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The Clinton New Era, 1887-01-28, Page 4
a •m •n.... r�. .M1,{+ 1�.. •-.�v .ro... .rv�" .tin • m . rp '114i� , na . .. q�mn.:.i .,., dry.. ,«m' __ 1 .+...,,.....•-r -'"' w.:- w, ry _ ,. <, ♦ ' J 1 M----w-••_.'�=.;.-.-rY•+..,e..... -..-- .,-,-.-,-r+rvT�.•..�.�..+e..._ . - _. _ . _ ,. .. .,, - - - ._. _. _ . _ . _.... _. _.. _ _.. ... . .. _. . ,-._ _ _ _ .. T+. +. _ ..... _..... r: 7'da L14prals spill P;Oteetteu. p y� p Legislative Assembly can take place there take [heir coats; Alex, I�awaon of the fat General IRections, ° - _-,_ lyse very tall and thin, supposed to be washed tb Ire 1 ethane because tilt, Por• , caused by aver, feeding and haled driving. tittr had not yet said anything at all and a' except while navigation as Open. ward; W, F..I3ruckeusHlre, of the end; Copaervativo papers and spoakersApro- le had one blind eye -is (,hest -foundered, reply at that time tvas premature, so Lir, Hog, J. J. 0. Abb.utt, solfoitor of the Chas, Lloyd and Wm. Moore, of the ;lid, fees to be terribly alarmed test the, return spavigfld'oa the front leg and limps on Porter was called on for his speech. He Canadian Paoill ltailw.r•: , has declined to and ones. Motionfloll, of stip 4th. This . R� to power of the party led by Mr, Blake. right hind leg. He had been.driven con- first of all touched upon the fact of bis be. again be the Consevativu candidate in the uncesazauced a now election is each of .the EST H u eiderably lately, and when last seen was lug a non-resident, and thought at Comtaons in Argenteuil, wLich constituency he warde, slid Mayor Aleyer at coca issue . - -- - should mean the destruction of the so- 4_. A_..... . very weak. He disappeared very sudden- sho.ulfl snake no difference to his eandida• :epre.eates in, the last Parliament Mr. warrant for the same,-Wingham Times PUBLIC MEETINGS, called National Policy. (It is the old story ly on or about the 29th of December last. tare; then briefly reviewed the policy of and ofa would like to the or of Montreal al while scare maen \Yore oon' about five o'clock ", IN THE INTEREZir 011, of drowning men catching at straws. Every It was. at first thought that he had been lost Sir John during he past eight years, al Iengaged in hanliug ice in a snow drift; but as he has not been legip that it had been marked with en- probably believes that the man who is Mayor. out of the north brandh of the Maitland at intelligent man knows that in the preser;t g of a city has enough to do without occupying Win •ham with a team beton C. CAMERON. g found since the thaw, it is conjectured ergy and good management. While the an other public osi s ging to Messra. . condition of Canada no material chane that he must be restin and recruiting uh- Liberals laid teat stress upon the financial y p position. If he performs the uihasd,0 6; McCounelt, the team -aft sleigh, could be made in the tariff. No matter g g f p duties of one office well lie must neoessarily heavily loaded with ice, broke -through. Dar- I Will be fluid at the following limes 2tnd der some of the L. O. Lodge rooms, and extravagance of the Government, he be- neglect those appertaining to the other. - , lug the process of uxtradting the horaes, one places :- how strongly opposed to it in principle being fed up fur future use. The owners lienal the same to be perfectly justifiable. All Ottawa corrpapoudeat says: -It Las bo• ul tLe urau came within all neo of going under llUNGANNON, Monday Jap. 31st at some might .bo the requirements of the are anxious to have him returned to them and went into a number or items in detail, i Come known that the Cabinet entered with the Lorded and ice, owing to the one which he Y ' q for a few days previous to the 22nd Feb- He took up the incrdasu in the public extreme relnctauce upon stip work of disauly, wad bolding gavrog a sudden jump forward to Martins Ball, country call for a certain amount of re- ruary, a3 they may-"li. to trot him once debt from 1869 to 1883, and made the re- iug. The rank and tile of -,he party were at 1110 itdotf, 16 souk three horses to haul the MANCHESTER, Tuesday, Feb. Ist, at venue annually, and that can only be more aver some of the election racecourses, markable statement that the public debt moat unanimous in desirin, another 6ossloti s11,gLs out after dumping the tee, •4� Temperance Hall. raised by a customs tariff, it platters trot atter which he will be put up at auction, in 1880 was only $196,000,OOU. He alleg• and the Cabinet itself wit• seriously divided "'no auuual ineutiug of the West IIaroa GRANT'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Ashfield and given away to the lowest bidder. Nu ed that our resources haying increased, we on the subject. I'wt that,; vi -as found to be Agricultural ,Suciuty was hold iu4Guderich on Wednesday,, Feb. 2. Whether it is culled a " protective" or a reward is offered for his retura, as nobody were better able than ever to pay what- an, insuperable obstacle in the way of having Weuuesday JoiltUly ISth, '!'Lure was a fair "revenue" tariff. Mr. Blake has publicly but Lite owners call drive him and the ever increased indebtedness there was. :tuutbar session. A certai,� ,neat corporation atteridAuce and the pruceetliiia were most FINDLAY'S SCIIOOLHOIUSH,•'lhurs- P Y hide and slices will be of no value to any- 131 lightly touched upon Lldian affairs, is•preesidgtho (loverumei.