HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-01-28, Page 3„ � .4 - 1 . . . Q ,• . FRT.DAY, dA -SS. 21 1887. ,t _a.r::='=,Rant•.-:.,.-,V-:... 4 • . I W I a + t7 , . -�- which they can possibly dispense, which'” field revenue mostly aufflcient to ooeer s a Y of life are thrown in. Audi if air aontipues to raise in prigs, doubtless soros person T4e Rall.,. 9>bt Ill; was not more fgaful than, Iuro the mark# of y skin diseases, end .et Pr: Pierce's `° (atoll•KLOX - "' i CLOCKS! tlandlords ���' IN y rent of the whole bougie. It well ata strict cut, and take the climate g p en Medical Dlsairrery"is a r erlain cure fur I J_J.4.,�►+ �/ is certainly a great kind -nese oip the part of the people to open their doors to the sole east and sell It by the bottle, OprtnP ta'the physical structure of southern Cali• a.11 of them. Blotches, pimplov, eruptioua, pustules, scaly inerusta ions, lumps, tn- MARBLE ' CLaCiCS WALNUT CLOCKS AT..ArRll�' -" - many strangers, but the heart of the kind.: foruia there are about a hundred and one flamed patches, salt -rheum, tatters, boils, r "" !• Los Angeles. nese is composite, the pri I ipol elemeNt different places for health. One place earbunoles, ulcers, old sores, are by its use being extort;iou. From 815 to.2i; -s the mi/3ht be beneficial to the con 'PA 9 healed q;nickly sad permaneutly. Sold by CLOCK, una I.00SS of every descr><p l�qn a cost per month of a room, one portion, another locality better for the all druggists, BT 10MRIVES. Below is a very interesting letter written P gIIBIIitBB. system of another parson, etc But thou - , 4" by a gentleman ill California to relatives Leaving the hurrying crowds, the toils how is one going to find such a place is a'- a in Clinton :- FARMS FOR SALE, ,.. �� I have net• received an- of btteineas, sod the continual rattling, of which he mny recuperate 3 Ah I there is 4¢ ` -, In the year 1781 the small town of the noisy wheels, let ne geek rust amid the the rub. it 1R dartaiuly`taot bV listening til' r1 ABDI IN SIoKlLLOP Folt SALE. -LOT 34 , �r other case of thosJg noted Cell. 0.-•Guod place. gond buildings and goal{ -Jr Neulatrs Senora de Los Angeles was found quiet and fro rant gardens of the city out- the ideas of an.other. it is certainly not locality. e•ouno anti moo it, will ho field cheap. W. +,�:•, twelve families. How Q g g reading Accounts in papers, or deaovi . N. MoMICHAE4, Cuustauee P. U. 31 )' ` of b • re - de P P fa b the hes laza g P -'� j d y skirts. Takings streetcar from'the Il J r _ �' ` , LUMINOUS little these meti cotnprebended the issue g oilly PART ON of such andnsiguificant begioWtig i . Pass- we proceed along north-eastward, passing nativell is b ulpesaonal exd.l4tile i endo Soot i 1' loth cw� ofStile towittship of Hu lutt,containing HA �► • the depot, eroasin the river, and Bout, our y P N Q about 40 sores. Terms to malt `atrchasgr. Apply w r,C ' -• ing'quietly along through rho various stases P ' 'ba"" 0 prosperity. until 1820 when it became ears find rest from the oily din, in oast who are bettor fitted for u otlskut tion for I Ci3lE1LON,IIUL'r,i; An)fFrRON,Burrtmtere, Goderich $l'>r � w' a r _ - .a .•. '!,' �` ' .f pr sp y. r a Ion ourney, are. induced nut here b'the cit of Los An else, t1,o airy of the' I�os Aagelea. IIeTe we find pleasure, bora g J I w0 FARMS FORSALM.�-LOT 33.1Ni3m CON., � nas, not ?4 Y g we see the blushing rose, here the ureness wild and fabul,rlls repovty, ,)there are fail• Ouderlch townsht m good stato of cultivation, DdAlum-Clock an alae, the evergreen garden of the Pa• P p' - ..,:.a * -� � . , _--- 3 _ of the lily. Hera we inhale' the sweet couraged by readi_ne accounts in pa s and roux house just bolt, ;coati i,nru, asceuu,c fauces and u =' T - - =`= teifio coast. In 1800 the population num- fragrance of floral besot where the nolo panlpltlets, others advised by their friends rruuvtmientloo situated. Also the cast half of lot, 7s, In �_��- bered about five thousand, The Sear g y' Y the hteltluud concession, C;uderfeh township, abtlut 9J (' ` i. ' 1 news boy's goEca ceases to ring, the rattling or physicians will, It now uu more about the acrusi G acres cleared and acoded down,._,,',. acres to . 