HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-01-21, Page 3f. ._.. 1. .... 7 � t . 1 , , ■ . � . I '. I " . � _7F, , 1. - � � . - ► .-_.,,... ,.�..., _ ' _ F.r,IDAX,.JAN, 21 1567• D.EXTH IN TUE REAL NEBRASKA STOCK IN IN'J$FAN. *400PC11f+u•nili e -1f, ., Having the utmost con6tience in its r I �"- `—' ' k y Q 'Q't ' Z®t�"sa 3 ®�� F ° ' A correspondent of file Chronicle writ- ives he follow"in er- d '' ' " f. ._.. 1. .... 7 � t . 1 , , ■ . � . I '. I " . � _7F, , 1. - � � . - ► .-_.,,... ,.�..., _ ' _ F.r,IDAX,.JAN, 21 1567• D.EXTH IN TUE REAL NEBRASKA STOCK IN IN'J$FAN. *400PC11f+u•nili e -1f, ., Having the utmost con6tience in its r I �"- `—' ' k y Q 'Q't ' Z®t�"sa 3 ®�� BLIZZARD. _— ° ' A correspondent of file Chronicle writ- ives he follow"in er- superiority over all others,and after thousands of tests of the most cod hca and �i? '' ' " A man just in from Fort Nrata was g I at about stock we could we feel justified o offering fh o [en may 10,„l 11. o Y but it is a thing not to be despis• + warming himself Oyer a register he Sherman House late yesterday afternoon. eating to shies in 'Wigcoon- `try : Japan, with nearly 40,000..000 pec- to fes hod 9 7 u dlollarefor any case a ; ,.F cough, cold, sore throat, influenza, hoarsenes � z: please, Q when the sidewalks are icy. t . t Found! that West's Cough Syrup is the ` You people in this part of the country,' he said ` have little idea .of the terrors of I I ple, has only 875,000 head of cattle, mules, swine or sheep. We have two head of horned cattle to every three persons. The bronchitis, consumption in its early stageRl „�Ghi ��r`� ”"' whooping -cough, and all diseases of throa , fs.. and lungs except asthma, for which we a blizzard on the plains. Out where p only I ,, ', +° " he@t for coughs, colds. and all throat and came from one of these storms means Japanese have 500 persons to each !read P claim relief, that we can't cure with West's 4!h 'ists. uflg diseases, nil drug{, death to man and beast. Nothing cap of bovine stock. We have one horse or Cong11 Syrup, when taken according to dtr Wes Fanny bit her tongue one day and "What is it ?" live in the binding, piercing ale The uud mule to every four persons ; they have only one horse to every thirty-three ectious. Sample bottles 28c. a4d 50c. Large bottle $1. Genuine wrapped only in blue. art.. ` • came in crying bitterly. asked her mother. "-Oh mamma l" she blizzard in Western Kansas Nebraska and Dakota about ten days ago was as tile- per- sons. ,Ofshee p the have no knowled 1 y knowledge, sold by all druggists, or sent by exprePs on , .; receipt. of ice, I. -JOHN YfL•'S3' t.'U. said, "qty teeth stopped on my tongue. „ astrous to human' life as any we had lust as they went no \+uuleu clothing and oat Swine i� i,, 1,� Tttruntu Uot. Lady (in shoe store), ` I would like to winter. It burst.upon the country with a fierceness seldom equalled in that land of no •nutton. meat as nluch au abomination to them as it is t -ti the Brah- - --•- ,lig^+ _ �" ticadache Iiitiounnews, � ,V look at some cloth slippers, for myself. ' Olerk (ntltil recently in the dry goods elemental disturbances. 'rhe rap es were g iled high with drifting snow, and cattle, .mins. The Emperor rode on a wheeled carriage and that mode of conveyance waa0,21,0, "Whonover I feet out of sorts, bilious, wv tr:,, veWi, liver not working right. or racked with i► hnad- I tak0 Ur. ChasO's Liver Gore. there is `Yes, madam, something all wool ppecomin confu:led in the ft is cr stale b g y g y , made sacred to his use, while other eo le P P/f must ride do other fuahiona or walk. The more real beuetlt from one doseof yourLiverIline) Caro than ui mx)i,v botGlus oP seine modieines "' OBI and a and wide'!' y perished in their tracks. One of the mel nobility monopolizes sedan chum andI,, -JotnMcxayser,Build Howl. Forsit]e °. The superiority. of man to nature is ancholy incidents of the storm was the loss of v tt ouu woman—the horse -back riding, and to the common by Dr. Worthington. - - --- -- - W. COATS,, @.