• Int, another "final LarmUtilOUS. It was arraugedg11 hold%he !, day, Feb. d. stated his position thereon, which is, is 011e after the elections are over. Partkies and then went'ou to a laudation of the N. gi .tit,,, ant, the (oveniw tit dared 'ant fuca apr,ne show in Goder,ch April 20th, It is BELFAST, friday, 1'vi,. �4, atLoughead's brief, that nn,iatportantchanges would be hearing Ot his whereabouts will confer' a T'., us the cure for every public-ev:1 and the tjOLI�e with it, doubtin_ its ability to force tsspeetbd that the tall 6how will be held in the hall. favor h writing to the "Mail" ufifce or to ofs eeial adv ants a to the working inan . it tl)roui,;i,, auil not t ,ling w go to th1 anon• now prerntses recently purchase by the town, tuadu in the preieut tariff arraugemegts. Y n P g try imme,liatet aft- r ,Luther dis,la.y of the -cut tolluwtug officers were elected for the GOD�IiICiI'1'OWNSHIY,Saturday,'L eb, Cansetvative themselves admit that the any of its branches anywhere in Ontario, who according to his view, would have no failure of its prculivcs. 1 Los-lugyear. Presideut, A. MuD,,Allan ; list - . u' at Union Schoolhouse. or telegraphing :O the 1:;111 of Ottawa- wori if wt had no National Policy. lee- vice-lhedtdlut, J. C, Stewart; ,O ' ' presetlt tariff is' an unjust one in many re• one of the joint proprietors of the Horse ferriow to the C. P. R. lies oke batter- Says tho0'tawa Free Press: -From till parts 1 illidptit•, Pwbt. McLean, llirlotoraa vice, . ' ST, JJELEN'54 Monday, Feb. 7, at School- g g ' P Of tlib DJWinlOfa COlnee Chaerm$ nOK'e Fur the , hope.:" a apecta, and they believe that it might be _- Ingly of it'as, a groat national highway, of Reform patty. 'file delight with which the Clarke, Isaac Salkeld, C. X. S, Naftel, W. �uT, AL'GhST1N 1:, T'uesila • Feb. 8 at more equitably adjusted." Liberals Louy vast importance to ilia country, and can- news of the tlisFolution was received,by the Yuuu ; or, Anthony Allan, Stephcu Andrews, y' ' be free-traders in riuci le and the Cut M. G'• Cameron On Indian !Affair:. pared iti con with, that of other line, of Liberals of every province and the alacrity 3ullu AikunLoad, E Llughom, Secretary Ilemy Schoolhausd. principle, railway. Ile vehemently denounced Ria w th which they have responded to the pall to • Hayden, Duniup ; Treasurer, A, 1Vatsoll Ii00VF.E{'S SCHOOLl1UUSE; Wednea- servatives state that thev are too if the The town' hall was well filled last Fri- as a traitor, asserting ihalt he was Willing arms gives assurances of a;weeping victory on GudOuuL, ani evenin to Lear Mr. AT. C. Camerons to sell both himself and the half-breeds for the 33ucd February. The recent victories The annual iuudting o[Vt Stanley Branch day, Feb. 9. United States would.l:et our OM-drubfs i�-.o Y Agricultural Suwut was held on Thursday of reply to Sir John's pamphlet, on Indian a stipulated sum; that his sole object in achieved by the Liberals at provincialelectious y! MARNOCH,Thursday, teeb. 10, at School- their country free, so both parties are vir- Attairs, quite a number.of Conservatives inciting the rebellion was to make money havC disheartened tho Conservatives.' Ili last weak. The croasuer'a report ehowedthat house. tually on the some footing, but while Lib being present, and also a number of ladies. out of ft, as the half-breeds had no sub- Ontario the doings of the l )elle L'rigade have the society had received from members' sub. BELGRAVE, friday, Feb. I1, at Hall,, ' erals believe in free trade no matter what Mr. D. A. Forrester, president of the Re- slant al' grievances, and the government driven the best men of the Con's rvative patty ecripttuus 4ltu pastyeal tine bum of; 335. The PORT ALBERT' Saturday, feb. 12. form Association, occupied the chair, and were therefore, erfectl right in executing out of the ranke. In Quebec the Chapleau total receipts ter as year in prizes ted to 0,6130, , Y.' the Americans might do, it is neither ex- P °• Y g g kick u and the attempted double shuffle in rho sum et wvJPL was paid ill prizes at the fall In a neat speech introduced Mr. Cameron, Itiel. He incidently referred to the tim• p; P show and 1.BENAIILLER, Alonday, Feb. 14 at pedient or possible to adopt their ideas in who stated that it was riot his intention ber-limits said to have been ranted so -provincial affairs have completely paralyzed ta3UUFurgroullhandbuildings. The - Miller's Hall. ' g -the whole organization. -From Nova Scotia following uthcere dad directors were elected T acountry situated as this is at the present to make a political speech dealing