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The Huron News-Record, 1886-11-10, Page 3
- . 1.11 I-.1. _ y .. .. _ - . I '°O . } . , ,,,. ..'^',T`.CY".e-rv: •?:,: 1::^1:•i `-tAw"''«'Y:S'�k-XeS `.�.'1�:,.'.S'.�.'-?N4`t7�k.M �C. .. ,-;,.—.--•_.-,. �I#�rl771��A Atrsaa�ml7,ttantt'IPS.7br r. .-_.....-�.....,...,T..,.....-..o.��..._ • —,- ___,._ • 4t:tfllljl' ��l tlll4xtlAt" BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. � N 1 ' 31Si oyrid rrps�Eia, of lirdYaltl:. A � �� C � • • S'c sof u M a 11101']. Carriage orkOa A recent vls;tox to the• inotropo}ia pt� '-""-' i11 • ,'1 �YMIDDLE AGi:D MEN,.' h:ew south Wales', says:--'The iixogress' Ctil li)E41'1►ND1H:Nrih, one o! the most fatal tour cs'tvhidt : ���' Q� � 4!(:Lii, Y'oKt�►tl.ill, T------IiA4 i3 TN-------- 1 . risible Ill sydnepp, at the prix juts timb is We will at all titles be ple�ed to sAiet.�mankind, � It is often inherited, but sr,rnhty wontletlnl, 1 never saw In an: receiCaiteldislf lne)cs f]ulin our sub-.'n6ayliothe`reeultoiimpfopervtrcclnWrn, I`luntrcnttfe ,Sct211 1e Free ir) e111. �.x r airy so,muoh going on 1 if fife wa of buil< P �;i i rr o legations one time, ',l'1 e number $Bt"ii)r?: ll't ft'alnt tt gout] comes- xhercurlal pe,}spufng; uuclearrliness, and ; ,�T�l'�1 "- AElff OV�%� • ••/OED u- ', tof huge )iles of sci4.''iolding iii theChief j:undo)ttfid'every7ctcality,7notalready i'arious other causes'. Chronic Sores, ; E.',%[,,.Y�"E%: t „ _._ . r o Oct btreetaoflthe pity; erected overbnildintxd t'vl)rese�tted„toseintlw4Rr,LraRLElzetva. 1?lcers, Abseesoes, Cancerous Humors,, _ +OF �ftt-s£/% 7'O TIM NI:\i' PitEAIISES ON TFIl in progress must form one of the tirst im• and, in some cases Emaciation, and Con-* - �' � - , ressious to tltij eye of the visitor. Ani l SIVI;;SilfiCllLERSI stimptlotf, result from a serofnlaus Okll '- 1y;otweheivl their}'aebail[1tItgivorkno•Ivbo- icon of the blood. This di,aaao eau hs' �y i� �o�+1�.a.<<; OI.D PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH PROR�Rii' log bond is much less tliall that it] hand Patro]ta lelto (to not recette their , KNOW THYS6LF10, lilt: I !//,��� TOWARD THE STATION. dured'by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. tome time gt'b, before tl,e'terribledrou„ht Z)ulre) ]'h!Illltn)'llr fl't)]td the GGt2"I `cel' [)?' A Great lllct7)tCni Wt,rsc oro Nru.l4Ppc7, • ^ blow to business' l;�nd :'i inherlied a scrofulous eonditioll of the . , ',filo prentisos liaYe lieetl fitted rap and aro large. It°e ar@ now in a)zetter�icsitiorr ilia^ s 111 the • 11_eat rials a Iv thr oarlh their local )oat p ces Ivill l 1 blood, which caused a derangement of nit 1 tk,::uetect �,t rtity NI Ma and Ph .tf Y Dc• .111 Iet•or to, attend to the' lvazita' of of©ttrtbltc. lirpspority, 1'he ,oheclt, li')wevdr, ei>'nuot .. .. •birity, i reu,uturuUarilue bt9hur, t':rrvrsuf Youth + 1:@ more iila1L tew torary, .a {pd in the mean• coltfe2j a f'[ eor hl/ r0p)).Nag, at Milli whole system. .After takh1g, I(ss thirst and the ut,teld 1niseriCq ru`sult0ig front tudisere• • e Ia Mfor is eut4blet4 by observing r! 11ee at 10we. 816helel" )bili ' 11m hour bottlespf Ajceo-sal,ril).rli Ila .1 am lint Cr' excasdod. A book fur every Nall, vuung, � r ��T. .