-a. CLINTONs I . continual! illustrated. Nature needs belle of a Dakota villa e. k, people oat People was left the privilege of walking. I "�%atOh�li��� u�'�W01g®r., G�L ''i'b�''ra':��?:. y g 1, j FARMS FOR SALF. an immense quantity of quills to make left her home for the ur ose of relieving the formers and packers w their return ' , . q Y q p P g from markets, would. however, mOUllt FAtt\[ IN ideKILLOP FOR SUE. -LOT 34, , a goose with,but a man can stake a goose a poor family who were ,n distress when r + Con. 6. Good place, good buildings, and good �;-`_ . 1- their horses, but a )on thea earitnee of focality. Come and see it. Will he sold cheap. W. x�r rI� the blizzard roared u on her. Losing 1 PP X.31CMIC114EL, Constance P_O. 4i It �� Z 0 of himself with one. P one of the men at arms the would tumble ___ 11 , her wan' in the darkness and whirling Y - --- -- I' `Why didn't you come when I rang?' snoN she #ell from exhaustion and was off in all possible haste, so as to meet Tj1ARM FOR fitLE-PART OF LUT 26, U?I THE \ - to her domestic. < Because not found until her feet and hands were their superiors in their proper places, that goo iL 4h con. of the township of Hullett,contatnhig `'moi � Q { saida lady d 6acres. Ternisto suit purchaser. Apply to F� y\ l' • I didut hear the bell.' `Hereafter when so badly frozen that amputation was re- is, on foot. Horsea thus became aristo- CAJIERON;HOLT& CAMERON, Barristers, Goderich / M' Id �t (. sorted to cratic animals and were held in high ea- I Lf '' you don't bear the bell you must come , to save her life. When I left teem, g w0 FARMS FORSALU.-LOT33. IN13,rrtCON., K i r' w ' the country the unfortunate girl was lying __ I. Goderich township, to good ,µtate of cultivation, "" - and tell me so.' I. Yes mum.' I Gang houso just built, r_4 at the point of death. Another sad in- 1liluerol 1•olsou• I • 1 good barn, excellent fences and • ' I must Have order In tb1S C011rb_ conveniently situated. Also the east half of lot 78, tit s i cident of the storm was the loss of two Nothing but pure extracts from. planta and the Maitland concession, (Ioderich township, about 03 g 7 +'1 R ,.�— rt-om,' sternly demanded a justice of the children who were -at play in the outskirts tools pre usatl..in prop Ing HeGregoc's Lunt; acres, r) acres cleared pad seeded .down, 20 acres In. . j,i��' ^``�� to ound,e he oder hand now wi popular retne- preparation for clearing, balance good hardwonud bush � , , k t,lr r „' f"' ,4 r' pt! tee. 'I must and will have less noise of a Nebraska town. The blizzard swept dY t , 4 t e, Croup, Asth- Tern cagy. Apply to MANNING & SCOTT, Barris- i l� .1, p U j" + �1 ' and confusion hero. I bavealread dos- them from the face of the earth as .coo. ata, nd all affections of the throat, lungs and tors, cnnG,n.thY'Prr 0,i a�i�' O ~i Y I i]a i r +c,, ItnF 1;,, pletely as though they had been swallow. ottea All mineral poisons and daugerous sub. -_ .____ _ -_,—__ , r � (ti ii -0 �i j posed of three important cases witbous. atanc a are avoided, which randera it safe fur \ARL[ FOR SALE. -'1'11.•+7 SPLEND FARIII ' �,� ' w' liy' ed up.. As soon as they were missed 200 ahildren or aduits. Solt at 60c aud1l er bottle 1• ,*t :,[9 ", X a ' bein ' able to bear a word of the evi- men and boys set out in the teeth of the t Worthiu ton's Drag store. p of loo sores, being lot 2e, rm son. of Holleran is ' plq l ' g y R ii$ered for Salo of reasonable terms. Conti new !tame - dente.'1. gale to rescue them. They searched the —�•-- house, new frame ba`,"n, and other outbuildings; fifty _ ' • West's Cough Syrup A qure core;for county over, but not a vesti ,e of the . T , acres under culdone, well w ; re acres tun wheat, 27 acres Y g THE. LARGEST FAR1T 1?