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The Huron News-Record, 1886-11-17, Page 8
Town Agency G. T. R. 'Tickets to Toronto. and all local points on 4t. T: To Manitoba, 'nod Olt points West over V.it°.X.. 13affgago checked .through to. destination.. .e4,7 'Tickets to DAKOTA,'" OitI41YOUNIA, Nrl►z1ASKA,, KAtvsns,. Ft,otbt)7A, etc, l3uy your Tickets from: me, wttetller•you travel . North, East, West, or South, Office—Swirrlt's l3r.oeir, near Grand Union, .in SwallielU'a Hardware Stork. JAS. THOMP SON. The Huron News -Record Wedildsd(aiy, „'Io'vuniber i7t11. • .LOCAL NEWS • Ent and gateau l acne it iili>Itb." a>n.1Ult' tg11CC;;. 30i' 1 ANTED, to learn the Art oaf Pr•intini. Apply at 'fain Nkws- IarcOnD office. • • \'ANT1:D.-1000. l)usltcld of laota- toe. for which the Nolrrest price will •lpaid.Flooda.., . L..F' edea 0191.%.r :WOOLEN GOODS at ti a new Woolen. Milts Store. RNmOvh')D to Searle's Illock, -. Auction sale Satur day night.—F, E : of nnTT. 418 . PATIENTS (lo more for the :doctors' than doctors •for:the patients.•Tho patients enable the..,doetors Ftp 'live, . Iry •1870, 111 ••ithe departinent; of agricultua'o . and Public works, of• Ontario $12;611 sufficed, now it re• • go$22,800. ots THE mon who gots .hold of news . and won't give it tip_to as relroa'tei is pr ob(ybly.yostrained.' by.feelings of profossionai jealousy. • . Ile 'is a4 item miser 1litnaolf... THEOE a fairly* attinitled• meet in.g of (3onservatives, last Friday • evening and the allotted number of ,: derogates, appointe d. to- attend -the. convention at Smith's' hill, an the, 21tlt : At'iiti Bente is . ta•ule _:• alio;• l iado, for • the pi rpuao of •seenritbg special trains to:take, those to Goilo= rich on the 19th. who would like to hear 'Sir.. John •aucl othert'abiuot• • illinisstors. 'It is expected: that a special .trainwill, leave Seaforth about six o'cloek in the evening, calling at Clinton, and Tloltnesviile, and returning : about • ere en o'.clook samo evening;. at one flare. I',r,r.l'OTT Anl:.tn. 2foe Lisbon ti kola Sluff of iov 5th. ;_is jubilant. over the state: elections ospecinlly,. those irrh,aisoni. 'i)lty, Lill til i t(.;° brother at' h.e'e'e 1+lliott,of• Clodorieb. township, ,has , been elected to the. to slaturo by 1000 Majority. :The Star .says th>at•th(p sir:iia`rt li•eliub.)i (.n•ticket has Bohn • "61ccted by over. 1000• 'inajority, and congaadulsat-cs the IIun. T. •iii. lfl Ilett as. being'. the .tnost popular•in.rn in• Hansom conn- ty:. SblC3OSS rnats'dn sortie faT 1ILl s. 1•Cow worttld it dd ;to; put peeve' Gtil. riot 'Elliott ay inst the. Ilou 111.::M• Ii_OeS n$• 4h0 represoutataivo for.•1V:est . II•uron, Ontario, hi the ituxtl'rov^ins - Assembly? . Th' Conervalive con- vention moots, at •S'mith's 11111 ' wlext •wick, Nov.:21. A. candidate ,will then be nominated, anti as Mr. El- . liott has served for a long. petioli ,' in the county legislature 'ho • would, initko an caoollunt member of the Provincial ono, • Prier, : nT.4T1; DG,tr,.=A.n etl-colt (looted uotvs-papal'eil'ioe is a boo)) 16 airy community., 'Iridis has been prim-. td.cal1% lIlestiated. by. ,a.r_Q( 1111 sale or. property iia this town: •'1'111. Ninva ltroon.n has•fvt about one week oc-.• Oup.ierl its presort lii;oni(ses lander a fivo years louse. '111(3 ()realises had . been vacant fur . some' time; tlioilll' the proprietor, Mr..Limes 1liilei'i'is, a ti•idu-aiw•al6getltlOnlan of teniark- able bl)slil,efi9 telt rgy, Ilio 11 ni of- • fined t.i10•Ittapc1ty fur:'sale at X. -figure icli he rcotIstd(n'e(1•tititch b5low. its ' actual value, • it being, ono of the best 1iu§duress locations' In town, but - failed to find a")nr011ASOi i\ecus :iinoo Tarr N, Wa-11gOo:ttn .printing oiidde his been • removed. to :the pi'o- perty,, its value has br'cn cousiller- alhly oufaancod and ho was beseigucl for soil& days with buyers at figures considerably in advance of his o'u'st before 'flit';- 11''11.