1 — �- 1 sold 100 of them during the first newapapar was printed in 18b1• .heels are not heard. onunuy than the one advised. lobe tuner- prcliarutiouPurclonrtng, balance goodhnrdwnoedbumh d _' From this timeonwsrd, schools were built, 1'erm"eaR A i t 168(1 and the are all iv, ed and Directly east of the city aro Boyle (luonce le that such as these die oil the way y Pp y o htANx[t;a ac seCurr, Dnrrls• r"C ) - , y t ' S cera, Clinton.p`! in nod satisfaction. The churches erected, banks estabhslt Heights, whicharaelevated considerably ur ehr.rtly after their arrival, suhje;tiu� 1, __.-.-_ ,1 7., I �r z, gg Y . commerce flourished. Wealth seekers, "' thuniselves to thin otogs of s mrue' whet, - t'i�tI h \ f `Fy; - [o thea) and everbod above the level of the business part of Los- 1 • 1' J, Ti1AR]i FOR sa41u,-'CtIAT Sl LENp[D FARM p . `r;t,;,,r _ ��l Q jr health seekers, fugitives from the socio 1'' of 100rwres, bilin to 1'� �" refugees Angeles. It contains at present only a few it had be better' tti have revalued at I ofcrcd rot finis un rensuttnbin t enl1ecoMood t ewltrainn is' p ;,- d should have one. bo6nd dolitiii•ies of the north, and refug houses which aro surrounded by beautiful home, seeking to comfort their lest rays by house, now frame born, and other outbuildings; arty i' s'- �d°', from the frigid kisses of Jack Frost, flocked o, m g1 T- _ the tender words of u mother, lir the en- acres under cultivation 12 acres foil wheat. 27 aura yI �„ r-- - -- . _ liedgee and greasy lawns, but is destined ploughing done, wolf watered. Situated 11 miles from 1! "''u d. ` �� � ,- in from all aides, until the city now tom- bustle of the • couragiug• prayers of a� minister. Those LonJefibere and p miles from the town of Clinton �1If �l')/�g" ° ` to be a safe retreat from the t _ prises a cosmopolitan population of fifty creat pity, Here one may quietly imbibe who aro not Au far wasted drarg ill a wiser• Price 34,5e11 .SAh1L1Eb JADfIESU�i, Loudestwro_ u i`at,'„'i�,�4 M `� - , thousand souls. the freshness of the air and sweetness of erable exiateflee, by the fear i at this place , ? 1,, ,ran- . A. „%• "'lie b>nest Selection of r' t• AR�i OR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 39, CON Q, , } '�<rg. :- - - , �; The firat buildings were constructed of the flowers, whbse frnkrance is wafted is not beneficial, and kaop moving about. �casstti t,L.1t, ,Tuckeratnith,cuntaimngb0acros F�' i.:,, v� , \. - - a material called "dobo." This substance without friends, without comfort. and with'.' of which 45 are cleared, well fenced, well underdrooined t .:i • -0 - b . • G IPlATC�IE�, JEWELLERY through the air by a gentle breez ). There and in it high state of cultivation. There is n good "{$_ryr {{{pt���i�r'�, < Fs r - is she natural soil taken n.p and dried in are many other v}!loges fo close proximity outhotna, anti when ho has found the pro- frame house, barn and stableoli and an orchard of plum, f • • C•- ° 'i, ".: . _ and SILVERWARE in the the sun, in pieces of, about two. feet long, to.the cit but as et one may better per place, his strength is too far exhausted apple, cherry and pear trees.' There fa a never•fal)ing �` tirk!Mt t ���= ���% . ' caro foot wide and four inches thiclt form- y' Y Y to eon life nfnch longer-, ger; with eo to are well. It is within ibur miles of Clinton, and three of i ` r � , + comprehend licit condition if I call them J Y '� N P 1) .lm '"+ •'. r. l - in a substance almost as durable as brick, better at home. The climate is warm, dry 1•Brucoseld, with a good gravel toad leading to each :,,,,.,,,, ",w .,l c•oni,ty ib°.be seen at K towns on paper, upon which they appear place. Fur further purl icutnrs apply on the premises The walls built of the same are about three to,tbetter advantage. and exhilarating as 'well, -as other advan- ur to Cnutou r. u J. B. CROSSON. feet thick, and the dwellings so eonstrgttet• reRAFFIc, takes to s nb?t the pr rheumatic troubles, -yPLI.1NDID FARM FOR SALE. -THAT rXCEL-ROBI �, ®�� t , a CLINTONO '<` ed are called adobes, These now unsi ht= A stranger paasiog .along t11e streets but it hna nl>t the ower to creole a now S LXNT farm Uf 154 acres, being lots 68, 70 and 7l, 1. , ly buildings occupy a most desirable luta' would be forcibly struck with the thought • living; lout of olle that' Ceased to discharge on the hla[tlaud concession, Coderieh townabip, - tion for commerce. Auwever, it fa report that the conunereo wunid compare with its proper functions, nor coati it ch"anve,like About 135 acres cleared and to good state of cultivu- tirnn. int lira )remises is n cud brick house with all --------'---- --- -- - -- -..' - ' `- -" -.