with many Conservative members of Perliat coin as the news that -the Liberals. are working fur the currant year: George Castle •President LEIaBUR\, Tuesday, Feb. 1;,, Temper- time, Absolute free trade 'though not the general administration of the Govern- menti, and as a setoff thereto asserted that with agrim determination to defeat every Con lvrn.'rownend, Viol) President ;'Jas. Army since Hall. ment, but to take up one question alone- Wr. Cameron had a large tract of land in- servative candidate that is put n strong, Secretary-Treaearer,Direciors-Joseph an impossibility, is something not enjoyed that of the administration of Indian af- the North West himself. [He convenient= pin the Wild, Alex, Granger, John Parke John Toa h, DEACONS SCHOOLHOUSE, Wawa- , province. In New Brunswick the people are g g nosh, `Vednesday, Feb. 16, by any country in the world, and the Lib- 'fairs. He stated that the Government had ly fargot to mention that Mr. Camerons disgusted over the government's shuffling on Johu Essen, Taomas Harrison, Jphn Johnston erals would be exceedingly,unwise to ad- voted annually for the past 7 years a large land was bought at public auction while GdbAJi Elliott and Riebard Penhale Messrs. OLIVER'S SCHOOLHOUSE, Thursday, 1; P the most sanguine port and,fisheries fed question and the Charles Gardiner and E. Itoutledge,were ap. Amount for the maintenance and support the timber -limits were grants from Perlia- moatsangume Conservative dose not look for p„laced auditors, Feb, 17, vocate a policy -which is,.under circum- of the Indiana, and charged that they bad ment.] He closed by an appeal for sup, the elbotion of more than ono or two govern iiODERICH, Friday Feb. 18, Grand stances, impracticable. The Liberals could wasted and squandered a large portion bf port for the government of Sir John. ment supporters in Prince Edward Island. �' ••� Opera House. not materially alter the N. P. if 'they 'the grant ; he charged them with having ' Both Mr. Powell and Mr. Porter -were As the older provinces go,so frill the western, . BORN. iiOLMESVILLE, Shturday Feb, 19, at wanted to at present, They have just as appointed men w who were incompetent and cheered d+ riag their remarks, and cheer in which the electrons will not take place until' NETHERY,-In 1Wawanosb, on the cath inst., the ' immoral ; men "who. lowered and degraded 'for the Ou ioen, Sir John and the chairman three weeks after the result in the east is wife of Mr. Jas, Nethery,of a daughter. Knox's Hall. much interest in the welfare and prosper- k„ow„ BLACKSTONIs,-In Clinton, on the 23rd Inst., tae the Indian character, instead of trying to closed the meeting, _- wife of Mr. C. Blackstone, of a soil. The above meetings will be field at 7;S0 ity of the, manufacturing interests of the elevate it ; he asserted that the. adminis- AIr. Cameron lead an important meeting- SIBB'ENS.-In Pincomn, Mich., on the 20th last„ • each, evening. Province is their opponents though the g P g, sill AI County Council. - • . ,the wife of Air, W. Sibbeal, formerly of Hallett, of a tration had broken the treat” obligations in Colborne the same evening, PP , b' Y daughter. The servative Candidate is invited to with the Indian, knowingly, persistently Porter and himself met for the first time The County Council met at Goda'icli s do not boast so loudly about it,;and all MARRIED attend. and wilfully; they had allowed the In- in this campaign, at the former's meeting on Tuesday, when the following members McCRIE-UC\SMORE,-oil the 28thtt4)at; b the GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. efforts to convine the working classes that dia'ps to starve and'freeze to death, with- ' in Goderich,-oa Wednesday night. answered to their uaWes:- Rev, A. D, AtoDunld, Mr, wn), McCrie, of Plympton, the Liberals are opposed to them and out attempting their relief, Mr. Cameron -- - t bftss Ilio, second daughter of henry Duasmore, -. , Municipality, Reeve. Deputy, ell., of Tuckersmlth, went on to. state that he had made these Personal soft Political __ __, y� their welfare is the veriest bosh and non- — ROBINSON-BouLTON.-in aoaerim,, on the 20th - • rev All t.ertio1'menth• sense. ' ' ” . charges on the floor of parliament, and n0 ANhfleld......... J. Griffin.,....., Stothers ..,...., inst., by Rev, G. F. Salton, Air. M. J. Robinson of w r •r«n.4► ,_ ,.; one attempted a reply, and it was not It is stated on tioal authority that Mayor ..... , Girvin......... .. White Lake, Dakota, to Miss A. 1'.'Boulton, adopted Klox. Rob `wV Coats, Howland declines to Contest an of Ilio To- Bayfield........... John Poliuek ... daughter of H. Hale, Until arliamenthad beenaijp rned more Y y y,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,•... MURCHISON-HARDIE.