HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-12-15, Page 1•
lin.MS:-VA.25 per tkienvnt,Jia4-Penpo...'
fo, •
"isnepo..v.o.listW Atz vrnzfoo, ivEtt.D.R.4.L LN NOTULATi. '
We wish it .1.4 be et Sp tknderstrood that we do
lob! oimelees rospwgible fOr the vitae=
..redsed tql earrequoulents.-
State Of th P4111/11141 School la
Eftitor News -Record.
• Stn, --I think it is Rot, .Da Witt
Talmage, the eolitiont Brooklyn
divine. who says "I always • knee!
when I have kit the devil hard, by
his squealing," I think I may fairly
tele to myself•the ctedit at least of
haying hit some people in this town
pretty bard, tiy the squeals in the
last -edition •ot the New Era. Not
that I ain hi the least degree fright
(moil by these sqe4.als. Far from it.
I rejoice iu them: Becanse I know
that 8110 0,10141. (118008111011 OM is ill •
(bilged. in Upon the di:hi:tete the more
likely we all are to get at the't41.01.
certahily have °nal:egret and that
is, that those who lieve telten open.
theinstilvee Cho position of champions
for Mowat, 1/3055 &-• 00, should not
have had ono single, solid, reasoneble
• •argtinteitt to ag1vIt1le9 on their
Their letters are liard.ly weal) an-
swering. Nor is the New, Ere',
article 011 11116 saute subject any bet-
tor. However, for the' sake of kii8-
• C11881011; as 1 lewd fedora iotimated;
with a view to thoroughly yontila.te
this stibject, • I Most claim the in.
• didgeitee of your readers, while
• 1108wer itiy opponents: Possibly they
know better than I do the. style 'of
argiiineet that 'suite' the .calibre of.
Meer echool.:,- • ••• s. • .•• • •
First of all,. the 'editor of the Nero
Era seys,' "I halm 110W begun
to • exercise these rights of -citizen-
ship, ete.'."__There my friend is in
. the :right. And •I am eilwa,ys ready
tc.allow it, kiwi& 1.310 it is
teiough to wake op eimil 0 MP Van
Winkle,. when obe Klee *clergymen,'
'Sunday „Scheel superintendente and
a large hotly of professing Christiana
ii their train,eeitliet:-ignorantly; or
wilfully leitel to the Aq4n1ptR' of it
• church (historiently opposed tothe
free use of the Bi1i161 to wrest 'that
.. trench re "froin mi.; and es (leveret° t
in poWer,. deseerate, :so tottering
• to its very-foinelatioes; ILS to sacrifice
4. principle, honor, freedom, everything
to 'capture tate ,snisporp of Arelebishep
• Lyeeli and hie fulloWers, •
"Parent" etattes, "i else iipt nay
taxes ;hero. I de aot'reeitie here..?
• Thereby intithating like :my* friend
Mr. SOSL1:10 81111t 1. have no tights.'
Weil, gentlemen; you can:rest .easy
ou that score. " If eot iU iny. owl).
name, I hasse te very livelyinterest 111
prep. rty In this' teem; eand upon
'which 1 • pay tee. ePoet.t,ly. the:
•• property 1,refer to, is of imieli greeters
. extent than tho. gentleman- Owns
who asks the eeestioo.. :Bet 'seeing!:
hie modesty will 'net permit of his
name. beiege„madee pulthe, can only
surriiiiites. The editor* the et tee r,ra.
will also, 'receive this as", an etisw.er to
his etatementethet I Ain an outsider'
.and etwo ratepayer.. The.enly other
teply that he nialse.s is, that •"Meesrif..
.Pay, Lough, aiiitecornife are Catlett,
' three meals• a "daY.". • This •sentenee,
evidently like Pickeyiekte Pclems.and-
tomatoee,"conteins a deptli•oettidden..
meaning and wiedotn, that People -Of
,iny dull intellect canuot fathoei, se I
:must leave it: - - • •
• "An Episcolialieu" and.:11r1 Searle,
mainly defend these selectioes, on
the grounl that siniilar. electiens
and the Beale of CoMmolisPreyer are
nsed in Siiiidayacititole and 'churches.,
. What if there are? , j.iet .me'ash this
,tpiestien t • 1.).0 any of the parties so •
' using:them, use them -and tura. the.