- -- - -.._. , . ._. - .... - ._. . -....__ , _ 7— .. , ed that a clear title of the property cannot Me histo )holes did the gray headed Faust, ► g ' the largest citiaa of -America. Vehicles P 1 , conveniences of stabling,liulk barn, well watered, do„ be given, oonaegdently it mast remain afi rushing ahead ex res8 waggons aasintg to an uld.[nan into a bright nimble youth, if good tearing orchard, chilrch on the Yarm turd a,h„ill r. f ' a esore to the cit Theeo Yi'i]ildings are g ' P =F' p one finds that a cold climnto is injurious to not frit away, ab„lit 0 miles from the town of Clhctnn. y' Y y at,a fro mens eedin g through the hoar - This farrp is one of the beat in the township of 0edc- AL” �erl-4 922% { '' e now inhabited ,by about five thousand ' P ” I his health, let hit)) coats h( -fore the frost rid,. 1'ossessiuu given at ally tittle. Full particulars `I� ,a „ int,; crowds, newsboys crying aloud Her , li � the g I Jolla Chinamen anti lllexicana. old," "Tribune;' "T)orenpine," "ono fur }las done ^ta" n'prlt, (nnle if yeti fear 4enlhPlO°turofrtheNtEWpElI'A"'OFFICEr JOHN RClinton " r <. THE OLD PLAZA � a -Nickel, three for a dime," all convey the trouble of .he Inn's. Conte if tun abhor-� g situated about the centro` riE 'the' "Old improssiun that it is u substantially ti•>ur• the cold, but come when you are En v(otr TOOK ADYANTACE OF l IIF E&Mll 1�' AI2 �E'l`S TO till' TIIETR cast FOR sALati. THAT CHOICE FAR][ west „�-,- n„� _ _ �,,,_,-,•�,-• 1 "lbws" still retain tLe ori +ilial' de t n ae iahinil cit One--doea. i1ot.sea an dudes health, not when Ion tire to yi)ur gave, estntu of the lute tubo ?humpson, butnq west """'"" 6 g y Y -- It E;t certainly a climate for pleasure and I bale of b,t40, con. ), East tvawanosh, eonta[iling 100 y f:i - conc�ived of, b the earlier cohabitants, strolling •lazEly along, looking io 'tTriceit'u I acrem inureur le,•.; t aero cleared and in );,nod stats.� I,.rWEK - Y ` n a comfort. It 1R pleasant f u'ktlow' tltut yon i , f cutlieatluu, trail drainer[ and free from ubnuxious I= _ _ r;= _ _ �� -� -.!:Hard by stands the old .and stately Span• the smEhng, glance8 of A fashionsole lady, _rust gat Ory cin a half tiny 1dC-nEtt tKithnnt tocol,, lU ntrca bn,h nod reuutindtr pasture, 13ueres may\=•_� °ish` eal;hecPral and rectory, sacred to the nu arisrc:crats perched primrlly lit their _ Ifall wheaLand fall pl41w!n, done. un the farm iso - _ _ - -- _ _ _Cnmingr brick colt}t a irtty 'l1aL &pulled, oC t ucw• Promo dwcl!ln°, burn 45x55, 9Gthle, G•dxSli, uud __ _, _ _ _ - - u.memory, and doer to the heart of every carriages, elxpocling every pt rlcstriai, hitIt n e - _ - _ \� naw ingnlln wet., No fear of that, fill, it ntber untbuild idi .,:•?wells, spring croak uudagoutl n{ Mexican. Separating the cathedral and at)tl low, t0 admire them. i I b.ariugr�fchat,l, .'1 hr, Grant is.¢unted'litit n, an 1 � � i _ �� 41YJ.P has cul 'ruiuud twicenithrlsst hon months • ��-a plawi, Main street passes in 'a south cots- Tanderfont Is tilt! nanle applied t" those Y ' , road. J utile from w.% tit, 10 miler Got,) l hnttrn, stud 1$ terl direction thrbu gh the city. About )oho cUt,le from the asst, and it is remark • and these showers C-11no int night. It is ill ' n,lie., frntu(;otl.rrteh; is well fenew with Loard, rails yo' 'tee blocki from the laza S trine, able how articularl tender the tlu appear so it pleasure not to ho compelled to buver i and wire, i''•r fttrtiier p•at'tlanblrs:tltpp•untl,e iirenti• four t h p } P Y Y NP oneself a with funk t" inn nrnuici the e, -r- "'•''•tort„ tilts. Jumv •r)tv.mvsoN, l.wldesburu . And a nP (jifferin( thein ,,it ext1'enlely IoNv prioes. A fillet' aS- street branches off, 1•ut arait, Jrt111s Main c"mimt out with a for cap, ill' ,i climate N _.__..__- .. ^..-„-• -_- - • on the west side .tbnuG halfa uule from its about h0° ill the abode. After they have ser. Nur need "uE+ bra in trun, lest it ,"AltNI F0ItSAi,t•:•-TiIATr�P1,F.NDCDFAIt51 S+�i'tllleilt Of r tlialkler muslacho be )tented ill Ur,lwdl ty j _� a �, L. It i, r+C I ° entrance. 