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The Clinton New Era, 1887-01-14, Page 1
_r --,,----,r- ...... ,, „ I • . , .. - - . .11 . s IttI.7FTQt i t�EAFOIt'[tH. with Tbos. Anderson Esq.,-a.fsa bit, sop and entertai;nmenft in'VOP" ►HBI 04, iyi -� AXM4All.�s i- " . Lor ion. -Toe wife of Dr.. Sloauk 10ft I IGHTtxci Qn,-.-War still. 'Wilges with , Walter,. And.his dau titer from: Aamllt°n. 't, John's sbbti evival lervtceif .which have been g ..., Sl. .. �tb School, VaEpa, .,�ama rn: alts A3ef o lett 2hurch'here last week fori'uma, Arizona territory, to the Seaforth corp s. ofthiiSalvlltiop Army dlxple is some talk f,t the Preibytertan tt.tl'oa N. w ars v iI r ' ri h d § e,. Xe .. e e u. _d pr +ve_ gi , 't, . A+ e brio ,home her. son Thoutas, formerly a Last Tuer.da evenin .,ter ro_ t d a four time: are still giingg on, hir, ' g., P� Y g, °I ..q e n ba'vip$ aotos-meeting sliprtly when the, siucceas, Theis nerq aebeat 200 ;p,reseft n ;l)fPstrkhill who bas tieen, labor- feacber to lI.ullet), who bas b .en nut west days campaign. and victory fists the c.ry roadr-are ood, q,ile business men.bav egtertainm ,,11 t)ie a s' 'vie s'' has r tp d borne. for his,health : a telegram was received on for the Arm The fight be au last list. g 4 ,Tho _enfi was of uu excofl@, t. s r . 4 e , stria. Y• , f3 to take the snow away now with a road character, both.- child a.nd grncra , up ood has been dttrse since Cite, meet- Wednesday annouuctng her safe arrival assay ni'gbt with a strong sores sa the a -crapes as it, became so deg , In t' der. •to neo .le: takiQ leaf a t,: Z e, ra a 'there, and statin they would commence fibid to light against the ever rovatllnconveniently,. P P S 1, u i 4 . p gr tia04 at commeuce,d: �, ,,, g t F let customers to .everal IaBted, froom 7;OU. to 'J:3Q, Tf}tri .SstuGt days 'tbe members of the' ;their return Gurney in a• 'lay or two.- eaeir►y, rhe streets werg paraded wi. ' I fine large dwelUo� houses will be erected Clays ut to an a sera ce socia f w . y ago p ppp n- ', , ghvia to { c al, church: f flits K Ila a met sitOl' S. b1o.- innop and Will Sloan, leave banner and sopg,ijfter w.bich, they repaired ' next summer on farms in th.ie ,vicinity -. sash ea er little clitld r sen d he aF n, village, , g a P e nn t t►.. for C►e T,., A• Busine3s College, Toronto. to the pld :barracks where firing was Dept We are still without a haraeso maker and Ile.:toolr his de artke, but. Ivlll ikel xer •' e residence of M1 t Win. Waugh, 'and F p y tipamith•bot- would do a a esented Yieir Rstor t e 'Rev, O., II. iris: Stewarr�.,,has a ened. a bakeshop in a .for>somo tilos. On Sunda morning god business tur>. next Christmas,. Aftertbis` its oho t p, the old stand, Anih has engaged DIr, Van- the Afm took possession of the mew bar- tl„ • ,:, •' ;; Br d eman, with a fur Goat and cap, as a y t PWr !, and there are shops suitable to rent, L. BAA $a New Yea , y g F ellen as baker, he aaysliel2avcametosta . racks and; at seven o clock•tiie battle be- g PPy 3 to All,' -aa dao- In of tbeir'appreciatiou of hie-BQrvlces. The old cauiicir wound iig ,the business of Peareir bag moved his shoe ho to` the y rhe l .t , ) ' in their behalf. fighting g P F .oppoarte side of the street, iutoPpart of new years ping each other ntaf� 5 n'a ain; and fierce fi htiq +res ke t u 1'Ul VolW - the year on Wednesday,- tlftgs went off during the any shot and shell poureii bitl dwelling house the last lot of "cheese BRIErB.—A carnival with the Exeter ver uietl the nate council inset on forth"into the enemies ranks without --re- I fzli?te;' Mr. �irehtI G,albraiti i hari , 1 brPes band in attendance in the rink heft; y' _ in.ade by the Belgrave cheese Afnd. ,butter been laid u forsomo time with ipd61iii -» Ddr'-Mnndayat noori'•to be r worulpp, .Tbejve serve, and at night, after a hard day a bat. com an has been been -sold the ortheses P faiL'd to draw a large :erowd. Rev, re eoine'rumArs of a p ote f x -ala tie a lull occurred giving' the Arm a company P Lina on. tb;?1unisand Qleurisyt bitt:ill'oow John Lawson t + B g Y has stored it in A. Taylor s cellar, for the on the mead, and we lin soon to: dee huntIr Set(°n et Godfrey was made the present •of a pew elt<ction on the ;ground of quahGenti2n..- chance for night's, rest. At shoat 4;80 wtpter months, to rated it from the g_ , > . - cutter b bte HeDsall Con re atian a few There Rere two weddia sin town on Wed- on •Monde -afternoon there was a eneral P around again s usual: 1Vir.