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The Huron News-Record, 1886-12-01, Page 8
.r • L. - P Town Agency a T. R 'Tioketd to: Toronto auil all local pointe 0f G, :. R, TO Manitoba' and ail polists, West over .43aggago checked through to destination. Tickets to DARoxn, CALIltoit:Tia,. NEan Aexa, KAN$ne, rLcailiA, etc, Buy . ;your 'rickets from rue, whether you travel North, East, West, or South. cAffiGe—Satirti s Broca, Hoar Grand Union,. ht Swatiicid's liars ware'Store, JAS, THOMPSON. NOTICE We .have been fortunate (enough to , secure 1'jISS 'CURRELL, one of the lead- ing Tress and NTautlemakers of St. Catherines, . to take charge of 'that department in our' Store. Weare there- fore enabled to give better ,satisfaction in the manufac- ture of these articles ' than heretofore, ry .her ONCE .and you . will 'engage her always. • ... ROBERTSON'S Great Cash Store. The Huron' News-1eoord Wednesalay,.Decenibor 1St; :LOCAL, NENATS. En and A.roiusd the "Huh.' • taltfil Zan. BOY 'TVANTF 2 ,. t0 learn • the Art. ref Printing, ; Apply at Titn NEWS - RECORD Office.' ANTED..-1000'bushels of pota- toes. for which the lt:it/Ztest price, • will "be laid.' E. Floocty. , • • CI Enr WooLn;v Goons' at the nein TVoolcn Mills Store. . Tt> mova;n :to GOOD 11TATEtti;M---The Hamilton Spectator refers to their having good material fora member of Parlia- ment in ' 'entworth because they have o Carpenter as a candidate, In Iluron we have aTaylor who will sew up the, rents made by the cuss- edncss of the Mowat regine, and wo have a Coleman who can furnish fuel and fire enough. to sucoessfuliy run half-a•doazen Parliaments, Then. vehav a Hays whose eleeti o n will show. which •vay the straws blow and will furnish fodder to give stay-, ing powers to the old 0hbstnut horse who leads the chestnut combination. BEiErs,—Mr. Toles has sold his property on Outd;'io street to 11fts. Carter,-=-Judgo Toms was in town Friday and Saturday on his way to and from Brussels. --Miss Nobl lately manager• of the mantle end. and dressmaking business of Mr. John. Bobortson has aoceptod a •sim- 4lar position With J, 0, Dotlor & "Co,' Miss Noble being an artist of experience and e.quisite taste, her many friends will be glad to learn ithat she 'Will iei lain in town; --Mrs. Carslake slipped , while_ walking in the' yaid the other • day' frac- turing three of her ribs.—We 'are under obligation to Mr. Smithson, towu, and Mr. V. Townsend God erii h Tp. for recent English papers.. —The Dominion government in or- der to help the enforcement of the Scott Act has orderod-that all Enos; penalties or forfeiture recovered. or' enforced under the Canada Temper= once Act, which would otherwise be- long to the Crown, shall be paid to the city, incorporated Mica • or county,. as the can maybe, for• the 'purposes of said` act,—Sleighing good ,,and business following' Chas; Stotritrt was suddenly called to :Mitchell:, last Wednesday ou account of the demise of his mother,—Ton Swedes took: up their residence' in town the. other; day;—Mr. John Johnston had his Snowplow to work on.the sidewalks `Sunday and i1'Ion= day. -Miss Ethel Vantassel•has ac- cepted si position in Dickson's book ,store. --'--Mr. `V •H,' -Simpson has re- moved . to. his private 'residence ,on Ontario street: -0n Saturday farm-. 'ors coming to town with sleiglis had to,•take Qt£ a portion of their load and make two trips in consequence Of the scarcity of snow near' bore. • Exeter's•new town hall will be open,: ed next week ; several of our citizens will be present. -:kris is the 1st of �Searle's I3locic,,, Auction sale Saha,.I)eceuiber; .aud Christmas;will be .Gozzlii TT' i3.