• Bible out .2 If they did. • then" this "
ceetentionenight •Itaire.somo weight..
,'As it is, it only showsthe tittet Weak- •
nese of, theiretosition,
• "Parent"' defetids the Selee,tiOns-en
the ' ground that wetly eminent
divines' of different ' deboniinatiens.
ailitroved-of •them. 'Enever said they
• 7did let. This also is no answer.'
The fact is the 1110111 1)011111(4 at home
are shirked. • And 1 de not wonder at
It. It Would ill beecitne proless.-
Christianity to attempt to.defeed
theie. dind thqt.knote it. My first
' eontan00 watt that the trustees Were
•- tenties in thoin Antlers e•which I Mee -
"t• ed by esheseing that two members.'f
' of the Board knew not what was be.
ing done 111 the school, If &Met:Alt.
ilay or Mr. Cowl-ie.,or both, well say
that I ttiu wrong and that they did
know 'Mutt .thetie tieleethitis were be-
ing used and the Bilde cast ont X will
. 1poiogize 'and sly nether°, .1 wonld
like Mr. Searle • to steak „up on 'this
Point, and tell the peePle whotillOr he
knew of.it /tilde I emote nty first .letter
My second contention btr titat
Archbishop' Lyuch is not the nem to
Whim selections of Seriptnre or
historibs or anythiug else, should he
handed for approval or othettelse.
What is his opinion tee 1111 Protest.
anta"1":"Ve heye given him Separate
Scheele, end we have hie own state.
nient that the 'Oduehtion therein is oat
good tte a nythint,e we have 'I Whitt
noire floosie) want ? I will under.
takete answer' that queetioti to the
editor Of the :Vele Rea. Epitteepelittn,
;latent. and Mrs Searle, He Wade
in thee ta explinge mit only the
Bible,' but the Selections front our
-echools, And if Mowat and hie party
continue in their present cowardly,
cringing, apethetic course, he ea do
it before tong, I would like to see
Archbishop Ityuch'e face, if Mr.
• Searle propped' to him, that some
enthient Methodist divine Should be
-consulted merely about A book,
senular or religious, to be used_ in one
.of his Grace's Sottarate Scheele! I
fancy, to uso an expression .copiod
from Ingoldsby; I • sets iris Graeo
"putting his thumb into hie tease anti
stretching hisfiogors out." And yet,
what he will not give to us, we gore
to him unasked.
The editorof the .Vele Bra SAys
roastically, what is ,porfectly sober
truth : "After verbs -mg tho over-
powering articles in the last iestie of
our local conteMporarY, etc." 'twos
in fn,et too overpriwering for him, for
he •"ffrinkcel'; it. (This is an (lxproseitin
Of his own applied 11Q D'. Cole:men).
'I'llerci is iioniethingein ono article tie
Peewit enewer, and ,hs .1i'prtsaelitn• Of
.the Gospel dare not attempt. ."If the
Bible is not fit for our schools, neither
fa iteeit for ow; homes. Aro if tea:elide
are lett ...At to 'Select passages, neittser
ars, parents." Mr. Holutes. knows
that: this is unanswerable. •• 1 ceenot
help being .ti) a certain extent per-
sonal. He has taken nnen• liinisolt
the action -of the Mowat Gorernitmet
so no hies , nobody hut. -himself to
•hlreftie.. What will lie think of him-
self in .calitier mcitnentfis he, it pienti•
nently religionsfman, for having aided.
in• strengthening the power of Rome
tO intetfere. or even to edrinsel as to
the eoodnet of•our schools ? • • . • .
What has Rome corer dello brit stifle
the Bible and its -free tem? • 1Vito
purchs,sed this privilege fer..its ?' A
pyi vilege that Rtiferniersotn* in .tlieir
blind party -zeal trample !under their
feet. Let any Presbyterian Reformer
try to piethre t111300110of .sturtly
.Tolm's*Knox consulting • a • Rotnan
Pretatees opioion on the Biblel And
lot him tilde attempt to picture the
lookof scoreand holy tinge!: on. the
•saine.man's face could he:appear; to.
day .on the, Seeno,:atut::.see to eltat
depths many of,, hisfollowers have.
Beak. . It will ,ise, a • ettit day ;for
Onterio. the 2,t111 da.y of Deeeniber
next, if the, peoplaeditto a' melt li1.o -
Mowatto poWere . Awl I say • it fear-
leesly,-that lot --Mr ;• .1\10rd-title .Sir .