� THE ptoughingdone, well watered. SltuatP(1 11 miles little fellows could be found, It i9 not Londesboro, and 6 miles from the town of Clinton, -- ' ' -' _. - • ' �' . coughs, colds, bronchitis, eorq throat, and WORLD. l � - -- c- unlike! t I -- I Price, 84,500. SAMUEL JAMIESON, Londesboro. - all iliaeaseta'tif the-throiit slid lungs, .�c„ y Lot the blizzard picked them up w., 6W. and $61.00 per bottle. All druggists. and bore them along distance from ,the In the extreme southwest corner of I TIARM Fol!, SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 30, CON • I - John labotiousl lu spot were they were last seen ab play• Louisville lees the uns 10 mdseo farm Crich 4 2, a clear d, w ersence , well undord0 acresSO PA" SER & . COO " y gged a prtil into There were man other fatalit'es which I p g „,Y ' in the world, It runs 100 miles north and of which 46 aro state of wen fa tion. well undis a ,sedbe arlor where the family were as- cannot recall but which were full as fra m a h;, b satoof euhivand There fs a nod P Y south and twenty-five miles east and west, frame house, hart and stables, and an orchardof pum, . sembled, and asked his maternal grand- melancholy as the ones I have described. and is. owned and operated by a syndicate apple. i IlCar Theretrmnnevethreen P rl'OOIC ADYANTA(lE OF TWE I %RLY �1ARNI I'S TO BUN" THEIR mother to kick it. `Why should I kick Nothing can compare with the fury of one - of Northern capitalists. Their general Isruceaeld, with a good gravel load leadln6 to ench ' of our blizzards. It says ones breath, in- gives an inter- place. For further partienlar t, It [ it Johnny!' grandmother inquired in Y manager, J. B. Watkins g l t p . on the ,retntses amazement. t. Just to please papa,' -said flames the eyes, anderoars in"your ears eating account of this gigantic plantation, or to Clinton P. .1. t1. PILO SUN, — .0,v _ u \ \ ;� l �. v T Y tgI * 2 . until .you think your head will surely which throws the reat-Dalr to le farm of '(PLENDID FAIt1I r+uR SALE.-TIIAT VXCET_ �� �_L' j- _ G ,'- � Johns He said 'he would ive ton lit• The fl to snow which elts ou g y P S Lr:s'r farut of 154 acres, being lots 118,70 and 71, P Y o P Y "Dakota ini.o the shade contplately. IIs,._:.. dollars any time to see you kick the in the face stin rs like ,so man need- mh the Maitland concession, Goderich township, -' _ �_ _ ' ° ° "" � ° 1 = = v =__b Y woe Cornered by a Post reporter nt tha St, About 136 acres cleared ::nil iu Good state of cultiva- - — — _,`>Jucitet. les, and nearly drives you mad with pain. ,James hotel last night and asked to ;rive tion. On the premises is a good brick house, with all & ti \ ( �•L��� g Your legs grow weak, nausea adds t0 th g'° couvemeuces of stablingr, bauh Karn, well watered, &a, Rl a particulars 0 an ask a colored man 1 9 f his I antic enterprise 7 heard a gentleman p p b our mis r and f[o ll Khen life ceases " - good Leming orchard, church of the tarot and s:huul ve a Yr Y> The million aril n hal n f ,acres f laud in would take 10• not tu.i•`nwa • ab nit,•,niiles Ynnu the town a lin the other da what he o , 1 p , r f c ton. ! Y to be worth battling for, you fall to the our tract,' Mr. Watkins said 'was pur- This farinr,one ofthe Imstinthe township of Code- And are, of1eritl' tBelt! ,,it eltrelllely 1(111' prici,!s. ,- fille as-, viaed he COltld have an three I)1rig5 g Y , given at any tithe. Full particulars Y round and slow! freeze to death.'