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The Huron News-Record, 1886-12-15, Page 3
Eli • S.ELE-QTIONS�., P, I witiiiiniii 11.11 . . C A B, ..,.: o_�___..o __ _ e , That's what ilio public ale talking, allonG j.ttst noty. 'e ri=16'ottr rU„ Raub& C ^ �'T-H E , 4vationif pc+rsuwi , 0 ll3 sial Ii'ave 7rft uut clot,,,, t1ihat cuulc( Y twit moom"""ALA Ire tlrnired by the public, eithor sit FIYV, ialI q� 7 or ., color � . � _ { wing to, the emt nz ed f1, ather for the past mo,,tla, ve find Our stock of 1 1 ""TO'OLL N UOO1aS scn�e�rll t; 1re�l�ielt thawit slzonlcl beat this season of alae y0ar, anti in Order to clear'them out before t4 Se"IePtio s" Of l;lae ental of 'C 1e season, we have 9 , e CH'F!1.8T`MAS ,Q IC S fit• ll OODt.J. T' lir ' e i1i tivl suit the closest leu cr's, ast o gene"d out ialiotller C� se of diose CI�:G�AP `PRESS GOODS. THE MANTLE DEPA13Tl��(��' is � �rsi�(l s�ziiK Go C o4 G� ods, 'Cheap. cess --=e 5 �leudid a,ssortme�at of Cloths to choose fi'oan. �>�cl �t �'ol�ular Pi 'o . 1' _- -- -'' ' m. Vo_ C 0 17"'M T 00U.6 liager 16 1 . 4 THE Myl - AMR MPllnl"m of m.i'iTQm H -A■ ■ ff ""T"E" A l hen lied Qo tttm)y performed . lii1'' II Robertson ,. treasul•ol . hiss a '" 111 to 11 tl u post two et^eulit;s'.nitcl Sh,uuuul,. atticl ilii: Juhu �, ■ ■ Allen evfti ])alfa• ill 't'16, It nnuiuelctr of 411e ' ei'll1rcas Aliss 101a Z-1 jAckson;. libra� tyeek. rials liessrs,:jiay tartl and S trrilrolls; I oil Mond Boil' r ltul l I)tvisioeft"ootwl'1s' eRlol;s A.li es ,S.' G gn'pllejl 10 +" Or' The, Next �0 Dc�,�,S At � 1 . 1 in slur 1 lIa].well sail , it/rlilt,;, . and lir. Mast .o— sutttltntil port'r,ou . of the . , colrllson. T. u lig luo- 1170 will se11'any 'ithicle in oiir i rimeuso steel: of :Cuoaltrttr n1C{tI CrLnss comity. i;t'atn)ito Was tiler 'lirascilltecl; cllu -us tivflt>;.tit a 7l)ISr✓4)U�I'l' 0%' 10P1,IL C �N`1'• , I;i r ; by the 'menibets;,i•ecihifion 1111. I~ rU11 LhS>I. b Vtd.dhase of.tho Latest Sf•yIcs of t Tile eleutioli of offrcc+ts for the an- , , inuiilg- toren will fcike� ],,lace `cit the '41 J•t;le; reading; 1llias A. Watson; JUST Ti 1 .�,jt Off' IT. ' � - rnlcactitlr of lira Zl:tgh ijcltuol I.,.itbr- solu, 14i1: 13ays�; chains• try tire' I5, - �' - niotll)Ul r 00 Chiu.a• Tea Sots, 44 pieces, for .,....,.:,....,..,, ,.:.,. :ladloeS9� ;lay Suf iirly •no t ly ricla3 er euitlI.. ; etu(at.lotl, lrl. "AZIi]]fIn ; . .