-In win hnm,ontilel2th Trunks, Ctc-Jas. Twitchell. No .Grievances, Indeed. P- J f� rontos. Bl)•th.......,..., P. Kell ..,,, g _ _ ___ ' than six months that any attempt was Brus9als... ":': r:, W.H.MoCrackeu .. • . , ... ,nt., by the Rev. H. McQuarrie, Mr, D. J blurchisoa; ' Boots <� .hos-Jae" Twitchell. made to meet his charges, and then it was Aon. WILL. McDougall has been selected by Clinton.......... A. McMurchie... A. H. Afattning., of Huron township, to Mins J. 1. H,rdio, of Culross. "B - The apologists of the short-eomin s and g '' Colborne ........ J. Beck......... J. Gledhill ...... SANDERSON-GAItRETT.-In Rosehill, Dak., at leaolutiou-Jones R Johnston. g the Liberals of South Grenville to stand for o In the ahape„of a pamphlet prepared by a the Commons. Exeter,,....... Dr, Hollins...... W. G. Bissett..,, residence of the bride's father, ell the '3tid Dec., by ?i. Wonderful drop. -Jackson Bros, mal -administration of the Government political supporter of the government. Mr. t' Goderich ........ F. W. Johnston.. M. G. Cameron.. the Rev. C. A. Macnamara, Air. W. Sanderson, to MLis . claim that the balf-breeds had no riev. Cameron then took U ,er•iatdnt the ori- Manhood suffrage will prevail ill the Pro. Godecich Tp ..... :John Cox, ....... J. Whitely....... AtgtiIda, daughter of Air, Samuel Gan•ett, formerly of ,,,fffjjj{{{!!!q(' �' &A t�r� g p' ' vinces of British Columbia end Prince Edward Grey ...... :..... W. Milne........ W. Bryan..:.... wlhgham, x�1t � N�� �ej►� - inSl charges he had mhd. On the Haar Of J. Britton, ,,..... E Fisher, Mr.-fIott,of ed the 19th s_*. by nesota, J. �J � `1 �V// ages and no reason for discontent. Per- fi g Island at the ensuing Dominion elections. xullett.......... ,f, McMillan ..... J. Britton, :.... Fisher, Mr: Elliott, of Red Lake Fa1La„A�innesota, to , • tb-eHouse,quoted the pawphlet;reply there - haps not, but this is what the Mail thought Sir John Macdonald' bas consented to help Hoaiok.......... J. Koine....... . B..) Cook ...... Ailsa Sarah Hanley, of Gode)ich township, second • t0, and then turned LO the Blue Books P R. )segues....... youngest daughter Mr. Geo, Hanley, of Clinton.' FRIDAY. JAi\. 25 ISS;, about'it on the 8th of July, 1885, while 1t and corroborated his original statement the Kingston Conservatives out of their diffi•. Hay ............. S. Rannie.... J. Kalbfleiseh. ., y' was the recognized organ of the Conser- Y p particular. He showed Cully by running there as well as in Carleton, McKillop......,. J. Hays,......... D. Ross.......... DIED _._... . -. . - In ever important II Morris .. wra C. r. • that the--clotUn fnrnislied --the Indians Toronto,will supply s,_lai e..numher-o.f .can- ..Stanley •. • • • • y” ""'PAISLEY. -In C►tntou; on the 22nd i st.; saiah B , W. . c Bowe „ vative party , g g... • ...... ,J. Torrance., ., . A. M. Campbell.. wife of ter. W, J, Y sley, aged 33 years, F.111lU1tL.11, tiOT1;S• had been very inferior to what they were dilates -more than any other city ill the Do. Scaforth..,,..... D. D. Wdeon.... A. Strong........ I WISE.-inGodorTch township, oil the 22nd int„ `( It has never been denied by the AIIIiI minion, with )robalily the exception of \font• Stephen., •... •. • V. Rata......... iL E,ber........ • Henry'i. wise, aged as years, 2 months and 5 days. -. entitled to receive ; that implements in-. 1 P C. Eiber......... y b �l \CI; Si,r Ch.tries Tuplter's appointment that the Metis bifid good groundfor gr• ev- real. Tu),nberr g....... W, McPherson, •. G. Thompson.., . WIGGINS.-In Godericir., on lite 15th inst„ James F. tended for there use failed to reach them Tuckereniitb :,, Ll, Walkor......, D. McIntsh, ,,,, eldest soil of Mr. Jas. Wiggins; sge3 15 years and le - as High Commissioner for Canada,be has a'zcc . By the passage of the Manitoba through the neglect of the Indiana .pts The tension blt\veeu Afr. (hspleatf and the m6uths: g - g g g , Wroxxeter........ T. Sanders....... ACt•af 1810 old Canada had farfnally and that mons lntesYcled for their relief was other Cabinet ministers seems_ to ha Pe grown Win ham,.....:: W. Scott ...,,.:. R. AIcIn(loo..,,., bf00REtt0UhE.-In Newbury, on cost the country $1.14,700. What have frankly recognized the rights of the Half- Y more seyere , but reports 'of Ilia restguation Rawanosh.Eavt,. T. Taylor ;..... L', Anderson.,,,, lite 23rd Ina t, ,�, not properly expended ; that seeds fur- at the residence of her son-in-laty; Dr. Graham, Mary, we receive;l in r ttlrn fin• that enormous breeds of that Province to share in the nished for ardenin o .rations were half- are generally discredited• wawano'sh west. 1J. wrvia.... ... C. Darnin....... widow of tho late Capt. Jog. Moorehouse, or Euphem., g g P sborue......... T. M. Nay...,,,.: Shier ............ .and mother of Dr. Moorehouse,ofr,ondon,audnev.J. a.nlount? - Indian title, and it.followws as a matter ofAid. Ilarvie, the Liberal candidate in Obotre -, I Ii, b oorcl)ouse, of Gorric• _ The first business was the olectior. Of { l . course thatil'they had rights in the soil of Bufferin _ rev.ail d l o ass and Toronte� nes for many�eara a conductor on __ __ rotten and useless; stint teat sickness —_ '.