—Chi- rich. Possesst to chased iu 18� from the state of Louisiana I ,,,, a ,ticit.iou to the ,rn ori • M he would wish for. The old darkey re- sago Herald, Jou uuuD, Gun- SOrtmont of Pl I ! �t" Lha--the-tad_,States o ernment. ton I'. U., ar of thu NEW EHA OFFIM Cliutuu. plied, "Well, boss, the fast ting Itake, --- =----. �� A living, Q,ttestion. i At that time it. was a vast grazing land for + ' u fifty -dollar ill money, den a fine suit of the cattle of the few dealers of the nei gll- t 41:•I FUR SALE'. l'1fUICE FAlt\4 THE ��t'1C�'T � 5�SO (,1,uCati011—"I6 lila worth living'?*' "It 011 , f+. estalC of the Into John Thompson, being wort L..L C.`� clothes and next a barrel of rice. Den boyhood. Whelk I took possession I foul d half of lit 40, cuu. 1, East lvawanosh, Containing 100 , depends upon the liver?" If torpid or ince 1 p aures more nr leua; 80 acre, cleared nod in good 'state • lanss, lie continued, if you let ale take tive it causes a dull, tough, languid fQ4hn r, over 30,000 head of half-w-ild horses and a cultivation, well drained and free front obnoxious another wis'b, I'd take four gallons, of Dr. Chase's. Liver Cure gives health ad cattle. Dfy first work eras to divide the weeds, 10 aures built and rarrutinder pusture, la acres ' buoyancy. Sold b all druggists. ists. immense tract into convenient paetgres, Lill wheat and fall Blowing dune, on the farm is a . good whiskey. Y �' Y 6g new fnnrne ditching, barn 45x"+b, stable, 62x28, and ' I! •.•_ establiahinir stations For ranches every six other Outbuildings; 2 welly, spring creek and tt geed. West's Words 1Vgn cure rr Family Lin- 1 ;AFTER THEY FOUND OUT. miles. The foncinq alone cost , in the bearing orchard. The farm is situatod on good gravel meat, a never tailing cure for rheumatism I neighborhood of $150,000. 1.'he 'land I road.! mile front Myth, to inlies from Clinton, and 12 neuralgia, cuts burns, bruises, wounds and A Detroiter Who was driving found to ho best ado ter! f) rico sugar stiles ire. or rich; is art! feared with boars, tali- U� out, on this p ( r anti wire. For further mrtiuulars a i Ay gnthe prem i- . frost bites, ) and 50c. All druggists. (1„ides rood the other day, bcamE to a corn and cotton. lies, or W atRS. JOIE -T• i�l OMPSuN', iLoudesbo o `What are you Sealing up in that en- spot where the snow was badly drifted oil `All our cultivating, ditching, tkc., is -------- — - • velope, so carefully, Jones!?' ` Impor- each side of the track just as a' woman done by steam power; tide take a track, � ` r v , ( ��, � +� j '' llrr half am_ile wtdefor instance p 3IURT (`1f'.��'RE `9.�IJE driving a horse and `pung entered t}0, y , and lace tent instructions that I forgot to sive other uud, of Bhe cut. Aa,thay both held to an engine at each side. These en,inea are 'O F wife before I came down tow ' this portable, and operate a cab! my if(• � the road the hbi•sos sono caruu head on and p + P e attaehed$to morning. Going to send it Ftp to tale stopped, 0 four ploughs, and under this arrangement Yalvablo 1"arin in Hulfatt Tt nshil0, we are enabled to lou+;h thirty acres x ” -^ hen5e.' `will y'011r ,wife Ol)Cll It 0,L `oW11y didn't yotl•Gnrti uid'?' uhOtifed 111E P Y About four -miles frow Clinton. l'udCr and by cirtnc •. + da with on1 the labor of three [nen. of the power of sale contained In a cert:un mortgage, once ?' ` You bet she will. I've fixed all than. Our harrowi ly plant l h, and other m+il n. -('Which wilt -he produced at the time of sale) made by that. `TION'!' 'Addressed it to myself, Wby didn't you replied the'yonn.o Samsofl liem`ytit-thcvendors, (default ba"ingbeen - w0n,at1, - vatin¢ is dune in a like manner. In fact, made in payment thereof,) will bo s,)ld by publiwnihu- and put abig piivute on the epl:ier of r Y, g t i 1 ' b I'll there is not adraught•horse on -the entire w ib,n, ;it th m ,Tl 2;ua.w•-• . ll -en A- vu o seven ml es to c r1ve, ut - .- taF4rere-mH•-n•l irt-^before-t'H-tura-an plao6h -: �]'-a la d -ea se -1 ses-for - .. ' ' Little John to guest at dinner-.