-James $eyrz. UsuBx, y g B g y g fr(tst . A cat' belong n t4 Wm, Watson sing of'Mr, tlfind Keys, y ,., Y , y - g P 9 went mai fast week • he killed it with a ` m;; ou • • Y ago. M , w •Erne, is bus drawl bri ` days a o Rev, • Jabez I3,• D ke, of Ful- nesda , the contractia arties were Mr, muster fori•efreshment. B this. time the y' . y , of• the Ill b los AAty 2nd, igsy, larton, has been bene gisiting friends also A: Feld iod.,Dfr, Watson, and the `two y, g Y s y ng ck, ,from _Lite h Arm was somewhat siren theses with oto a wood tick. before it bit any persona Bayfield brickyard, tot< the erect t x. Rev. Mr Blatchford. Mrd. bI. Nelson of :Mise -Wells (sisters , all livi ig,in Bullett ' reinforcements from surrouadiug towns, The $ev. A: Y, IIartle the temperance Y Y .' fp° f a, sew,, situated in the Matt, , , t ' F. new house: which be ur purposes none mile of the village of .London, who was visiting, friends had re- we congratulate t e'young men on their .otter partaking of the good things pro- lecturer faited to ut in'an a serapes on p , •rn " s' 'bull"f IP i uoe oa the farm, also be, i P PP next summer ; BO that Will bQ: apotllQr O . • d @tables, well watered, fauces 'turned hares: Large.guantitiea e f 'pro• choice. Trains blocked every day^ to i6 vi4eh,- by friends in town; they. felt pro• Monday evening as it tuns so atormy.- the fair sea to be rte rived of sih 1 blew, and under good cultivation, olt duce are coming in now while th street'JL week, and in cdosequence, the mail fr m pared to again attack the enemy with 'the many acquaintances of Mr A Taylor a P . e,d sad= cleared: • - are alive with teams drawing wood ; for TAnto was every day,.aday lfite,,mak'ing re�towed vigor, which they did in the will be sorry to hear that his wife has ons ednes`s, ticbool re -opened Nipnday, Jan, ,� a A` }ay,,downat-time of sale, the bat- nsb sad g0 ahead Hensall is•hard t0 beat, it very incouvenient. There is a rumor of evening• with right good will, when there into consumption, and her recover' is 3rd, with fair attendapevand with at least y dayetboreaftcr, and retrains to five new teachers on the stafr :for thi ';•, y ooayear with interest at6perc cent he 1°201 politicians are trying to solve some change in busin'' est; look out for it was used a large amount of ammunition doubtful but tlhe has nae to Hamilton for s urbe obtained from the auctioneer the Mail's latest independent dodge, but next week, . Our paper has become de- in endeavoring to put down the'gtron hold g township. A parlor socia was, held o P P g, p. g a than e, which wo mist, will be benefi• the evening of Wednesda the 6th of Jan, coax l3PRllA0 up to date have not succeeded... , futict,.but the editor will remain and run of Col, Satan. Oa Tuesdal evening came tial: Robert Sterling and Van Vannor- at Mr. Booth's, Brownson�Line, iu aid pf + Rxecutors, d JOSN I{NO%. } — _ _ _ job work; surely there is roosts for a paper - the time of jubilee ,and rejoicing. The> man have turned. out several fine cattleMayfield-, "• ox, Auctioneer. L the Methodist church of those EXETER. here and all should be subscribers. Rev: soldiers sot being areary hilt were jubilant this winter. Y D: Wilson; of .Kirgstop, filled the pulpit over hftvin thus far hold'tb.e £ort, The ---- - 0. *. were .not very cuatiy present, but" thew ' , I Q; �Q A U E " SALE FIRE. half -past •five Sunday g �"'-`- , in the English church an Sunday, it was offic, re prominent in the Salvation Army Itut.i.aTT. realiaod about �u. t a , �. moa .i g, the alagrm of fire was sounded e } p' y in CHANGE, --Mr. John Sprung has dis- Iw Nial,Ant. `' . c ; ` -u g- - th u b the Willa e. It was found that their anniversaryalso. Sacrament w,iil racks. and tubo figured, cobs icu n 1 Mr. Rosenberger's bakery and confection- be held in the Presbyterian church. oil this great fight were Cnm,.lr Cambs, biaj, posed of his i»tereaE in the�d,tttlAnd blori: FIRE•_ -B.-R. Talbot's general store wb,5 ';+,, i" y,A' • Valuable Farm in Rullett Township, .ery store woes on ire. -The fire spread to Sunday neat; Rev. kir. Lsllintyne, of Glover, Adj weetmnn, Capt. Gage and saw mill to his son Dlelburn, who will � completely destroyed b fire on Tuesday s' "' Walton will preach on Saturday. his hallelu ab wild. In 'the above battle continue the business As heretofore. He P I Y Y y. •I. About. four miles from Clinton. Under tihd by virtue Snell Bros.' butcher shop, which was soon „ „_ mor+g. •The stock was valued at!