1-leaditig out of tilt; east, corner been here about'it week they foul justified 'P taw ;it11. , tteler Ont l' cru. of he lazS taking t}'e snide direction as in Callim, thomaelve8 Old citlz-11s, ,'!inti 111 the ice's*, ail lfitl+•,rt;tnt Il Etl11 Irl the lil'ea of ;"•r lll•Ite l'%%till g�o builds fun• PrtIR is t•eamUtnnhh• ��p� •�� -�g - P , 1 a"t11e, It is a Nlrssiul sir�ht (n heli"lei the u'rmr, tca[iI f uud build(u_m, ft,uiut kuru, dUxlw, 10�� � CROW . �-�-&SF lye :E?,a: .l the shute street, is Loa Atioeles street, Lheir torn enjoy callill;_llltif uativu conn su)b1e.Els30, sheep uud p;u'rinee house, 10x14, I _• acres of oranue ',rvn•es, the vineyard or the'•gaod 1', -,story, 21x30 t'I'Iunc hunt+ Hold kituhc41, These contain ijud uncloso,the cmnmer- try.me`fl, whu come, 'later, by the usual oncresuidcrculilttltiun, 2•l ueren rtetn•od lint . — tial"facilities of the aity,tho ]atter enutaiu- terma "tenderfoot," `centaiit snckers," or evert„ rcron pepper ire., )int nits is not salt (1{411, i Token- ill liered good Lardtvru,d hu h. - , „ ,,. nearer a heat'en 0f'llTtt0ld•Itap1J1T)V88, than Neil W-twn 0, hacilig •hret. of :the heat wells ill ing tho principal wholesale departments, new one, or•somo other each atfrctiuu T� he is in t}lr C"ld clixtale of thR gnat. The liuruo vunnty. (loaf hearml;urc'luirti fid; and S. _��TL.J:Ef�B��� � 00„ The manner ill which tfaele iii rite retail .at0 Hama. TxCnrBE0O8 are bCEnt;l[7tJ lieu connt.r;; Certainly po:•sesaes thL Ilittinal ten- i uriruinriiwf�i�� vttst�uY •Illlilinuti untlt.`Srttli,rrLl[t,,d " establishments id carried inti, is rather for- lite ill by t} a hundreds, and, goin;,• down . deur, tolarfllth,but.like pver crit'rcrfuu-Ispe(•th•ely.thert•l.a:.sttloidid,,ravrlroadpassrd �� ���+'�•• d'. a� Y 3 eigu to the Canadian idea of cununeree. =tier ,• ro the morning, title Y�eholds these ,n the Yront r.r ilio rrewihes I'll nrul ' , IoweveT it rodnCes gond results in Otong " Li,iiderfeet" lira.ge r along till, street .try 1L firth hnrl."fi rgrearf'Enfinx ttf C 111171 E•Tlfl- , I ,T +w• -?^--- .1 -... -- .- .. . _.. „ - . -.- -._ _•,-_. . .-.-.--.- b , P • n. „lin;; � � trrula giycu Oil tippli�utiuu til, al'i l h1UN 10, , -" c tlnences. Stich all physicians,--ahoat two yi"'1, hruceticid 1'. U.. nr SAMIJ a, l;ItIVII n know -__ _. .11niicljl . cu operation of business. ill one looliitlog .or sutnothin„ they hardly hn . room there may be from (i6e to three firins• I what, unless a farniatied •Touru: _unfired humenp'Ithists, alRnpathlstsi, ,,It too, P, u.," or N1:+o• EI.A OFFICE'. I)AYltj i �•A —-` �� 1 LC<.).l't' E?Irra,io I'. s,.l'ulllornta. ice_ , ij� yrs magltetie healerty-tied mhtaphysicutns• --__. _ _- - -... . - .__ ---.. � A� `;a ���;�� -r .�� � � - tl+or inatunce, a clothing establishwetat I 1:F,AL ESTATH. � Ay��-S o i:r.,� ��- "`��ry �. t-!Il'It(-}f P.S. i , ,r -`' •'T ,r " b� - - ivould occupy one aide, ivldtnq the other ".Chase are Ileo w8rds that know u ) rest, :lltltrrurdl tit. city is but ft fes 1'rttrt+ old, f isrq� pp o r 'vaimbla Fr t r v t _ /, - ;-y pounding a "lnl the ears �.�C11�015 1 il�t) j �✓'i I •1 4''1, �, dJ' !s by radio<_s, probably ill#o three or foot but continually ) n i i 1. a P bE:un'tifnhan'tl cilat.lyl+edifecr•s }late barn 1i fIUI,T.Ir Iii. -- . Irl j! I `I. % �� z, arta .ruutlo<g each for a real ustutu c•tiicu ; A - Wit: • :a �,s,- 1,//l,' a yiulltW •�h, , d.,t l� w...f..1. \ i P n float ubont'iu the air saiza,g t.rwl plra"tl eieeted. fur filo wnrshi•p of (incl [`hit . i td;-.-= . _-.;: -\. - _. ora drti`g,,ptore fluid a jewelfy department — _� - � ,.E'' h 1 • - ill ils: gold -ell grasp, The. desire to. be a Rashers do-wA L- ui•ld their sermons a ua)'i The e:-.eutorm ufa11,4Ustote of Lho iatc JUkii, i,lkw,n n �- r , , u=u _ r, /( ;�a� cotilbine; FLpwever, this isnot un lyordally pr P Hill offer for sale b l'uh1le lumt[au ;a rs t p \3t k- V r real. estate anent is as contagions as yellow scientific principles•anr} ivviiati -tions hut. s' I •1" - , t y 1'I''j"% "i il bt.,_ the case, as the`1'argeab oatabliehmeut a foiel, but has tho'op osite oifecG, the una !ergot it K ttO7L.L, ntalL'ItN, � X. - _ / u v the whole a a. It is usual fora P diacoarsu ri)Iht ntrsi:hr frot)1 the bible, I . -�� �1+Y i 3 g . c p 1 all attractive, the other a repulsive power, drawing O a lino'for a true chl•istian at no- ; At ! dclock p, w., oil y ' a. , , cigar to combine with saloon, the former b ai ` ,' �'', 7 t . The air seems to act as a telgphorle, con- thingshort of insDiralion, lint to of uu-1 1oVEDNLSDAF, I?LE11CAltY :2nd, 11 til, � ' . occupying the front, sflparated from the "`' ce tot hitltei anti-thichetMrtf-tfiis nvtrrtrd - arani•c,f.4;4,:ta=s,ma,tu,QCl�,L-h:.: _i,,.'