� - - ' tGme t le V P. ,� �r6� �y.ty� �y_ y� .. /,'� a' 'Che aotivity in a time which lie' is: told is contmenGe (it Cent time. x � E� iii t i r e l Cured 0-olh e•ah,.11 and eld• It clic diseases, is s lORAL11 1p• •' • „ iW� \/Y GW. L�'; �d.�J..L� \.J o quo of clu :cites ;tad cleptesainn, to infer i ti•n,afor,s[i,l utoundd chronic disascs, oath of ��-���^^ itnd for the past year, have not fount .its' wbleb re' 'bvtlu,rble. So found by the Author,' , J. t,,•hatitlitustde'rvYatigtet+fl)ro3j�sarltyanrl' AI)�.EfltTISERS. necessary to se any medicine whatever., IV hoseurperieneofor.5yearsit+ditchtoprobably �4 lid 1'o;;ress:' And as u result, lie' cgunoE , I ata now- in better hcalth, and stronger, nevor Were fell to thtrlut or any ptlydicialt: 300 'T . , ttil to reach the concinsian th'•t the speerly Ei:d ertr;el•S'tr)t7l lttRS� lid(W ln]ni12d than over before;—ID. A. Willard, 2111 ')i' wi bound t, beautiful g.ua race rlito be Paso-' (/' '.��) �T T ��'��'':lj fz .-' 0_ ed wvtrs, full [. 1 11 d o v ,�../' V ..d.�wa.�.u.)�i•• . -. strides sboavn by file growth of the popula. tlrfrt oil, trebt*.;We.jL1 O ' advert aeutrnta, Tremont at., Boston, Dluss. work in every sense that, uta• qt ,,r work sold in , 7” tiara of Sydney raze fairly oriel it'll reflect- ; , K , ' i erofulnus fierce this oounto for' 4'3.rr0,•or th`t ri une;4• will bora..; dl:''ftFAOTURE,li O rid it .the attiyiaexh'1ri"ed to the \YQr1i of t0 GJLh21) a L)n G! ttu1L, D/df/tL/.Ll ¢G /dCllltlC'tl Y n.aa troubled wit t fi. [unrleJ,3U every Wshtn •a. Yrtco oral,• ?1.W by , ri t . y.. .I ��( � .� r. , t r t1t 7nnt iffier tt1<4)t 1l}N:DA �' Noor o ' for five, years; but; aftel.' rlalult at few' bodr,.-p ero,id• 1)l IA rued da are til nu bo - ' ps A btitl.,.s4,, .end i9llhiding of tile city til; a f bottles of Aver's .Stirsaparilla,,the 9orea Iwdy, sen$•now• llustated "initu•detlthetout)) AR r.S f 7 AGO &0s • , cicala nrdre' r;oni'l+ensurate ariill iresotli; re• catch• lueek. • . . healed, and I have now gooti' •}iealth.— hj' ilio National Mediad Aasucirwwn, to the Yrs- � I I S . gniLen'teutti: l.olig before tyre visitor - T Elizabeth }V;O 66ok, 01 Appleto4i street, sident of which, the doll• 1'. A, t4iddeB, ru1r1 1 Y t!, ItB )FIf,:4 A E '.tl t adsoclate otlicors of the Board the ra,rder is Corner of Huron and OraTi a Streets CLINTO . ,. reaches the rnetro,olis,, -be sees, •b the . r , Eow '1} Dlass,. 1 . luuuea of street, and rarad@�, and cl-eg• res )e,e. lty referred. - �'u01n0 months ttao I was troubled with .Che 4iclonaa of Life iswortlr.nwre to tha young •� f�1 'T �,. pee C1�7.j• r . ,canis a+lixod to trees ill the s}lent and soli+ , Tltt. �F4V,Y-7Zl!,9b11n /lot Cc .7arrrer Scroft loos Sores on niv lei^. The linih and ri ddle-al;od ,riot of t{,ld ;onernt,on W,:,rlatl T��; yl])r1Y�.Lrroved im ^is o, E� y ar o'r's. . ..luye' , • :r. c rash and firrth@r on b^ the ]ttlgb itch G'lY'G'tt%atio n"htfah Ctrl.), pt/t PJ' )[l )eT" 'ill a sill 011e orifi 'iufl:,ilte[l. a ld.fhe Win Bahl nilacsof Cahfortl3a ttnd rho silver mines tt,13 J . / 71 web yaw q I . a ' b :rel aniioltur.rn'J• the, sties civ of !lowuht,conibi led -;c. t,' 0hronlels. l Its'Durability','L`.