HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-11-03, Page 5T1iat You know we employ one..of most Expert .Mantle Gutters. e Guarantee .You New. De- zignS and Comfortable Fits.. 'Pee Our Big. Range :.of Mantle . Cloths and' Tr. im mings. We treat everybody with civility anil'think it no trouble at The Dry -Goods: Emporium of Clinton: • • • t CEO. S., I shall first take the result of the. voting at the Irish elections in 1885. There were 23 seats uncontested, 19 Nationalists- and 4 Conservatives,• and it may be fairly presnl:led that any -contest was hopeless in, these unenntestedconstituencies: .There were. 127,608 votes there to be'divid- .Ptl-t,etween'19 Nationalists, giving an. Average df 6,716 votes to eaeh, and 23,521 votes to he divided between, four Conservatives,.giving an average of 5,880 to each. • In the contested constituencies; the Nationalists polled 304,89-1 votes, securing 65 seats, each representing 4,680 votes. The Loyalists. polled' 174,447 of which 135,3i'4' were• cast' for . (lonservativ!es giving 'them 14 seat,s With an average' of 9,661 votes to each, and 31,962 votes were given to the Liberal Loyalists; and 7,181to lintellentient••. Unionists, .who failed to ohtain a single seat 'These figures clearly shew .that the Loyalist meni: berg represent nearly :G'hr•Pe.tiaFa as mtany votes as do their opponents. -and •yet 'the "IIenie Rule Literature" as- serted that the Irish Nationalist•re- wreaientaiCives': of: ;W135 represented five sixths of the:frish people!! but it'made, no claim' to be representatve of "independence') or "intelligence.". I. will now come tothe general election of 1866 for the whole of 'the British. Isles,; and make short: work ;of his dental that the Volae Rule 'ques- tion was, "overwhelmingly defeated." On' the contrnry he :sn}.s,it :was sus =' 'tainerl' in ;leenlities' noticed for '"in- dependence"''anti ":intelligent." • 'I will now enlighten film. with the 'result of the last, election, separating the Universities, the. cities and boroughs, ivhere dinte.11igenoe, and independence' are supposed • to pre pondering, and, 'where -the' "three acres and a cow" wcuidl .bay.e'`.no intlilenee. The following ,are the results, dividing' .them thus: UNIONISTS. • Universities ;. .9: Cities and borotiglis, English.' 169' " " Scotch 9 .t • .a U ' Irish 4 Counties, English' 17'1, '! Scotch 18 " Irish 14. 395. . IIOME ; RULI RS. Universities 0 Cities and.boroughs, English: .. '68 " a to Irish 22 u da "' Scotch -12" Counties, English .... 8, as Scotch ..:.., 20 "• Irish 72, 275 TIere then we have :the; Universities and boroughs going in the rroport om of•t to 10 against Home Rule, and ,the Counties in, the proportion,of 20 to•17 egaipist it, whilst .in.lreland out . of . 3,334,00 electors, ;only, 84 207 erste tel forr`,,I-Iome 0 e' can it atea', ' • whilst 92,816 voted for Union' where they dared vote: ` Yet in'the face of these -figures, confirmed' by stn. over. 'whet r ing :adverse yote in the House Commons aggainst 1Ir Gladstone's Home Role 13i11, the gtnn.d old mAn continues to delude himself and his new allies with' the idea that its suc- cess, on his lines, is yet certain, and Pven the Salisbury.Governrnent'will he the medium, and this :fn _tire face Sl. r d 1�r ,, a tali sad es a v of d u y address t1 P1dV•• port some months since, emptratic ally repeated by Lord Ilandolph Churchill at the greet meeting at ' "Bradford a fortnight since, where he bald he:could suite throe things with nertaiinty : '!First, the Government, rile ,not intend to grant ITome Mlle. . fiecontd, it did intend to (teal with•. belt} government in . frelanit 't'hi'nk,• it clic not ,mean to be hurried and.. hasty in doing so." This most suffice for the present for this "Irish Protestant," from Ai1ORANGEMAN ox 1830. ,,—Mr. Sammi} Grigg, proprietor of the Grigg House, Loudon, Was nierrictl •at .Keene, Michigan, on,, Tuesday,•to Hiss Annie fugsell, One of the most estimable young ladies W£ London. • • .. ,I Myth. Mrs, John Carey and family, of Clinton, removed: back:to town this week Mr. Sohn Colclough left here on 11londay with a.car 1oaa of cattle for Montreal: \ ' • The clttarterly 'meeting will he held on Sunday next in the 11letho» dist Church. • • . • .