$ .00' Chiba `1 ea Sots 44' lit e ii fat. :...:.. . ...... „ $�3 50' Cash dilet, \lisses Ralph slug 1lcrnt ro 1 • • ' '7..20 Gash : 1111. It..Iiiiciclirl'o tvris rest n cunl>le J r 6 OU Chiba _1c; t .5eks, 114 .pieces, for .r 5 40 ` reattatiuu.,' Aliss, l+lo. Ball ; gtt:ar_ .. ..... . ,, .;..,,. (.cash of.' iI lyd lust' tveel.; ati COC,It13)9 'the' Iu 00 Uocal;itprl 7)1J1ner Sats 110 tieces foa .... r. y� At .. tette-A1is3es„ Eciol, n.ud, illessls, Au 11 0�0 I,)ccorate :.' ' ,, l I3 a0. Gash �. • 0�$e , Dolla 1 f'stcallsioll. of rile rails apt i`rolil, •.,. t1 1)Itlnel St ts,.104. pieces, a'vl.....:.....;..,.... 9 'JU•, Yir ", clerson ild.l°lerldel011 ; trio,.. Miss- 8 00 ) � ' r C sh Zl'oudstucl::.., Citi. St. Marys aIle t 1 e>~otatfcl,(.onlhinatioii S'etss $J n>c s 71.)a must�ivolldorfal vl I: 1 town.. ys.L^litre auil x111.:Iledt�lo: Y „. r l t e., for...... ,..,. ! 20 Caslt thio offoled�ill Hits section. Zi e toi ,hX tog. to this tots 1. 6 00 I)eCal'atEtl Stuue 1pa Sets' 44 IIeCDS �' tater."that the r are 'i, t'al" I a ftSs6*r ' Co1r a;1r,,)uet last Fi'ftla.>.o ri 1, , ol•.,•••...,,..., .5 40 Casl,t.;;, ., ,,, . ).,M Jr... the•.Ches],e-t.11ats in ills COl ill •Cu venin 3 50' J')ccuratted Ivor '1'ea :Sea the Tile Cutillev Court: an .(��ltc sal • ': J o? }, t., 44 )feces for,,.....,,,, ,,,, "" Call onrl and secure ' t, ' trail, tritogt':Ile Ws ttulsl'up 1'Itt3ror Ilurt�ll Ireald- n' �, 1 r 3 15 Cash Y tl1JalbaluLoi'we,tilt aro,ill..s Irl, o S,;ssious.of thti I't�aee a il'l l,aolren i ;. , l 5 s` Ale Xpa.,fiets, 44"-pieccs; fci«...,....:.. ` Y A �, tituittes, of iletio!;s ulpetiu r , . .03 Cash I 5 00 T)0eOratcf1Cll n)`ior Sats, 10 ,feces,:. for;..,:.;..:...: /� e'ci bJ% Ilts Ilotl.vi J.utlf;o'"!P.ouls on b 1 .. 4 'S0 Cish. `The Dress. ,/ �y wuicra,iaandcoufibttiact, Trersurer's 4'DOJ)acortitedChtitlt erst+t 1 ' t a�1u. IYIan��s!%'l�ak1%7 D th.e .14th itst. .There will be tlpu- repmC:1'or•wfioveinber: lee.', '� rr , ,. �, 0 pledt4, ior..s..,,,...,.,, 3 'Ca Go g oomr siderAble business oli tllo .oalendal:, I ell. is i -2 J(PStulle Lhatnbel..Sets, 0 ]rypces; #ot,,..:...:..,....::,..... 