John A. Matelonald; (whey other.man
in authority; shoW..the:saniii servil(t.
ttrieliling spirit:that Mr. Mortett It pee
and I .would do all in n y posyer to.
ousthim' fi'oni his Position. Tliank
lietieme, with all my faults, I ant not
what. nanny Reformers ,iippear to he
.-party before freedom! .
Xeer obedient servant, • . '
. • • • ' JOIri+ RA;R3FoltE.
. .
'The- Ribie out of Our
l'r9tefataihig; Schools: • : •
Dim?: good deal :IS 'being
ettiel in reference to -Mr. Banford's
letter. Old. Dr. Johnsen was neyer
. • .
that : he, heti suet ,tee right .
thing unleee haft:mild hirostelf round,
. .
di abused: Mr: Ifansfoed hos eel,
dently said something.
Will 'yen permit me to 6)13' (111111 (lo'
question• of tIM "selectione! or;."the
Bible for schoo1 ese is. not a great
Matter except:foe whet it "shows. There
are thelie wlo say-itncl they are not:
opposed to Hie Government general-
ly -that there., is more, titsit Meets,
theeye in -it, and that vornething, hide
it as people ntity, isthe little:
finger of '
.1 have' for twenty-five years been
strongly". of opinien that:there WM
'danger in that, foolishly ackpowledge(l
, thing in a country, ,where there is in)
established chlIrch - the „Ott Minlie
vote: And it wield seepi, ithlese I
atn greatly 'mistaken, that my opiti
ions were well founded. It is a poor
flehject that has not, something.to be
snit' on both sides.- The supporters
of the Governinent are making the
best of their -side: Stili, AR R1 111W8
8110ff V1,111.011 way the witid it; Mottling,
the best showing or the Government
side -cannot do away nth h ttlo flta
that Allibishop Lynch line had move
to say' rn this 'hatter el the 'oleo.
lions!' than in 'common. inatiee fuel'
in a land of dpial rights sto all, he Is
entitled to. My vieweenn this point
are not of to day nor adopted for
election purposes, arid my, amiibera te
con vietion ie that this erecalled
Catholic vote end the power behind
it sliould have been disposed of yeare
ago, foi• the benefit of the country, if
history is to be tolled on. It way
not be too late to settle it; to day.
11. 1). strange, too, that we English.
speaking people have been maintain
ing that the Bible only is the rsligion
of Protestaets, that: it is almos(of
yittil necessity that everyone stiotild
be iirPossessien of a Bible, that one
of the, grantleet societies of /insider))
days exists for the Cheap awl rreo
distribution of Bibles, that year after,
year our Money is asked and cheer.
fully given for this purpose -I ea -
it is strange that we -should he told ,
"till tlie Bible -should het lm rend, 1
parts of 11. are net fit td be reed to
c•Iiildren." Is it tar t�' seek the l'ett.
see ofthis conversion to an argu-
• ment Owen, urged by the Chutch of.
Rom; ?
. . An ettentopOs being made tojustify
• the "Self.° • s" by comparing the
'Prayer Book And the "Selections,"
Dos the Prayer Book push the Bible
oitt of the. Chlit'elt in lierserViCe ?
Mabel' does it not. give directions
Mint the Bible &tall he read as well as
bowi11 is to be read ?
'Nett is the simple -answer to -this.
wouldbe irresistible argument. The
crimperison fails heti:Anse the selec
.tions do posh the Biltle oat of our
1101)110 echos/Ise, The Bible is not to
be used in the sehool. It hos an
lionordi place, none too greats for it,
in our churches and Sunday Schools.
I am mot a ,politician. .1 do not
cnre a rantili4 candle which political
pnrty is in power, but 1 nie citizeu
of a crimitry Whose Constitution pro-
vides for the tipholdiog and mainten
nnetenf the Protestan•t eligion, and
on jealous of the slielitest attempt
to undermine its principles. • .