• • Mr. Harry Collis returned house from Essex Centro, having' been• ab- sent'since spring. 1• ' • MI Edward Watson: left bore on Monday for ' Montreal with a car load of cattle. Our constable, C. Sher ritt, was on the•War path on itronday finishing up=:collecting the dog tax. Jubilee nervicesare being Meld in the roman Catliolic Church hero by Rev, Father Watters, of poderieh. Mr. Jabez Walker has got through with his. season's work of. rirawing. Cream ` to . the Loudosboro cheese: It i some timo sinco'ivo Bird the pleasnro,of hearing the sweet•streins,.. of • our band. • What's 'the trouble, Sent) .• 11:1iss •Itat.hway:,returned . to•town oh Thursday, having been on a 'visit to friends in Stratford. and 'neigh- • borhood.,' ' ;ltitlow'eon passed pit very quiet-, ly here this year. Ontr boys don't boi.ievo in -the; kind of fun 'that was indulged in in fouuer. years•, In consequence of the Rev: IV:. Mills• being indisposed, the • pulpit Of . the' Methodist' church was occu DESS. T EP.,ARTMENT We are now showing a very large and complete stock of DI ESS GOADS AND TRIMMINGS, embracing all the new' colorings• ;uc1 styles and at popular prices. MANTLE DEPARTMENT. We show a very large range of Mantle Cloths. Just opened out; a largeolpt..of Tweeds., suitable for t lster- Ings, ,at a very li»r price. See there, Stool large Bind well assorted in all departments, 1:t. 'F'ive•per cent off _ for cash, • JOIN . WISENAN, Manager. • Estate J.. OI GEN'S.. --Tho city of MontilOal wants steam fire engines,. and Ronald of I russolls, has, after a severe tight in the Council, been placed on theiist "of competitors and may possibly sup- ply theni with a Huron made article. —The Marquis of Clanricacle • . denies that he refused to abate the rents of his tenants. He says he •has neither promised nor refused to. abate • them, because he is waiting, for the tenants to pay two : •or three yyears'' arrears of runt. Ile cordial- ly sympathizes with the teuauts:and desires.''to meet them in, a friendly Spirit ai'.d. has, therefore, ordered f1 numerous eases.:N.0mio .the •vont has not. already. boon reduces by the land court, . an abatement of 20 per cent to all tend it.s who .would ' hon- estly settlo their accounts at a given date. . �l special crrespouclenit of tlie London Demes, who is reporting. upon Ireland, says that in Tipperary •there is a gentleman. who has. been • under special police protection - for -thirty years •He.has taken sonic of. his own farms•into' his ()Wit hands, and hats ever since .had to live 'be hind Millet -proof shutters, which, When :the lamps :orb .lighted; tnnstbe rigorously closed. • Three years ago the League boycotted him, and,avith-. drew thirty-three out . of_.thirty-five Roman Catholic laborers, The pro prietor, however, retained eight. Protestants, sent for "emergency" • then, 'openell 'a general. store and a forge for all boycotted persons, , ex pelled. ' tills} deserting laborers,. pre- cured 'ell goods required from Dub- lin or Loudon,` and, Lives, in. fact, just 'like ,an old feudal Baron, sur- rounded liy enemies,.' but also by a .garrison, and.defying death, pied by'Arr..I;Iitnter,'of Sunshine,, i iRT1111s. on Sunday oven ti g. o TODD. In' Clintnn, sill Sattfitlay, 30th 1Vote.—In't110 niontion last week'' loetoher,the wife of A. M. •Toth), of of the marriage of Mi•.; . Fred. VV TOE Niws-lttecoan, of a sen. VVTatt$ and Miss. Magill, Mr. Shane mAnKET REPORTS. was Lnentioned as ono of the grooms men. It should . have been .Mr (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) ;Wimp, principal of our public school ' : •CrirroN. '.On da tl • Week nr, rR Moor•$4 GO to 4 CO' F 1l W1 t, �, 0 78 A }nine • ditch.Spring-Wheat 0'78. to 0.70 for ,the purpose. of draining ,the Batley. ...... ............. 0 45 to. 0 50 brick yard, when baying got the oats : '0 27 to 0.28 depth of ten -feet, the earth caved keds ......... :,:.0 47 to 0 47 in, weclging•him in so tight up to Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00. to; 1`50 the waist that* assistance had to.- be Potatoes , , 0 35 to 0 40 got before he .' could.: bo •released, °Batter .d....;..... 