(1 s-1 nconn loosed the promises. .11i(i seri-in-last, 11 r. 1"ostr':r, a shrewd' commercial than, taking in the situation, outbid ether• Would 1)0 pttroll:asers of ono of trio most desirable 'business stands in town old, • became . the owner •aat a • (1c0i110(1 biirgadn t1n_n h the prioo iS ave tttidnl'stalad, Severatl httnlrnil dollars iu advance of what 1, would have been accepted for it two woks ago, AN' conginttt,hato `rossrs, • Miller and Foster uta their mutual good fortono, Anil the pttbl o;nro congratulating 'lain Xiiiits•lt o(11tn, #ot,1 iro d in a similar fix. ' fho tr'- trrtit'deal' is therefore slit.sfaatory 411 ar0.uu(1.„ zisaicts Stat,' 37ttnt..•••-Ono day last week Messrs John johnsou and Isaac Itattoubnry wore hunting in Gode- riolt township, near Stonehouso's old mill, when -they strtiok a strawborry bed with berries in bloom budding and ripe. They picked the ripe ones 'and brought them to town. Justthink of it, maul :dud wild str'awberr'ies: in this country in the month of November,, A Sur rztisn.-:•,•Saturday the three- quarter inch iron draft- bolt which connected the tongue with the gear- ing of Mr. W. Steep's waggon broke short off in two places while he was driving along the street :opposite Detlor's store, Tho moving of the horses and the stand still of the waggon was quite a surprise to the driver, . Tho sudden broaking of the iron was attributed to. brittl,puess. caused• by frost. • . A Gn1AT mt•uy ooinplilnentary things have been • said about girls, but the othor:..night a• young lady slid something that-roilected more credit on her sox than anything that has recently been. said. She. went to an eveningperty and came home with bon elan frozen. Now, it ,follows logically that this parti0(t- larr• young lady must .11av e lost the loquacity 'so generally attributed to her -.sex, for her•.ohin never would havb.o•au frozen. •if she had kopt it in motion. PASsnD.CREDITeoiy.—T}lore are numerous friends of A. -.McAlpine:. Taylor in Ilu.ron, many in Clinton,. who we are euro will bo pleased to loon:that the goutloman has passed • as. a :Solicitor and barrister, second du the list. 'Ile studied in qua Tor- onto.: law office of which 1ici. E. Blake is. the. head. humor has it that Mr. Taylordaterds to tato tip his lesttuneo s d the'.i tne- tico of,hi' profession at some point in this county. 11(,srs.E L: Wade 13russols, aucl Starloy !lays of Garr°wand Proodfoot's offices, God: oriel', aro also passed. barriatore now. • • GuAxou Seim.=A WO of c.onsid- erable interest to Grangers has• just boon deckled• at the Toronto 'arsizes. tit 1870, the •Maitland Grange ,Was fu.tnaecl .by clrnrter issued flood' the, 1)u1114ion Grange: to a.b.sdy oPfarm e.1,8 its Elam and •()roy' townstlips. Th l € range was very stieel sslu•. f ,r• three :yeai:s, andevery•1hing w('ttt 011 smoothly until 180, when ;a debt bl(;au to a(:efillelate to tiro (•1•raitge Wholesale- Sitl)ply Company, of Toronto, .front, whom :t1it Giange had pu1'011 a;;u(1. •upw,ara8 of 87,000 .worth oflgot)lis;.• The novelt.3%of..the thing began to wear off, and ftnally,• c )1O by :one, tIi.e •patrons began ob- tainiug thi'ir goods e•Ist wh.ur(q,:until no :on 1 left.•but tho .22r[ ster Secretary. The Crittnge S4r.