-_ three weeks from- Saturday next,—, dal/ nag7at. T. IJ. : 1.?iirties `iii"tltibteti'-to-`.11rE N• yes RFo •onr` should pay u.p, at ,once:-ilie '7E4 '--dor one nwntli ft;onz Dec. Anuiversery entertainment • in.. tb.e' 1st we will 86115 of 'Teel for $1:25,' : Rat-toubury St., • Methodist •church and with each pachagc Ise' will give a : was an excellent ail'air;. tivas ivell.'at= _• handsomely decorated China Cup and tended and a finaneialsnccess. The ,Saucer, flee: regular .price. for the receipts $133.--A large comfortable Tea is 35' and 40• cents, T•Ve Mese a room for rent over the NnwS-Re0- fullstoc a a/ choice;Rai'slns, Oa?1•suet-S; ofD office,.'entrance from outside. Peels, etc., .for Christmas, ' Highest' !price pa cd for. all hinds of"•Foul.--. • 7::COOPER .4- SON.. 420 `C; rxoLSTrii)Nt.-,-Send ?az your• or- . ries• at once fol parl<nir set's; lounges, r�ttoinalw, easy chairs;40.,,6:c. If you r,a•re any. old. ones, wanting_'? enovat, ii).ry leave your orders as soon as,l)os :; ible • thin• avoid. tlho rush. • Bennett has t wo.ii=st class '::upholstea^es, _mak ' =ih%7°vtp parlour` sets for Christmas trade. Tarp I1En I1ooREn WERE STORE, CLINTo.T.. 420 Tun Ladies Relief Sc eioty will' meet at the residence of 11Trs Thos. Stevenson,: Huron St.: Thursday' 3)ec. 2nd•at 1 p, in. A large at- tendanco isrequested Ii nfl'ords us much pleasure 'to note the Marriage last 'eek of Mise, Evelyn Martin, of Saltford, ;to Mr. Frank Me1)onagh, of •Carlow. The • N>ws-REcoirn has an interest in the future welfare of the 'happy couple. We dare not guess how many. • new. subscribers this jo}'oils event gives promise of in tho sweet by and • by. In the meahtitnc we shythe'ex itoria4• slipper after thenar just for -tuck. • T. -M. C. A, ---Tho annual meeting of the '3 ouni}"Men's Conservative Association••of Clinton took - place + On Tuesday evening of last week. There was a good attendance • $ r. P. Cantelon, Jr., ocoupied tiro chair. `i'he'following officers were elected • • fair the ensuing; year :—President, John Beacom ; Vice -President, A. 31f. Todd; Seey.-Treasures, S. J. Andrews. A.vote of thanks was tendered the railing offieers. The meeting was the inose onthusiastie for some years. Booms have been scouted adjoining tho office recently it•acated by 'T'rni Nt ws-Rnnonio, avhiels will be fitted tip at oneo., A.0 - . important feature of the Association will be a free read ing room, ,where Mess can be 1t04 (0 nowapapers and parliamentary papers. A mooting rook place on Monday last for coin. ;mlotarig all arrangeutents.. ' Regular: meeting on Monday evening next et 7.30. Everybody, ofd -ctrl young, to sympathy with good governments. lust laws' and the Conservative cause,. aro invited to be present, Ne . GQQds This ".eek DIOKSO]'8 •BOOLS1..RE 11,84Ne�rnaksChambers ]ncycloi•,eedia, MatthewSeries, neatly ?,()0t1 Uopieso1'he LatgstN,ead'inga anti ltecik2oya,} RoadIFAN C GOODS' Consisting of Worcester's. Unabridged Dic- I)ic:tion r hUnabridged a ' Har W stet^ s y do y, er • 9 "Z) mle, . Henry's Commentary, 300 Copies Lily f the Latest Sunday School• Library Reeks. Recitations!, the Boy's and Girls Own. Annual, the to Wealth, &c., &c., A large quantity of ob 1 ..__." Just Lovely " FANCY k, now opened up. Come anti see our Goods. Books and Publications of the Methodist Book and, Publication house, Toronto. GOODS, direotironsNewXoriAAgenifor all the Book'PubliChris.. Dicks , Clinton. Mr. Knox; took out a. warrant and road it to .her, that was .about the ,first thing he .did Met Mrs:.Wade see it^ Thought the first thing ho did was to' risk for the proprietor; .' was not certain whether it was him- self or a roan that was with him that asked for the proprietor when they wont in. 