HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-01-21, Page 2„, a- e --171.1- 11 �, - - "?- ­ -,-r- "T !7 IUIT Art) ORNAMENTAL NOR TREa,§, WAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, LATTER Oil WHICH WA MAKZ A SPECIA4T ARGE. STOOK ON HAND jn .. . - -, , py t e .1 larta,n 111 1 :P_-._ _-._._ I , 11 I 1:;.,,�, .. C , I I � lately unaware. 1)o you think that , I I I • . 11;w m .. - . . . 0 1 yJ � i. speaks well fot your intended soli -in- r law ? of it. firs. L m ,lair s-lakEtvdtu tuOi.le anti - 1 Y --� SFIAVI\G. IIAIiL CUTTING Axu Il SDI - rtzt tw f � , r I true, her brand-new lloniton ahatt],e'ere vac red Huit Puotxc diner y�l every person. . . I ” WCNN.i'Mw��?Mi�m�'K'9�iJ.11'NGaAM=VI ,� .. FI(IDAY, JAN. 1, 1887. M,­•iF "" MF?4P�►.ptNA;::aTAtiVk4'ILI12114�-...�,,ije._.--_:..».:„.c_.-..-_::� , -_. -. lion, although tUo round on which it .socoud class-alt+'a.Ys mora crowdt:tl than • r o g from her they bad first quite alone in the world --that you were an orphan -had fought your own way ,t �, PiMnl ej� of �? .._ _ -__,. _ - - Stood wa.s as flat as'a pancake, and there the class -and living belonging '� • I�et,eotive Y '��iC�,T', was not a codar within a mile. It was •square house, with bay beard again of a sick lady in a plaid accompanied by a very attentive in life -had not a soul to you.' And c:nrbunclt:s result f:••lm a debilitated, �� a suhst:tntixl, broad flight Of steps, Brandi .shawlf: but she could give no ac- ' All, that is quite true,' answered impoverished, or impure condition of the r1 iH By lYIisa M. E. Braddon. tviudgw�l li . . ose iron railings, painted dark blue, and .gentleman, 'count of the personal appeatauce OE The lady's face was hidden by tioner, Gaston Fo looking straight at the nes- y, a d q with a face that showed no trace + blood. Ayers SarsaparEla prevents ut:d cures these eruptions and painful tumors, L _..__ surluuuuted with gilded pineapples, and tvadiuo glare of plate glass vein- either, a veil; and there had been sQ many apse• ofaemotion of surprise. ` Why discuss I is by removing their cause; the only effect-. uui way of treating them. Th CONTINUED. :,t all pi dews. >L ple rushing in and out just at The last her the matter this morning ? It not a subject.' i Aycr's has hr ,vented the t \, ° Block and red, assetitdd•the wunian �' , with sowe•astouisbulent. ' One would The hall was tessar.ated ; the drawing brilliant in color, and )sinfully that there had been no time for to observe these two, who came in lata. cheerful `You have deceived me,' said J4Ir� course of Boils andtdir sled R eevery seasonifor �everal U thiel; you'd seen it., Sir.' - ` I told I was interested in the I: room -was now. Here Mr. Lewortby sat waiting a This much she knew,that the lady seem-; od in a kind of faint of stupor, and the Umpleby. 'I am'told you have a sister. This time the young man was palpab- ' ; vars.-Geo. Scales, flatnviltI Mich. I was badly troubled with Piutpit'•, (11 also, you young lady,' answered the vicar vaguely. for the mister of the hous0 while lad in an adjacent chamber fa- J gentleman had tap carry bet- in 'his arms. ly moved. Strong as he was in dissimu hue .Iiilli, hit sowedtitsel Ali l uglOv dark He took out his memorandum book, young Y b y - ' aeric, exercise vored biva with a sol tobb + Once furnished with a clue, profes- lation, his self control failed him, . he stood staring blankly at I,, elle,. No externa tees moot /lid ma„ cry goo . yet^a sursnpa- and wrot(j down the date and hour of Lvhich strained to the utterrnost a scree- sional intellig(ucC teas quite equal to the moment the accuser -wordless. then ho sod. '1;+�1�t1�ntca A ` the young w•umau's removal from Rose ``'. `• - cottage. She had left. -in the one cab what acrid voice. , I wonder wllether that is the bride tacking it up. ` This -woman tit Parminter must be denly recovered libriself, and looked at 1 Umpleby with a depro.'