$12,000. !J .. of the power of sale conteined:ln a curtain mortgage, jnc am Vs. The fire brigade was BOOn on " -BREAD CAST UPON TSE WATERS. many, were wounded and `some prisoners is thoroughly practic'tl and will give good Insured in the Phoenix for $3,006, in the a+.' (which will be produced at the time of sale) made by b'andand was playing on the fire with good A beautiful instance of the aphorism that wore token. satisfaction to all who nivor him with I Mount Forest Mut " t „r , dacieon Henry to .tile vendors, default havin been P I g �' to • t t Ial for X1,006 and In ( x The money least liable to take unto it their custom. rz •; made in payment thereof,) will be sold bypublwauc- .Effect;'stud with the help of the citizens selfwip s i the mons invested in life ARatX NOTES. -A wedding took place RETURxiiD.-somo timo,]Astf011 it was the F1Ce ItiAurance AAaociAtion of Mon- . », tion, at the with pads, kept the fire from spreading to g „ Y at the neN S lvation Army barracks last trial fiir X3,000. The building•ivas owned W. M: insurance was full vertified in our own r reported that a young man named Jefler- �. the adjoining buildings; which were only Y Tuesday. evening..There 'was a crowd d P g b George Green of Uorriy,and teas fulC R�tenbinry lifause�Ll><nton, about ohe'foot from the burning building.; little town a fe{v Jaya Ago. Dir. James house AC every eting held try the Art Ry sen, of the and con., had fallen heir to inRured.b George Dlasuii's book tore was '' -o xr=I Mr. ,Rusenberger's loss twill be.consider- Dodds, one of our early settlers, about I during the opening of their new barracks. some property in England; tind.be 1 ft for damaged about ,1100 worth ; insured,- `l '' "$:�TURDAY, .JAWARY 29`h;- i88T, y a part of his furniture and a i=hteen r twenty years ago was Induced I'wheu •Capt. Gage aticj tvite eutereci rho the purpose of securing the seine; he re- Origin of fire is aE pre�ent unknown.. able as only to take out a Policy of Life AsaurOnce, * turned.to Ontario about two weeks since ;`,Ail �`Glockp.m., by 'David Dickinson, auctioneer, stock were saved. Mrs_ Taylor, who tvitb thetna Co. of Hartford, Connecti. apt. last Monday' o ening after the and report says his tri {rss a successful -'-' +a1)t�ngrlands .L,.: a southw°st half of lot lived over the butcher sbo , only saved arrival of the evening tra' , the former y' p 11CIRILLOP. ,number OW ttyafsli b,,concession of the town. p Cut, U. S. M.r. DotW,+ paid the annual p one; �v isato be congratulated on his;;ood � xtiip oCIt117ihtt thecouWtyoe Huron cod.4;nl co .jlart of her furniture, Tho buildings were. teas picked up by some of the army sol- $RTEl'B`--lir, Muir late teacher of ti k FR premiums for n few years, but moving fortune. , ' , acres''. T!, t�t�;udiabout„fourmuc9from(Jlloton,ia. ntvnvd by Mr. Charles Smttneott a°d Mr i+ra--frv,tn Blyth, the reniiums were un- sieve and carried to the platform; Capt, . h S, No. 4, was presences with a hand'somo veil watered ajfid fairly fettced, and the buildings, ro John Smallaeombe, and wash t»sured for -' y y P Gave was the first captain of the Seaforth IRE -On Sunday last the'frame house chsin and. pin, by a number of his former ill a, tatrstato�ot ropair,',.tilg8piiie altgncolay to m:; attended t°, And the pglicy lapsed to the ofD1r. Peter Brennan, on the with concis ;+bout s0 aertos cleared and the soft is alight with h • $800, Their loss will not be very heavy, Ccrm an but what was Mr. llodda' eta.-_ carps and was highly esteemed by all who pupils, ou Wedpesday evening; a •number p ), Aion of Hallett, was entirely destroyed by of the parents and young folks of the sec• r, wood andredxg,theie:ia'agoad bcarltg Z urs on as the buildings were both frame. l,rie�v hi[n ; he and his wile are now sta- tho .farm a prise the other day, he having been {wait- tioned' at Oshawa, Com'r Coombs was fire. X111 the members of, the family were tion were• iregent and all spent an ea- ;_ CONDI7jQN8 OF SALE.—Ton percetlt1 pu. 5'auNG MEN'S LiBF.P.AL, ('LOB.=F`Or ed upon bq R H, Scott, Eaq„ ofStratford, at church but a young man, when ilio fire I ' P °p tfpone al be paid at time or sate, lgntt ome ;time past Exeter has felt tho wont general agent' for the, Etna Co., Who pro- the, guest of Mayor Bt attic while in town. broke out, presumabl £ jogablf evening. Miss Lizzie Dickson, fnako up one hale oL thepurchose money with'+5 ons y rum n defective of Goserich, who hos been visiting (rieile>a` ` nth Gains tffiyof•sata sad-the-resldnatabs- ' r4ct • �•aAhoroughly orgupized body to work in vided with the usual necessary of id'6its, trEatPLARs -At a :special -•meeting of chimney , and he•did his best to subdue it; r r. mora ageofthepurchj;edpremigos,tob fa'i'rexc t