On in the history of this conntrY
the eisy• tang froto••one end of :the
country -to the other against, the
:political ascendancy �t the .clinreh
of England. 'l'o day the yepresenitt-
• tires of the men who died '
think 'it the correet.. thing that an
• ethet (In)roit should be heard in the
motet of how oar -not her -children
'shall be ..eilticated: Can we believ-e
that -there is nothing in this'? . It is•
a inarveleceis change •anyway,- and i6.
eyorth while considering whet aro,'
the causes °Fit. ' • •• ••
• •
Editor AratlioLPeopra,
At the meefing in the town half on
Saturday evening Col. Ross stated
distinctly • Hitt . the cost of the
'Onterio sohool sreaders ta the
forthbeolcateouuted to only!) cents
more than tiori. Ire also
held. part , IL •of the series up :to
the 'audience, Mid made the hold
etatemen.ttlint it Wessels! for Iraite.,
the. stone piece as -part II Of .the •new
sefies. Now, let, us look et the prices.
of the. old series compared.With::the
new.' • ' • •
• ' OLE sERIES. •'
Part I- • .5c.
Part 1 1• ,......,. 100.
Secontl reader_ .. . . . .
Third reader • ' 3;c.
Fourtl reader-. . . ... 450.
beet 1
lairt 11 , • •
Second reader
l'hird reader
Fourth i'eader
Total .. . • • $1:35
. „
. " The new readers costingthe. peo-
ede 1 5:cents.-more thew the old teertes.
Now, if. Col, Reis • hi soos familiar with
tire school • questionas he betime he
isewhy .diti he try se **fatally to dee-
eolve the electors in making • these
ffilds statements'? Does he atippotie
the permit:a who liatse had to,.foot the
bill tor these hooks are ignoranf of
the • difference in prides ? But oi
esterse Cpl. Rosa .1111d A hard task on
.and didn't, • Mind a stretchier
when it Suited' :his purpose. .11e
will .probably • explain., this 'at •his:
meeting Which hepromisee, to held
in Clietou du tifigethe loot ton A n-•
other. stetement• of Mr. Rossi was
t 'let °algae Of' the: sehoot readers the
Minister of E, Weather • did not int er-
fere in the,•teet. books of the .Peblie
and -Ili •11 sehoole. .Well thefts Mr:
•:Miss; weien yeu know so much ot-the
his and outs' ot the ()merit, 'Govern,
meta, will You kindly.' tell us Who
kieked Collier it RHOS]) History out of
our .schools.. That was a hook .outs
side of the schocil readers, surely, '
Why, none' other than the.
1,1 '1 of Edecation meter the 00111:
mend. or Arohlsishop Ettieli. And
•wIty.? •elVliat objections -were taken
to the. book? • Was it not.op to the
.standartl alea histote, ? I venture In
make' the 1311130 It that' the mejority
of the atetlents. of tide Ptovince .1111
riettr me out in -saying 'that ste a
chroniele. of .leading•eyente, end as a
refeitioce, it " 'teat' ildust, etpeds.
Btu .what wag the trouble ? 'rho
laete tire those rind lie cannot' deny
thein: litstory gave too
straight ain eccoutit of the Rehire -et.
Lion and the rise of 1 1rete:01401.113171 in
England to suit A rchbieliolf Lynch,
mei the book lied to go. . A leading
Remelt Catholic: miter was engaged
tef• gete-up a hietory, and, evidently
under the dirteeinn of Archbishop
L3- 1101), compiled the book we hove
in the school to tiny. And what is
improvetneet? Why, scholars
and students tell us that they carry
-the new history to soltool leit use the
old Colliee to prepare tot examine,
dons. And still Col. Itoss hag tile
hardihood and the boldness to stand
up:and tell a Clinton audience that
the Minister of Educidieti does oot
interfere with the text hooka11 fl 11
dint Archbishop Lynch doesoot rule
l. Mowet. I wish to 'Any 0 few
more words about those text books
thet cost the country so %moth. The
Most- ef.eoutereederin ate aware that
the papers submitted to students for
extimination for tat, 2nd and. 3ei1
class certificates) are prernired by the
Central Board of Examiners, etipoint.
6,1 by the Education Department.
(hie ot ,these exerniiiers is. Dr. Mc.
',Primo) who 18 an Inspector ot, High
echoels for Ontario. A feet yettie ago
the. algebra pitpere became exceed.
ingly dialcult, 80 miteli so that only a.
small percentage of the applicants
ipassed. Those papors w.ete preper
011 by Dr. Melt ellen and thequestitme
it will. be Admitted; were not et all
peactical, nor suited to the standard
of the, grades of examinationfor
whieh they- were submitted. It
turned:put in a short time dint Dr.