_ A Perfect C✓ u re, n le- - + ill. I Lad not been t .that plied betwoon Parminwr village singing?' speculated the vicar, ' and I taken to Milldale to itidentify the body,' Mr. pleadingly, 1 citing smile. l%II'v )%vclll law,- '1', �5'. heave River . rtt' and the Parmilitor Road station. rite l weif she is very much attached to paid the chief official in the detective vaso as I have put it boforo you. If I. 1 was t7'oubled tt'ith Boils, and u1y b bc�:ul I. cabman could be forthcoming if lie were • uiy gentlemen ? Rather hard, lines for line ' and we must watch this., fellow fro BE CONTINUED. Ileum, tvas much impaired. I D Ayvi's SarsapariUll, and, ilkduo B wanted, 'Airs. &Ioif protested. her if she is fond of him, poor•child !' Foy', so that he may not give us the _ Freg 'Prude. u,fu; time, the all disappeared, au+l h Mr. LewortU rewarded this worthy Y woman with a crown piece, balf of which At last DIr.Utnpleby appeared, pleth- slip.' ,He is to be married to his employer's The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps from Proprietary %vasmls uiy health \las completely r000rvil.- John It. Llkiva• Editor A'tuidey Ub.•crrrr, C' he, stipulated was to be aivon to the lit, . P Orie, rubicund, pompous. , �k,,Happy to have the honot of making daughter tomorrow mot ning, said the Medicines, no doubt has largely benefitted tris relieving the burden of Albem:ulc, �. aE pe red oton„yfit u ill ugly • tle girl when she Came home front hot, errand sled then he walked brisk) back , ' Y vont• acquaintance, vicar,' he said. ° I r have long known by repute. vicar. ` To leave . Grandolipster before to -morrow would be tantamount to a consumers, as well as home manufacturers. Especially is this the Grect'sAugustFlower and Boschee's humor Which 1'implos and 731otchce. id 5 it tiro bee- - it tato best 'totho statlon,which' was a good half mile you 1E very ono in 0randchester does'tllat,' confession of guilt. It would be throw- case with German 8 Syrup, , as the redpotion of thirt six y p y' r iI consider rli o cured me. blood purifier ill rho wo, Charles H. 19 _._ f *!om Lawson lane. He was lucky ' __ _ _ answered Leaorthy; pleasantly. `i -hive ' ing. up the cards altogether.' conte per dozen, has been added to increase ountain ng them Vt, gmith, North Craftsbury, Yt, _. -- encu It t0 et a trait in less tLan half f; g been too of%n In flet water not to T)e 'The symptoms you d'escrib� sound the size' of the oites therebygivingone4fth more A y e r's, S a rs a p a r l I I a . an hour, and he was back in.Grandches- 'ter at three o'clock in the afternoon. pretty well known. , Impossible to please everybody, ' arsenical poisoning, said the officer, and then he and his colleague whis eyed to= P remedies medicine in the 75 -cent -size. The August flower for Dyspepsia and Liver ,Complaint, Is sold VY all drug;ists and dealers In med. ieino. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and Here he took'a cab and drove straight •to Mr. Brockbank's office, whuut ho i intirtriured Mr. Umpleby. , Precisely, and the man who'tries it gether for a minute or two. ' I don't think there's anything more and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles have perhaps, the 19rgest sale of any in- tie net be persuaded to take any Other. Prepared by1)r. J. 0. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, ltiaea. '- ,to imparted all he bad done. P I ends by pleasing no one. I have taken + I can do to night, said the vicar. medicines in the world.. The advantage of creased size of rho bottles will be greatly Price St; six bottles, 85. ° Upon my soul,you're a cl(t el fel low my own course, and though I have made ` No sir. You may leave everything ' appreciated by the sick and afflicted in every dogging his heels to -morrow morning vicar ! cried the lawyer; • oil ou'rLt to Y , Y h to have been something bettor than a a good many enemies, thank God I've made twice as many friends. Now, Mf. in our hands.' ` Precisely. Bat remember, if you town and village in civiltzedoouatries;sample otiles for 10 cents remain the same size. _ ROBERT DOwNiS� 11 pauson.' ' You mean I ought to have been Umpleby, I must ask you to receive airs with all gond nature, and to believe that de'n't want this young scoundrel to. be married to a respectable ybung lady at - ____.. _ rtottogional and �Othtr" (�lll'fa . CLINTON, ,y. something that pays better., Now, look I mean well b you and ours although y y Y + d eleven o'clock tomorrow worning,you'll -------------' — - ( Muuufacturer and Proprietor for tho best Saw Kill l/og in use. Agent for the sale and application of lore, Brockbank, you must start off to I have .come on a most unpleasant goal- , have to look sharp. back to the bosom of Q' ti IViANNING lBL -- tho $!� F,surm PATENT AUTna ATlc BOILER CLEANVR. STEAM FrrztNGs turttished and applied on shirt ilIilldale Uy the first train, and bet the coroner to order a est mortem. No p nPss , The merchaVit looked uneasy. 'tin- • The vicar went his family at Freshniead, thinking that Barristers, S01i A011'S, i notice, • post mortem 'necassary, forsooth, said that fool of a local surgeon, because the other Bestir firm Bone wrong, perhaps ; a hig bad debt. he had done a pretty hood day's work. Before ten o'clock that night two facts 1110HPI's. coxVEYAxftRS ' c. Engines. and ;all hinder of 11Ia ' elainery repaired e. pettiti-mmlY and ,manner. immedhAe cause of death was obviously question of a ` Ig it a business matter.?' lie faltered. had been discovered in' the biography of Commissioners for Ontarioand a[ani¢°ba. lea a eiauxraetary laudanum. � Why, it's clear to my mind, ( No, it is a fancily matter.' Mr. Foy -First, that exactly three OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON Farm implement, in and repaired. Steam "ted Water Pipe; furnihhod-Mid put in positron. Dry from what I've heard to -day, that this a Oh !' he said, with ail air of relief, years before he had been married at a - -- - Kilos acted -upon application' Charges muderite. poor creature was slowly delle t0 death p `laudanum. as if this were of minor importance. registrar's office to Jane Dawson, spin- rO LOAN. - ylol.'rGAGES Buumvr. i iONEY PR,VA'bo FotoreDS. R[llreet. Uthce ____-._,___ b arsenic and that the wits y r last to the You aro going to marry your dough ghter of John Dawson master star; dao„ , that he,or a man l ovcrJ.Jnakhon'astorr, Albert Street. ��za c S '9®1N only given at the accelerate ter tomorrow ?' said the vicar, mariner; and secondly, had MARRIAGE LICENSES. ---APPLY T, T1['s . • �'. �r l� end.' Mr. I3roekbauk saw the force of this ° I stn,' .. , To ypur clerk, 'Mr. Foy?' exactly answerilag to his description bou'gbt small quantities of tartar emetic, o undersigned at rho Library Rooms, Smith's -JADIEs scurr�r.} 'Block. s6 --- �E1IERAL DEALER ltl TIdWA�IE, +�ce•a � f argument, and looked at once to his rail- a Yes, Sir, It is not the first time that and small portions tf laudanum at diver nI ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE Olt SMALL N1 security, moderato � HURON STREET, CLINTON. - Way time table, i a merchant's. daughter has married her times within the last two months, and fume es goodS. HALE' Clinton. Repuirng °f all kinds promptly attended to at. reason ` Thera s a train at 4.30, Le said ; I roan go byAhat. And now what are you father's clerk, I believe, though it is out of the common course of things.' at several chemists shops in the ob. scorer parts of thn great, busy city. _-.