HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-01-28, Page 7Com' Muton e v -gra. FRIDAY, JAN. 26, 1$67, THE DUTY OF THE 13OU1t. ;,The Dominion Parliament has been dis- 'solved, and a new election will be held on the 22ad of February next. There never was a time in the history of Canada more important to the taxpayers elan the pre- sent, and their decision on the acts of the overnme'nt will be for weal or woe to the °minion. The present election will be the most momentous one in the history of Canada, because it will be• either an approval of a system of corruption and a record of miss government never before known, or itjwill be a condemnation ofi the same. flow professedly honest and intelligent men can continue to support a, government which has shown itself se _entirely uu• worthy of public confidence, is Inoreathan . we can understant. There is hardly a single act of the Government's Test re- cord, upon which it is fairly entitled to support, and the more th r'Stecord is in- vestigated the less worthy of favorable consideration does it appear. We know there are honest men in the Conservative party who do not approve of the actions of the Dominion Government, and it be- oomes their duty, as it is the duty of every one who has the interests of the country truly at heart, to unite in supporting only those then who will honestly administer 6omo Wise Oaring* i f the Celestials That Apply .rho World Over. There seem tole very few European proverbs which have not been parallelled in the Flowery Kingdom, and indeed it makes the world appear smaller than ever when ono finds that the Chines°, a couple or ten thousand years ago, thought and saiki the same things that our antes-' tors crystallized into proverbs uuder such differing conditions. Mr. Giles says of the Chinese -proverbial philosophy: " Moat Western pro verbs, unaxinis,house- hold words, eft°., are to be found em- bedded therein; sometimes expressed in strictly identical terms, at other times differing only in poiut of local color. Hero ere a few which will be recognized at once : our public aflairs. • -terve---.-.— "PROTECTION" TO THE FARMERS. The Munti'cal Witness has the repute- - tion Of being the most liberally couducted paper in Canada, and its views on " Pro- tectien to the Farmer," in the following -article are worthy of consideration : • Says the Witness :—" The protection given to the farmers Might become a curse, instead of a blessing," is what the Gazette thinks. Yes, it'" might." . There is, in- deed, no doubt whatever about it,although the Gazette is so dubious about it. When the farmer's agricultural implements, , waggons, and other farm machinery are taxed thirty -live per cent, when his cloth• in and that of his stock- is taxed from thirty to sixty per cent, when land plaster is taxed thirty per cent, and his furniture thirty per cent, and his sugar two cents a • pound, and his cottons two or three cents a yard ; when in return for all this he is• protected by 'a duty of fifteen cents a bush- . el on wheat, and ten cents en peas, and • twenty per cent on. animals, and by half a dozen other similar duties, all levied with great care, on articles exported by k, him in large quantities', and which there - foredo not bring a cent more for all the protection, it is certainly not only possible but something more for a national policy _ to be a curre•to the farmer, and a curse that makes his pockets annually lighter by a good ninny dollars. Fon the Dominion elections men may vote in as'i i;wy different ridings as they like, provided they have property there. The principle of " one man one vote" only 'applies 1s•the Local election,. Gee actor doe; not make a play. • . Out of the wolf's lair into the tiger's niouth. Prevention is better than euro. Dotter a living dog than a demi liou. As the twig ie bunt the tree's inclined. When the eat's away tlio rats play. 1t is tate unexpected which always Oxen till the fields and rats eat the corn. Better beatow l's back than a bullock's rump. And here are a few the flavor of which is more decidedly Cltincse, though some of thou have lougbeeneoiumon property; 1)en1 with the faults of others as gently as with your own. A man thinks he knows, but a wourau knows