, that a
prominent Clintonian is casting friendly
glances down Orange street, and has as
leaning towardsthe west side of the street;
it's all right, though, and we have no'tib-
jections ; there may be mo(o)rs about this
after awhile.' On Monday last a daughter
of Mr. T. Dunlop fell on the.street, the
ice 'cutting"sn artery in her hand. The
wife of Mr. C. Carline has been •danger-
ously ill for a few days, but we are pleased
to know.that she is in a fair way to re-
covery. The matron of the London Hos-
'ital recently resigned,, and ber-positipn .
gas een •filled, we• are informed; by the
appointment of Miss Clara Call, formerly
of Clinton, thereto, eta salary of $200 a
year and furnishings ; .Miss Call has had
a large experience, and will make a com-
petent matron. The word "Lucknow" in
a marriage notice in our issue last week
should have been "Londesboro ;" it was a
mistake of minor importance, so long as
the couple were married all right, but it
was, nevertheless, an annoying mistake.
The Mayor has issued his warrant for a
new election for St.George's Ward; nomi-
nation will take place at Leslie's carriage
shop,Feb,1st,and the election,it necessary,
a week later. Mr. W. H. Cooper acci-
dentally sprained his ankle'while at work
in his shop the other day, and, falling for-
ward, struck his bend on a stone, cutting
it slightly ;.as a result ho has been con-
fined to his room for a couple of days:
The 150 acre farm on the 13th concession
of Hullett, belonging to the estate of the
late John Diamond, ,vas offered by auc-
tion et the Commercial hotel, on Satur-
day, but as $(,000 was the highest sum
offered, the farin was withdrawn. On an
inside page will be found it very interest-
ing letter respecting Los Angeles, Cali-
fornia; it eon ins niyrit:information for
those dispoa,' tr)'go"there in search of
health. A le. ' of Blyth Liberals drove
out pert; on Fi day night to hear .lir Ca-
-meron, upscttiug twice ; they regard this
event as an omen ot'what may happen to
the governnent on the 22nd of ,February.
The Liberal's r utitumberthe Conservatives
in the County Council by two, while the
opponents of the Scolt Act arg consider-
ably more nutnerdus than its supporters.
it is reported that ih, election of F W
Johnston, reeve of Goderi i, is being pro-
tested by one of his own supporters on tl e
ground of no property qualification. Mb s
Horton, of Leeburn, inhere on a visit' to
friends. A pair of glasses found on Hu-
ron street, may be had by the owner call
ing at Rumball's shop. T McLean ship-
ped a ear of cattle to Montreal this week.
Mr Forrester_ shipped a car of tow to Pat-
terson, N.J., the other day. Mrs Simpss n
of \Voodstoek, ie visiting her brother, Mr
Tisdall. The bonded, warehouse apart-
ment at Clinton freight shed, is in conrse
of construction. 'Aft. (lenrge ]fommell is
on the sick list. Mr Fair shipped four
car loitd9 of flotar to Glasgow end other
points, this week.
-------- x $ x
this week
The new Canadian Novel—An Algonquin -Maiden
A roman of the early days of Upper Csoada, by G. Merger Adam and
A Ethelwyn Wetherald ; 240 pages. Crown, 8vo, Cloth.' Prioe $1.
(Free by mail)
ILLUSTRATED with the finest deeigos and engravings ever published in a Cana-
dian School Book. COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising productions,
exports, imports and the principal routes of trade and travel, given particular., t
prominence. PLAN—Beginning at the school grownda, pupils proceed over their
county, province, country, continent and the world, and are taught the effects of
climate and productions upon the condition and pursuits of the iuhabitants, ac-
cording to the most approved methods. THE MAPS aro modern, beautiful and"
clear, and the whole work is executed in the highest style of the art. Price 65'
cent's, free by mail.
The New Presbyterian Hymnals,
In various styles of binding, etc.
SCHOOL. BOOKS, of all kinds.
Rose's Hand -book of Things worth Knowing,:
100 copies. Price only 25 cents.
100 Copies Home Cook Book.
The Saint and His Saviour—by Spurgeon.
Moody's Choice Sermons Moody's Select Sermons.
Four Great Preachers.
Physical life of Woman) -
Transmission of Life, Eby Dr. Nepheys-
The Royal Path of Life.
The Royal Road to Wealth.
Mathew Henry's Bible Commentary.
A Mystery—by Caris Sima.
Dolly, by E. E Sheppard, of the News.
Rand & McNally's new Maps of Ontario and the
word. '
- GEO. E. PAY & CO,
- 2 We' have-nla,de a wonderful drop in .the price of all our Cloth-
ling, and to those people who usually buy at this season to get
advantage of lowpric.es,-we ask-tin-.i-nspecOon of our • -
ill give a discount , o f
per Cent for Ch for
the next sixty,days.
Three Doors Wesi Dickson'soi'•Book Store"
Great Stock of Clothing.
.Clothing is our :specialty, and We feel thoroughly convinced.
that we fire sellin .tlte
In the county, quality and Ariake cons,idercd. No buyer of
•Clothing should pass us wi hout coming to see what we aro.
doing. Wo advertise a good deal about what we are doing itl.
Clothing, but we are fully aware, it would be all nonsense to
puff -ourselves up without bc,,ing 1\b1e to back Up our statements •