._: , ___ �..1 _. 9 w--' --_-- Y tera71Eii7I71ie pffort9 of lbs zl C1vL, I tYretro situ; ted m the hlnit- _ " - -- - "I brier by a pttirEitian tiE eni5c a, tiie I3nch that one having trutiaferred ills lots at fico me beer• gardens, salnnns h +the ])undyed hind ]nedt, llnuttl, wuhul ei,c mile or the 'ill"i -ir ---: q - g- - ,w -- -_._. _. _, .,., __ ___. __ .... .. --•• naltau revelry, ].tats not gviosal y to I + 'Auburn. ltvud frauw house un rho farm; also bearfog R� ��1�]['il�,(ae t�' L� 1Gi�_ru �pc �i��Ps i E. 6- SOS much advance, or some corner Int has been and as maliy more cigar stores. Nearly I orchard, frame barn and stables; well )watered, fences gaffe np-and.down the street tenvninttt.es advanced °5 er cent. At)d the result of tu..good,cl d[tiun,.land wader good culth-atiuu, ktil Fiavo a world-wide+ rrpntfltimi and boort hpcn r,:cOlnmtndertebp ell the leading opnliata of the watching for our lad friends to•pas.4, or.t P every one, frnnt fie stnall+lN•W-tFl titergtYty-�• . c•Icsred. day. Tbey arr+ guaranteed to {rive relief where al[ outer aids to v[eiwl fall. Every Pair is Y Y all this increase in property is a new suit halts; march along the street, f umig,iting 'maim er'Sitm,, $,lou down tit time of sate, the bad- euaranteed. Thoy are only to bo obtahtecl of the subsprlber,.und I air tbp only person ill Clintoti of sight, and then dodge into a 3itle a t r, sues ur xS, 00 iii 1t0 days thereafter, and ren.uinder to who keeps a fail line of the shute goods. Itua noth!R will be glvr,n of 1Hr. Laurnnee's nest of clothes. The excitement is. becoming like An Rugine eieaming nut un the New � , -and through half. a dozen back yards tut Host tr idemie. Escuretoua slid auction , be paid at rare Of._uauyear with Interest at0 per cent tetended visit to Clinton, taller all those suffering from dnfeet! vin vialou will liavo the opportunity tering the back door to the anlonn, to take P York. Central. I Any particulars ntay be ubtaihed from the auctioneer of Lia 5efvi6ce, at lily store, WITHOUT E`CTUA CRAR(1T1. drink of "lemonade" the for here every-' able are being announced every day. The system of huildin;; is quito difl'erent or exeenttn•s. Bands u driven inti and down the street from .tint .of Canada. The people don't I J01' S1'R1: G, i ki ' ntors, n,Q�j., NV. ,'�✓6EL' :ti,. -YC O�r'01 1cr, C)1i1¢8,C4 1M one passes right in the front Rntran(e' b a four-* -hand, rho horses being cover. Y , i, etre to place their houses, hugKing ttieir ''JAS, ltuwsux, Anetioneer. . at, before the bar As brave ns it major eel, and-t.be c rria•ge almost enclosed with _ - - - and fiesta himself, ro(ieedin g again uu his „ neighbors as though it were the last flair I -- -- - t --�-• ---- ---- --- - - _ , P h s, tha advertiseu�ent great auction sale of of :,ground ill rho eonnfr but liken cod 9 r t 't'' 't i • T way unobserved; ererybiidy l/iitids his own fin and all tinct " 'e din g' l w}tit, "` free y' g I'�� �a (� `� g4� - i°�.11Ji(e -- - T -FURNITURE .g + >� l lP liberal mfiti,"'fi;(id of hlanty, hays enough I , , • i NE W . S OC�.. his cooTltry. , o build i �J V J .luncheon oll tnun 1, rho last mentioned t h s It) use nn and have sonic re ry t'i"` I a•ffuira 1t, t t7llOcl It , -. being till iulporttiilt_item. The fact of the mnnin to ntalte t°0la[rne lawn it) front. » do'an extennilve business, es leciall duriu g ;matter'is there are dnou gh lilts sure eta . I Valroable Farm 1-w tlailett 'd`o�nship, _'', • especially f, t t surveylit], Thio he decorates with msec, lilies, geran Opened out in ELL$�3° TES 33LO03M . the winter mouths, when the great influx in and noatt the city, to conveniently- en- I imus and.all flowers that are beautiful and ! About fourniue, trom fainton. Under and by v;rtne • from the east is at its` highest, Most of clone and acbommodare alT ,Nbw York city.. fravrant. ` . - • oy the power of sale emixalncd'In a (:•entail mortgage, the firtne a*re -compelled to run two deliv" IP the pgresetit 9ysterit t)f surveying Dirt tow n Tllia is L"s ,1t, gales. the "cE� rif the Au, ("'['!eh rein b }iroJueed at' rho tlrile tit sale) w;tde by ;r'E1T DOOR TO TIIE CI'CX ,1300}: STUItI:, •. ULINTON, 1 t Y I ;tau+,oil ticrry to the vendors, (dctnult having born . cling rigs, drawn by two mules. {' 1 lots all .user the country ctiutinues, thEare gelea, the great city of tho .