•i; htneas,a�'d''Appetiranoe equalled by,no otber. �oilsina of s t/tri Wettull [incl ell inn a(lc 11.1t]Ll sorescitscbargecl iargenu;urtiticaofoft, fir cti ii of tllarvel'bt`rsl `•deg:arable ' estates;' ' / 1,116 b,ticdcc t�tc pdtuts dui tl,c rattta said . ; r e y ttive .matter. Every remedy fnllc4l', until' ntcksauda on ,vhiell rho catxWtatiaa and hopes. f' Tlnctl ilta)n lc[ts fGtG e!()trtl 'i1L Olttrtriv, I' used' Avor'a Sorsa axilla. -Bv. talctn'� n' wrecked, All the latest improved] vehicles ketjt constantlP on, hand. FIRST-CLASS 'that the ce,ouv Ilad the late land ever p of ,ua,my it youm man Dave basil fatally c iii c uu coon. Best material and workmansbi in allo der' bleep'•' NN'll et+. lasted. And if libta' Uetl %i11r)7n [Ira U1)C)n to t!t»se; tcltG+ .tbree b6ftes of Cifry metluut@ the sores. _uzlrzAestrr:ltlrrur. BLACKSMITH, ITH u :Q , . l' Y 1. have been enttrely he_a'Ied, nn[f my health 1'tycseienca of litre, ra of greater yatrro than a branches. d apnsesl to look un this gs'tlie'mere r'ol;, . )ftectln lx[ ;f+t!s,, ie fully restored. I am ratefnl for tine iho_nrcdiml works publisioml In this country foi' . . '. `� r PRICES �+ti rep !! lesspio'a5 of apeauliyt;on, h@ fa perllapa in- _ �:r •' oocl this medicine hits lone me.—llt9.' rho pays ro,tars:-dunntcaGnu t ha:,un. ALt •�'t51\'i'ARRAf� 1 CD. + 1"RICES REA�7gJ11ABLE.- . - L. dnce 1e, recoirsuler his opinion when he .10U 11 It.A:y`''i''YNIQ:, . good this The ss,enre•ot Lifeisasul,crbunduu, erly � ,- is fui:•Iv anioti�' file suburbs eRtendin r - treatise' oil ,i,ervuus un, ,physical debility, ` , ' •. h r ttl,.n line and r'ietiaes Ilei v •, -Tia Jl)l) �rel2�lrt)1)ent• pf Ihi,4 ,o?tr netl•ait lerae•press, ,-Repalring� and Repainting Promptly. Attended to, - y, Won, , t@ I y A y e r s S a'r s a pa r I I I. a, Thera id ne ,u'omber of satiety t2'ivhMn The11 nnich of ihe:e is brand new, olid how rote ?ctrl 74 tut: of tTitt l)C?rt' et7]tippetl .L]n eieneo ofLlfe,v,ll wit be useful, whether.youth, . . , DoeparedbyDr..7.'C.AyerLcGo.,7,owo1lIMass: piront, guardian, instructor wr olergyrnari.=- "" • ` Idler re.) U, new' houses is. built •aloueg Superior for potd It al►.Aiu lata. Yriee sl;.plx bottles a. • . I - _^.,.,._,.._„ -- - ° r 11 Gate) )a, .uilpvn <tlld a . t .w / . • Y. .Bit. r, )f+• 4r a,eattt. t, rests which are not .yet ltnado 'ot ev u tl r•lc1Nr! rf G• r7t, IS vai- C4/LtG'G'[Z tit 2'G7•y. h Address Me l;'c+sheds bfrdioal Inati'nta: or.Dr. ftirnidd. R:•11. Parker No. 4 I;ui,h,ch Street., Boston, _ i H OT �'� - it .w ill o(fa?)•1'r-0 '4 alas., who neap be consulted on all diseasos ra• - ' ._ ._ _- i tdrb, skill in,d A" b e» de. Chrouica.nd obst.h,' .• . i :,a: ttdtittit+e of Pnr�are• _ _ -- f: (, 9) `l 6 1 - . �` 1 .: -.. ated,Reascs WrataiAveb,tijte4 filo skill of nil other' I . . S. OT T')e+a r•^ca rho 1,ardcn; alt, illustrious tipnikf' .-NEXT aglT, I l l}ys,cit.4rfs'u spodalty.: srwh tra[,.taasnacadsfuu; , . ov}l e clark. ,-, Ant':there;soars.ri•lo ssiltuitrrd{i9,'g7'.y: ,tithOut an inst,w,�o of failure. \lention TGs �' �? . . U)wrtr.x, I tea' 'NBwa'Ii>;cor.v;CfitiforY,Qtit. ' 334—yS' .. clertvman in I'erthali;re; who �v;4a A few clays: ago 'tile St, Thonlra ' ' : ., ' ,, l 1 o I' Yes, and wi li thtf'rilit fill ali11it1isitjoil, at .more t;kiifill ascii anger than ie, )alar as a'' (Grit),-Journal thought to place ,y rr. ,.