Illebeenan prepared an algebrie and
itleo It kest to the questionsboth of
which were fit ceice authorized by the
. Minister of Eduesition. The algebra.
sold at $ 1,25 Anil the key. at $1.50,
$2.75 in all. - New. Dr. 'McLellan still
was allowed to prepare the extunina-
Hon papers hi algebra and with few
„exceptions the pep Us who did net
itny and Use McLennan's algebra and
key, failed tn pass the algebro paper •
111111 )16 1)r, lIcLenntiti
ditis the stone witli the . arithinetio,
papers. The resolt 18 that
Lennan.has.filled ids tioelcets and is
still filling their, up, at theeXpense
et the peeple. Anti under the (I tree-
tion.of the Mowat Goveentnedt other
tneteliere eft tile Central Committee
art -a: fcillowIng...the same 'game,*.the
flovertment.• of . course •• a tip revie
"evel'Y 0190,• and the students who.
wish . to succeed lieve to pax . the
piper. . •
• Anil still dol. Ross states tvith
lilewing of trutnpets., that • Mr, 'eldwat
is limiest and doing the best for the
'secede. J. Wish to giro Col. -Ross.
11111(7 (4') point to remind him eliet
Archbishop Lynch is. Iling in the
On tario Government. Some . three
yet•rs ago the•liegistratehhi or 1.,,t,t• •
hero heeterne vecatite. Andeof course.
. 1104.0 51 6110 11 hirge• numbei• of .the
• leadiegtiglits- .the •perty After the
tteeitign.• 1511. Blezaisi, Pe tot'
East PeterbUres had . t he lei tfilnage, at
h1s.. dispOsel; 111,11 •reeolniiien tied. to
'Ste:twat," prominent leelbrmer of the
town orPeterhoro,. Its the ma0. for
the --preitithe ,-"-gefkili:.rnati in
geed -lee consiiiet•ed as .gooti,
es appointed:Ma I110t11) arraagements
to take .tne• position IIS 80011
t88. his a eitoitittneo t yes confirmed ,by
the tentariteteciverriMents •
Alter •waiting a • short ,Tiote.
BIezard reeeiverl, a. letter from Mr.
'Mateat swine that Mr. Bernaisl•Iffors
protienent Itoman Caiholie .of
-Petetboro, had beene," epointed to
.position. On being . remonstrated
witit Mowat stated. the Appoint-
ment, luttl been" matie nt the• reqwst
1.!yuch eTlie 'result Was
that for Weeks., Mr. :liowet. Was ap
endedfrom One end of the ridingto.'
the .etber dy IIN pettY. and:the 4liter)
est; indignation Wt18 '.felf. towards the
Goverewents and to -day yen find en,
Indepeetlent ItefortW. &inundate in
the, field in eppositinti te the Mowat
01.'erri1i16.13 l'rolitiblye: Col. :Role
will explain this matternt hisnext
ineetine Now, . Mr. Editor • with
these Jects..in eieWs. I•"tiiiiik.,Arelis
highopitynch„ u(3igtett by Mr.. 'Arosys.t,
lios Prernier long en:tingle and
that, 111re15feeedith sliouldbe given a .
'trial. - The elective . fir! West I•luron
cau•assist In thisemettee by electing -
1)r. Taylor as.their representative on
The motion-pessed by the •dounty
the. 28th, of this month, Thanking . . „
• . ; • COUndil• reads as follewie-
yeti forespace; •
• I atn yOurs, ete.,," •e. • .
• lionoreeneseretanstetree:
va ,
To lhe
..Xditbi.• oJ f10 Eeeter.liefleciOr.
tonna by stertains
pai•tles with the trusteoslilf Ililxotor School .
Sotird, for removitig the .letielt that Irts:
beim 'placed in tile stilieel ...eyelet Miele'
Ater of Etluestion, ltirowit ae: Seriptato
ffeadiegs'and for their placitig.in each des
partittenteqmeter public some] 11. doe), or
the Holy •.'ScrIptures. We' have beim re-
potted to hoe deep this tot eolith:al tea -
Hens. Some soy,' if eot for .political leas
sons,' •why 1311 this -time ,jost at .tliCeim-
ptiet.ehings:Qatatios, element:et . We 'doily
that Any, streli eoesidettetioes orinfluense•
, were brought 10 lipiti. The, trustees or
Exeter. Still (eel Boardswile. tot all I y, leper.