-t.suffering-prevailed e n d ng them-bevanse e"I�drtliern i{ailway and is well antf fiivor- , r -- sti" 11I'IInito'blt; those ofhem cfiielliiip:in tiGe - _-li'fc,dfv "ri'i5d"Foi"thie'oflic© &fr.D:' 11"a1Ker �•�•-0"-� _. -m Tim debt oC Canada dutiq, the lit they did not get fresh ineat, as provided ' Sale Itegister. . • I regions beyond had rights in the soil there ably known to the travelling public. the respected reeve of .Cuckersmith, was i for ]n their trCatlP.a; that In many In- 1'Cb;6UAl'I h'L;IS., 3, the farm vto of ber, 1:. Wil- ciglit years Of Conservative rule, Ilan in- This admitted of no disputa It must , stances they did not hate blankets to cover It i estimated that two hnndrod.thoueand unanimously chosen, and ill taking his tia,n4, lot 3s, con, 3, 11'awanosly at'i e•oloel,. p. 111, ti, creased S,'l2G,000,070 ; this makes our total have been quite Well`understaod by Par- their nakedness or keep them froth freez- `vitt bv•the number of newly enfranchised scut be toad° a brief speech thanking the il,m;lm,;, Hoer. liament in 1870 • at all events the records electors .who will have the right to vote under I members for the honor they had conferred debt nearlytheet, hviall-e d ?ai:lliwz rlollai•s; them that the flour supplied them Was of � show that the Government of the dap re- the most inferior kind, L-uon' to the trade the enlarged franchise at thol''ederalel0ctions, IIupon -him. A motion to put back the Tr, SiKter ;,elite .arrrvi•t ' or anal >veraoc of $u0 fur• every roan, Iry-, coeoireci ill. point, though ,a settlement its "red dei;," although the money voted A boy named Wm. Glassey was charged at 1 equalization Of the assessment until the yet 11 — 'Man find child in the Dominion. was not then asked for, In spite of this tit. Thomas, on Saturday, with baying per June ineeting was carried. 1"ery little ,' e came slid wont as tomos and goo, U i . recd nition however, and of the lnanifezt by parliament for the first -quality g or the Conserve• other business has been et transacted, Cfae flow drop 0n the morning rose, „ am)ated his father ill voting f _ Y , Or as the te.uler lights that shine ----• „ • 7.0".4-- , • --- b ' of this article. Mr. Cameron showed that tive.candidate,.at.the recent election in. 11'eat rend a tidTrc )o�wild a oar ne. r� weep, L'uL; Chicagt; '1'irnes clairr,s that thein and unanswerable logic 'of the Iialbreed oil one occasion a band of 2000 Indians l pp Above where all will be divine. e Case. til. Department for years and years I:Igin: lie was committed for trial, - .- - -� m • -- --- :>re be.ttveen forty and fift11 Iy thousand na- stcacZtl;� r%ttscca' to �Itote Ira the t;zrzilcr. It •\vete naked and on the verge ot`Starvatio❑ you Ladies' duce pace so bright"a vision ea,no l:cv, Dr. burns, of lite Wesle suet a telegram was sent by, the Indian College, and Prod: Walters, moulder and the I AreUnd tilt COUnty, 1. lu touch uur,h/arts with heaveuly tlame, live Canadians -residing in ,that cit3, aiid was a. tangled question ;. it Would intolye agent, asking for relief, \ o native lyse ylominoe Of the labor ,art w �lr, Alex. Russ Las rented his farm un tile' And show to our bewild red eyes, the appointment. ofa commission and no party, , ery nominated p Y , u)oat of fhent iinse kale there during'late taken of that telegram, and five months as candidates b the Liberals of Hamilton, .fat c0ncussiou of Turuberr -to AIr, \Gaiter ]low Christ receives"us in rho skies. ' end of trouble; St, Albert and St. Laurent Y Y ' years, Where is the advantage of the po• were far distant dependencies without o_ after, the government actually sent word The labor party haze endorsed Dr. Burn. Rutherford for a term of file years., at : ;300 -a : -.-- P P to distribute among these starving and Ycar. 1 Sir f And }hp qnp licy which was to l:ecp Canadians in their litical influence ; it Was a cl;iim that would l) lion. A. AlcGillivray, ex -Speaker of the i Si Jol»i s And to lAU Confit • i naked Indians '2OO itis. of tea and 5U it,s.of \'ova Scotia Assembl I:cicY, the fanr011a tl'utlPr that was owned In u(sli' cOttntry. be none the 2Corne J'or Llue•'ritoftk$inry 2u the tobacco, No wonder Mr. Cameron spoke date. in Anti onish `•S8, the Candi Goderiuh fora long period, died. last week in ' 1 1,igeohz•'hole,q, 'Phis'vas the way in which g INIr.' in -opposition to tho.States, Five years ago she was sold for, _ i MR. Powri"sk is 'a'g`ain to be the victim the offst:ials treated, the,jucd cdentand of tlae °f such heartless and -inhuman treattneiri Minister of Justice Thompaofr. 11 r. ilfcCtilli• l.