'Didn't know what his duty vas when the had a Natoli- warrant earoh warrant to•execute, other than what is' contained in the warrant.. ]new that there.was a statute defining his duties. Mrs. Wade said she would. hlpw his brains: out if he put hands on anything •in the house. She • said. • this after having seen the. war- rant.. She did not have'a pistol; had: one .hand, on a •desk' which inight have concealed a `pistol or Other weapon. Can Picea here was proceeding -to show' that. tlle„•coii• stable had not gone -the right' "ay about'aiiakiug a`sea►roll-and' that con-. sequently ,no assault could have been ''committed' by. Mr. Knox i13;. resisting. an illogal'act by the con- stable, when. Isis Worship remarked that it was about time; they approach- ed the case in .fraud—tiro Assault case ; they .were,not enquiring intp. the liquor case.• Campion iusistetj,� that he hada right to bring out the circumstances. which, led up. to •the' alleged assault. His irnrehip coel�i- n't :gee it.; Witness Robertson con- tinued • Iii reply to Mrs..,'S Tilde he - showed his pistol: but did not'lioint • it at'lior. head. Would, not swear that he did not produce pistol until he had iead:+w.irrant, but • toad the• avarrant ars soon!. as eonvoxiient after entering the }rouse.' —Get so far -be- -hind the counter before bored the warrant that 1`Trs..Wad e could not interfere.; Did -not put a hand .on Mrs, Wade; she had ono hand on the counter and one'on-thei wall; lie pushed past her. Would, not:svear that. ho ‚either, did .or did not • pro- ducepistol beore readingwarrant. As was to.hat.vo been expi;cted, I)i•. •• Taylor, who:'ii to..:oppose Col Zioss;- • Mrs. Wade •told hien previously be • is . having tile. pivot-savong; doublo- -forkod.'tonguei:ef`dotraction Wagging ag uist•bit111; But the public,• know% enough toinot bcligvo.half the' Grit lies' they .Ticar.—Tho gentleman who, exchanged umbrellas at tlio NEWS- : RcounD office, when calling for ,his paper , .last. Tuesday evening, Will obitle by Calling again. and mirk,- ing another f"dickei." ;At a largely attended .(conservative convention in Hensall, Monday( Dr. -Cotillion wa�"unaniinousljj elected to contest Soutli•Huron for:tie. local. „''}`1• THE, UOLMESVILLE RAID. 4.• P1 On Saturday Wast Arthur' Knox; of tho.'viliage of, Hohnesville,: BP - peered before . his., worship May=or Williams, in the court room;;Clin- ton, to 'answer the allegation . that `ort Monday 22nd December he did assault one :David Roberston, a con- stable of the township of Stanley and county of ITtiron, in the dis- ohargo of his duty at the .said vii-• lago . 'of Holmesville.. ,His duty' being the execution of a. search warrant obtained from Police Magi -• trate Wanless on the infermatrou of; Inspector Spraggo, both of the south riding�.of Hate% The scorch was for inioxioati:lig liquor's alleged to be upon d ha ;premises of t. Knox contrary; to the, provisioiTs of the Canada '.e Complainant Robertson being sworn said he found,wliat ho tvas after, re- moved the goods to platform outteide. Government InspectorSpragge and' Mr. Potter were ivit•1t Itini. It was about 3 p, In.; The assault. was conn- milted \guile Knox was attempting to roposSC$$t himself of the seized goods. Lawyer Campion, as counsel for Mr. Knox, olieited the following from complainant Robertson, a burly unsentimental,. individual, Ile went to Knox' House in the day in question armed with a search warrant and what had once been a .'paistol, but not at tho, timo in work- ing Order. Carried it merely • as a club, it. was hung to his bolt, his belt was around his body, .Partly 'ender :his 'coat,. where it might be hoer, San' Mrs, Wailo, daughter of 'had better:wait until'herfathei, i1Ir.. "Knox, . came tote. She repeated this several. tunes and also said that it would not be Well oil him•when. herfather came.. • Ile