< �---M9 r l preacher, having fulled into coilve s"401r ' 7 _ ` e �l �r IIrhlr Ila] ' f01't11Cf1 Of Ylaltdi.11, -=1 p � ;■ . fl� C� . � Q' j RESTAURA�i'T& with , a.ue of los li, tlai,ioner i! oil the bei c, ) .� Y 'is 9 V i 1 VV //�A tit of surly ,rein;, melitioned; as au in ' awl. ;it.pr'esen't! and of the LT. (;..lt. I. { UTL '.• �' _ . stance, that be- liad.•every tilorning before l�l 1 `I -=. UYSTERS Il S11eI1 otic Bulk, l7 I�ln 1�Or' .Quart, . . trach [les )litcliers at ' St. Thomas y In-6 ft.st, voinposed'a aea'llio:l tif'd lolled a. ,1 —FOR 0 0 • a,hnon, all .Rt:hievetiielit on 'fell}eh 110' in a frrlc )osjli0u _front' rho fact `Unapproached for . ,} . Quality. NS Zc. per doz..' iy _-� Tone and troll Aµe@l , CANDIES lOc ex 'ound, ORANGES stud LEMO . -nlu.t ed himself greatly•. , air,' lie liar•] beets chosen President of. h P i� ht4ery@Ii on@ of til@ cornpaily,"`I syaniti .r '. l v �c/l of B.o oa �a.F14fi 4�RAND 'l1PliON.71 r,tthtx hue your sulnioii tli 't, ydt[r''ae • tics: Yount, Brett n Coii4rvative Club 1 ru'r.�"Ai.Ci�`t�1�x1'► ��EE. CALL :AND SSE US: tion." of. that city, hh iufiipttrufing tlf it rife-� - A.t the tiriie tliat the mar was ragtag ori :olilcc lie hell Was uite.iiicotn )atiblt . ll,v 1 r Glial ^0��t w: the ountinent an hgnest Iinman, rvho . , d E11 CUa l r With itis feelings. •err. Da y no'xt- . 1 , l I sen In til@ army, wits muoh•-conceruec} 'iia' ')[inrie(1 1110.. fO110M1Pfnn re 111', �'•"�r'1 - ;: bout hilt. Rtld gent-al, re {u;sitron to ti 10' 3 t c .. 1 `%S4' I rt " - , SE h h all. •lovers of •fro dont of "" AD TI - M,}in iter of rife parish nliurch' for the �� C l e ,� 111 . ilrnyers of the faithfhl wlticli rend as fol• thought 'and .fair play will. • aduiif ., " ' 3L,v?~c—• 1?emolnber,iti •ra tir`aveutt r inion • l i'-i-t S � L io . .1+ ' • r .y,a .. b leas ilelj doservetls 1 is i T(��q i lujle a. note of. tie fact tlittit T�r>J '�Tz;�cs-IECOI:D ]fly I.. tir•tbsKtinny if lie h,. hvui l - Si -Your [ e. fro to dr i v me. into ,1 y t A vom'r,vble' divitie, who' n'hfs day aria . tt,.. . 1 .� ` ' .. ...., � ` ,��.dileel .more Uon�c fide new suU�c�r11)ers'.dl�>'iug iciest . gesieration wai remivrkable for his primo ..the pohttcal arena seams 'to be con. - �' IN . SATCHELS, tiJ l fi � 9 tive'ILIPI abatEtlefle mode of life, ;t length suming yoit, aur] cluing satisfied the HIS ]�rOSent� bar tllcln' cony Otll('l pl�per ill this sect.kn . -. f4:11 sick• ttud'ivas vicit6abya'hina lieltrt(d'? pujiliel do`if''8-ea're: a straw jfor my %� �%� . . ' . lad from ti u@ighbounq pgrisIi'. .O.il leer o» ni'iria . I• xe 1 ' ixterel to satt5f = T , rc + . Y I Z) Y y.. ) 'T Ote tilt fact t. kat. TFIF`, re, o5al to inalte some beef icicle fii•Zuir.. d i' . nr: cl • ' 1 NE1`+.EGOIID 11aS i�' cell bCl C�I'Cli^"" 1 yon air 1 situs yo vote for the OBtoi;' !, ,. - L. ci*hat it was ;,and barn informed, he in o. all he will need it, I''atti tibt tiware �� ����•--j� BUTLE,, liLtiUl] fills n^�11 •OY�II,T`.T32T}er jr, 't]lS sCC1 i0 ri. rrt:sed to drink it at hit;Ustidinner hour. ,r, . ' „ . m6�.li' ..i.».J. .1 I . - ;. . .1 The sr)n i was accorI .. made ur til@ of any anti-Catholic ..tecliu ' c X1',t- . 1 yy Ing in ,. /-� y� the fllCt tll}lt`.' HI �T �17S=riiCOIt 1>:>s elle ricC 0111' ,r.:, ' riiostiinclbvti[ltnaiiner;andlheladywetit `7t�r�iIIVI; 1�Ote �. T-.. _ home • dlre'ctim, hilt to drink it quantity .I do not Bold'; the Grover tttne'1!t re � - . r - r, t t11tLt' I'1C� xec`l-sma ble.'