__--..-_-- - H. DOwSLEY, M.D., M. R. C, S. ENGLAND able rates. A trial sohnited. abuye ornamoutal trees and shrubbery w•i1196 T� tory low prices and t{tvse tt•autiog AnytYl.q i his connection wap says monoy by purchasing trete.. rder.s by Mfail t,+ill be promptly attended to ..address, JOHN STEIWART, .Benmiliety. ' Fir® XnB17 ranG9. t 61nds of property insured at lowest tariff rates. li,•st-oluss compa,ties, Ty�ICILETS VIA N. W. T. CO. LINE BOATS �Wp 1 WINNIPEG AND ALL LAICE POINTS, ALSU y all rail lines over the GRAND TRUN K and CAiTA- A PACIFIC to any point oil that line, winDipGg, randop, &a., Dakota. Kansas, or any point reachhed y rail, local or foreign. orae and see me boforo you buy tickets anywhere. �At.'. T..11031i'SON, Minton. _...._.. Thos tee�so. �`F - I . - T.0 E- j `1 Leading Undertaker, _', UJ �YWTrcoi T.. Anti ceptic•Embalming Fluid kept on hand. —_-- My-Funera l Director, J. C. Steven , son, has attended the School of. Em- balming• in Toronto, to make himself' proficient in the art of embalming. REMEMBER THE PLACE, . OPPUSITE THE To}\'x Iii1LL. THOS, STEVENSON going to clo ?' ' I 'am here to beg you to postpone These two discoveries the police coal- Physician, Bank, i tai etc. uaee Cl rest encu A D p neat Molaoh'e Bank, market square, Clinton. 9 ` I shall -call' on Mr. Umpleby, and the marriage.' municated to'Mr. Umpleby, late on the --•-- •-_- " - ----' _­ •._ — ALLESIDENCE /� im LINE �g0 000 To LOAN at 6 per C�i. try and stop Co -morrow's wedding.' I On what grounds•?' vigil- of his daughter's warriage. n n APPLE ntaa ostreet, Clinton, pp sicethe English , ' Wbat motive can this Foy have had i Before I tell you that, you must The evidence of the marriage was in- narun. 4atiranceby aidege.te. K -T'+� - i for gotting rid of his sister'!' peculated give me your promise to communicate dis utable. Much as Mr. Umpleby was ----" , Y } P P y B. PROUland Do CIVIL ui EN survey R, ®,� y pay r' the lawyer. nothingI toll os to hies Foy.' inclined to discredit the charge brought H. Pct nc Dra rhtsm ion EultlN r LOCK, livall O Lodialaq, J�UI, Nh a others f 8 9 and' IO per c:10Architect and Draulchtsman,YEatttN BLUCx, „ , ` Very little motive, Lshould imagine, . .. Mr. Um leb... hesitated. , against his intended sonn•i-law,he could C,incon..when you can et money from us at G p t c, t.• for getting rid of,a sistpr. But'what if 'Mind i cls vital to you as a father, not disbelieve the le al roof of the ' y g y thd' olio woman was something more ' ' , r R. REF.VE,-OFiICE RATTENBURY S.T- . .. ,- Firat•Claae IOaIIs st cent. cent. I',. lhfas young o to know what I have to toll. marriage the registrar.; and con- D Murrayock; two doors east of, Hoa ons' en• - 5 per -cont. difficult to dispose of than a sister.? victed of having concealed a prior mar- y g Parties going to the ole country char summer should 'TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding' �� Mr..'Umpleby gave the reg1111'e(1 pro- I o P trance. itosi.luuco, opposite the Temperance Hall, take this popular line. The bouts are the :nowt cum. 