'eta :of the feet•ef the•book, *deg *Iselin
the sehoel lone daye of a 13oord
tneetieste. anti as eooti es 160 16010 Miele tie-
eitainted with the•ftwei 'steps Wel% 1likt111
30 111W6 111 i,,iovd, We -ask tehos IS -it
that 1110 611W11)'13 tryitig to reten.ye the Holy,
-Scriptures 11011111.111schools ? It is eat the
Chnrelt of' Englund, env tleeltethotliStsmor
the. Presbytoititis,nor liatiestietate Congre-
gation:distil,. beefiest: they littee petitioned,
the Minister er Etheation tti have the
'14e11ptureS roadie thepahlieschoels. We
believe it is 111111141 110\1'01'1084 18 611110S0(1 to
the Seriptere, awl for this, and 410 othet
reastai, we are opposed to linvitig anything
but the Bible. 841 That Whea pup& lienr a
itss)lage reed' theY lomw it is the pme
%void or Clod, nit WO, whose)* Protestants,
itt'o'fiWi to believe; and not e few s•eteie
here awl 4 few there beettuse isoniesav the
131b1e Mks entirety, is not fit to bs, 'nation
Iti tee, public :wheels. We say, here, ir it
ift not tit lite 'sehools. it is lint tit for
clutrolum : Hence 0116 opliositioe. By
publishittg this, we lamely wiali to inform
the pahlIe that ear twtloti diflik188111g
t1 e Srvi pea re Ito1ig t.8 . p tall. by
principle, end 1118t 1110110w 16111111 WO 'kill
1-114011V01' to vei•ify at the:mettle! itieelinse
• Yours frilly.
WIIITELy op Tipples atioensticels •
WHOLE 1O..422
;IT CAN'T BE 1:10gA, ,
Editor Nely8-1?ecora.
• DEAR Sni,-Tn yew town cotentnI
10th writing of the ballot box-
es, it is stated that they can be nsed
for both Provincial! and Municipal
eleetions, The article ends ss-ith
)(There need be no difficulty about
the ballot 'poxes whatever." This is
all oorrect -providing that llunicipal
-Clerks.gest a new set offeallot boxes
ffir their respeet w n p s
ITart Toren ten Itave issued the
following eircular to ToWnship Clerks:
-()ti account of tila &mid eleetiuli$,
being hel(1 elmost at stone thee as
the ;mode pit elections, muuicipaRties
will not be able to use ilie same bal-
lot boxes for both ; to meet this
emergency. we hey°. prepared a large
lot. And 01611 supply thein et once,
prtce. $2.25 'each. ' And further, 46
vie. Sec, .1 19, suit. section 3, stetes
"It • shall be the duty 0( 1118 clerk
.of the Municipality, two days at
least ,liefore the polling day, to de-
liver one or the hellot boxes to every
Deputy Returning offfeer •&c. &d."
•Now let us nee how this will work,
electionswill be held on Tees-
datet the • ballot „boxes and . papers
taken e to the R. O. On Wednesday,
returned ' Lathe Township Clerk on
the afternoon of Thursday. Shduld
the clerk sit, tip all knight he might
prepare thelaillat boxes by Friday
Ile. has 'then to deliver
them to the D. 1l officers "For use
on.. the following Monthly. •Now 4.•
the' editor of, the .Verv Era c(1n, fin')
61,, man who • will start no 'Friday
• Morning and have the detilet. boxes
detivered to, the D.- R, oifliicpearislivo
r d
clear before Lite noune
Hen liewill be a. stnarter than then
nny oned 11111 •ftcomaitited With. The
• Grit papers Make mei'Ous W i 1 fu1
.mistakes about election . times end
tlits,aliough hayed ese, is „ on ts:cif them
fts net township clerk will he foolish
e.irotigli to act Avon absurcla:giu12,-
. '
SAIN. ••
111 youtf iestie of leSt• Week, 1 notice
.iteiti that the Meests. Ittineforit
and Ds, Ciskei -MO attended tile meet:
Mg of ;county . Council' tri have.. a
memorial presented .to the Geed%
ments-liy that body. to ti' a Oifetitin
weight Otatendiu,d, for a barrel Of Stilt
totted themselves. They pre:spitted
their vievie witEl. ell thaelequence at
their commend. '"Ne•tstitisfisto" With
'diet "resorted to ungentleinShiy
• means:" -New it wits 'the wish 'or th3.