had the 'con tents. of the bar, on the ;.platforrr. when •Mt•:•Knox' canto: Mr. Potter was present.. De'n't• romeiuber tell- ,ing Knox who' was Did not servo hili} with n copy of grant or. tend it. to bite.' His pistol was in his belt tit this time. Kr ox com- menced to relnovo • the bar contents from the. platform.; Knox' had one bf .the bottles in his hands which wasbrokenduring the attempt to recover it. ' \Vhen Knox would not - desist from removing the stuff, and. had; )tsed a number of threats, he arrested Knox and Tnapootor Spi•aggc gild hien to put the hand cuffs on lint Seat•cli •w'arrant produced in court. Did not ask N r. 1Cnoi if he was the 'party ntenti.oned• in the 'warrant ; did not serve Knox, with :warrant- or:read•it to him, did not ask Mrs. Wade, either, if the •lrouse was the place named iii the• warrant. His WTo.shlp ' here refused to - allow witness to state what he bad since done with the liquor-, seized' and a1-, leged to be•intoxicating..'' `Vhero< upon Campion declared the interests of his client ,were being 'prejudiced as Ware rya's' nothing -to Anew that the ,articles seized, oonftaintd toxicants. And if not intoxicating • ,e bottles. The constable ordered him put them .down as hg has seized oiri and .they were his ,property. said they wore his, The con- atable but his hand upon :liner to compel him to put down the bottles: scuffle ensued during w:hich,oue f the .bottles. was broken. Con- -stable Iiobe:•tson then made. hint a prisoner. Then lair: Knox used rests. The constable said- if he ora°not,tgtiiet he tivouid do , some info• also,' moaning :put'. the 'hand Cuffs on ltm. Knox said he would list. to 'rho .death. the putting the tndcitffe on hiin: Kiioc: repeated- said bringrite "that." ; from what o, had heard of Mr. I�llOC: he sup- posed -the' constable understood. that the "flin• t" was SO1110thtng todefend iniself With.... After. the struggle About the betties- the constable• put handcull's' an h'itn: Examined yCauipou, Spragge said•.lie had laid no. 'uiforinatioir against lIr•. �no;c for violation of tiro 0, T A., $75,; .previous. to,, the one he laid pen which the search :warrantryas brained. Laid no -other informa- on against Mr. Knox. ' Got t� 11ti� Knox' .itboitt 3 p,. iii. ,; .was probably' elf .atr-hour in the •villn;o- boi'oro Din Co :Knox': Did not see lair. %Hca during that titre, did not make his busiiioss..'kuo�vzi; Would of say whether he gave out that ho was a•cattle biiyer.. ,IIe accompanied Io constable and assistant amea Potter.' Campion wanted. to liotv'by' wi:t�ness . thin tlttt_t the eon stable was not legally in disehai�go f his tlntj�,-liut.I-11s Worship rel'us d to hoar any'. afore evidence of hat.Lino=first is in regard to search warrant ,and :aeaichin. ' -Tie would ssiimo tlts:t$lio'constabio Was nctir sally. Mr. Campion asked 7lrs 'Worship to make a .note of this, Which hodid. . • 11ltr. Potter, a.; young mail ave.. evidence ` and sieid' 'ho tivit proaieiit when Knox canis home. Knox tried. to, carry thebottles slid ttifi back, the hotel, that • li"o only way which,lto interfered with the cousta;blo.�vhonho arrested hint. Went to ,th'e: ,liottse on th demand of the constable.. nd hiinsolf went in.first anti asked or the lira&lot d.; 'Mrs, Wade risked what he wanted. 'T'hen he produced a paper•; which he alleged was search. warrant.. •1llra. 1�Vado :said ho could not search the;hodse anti the litndloi°dcarfie•home She sfood the way of his•• going; boliii}d bar. '. She � threatened' to Blow his, he oonstalilo's' brains out if he iv, erfered with her. � JT,o then pro- duced a pistol and placeil on the counter and said if-s}ie net tal;e•;back � her words and allow rim to proceed• in 'his duty he would use. them. alar.' Spraggzi -then the -constable ha'.liad.better read•th warrant. _Before the warrant �Va 'Gael airs: Trade avid `lie soul search the bowie.. Was certain th constable took` Drat. iris pistol befog to r©rid rho n�arraiit . 