'What if she' was his wife ! The two mise tiage,-Mr. T'oy's character appeared in a Huron Straut,Clinton. Officehoure, 8 a -m, to 6p,m. pfete cn the Agantic, and accommodation unsurpassed payment and period. of loan. leo tie lived quite alone in a couu 'I .r, ening ileo and doubtful manner:• AMES HOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER - • young l t 1 the vicar told his story, yc pi e il' lade, It tVilg sag fUn' them t0 live z g' JYhetheCountyuX4511an, SaesaRcndonce, tvhure CAIIIN FARES vFIiY LAV Apply 1. % _ Y y with the scene at the railway station, I'll i)llt Of' the wPddiuo, Cf1Cd l'nl- in the Cucinty,at roasouabie rate;.. Ras[dunac,Alburt 4 EO lsAt' EXCLTRy1111Y RATES. ifs' TttaR acid Wi e, yet pass for brother ending with t1e �tUi'y ]le had'110a1-1 at pleb who had,S spent the march-' Strect,Clinton. .. . _ IiTEERA6E PASSAGE AT „� q 1 y, P _. ,_ I 11_1I— FARItAN �; TI'SDA11AL,. - reel sister--- 1-lto bL:ta=tvr�tu:tR's. t irl;,-a,laoai-t4a house4.i4a-gaulati•-tn..:i•stai l'� _ (' sLOwS•thar, the 1001' gill u'aS salons olid , p R STpart ti to GttADUATE Ul THE bIED- 1 t> 1 �Vel'O yWn awal'U that I OV • heel a Of Sllptll'e85Pd RgitatlUU, ^ I t}'OR't haVC IJeALOepnrtmantofl'ictorinUuivcreity,'1'oronto,fur, Cull and got alt partirulars OY unhappy, She'fretted on account of sister l' my daughter i0arrled to a liar and it. ai ono i :ipeco isal an Di i3ooyariea, New York A.•0. PATTISON, CLINTON, k ,Foy''s late hours_ .l'Uey were overheard , I Bever heard hiul speak ofeonc.' trickster, There roust be something _..— --_ -- _ AGENT G. T. R. - J rluarrelling. 'false lily word for it,l3rock- Curious that in year future sou•in• trona-lio smoke witbout•fire. S WHIT•T, TEACHER OF . MUSIC. RESI• - l)anIc, that Ull£at$llilat0 011❑ + W011tail r Al11a DEstre tt y A pt. it. Road's, tarso of i. Tea and — y 6 la\t. He sat ClOwli dlrCCtly t11G C1CteCtiVe Orwge streets. A}••nt for the Ontario Music. lbaoh(u� �„ 1 was a wife ---a wife of whom Mr. Foy INIr, l.'nlpleby sat and stared into had left hint, kind wrote' with bis -own Assowation. sec., 1t. G, Collins, 21 Carleton St., To- . 11 f J WE rew-.toortail ttt'CCl When 110 f0lllid that runto; I'rea., Ur, C. A. Sippi, Londa,,,Unt.�Ij o�ln ��Og Y space liku a man bewildered. .He wiped hand to those Urandchester magnates ----__ ----- O l``UlU\LL`� . it was ori the cards for hila to marry. his large bald foreheadltvith the biggest who had been invited to the wedding. I1tRAN,Jt R. POWELL, BARRISTER, SOLiCITOP., 1SfiisS Um lob •, with a handsome doter C ' oa Notary Public, etc. Otf:e, St:a+u,E's Block, AL- P ) k and most expensive thing in banannas. `Let these letters be delivered by hand BERT STRRE•r, CLINTON. Toronto agents, Messrs. Me - and the. prospect of rapid advancement This is a' .most frightful s ns icion' before_ eight o'clock to. morainry 0 Carthy, Osler, Hoskin L Croclm n,, Private funds to :lifter the severest test at the late fair in g > p , a h' oan at lowest rates Of hltCrUSt., in the house.. Now I want you to set lie said ; c a young woman poisoned, for be said to a respectable man•of-all-work, - - Clinton, it was .universally admitted that . one•of your clerks at work, without all yell seem to think this young Woman v'11U had been yawning dismally in a I� AV. WILLIAMR, D. A., M. L•,, GRADUATE OF Volt PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY hour's delay" to hunt tit) the evidence of , " pantry at the_) ack of the hal] ` and let LL•T,orontoUniversity;memburuftbo0ollegeofPhy of FINISH; AND SWEET". 8 OF TONE, the ' +teas p lsonCd. It is an awful position. p y r siciansaud Surgeons, Out. Ou ic-E& RE3IDENUEthO such a murriug(. either ill clutch or at EtCELSIOR thus away ahead of all oth- Every arrangement has been made for that letter be taken to Mr. Foy, at the houseformerly000npiedl,y Dr. Reeve.:\Ibert street - ICgistry office:' rile }tedding, as you may suppose- Crown hotel.' Minton. _ _ ors, and destined to be the popular instru- ' It shall Uc •done soul lyrockbattk, T _ - meet of the day. This, along with the fact P. guests invited -some of the best people hey t}us to stop tit a hotel in Grand Dao on°ho¢rSLioenfi)aM:oItheCollo,zrorDhyaariau, that a special prize wasawarded it, certai'h '!fin thing mofo'?'' ° - Chester the eve of bis weddin ill or- t . Y r, in