eotincil that all Selerifien .Should be:
Preeent, but owing tatestiew blockade
the G'ed eti el) n Newts:ars esore
not able to Iseprosent: It has hither-
to Seethed as if there was oii1v ore
•sideto this ,Salt. qeeetion and. 11)11
afraid • front . the 'hasty. Manner •the
council hae acted upon _its they de,
not see Loth sides'as theypreperly.
should, owing toour tioderalle• men
.being 'unableeta be present at the
meeting. I WM theritiOse endeavor,
with all due eespect to MessrsRens-
• ford and Coleman, ' to ellow• that in.
titteld of being 810 110(1 against 08 they
wished to ptnve tp the criericit• they
-are the sinn(3rs, • •
• Moved by -.J. litiMillan78000)1(10(1d
by lir. Wn), Clegg, that 1.11e 1Varden
and Clevk oif :bele& of this emitted
petitifin the GoVernmehe at „Ottawa
to pass as law roe's -wing it a pouinh-
able oflenea for any :Salt manufac-
tiirer tit sell Salt in Tierrelsi stoke or
• hags Without having the .ntime nI
manufacturer awl the net weight of
Salt contained therein 1.0( 1(13' pti it tett
on the barrel, sack, bag tn. other
peckage,•and that the tiet of Salt in,
a batt.rei he 5 bushels or.2.8./lbs ; and
further i•eptlering it, a punishable
offenee to sell Stilt SO branded that
,Ities 1101. 0011(111)1 the weight as 6r:tint-
ed' thereon.' .
. . • •
I understand Mr. John' Ransforil
wag the au thor.ef this resolution' nod
openly 'admitted it tst .tlie • alum:II
meeting ' Now I ions strofigly in
layer. of a 1eand/11A"litirre1 tor.
'and Would be a eupporter.Of the fore-
going reiteltition ivere it not a fact
lint bottle Salt manufactusere, having
inipMe 1l111161, tise adulterationts and
these adulterations make their Stilt
so slimy and wet they woull 'have
I1() difficulty in putting .48011is in A.
"Neil Keg." Now is it, the intention
o! the coutieil to th•ive all mama's.°
1111re143 to tom this "sputious stuff ' to
put up a baste! of Salt Suh as their
1'e11Oltitinit4roqUires, or to give otevy
dealer an equal opportunity, of fiveid.•
log this "punishable offence?" Whet
the Salt melt (et least a majority)
want is a properly appointed in-
spector as weli aa stailtlahl burled.
%Ve find this Wda the only tootle
W hich A pierieut• 8alt manuraeturers
found gave general satiefection.
Messrs ReosfoieleCtilenien & 110 mity
argue that thia would lie putting
extrn expense on the farming coin
triunity, ltot (lint would be onthine
more than e a cent • or a Cent It bat ,
ref over Mid above whet, they now
QUAIL, giOnott, DEAtey., pay ; and whore is the former who
doea not think the price" of salt 'of
to -day is too low already ? They
never pummeled wheel It was double •
that figure. It is only by having aa
Inspector that the public will be hens
ditty and properly supplied with tut
honest salt: Let oie ask Mesera.
Hansford,, Coleman & Co., why they
did not have the motion include an
inspector and let the peblic know
tie ir reasons for not so -doing.• And in
Answering this also let the rest of the,
salt Men of Canada - who-- are justeaa---
"ii4ortant factors" as they know' •
why they,representing only one-tenth
of the salt men, so quietly wended.
• their way to Ottawa last session to
have this matter. putethrouglehastily,
unknown to 'the others?' Are the,
other salt men • subordinate'? What •
we want and the public requites is a
standard weight to euit all men ; tut
inspector to see the public gets hon-
est goods did not half salt and half .
trash, the latter • of' which a. great
many farmers can pickeup in the
,corners of their farms already. I
think it is the duty of the•council to
recoesidet, their motion and ptesen
to parliament whet we want ; not. a
"supporter" of the onesided pRrtial.
amendments already submitted by.
Messrs. Coleman, Ransford and Coe
to the 'Minister at Ottawa., but tn
amendment thatwill "do unto other'e
that whielt--yeu .should . wish melt
should do en to. yea." As Mr. Jim. •
Raneford itp [meekly • evinces consist.