0 12 to 0 14 James had rather a•close call.. ' .Bggs 0 14,19 0 16' flay ,, ....:.. ,800 to 9.00 Cont't Morning Star Ito. 89, C. Pork 5.00'.to.5 00 0. F.,' elected the following officers 3 00 at their last;meeting :,—C, R., W. Campbell; V, C. R., A. C. Van- Egniettd; R. S., J. W,' Belli' F. S., J. T. Carter; Chap., 11. McQuarrie; Treasurer, R. Somers; S.• •�V., J. C. ' Ross; r. �'V;, A. 'Steinhoff; 'S; Ii+,; T, • 'a}vford; l3,; R- One y its a tea • new ' oldto 0 70 Davies, whilst digging a Lime Xninliers' of .'Limerick • tonants are paying their rents and some have 'been granted large reductions. In, one case the rent has been reduced from £332 to' £200, itind in another from 4212 to. £140. --On 'Thursday hast as , n.; man named Henry,. whowas operating Mr. Nichols' steam thresher' on the farm, of Mr. Wm. Dickson, on' the 8th icon., of. 'Elena, Perth county, wars engaged in oiling, some of ;the machinery,' his arm *ha caught and taken into a pulley, breaki.r1g it near the shoulder and .causing .other se- vere injuries. —About silt o'clock on Srintlny ,evening the Percy propertY in Luck - now, owned by Lnineron and Caiinp-• be%l%, and oceuphid by Jas. MoGowen as at hotel end It. J. McMath as a carriage factory,, ,vas totally destroy-' ed by fire. Loss on the building $2,000; insurance-, $,500: Mr. 1lcGowen's toss on the contents is about $1,500; aro insurance. The 'contents of ;it..i.' Mci)friNs slop Cordwood Beef., Wool ' .. 0"00 to. 0 00 0.17 to 0 20 WHEAT VALUE. It is not improbable that the price of. wheat may,'bo favorably affected ul•ol)ea'n dglnan.. to vheat•importing countries of Europe•• hada surplus last year but. they have, one over; • and the ,ttussian wh dpi .elt''`has a .very light-acicage.• this year: inclia,.too, is 'short this year as comparedwith other. years, Anstielia has had to import grain herself' this year end it is said large. quantities have been sentthere.fi•om, California. There is ;reason to bo t Have,.t t h lef i tli 4 u at there Will be a largedemand, open. •tlie 'American supply than fiscal. This will be good news. to the Canadian farmer. The crop throughout •tiro. Dominion lifts been 'somewhat •light but the berry is reported to be of that solid and excellent quality ;ri;1lieh IS so highly' appreciated on the Einglish niai•ket. The "balls" have been trying to ride the price for along long time An the strength of the Euro- pean rear sloop, but have not sue - seeded to any extent, and the slow but > teedy prices . for grain which provil are, we believe, almost en- tirely dun to the general ahorttige of the crop allover the World. Should ,Warbe declared there is no tell• were saves},.butin a. alamaged•gond+.' ing:where prices' would reach before tiot5 ; loss aboutlfi00 `covf roti' Ile rho neat season's crop is ready.'to insurance,. • 'laulxl.ot =;•01.0 l',npcf't . . '.7 r ,•:: "" t mum ENTRANCE. EXAMINATIONS for ad 1. nilealon to the lligh Schools in. the County will bo held in CLINTON, SEr'.FORTII and WINOIL1M, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, the 21st, 22ndand 23rd days of December, 1384, uonimencin each day at 9 o'clock a. ni. Candidates who intend writing will send their names, not later than the first of Deceinher, to James Turnbull B. A , Clinton ; J. 0 Harstone, B.A., Seaforth; W. E. Groves, Esq„ Wingham;or to the undersigned, D. M. MALL00H, I, P. S„ North Buren, t t 416 I Farm, :-: 'Town,. VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. . TILE EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES of the TILE of the late Josorrr Biota offer for sale the loll'owing valuable property, namely : Building Lots numbers 420 and 421, In the Town of Ooderich, quarter of an sore each, fairly' fenced• and very desirable for, building pgrposes. half acre Lot fronting Mill Road, Township of Ooderich, thcing part of lot 3 in the Maitland Concession of .the said Township. Nice frame cottage and fraiue'stable. Lot number 3, south side of Millar street, lion-. miller, quarter of an sure. Small frame dwell- ing. ti (: Building Lots numbers 803, and 304, to the Town of Clinton, quarter of an sero each, beau• tlfullyaltuatcdon south side of Huron 'street; fairly fenced. . The East Half of Lot 22, con.14,'Wost Wawan- oshj good land, 80 acres cleared and fenced, re. minder timbered; about 4 miles from Luaknow and 0 frons Win •gain; good roads..