[rici;fi0, tvhlClt tin: le ita['a)t"ant thetcuY,) will ho multi toy public a,.n:- g,�� /'� �y -- 140TELS will anon. Illi a sufficient nemlier of lute f Tiny; awasts the golden isao'Et nF its present* I. tion, uL rife BRI . DM SETS, ��.RL�H SE'r'1�, r,L®U1,,GESe laid out lu b. . a Rectind Lundnn here. al. prosperity of wkfich the Pacific breezes ii1l11tiEi�)lT#';j �y+f)'si`h(' �AIQf6711,,1 p,,,,, are not numerous when we take into co '1'aria'there, slid ilnl,ther New York to &let sing to filo Asiatic ul,tions and which t}le ; ! i SIDEBOARDS: CHAINS, �Oi+G., sideration the large population of the city, i -u .� , as mt dium. All within a radius of thirty broad Atlantic winds cry aloud to the Euro- I t e A,. Ill A GENF,RAL AssoRTMENT OF TITS, VDRY BEST XADP, FTTIINITURE AT and above all the 'vast crowd ul; strangers tulles, The,boom here is greater than that )ein otters. J. r ' SATURDAY JANUARY 2&'h IDffi7 ,arriving every (lay. The Madearl, A�atick 1 P c q f REASONABLE PRICES. f' I ' In rife DOTIh-A'Rat, ti few faTa ago, but � At l u'ci°ck L •- 1)at"id'DIvI.luhan, auctioneer, ' '. . " Pico and St. Elmo ars the' most,jniportant, Y g t _,._____• .--J. },�,�._ y _ .. - -- . , . Manitoba gave moie irdvantages for fraud t thetu[low•(n;; land..iz:-'i,l)n soutirwe"t'lialt o'f lot ' ._ •-__ _ -. �v_ and of,these the"]1ladehn extols in beauty, , gyp - VotraibmFI' vii gess 1 zTil»oivii- -- 444S-�a��—S klipx •' • ^ -- dlcbeating e+tFest- p}trre a"�drner o �� shl of llullett, in the count of Jlurun, cuntntni0-''0 ---furrrialringgis; etipa ' ouia p y b ' a lake or ii whole slough miJ,ght be,pur- Having the utmost confidence ill its „trim. 'lobe fano )ic nbont tout mile~ ftatn Clinton, is in charging; The next important item En chased, surveyed ant in tOA n lots; pat eD super}ority over all otbers,ancj after thousands well watered and fairly fenced, and the buildings are - _.._ - California life, is the restaurants. it mat• of testa Erf the most Cern heated and secerest !n a fslr stnto of mpulr, t to ,oil is a light relay team, tars not in what direction you turn our Paper and sold at profitable" prices. Not N about. 30 aures cleared and the reattlmbered with hard Y Y cases we cittild find we fgg�. 1 1118t}fied "in offering' wooed unit eudar, than is a go,d hearing orehnrd on eyes, they real upon"restaurant, tnegls 25," so here, for tcfiter.tls more ry inspect then to forfeit One, Thousand%ellars for any case a the farm ������ Grocery dry land, apd peope generally inspect be- c;pvDrrtoNS of 'A[;E.- Ten ereeut ee tine � Some, Ifowever, carry on a difirereut fits• 7 cough, coal, sore throat, influenza, boarsenea p pur- foro buyiuu. Cao tb}a boom continue? Italic money 4obc��idat,tune of sale, sttilletentto • tem, which fits the appetite, but more.es- bronchitis, consumption is its early stages u)u)te up one 1nn1C of'thtopurchose money within one peeially the pockets of the hundreds of F]►story huus..to sltuly arid '-proves that the nboolling•cough, and all di?enses of. thr6fif tnuithef.the day of sale, andthoresiduetobesecured �. ��°�� +®]!4� :�ti,,-ii )i4�i, - system of working towns oil jabs is con• and, len s except t asthma, for which we on1 b mort• a e of the purchased rem,Rcv,,tobear interest strangers. Their bill of fare rune from g p le y 2 g t p teary to the s£Ability'nnd prosperity which .�lafm relief,: that we can't t:urc with 1Veet'a at the rata of six per cent per anpngi. For further 106. np to a dollar. The cost of .the meals .Fg self -stip orcin anti self-sustaining.