'eyable interest inehe,"Bible" I would'
like to call his ettentlen to •the Tore•
. .
geing:passap. . •
•.Now, lte. Ellitor,,T havtr'eiccupted...
eansiderable of yetir valtieble. space,
but knowing your willingness 60 give •
publicity"' to "questions of grestin.
tereitt in Al uron,;' I have indulg,ed
more layishlythan 1 first intended.,
In cenclusion let me thank you.
• •.Yeurdeepectially,
• Join411 Krini, tr.
, • • -International .Salt Works
Q,oderielt, Dec. 06)1, •
NetckBeebrcl. .•
Dean' Stri,-In teply to 'Mr. Rene -
:ford letter of last week charging the •
Trusteee• of the'peblie scheel with .
apathy and -neglect, ite not knowing
• ;whatwas being done, allow me to
etaiti that they were aWate that the •
reading or tlio Scriptures was regular-
• ly attended to, I tor ono having by, .
euquiry front the pupils' at vat:ions'
thusse•ascertained the tact, and 1)11V-
•atKilitio oviitsa00 • of tile .8011161 •
while yisitug the settee]: . As to'
.wbuther the Seriptures teed, .weees
eelected. by the •teacher. trent the•
Bible Or from the authorised retitle,
ings, T.'hirbit contuse tuy 'prof:mind in-•
difference, be ih.g.conviueed on the • •
'one hatel, that our teetilters-ire quite •
competent to make proper selections,
:and on tho otlier that the, antliorist
readings had beeitinjadicionsly 01104
CU. I 1184'6 114 critiaelly ceatninet1 tho
book hi question, 'but liatriug seen ,
• that -it has .111et the approval of .111011
:dull creeds aeil parties, that it has •
ebeeu adopted for, uee:ie the public% : •
.schools by the pretiuee Of ,Manitolnie •
chat the 011111101' is a ptoininent censer.
Yeti ve lewyet awl ono of the -foremost
Biblical se:11610,re In the country,thete, .
•in the Woielt: of the Nail; "the ex-
• tracts 'adopted ilt. this. Compilation
,are such •-as .011riStmus of every de-.
tiontinittioe have•over agreed, to ac-
cept ass. the. plain - Weed' of God."
• That tt 'Vv. -Kerr hats (Tette his work -out
of love' and has deue it well, the work". •
has been prepared with the greateet
care and cannot fail to coninien
'itself to parents,.e.that whereat/ ender ...
the bid regulations "only 05 1)131 (80)11)
of th0. 8011001)) 1)50(1 i 4‘eadingiftlr••'••' ,
propottilitelias beeireittereased-t-d414-'es
per Cent' since tlie Kite selectiotie
were .autherised. I think; :Sir; thefie •
,cinteiderations should • indOcie Ms to •
give the hook a fair trial before judo.'
moot is pronounced, : ' . • I.
Anew tooe-Sir,:. to correct the exag-
.prated estietate . entertained aseao
:the powete of Tfusteee and Teachers,
they have simply to:Accept the; books , •
duthokieed by 'the tiOwets 'thet led.
itud Ilavo no choice in tlio matter..
. es to "waiting ollt 61111 Bible...fee:it
the•school," I knots' of sikeregellttian•
forbidding any pupil item taking ld-f .
or her Bible anti retiorditlY•fellowing,
the leeSen'read by, the:teacher., I feel"
sure that no Trustee would. 'object to .
suet a reasonable probeeding. •
Iii conelusion let me deprecate the
attempt to introduce political issues .:
into selMol ssmatters Trustees Mut
Teachers 'laterally destre tolteep flee .•
from eectarian strife mid political
aiiimositias, No • would ,rittlIer strive.
by mutual • concession and good
to make of this Canada of Ours a
Milted and happy people.
. 1 remain 1051,
Yours- eery ttuly,
‘. Jes. Cosioe,
Clinton, Dec. Ifftla 183G.
Tim party that picked up rt pail
eolitaining55 lavge stool hammer,
fashion: tool and a trowel without •
16 intnilie, front the aide of (lie to,td
opposite Wm. 'Alorriseti's homee'
(base line,) whet?) 11. had beett temper.
tont, left by °wilco!, last, Salord
will greatly oblige hy returning ,it
once to the Clinton Altable troy:\ •.