13o�'oi•e h read the Warrant said he 'could search flee Rouge. Was certain �h out bite pistol before he. roe thd.'wititant; but was not setter tlrgr< 11It:�,.:.'\Vatlo gave him liberty`t search the hong befot�e lie road tho This concluded • triri • • evidence i. P P uristl}ation of the'(;oui't; also .t Irregularity in issuance of scare warrant, a prior information to that upon which the search warrant wa grafted should have boon laid. I was only •upon a prior charge violation of the Scott Act that information could be laid and search •Warrant gvanted; even 1 right there was -no evidence to show that what wna seized' Was %ntoitiita ing liquor, If it lyes• not it soul not be legally seized, and: cense quently }lir: Knox would bejuetifio Irrosisting a man wbo came 4i•oun as a cowboy,, armed with a piste that would not go ori, from taking away his liro!perty,r• 37ecisiou served until noxa 'V4 odnesday after. noon, to tli Knox' A . 0 . w t} c re ha ly 1► at h e the, li It I 1 u o ti half i p • tl • n s 9 0• e t that. 1' ,t f5 g s j swas t 1 e. Constable a f a a: s 1 t d i the t - t handcuffs, did d told e Was t d e 1 e. d e' tookd' certain' o: a • Campion took exception to the jh` t s. It for an a if' t., d. d !. r» ember Trace. During this month we want to nuke a TREMENDOUS PUSH in all our different dopartwents and we intend to 'Offer some of the rea est .".h r s! I.vnr heard of in onr Famous Catablishnnent, ti� e want. to close the year with a BIG BUSH and if LOW PRICE'S will do it we will have a regular hunt, 'In. every' lino of. Goods we will offer prices that must sail thein if the public want Goods. We want to make De- cember month a groat ono for the sale of • BOY'S And never.' `was '"there Such. aniopportunity ..to • got GOOD GOODS Whatnicor CIRIS1'MAS PRESENT can you mako:thaii an Overcoat or Boy's Suit 1 In t.. ..We•havo such an assortment 'that -Cannot be approached in Clinton, most of the stock being our 'own make, consequently wo..-Can iceommend them equal' to' ordered' tvorl? v 'Vo ,are thoroughly convinced that ,our• close application to the'Cleitlung Business utast result in. the' interest Of 'the buyers; 'and a e have no'hesitation in say ing that wo have the -CHEAPEST GOODS in this.seeti0n,• quality and iudke'considered:. Come and 'see. our, •^-vnntense Establishment and wo-'will ,try and can-vince you that it is to. _your interest to trade, with us:. ing their removal. Tho contents might have been water and if so the seizure was clearly illegal; Inspector Spraggo, an intelligent and honest %eking ofiicial•who ox ltibited no undue animus against Mi'. Knox was called. • Ho said that. when he Went to Knox' pito in. Holmes villo the gentleman was not at-home, :lifter the search} Was over and' the things taken. out to the platform Mr. Knox came;up ; his daughter, Mrs. Wade, was standing in rho doorway when her fatVereamo up. She told bins it -smith had been made . and that the things wereon theplatform,. seized. Shs seemed anxious that her father should not interfere. Mr. Knox said, "I'll an about this,” and then mint to where the •alleged, liquor brats, and seized ho1d of two • Alf IRESIONICIEMMING11.121111MISSICk. O BROTHERS 4.1othiess, Furnishoi:? and Hatters, • Stillthey go --those Nobby. WOPST'•ED'O"VtBCQATSthat �- Alit- fi. , elli»r at 3v.50 -I. * ...*. * 4 * 4 *- •i• They are the GREATEST VALUE ever offered to the people of Clinton. Claly a few ;uoro left -•don't fail to secure one before they ;all go. i• N ere} ant Tailors, Clinton. ' 4., G