2 ' r. buliiuco bu l"toll,. $4,44U,54 non Itue Ilan*�' r 2a Ctisla .. b1u,,.I,aitip #ut. 1.J0, 1:teiheniwr this- sago 1i - �Q'%7t%t?S' VGI/.t Fre o C Mr. ltubctrt l'•ot•1er alio: ort gyred ,rositiont;ltilidti, $3J5,SG times , rats just 3U.datjs, 1t^lY $;.' :(;. •. r + , 1 .. �, . . C'G... a . )n t ting ou I•hiilada. cvenlun ts1I'l 2•I ry o .y r„ ..G:Sb'• llaltl<liul•celnetcr $5 r � •J .. <itl<li•ess •rite, eleetot's.'f, ot` 11''st kriirun � J'r'u�' , •(ii; � �_.��., . •,� ._.. . 4 market; Sl:.:)5 Goveriluieut cmii)t to 'BRIES. ;It ..l,eniu.iL':Sit, •lu-nia i -61v :nt'1.301 Moi r � "a . • cel sclloci1, y'$'150.00• 747''243.3 Ytetfrro "' ® '� L .. t a , b. Ce111S 011l'stoclt RRnS S,CtCC ujole comI11Vte. ,All oul", New .IZaisiris Car,anty' nntl iii Vt<,lot'i:i ]kill ru f11Ps:SaYtvll T:x])ellditlit'e' 1 tlblicscltu0ls;$14,_ • 1 ifs, \t'rtintt;ts; eliuu,r,•rcts+, 1?illxlata Cvntrctione' 1.Y,, Etc„ aro ill s.nil will be solli,as', tuth'IICca�lutto.nt.l:3Ud YGU; publi% ivorla` 245. rt,�r'ulinsthr iLeal,ent. GHll.iu,,�id sev lr,n .,, - - .' • r ?a 40, tellefi ,.73ehOP 11. _, r , ,l : lilt' .arc Attu; i#vay trill 0QOj,ER,8 _ ` _ - - Tlto leattt'eu tllat ivas adds rtlsed 00.75 rihtinrr r , ' rI o ) ,�• ��10111)Lilar,rlJONASYl1;A.�073•I1,G.I::.Y1'IZ�kC:Ci�.'`1:tieverYl,nrclaserut SI 4,J0 9tall4il.tbg; :.ot>!,�store oil Devembe 2.4t1 n•-6.11 ,r ve: .for last 6,ailfl'hiP. by C;ra]tlain'illc, 6 ., Stluti),llu Icon fire' , 50. i a Decorated Cup:.atld Syibcel', 1!'t iiiw nnN-ACBM• .r 1 , r�t stela .gtt)tts,UI uout..ljirttet 1s� rs :i�ult, r 1'vtnioes' unci : T on, , J> All oodr tn.4xclat,Se fat,Gooil t,.,thp tt•ciS..Ilot dc,liver.cet ,but iyil ho tool t.s, $ iti<3 (ire tle]Ituan%elrt` aG3 • ' ... =" . . L-6, T Fun d.l�.•; . «ive oil ii'fu'titre In • tw': ", C. C. _ , x; Utv3 us s'ca11. It twill lny,ymt. lloavy; l`anrl7eretl rice ltiii+'f T . 12 day Stc.l.11t• _ ill C. U.7. Al ,-. sel)ant tt school, $!5 ��� � 1, 10 acres.: 11'ci1 11 aterctl. 'On Iia fAcltt Coucessi'on. 3 lI}s' farluly .'cuusCtl t}lo disallllo111'b ■.tlarics, 5204.14 •.balance "5 9i3 , Q� T — t ' r r `wr �. II, F�11B�jj, nrnllt. Jr'- 't .t3.? �,OIJ.s .'1!01.19 . � ,,-� ..b.• Tho • sexton of ' '. R & 50��,: --Thi L��td�n �� Grocers, T01� AND~ The etntleuts;',attetltlitl; the trotl,,.Alattictiud criiieteryrlro'11tlrtedfur*ov- _.._ HALF HOUSE' "0j« .,. , - oh Ge class ''comnteuceWit at-�1ta' ;eput�.or; the iiii, ilciit of 4 a ---,_ 1 ,til r 7a4c, ... dults.ind lna,tcr acre tf resile, ori 1'kattenhurt 3Tc1RkIE l ]37.PIZ C5« r' • 1Zoan, ,ins liirr,rti oittinrr �t exami-AL10oil': on Alondal =.aufL.