^ . . tfverti clay-nntiNts., return. 'iliis ocou'•re'd spt nsthle for the atterhat fes` df' any • • - -:. ..... ..: ,.-.. .. • .. h -i-- _ . �tncl . .. a few days. afterwards;, when the -lady was newspaper any more tllan, i do . the '. r . surprised to itis.tlie•beef tea almostuncli-'..,ffon. t.,Blake for t allti,Catl't41io T1. i117SGELLj�i511?9itJti�S t i niinished, am-116 hear. it•denouliced by.the articbt?s�iublished' ill. the .fput'nal last T,. • ''' worth elAr�vnran as the` we, rat throe bo tl : l' nc}r' nit I'eo- v`' .. NOTE. ! ��� Y April ( b ._ re tet go')... , hall•@ver LtL3t`l3fx:- 10 •SIr@- deter'It7TIIed t0 try it 'Ile: of, 'our 'ersnasjou• l4 tsar- to, he !� - -• - i viii heated*a mall• 'i uan. l p Pp .' t, • .. I .1herself, and 1 a .- ,gig s . :.. :..inult ou the.-oetagoual coni and aril ,. - _ i -- • • +► tity, pronounced it, excellent! "'A'T ay, �B , :. �i Oub, e".: . ' iAi� .�®.6 , , re. i1 to'turn. rylrichevor• sid© suits l ..;:.. �i�' • • t • gitotIt tire- diviil1Q-.1-l1t 'may' diink well a y .. • sten•=h that tea ,but. ti it''wj^ t11e su gar. the oee>ikicn. 0 „ Y b 'Xaui atrul and cream as-I-did. >" Y• OK •' .lam y is Muax Da Y. , � .TAL"! .1 T� li y® �� OJ. . . .:`. . R I ■ 4 �.(U EIlZ It`lltda ' ft tS::mmAi ilSonrelar•. -11�T T17E—' f� p 11 0 * I'ISI- LM it lI Z1 HIShE3 -/� '�''�`�•y'� '�f�y�1 cr r . . . . . He went•n., to a.far141ea who; clad M log"i :' „, , , j l + on the ' arket a terdti uiid X3O1 I I.LS. `• t . .Lx. :' V . J.':L'J11:\►' 1 ~t- - I L j . ,r of poI . AM �t tatoes, ern Y-$ Y,L. ) ° Ci�` rd;' F�9N'-Q . +. Tiu•e1 T nndet stand you boyo a:fine, farm a t ah * k w' o other way Q� R I Ci I `I " Y l.yt .. ,6y ' nq ' of n y . I . ub .. I li' ASY kiYi+ ov` . • . or "AL rl�;DS. 1. few miles out.:: How n•ould ,ou lilts to take . �.70 Y .. $1 s,,,, tb fish;<ltp at.Lake Villa, near ..the •,...I. _ . . t a a few snnii'ner boarder. 1 :. . Woali they slesp:,tu filo barn oil tho..,yjr•tsco'n in-VIPs.. T ll te11: on: how , '. rt •, .t • (/ s y - ` HL S. A:, BRICK." ha T' queried the,fartlier. ,' B . y nli mea." it s done The natives uti :there buy, .I . L.. JO, PR�NTINC ,�er!o, Work uarantee � �.,t, a�/C CI'l� D0 S,L.L.L.". I Try to put on style.oaor my famil,., Nb doubt .tits seems to soltip of -'' 1 , ON on— .� t�'r RIOD•:P.ATh `.Pllie'$: Y !' ,a' b,, . I. , ottle,; of tl luskey and c11,i1k' rho. • :'. , 4A - CA t �.. .. Not abit" , , , _ ... • 0" AI)Darss_ t . , , . g y t d�: 9 BIITIIER S • G . 'I "Thiaik. they d find fan}t 'rf we dirlti t. .0011 Outs. . 1 hdn they .put the •coilc, you a slang. oxprr islet, and : �o . . ] :ir �, I- . r-. ••ii oh'n dishes, ?"... ,, giU �,�,:, : ��. •. hat stable-naiil l s or chilly s . p A' dde d'v 1'1� sir. The ur@ not that kind of ' back i. filo bottle, fasten about: five 'you, 'know tlirtt :instead' of Having , 'M KET SQUARE, - : CODERICII. dN NES � - Ty. 