— parti4uturs slid conditionnofs`I1K)�]•VtRDF•TTB, Tile subscriber leas. boligbt• out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting of being in accordance with the capacity of P $ t�•- Cough :iyrop;' when taken according to lir There are but few nutnnfaetories to sup- actions. Sample bottles :.oe,. and 5043. Large int• to DAVID DIC1UNk' m, - Vendors Solicitors, 17 the appetite. Mush and. milks 10c, bread Aurtloneer, Clinton.Loudon, �1 ` 7 1 GLASSWARE, ` ryry and tea and .Mh a . milk, 1 will) the Port labor, nothing t > give work, but the bottle ^t 1. (xannino wrapped only ill blue. - - - _ _ GROCERIES, CROCI�ERY, G LASSWARE, &C. coffee, ' usual and necessary improvempnts and Snld by .all druggists, or sent by express on -- ' ,regular attendants thereto-v,egeta'bles etc, building; of a city, At presant there is, ret eipt 'of price.. JC)}i:1 i1r}:>'C ,t ('f), NLCUTliltw AiVTICLr TO UI[ED1T0[iN. Which, being 11ongllt at low l'tlfesl lir; is enabled to offer at the very clo3ost prie85! --20e., fowls u0. One may easily conceive plorit,V of work for carpenters, plasterers, Toiuntfl Out, Notice Iv hereby given, !n pursanncc of Sec,34,ehnli. Patronago respectfully solicited. All ordr-t s promptly filled. Ttooms to let, how crowded those eating places are, when 107 of the Revised statitem of Ontario, as m�ntionctl , etc,; but this sort of hibor must soon cease, bar •i0 vita., Chap.i, that all cro(litors and of ter•per• , , one things of the innumerable stringer��®�® unites large manufacturing places are Soma InLtl Aro Alcon1's t3ul)et']bl fn c:if fiasco havlugd,?114nlahtRtillse.Ntntoof,loin t;uoper, a ���� all in the city. From the moment one enters leceawd. ulte,)t Lilo town of Clinton, [n tit° cnunty;tif ,7.M. i e started, or that-tho influx of eastern capi- I cu1t11ttanceJ. 11 liltbt ask,) nlan cons cur Huron, who pied on or about the sixth do of Nov„ - •. - 1 oras;,.__. for a mond it is necessary to be on the alert, y --• _`- r unlil tNe exit is made. Why is this the till wfi'I nu'riaax(Lc It.ieatrt,o that the conn• rlec•forty mi'lcs by a cyclone ClonC and cTrop- rA8tJ, bre hereby required to send by pnsL.• prepaid, or ,.' tray has natural facilities for growing fruit othtrtvwn dolivered to the undersigued,-Executors of + h p I )•ed 1n EL widows front yard. He inarriml the lo- will and testament of the said fill(, Cue , G'la r fling t simple reason the-waitersit be 1 S' t• LA H PPY SA E 1 t ' YEAR TO ALL g sal have other places of more modest pea- t era at C, in Ontario, oil m before she fourth da et ! 6�i l'�4 t<W t} C..if� Ar rustling liither and thi.ther,ordera to be the •wit ow and returned home tvortll 't tell Rlnna. It also ling climate, bat people ;, prn:u;�, A. I). 7887, their chrlslihn names and our• 1 filled, and In the rusli. what happens 1 cl lionot Cnntir,llo t0 favest capital ill. the about :$.'30,000 inove thrall sv:=, ,.• bo wItlivr, acitimpscs and description, the full particulars I ° Probably est when the waiter'a hand sup- p [; _ - ., - I tilr t&,Ir t•Inhna, a st2tewaitt or uivir neamuria, nal the Y 1 , P MIPt, Spandlflg 1110 profits lt) bllyinqL air, furled. , nature „f their securities (if fin}') held br thvin AndI.' ports uvor somebody s bond a plate of };ut. the staple article to real eatatR, which ' I10t.;,nwediatelp aftertilesni,l fourth dnyrif February ' n , soup, as frail Re was ansponded the sword coast's �i.nllLlh Syrup. .1 sttl'R CUTt' `fwtr nett the a).ctsr�f Lie n"btto n[ the said btic.luht� l'unl The is to) tiCfl nn nn' the principle of dipping .K , r will he distrihn ed amour; the •trties entitle, tltere• of llem41cles,.hia elbuwis. etrnak. lho a"n- „ inti cnu hs cold+, bronchitis, sore tlunnt and f E''dt at into the p..t,, hr} h all your frion:ls `,. tet• ll vivo rcgntd ani)' to the die of itoilo will nutN ,!, Robbull . ill seryneuce 11'eave to IitC lino€;inatinn of the all C1191'aar'a of tlt0 t11CURt and lnpr•;a, •)C,, � -hull h•tru berm t' eeh'oti ; and the E'tcruta-. will nut Gory in to scJnttze yourself out, after most of rq.. and 8.1.00 per bott.lt:. All druggists. tic nnbleforthe old rot there. J, to any reader, which need -nut be t,tart produaive ( },a • T" , b t( the pot Ifus adhered to the pook('t. How- }:Ursmi int whose cilutn m,t6•r mh,ill ntrt-h;rm•t,ertt-r•e• �' . ` 10 Cnn Cell'U the 1'ealtlG. And tEle w'ay Lho over the piesent scheme of a er•lhltion o ceived Ly them.. t rho Ifutc of >;Uetl div!tibtdi rp, ' , U A farmt'1• livid neat• Little Plock, 4 __ 4 f,ro Am e r, . eattt�lesare slung at one it is almost a re- a ua r t.thia i t day of llc.,, i' •;• mast snnit cense- as is taught by niAtori' Ark, while )lin uttr with his three- ear Itt la�!4.1E., ') i quirenlen"t to be n prufea:;ional baseball , playing a y g • 1i .oe u:rn • cal experience --and become more .certain i1'M. t1001TH, ) (t!ub,) I', t,, " Catcher, lest he miss a dash of tninatoes, find con9tlnt. Ttno time must arrive wbun old -soil• wits bitcon on the thumb b the -- --- ! y - I tiVoulcl bet' to �nnolnice to Li4 clef custouiex's - �.ucl the - uglily �- just in, time to receive a cup of too. In the value or worth must'bo the basis of sales, boy. Shortly afterwArtl9 the hand be- tr'ir t r 1 t''' r ` S �. 