` ot2 =1: ?u(niJt. -Alla , Ilication' f'6111 Rit.0 eu aIle' fimty 2 . " J J `• w, 11 11h.. ..: J,. llullti, nlieil.rooros,'llatd iti,Yl Sol't'.1V:ater'n iii t4len; t'(IerrP.ettld ,esery rn •sda;VnftCruaon) �" `� :. Cltl'al.Cd 3este7Yl:tj' aftel'natlll..., j'liC 'Jiitl]!e3 {�1At� tSlillla a 1'CtniS3lUn Of} a } Good , taxes all 1 1 Y £ZY\ TOl4, oral e n.uiitlntioll commences 'ibis ,.J,is'., )ro�elt rece1,613. ' >t001,ilin" and , • Vutned .ryas r , .1'lorly .... S4 'Gly to 4. w p i 1'lasts .till. I lidsy. , aferred to Court of 30 1'trli'4't ireab;, naw �(i glel•U 73to•:0 .tfi Arri�BLUIVALE TOR` rev,.. _ rata . : ZI1. IL Y. tt trill �ms.relilot'fid all a Ilse rreport of finance 5 ,;,t •.Fu;hovt..:....., �?' �1OTICE "TO CQ.NTRHALF G ._$1 _ 0 r to U 7fi.. ACitQ11S. 9 �( committee racolliuietadln tLtl . tati ' . I3arle. ills thorottdhl>rr tl .Mock to •h:is:Iaucli, . I ? J• ., 0''-4;t to U 48 OU' •' 7 ,., rl)elit•of, tile' follow aceui, + ' ' , AJ,.�'L1Z 11C1ZI;'.I.O'C: .. In Illialois: •llresmrs. eJ...Q.'L11Cha11- er tilts tta2' Outs ...:...«....... ..,:D 7 i6 h C T)TRS�}til ,r,.tnv,tertigafex•dn•st YJ ' __.., atlU Itcd : 7: fa •..F . ^ 2 0 2 ': t ur tile, a n ttYArl 1Tr ty n' I to a., (r Y ft2„t hQtiB,. til¢ Scltipn of tint Uu. a ltraton o ,it, -$n o �e1161cimtl ivh'o ..: , • . 5 4.50 ;. »:.........:....._.. 0 47" t , U Iwayy¢a`wndir°f r •�'� .. 1, , ; ; .t :. 50 6 from the o amd Nit s to , e. K. • r ,. irlah,im, 7.4$ 1L G a],' AX, )lesCertnte Ier•ltiltir " :Sydney'it distn,,en 1 1 t)� t.0 1. rJO of,ibout4•, ndles, This ra-��� �"- hate,n,l . halos of flteucls ill 'Gal-.., , l 3ir1110., l >.. )I. p.. r ... 1... ]J. 1Ttin.I;rpn 56:43.. Potatoes ..............::.:.. 0 4a to. Q 50 liiuint[r� notice is ntl•en in ordurtllatoontr,tators 1)Urllt3, teal. chargr• of t1,e �.tltillal5., , J. W I[111'oll d3alnnl to tenderfot'the work ulnyhaveui) n,•.. Butter ...• .................. portirnity'to'extimind tho.1tileY .S Slrynu'l,G Goticiraclr rt56t, :.vi Ci.QU • 0:14, l0 0' '15 t t.