'e. ..,, I .o, y peopf e " feef"of line around the neck and blit `"�'-• '`".!. Lr ?' + just sliigng up iiinotig`a lot of holy filo;t't expect'fresh egga,_oream ox mnoh r' _ . „ tltehool, withamin.now: 1� ]len they dies tl►o brass t`II0a a biiiek , or1- -. a' c'a fruit, will they? _ t . P , _ i TLF.Ii" • TL S CII'F.AP.l:II . t' or"•(3 tiW ri et, it Hoiv could they? Those •things are not xealih deny hates they. {blow, . t•118, b, so-B U t$ .Ir :CrNTs:IyAN'rI.D L „es c o ii)<:e1TI�t1.0A''li1IITITAL : . • i ^ b aide . , 1 "-inM6(1 wiry back In • lie.tinte of %Good conlutissiori and Work easy: AVilrc�s•, . . f r sunin er o b trio' 'awa from fife bbat'antll-wslit,' . _: .than afiporne on Iuj) of41ad ecirtlt; r, w . _o t1Y 1 n ti t. s} ' 1 . " Well,. if that"i1iie Irina •of people' 311oy. .. b ` ' y . Agestlaus � , Tllua of Sparta .four 1tI Y3r trltr.Ar , C i t t a- 1 .. . fills _s are, anti .tire '11 -iiiiy in, advance and keep for ] esUlts:. Of Course, the .bottle is r S Vears bdfo]e C1Yhjs Plot s ) bund e l ,'' . .. to theinaelvctt', Ove might"take five or sax;pf u�ance Ca � them t seven or eight dollars a iece. i y' he action arch 'tell's ,holy, ou a certain'ber"asiou �" tie a . g p ", as lJuo ant as:a cork and t 'LO STAB 1'I , of the'-wav*6 D6:'t•l1'e,ef%eto'f'Beeps' j•. a N��I'• ;i' . • an libassador- from ilpir k •on a diG . Tho Ori to of a te•'Kar�"hts'icrrrli t.s•"• : -i In the ball .tn a cbllstau Shite ufs "'•. The urideTsigne,l are appoititeil to'aet as` a " a ° " I 1 o iotuattc mission tdas shown U the it y ....', . y ••r•, 1 a�enta,iu the 'l'oilnship of Goderiahlor The originata.fs, of it were .two youu„ ;agitation. By amal by Bter x'tCltor_ g ; {;• • r tar 'ex• Pa er .Patter Ylits Company, Any lei'aon wishing to ` French knigtrts of noble birth, Tlhgli de kill„ over his oapital.. 'lie .antbas. - . l 5. } al it and tla is: at the a insure, in: this old' anti roliablti Farmer's , al conies o s s ■ -r Payona and G dfrev of St. • Omer: They g • . gadO.r ].new of t}1'e,-1'nonarelt s• forte . . Sold in Sts Fl tit •F irl)iriill@t lirttidiih . ., . } •, .. .. , •f, Y' i t ler'S Ca)uptiny sliould apply to eitlier Tiiol,fA s' . , }l found seven. others ready to loin them, fill dillating minnow. rh� hook cafeb- etc,, : also cotlallit a dcstbns for: Sf 11 r v; .Ila -look 1). -- -. Sati't M : like themselves of hi rh rank 'who bcid won —kneav that; tliolioI noiYiingl.ly.onlyi _1lt'tiokttts S rlics. Cnzit , , ,, r:rl..I. �, r , h _ ,, es-htm.ayo4ore.,he-l.noivs >t'e,lid-then —, ... _ _,.. _ - — r Y '., t • Altai ef) ; - i 17r Yi`�f O. rout... ,. their alffn imtiia iin effe ,dicey called• ' rr Of arta, .110 e'as roller Of Cala, ' i� '1.h4 ,;lesigil is .Warranted , relic ) fust% 1"" • attttnti )u t c themst'lves poor brothers Ili Ghriat: „I'llop' rite brittle begins 'to scoot' un(foi; °.'. • p. /� �'��Jj-8-M1% i � �j .' 'tiot'to srutit rho otf'the paper pait;eln or''.to . �. t� "'' ,. , .: a Ctreece—anti he clad-.loolred,bd see. /"'i.� ]'Irl ' liTl411 1 r. , d0voted themselves to Oiitist h soa!VM fid . - l I rub ufl'" the lahrjc when tr 'it fetred:- . A , Silclt010p; Jttn'o 3rd; IS lti:., ,flu stir his mother's. !.@1t t't€tok vows fit til@ Yes= water ot1'sa14I aldtfg on itlie'.s}irfa�it ", .