1JR, GF1h thea 1i 111, n -A mefieral] tif,it havinn commenced business ill liiS Old tand, midst of finch bustle Dull becomes unc•at' not price. When this day tames then g.ln to swell, and tin loan 'die:.l of the ! • __- I 5 3rf �' sciouely in a hurry himself, and such a capitalists may buy property and' know -wound. ' - . .-- with a fall'and »'ell selected steric ; of 11 I short time has elapsed between the ap- the issue of this plll'CAaae, and then the , , - The Sub>crlLer bepi to return Lis sil:eere tbm,lks to pearanco of the first lend disappearance of present prosperity of the ecnntry will con• West's Word a Hounder, or Family Lin. alt uiTe ince qg) lilferally I ront.e,l hitt during the the last morsel of food that his watch a ment a never tAilin cure for rhournatisnl post t late yenta, and to inform them that he is still nn + tinne, but kin a sure and arable foundation, ' g the unci;. �I� �yT T, t� scorns to have stopped. neuralgi.i, cuts burnt, bruises, wounds and STAPLE L ljl�i U1�OCk;]6IE.► ( t RDU(•AT.10:7' frost bites, `3S and 50c. All druggists. HURON �T., CLINTON. )--,PR'OYISION�s,I� TOUR tr_ Lonulxn It is remarkablo that such advance in the p., ars' a , ' TT '}� 1 . We now enter upon the topics of a place facilities for instructing the .youth could The death is announced of Mr. J. J. Up. With ,t full till" ,.l I CV Erii1�� 1h C13INA, CROCI�F.RY AND in which gentle sleep, may steep the sense be made in such a short time. Already a church, fouttrler of the .ancient Order ��®UB FEED P VEGETABLES � !�T �RC�1 GLASSWARE, � in sweet forgetfulness. The system of number of most excellent buildings have of United Workmen, which, from a very , +ttf1J f�►7►?��A16d+�, lodgings as edrried'on in southern Califor• been erected, but funds cannot be raised in Antill beginning, haiiassunied vast prupor- Of the beRt,qualttios, w•hivh lie w•illftell at the lowest Ilia, find especinlly in Log Angeles, may all short n time sufficient, to bnild equal to tions. He died at Steelecille, Nn,, tit the reminwrntive prit!es to all who mny favor him with a be brought tinder the head of speculation. the demat)d. A State Normal school cons age of fi7. - can. Iliq stack inelndem VLOUR, CHUP, FIiORTS For as anon as a business block is erected, tTA erected in 1881, at an enormous cost, Be. I'LlWit, CRA i:> PEAS, F"%T, ORAYULATFn� ROI- All of which will lin (sold at Price,; which will astonish you when 'oil call on the Mineral _ _ ----. some one, usually a lady, will runt the sides there are nol'legeii fOl boys, and serif- Miorr,il r otsa.u, eElt, una F1 iNDARl) 0.\TSIP:AI. una coRxhflant., 3 store rooms for a certnin torm. These Abe inaries for rials. Also the universityof . Nothing [boot purr extratilA from plants final all klndaof 1'rgetioi n•1RRHI, SALT all of which mgt side, of Alhett st.rcot, at rnn fru fimetl China TTnll. will furnish most beandfully, anh-letting l' ranTAam nsprl in prrpnrin,t tR•arpuAr'tl bung I will dell for orcoarw grnirm lIRAN, SIlpRTS . R arkathern California, which has no :v O8 1 Carrrtn,ttnd, the tnndorn and now pnpulat; re no . and FLot'R by the ton or ewt., and everything sold them as offices, lodgings and dwellings, i.e. stadenta. I dy for Colds, f•mt,•iha, Ilnmchitia. Croup, A it I;. at mill priers, Ali articlon delivered free of charge ' �%l a suite of roema for a Aurin generally tuna and all of "tions or th® throat, Iung4'nnrl within the cot ,orutinn. lily mento will he "(,nnd ' ,' g y .'f.ISCA'rF. I chest•. All mino-ral poisons n.nd dangerous sub• g"ods, ;asl IV,.!g.tt a•xi•,ne prig c.' erytlal to the OTi o re rent the r ni Pri- Tills i9 robot laic tondorfeet buy when standee tire avoided, which rptuk'ra IL ante for ' trtet, ulivioil, N q ROBS"ON, I - CHINA HALL11 ' tate fanE?Ess alto rent all the rnnms tvi+lt they conte, here, and -the other neeenparies pt 1V,nrthoYnton ssl)r. ¢cfttn�dr nnrl $:it+rUnitlg, l'lI0`1, «:'fyO J, I � I