+P= Ili»lilel]IrIi:• elections. )ipinry Y i• '' r�rag'••• ••••• (t1"i wirit¢rsetsIet;''. ocn'tion hefora C) near at. lta,ncl tli'e rate >.1 'ei. 11'tllinitts �h' jltu"a l3,GG 11' i1- PI J 9 til:' J , .. > I7', to B3: order, 1j11us tC' ,l.Tin4'r y.95 lT y "' treated to 'ti y lritftb , , 3 ,. v , 1 ,1111,1111 Park.. n: . iIIt,1Di 1X; e h of the [ . P. h1 ©U to qU. 1= , x iltott, - $4-,35•: Ire Ion's rc 1 &•,UU to 5 '`lu, Dept of Iiitllan1s noir Canal Of pit}.)1,a..CotclwOcttl. s¢c •tnrv. .., .1i )6 .to.4.00 f11Slj, rigor-sattsG,t ei Fa ti1,1113�;' last, ivor.l s coil it i'e ..•...' utttivy a661i Nov"ISM . o "r, comIlielillinf llilt, •13epf , 4-lr t I)ecen:lier. i he r atcsttou' is trill :........ ..',• O:U'O.OU { Liu lh Di.nuro 1�e Iata tiro stun of 6'011. 1 ,flip voters Ue•sirtisfieil;'tvith the cold �• ••• -• •• •••0'X7 'to .0 2U X5.,«3 1.'S . i'uIt doss P of .tiiue 'lid ex- bollaaiiou or will .they wsilt a mo)'o , __ __ ,�_ N._ , f y . TO THE F A1"36ldlER w"i'Rd�►YED• 1[z err .hu[l 115:�rq��v�ra3:;i9et�tl:eitlt; rithstanti;il'.tiish. ,. J eases• catttsed 1) his reef ac- S.1.; _ : °cident,: tin,4.'adol,,tdcl. Th fl'enten. S'tiiil �TRAT?l) from thei?rontis¢g'of \frs i your own interest and 8b�x•hera' . ' A7 con: F, lar 38, Is'ttst t1'.rtxar s ' hove,'. ''`�' Last hridn�� eveilinp ,•a fnriltvela' -were.order:ccl-to be. paid tlto allntial you e,r)i get I nneutJ r lo h, 10tl, 1, a„ �j �lr�+eJ., 1 , p ra Ipt, rive RZI) Steers-with.utnr oil fore- , ' T �• 4 iT BtltCrtalll,d(311't tfi A1CSSt•S; Thiel}Miall al l0tyanCp,,a11)Oilntinry.tGL '�.t)Q?'''', fiend,onehuhrs.t¢er,o'oertpiRlre'F¢a'nl SC•'teI2]i)?q`.h C n 8 llie , lyearli,igs. P ,_Orli, 18,.6.. ' stilZl I)1fJlt t1, ort' titelr rte ),irtiri'e .file 'foll.owilrr ,�• nnc one gtvin,; inforgri,tlun ivltl b¢ staitttbly ro. g accounts were. referred to imrttrx;:; . the ttces't, ti'as,ti't`en in Arert,iu's ltrill, (!.uauce Reliable C. Sit ellabl� a ess: D• 'aclittiru . (A; Saltford: There wits a larl;u attcurl-` 21,E37 11', �1!. .1i� r 1 amnofact ire none i)'It.th¢' 1111" OF STOCK, • Blyth P, 0. ellen%ie1. S O.'71. ^ -Bt'Nftre a,/: shags Ghat sell ahga7,, qS they !Ilius . µ J 3, 1 'evetliiltg,: llabt. ,J nlinstula, ;rr� ' 't1. ill. ' r !/ot to li.ut !f ai (Jgll n?ul bet pllcca: Orders „ .W� , 1.:n11CV, by ut,hl ryrmuptly rtttuuclad toi a. .y. ' t4 }nee tud a roast, It o a e rat mPlle $49.50; ' 11I)sw, J. A1i'tcholl :Far •rp It is nnuocess cr to sit tl , $3..;• A •�.O- . s, est ilrarttn 1ii'elralcz.4a u,ost exet l ' h'I.slaty rtvits `t? isseel appnlutnn, the. `fid': lent acipper. Hullottcfttry, n AttiTitSs 1 M11PO1tIC\i 13Lvmr1 k n F, }et1l"lli�lQ , offie s':`7 N0. � -* - IY !....