• r did ti: s 'talent of:: ey.. p nl#dsrPe walls and onba tic+d towers s11clt sot.. ; .,• I . enea of the Piutrittrdlr;, vows' of the:uouid the uativ6s'in the. boat. init � be ila' Market 8 IIOTe 3 1 ,. for th6 :d�feireu . of .. the city, . q i FANCY! GOODS ARRIVING-MAILyf( '� A .. . . .1. a r kind, to ctr�'tlaettiael • es off from worldly ..inn s©yonkup or'whlskey liolcer, hitt ' 1. u Enter@sts ; rise vow of I?overty, the vow. of o ])tit' found nothing of the lcj'r.ia 'I'�`�7�p QQ ��.,+ :- ' , : , :"w ehastitv,the_vow,of absolutd,pbodiettco'ty- the niiti!uie tb.o Jbottl•e b'egin,0 t0 GOJJa:.1aLI:C�. a er' BUc�k�eller �4Ci� .D' �; i tbda . the Yatriii:roh, zttld'to t1le+ono among thorn g r�,. ]iLo Marvelled mucsb at this, aid '�. CQ p , T �� �. �. . Y. . whom 'they shot iii iSbselaatthead: 'fids sk.tp they . ..p.e'V&y'thillb and bo to p to tho berm.' '"'Sire., , `f- . � a orgartf7ed,titeytoiik the"Held asmouiited+'to .tllll•Otft'fnrthe'flusk ts9tllOtlgh,a $ O1cA Of ib, „ 4 , i. , p. a said •lie *{Iz.,hade :viitbTl title of til.. ,_t. - police on rite 111gritna road. 7 he pulses ,,. t , . t , , T nT!r+C 'k , x „ soli sal eiiti 's,aftei th61Yt.. ".'lien .. d �YSST Of . T.�GT,A�'7) .. Goderlch � E&I"" 0 ,,' ;, the stte of solo p t • - • : , of the I.alu) kta'i �s was: on pTil cipal towns, and. I find-Anil no , , +� a:;, ", •'t. . mon's Tem ole, A wing; of'01*as set q art •,til tie ls'oti )fused urI .tiles ttirtn- ., Ti±i 68'& c& itolusrnu� C . =-. I, r . eU-ol ! i, •, walls' leared�f.or':clefouee. : rr��rb . ts. Ih>rfti bought out.,io4rrlt ti''�tatoc.',. aeapllt,rima homo,anclasthoboail@outlets• 3t , , ;° .1 ; ., l 1. , t iIal lontoved i'roni tbo. line ) , + "' t i a' n'@ tli;K' ) 'ia{et} tc. tiir ' y ; tions of the}it ;rttar<ls; .Lie kitigti%s lt'Rd : ing pcl @ „ SC�3�'C t1 L�rLDUI 1;vGS : .n G'tiilLt air, 4 r 1401 l •• .. .. .. titis4 .. •..' r,. :r t , s iU�, ,1, ,-, "a tl5etr attt e+s of•reotna with a out'tmenta , + 1 lIu'dl flit hli�C S Ir, 1t; aK rcasmiable'terws, pP tM'6okis lebattod and{,ho tackle . ,._ „ i r i.: 1;'' „ for their crosses anti _.. wants, acid tt;watl -^ - .. •.•: , ..: _ illdoec� Str,tS.mlSassa[7tsr re. cited �: , +.' 'tT'ONES ND °•i�10-1U3,L4°V�TS: g r .. .. r t 1 Ill ilia. w . •... ) ' �..'th b,wn ovc�lbelarm arcs' ,_ :` 11 fro.n .thi'& tlit4t they,t ok their name ad .. .. -- 6esllitus •'°thou ..oust flet have PrLi�C)T. A11 [�.I'NGTiXSII �VOII- O ,&NIDE A. sPEGiA>;lY; : , •,,` ��,p I3> - Iirtther s'ofthe Order of the Temlile. The .. ► a ) • . '. .... ,.�T� y/{ l .I /}�L ���'. .°, i -��v �T.�':�r f „ is W-jl.•�ril �,.Tlil�:+*.Ci's t Chnrel of the Holy se uleffie was. their' Ic Sad QAfeftil `, " ' . 1 p Z Goltte with laid We afe tiitred to sell eltedper than t:ny:. , ; ch al' Th@ L h a CYothto .hivll with i1We11 �Ve11--the, world tuner tures ,, r other tf Z.1d to the county. Alit. trnvrA —of all'' lndfl,.all p j y t td•lfs't)rrow mornin and I -w111. sl1'o4v4 Matte n tiL 1"3est St) le a]u7, 16 url,- f, ), .n .r% L/O ) 8 I. : . . . . . lnncea to rack, and Baits o£artnorlian �i •/ lalurrr of Goderu'b':.had hien g 1hinYed ,A,;, s ng upon its°sial!,. , br , . 1 pp on the- Nall, find long .swords, and eroas• And 'all wankind Earn with lt, An rite '4Vitlls+Of S lazta,�' ]]tpht+flbtt], at Alirtnlla]>t b))tttfc x,. );moral agdht,fol? tile. county, atnl,par.ties btnvs, and batt}e•axes=verVattsufeob'octa y '`, t wanting Iiis%Intig fn firs lino Will find tt to " . -� heads Ut ta1151r B:J�/v�/ D, p Jerusalem, almost as Accordingly; otlx tlPO follow•tng � ----- thcir.iotei•otit O'rekei•vu their ort-M. u11.1.t• ,. . Aua li4te anti 61 , in,alte love and - , I.