-`l'Zr ` And I've riot five dozen eg s herE and herders of cattle, of which we . ow have �� HH 9 t�l�l"C]n�(� t� ]i - l� 1 ec `ac es. y l`e�s es b r• 0,g + , -(p N_ + I'll let them freeze hard a's rocks before 10,000 heart, Tho Southern- Pacific rail. Ht1 O have a world-wide reputation and have been recommended by all the leading oculista of the Hoskins, t I a glad you stayed t0 dinner f SATURDAY JANUARY' L4►'\i1 1881 clay. Thev are guaranteed to Five relief where all other aids to vision fail. Every pair is I'll give an inch.' read rune for ,(i miles through the farm, r ► - - with us to -day.' .' lIr. Hoskins—` Thank . B guaranteed. They are only to be obtained of the subscriber, and I am the only person ilk Clinton Y The man dropped the lines, lighted a We have three steamboats operating on AtJI tl'docic p.m., by David Dialitnson, auctioneer, who keeps a full line or file above goods. Duo notice. will be given of lilt. I,auranews nexx .you, Johnny. Whyare oil glad?' cigar, and leaned hack in his neat. I'll the water of our own estate, upon which' thsffollow,n•)ands viz: -'rhe southwest half of lot r y lI y Y , Y Y intended +ilii, to Clinton, +ahr,n all those sufrerm *•frim•defective vision Will have the o) )�rtunit Johnny—' I beard maninta tell the cook g o number sixteen, n the funny f Huron, of the town of his services, tit .toy store., WiTHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. I Y— woman dropped her ]fines, lighted a pipe, there are ,00 miles of navigable waters, 'strip of Hulett, in the countyo[Huron, containing 60. two, bourn ago that there wasn't any . and wrapped the old buffalo robe around `ti's have an ice factory, a bank, a ship . acres. 'rite tarn lies about four milts fico Clinton, !s �O'171� W. 0,�e`Lt�. .,le-' a ]i ler. k"lillltio n. ' signs of you goin and she might as her -feet. Thus the sat for eight minutes yard and a rice hill, well fafr state d fairly fenced, and the buildings are e Y b f,'+ r Y g r in a fair state of repair, the Buil is alight clay lobo, well open a jar of preserves. If you when the man grew, impatient and called-"f'�'4—'_ about 30 acres cleared and the resttimbered with hard t hadn't sta1.yed we wouldn't`have had any What's the price of . pork cut your DANT'S COURTSHIP. wood nnrl re(ler, there is n go d bearing orchard on ___. __.__- --- _ _._ --- - _ .. .__ .. 1111111111111111111 . ^ •the" furor preserves. I expect—\vhy,' mam[i5a, u ay ?' ' , - CONDITION�,OF' SALT:.. -Ten per cent of the pur- �[ Oh you've et all 't I1 P, OF.It yon Want }"Ila" s Chase. munt•y to tio,pnid at hole of sale, sufficient t°NEW. 1 /-U 11, X g r 3' 6' P PROJiTsI'DalllL taOF,S rtt5'.1Y O\ :\ mttheu one half of bu�II�w.�/� 1 what are you•punching me that way fol 1❑ your file! I}l,' ails replied. ti p t urc.iose tnnuey within one r 1: Y P NISI'[ OS I;): wEDDI\G ll:\T month of the doyot s1 and the residoe to be secured 1. with, your knee ?' 'I'm glad I'm a. widower !' - , by. mortgage of the pure sect prcmises,tobear interest I , , , A Ckielph despatch says : Dan dud at the rate of six flier cent -per annum, For further ' ' World's Best. Nest's Liter P]lis,.a core. And I'm glad I'm a •a'idrler t• -s ,particulars anrlAonlitigns ors,de,apply to O�®d 01.11 lrhFlda,ti=Q��C�i ��.1®�i� N Eh ? Aro you, a widow ?' foul Heffernan ale well' -known character's for liver complaint, sick head. . i , CRONVN & BETTS, r p ' qr 'Sartin, and I own 225 acres of,the best who live near Aberfoyle. They are or to DANA DIOUNSON, vendors solicitors, -ache and indigestion. 