GTtuulchcster. My and dtugh' g andsargaonsotLowcttcanaae,anacr,nvineiutLiren- lyapeakavolumeaforthoinatrnments and `only this wu( (1 : '' )'. Lave written :m g ,• ,, dor to be oil Cho ground earl '. tiste andCuronorfor tht�Countyofilnron.'U1Hacand parties purchaefng should see the' EXCEL-' ter.have the. highest of inion of Your,,, a ) e rosiaence; Thu bullaiu-- fortueri; noeapiee by air.' advertis©meat, tvhiclt will appear to= Foy. :i. niay say they aro infatuated Air, 1; mpleby felt a happior<mlan after Th.waitel Iluron street. Sror, before baying elsewhere. nnorrow in three local dailies.' Clinton,Jan.1a,1871. `-� about him. Ilis oonduet in bus iness he•had clone this deed. He went up to ___,_.-__._.___ _ - �;E,O, E. OAKES, PROPLIETOR. He read the draft of bis advertise- led more at Paso with himself. L'trtile has been irveI"roach able. There must ``tLINTON MECHANICS' iNTITUTE, LIBP,- nient. be so,:ru wistalee-scale t idiculotis alis- did not awaheli his sluwborin' wife to Vnur and Roadtn,;roums, Porrtn mock, down Factory three doors went of iYlulloy's Putnp I„ This tea lulu, us information as to stairs: Abort 1,700.Vo,Trmes in the Library and Shop, Ratteubury St.; Clinton. y o understanding.' tell her the nupleasant news, There all the Lead,ug Nutt spapors and Periodtenls ii1 4, the noxt sta�o in that pool- young tt•u- , , tho day on the table. Metaberahkp tietret alt iwr loan's jonrrey` a£tcr she left I'vmiuter,I ' I got Ji oy s a(ldless at your own Of- would be :1 scone ill the tll01'il1Dg Of annum. Open from 2 to.5 P.M., and from 7 to _._ 1. Lc0°" incl-,Iva-t-rtt,irt-a`i%dre5s ----- �trd;=Of=a with1lTtlaDSt� �volUCtb ltystertG3r d*Pul. Applications fur ulomn0t'abs,t recncc I 7 b' u tr inen •. he Said. ` ' ` Possibly. 1'Call)' art+ a Cnius '� -B1StCl', Of tVl]OSC Cx15tCRC0 VOII are ;abso- fainting fits, recriminaii0nain which he py t e .1 larta,n 111 1 :P_-._ _-._._ A,! .Lett in the art of htutiug a criminal.' lately unaware. 1)o you think that the 1;mlafid father would "et the worst u�loN SHAVING PARLOR eBC�/Z/OC�tt --- -- ' No, sit, a. not oil thorough. I Y a speaks well fot your intended soli -in- r law ? of it. firs. L m ,lair s-lakEtvdtu tuOi.le anti - 1 Y --� SFIAVI\G. IIAIiL CUTTING Axu Il SDI - rtzt tw would do a good deal more than this to I He ILIA Lat', had eotne powerful Y 1 true, her brand-new lloniton ahatt],e'ere vac red Huit Puotxc diner y�l every person. --THi: L'F.ADtr_- w. _help anyone I levo.. Now I'm of}. dare say you've conte ow I'm got through before you start. for Milldale.' reason for cQncealiti„ ber existence. She may have been weal: in her intellect. lying in state upon the .sofa. Would any woman forgive a husband for upset- ,lolly FAltitUARSON� Smitia's Block - _J. MUMBEND ' Only half a dozen letters t0 dictate,' She may leave gone wrong. As for ting the festival at which thoso splen- T. WILLIE. answered tlo taw er fight grid tliern. Y lightly, yOLll idea of slow poisoning, that is too absurd.. dors were to he worn? There had been fuss.,Onough about the gown, about the 'I,rocese +IJR(tEON DENTIST. Hold tike exclusive right for the county for the llurd Nitrogen lie put his lips to a Spealiillg tube and tiave all order : `And you mean this young malt to breakfast, about every, one of the wed- of'administermg chemically pare MOnoxicle, which is the safest and best system yet dis. the painless extraction OI teeth. Charges -: AIN l) :-' , Send up tie shorthand elcr�, and marry Voar daughter to -marrow morn• ,y.� ``-' ing ? ding arrangements u�id now to and ire- b O ) , hold, the fogs had been for nothing ! modercovereate, satisfaction LIOTT'S OCICaCove liar;i„CCed. ONrt, I EL- LIOT'rs BLOC[C, over P.nnec's Tuil°r shop, Ilurou llave aCale ut the door :it a carter past q 1 ` `-hat ain I. co do J I never cared, '' I never liked hitn' mused Mr. $cruet,Clinton. -_ EMBALMER)', - -four' a about the match. I Lave been persuad- r 'Umpleby. ` It, was the women wile ----•-- _.._ ..