tinterests of the,Liberal aft and one assures Mr: Dodds chat tl}e cam Ru has Fluro.n Council No. 95 Royar.Templare of failin y - in this vicinity, has returned home. The tiy. s 0 ..h pasty' P Y g iu this, he ran across to a netgh- n�•tha.tateof cis nor cent per annum. o .,fu lies °1t' ich would mare thorou rhl ac unint had such a prosperous Brous tosser that Elie temperance, the }ollowing ofricers were recent storm has left thr) roads in a bad particulars ande)ndttiousofsale,apply L �• thoroughly q P P y installed to serve the ensuing term of six bon's, and got him to come over and help, condition. , C1tONYN B1',t`Ta, ,� Eli` young men. of the village and vicinity have reAn'lved to pay offany and All parties . 1; but the fire had worked Its way into thra __ -, . ��-�.., g i, bttejpxviDD� n iNz Cintoe. Vend I,s o� a n: wl, h the political issues of the day. For who,. liko,,Mr. Scott, may have paid any months:. -J H Pvrivr S ( D1rs d J Q, , i t roof and was beyond their control. Some GODTittlQllt. z; __ _��_ J s� a dew weeks past a movement has beenon premiums, but had allowed their policies Clarke, V C ; 1 T' bilnlap; P C ;:R flax• , of the Jurntture was snyed, but it was in Hoatr, AoAix...-D?r..e. MeD Allen is . • s foot for the:dr anization ofaYoun Also's to lapse b default. Well done, the EtnA b , F & R S, I Iiendry, Tress,; O ai such a damA pd coffdition that it will not home amain lookin heart lie Con- . "RCLAss _. ORGAN AOR'SAt4tr•=q'1FIC g g P' y ' Clarke Cha M Tillman, FI • hiss R g . her oSgrs for sale a first -clogs Bell 'in'. Liberal Club, -which w0s tiidught N 'old of Flartford, Connecticut, And may you + p•> > be worth inuch, Ile was insured for $200. siderable trampingg o d in the Old Couu- , M1C, t:ua,good ng boon very Iittle used, Will secure this object; and about a week ago a still go nn' and prosper, and {veil done;Mr. Haxby, D H ; J Smith; Q ; S ivartan, S• Mr, Brennan late moved into the house of o art o{{; its race in cordwood, amt ti a will•be O C' Wilson was 'appointed - to represent ti•y, vis+iting' Farinpr'sconventions, .etc., ` ' 1iM�wedf 1 -£hobs ce. HEiJRYSTEVENTClinton. committee was appointed to secute the James Dodds, who can truiv say he cast pA p Mr, W; Haines whish has begs placed at and dib la ih his big squash, lar a tour - 4 + the council at the Grand Council to be I R Y g fi _ _rt - names of those who would become mem his liread upon• the waters And has -found his disposal, until he can -got a new sane pipstind splendid fruit. -lie addieaeed;it ti; $XLCUTOltt3 IVO' Ci{ TO CEEDIT4 . hers. Last Friday night the first meeting -it after man held in. St. Thomas neat month. Cooper; spring, nip8 i o of sendid reit London, and had : y g g. q yea9s.-Crisst. erected in the s sin for Nhlch•;ixr, Wm,' suw.ce of Sec.34,Oha was.called in, Summer's hall for the pur- Pro n.a ossnal cones iondont, BniEFs. The Rev. Mr.' Xenned of Lau er' of head has the c°o._ I1.L7 "�ioficeSsltorobygveu,irip�(� p.. 1 - y, P Clinton,+ Y__._ • _ sfllivatn,buaty-reareat auheliaiain-formed- '+ ,i , IV of ilio Revised StatgLca: n brio, av uiet�iimied pose of Organizing, and was -largely Rt- $ly.th, preached two good sermons in the trabt -� tbetn toot -,giro ut ra es sac pd the necks w ; i. ..,I# l6 iict.,.Chap. B, .that alt credi6jj s and other per. tended. • Dir, Summer resident of the $RIDES -.It is reported that another I P P , �' , song having claims. against the estate•af John t`ooper, ' F sinter fs.to ba Induced to settle in BI Blyth Methodist church here, last Sunday- while • W.o_,o1_ --•• all lazy-bagg»�a..,R onldat of wort: fir a 4. Ia ' ''° atieohewlao [e�obtor aboutitheaf�th'tdi4 toe ri��vie ha ism n Association,, was called to the and, :art Another paper', known as ilia Rev'. J E.HowelJ conducted the nnniver- GUD)s'Iill`.M 9'OWNt+IIII'y, living, The sett *441.11 '11.9„., .ala -. �' II r n+ 1r� , a d Mr. J. J. Campbell was ap- a sar services at the above lace. Mesars, ably roc h. o8W•r"e de evoreee to thto e undersigned, post. p p ton up Pointed secretary for the evenin The ."131ytb Adti Scott," with DIr. Pat Kelly Y P DF.A'ref.-Wo Lire flurry to record the ' Y g ` g as editor in -chief and run in the interests 'J Ii Wilsou,R Common, J C Laidlaw. and death of Mr. Chris, Tebbutt, of the 14th BRiErs.