better. No medicine is as good as a middling doctor. No needle is sharp at both ends. - • Straight trees are felled first. Only nebeciles want credit for the (.regi rvemvnts of their ancestors'. Better a dog and peace than a man in war. Don't break a naso for a shy at a rat. Everyone give:; a shove to the tumbl- ^ing ,1•all. You can't chop •a thing as round as you can pare it. •- lie who t'ides'a tiger cannot dismount. Politeness before force. I)ott't make dumplings in a teapot. Don't take a pole -ax to kill a fowl. Money makes a blind man see. A near neighbor is better than a dis- tant relation. • 'Women share adversity better than prosperity. There is abundance of shrewdness and homely wisdom in these and scores more of Chinese proverbs and sayings given by Mr. Giles, and in many of the speci- mens of literary style there is an elegance and evidence of ripe culture which in- dicate that fully a thousand years ,ago China had attained a placein literature such as no Western nation attained until much later.-3i•u, York '/.t'ihtrne. • :lucoa>uxn to Conservative papers the Mail is one day under the control of Sir Richard Cartwright, and the next under some equally impossible direction. As a matter of fact the l♦Iail is as much the or- ,•",,gen "+o.t' the Cousereati,ve party as ever, notwithstanding its ".repudiation," acid its position is taken with the sanction of Sic John. People who know. the inside. working of the :Hail office know this to be any other German town. . A .new coin- thepesition of Lewis, the air -gull. and ,circ• • case. t1ratwing machinery were all Nuretnburgr Awful Do► lr estie rowed:v. 'i devices. The filagree silver and gold An Enterprising City. CHAN� -.rte -+w w • For the next thirty days we will sell any article in our immense stock of CROCK- ERY and GLA.SSWARE, at a discount of 10 per cent. Just think of it, $15 00 8 00 6 00 15 00 11 00 8 00 -(i 00 3 50 s 00 4 00 :.' 50 10 pct. ecnt China Tea Sets, 44 pieces for $13 50 Cash. tl ei Ge iC < 7 20 " ,1 el fe le f1 , i 40 1 V•3 5 0 9 90 710 5 40 y 15 2 03 4 50 3 i0 w Storm Chamber sets :i " 2 25 rine Hanging Lamps_ for .. 2.5.0. oil' GLASS\VARE, 1, AMPS, FANCY \WARE, Res the sale just lasts THIRTY DAYS. Dinner 11 11. 119 104 Combination " 85 Decorated stone tea 44 Irony Tea Sets, 44 Stone " 11 44 Decorated chamber 10 11 •" 10 " le 1e 11 it u eG {1 4' 11 r.c 14 It Il fl Remember CHRISTMAS .GROCERIES In ',.Ciroceries, our stock; was never more .complete. All our new RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL- MONDS, FILBERTS, CONFECTIONERY, &c., Are in kind will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and 'sec the handsome presents we are giving with COOPER'S BAKING POWDER. ANDI JONA S' FLAVORING EX TR ACTS To every purchaser at our store on Dec. 24t11, we will give a decorated cup and saucer. Wo want any quantity of good Butter, Eggs, Poultry, PPtatoes, and Wood in exchange for groceries. Give us a call, it will pay you. Nuremberg was a place of considera- tion even in the titles orEmperor Hen. ry I V'.,wvheennobled thirty-eight families there; In 1219, Henry V. raised it to the rank of a free, imperial city, and during the middle ages it was very im- portant ou account of its enormous traffic betWeeii-ilio "alert IftYftsrt o1 Venice and the countries of the East, and all northern Europe. Through its commerce it became a very rich city, and its burghers establikhcd : manufac- tories of various sorts, and so built up. its trade that skillful. artizan,s' flocked there, and many discoveries were made. there ,t•hicit still have a great influence in the world. ''Slie first paper ruin in Germany was in Nuremberg and Iiobergcr',s Printing- • hotisewitlt its twenty-four presses was so .attractive to authors that they settledat Nureniberg•iu order the more convcu--- iently to oversee the printing of their works. Watches, called `-t Nurceiburg Eggs e'ere lust niatle about 1000 ; the clariouct ,t•a-5 invented. there,and cliuiclt °'naris Were better iu de there, than in tvork—the medals. -images, seals, and • A Cleveland, 0., despatch says :.\ hor• other artistic ,jewelry which were made rible tragedy occurred this morning. in a by the fifty master 'goldsmiths tvlto brick cottage, near the corner of lndepen•, Il,vc•it tberc—•wero famous, far Fuld wide: deuce and Petrie streets. The house was and this variety or manufactures ,vas oecupied'byJamesCabelek,an industrious increased. by fiirc:hvogel, nn artizan'' Bohemian carpenter, --with- his family -of- _whir travelled in 1 ta-1v..utd leariie d . to - •eight children and his wife. Since the make utjoliea. .11is factory, cstablisli- birth of a babe three uionths ago Mrs. ed at Nuremberg in 1507, was the first Cabelek' has acted. strangely. Early this in all (remnant to which such ware was morning Mr,' Cabelek and his 1!) -year old son left the house for their work. The mother then sent two sons, Barry .and, George ou different errands. Harry re- turned and found the house lathed,• lie notified his father and brother", who re•lengthwise, and hpltl in dilate by hoops. -, turned "and entered the house. 1n the I n st wi eke 1t ? manufactories of Nhoops. bedroom, upas the ked, were found the i ct'„ were so numerous as to „sive rise four youngest children covered with blood, to tt Iruwcr (1 Behind the bed, on the floor. was the 1 Thos made. It is not certain that playing .caroti were invented iii Nuremberg, but they were manufactured there as early and cannon were cast there hi Jwiti ; previous to this they, had: keen made of iron bars soldereeb.:,t,ogethet• daughter Jennie, aged 8„weltering in blood, • but conscious': The mother was found in the basement suspended from the rafters. ttnrl thuss-the . --. tinct. nde twice aged. 0;was deothes ad, with hfe nng ton,gasheslinahcr ! to a l,e1•I,u1lttsryoiteos al`i t\ealtl� brin6 I .• aide ; Annie, aged 4, was dead, with four• teen wounds in her bowels. The infant in "Narisio,4lesselulne. - ( sur. through every Lente lied a sort of itnpor- Cooper & Son, CLINTON. Sto LIS FOR LADIES', 'HISSES' CHILDREN'S17SE,CUSTOM WORK its usual unsurpassed and at erne yy short notice. NEW FALL. And WINTER BOOTS & SHOES, 1 ,t C. Cruiclksha2 .ks. 1\ y stock of BOOTS and SHOES is now vq�ry largo, and 1 will sell at the very Lowest Prices possible. Having made a large addition to my previous large store, and filled the same with every kind of the Lest goods in the market, Customers can depend on the very best article for the least money. i American & Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS in Endless Variety. Try my DUCHESS and TOPSY' DRESSING which can't be beat. es. DA"NT IS' Marnmoth - Stove - mouse 1\'Ti IIA�'l: A 1 SPIAENDII) ASSOR\TMEN'I' Oh OOH PARL_OR-COAL-STOVES' i Call ma C. Cruickshank, the Boot IIiaker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON srrenaam. FRESH ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. CASHMERE BOQL'ET PERFUME Fine line of HAND Mansons, eh& BERTRAM/5 BULK. PEnrintE CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP PEARS (ENGLISIL) SOAP •'Penes VIOLET -POWDERS PEARS BLOOM OF Nlmox. HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES PURE INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT FRESH LIi11E JUICE- . PURE PARIS GPLEEN • We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have,thc largest stock itithe Cbz nuts. Best 5 cent CIGAR in toivn. • .IAMF� H. 4C0311131E, CLINTON, ONT. • From the Lest inanufaceiries hi -Canada, and of the latest patterns, bought..at the very lowest prices, and will be sold as closeltas they cut. Our stock of Hardware Cutlery, Lamps, Oils, Paints, lac., CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Removal: Removal: Dr. \Worthington having bought out the business lately carried ou by \V,II, Simp- son, purposes removing it to the building lately occupied by Thompson er Switzer where he intends to open up a large stock of Books, Stationery and Christmas Novelties Which will be second to .none in the county. He also intends- retrieving his DRtTG• STOItE to these premises. As ho Las taken advantage of the times and bought at very ler. prices, lie can give you good value for your money. Please call and inspect his stock. A. WORTHING.TON, Clinton. V'ETARWNOISULLIVILN, • Bu the rale has very few exceptions, that every one who buys - a Suit, a Pair of Pants, a Vest or Overcoat or any covering for • the body at the - IS 1'IJLl. AND COMPLETE. OAK v HALL, .