�>0„c(i0, , f. , . . . in West Rurou. Had there been a pos= 1PU8, and we ageee- with her. Blake, that as a disgrace' fo a Claristiau commiitiity, a•ray ie a strong. candi'da'te.. _ - and.one which he did not believe the civi ill r: James Sutherland i• • file prohOsed.ncty cuunLry Of Alaitland; ! Sir Joie) has dissolved the llomiuiou sibhe chance of clectiu a man ill taco of thein aegllgclir•e vias fleo,a and inexea,aLle, , the late'mernber, is . fi P o' / lized sentimentof this country could tole- I likely to be returned byncclamationfor Noah which is to include the township of (trey, ! Parli;unent, and appeals to the people to Mr. Cameron, •a local man would have q -n dioc•°n rlibalrrl to Grua! elboul file Iii,,yhtr- rale. Ali. Cameron quoted from one of I Oxford, a any one bans against him he will is denounced -in the severest ttlral8 by j 9upfiort his policy of overuing Citnada, ' rectan lI eats le Oris, ublished in the , be a I ibcral nobody else has the gibs; of a everybody in that section, g1. got the nomination, and not one who re s P P I'O4TEn R Barr.EY_ also appeal to the ” llad the hat, cotes l' t Blue Beaks, showing that Ili one instance, ehaneeof success in the bannerLiberalcounty, I , It. Al. Robinson, of ilia \V in;ltam ' , I , I :ides ;t toupleof hundred miles away from Y rhe \vhf"d men, out of a single band of•80, 1,, deaths oc- Ilia Ottawa Conservative nominatin con•, found' has tAken into )arh)ersbi with .Peon e o support Weir -policy of mak- or if, like the Indians they had been num• carred by actual starvation, and this was veution chose IV. G. Parley, lumberman, and c Y' 1 P in the finest Life-size Portrait3_t_hat..have �_P_X"" MWY1_"11•,___,_..---••�'.r__ esnus.tWlA9,�g _-rn flim am Smith• and• the new firm will be � g . .�.�. -- ._ _ - ulyta-•sf26ir*R4iav =.at:J,Ak2 ;.. tvll •_ m,l,labW,uil._rlaial,a�}�' aande.toite, _ a overawe red tape,without doubt the wheels the , known-tt�I sblusOrr-&-F_-mi•t}1-, ----- 'ver i�ect",rotltrccd•,tkire-eatr mitt y3 4-o1r--• CItE Globe $he other day published a of the office would have revolve(Ilor them government had broken faith \vitId the condidates'fnr Otfatvq in the approaching else• - i Y , Indians. As AIr. Cameron met charge tion. Mr. Robillard represbntod Bussell County T'he many friends of Mr. Christopher Dale, l price of y10, including frame. report from Ottawa to the effect that Sir but being only. Halfbreeds, they were put after charge tbat had been made ,against in the last Ontario Legislature, but was not a ( 8r., will be pleased to learn that he is again i -. __ John's mental faculties war. giving.away; oR with an dttrnal promise, until patient. Jrim iaaFth,o Pam y , cl_ret'titerl these `candidate at the recent contest, sufficiently recovered from his recent illuers t �CEU �:�Eflr kl X CJiiCllt a ceased to be a virtue. 1Vd repeat again chars t by able to come to town and attended to 1: , . although editorially it discredited Ale re- charges b'y copious extracts from the Blue Tn�sday is the Liberals lucky day, it is business. ----- — tho departmental system tinder which $110h Books, be was cheered again and again, on :Puesday that the Dominion elections take port ani expr.ssed the belief that th. slaty callotcs surd c, ttcL ne Ice n 'the g 1 C( RU'S' OF 400D GREVN LANG OR SHORT 1 -�--.�.--L tgllts-8f--. n( -there were very,few in the audience, Pince, and it was on Tuesday that the Con• . John A[osdy, sr., of (ioderich,wbo met with. 0 Wood wanted. .ItoB. W. (O�r�, _jeweller, had no foundation. ' Crider the eirenrn- p flrt`on �o- f tie community teas possible, even among his politicial opponents, Who servative rout in Ontario happened. We a Psinhil adcident a month ago by being ran Clinton. - stances it. would bare leen better' to oglit { wrong and should l n,.it ed, did not belleic that his char es were irre• I hope the coming Tuesday, February 22nd, over by a horse and sleigh, is again able to be Tit WANTED. -I"01. T--- E6TiON OF --•+• '- 1 f may result as well far the Liberals, as the last atonal. Ile got considerably shaken up, but 1 a veneer brick School House in Ifolmesville, Plana the whole thio utable, auil felt satisfied lit their own feels iq re . ,QUERIES BY THE PEOPLE. I itiinds that the Indians of the Northwest, � Tuesday election did, p tty good condition again. and spcctacattensmay be seen by applying to MrAts. �•���- - I Mr; Walter Shanley refuses to again con- Sheppard, Heron St., Clinton. Tenders will be opos- r Porter ` instead of being treated by the govern. g The many friends of Mr. Win. A1.Com)elf cd on February-ut, and,vin be received by,Alr. Shoji- J[ ES 111. was stumping the , (CONTRIBUTED. , test South Grenville, for which he was elected of Tuckeremith pard up to tliat date. SAMUEL STUB )V, Chairman mens with'that consideration and .attest- , will be pfeaaed to learn that Board of Trustees. I101tr vilit:, Jan. 17, 1837: Riding for Dr. Taylor, and the NEN E1tA 1Vby is it necessary tolsend all the way to troll that their circumstances and the by acclamation in the Conservative interest •, he is reeovaring nicely and is now able to at. ..fated that Porter mould likely be the can- titncoe County for :i Tory to be sacrificed treaty.