-There will be a goad pro- ,•., lastwill and testament of the said lateJohn'Coop• committee for securing members Nas called + J Lyon, of chis lae�,__tinrtfci ttt'eil in the 1p, r:atCttn6on Ontario., 00 orbefore.tho [ourtix da ue of.the li nor art The friends of Mrs. Y •,,; p - P .concession ,f this township, which occur- gramme at the C!. E. T. S. entertainment, J` x upot, and reported having secured 64 q li Y• great international chrling match, at ` O' red on Wednesday morning last, after an which takes lace next Tuesday evening. f” Pg'braar A. A. isar,' their.chrietian nanm4and Nue, t Elila WaGaon have just received ward I b P y g• rS li names V1dtaeees and{Lesoription, the full tardenlars .games as a result of the weeks work. It t.. ronto, last Wednesday A masquerade illness of about throe ears llecvased Mr, D. J3olmes. Who has been stopping. of tbeir'°lanes, a, statement td their aceomtcs, and the 'ryas moved enc% seconded that fo order to that she arrived sit ictgria, B. C. and y + carnival is Announced fur friday evening' ryas not by any means an old man, being wita his daughter, Mrs.J. Robinson, for a tit ss.',' natnre�f tbe[rsecuritios (if any)hold by them ' And prepare a constitution and get the societt j��i4es her husband, lir, W. li. Watson, a at the skating rink, The poultry show to. out .44.. ears of.R a nevertheless he ha short time has recovered from bis r at i'3 +e s thief immediately after the sai 1 fourth day of Felrtttary • former resident of this village. The friends , Y I g + d , eCe . 's`..' _. nexbthe assetsof the estate of the said late JobaiCodp: in wii:.kiagorser tbv following officers be g be lieldhere this month promises to .,e a resided here for naevi the full len th of illness •tad twill resume his '` 0willbedistributedamor.gthe arties'entitledthere• appoint@. viz.: -A president, 1st vice- of the Presbyterian' church have decided nod one.. Last Wednesda evenin ,the Y g. + position on' } -. _to,hayingrigard only-Wtlt°°faityt<,of which notice r j�eR' -end 91 tare fd diAPernE; with tlleiiC annuikl tea -meeting g y �' that t1me, alis was consequently one Of the. G.'1'. $., ,in a few days:- RepiyAl 1. r -0. llhaxo:bren received•_ andthel.mecut,ora-will--nut- P..v>L . , vice pre dept, seers y h' r • T u 1' choir of the Presbyterian church here, rarliestsettlersin the township. In earl- services began in North St. 'church .fast �. bf ?isblefodttiemfitasses or any' part theregfp.ty.atti'a� treas'rer ro• tem. -Carried. The. this yea he p public school opened on Iu 4r I. pe on of wbose claim nonce shall, not litta'wen re- P — MondR with a God AttC»dAnt e. DIr, E, furnished the music for tea meeting at ;ifs be was an exceptionally, strong 'and Tuesday evening. ItiisA' Knox gave a ��; following fficers were then appointed: Y fit Bayfield. On the same evening ri orous ei•son but it' resumed that' s lendid ro ramme- in Acheson s, hal! t`edbytheatthmaoisach diafribat:iba' Livi» stone hay eased the"Bl th•saw mill I g the Dietho- g P , ""7iated'Lhte I Lu day ct;1 President, Dir. ' R. H. Collins; 1st vice- g y diet choir -did likewise at K• en. P P P g r k 8ilMf5s- E , resident T ry and is prepared to do custom sawing, °n. pP ;the .htliGrs and hardshi of pioneer life Tuesday evening. Miss 'i . Hall is to be r .wiit co PEII, -e erg, Clintoni'. o', P •r D.' A, Ross; Ind vice presi- P 1 g' -=-+-- I left their ini reqs a on Lim And thus married in Victoria St, church next Tues• ` - ,: _ dent,. Mme. -J 7;,5GIAM i�+11; se Atary, Mr. ,rho shortest notice; also 30,06'0 feet of SUNSIIIN.R. p r p W. E. Gond treasurer Dir. :as. Pe good hemlock logs wanted„for.trhich the weakened an of erwise strong constitu- day; this being the first wedding in the t �•tttTl '+� yt of - WEpDING.-A flging wedding of which ► X1`�v u 1 UiLS . 5ALIIE kips: A committee was also a o5cta highest price will be .paid. tion. Ia-politics he was a. Liberal ; in church, theCrustees will nroaably present PP the particulars are not known, took place clsurch re]ationshi he was tt_1V1Qtbodist her tyith a bible. Nr V- • A-', 4 •or tis draft a -constitution and- submit it to- '• .NXIVEB9ARY.-1;he anniversary ser- in ibis vicinity, on Tuesday of this week. ' p'' ' nationali Ea lisi Kind in dis osition CHIItet3 A�ixr}Ers'ARY.