�.._ (•t(.•tl>,1,1•1r N. eel into giving my consent. 11iy girl Lad talked we over. '.To begin with, tile' `want aft E X T I S T , - BLOCIC ",jt 01i111LtcoII- ` ul?LAY Tins •nl.knIIIA(lE- a right to Tool:hiaber.' llut to stop tho head's half foreigner, and 1 no COnamonw� ATS _Mil. Leworthy Kent back to Kibble. & marriage eery would be_--' parlez-yeas in my family.' --,------ - m rnpleby's and ,asked if Mr. Umploby •` Simply prudent. Iuvestigato the Isis letter to Foy had been of the i11< :M -1 ' YPTIAN Tho BEST of ECr was on thoprem•ise's. No, N.Ir.Uri1ift'ty vaso as I have put it boforo you. If I. briefest. ,,,.,,^5..•.�l���� FLUIDS used in EMBALMING had left half an hour,ago, to return to ant deceived-ik. Foy is not the ratan who ' Look around the first thing to -loot- 01Anone „ODY-01R the bosom of his family in TolkingIon " took that dy in, girl to the railway sta- row morning ; .l want to talk to you.' - CLINTON. forte assortment v£ ei'etythinkg, Park. tion-- •if Foy's sister. or a woman who The father was u,p betimes, too agita- i __. _- _ i _____ .__-._---� .1 in the Undertakincr line. . Happily for the eager vicar, .lolkiug- passed as -his sister, is ntt lying dead at ted to elft Lis,broakfast, Ile carried his Tile Great En lidll Prescription. C `. tou.Park was an adjoining suburb,wiiere illilldale, 1. will make the humblest apo•, cut) of tea to the study at the back o£ A successful�e lictne used over those well-to-do citizens of Grlrndchester logy to you and Mr. Foy for illy baseless the dining room, and paced that snug area Bper at rr%a °veit,ow jmpot.= p pr Store Cll�to�. Red Rocle who olid ntit ]ik0 the labor of dally rail- suspicious. I ou rilmst take your own apartment, waiting for Mr. Foy. Up Weakttces, Emfss,ons, and all diseases caused by abuse. , road journeys contented themselves with course. 1 want to sa�,a yo(ir daughter Stairs tbcr1 wag wild exciteltent among, tamponsl indiscretion, or over-exertion. iArrsal RESIDENCE, ORANGE ST., a semi -urban retirement in villas of {rout sorrow and disgrace. I:emember the feminine ,art of th&bouschold rush-. 1 siz ackagesGuaranteedtoCurewicen,allothers Fall, Ask your Druggist for The apesiknicwY NEAR METHODIST CHURCH " their own buil(l�llyg,• amidst shnibberies you have been warned. If Foy is the ings and' hurryings frons room to .room Pre.eription, take no substitute. One package tl, Six E5, by ail. write Pamphlet. Address " of their own planting, overlooking tho tuan I take him to be, tbo•police will be -spectral figures in lou white raidient l t, b`+ Detroit, Eureka t7Hetnleal co.,., Detroit, fOibh. f.)LI1%q1.r07v'- tgwniest and most formal of public dogging his heels to -morrow morning and flowing Bair, crimping, plaiting,' Sold in olinton by J. 13. COIMBE and Druggists • parks. It bad long been a grief to the whoa ho goes into the church to mart' daughter. food I booking and eyeing. Here on the ground everywhere. `• ` PLANING Mfemale Umplebys that, wber. other neer- yoar afternoon. have facts, I have fioor.theu was an awful quietude. Presently Gaston Foy came in. Ile, .. n /�Chants' ,v;' /"� ! faritilies of wealth and standiub given you plain and t • had gothic mansions or Italian palaces no time to spare for discussion.' who was usually so pale, had this morn- I-A'rD- , sot in richly wooded Landscapes, remoto 11'Iv.Unipleby would fain Lave detain- inga hectic spot on each cheek. lie, — fr•o1r1 the smoke of the city, they had eel him, but the vicar was in a hurry. too shared in the general excitement. Plenty Oatmeal on hand, 1;eAnulatedStanditral JCDRY KILN 2only the stereotyped surroundings 6f thielslypopulatod SllbliCb, aRCd 1V01'C in a He drove back to Grandchester, and to the headgliarter9 of tLo police, t0 whom Looking at him closely Mr. Umpleby gaw tLat ]t1g lips wel'0 wiry HIl(d; Vltite. of Polle,l an'1 kine for P,iarui% /i\IIF SUBSCRIBER iiAViNG JUST COMPLETE 1 and furnished his new Planing Mill with ninchinowiso better• off' than their next-door lie repeated Lis story. 