- €1n 11IollilitJ• ;evpnflin ,ISPaf. •;ne lr ,Taluvs `G4il,cl st o ry alt): , IZ(tas a �] [� _. I eiull clnss.lmldn Illeottng ill diel Yl -ice • No 3' 1'. D V/7/7IS !Y/ �MZ "? ' .ITotvn ttl'all-::ts a', faretve John . ,•.. it to Prof.,PIUP, ,1,a es•; \ro: -15'.;x;1 `. '' •,. ..�.� �•� LLQ _- �� ®I'•�fllT Y D6Petidr� tt o i illoii(. 1.cayfng fo 4u 4 No. >, f) it+rip. , ' lice:l. :JL O.R .$ . hEauliltoll ;. ,No.: • ., 3ttiy ti. 'Pilo, Iiiistiaes : Zfci4lie '1)0 •7) Johii G:..Stivuu' . , Tile cr�ullciil � 5 O f��UP rtl3CVTo.tis AND RUST", Is • •, 1 IxWata of til¢ Jnte .io,Nsrrr lhcaa alcor of a hu .> li 12aye, ilei n 1psettt tit a 1 tl e CUNNIN ,.� p ) 111011 alljOlil'nCtl.' �,lr ! the following; %;;0Wible•i,roperty.nMnel •: , :exe1c15cs tvolc pt"tsonted'tytth I)and- Y ' : ��_ _____ ■; To +ntofttodoriehuumbdu 420 anti 923; fn rho' b , I: 8oltle �JmeSC1;tS.' � tIYC I3ilI}IlA. of the _ ■ ] nrt¢r.otnn,icreeach htitit )Ia§< 'e , t � rfn¢eduhtiter tt¢rlrublofgNt,ttitiln•r �CI1tlltltoilltCFi'So.10a011t'i0ltlki9'CCIC,)ttttttl C'' « . ctaaA; John 'James I R&IIdo;.lthird son ' t, , par),:qs¢S.,' ' A : ! ,. . Ralf ain,6 Irm lI',u• itself it Of: J'o11n hltehl " P r a irontu,(; bltt)1boYct' Ibirnsht , .t . T a. C p aril e•rl. ' A , >ro t t vr,llxv in rile i►tarl:at, )aesictes tvllicli• ' Tiie Fourili Ltcnclel co5ta:1 >. y of 1.>lst ,' aodatith hate . '. vP}Fth'SIl* r'. , i,; �, �*.: t part oi'ia tho'1i,altJp.nnd . k t.�fr,, �.. ' IG'CCntfi f0 115ti' ��'ati}ltiusll, but now, cjtrt� "r'' ,y Cat,oetistbi, of tire' tniii•Roiv,ishr nu6lgttrl'.o, -tn<j i, rulG1. , .., ee Iwicioe _ , ttngoat,dfrltuiOStitlitn Ice prlilu.or a I3e, tl f ,� 1, 15 tI o si ti tt ill,?lrtlas eat 11 - i t4,inatal)d .; Lot'nm h • �, , 1, tills! i�t3 (Jf'the AiatyttG•(zuv- •.- .. .. , ' .. ; Y, . ,. : , n cr 3; gnt,tlr'Rt+ o.otrlll ,a�•�/ •�j //'� •�H-; � -��•.�r r ,,, .:, fltfstl:; oaf. t11C 1lth,:a Nove�l^.•bpr 1�71)tlrS of all hrnris > ` mill 1 1t ar sir oar ptOn orfiti lit ilt 50, CUltl9. Zl'arti'tt It ! 