-Tri spite o£ _; i'• 'nr the next ineeting, consisting of :lir. R. vices :n .connection with the Methodist Tlie guilty .couple Are 'lir. Wm. Arm- �' g i ' P ' f' '' church, Bl th 'were held Jast Sunda be was a friend to all, and his memory the unfavoi�ableness of the weather, the 1. „• VABTIEi' Lid T1VI , H.' C®11't•ns, Dr, I3rowning, and J. J. I t I+' strong, of iNorritl, and• Miss McGArvA, of will be cherished 'p Lho lar a number of anniversary services of tTi'e Victoria St.:' ' ” IN TIIa,�Toirxssx,r iyr Iiuf.Li:TI, . ' Campbell and NIr. D. A. Rosa. A coni- when Rev. J. II: Howell, If ri,; of Sea- Y g .Bru'saeld. Nothing was'seen of this happq a: .. mittee was appointed to provide forlh, delivered excellent se`rmonsi both aequu'ntauces be made in this loratity, church; hold lent Sunday and Monday,, 1 .s» -=�- PP P event except two cutters, which appeared He leaves' a wife and four children' to .were the most successful ever held there: A 'klant to instructions o! theivx autorsof the lett iainnient, consisting of Mr. H. SamWell, morning a»d evening to Urge audiences. to some of our sarin risers and as ilio day 1, .. .nit •Dutmettl; the undersigned will otter Por sale at Mr, R. .Pickard Mr. James Millar, 1Y1;. At half paWttvo he delivered a very ap- In, his decease. His remains were Rev. Andrew Cunningham, of Stratford, F ,;. r 4„ ui)_c'attetlonf on sawrday,danuary 22nd, 1687, at•the Geo: Renton and DIr, R. Seldon': Several �ropri11 ate. address to the children of .the advanced they were lost eight of and have Interred in Clinton cemetery to- sy (Fri- preached morning, and evening. There ; 11 00nifnerciat hotel, Clinton; at two O'clock, p m. that pa not been heard of since. ' da was only a moderate >fit,it•alow arm of 150'ac.ree• boio�gLot number Eleven short addressee were given, and the meet- `� bbath school. On biopdny evening Y•) Y gathering in the , in the Thirteenth Coticessionof Lhv,Township of Ilul- • following a tea -meeting was held in the PARTY.'— large number of the young ""�'0'�-” "'-- eVenln contrary rt0 all expectations), - 78tt. The buildings com rise a ioge tog,�house,, ing was adjourned to_meet on Friday,Jan. g to a Y g 1+1 RRI$. g' i , , fettsquare, boarded' outside and instdH:•aTJr �•efrtant -14, 1887: The society in its be itinin Orange hall, which was all that could be' people from this place slid the surround- , 9 owing to the fact of cot}nter-attractions I g g i» county assembled at the residence of IAr.TY-Alarge company ofyoungpeo- having been announced in forth St. r.a ", I bgnkbata;w$hetonestebiing,goodframeatable,atate fees promise.of being eery useful and of desired in the nay of a bountifdl repast g, Y ple of both Sexes, met at the house of Mr. church The rreachei'e'"bh.eme in this ;;,; ._ tic house etc Thera9sanaverdatlingfpringwelt.©}ti oral work in the interests of Lho of good thipga,proytded 0nd�ervedti b Dor. tPm, Clark, on Dionday ovening of . �1 „ �oo fart Of Newwft@ictl-deh*agth°-fi» : p y David ,More on Monday of last_.w. biniitgavas---kyrayer•--Aem-.l-s.'Gb; 2,._-- -•�.,,;,'., - - the. !tidies of--the-cots r a4Eon a this w a,tQelmw their res ec"nd.:esteem — rttiaputotoneeffio- uil;atio7feToyToxm. eboutiW Reform party in the community. f; eg ; t �'Fr-0-- P The purpose in. view was soon seen, as the and --in, Lho evvnin� " + " t iiereoclear,otstttmps,and twenty acres well -timbered gramme, both entertaining and instruc- for his son, Mr. Henry Clark, who lies re- b Iaith CnlO fCOm , ` w 'TZRMS.--One, halt cash; balance on rno tgago at . _0' • rive, consisting of music by the choir and cently given up his profession as school terpischorean strains were soon beard. Matt.. 9, `l2. Then were two masterly 1�, sf=: ercont,foratermnotexceeding aveycars, COLBOIiNE. I. he dance continued until the early Jior'futkhaT'parttpularee,ppiy t0Sautuel ScotL,un t•ht A eeches from Ltevs. A. McLean, P,lyth ; teacher in S.S. No. 3, Morris, and is talo• seriuons.aud were listened to with intense , r i1. premises,tir: to S. RALE, Clinton, or to tilt under• PRESL+NTATION AND SURPkTS2;-Friday S. Fisher, Iiolmegville and J. E, now- Ing his departure for Chicago, where he mornins, right' jolly time being spent, delight. ' On Mamday nearly 400 people 11 Aanod; evening of last week, ilia members of the ell, Rev. Mr. 113i11s The music furnished was excellent and 'ori,. T, G] tap bTCti Sa hs C89AURLING, Auctionoor, Cuntoi,. adult bible class of Bethel S. S. met at a very en'o able tithe na 9or;presised, and intends there was a pursuing sli b 1 ttof mus tithe P` y ` y P sat yeno,eve nein G dericb. After supper ' the com to ca it was the finesC. leve of ' is .x v I J I oma spent. Orf ac g PP Y y fun this season. it << PP "`' hw' `_ the rtaidence bf 1Ir, 7• Kernighan, their count of the ovcrplus of provisions, a so• Whiled away the time in the usual manner _ _ __ the sung service eptitlecl I?er Benny' , w,._- W,__JAC6CSON, teacher, and presented him with an easy cRal waslield op• the followipg;evonin iar „by--a.'.rapid movement of their pedal I:oNtoE�soao. as given iu the chnreb. i'+Iiss H. Rum• ;-,e, tom a it hair;iitdtin fmd�iress, and also his help the benefit of the Sabbath school•; which appendages," A very pleasant time was SERVzcE.