• For further particulars apply to • E. CAMP ION, 416 11 • . Barrister, Ood'erieh, • HOUSE FOR RENT �' OR SALE. • • ACOMFORTABLE STORY' AND A HALF brick Cottage on Dunlop street. •Dining, and sitting room, kitchen, and 3 bed roans down stairs: Ilard and soft water. Stone cellar. Will be rented or sold on easy terms. . • Apply to JOIN O. ELLIOTT or JAS. STEEP, 11. Clinton. ESTRAY STEER:. CAME TO THE PREMISES.nt the subscriber, `j,lot 16, Bayfield Road (south); .Stanley, on or about the 15th•3eptenll',er,.a two yeer•old steer, mostly rod, ,with a few white' spots and white on flank. The owner i; requested to prove property, Pay eipenses, and take,the animal away. - 414 3t. • CHARLES FOSTER. Shorthorns fol. Pale. •. MELD MAIISITAL,.a.fine animal 12 months J-2' 'old, got by a Mysie bull and his dam p Matchless' Cow; grandam Matchless 19th,' by Imported.Statesinan, from,Impotted Matchless 16th, by Senator, etc: Also, ONE AIATCHLK'SS COW, due to calve in: November, and, ONE FABELLA CALF, 7 • months old. The above. will be sold on reasonable terns, and will' all he entered in the Dominion Short Horn herd Book. , For further particulars apply to W.' J. BiGGINS, ElnihurztFarm,'Cliuton,O,it. ..414 31; • ESTRAY i-0E1F,ER '' Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 31, Con. 6, Ilullett, on or about the middle of August, ONE HEIFER, ane year old-- past, spot. ted red and willite. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses •and take the anulat away- W. d. Morn -DEN. Hullett, Oct. 11, 1886. • 413..3t. ESTIr x1Y H'E1FEFt.: T —t3rtnrCtilrtnilty brentises; -Can„ 12, ,Httllett,.On or about the Id 1,1 June • last, a yearling Helfer, - small size, white, with some•red about the ears and neck., The owner will please prove property, pay eXponsesand ,take•tbo animal away, • • ANDREW WILLIS,'., 1ullett l Oct. 7th, 183d, • • - 413. 'T9._THE FARMERS a,. Studyyour owe interest and go where" you eatkget. reliable Harness. I• manufacture none hat the BIM of 5'rocn:-. llewaregf«hops that sett cheap, es 1!(e hats got to live gar Call and get prices.. 'Orders by Mail ptontptly attended 14. o :sc • 'T. c. 5c, t.a'ni t, HARNESS EnrO8IUhf, nitam`II,3 O14'r. C o & Co.., COMMISSION (MONOOS. MembersToronto Stock Exchange- Private xchangePrivate wires to ToitONPo, RONTItEAL, NEW 'y01tK. CHICAGO, and • • ' OIL I'1;Y.' STOCI; 8', roxlls; rltnrX, PROM 1ONs and OTL, bought aitd sold: "far easlt er margin. • Cz.X E O OFV'xCX1, Corner•Rattonbairy anti Albert Sta. JUST OPENED, A%OTUE1I: —OF THOSE DRESS LOT:: • ETLOR & 00)' 80 -ACRE LOT FOR SALE 'Heavy.Timbered, excepting TO acteg, Well Valenti. 'On•Bayfielll Coneession., 4* STORY AN1D HALF.HOUR • HOUSE, With quarter acre of gi oun i on IRattenbur street Clinton. Dining 'Boom, Sitting, IZ , n Rooin, Iitehen and Pantl•y,- 2 Halls 5 Bedrooms ; Hard and • oft Water la Iiitciierr Good Stone Cellar. •' STORY AND HALF HOUSE, . H S AT OLU EYALE QUARTER ACRE LOT:. Also, Splendid s d glalflucre Lot A P�"2 tY rro l Iron and Iiardlvare'.lMcrcIiant, "1\17.7 (2). September 20th; 18.84,..• ,• • Sas. Tho11'1 80�, Mgr,; - Clit)iapl,Jtitt,,;I43I.389, r. a: A" b.,, Iias been oiiited sole a eat for this celeb Ilted Tea.. • 0 rise} it is. ilio 1?P. p.ti f f ;best v1I lii'ln-t ,.market,'1�esides` Which . AN �'"� i N •ti SM pittsA: •,•t is *given to fever tlrohaser of 3.1bs. and ti ward:'" t is u. >S ... every n � I ,nut . p tai; �0kc-` •t •' pound packets'at ... .• Nb Purchasers need not btiy 348 at once in order to get a ;"i'eseitt, ;100 different books: tir choose from: ' Try a 25 -cent packet of x:i nor Tea, t 'Sole agent for 1`LEISnMAN 4'S YEA T .the: b bit t Ori • l; r C��>;�l pias• w fl. •_ . John Cunninghame; Clinton, NEW` DRUG STORE. Thenadlersigpecl has jekst opeur,I a new Drug }dire, in . i CIC$flN'8 IXif:W )LOCK, on HURON S'i'REE , two lilies West o€the City hank 'Store, where will be found a eotplete assortment of P8Ir0, Drugs and l hone nl'st, clink Patent Medicines and Drtliggists''��1 dries-••ai1 that Ibe piltilii tnay ask feria tltesq . liit>as. A. WORTHINGTON . C1lntogyi3th.j4µpgry,13E6. , sR� - .Z'd, - 0 lige chap cd truer ecekteil�f tq'tSQ1