(tl)ly Company:brought .suit . aagainstthe Secretary. The snit avis. triucl bo fore Cl i iel'Jnstico Cc apron and•ajury. at'tho T.orouto ltnsiri:y,oi4the '2fitl and 2 r tl) days. ef.0etob.,r. .:'1,1'ter a large aiituunt of eviideence h:yl; 4,oc1l•g`V hit; t re .C"]iiof Justice t o': the „use :front the, jury and en o. cd a . verdict 1 r: :the :defendant with. eos(8, he 1toldi. iiia that. the tiu 'IdyCoinpanysho,nld have died .bilis Glango and riot -the seorotnry: The i1•Itiitt(iiid Grange is sail. to .'bo hot the •early one in.: financial _trouble, ,1itd tato) elfeot •of' this:law suit will be t11at the &geed itoirs of ihnso.'Graal ges will;now 1)1;0- ceed directegainst.ibeni, as.cliartered institutions:. capable .011 siiiu.g, and 'being sued, Xis bitcl"LIIn A I)R1,.lit..-ii,.• b 111- (ant old. : tvttrrior ;via) often `leads tho ;Stalv:1tioli Army in its march.)s al ung•the 'highways aa)d1 byways of this_ sin foriressea=town`"ot• Clinton, after ret.ut tin ng_ 1101n the as eary: a011s of the mach ono • ev1(ent)3b riot long, c: ptr;r, a:fall to Iuut est,:—Mr. W. II. Situ ja;00.'has in acre considerable Inez. tei[a1. lUti)roveman18 on, the. cott.fo. •resid'i`ce, which he pUrch.lsircl.froin' 1)r. \Y>)rtlh ngbm, nekt the,public,l sC'houl`--lieu, 1:, Owen Jones,; of Ottawa', not very 'long sine o of •Uod- erieh, " is tarciitioned . in con n00ti0n 'to •ta. eoueli• wliirli was pr'obal ly s with' 11h13 pn'tot 3110 at'. 3t. '1g1trtii ) stern' and unyielding as'tht grille[ elisaacll, To:1'outo.,--1 'young nuts pies of 1118 wa1•1103 owner: '13o, this named `WV. J. 1. oltinson, of Dellis 'LIS it may.; he reti1(.(1 to sleep, nay, blew tlto' gas •Dirt°int his room at not to. sleep •but to diot(ut. And 11ie,,G igg house 1011(1on, Saturday, 83 hilo -tit tlte. arms of mystic 11[0i'-. night, and wa8 11011.11(:1 dead in hod plains Ise ,Bold sent eutntnune with• on Sunday aEtrrnoan,- :11>t.'' (Too tho elfin spirts Of liiliry'lltnll, and. he' Chambers, of Stratford, • was fn•toivlt was young once .)1 11)) and htid pro- .over Monday.—'rh13nksgivi1l ; ser - posed and 'boon accepted by one of vices in the town h i11' 0)3•.'rhurs(l l y, 1111(3 ((air fairies of fairy dreamland, at 11.o'•elook a. m.—=ltattei.)bury sb. whose coon gradually changed until Methodist too meeting to -Morrow.— it esstimed .the Iikeuu'sc of tito,lacly •3ai)ta11) of his regiment'. No\v it. so htappened tlhat. the' lady rofetr0(1 to tVt1s, loaavilig. town next iooh'niltg to assume a eunitlillud edi(owhore. 'l'I old soldier mused on itis (1 cam •of tho night before, . 'Then he :sought au int(rrvieiv with the young lady captain, related his dream and pro- posed in (lead earnest, The young • laxly rebuktiil 'frim frit his• 'tetuority and the 'alts soldier stood the fire hravoly; at every broadside she 'fired' at his pers1tnl)t[otij Iltt coati) uaily `99 , replieµ'.-'--'r'1wits but a s recant, (hilae not my heart, to moan, t is not as yours, made of stone." • •0 :-: OE. :" By purchasing your Goods at ICKSON'S 00K STORE He -sells Cheaper than anybody else. Just received a large stock of dice New • Wall -Paper apt Mors .,....4.Which;,o a being sold •VT.RY CHEAP. New Fall Goods Arri-ving Daily. TIIE WEE1 LY GLOBE, MAIL, NEWS,•WIT CESS, ADVERTISER or FREE PRESS, from now till the end of next year for $1. • 0,-DICKSQI,1 ookseiler. Stationer, Clinton, Tun mooting of the Ontario street Motho(list Church Literary Society last 1\ anday evening •'vas largely attended,. an excellent programme being rendered. .Next meeting 2Oth inst. • ' STILr, LIVING."—Last Week it •wii.., reported that Dairy lIorgtn,. 