- CLOTHING - HOUSE 13 �T7[►'"►, 4'tl_AXNrrC)'N. . Are so well satisfied with the 'it; ":Make "a%(f -tlie'f1'rimmiags, that when they want another suit they always conte back to us, and -send or. brie Choi -- friends. witli. them. —This. is why,Aou .. . business has ill ,creased so rapidly. • POPU RYGO11DSHO11SE 11.J40)1\ 1)1JSi3(101 () -----0---_— TERMS CASH : . PR10ES 1tI(111T FDIC THE Il'IIIES. Mrs. 1. Fischer, :Prop., M. Fischer, Manner, DommTOIL laning. cooper & Swaffield, .s CCESSQP,S T(1 • H. STEVENS & SON. CLINTON.- Manufacture2'S of SAS i1, 1)001N, LLiNIis, FLooiLING, SIDING, Great discount sale now goingon•; CEILING, ,�IOI'Ll)1N-(lS, FRAMES, PICKETS, &C., and aTl kinds of Interior and Exterior Finishin''s. LATH and SHINGLES kept Baraains in eve-ry department oil hand. Mill on Wellington St,, tovposite Woollen Mill. PLANS AND SPECIFl(:ATIoNS PREPARED. the cradle was dead, with three cuts in the stomach. Jimmie and Jennie are living • and conacionS, but are terribly lacerated and cannot recover. The resul• of the tragedy is four dead and two dying. The injuries were inflicted with a !.air of hong scissors with sharp prongs. The huge, drastic, griping, sicksnint i' 's • are fast being superseded by 1Ir. l'ierce:s ” Purgative Pellets." FLORAL GUIDE a'r'e• S.S11' Now rend,►, rnntatnv? f ^girt,? P6„r.. lonndr^d?,of 11- ht9tranoto, ail ,Jnurtp ^. d, , ••,•, a ins: in 4::n . denim:MidrI�.1041,. n,,:•tu,,�111;1i,1inp141 •':molly�.! ,,.�. FLOWERS and VEGE- TABLES Li , I molly THLEe grm,n, nigh dii��l•",. 1,11W b. (411W16im. where the hr..? SIA DS. l' NTS. nnrl It1'1.104 can be M•oeu(rd, 511(1 prier•+..I I iii+ 6nnk tnaitn,l free en receipt of 1r,rrnn= May ' ,., nml ,'�., I.' ..,ny I,rdn- dttcted front the aro ow e n n, r. I , v ann h,trr- (•s(rd in a garden, nr t,in, rlr.u,• ,."tpl,1.1,h e„rq•, 8hrntld 68(0(1,11 nark. N",rr. r 1,. ih^ m11140114 alga itaVC, rued our srr•d•'. (1,,v nal,• wlrk'a irrda nt brad. quarter/. .1.1,111.,.1: i('IC, FIiEncMLr N, Itoeheste1, N. T. —A 1'renohebetuistas.er•tsthat itisthe nleeha u!eal state NN hied' makes new bread less digs stilile than old ; the former is so sett: elasti,' :tutl glutinous in all its parts that ordinary unnsticatinu fails to re, 'ince it to a sulliciently,tligcstiblo condi• tion: inlbe course of some experiments in this direction, a circular loaf, twelve inc•hrs in diatuctt r and six inches thick, was tidier' from alt °Veli heated to 3411 11.e:titmtu•. 8lnl a thermometer force] into it pure inches. 'rite thermometer- iu- (lin,tIttI Fahrenheit. The loaf was then talon to a room the tempera - titre of which twa5 t4(i hahrett1i it, and found to weigh beret} and a half pounds; in tuft nlv•to,u' horn's tlir. teniperattn'cof the Tnnt' 1,11 to nti , • and in thirty-six -bona tr,rose =,. In the first fietyeright hours it lest enlw two ounces in wei,gitt. Rev six d,.tt s the loaf was again put in the even. :tivi ,then the t`{usulotnett'i• bnci indirnter } that. its temperature had tiara t" I.o = .I'nitrenheit. it ,vis tint ,o.• - •t reel s t I h? fresh, , , t t, t e tl tr iu i oper,•a,i 1 sass the :mon qualities as if it haul been taken oat of the oven the first dile, hist it baft lost t,t(lye onnces]1i,wcig}nt. I';z• pr rintcnt, More anode with ',linos of bred, with 'i,nilat rosu11s. Ashtons Stamped' Prints 6c a yd. .i41 Change of mousiness .A.11 Wool 1i`aiiey I-+1111&.TN(1NTIA.S 2() t.ents4 a yuct•cl. COM1'. EA.UL 1 . ('O111E OFFEN . . S. Cooper. W. 1a,. tiv�iil[ie1d. ' 1llllitl11111TTlllll111111 1111T 1111 The undersigned begs to notify•tite people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly curia of by W, L Newton, Anil that he is prepared to furnish I Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Bliffalo3Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first -el tss horn'+'' Shop, at the lowest prices. Spada attention is directed to my stock' of LIGHT 11111NEs.,, W111e11 1 will make a specialty. W. L. OUIIVIETTf LONDFSBORO REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 9., By etricbattention to business, and carefully studying thawan ti of my °nit;133 r', 1 ha merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call hefore purchasing elsewhero. REMEMBER THE S•rP 1})—ol'1'OSI'I'I; TH1' MARE ET GAO_ A� , •M A 1