30- pills 250,- " t '1ll- •load in Greenfield, So ou area widower?' Auctioneer, in the practice of that noble A"ell°mocp Clinton,` — London: NE -XT DOOR TO HE CITY BOOK' STORE, . CLINTON. druggists. Y .. , . . Yes'm, i54adam, pray excuse me ex- profession they 'have not, availed them- ��� �11"r-1ST P�P�� BEDI�OO1Vi SETS PAI LO SETS, LOUNGES � 'I am afraid Bobby,` said his mother. ruse ale.' I'll cheerfully turn o6i.' selves of the advantages which scientific f � � ' 'Oh don't IF1Cntioti It. , I'm Perfectly lou can pnsstLiy have in year fo,ailr is the MONTREAL that Nhen I tell :your impa what a ' P Y research and clever invention have "NITNE98," whielh given nhure protilable and Interesting SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS UUe r, willing. to hiul into the snowbaiik-. readin matter, and has.tuprc fnirlesa and jgtelligent editor[• 1 •q naughty toy you brave been to -da he conferred on the eomaurv, Theirs s- g • y' 'Ah ! niadan) allow me to hope that Y Y ole, and is, in all respects, one of the most Rhable and newsy will punish you severely, ' Have you r , tem of farming is crnde•and ancient•their jour°°Icon the continent. There are,. uoir-a•dayx, "nt'ortu• ANIa A rF.NF.RAT, ASRORT\fEV'r OF THF. T F,12Y IiF•-ST <fADE FURNITURE IJRF AT yell will overlook rijy— b . ) nately, list too feta newspapers that can be admitted into the REASON PRICES. ' got to tell him? a$ked Bobby anxiotisl . + a st to of living ver humble • in fact their sancity of the fatnily'hearth, but the "WITNESS" Is one of • ' g Y Y 011, certainly: Fintl weather,. but rather Y b Y , the few•. Though fall of euterprise in the natter of news, It T . '! Yes, I shall tell him immediately rcold. .Good-bye.' sole and only object in this life would never admits pito its columns anything wliich e.otd10 possibly `F ���. 4C VIL 11"7 A Jr�`e '. " ' ipjure•the mind of even the youngest of its remtera, while its iJL 1. ---- 'I • after dinner.' .Th e look of oonee rn upon Good-bye, madam. Wiab you a safe ,appear to be to save money. Until their question and Ans,ver Department, in ivtuch questions on all ' 13obby's face deepened, uhtil a bright journey,'—Detroit Free Press. mother died a few months ago, Dan and Sabi Gets of general Interest are replied to by competent au• • • a . , . , g v thorities, renders it of the greatest possible rahie to all its 1 I I 1. . - thought struck him. ' Well ma give _411 .- -- Tom didn't kn w the value of a house subscribers. To cominemorato ttie fiftieth year of oueen ' ' , y Vutorin's reign ot`er the British Empire., the publishers of him a better dinner than usual. You ueareger .tt •ParkC B Carbolle.• Cerate keeper. But they soon learned. Keep. the "WITNESS" are giving to all suhscrihers to that paper, M r Have you a n fold bore, Cut Burn, Betties a r either new or reneg•inggnifle a@nd,trn cents !u nddtnan to Central. Groc GWW might.do that much for hien Corn, Bunton, salt Rheum, plinpte, Iitotchoa lag bachelor s hall was not 'pleasant to their aubscrptlon, a magm0cent�- Rough Hands or Face 4 If 0,o, tbtsre is but one the brothers ; so at a council'of war held PICTUICE OF ilLli- 3LIJESTY. 'I Isere is a good Irish story—we fancy erre, namoly, Ale 'regor and Parke's Carbolic }i Cdrate. IY yon put try iL, it wnl convince yott. a month ago 30 was unanimously decided The thio portrait is higldy spoked of by many prom[neu v;? ems. r 7� it as not been 1?eard' before : Af "pair Of Canadians who have already received it, and consider it a '". RDXr� � Old :�t•e70,nd. I It;oortebat26c,atWorthingtoa'tr rug Store. ., t . r 7 °, n, >i.�. thatDan should endeavor to capture 1110 worthy earl ss of oar nobto Queen. i t v1Ct1mS are waiting behind a hedbe for The year) anbacription to the "UATLY' NTTNF:39" is �3 •' their landlord—guns loaded, cocked and A BLASPHEMER affections of some fail• damsel and lead and to the "�vEEKLpi' WITNESS" $1, an additional 10 els. The subscriber' has bought out the Stock of P. Robb consistingof ' PARALYZED. ED, to he sent In either carie if the picture he desired.