-Rev. D. Rogers,. of •Ailsa •bh11, of Clinton, gave her solos, abousi •.z sued"a 'Pac�fi� I � lway, meet with handsome',silver butter cooler, was scarcely, , less enjoyable than the en- spent by all, acid Mr. II, Ciark takes with Craf mode his first a eArarice in our which our .people never -cease speaking'; 1 as a token of their R ieciation of his tertainment of the previous eventing. •Tho g village lasC'Fri.day evening. His coming P though t''' �t AGENT, - CZINTON, pP' him the good Niches of all his friends incl g' PP her enunciation was perfect, And tli link - ��,� services as• teacher for the past several proceeds the anniverear amounted to acquaintances. p be peoplv.liad basil foitbiddeu to appl0ud 1 P 9,f Y q to reacly on the occasion of the S. School t rr l4 ii1. , ,i,, W. .•• _ ._. - r years. Although 'rAken entirely by sur $ob, which goes to the church trust •fund, d�.'STP,RTAINUENT.-A Christmas tree itninversary was seized u177in as a suitably any of the pieces, �-ct t.tiey could not re- l:t I i:1_- �� _ prise, Air, Kernighan madea very suitable or in, other words for the building_of'a 4 _enter,tainment was held in the Junsbine time Eo bave Dr. Talmage's able lecture` strain themselves, but applauded .Again - :.P; reply, in curse of which, he said he new chnrcli; which will, by undertaken church on.'1'uesdAy evening of last Week. reproduced. This was done to the entire and again' this little chorister, Messrs. Vis, 1'nrties contemplating A trip to would not take anything as a remunera- shortly. '.Cho proceeds Of the social The programme was length and the re= satisfaction and d-el'i ht 'of' Ail resent Mack, Smith, Mulligan find le-10tyre, of I • tion for his service blW abything given in amounted to owl, which is to be applied to citations and readings b the 'young en- some declaringthat the wouldcheerful);. the town band, rendered.. very acceptable ;? MAMMA-thie way be accepted withibe most heart the Sabbath school. The children of that ile Were •well• rendered;yreflecting, credit ive 2bc for. tth rivileae of. hearin 6 service with their instruments: Overs' or British Colombia; felt.than•ks, and hoped the interest in'the school were adtinitted free.. g X100 tease taken at I;h©.'door,, but ,the -, I , a Sabbath' scbtiol� would increase And that ;.,.- • not only on themselves but also on those agttin. M•i.•Rogers preached here morn- exact returns are not yet known.' • Llthor on GusinosB or with stook, twill hoar of many might be gathered in the fold. At- TUdtiErlt�lttlTii. :Who trained them for the occasron, 5eve- ing and evening, and at hipburn in the 13 met to their ad'vApta a •b aoiit3nitin sal persons from a 'dlsttinco took p.trt in afternoon. I�yy. iVlr, Ilou�h readied a _ K Y tb ter partaic.ing of the good thin.a which FnraISOLD.-Mr, Alex. 1\icol, of the the entertainment to make it atilt more S S. sermon and attendednthe Monday Ttir•. NRwePAr14rs.-Tho Illyth Advo- _ _the above wit:inut doloy, the ladies provided,the cornpolled• , +* ' The ex a tai•ned ` in Party was anter- Bac ntuogcesaton, has sold lits form cos- interestin among whom were I+Ii. C. evening meetingon the ALIsitCraigcrrcuit, tate Announcesthati it has boon ;r F •res sof live stock from. Dlo»troal hY Bas. gs, recitations, music and t g b2 acres to b1r. Charlos Upshall, g " to suspend publication, bee0usa the buai- p Ames after which tree. o , Clelland, of Belgrave, and ilii. IlOnis BRTEPS.= We were pleased to see, that ness men of the villa during the year past were 63,170 head of- g party brok"p, :at for the sum of $3450; . It is a good land and family, of Brussela,aud IAat mentioned- 11Fi $rupsdvn has so far recovered as to, go do not give it that ,W*' oattie'AncT 03 Filb sheep. an early liour, all being delightyd with and the buildings are fair. patronage which is necessary' to pElfma- but not least the choir rendered a number ' be able to attend church last Sabbath. 1beneker Hanle aged 12 ears was in- the evening's entertainmen.t., POSSIBLE CFIANOE.-It ' is rumored nent•Bucce6s. Tt made a gond struggle for, Yt g Y of choice selections in theit usual good The storm and snow blockade has made atantly killed in the township of Dawn .,n ---...