'They had• beoll ' Nothing wrODg with Bella, i hope !' ICORN MEAL, (70,lltsl,,t FIi;h,. to attend ttheo all orders In hisatest imPrON-041 pline in'the mosiq nom, t promneighbors. at Yvork all dav, rand had done very lit• lie aslced nervously. FI t'.,}}'li1;}•i' I•'C,01- 14 andsatisfnctorvmanner,nnd•at reasonable rates. i would also return thaniz+ to nil %ibo patronized tl _`L cab•'wit1T a Tiorse of hi; utvtt cLoos ing drove Mr. I,eworthy to the litnrost tie, Then hall discovered a )orter at 1 ihu ahtti0n rvhu remelnbDrcd the arrival Tlella was the lnidc, No, there is nothinr•thu,patter with .'ask, r'1IAt.L1;1) }}Np,.1T• old firm bofore they wevo burned out, and now boil ;n a bettor posrth,n to execute orderscxpeditioual all. limit of Tolkincton Park it loss than of a gentleman widit bide lad to a laid, y p fella at present,, It i:n about yoursell , t }1'it.i, kc rl(x,t. rn,: Oil;• [eolsennfdenthecangrvo satiafrutlonto jTACTpRI"-A>rrrrll,,ra,td Irttnl•rn% half lin hold. T[o fYnulil the l'mJ,lel,y sl,:1n1. They }tacl sec, the tremae wLo i want tm talk. (thiol:• \filen tto first _ ail, C'1%hien.Inansion, ( which was,callpd t\IOuut ],cba- (t,pt,l, cLarla of the lar]iOs' rraitin; roow, l.ncti you -yon tc+lil hie that yon stood .I,P,irl•;v r•ft:E.P, . - t't't`.Tmv . TlIoMAs,rcKrNME, BANKERS,_. CLINTON. THEHOLSONS. BAV'IIncorporated by Act of Parliament, 18oi,. . I CAPITAL, ^ - $2,000,000.HEAD OFFICE, .MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAM,........President. J. H. R. MOLSON...........:Vice-Pres. F. WOLFE'IISTAN THOMAS, General Manager . _doles discounted,,. Collections made,- Dr(If 1.iaslced, Sterling and. Amerkanex !i+bought and sold at loweal'' current rates. ' hiterest at i per cent allowed on dopohite. - TrARSVSERtS.Ilonov advanced to farmers ou their own notes with,.no,w more endorsers. No'mortgage required as:ur;ty. - H. C. 11RE\1'EIt )Ianagor, ,.January 183 Winton IJ. BIDDLECOMaBEt'tv. tv. -K?-n) �., -'-- Watch and Mack Maier ." .JEttiELLER, dc., _ a/r][10. l•rE TiIE tnAltuE�',c:I.It,%6° 111' where be'keeps a select assortment ofWATCHE$, CLOCKS, JE'WhTtERr,' SLLYER.WAREwhich we will sell atreasonable rates.Repairing of every description promptly'tended to, and.all work ryarranted,J. BIDDLECOIIBE,punton, Nov.1884. . SAVE ti0 PE1t CENT .a _ 11 18;1,6-•-SE511.=CENTENNIAL--ISSG. CEAs OF TiM . GOREDISTRICT FIRE INS. CO ;I.Conducted both on Cash and Mutual Plans, IiA:r, JAN. YOUNG. M. P. P., - - - Preaident. Amies WARNn(s1c, Es(1., - - - Vtee-President It. S. 8•ruovG, k:s2., - - Managing DirectorTHIO ;G�ORIEEaters upon its FIFTIETH YEAR. much 'stronger and more prosperous than •at any previous- period, having 8218,896 of Assets and pratioally NO- LIABILITY except a Re insuranceReserveof580,000. Thereare-$20, 000 deposited ,with'tho Ontario Government and raver $9J,000.held in Mortgages, Deben tares,'and Cash, immediately available to sleet losses.hlutnalPolicy-holders in the '`Gore"sato 20 per cent. with undoubted a4urity. For full partioulareapriy to FIEADOFFiCE GAUT , or to JOAN RIDOUT, Agent, Clinton ROLLER FLOUR., .. AT $2.10 Ptll C1VT. N � . �° RHAN bar rP(y"LIN' OP C1YT-9 lte AT 60,•'r.. PET. M' V'r., ,o ' 4s Dali7eredany wherein town free efccda,,1 � _ . . . [Ill. _ _ _ - ry i0 V.-tI..id1iiN 11.1B1.y`.1O.N.