•obligations called for had been most through a temporary 'sprit in the liberal feud to business at his reaidence,althonglt he OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN* THAT T1Ir Co ranks, at th0 by-election wl rich took place on will not venture out for a mobile yet, NIPAm tisr[te heretofore cs'tsang between the un- didate for the Dominion, our local totem in West Huron . Is there nu one in the shamefull f ,disused and neglected: At the death of AIr. •Benson, .Che L:berals are dera:tned,vus general blacksntith4, Carrying on Ii ; riding Who is willing to be offered up as the close o the meeting cheers were given nbw united, and it is believed that with ear. `' 'Mr. ,John Adam, formerly of AIcMllop,y Il ncsN ill Clinton, wastl)isday dtsNolved timutual con - waxed exceedingly wroth, -and intimated a burnt offering on the Tory. altar? Does for the Queen, Dir. Blake, AIr. Cameron ! nest word they will redecin the riding. !naw of Dakota, met will a heavy loss recently se,t. Dated this 20th day of January. D. last. that D -c knew nothing about it, asserting this show a lack of Tory patriotism in the , and the ehairman, , , by having hie house destroyed by firs+. The ('I'll ER JOHNSO\, ROBERT JO.N'ES. \\ itness, A. . riding; or :is it the result of good round I - The Liberals certainly going into the famil one saved their clothes ane had dilii• 11,AIATNtNG. 1i 11 -- at the same time that a local man wou]d 1 Y Y ---- = -- common, 5ense? "�"'°" Dominion contest with more spirit and culty in escaping from the burning building, r vroI o'BREu idfRrlAM BULL ruB. SALE. - be the choice. As the editonot the" News- Will the South Riding Tories accept the ' Mr. Porter's First Meeting. more hope than they have shown for years. • 1 Subscriber offers for Nale-,t I'hotri bred Dlrrhan, 1 --- i Almost everything The alarm of fire Thursday morning was Bull Calf, eleven mmdhs old, (lark red; got by first. l"'ecord was ,one of those who nominated self•nominated candidate Leith, or secure y g seems to be in their class stock, with ornl fedi, some other victim to fight over on the 22nd: ' ' i favor. The local election have all resulted occasioned Tip some wall paper taking fire ,r g pedigree, grand -dam was im- Mr.Poiter,he musl have succeeded in per. 3 On Tuesday night, Mr. Lt,bt.. ].Orter,tl'e up stairs in the Royal block: Win ham I'rtcd from England. Rligivtered in the Dominion Or will they sensibly allow DicJlillan to Conservative candidative for West Huron, in Liberal gains or victories. In almost Y + 9 Short horn Herd Book, JAS. LAITHWAITE, 1imt- f'orming thegastronomical feat of'swallow- walk tl1'e course, and thus save expense, held I)is first ineeting in the campaign, in every' Proviiice there are causes for dissat- where workmen war° rnnishe Sam° repairs. land Cm,., (:odmich tacnNhip, Clinton I', O, io himself. hart] feeling and defeat of themseltds^ the tO\vn hall, Clintan Which was \yell iefactinn arauibt itis)' f.uterurent,--ACont- 1'ho flames wore a=tingaishecl rvithn'flt any (� ' 1, damage being done. rj,, IIO¢cniberlBRED offers for valeltg-olDurhanSBu ds, one e - .: -+�._- - -__ • -- - H=ow_.-has.Iclhn_A-�tpetr�:-tll'eY}axt :f°ur-- 11el,�itltxlo.t�la,_WCl)-11:ei;l.I" u,stat,xt..itl _real �tiituess,. sou 1'Iti: subsidized or ani Of the aceta• Sabbaths, and did !1e EIICCCd oil the last the London FrfCI'1'Ca�, Of I'uesdaY--that's GCCa610na1� the CJnalrl'iltlVO ra,ers t note Mr. W. Anderson, I3th Con, l''. 9Vawnnoah, yeat'lini•, the Othtr yotnt4l•r. Also several fIeifors. g g Y l I ( discovered a large wildcat in the ghee) house All of these nnimaW are of first-class pedigrcn, the lat- ono in getting the candidates for Toronto about one half more thall }vete really tpe'opini In of the United States papers in re- l ter being re•Htered hi ale Dominion [Turd Book; and matt are bound to mislead the people if and after some fun managed to run a hoY fork the bulls will be registered. Will be Oki on reason - and Hamilton arranged to the satisfaction present. '1 he chair was filled by Mr. AV. gard to Ministerial prospects. Here is an through his head killiti him. The wild' cat abletertro. APPLEToN ELCOAT luckerstnith. "4 it is possible. We stated last week that of himself and the deputations? If not, Doherty, Who introduced as the first opinion from the usually well-informed Phila. 11 '` g - _ had already killed and cocked the blood of live "- -- -- tbtl_Conservativda admitted a deficit for \shy not,, as.tbc day \vasa L*Doll ane and speaker, I,Ir. I', 1'1. I'tJwt�ll, \stip ltteml5te11 rlelpliiti 1{.cord; lvhioh they will not print: geese and twentyherls, being alt that were in a1iZ'tr•-'rftE si'BS7't21BrIl II;t\'IVG DIA- . the last financial', year which ends in favorable to indoor cnnllnittees. a reply to the speech at' Mr, Cameron of " On the,);ted of bebrnary the people of Ca- - g NOTT of his Interest ht sue R mina known av the sheep pen. S run s Mill, to his son, Melburn S a few evening aids at a general visci{an well have an oppor• p u' prang, bespeaks Will the IlGrons be favored by IL t left n s previous. it was a laboY- 'been his successor the sante liberal patronage that has .)one) offive million dollar.=r To show from'the "Jamaica" car this camtiaign, to ed effort, and while he tried to show that tunity to ahuh� o[i" the odious Macdonald On th° evening of th. 1.1th lust. 