-- that Mr; W: '(I, Broadfoot"was eleceed to style. The proceeds Amounted to somo- business quiet, but there is alivays a good existence, and deserved a better tate. If r 111bndAy by a satblog failing on him, MANCHESTER• the council instead of Mr. Kennedv, as thing over $22, deal oil business dono hero eo to lcnoty people in small places want a paper Ao • t, 'A Kingston liquor dealer hoe boen fused annoucced last week, but we have not been ' people represent them, they shoifJd be wifflue, to fd X40 soil costs for permitting Lho oonsum r I'RIEPs.-Lewis tVetlnufer expects to able to learn anything definite concerning --` where too cromo for,good bargains. Thy PP JtELGRAVE, aid in its support. ' nt tvhiat� p Y l start his factory next week which has been deep snow causes our doctors to be off on ey on his remisesb two boys closed for six weeks. Mr. J. P. Brown is it. BRILn'R.-We have had splendidsleigli-_ snowshoes. Anothercorrespondentwrites The Wingham Advauce'liAschani;ed its Liar of one. BRir, •'s.-i4V&_1.,oht. RIgie, who had i here for months and it {wilt in all• as f011owB: IA good opening here for form to the more acceptable eight -page A" in Woodstock iti business. Rev. T. L. her arm broken b a fall is now near] re- pg g P g style, and already shows signs ofimprove- A' tejeriblo sntity atortil' lies prevailed Wilkinson, of Toronto, saliva ed sermons Y Y probability last three months longer , as shoemaker and;; tailor, no bonus given, meat under its now management. brougltout the Midland counties insEn - ebvered; it is very singular that she had it snows and blows ever day. James •however, but what is far better a first- g } g on infant baptism, in Metbo ist Church, her arm broken two years ago by a similar Tyner has his large stock every v.furniture `alas!; a ib communit all around; "none We have received a Copy of a paper is - ad. Lo`s6 of life is feared'. Highways on Sunday morning ghd evening, to be r ' surd by the Marion 'Tact, Depository, t '.find railtyays are iriipaseable in many places followed on Wednesday And `Tliursduy °Aust'. (.has. LAttA son of DIr. John removed to his store near the saw mill; be better C3ntnri l Y Saratoga Sp rings, N. Y'.; entitled "The •turd mails• bloclzed. LAttA, aueeeeclecl creditably in passing the is getting in a largo stock of sow logs for x evenings by a lecture on baptism, to be -~""--- _ Vasrd asci its �1T !Clio barn on the farm of Afr, G. ;EL illustrated by charts. Albert Downs of late entrance examination at Clinton ,.b which he is n in Y P Y g big Prices, his Cho t `tt.., -�-�Y Go. 'Last .a, 11. t" ' h is Ism ed r the low •pooe of 2be. a year. - It is a paper „i $imble, nurttr.oQ xnlbotvillo, township of this village, has gone to C,uel h tvherti he ta):ing ti09 marks;thi 3 mnrk;was acceeded ping mill id running three days a weeki s' Yf•7• '1nR� Go. --Last weolc was pub- • 1` BouElitrold, WAs totally destroyed. by.1fire intends tatting a schalarshi pn' by only a small number in the country; and it gives ood satisfaction ns Mr.'t'yh't llshed,tlie.marrin a of Mr.Charles!Ti iet filled with good non•sactarian reading, ' f; p the $usi- g g PI and the work it trying to accomplish is ,:.`fi ,Y', ,. •I-" A ny afternoon, together wit)'i all its n'ess College of that city; wA Wish him he was a pupil at S. S. \o. 10, Tucker- Bon, miller; understandab business., As an flits week we havo to ed rd the mar- s, on etiEh, the farm is occupied by Widow auecess: Dir Yunpblut has bought Dir smith, taught by Mic Wm. Ddig'. Dir. Mrs. Morley, of Clinton, and daughter, reago .of Mr. Matthew Bata's ta; Mies of the most commendable' hind; y .1 ith, And ttvo of"her sons were shooting Wettlauffer's house, on Main strect rice Kerslake, ofChlselhurst, who hnci tiffs eye Were returning tram I�ewb ick a ba Taes= Hannah, of Bayfield. Soon the bachelors Too Methodist Observer, the now religious t, s it) the barn the *adding from the + ' P injured somo time ago by a piece of steel, day, they found thei foal o badly drifted 6f the Bayfield road, Stanley, toil bo it weekly published lit l;ewmarrvilla, Ont., -at g a X1000. Ilia Good Cemplara Ora preparing lied it removed at Toronto l:nst tussle and ilia reinAined in tL'yl'r ve tovern'i ht,•-- 1; past, so m. v hasty lox, $l a yagr, comes to Loud this woalc enlarged 1.109 fire to the building, 'The lues will for an open lodge entertainment to come ti Y g a g thin of the t to t ht a es and is well filled tvlth cbureh_ � , e about,%o0 to :31,000. I off shortly. ' t the are glad to say fhat he is flow doing Mrs, I). Anderson.find dau liter, of Dal,o- Archie and David. k � news editorial anti ohniao miscellany. M.A,• ;ry:% f Well. t2, err. spending 4i few tveck9 in ,I+l orris F%*PRTA1,1 r;xPxr.---The Christi trre i .-.__...._ JatneA is the pnblfeher. .1. _ -,., , r.. t . t,w.� .