+ b f ready for action. It is past the time at her to the matrimonial altar: It was no sem(I n ynor a-hbscitptirm without delay to JOHN DOU • -- GALI. HON, Me�Tasa1. _ GROCERIES, CROCKERY, QLASSWA.RE, &a. which he was expected to go by. '"Still Sergi. John Snyder, of Fort Lewis sooner said than clone, and a' week later _ 1 r found Datl.deeplty in love with a still EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDIT01". they wait, and wait, until at last they Col., arrived in Pittsburhh the morning blooming though miaale aged maiden, — Whicli, being bonbht at low .rates,"1)e is enabled to offer at the very closest prices become uneasy.. ' Bedad, Pat,' . says returning to his post. He lead taken an ' Notice is )hereby given, in pursuance of Sec.,",4,Chap, Patl'OriagO respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Booms to^let. r , , ,who liven. near Sallow s blacksmith shofo 107- Revised statutes of Ontario, as mentioned b , .Gini, I hope notbin has happened to 'invalid soldier to the National As lum by tib Vict Chat,. 0, that all creditors and other. )or. the poor ould man.' at Washington. The Mali had sudden! The courtship was accepted, and the day Yens havin • claims ag ainst the estate of John Cooler, �..ep■ A a �'� ! •�'� Y was. fixed. About two weeks ago Dan I deceased, lite of the town of Clinton, in the county of ■ ■e R. WryL�E R, ^ CLr N Y CNe The Sunday school teacher was im= been paralyzed with blasphemous ut- \vas in,town to make the final arrange- Ir"�on;�ihu died nn or about the sixth day of Nov., _ tel'illlees' On 1115 li )S s5ei' b Sn aCr Sal(1 b 7886. are hereby required to send by post, prepaid, or pressing Upon her class the importance 1 • g y otherwise delivered to the undersigned, Executors of meats. Isis betrothed inforrnec} hint that Of honoring their parents. ` i\Tow,child_ —It• was the mosp awe-inspiring scone •I the !nit will and, testniiit+nt of the'sa[d IntcJnhn coop- _ , --•--• �,p - `� the ceremony could not taker -place until cr, at cu,nnn, Ontario, on orvefore-tile fourth day of f ,i 1q PPy rift E W YEM � e ® ALL ren,' she said, --Wien you are naughty ever witnessed, Tho insane soldier, lie had given her 5, 25 to buy a new dress. February, A. D. 1997, their Christian nnines mid sur- . and cross, your mamma does not want joined our company tibout a Year ago Y names, adih•esscs and description, the full particulars b Dan acceded' to the request. A few days ',f their chitins, a statement of their accounts, and the you to be near her where she Can soe hailing from Illinois Or Kansas, One. + nature of their secnritics (if nnV) held by them And + ]ober rho l'OOtll was again appt lrnrlted, tlfnt ttotnedintcly ntttr the s,i.1'tourth dn;y of Fchrnnry - .,....yOUr naughty '14ays. Iitlt when 9011 ICCC say he R'aS take!! S1Ck. Nltb a swollen t11iS time" for n]Orie'y enough t0 1)lty next thgnasetv.rrf Vic estate of the said lit I o' t'oo ), n . - good silo loves to have you by her. No+V leg•' Ile was placed nl a hospital,where C cr Will be distributed amotig the parties entitled there• ' 1.house furniture and `furnishings. Pe- tri, having regard only to the vinims ,if which notico . '.Pommy, when. do you think. y'C,uv Ilia he remained for several months. When shall have been 1•oveh-61 : and the Executors N% ill not luctantl did .Dan draw :175 out of the i' ` 1e1Ca5 1 b ' filo )Il S1C1aR kle StVOrf h t]le Y lie liable'for tl,c said assets, or hay part thoroof, to ling loves you best. Whon Int-asleep,shL q y 1' Y Y bank and place it in tho !rands of his person of whose cit un notice shin not havo beck I.Ni . 