'a been accorded him In the past. A In.rgo stook of Pine that we are wrong, the figures for the half- dereact" on the Reformer, and bel) then, some of AIr, Cameron's charg•ea were in. Government. It is n good tlitnb to d., and C, rage social was Field ill the school hones and IIpmlock Ltuntwr, Shingles, rati), ecu., kept on i 1 g it will be a ;,void clay to do it,' of S. S. (3, Grey, on 16th cony and in spite hand. Lumber find shingles cut as desired, as usual year ending -in December, and which show again in the election of their canrifdates? current, he ryas compelled to admit that All outstanding accounts mu9t be paid without deldr r What amount of Tory Boodle will be forth- Others of them were correct. Hisassuin _ The Bruseels Post says that there is some of the very unfavorablo state of the rosds to the nndersigned. JOHN SPRUNG, Itunett. 44 a surplus. of receipts over expenditures for P talk of NVin, Clegg, of 1Vingham, being snit• there was a very fair turn out. Rev, D. ----•- .--. _ coming at the Dominion elections , Where 'tion that our industries ibex ; destroy: stituted for Thos. barrow, M.P., in the com• B. A'Pellae of) Cranbrook Mr Currie of Montreal Live Stock Market. , that period only, are to ems Now, Its is it to come from, and how is it to w th ed by the return nt the Liberals to power, ing election campaign." For some time a Winghatir, and T. Strachan, ex-P,ee,e of 'Che cattle market is wall supplied with all )roof that our ori„lupi statement was cot- Hided'. How much will rotes be worth Was all unwarranted sAswnption, as no 1 g feeling a, dissatisfac;;t a hes nronprevailed an in the Croy, were the atdeakere, sorts and kinds of beef critters except choice the time,, al what the price of fowls in Liberal has e is no himself to that ng Conservative ranks Pq east bas, au<i con. �V 'Vie vee and while these latter brie better ° r root, we quote the following (figures ficin the political market? NVhereare `hields, feet, and there is nn ground for believing aiderable talk has been indul ed in relative The people of Bruaeels,woro very'much R ' that any material chane would be made r g surprised to hear on morning, that former rates, ether kinds are dull of bade at shout file Qflicial Carr//r (published ba the Big 1 ush, CCC., will the weather be -cold S to shelving hr. Farrow in Favor of a more P Y i,, hat former rates, ivlr. If. Alartolabmlf;ht three , , ' `�riwrliment, enough to freeze the whiskey, and how in The- tariff: The conclusion of many _acceptable,. candidate, but the time is too Wm, Cordell who had been clerking inGraut Choice today at d1,c. per 1h, and Mr. Hugh � , (t many will be foolish enough to ,,ell them- present teas that if no stronger ar+umeffs short noir to make the chap e,and we believe & Cue. hardware store sine°last April had pit ed bought three others at 4 c,do,; ver few The statement of yearend and aspen- 8 6 $ Y 8 1 Y s ditureg for the fiscal ydar ending 30th Of saints and theihcountry, lilac reeve; to po. could be advanced against, Mr. Cameron's it has been decided to make the best of a had died Very sudden on Monday night, at stip others were acid for more than 40. per lb, June, on account of the consolidated feud, litical boodlers , ` I Speech, thou these they had listened to, i choice. AVinrglham Times. residence of J. W. Fear. He had been Pretty good beeves sold at from 31c to 4c per is as followS:- 1,OR7, '-TUhF;N fit 1 Lltl I:Ii. - •",� Pro. 1111tH it CUI't�CCtItQSR lltllqt be aCC('ptel. ', i Mr. J. C'onmec, M. Y. 1'. for West AI- bothered with nn ulcerated tooth nearly all Ib., common beasts at from 2,rs to 3ie-do, lievenuo... _,133,311,420 testant Horse, dappled, orange, blue, red I The ehairnimi -;ltcil, at, tite cunelustutl goals, has entored the fiold'for Algoma aummor and about three weeks ago Unit with sotueof'tli,) feaucst ttit,.2?,c per Ib. A ` VX1)onditnrr•.., ...., t$ tA,t7A,D::I ;trtd black, with considerable green, IIc of Mr. I)oivoll`ti-specrh that it an un° work on nccount of tho swelling ill his face, few sheep arestul being brought to market and ,.gM Y u trust lir, ,, •t, I)afv9nn. 'I'Fic consitp• Delielt................. $5,86.1,31i:s had two big patches of whitelvash on his wished to reply to A[r. Porter, on behalf ohcy df ��'est Al; nota will, in consequence, flit the naaombling of the navy conpbil on merst \ttth ready onto at from 4o to uc per lfi. There is 11 plain admission from the (for- i right side, and a Coat of varnish on the of AIr. Cameron, dx•y would be given an be unr•opresentod in the Ontario Legisla• Monday morning it was found that five 0 per Ili., nil d ward nod sell.at from t tout left " ” opportunity ity to tfil r o 'tint then,- Nobody � per ., Anil dressed toga sell in lots at about ernrnent itself of an enormous def I , n,it.h a 1{ova Bible" On his back: lie I Pi l Y tare this anssion na u0 election for tha the newly elected members declined td Glc pm• Ib, . . 6 9 „ I I .. /