1 'hiIUTPS 4r, quarter o1 nn uuge: bnnrll franc eiwelI I 'r' - � ' - ;' ./ , i5'oui illilai►n111afiotl of :the ]tin, r Calil'ueltiI GRAl'1;5, ]IT•1,1`t Ir1GcJ int. „, 8 big(11 to 8ierr pltlayllacfs� of i3 ills and 1.11m•ar2F. t'is:' !tit' II ) ,5oI1,. af' !'orotI'to; 'offilr to . ae11 tj '% r , 1 121 3i4,:g ., .. . qq �Tl,'tV 1)11'1'1:5:' 1%ulldinl; Lots ntimbeee 803:u1d•i8t14, in 'tl•e llotllltl-packets at 1 t3t1111e' hook Ial' 3U ' celits, 'Uflt the The was a Fly vcr.allfi 1'tl+^ Town of Ulihton, quarter of an ,tura ¢nclT+'Pena• tltnity sitiiated on'.sontic side oil,Ilnrno Street• I1lisitla young matt of 18•tyears. MISTERS, OY:S l l!.1t5 ! 35c per f]t. 'dart}• ror,e¢d. (rovernttlent rerItrte .illelli the privi INASPER lr oe, Jahn f�, Yt'ojittrtson, c�' Go', . at'' `-••'AIisR. I.afnn, of ltritailelr; gills ': The i,:,tsttralfof t'ot122 ' T._• - 7ft�%LACCOSeTOBACf;O$, . qvb•.. ron..zti,.Ct'oaflR'ne•a -- .,'' !oud hu, t,..,0 naris ul¢;uetf ranta� 4enaed, re.O 7"J -7ot.outo,, atfet+ to.faell t}ts• n'1'tittxiln; green Eno""nee to teach the aecontl • GI,tTAti '` CIc Its S,. ,t1 uuthu er timbered, afloat 4 udhs frohj,Luttkuox• POV'ND. i► iioolcfi lif,ty •ill. , iso 'alt )'alai their fI'citartntent'of ^tete Iiluevale sohooi' and C from 11'tnghnln; goad roads. prc•aluilt rice Trill t1i at a.salal' af' 12 dam' The ttesf Nriv IZl.ins, Nutv'Caitrlarts: tur111rtlUet ,nrt1• 1. PtIrcltasers : eeil not Iitt. :I=1118 r price, o (rvvp4llluet►t y 0' N: $lt' *•-Cantires it)c. [let- lit, i wlarstylplg to • >* . at once iii olcler t0 "ret a Ill-sirmt.' 10171 7'efusp their! lirllrtinission. Cin' ,the 4,4( ltlotnoiat• !las • nearly deign r ti t ala it 9.unatrlprr,, tdiffei-ent bmRs to cl+ooso floral, Jr} a �5-cent-li-ac etaf Y-) ''t o�s7rlZs;1a�1>tn 1A* ar.r,,srYLls, 1 T.I (, t1 or Tait. 25t1i Inst.:th+t ol'nofors ire 'to rTrtor- al1iv eci'itt:fbr rife erection oi`' a flax Il„rristar, ftodolirh, + 16� Svlo ugan't }oa ?b"i;ulsptar<; �rtY• 1`a;,t5,iy ilia best in, rite ror]tl. Mille tvilcthor'thi etvitlilla. sliall 'Illill in the villitno.of til �t:11, .A • ` Batter vatitecl ii, IZ,ills,, 1,, owl of, all (�•a.. ' p ' ohn. Cd�,�;nningh a a li, , , ' ... , cottt•initfl for titlotPier font' 1•ecif:v', I�"ol•re5tor, of CltYltD�n, is likely to bti I,,ucls 1}uii�l;t, ' At t.lie hte0till" i O .. 4 ool 1.iterai' " of ilio Ilig]1 rile nitro ti lie will receive 1vlltit aid . . CEltJ missibN �jtl�XERS.' __ _ Y ;661ty hod rale the council aro 3villini; tagivek L.! _ :.: : T""4d4y• even"" Of last tvicelc• ilio-�rl'lte I.ncicnt)sv coUYli it , eri*sTaimitoSt6okE;iC1�iange hate ap- BRODL,- �l V � (� �L'ffib R-11m iollo)t+rttr, 1; itictt'Ian• i)oA hfI"to' i%ie'ftlt".Oneli of,Tllri es I'eiynttlttiroptvT0IZ0 I'CO Ji U�.o,1nd tt atd rt m , , O, t lj I Ah, Il�ri+-w*- S TN . 