11 ell. known in"Clinton, was clean. • 1Ve Barn from the.1)urhtatlr Ckrortielc that 8110 gave a concert at Dundalk. a wool( ' ago last Friday evening, so that Fairy is likely still living .and well. PA•ent 11L 's Li ok,=i\fr. Peter Kavanagh, 'a paper dealer of Hamilton, has recently coins into an; worth •a •.. 1 estate a 01411 a �'' �t n o of • t e ii touti c�, 11 Million dollars,' tlhi ought the death of his sister, Lady Godd•olph, of Syd- ney, Ngav Sontlt 1•V'alos.. rho bap - S ti, vial' and marat,aR c certificates are. l now ou their way to':the lawyers, and upon the receipt, of 11110111 :1Ir. Kavanagh will have••the estate at his disposal. • lIo1V TO INJDnt', A•'1.'owNr.-•-t011- pose: improvements. • Mistrust: its. pu1lic.hien. • pun it clown to starau.= girls `'ro to sumo other .town to trade.'• Lengthen your face 1yben a strang0r tttlks•of•localing in it. ;'Do • ttot tnvusf ,aa cont. 1.1y your . money 1U1.1t' S011iewl1Crd.el5Ci. 1f a • latah. wanl) t8 to y. your ..p,ropesty Charge Hint tuo`prices. 'li a ratan wants to buy' anybody .olio's iiitcitors ;gull' ,diseonrnge tnui, llo pattieitlat to disuiedit 1.110 motives of public sp)i ited ei ti ze •Itefuso .to sc0 any spirit fir a schelno that does not dir- ectly benOflt•yon,. 1f you can't hog evurythilig, ,lu(lge everybody also by. yout°sci1f, and :aaccu e then of:'d:oing' it.. 'Do net support,11(13 newly:1)M's., Explain to the editor how • much bottvr the.Loudon l gnaw is. , ,Barni• Lao&rs. lli. ,.11 lloy der, of ,'\Vinglt.am, was 'du :foivn 'ono day last week on his return from New AdvertisemAnts this Day. Cutters lin Leslie, Clothing.-Jaolkson•1Tros. Stray Cattle.—Mrs. Love, Ticket Agency.—Jas. ,Thompson. .. Legal S clot S, ;T: Jones. Notice.--•Petsr •Adan! son. Woolen Goods.—P. E. Corbett, man and woman driving..along the Bayfield road; just outside the cur partition, wore thrown into a pool of water•by the mislaid°, in const- gnenco of their horse shying •at a pilo of brick on the load.,—The. Brussels , Post . hn's donned a new rr 18 g dross and notal n and t enlarged � 1 It to a six-coluuiu folio sheet; success, Br'o. herr, ..As tho OliristmaS trade is near at h;an(l, business men cannot 1 r a ei ' a n t (t- do bettor than 1 . ice alt 1 , n of nc meats through these columns. 'Our headers would (la well to scan \V8- 11r.'sotto's advertising colt:wins �cutc f oily.— • • ' I ' ANI)•s1.I3oU'f 7'IIL CO•UNTy . .. Mr: Galsrlol Reeves,: of 1[itchell, :bass 1(.1h1aye tl to Zurich. .• .—.Tullix .Eider. h'asboon granted .exemption of taxes, for:.10 years, on his oat Th'omlisou:has purchased the.1Q0:acre farm, On con, 3, frontr. I)anetur S, F ippon, of Motais. ..The prise Haid Was $4,500. - -\1v. Donald Fraser, is pioneer' of Stanley died •recently.. II•e",wets '0i•.(ar 70 •y,uaisof ale; a:Refor:uie•r•aild- • Presbyteriau. • • \Ir, .Peter'14isher,.w11o,11ns been for a long tiine•noinitinily. Postlnast Or at NI ingharat .. has. taken •act:ive charge. ' . • ; • -A number, from Grey towirship who 'went tido Michigan . ltlanber• Woods ii ..guest' of work; have raL. horidu., i.whor(i avolrelieve he had an , e4, .They say Ioon'Woi•e a1. nnntor- )nt(1vfmr.,\altll •S't)nle. of alio (v., i.�. it:. Utas titers as oily; Oynken(1 ages spared. nusgh.itos, relative to the •early• coin-- _,.,Chars: Wilueler,'of•I[o• rile, lied •pla tion. ot: that read. to his •toga n..3,` 5() bushels ofd' 5 acres, an average: He..succeeded... in impressing .0pon.. of :650, bushels 'to the acre, suck a Mi ,1 an':Rotate tlie' advantage of farm i• in tint northern •_Dart •orf the'. c;iving'toluc:l1 men coiisulerablc'of to'y'usliip 18 rollo1•tod to have'ovor the work of•prepuring the. roadway 7UU bushols, to 'tho acro.:' . for the -rails. .11. y', C. is certainly. •D. .