0 sono . .Groc ug,h r , flays so.' Deity that if ever lie wasjplaced is the ccivod by titeni at the time of such 4istrilpttintl. already unreasonable financier, Then Dated this 1701 day of Dee., 1H41% A Woulusn's Age. hospital or so sorely afflicted Again lie the clay was fixed for Thursday last. IiENRY STEEP, ) E'Nccntor•:, hoped the or would strike hint dumb. Dan dressed in !li Lost on Thursday and NVU. cuorr•,lt, f Clinton r, u. A woman, it is said, is no older than A few weeks afterwards, while we were y Would beg to announce to his. old customers and tho public she looks. many women, hoit(ever, look came to the city. But to, his surprise 1 ► r double their actual age by reason oftbose out on duty this man betaine sick again. and amazement„ hn learned that his STILL on lite iRWAC � bencrfglly, that having. MCOnin1e11Ced busiiless in his old stand, #unetional disorders which wear upon the loo ,jumped out of his tent, the most - - ''• .. P blooming and beautiful bride had gone, With n full and tifell Selected stock of nerves and vitality, and which, it un- horrible looking object I over saw, his on a visit to friends in London. She The so.,eriwr bogs to return lila sin*cre thanks to . checked, are liable t6 change the most ro- features working in demonical corivul- nn who hnvc s.i liburnlly patronized !him during' the . bust woman to a weak, broken-down in- Bions and his eyes bulging would be back on Saturday sure, 1[e was past three yC;os, acid to inform them that lie is still on Y b b almost Out the track, valid. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescrip• of his head.' His horriTied •comrades told by his relatives in law. Saturday y v y �� p . tion" Will positively cure,ever irregularity came, and with it Dan Heffernan, but I-��T�•a+tsil'1�i'• ST., CLINTON. S�AI'LT+ GrRULL+ RIES,]PRU �ISI�NS,I�'LU lJ 1L P Y Y g Y went to his relief, and liewas)laced and weakness peculiar to the sex, incl re- - 1 only to,find that hie Iw had not yet tyitli n inn nuc nr � FEL`D CHINA CRUCi�t�+ under the surgeon s care but Nhile he 1 quires but a single trial to rove its sur- t CROCKERY AND •��. q g P b ' ' •returned, Dan i5 now quite satisfied ' passing merit. Price reduced t0 one d01• seemed in the greatest agony, and his that he has been euchered. Yet he may FLOUR, FEED & VEGETABLES t � S�tiY11Rj' lar. By druggists, lips moved in frantic efforts to speak,he be mistalten, Anyway,there' is a high G iA t �, 11 could not utter aasyllablo: TIe' never b Of Elic hest qualities, which he will sell at rho loivcat - -' 7 At Hamilton on ��'ednesdtty night s oke again, and his ton•+ue Lecame stiEi time of it in the Heffernan homestead, remunerative prices in all lilts may favor him whet, n 1l'1;t+' ' P g ' as 'lom swdats that (if Dan doesn't re- BR II)a stockATS, Includes i`LOt'R, CHUP, NIIORTS, ` Some boys found a child about I8 months and 110 �VnS soon a raving maniac. I BRAN, OATS, PEAS, IiP,N FEED, GRAI3Au " old lying asleep in,the snow on llcNab +vg's detailed to talo hits to 1Vashi19gton turn `the „200 talion from ,the firnl':4 FLOUR,CHACKED WlIrAT, GRANULATND •ROT,- All of which will be sold ht prices which will astonish you when you call on the GER, and STANDARD OATJnsAL andCORNMPAL' east sit}e of Ailrert street g capital account thele will b0 One Ie4S all kinds of \'Mintablea D,11tRr,L SALT all of which , at wir far famed China Ball. street north, It was•cotn'fortabl dressed , Y , His friends; if he .has an' Have not been occupant of the little old log and had a pair of men's socks pulled y,, 1 will sell for cash t t ennnc ivt., a it very SHORTS M Cabin. nnct FLUI'R by the inn or cwt., and everything sold I notified, and T C]O not SUppOSe CVeI will �—�••_ at shill prlraw All articles ,lelivered free of charge i{.' . over its hands in lieu of mittens. It was be, as their whereabouts are unknown. Archdeacon Farrar says that " in In_ within the ""rporatiom. aly' motto will he "Good 11 11. taken into a neighboring 1101t90 and is They had better believe him dead__ din the Enolish have rnhde ion drunk. goods, j,' t liv:ph' ni ,l one price," bring kindly cared for, Pittsburgh Special. ands for one Christian." THOS. WATSON, No ROBSONN d CHIM HALL. lilnron Strcrt, ('!into;. a