� azes' lnbinin the l;ju lcd'liis` best �tuf : I'or tiff 2fli ; a to the, i'@m le of strings an tire)-nnag}ua?y Got}iie'castle in payiour to- fir g': g' c 1Vuw , t]t sti C1 Acte •of rite cltea set' cry Bells. 71'O�l%P.TsO�T k 13T:T.t. , . the mountain:, above Sparta, to which . .. n 1 erlced at tt t1t 1 - ' ) - ;, w y 1'anst and IVIe 1ti13t4rhe'es� ts. n rted is thq,way.Byro o upari th6 plain whore his army Suns .and hest stocks tf ' 7ilay.11th, 1886, 3023ut . ;fir"'I<I��T:tI1S OT,' :ALT, I���117.5:': . p • • - 1 � Sp4� slit is not all of life to live." :A helil• ' .. i � . Helen of rroy..,I `,6t iia Este auk] knta.T at rr , • g . &Pltwu u in fall arrily and pofutillg` iui Cnsm'l�f, the 'I+nigltt 'lomlhlars, Who tv@re, soma to,, shy life is the only one Worth hvil►�� p Wfill s lir a lace tr11:t}te world ba an their filo,' attd'inht,,.d+a 7ettdt3 on the worth, proudly to t110 jfhtrjot 11r1sf, lie said GL�i'H•��'� t r: iu:, i r " ; . sae Place g . 1. ....... N B RIULLiin FLOUR rllr l,. lkl rli:� � 13A� t1 � Aa oatstence•—nin@, young' gentlemen Whose Ift1r13.11vprie°nbtiif g4lot3'worlcing•or-, 4c'j'here tlibfi'+beholil6st tiff iViil'1`9'of s f� 8ole'ob'eot'in life was to .esebrt tons $ouls' der'. im les, blotches 'slrtn^eliseRsela Tf'IaS. • ~, ,.... itlgk t>riVCtl._.___..- _._,. ._..._....._ . ._. it3t' ,pt , p p ] ' S arata---ton thousands rums, and .«.. A �. __-.. _AT..�2, 10 eki Cl�-6 .. .� to the,:cenes of 011 a aufferntt,s atid•'rt.' scrofula dal and a Inn lt`st of p ) r. "' - surrection, So mneb 'bel}ef-w a abie to dd• ' t g it : - lri n t '.1 rA , ' , •- a long: roux disenses rt-salt. Afako over), luiin a book. • .. A �'11i� �141i3 d�,GENT8 IF R- 'LWAN b the . 1�0i� (J!" Ct��. , ; go?- k!'shi�'t'�r: ati&'t+ d'`Si=it7i Ica Their life was apetlt iit'ttlt.Ina. They had ]nye . a YR1tFP'c l;Ut shale X411, Vit' y,,r.,� i y C1t+Brit On'sllnit ntltlt'r. f P. bmiIs•efyby:whtclitto i;now early tither- ° L c c, t t S0 ori' goo' Hiatt ill tWa.. n}•ir ]nal NTSHIN`Gg'a,'YrM1F Uc 4' iIl St'tW A7 ttllc..1'LIL tl;�'Y'1'. - • Dr, : T'ierce's (ioldpn 11f edicni' Ois' Y , "' r3' y " �'.---" lreau e'nttE', ata. we know `from,'." Ivairhoo 11 ; „ " , odVety, ad"1 ft.,Wyour system of all ariVanim, of tlho 'word it ' t' {,I unci fj zrlll 7nr t ou 1`u"t'ali.OtL 1?'cih'md free of ehargo'attywhere ill to%irn?, ' " tint, what Ileanceaut mtyant tto ane stn tet} Ivy. .l. _ M� u g i%D/�%�i/% • for aertaurty. it was, • believe, an old orv' Itnp+uHties of the blond :by rosto,iftg tllllie# to call' a inan • Ila bti.d r',"-. , i A111�. �1(1HN r,AVie(I1I;: r of the Burgundian peasantry-�tt Fort of your Itvar to healthy,. aotion.. I3y a• t, . a ; , .'l',t'eaalnt't„.'�'u7it::' e �l �+�y�tTH , Gl 1' olu.ilta . e . .tJ 14tti'64 l,. �' 8AROARAM • �I l 1 xri a•t,1+o91ii••home.,�GuIdillnxtts.-, drpl,g)st9., r . 'Glees oo Qr'' til, CbT\C”. . ttyi •'y4 1; if :1-Jllil3t3iti) 1 ii'�rl'1t r . i 'N , - - M I . . . I I-- I., . L . ... . . . . .,r , O.. . . I I . I .. I 1L. . . " . . . . I I �, . . I .. . r I. . . . IL r. "L i ... " I -�.. � �... * ..7 - .•. - _. .I I L ." . I .. . .uq. n ...... I . .r...", , e .11- 1� I L 'Ir . .I . � I �.. � . ., I . 1. u w w+ ,. ; , r r: � , .rr. I . I . ,y I . . r . . 1 . r L .."L - ... ..' -. ... I I .- L- - c )I r I