11 J,►,7; et,'s I3lrirk, l nrnn 3trtct; 4 dgoia n tV 1'OFZI.,' ()I1i0AGO, aIl,1: ryere• naur111atctl as ollfceta flit• (ITe/. iii loro,ilto a •arti,4G tl�ia cTCcisian of i'rom 1)ieltson"s 13ua>k Steno foinilia; tprtn, 1'r�iliriiilti ]t]essrs.., tTltdga U"Cot,,l40r, fet'l;"1111.oi .knl1 tis- '� -- -- OIL CITY., : 1'sylor, r`Itud at1tl R. I'loitort4on srxps in 'tlttu• ' . S'COCI(1, 110Ni)�f U.lilil °` 'I lir u r n' :9i r " Y > stta of CllrJrrak�s. rtwrv� STRAY .STEER11 r N, r1ZOt,IS. i n l 4n,rl has, lustolfrilmlrt-mv,.l• I7rtig, Stapp, t t, .'Af7pil ri c !ONS milt OIL, Iloilo, It oral solt;i h LiV 1,[,OCIt, on 11U1iU1v Sri' y ^ t OA ti . . Ist t+lea 1ihSArs.,T: T)ieliRorl, ,tntl.;Aji .. itisllpA n arils tlitl Ly¢icuow cotal,cr1 7.,,. tit's, 41001.8 ltr•:r J ' fi,y cash .tu' tinu'*in, "` ",M Boot; 5t L , tt• ,err will G ,l ilr+ c�kky. " lntyrp••nnd'ACi','lltlilin;•2ilfi V1CC:.if1CDlineet.' t(`(nmofintotieanelosoreoftileSarbsarlher` lot t, n.. > I ill! 1fL°`iritiiil a''tftt,Tlzilt)f s loll •1001 110 roof Olt the l_J +2, ltnylield con., Gloderielr talc t r• . , C lahstri tutF,ft ttf g jll �.. hires 7;1'lhrrl.tiiirl ;1fi. Ifed llti':Sale' ..' ,.. tire . tph►l>; rt►,ent t�iJC '3C'O <J rF t, .irr�l Q'�rrtrrlir:it , :tiara ,� , Yui rstof Aui(astlast, r)ne Yellow Stoer'ono xC > !; .f1Ci ilk 1lll,tfli(.latP ..11lilgi r , , to . li.tv,tA,t1l1 hit{h: :1._ho C,tsf1 tn11I collttl ,, s,,' tt „W •, . tIDr1,6r.Ilptterlbliry 11r1d-.�1rlCtt J't>•t t r; ,1j,. li C•31t,]�.�{,'d .�4lrrr�l �'\� b ,111 tiult_♦tl,c' flUh(, .inn tory: \rF.•li: 11.1tt t!lVy.8eC1'etary Of tt{) 'for hptlt'itz,.ttollto," tititev L{t'a S°�rotdpnvt. clwnxrwilll,tansounllrott lE ptry + ilitas.. t u I 1 ox rouses oral tttko it nw11•. . slyi�i LL ,�p�] rai.et�lu .hiss 1 T 4 1 !tilt., tivni.tcTai.iusllAL>;,: tlQr Mgt t t y 1 WORTHINGTON; //'I�` �r 3F �y /� ll'.., I10 �Qodcrjt:b tili XOV.1$3ij , can op Jai yx INC t � � � p (�y �v r � A • • • O R 1 'H I N GTO IN ; r/f �tl �1tt80i )1cl,A ) r s` L'lbiton,13111January,18$6,. wi • 1st r w � , ^' "` .. P; �,o,-Odlco¢battrKQ(1.fY-0i».rasiolut,Af<i°s.•,.ltHeta • • ., ma,,yy.. t V y J.. •