• .llal[aoh, i? 5. I., visited suave iu as hni(1ut �aitd•l)clseblent •iii 'I•.tlnul ,school 'last '1'hui'sday ni'tei on(ioavor when anything f'or. tire., noon: lie coti;rstulate(1 the:liulsils banotit•of`his liwit 1) on th0 01333ls. "-llo0ve. Snaith, 'of • Southanapton, •oti tiro stun(ling of tho.a;c11`uol,, and v''tes itis or William's s0iulin« tib the ;excellent avork, d'uli.o by ".1110111 a t lilts y during his visit. lts of council 1} ul *lire 0003 • ,r •nufor the liberal sill so prompt -.rile exports; ta•foreign countries rnnty ly feruish0(1 the snite1018 by 11110 re front •alio port of Kincai•cliiio 131; c1 crnt fire utero: -`Che 'I'resUyt;onV of ou11)0111 of \\Ingham ford:tlbo 'month '1laron .acct in Clinton 011 this Otli of Uatobir were $.)7,1)I;•), , and: e'x 'inst. The 'lianclieator ancl•Slnith'a co('ded those cf any .psinvi008 atiu1t111 11111 'chal'gea will be (10elbr'CI1. vacant in• the history of the' towns. on the third \Tunday ; i.o.Novelnber; (I1, J. Peale of Stanloy solcl ,a \I'r. Pritchard the'pastor having nc- 'fontdiie colt,to'\iessrs,.11olntosh lloGreg•ur, .si r,1i1ucelield, (01.:.$$130. Thisoo.lt 113 13 111313 althea], 1311(1 Very su'ecesstnl •in carrying of prizes: at the recent fwll shoays. —ll'ss 1)411101r, win) prevti tis,.to this ,year has taught 111'i , S. No. 11:, .F 1ZJ'it'Witwauosli•,•bnt.wbo is at ples- ©,(t touching. in l urnborr '; 1(18 been engaged •.to toateh in No. il•agadu. next year. • • ,Mr. Wnt, Clarke, sr., died at liis residence ir} Varna on Tulstitiy, '9t11 dust. Ila gav0 hp the farm to ')tis sou iabotit a year ago and moved 'to Varna:. lie 31(38 'upwards of 80 •yet31S Of ago ,and wag nasi'r•ied ovoi' 60 year's ago4 • Tho National Policy is luiving so had an. oflsct upon Guelph that We ar'0told there isnot an empty houso creasing ria}ii(lly; ;the nowspmper 'i11 Lilo city. 'Tore has beau a good ago,• ail(1.• after waslsIIll,g the grime andrirl ok.o'of haul() front his sun-bronz- ol visago, ,ant. (livostiiig• hiineelf of his worldly arntor, •except the rod coat Mail said to bo inn • p.ern)oab10 ta.all, attraeks of any ma. 11011131 911; x11t1itdanoa oitcy, he i,'e:t•,ited The population of the ''hub" is li- 03011 taro .doing their share' in that (liroOtion.--Ttin• Nlnvs-Rl:coltn l.ustrat e(1 Partners' ..A 1 manse for 1887 will be ed, for distribution in two or throe 'weeks.--Couuoillor 000par is as lively as s cricket his friends will bo glad to hear of his recovery. ---Ir. 'Thos. Tipiing. line removed to his now dwolling ',on Ontario S11—Onoriightlast week -thio safe in the office of ',rhos: Me- :lc/mule's e- 1 enzie's pdiaining nail was blown. oio1, 111a door being eltattetCl T gul !nieces of itiblown through the win. deal of building done this summer,. but all the now houses1111 tip as fast its they are completed. This shows that tho N. 1'. is working disastrous- ly in the Royal City; - —Mr. 11. V. Diehl; who has taught the school lit Taylor's corners, Godet'icli township, for some ti1)0, has been engaged for :Hayfield school for not year, at a salary of $4p0. Mr. Dioltl's place in Godor- io.h towinilrip will be supplied iby Miss Johnston, of the sane town,' ship, who is ellg,tgel at a stalai`y of or into the street,-•••-Satitrday • 1 • 0• 0 -�— 0 Como alid soli our Wonderful Assortment of 0 O. • en's; Euffs s look * * ..-.*... t ....* * • 1- * ItzaU E CI I .k * .k * * * .4•••• * .. l * The Cheapest • Goods Ever Offered in ' This 'Section , o SEE fluil ate; for i FurnisherslW c _.a FUL BARCH' IN OVERCOATS AT Merchant Tailors, OJdTORIO: