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The Huron News-Record, 1886-11-03, Page 3
.............. . .. 'IV I I � � . ., . .I -. ----- ._.—_-- , ' BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. T11F. LARGt -6RELI TONS. „ * , � �i,tRillltitli ��t�tlia�t►C iii't1xll;: _ � . `-^--'-•' Alick 11I:'Cormiek -svas..•1 curious . r'ea �r� .._Inge Fag YOUNG & MIDDLE-AGED MEN, limon Carriage Work sQ,,t of Avaggfsh' Luily atbo lived RC1►12$1;.iC�71t't/16➢1►LNI,`ll.r1" I6'e trill (it tell tc))tes Le 1'leccse[l to � Sty evil turns, hard, until cit is apl7licd, #I1.tly �'� by ilrgt.ill, M'uitkplRRie1. � ,�, . mostly At tile. Larg in Dalweildll - niterttvll,t!h it Allover eiisily. 1Pheti rile X/ltast -atire Sat)i1'le iii+ee io e17t, • •'----•—'--fur E B�rN- -�--• e�csi vte),is cf neva„ from vera stair , actclreas. 11'c molt ct Cuud comes- inn; doing odd jiwlbs about the farm, i9fllts, or Wages, of tate batty aro of's hed y ).-Mn tent llt,beer locedtth Ubt UIMI my Uue clay Ills miuster had the xnlnistor Anel incl; fined by :11beulnitilsm ..tire ean. I r.z �,. I '- .. ' . . • $lot be moved without causing the most G .< /�Cf � µty REMOVED! REMON" 0 9?t: 4X`4elatGll tO OpUd-W Leis, JAXL1 IiViGa. • "[; l , to tr?.i, An<l, A(tei'i{' 1rClS, iVhC13 t11 "cruettitilta jtalus- Ayer"A Sarsa111rllla, . W7 , # {veno astern over elicit tucld Aiiel{ by its lection on tido ],loot], relieves tilts. / a TO TME fiRIV If ,AlISI;S ON THE r� E," gCfw 4,;1i Y RE G,1tl�i. h , ec'"410pn sled restores the Joints t4 oeld "� - Old, . R ES N 'T �'iftroims lvho cru nut 'receive their ciin10 in for instrllctiolls legardina ' s � ERIAN CHRefRC PNC tvgrktn order, W TO .11 LTA j, l //moi .4,.. sotna ]voile iia lied in Valid; l)til'r..,'r tt�ultttl. frut)t else' carlie7 u Tile Ayers Sarsaparilla steels effected, in our %.cat i,1ct11e,tI �V.,rtc n.F niui.4ao TOWARD Y T r~ tlar,a,1,la their Meal ;t)ust r1]1ces trill nliulster to plague him said :-••-, eety, iaauy niostrenuetkable cures u nut d. 1 nt `I. - S�A Q , bot .Of Which. t ' t Eat uatmed ure oey, Nerv4as dull i'hyof y lie- Tile ISIeIu[see laevo been fitted' tip and. are ]erre. til'q are now ill A flet h. bialt:d Tile Cf101•tS of 'tile 4ilft C1'i;rntiturol)celin4in;11Rn �srrara0t7'outb ❑ -tet ositiptlthan ;'' : CUtt%'41• ra f[L2�ut' by t'Cfru7'tinrt ill t%tiS "Well, @Yet' to Attetill; to the {t•a17t$ of rttllltq. til ell Alice: glad i'' ' , I' roCt at QtarS['. Srlll,et'i.+ttU7a3 711th! ► , (.117 al til t0 SCC you ' 111Q$t experienced j)iysielitn9, 'jQCt'e it +tnJ rhountultl n2laprfus resnitlnljtreat lndiscr0• I -. , 'l '/ fio• much lilt )roved SLiICe YOU. C neeesflary.,.I Could give the naumq of ]dally tf01t 4r OMeeaa4s„ A book fur ever a,ao, yolin;;, .. r. , j'. w GW)1t7lC,taC ill [a)).J t'iltie. „ l 3 oat : lndIviduft►swba Lase beet] eared• by taking tuiddle•uged and old. It a.nnttuns 125 preserip- _ � �'._ .' marl led. (Igor Alick had; Prot a tills nlodichie. In lny own e2 CaBe ft lies Ceik tions for alt ueute aril ubrvafu ritacasug, earl# qt } � Hayward, Gtr. d' CH, --to �� - ° Nillly worked wouders, relieving, of which is hivaluablo• 80 found by the Author, I±► dil.i: li'Ilbi1],lC •titil'Qe of a wife, that lie kept at ❑ wbQ80 Q1,)cofor26,-eurcissuch as probably -- _. p R it �' U [r ,,ever 4etwutcll to the lot of any Physician; 3uo-�-�-" - •Adl e tcsers will'1dcusC bear i)a nrtinll lfa hole a t i S 1171 ,,uvea, bound In beatthe lot icil . Physi i nnl,oas. • . I - -:� and Visited AS ScltiOtu as. atter help„ troubled with it for rears: 11:1 gilt, .ranraut4ed to be a tiger �* �• - Milt ]all 'tutu /rs., of adrerthvemeittli, Maybole cd covers, fall a �/�' IEJ ��� possible; while report Said that the this, and itll Qtller,diseaies al-ii;flrg front worklnavery iattuaethannnv�t�er tv4rksoldiu V "�+ +*+br++�M � :cN_ to en$71re insertion, , elul i &.' handed t lntl)u10 blood, there Is 110 'rOlne(h' w1t17 this ooaatn, for $2.fi0, or the Money will be ro. _ funded tri ovcty nlstance. pelco,only $1',00 by . *•^-bf�iNUi AOTIIitI,Il. UF- • ; • 0 in tent lute,^ tlea)t .�[o\z7.Av loos r;�, 111 *uistet s• {vif'o ivies little. bettel'.� lyllielt I suit acry�laiutCd, tltrit utt'prcls snail . ,null, poskp:dd: Illnstrat0d earn to tree to un ` c,: , relict ag ,A{ t l s Stu r,aparilln•-- -It, IL • bod,v. Saud now, 0old tiled&)awn ded'thc uvthax �/ BIaLIa ti'CLl7. old Ve got f1111t6 a 'Initrrietl 1001{ l:awreneh;11: Dy naltilltlore, DId. by the National �llvdloal Association, to the Pro- qtr! A • �. ° �, ' already," A 'Cragfu iii Tat lUa. cured n1C of (lout aitlont aRItict,, the Flon. 1'. A, 13tsaeli, anJ. . j AGO XF 4ililiQ79tI,.9`I'IQ>1'ar., lA ,,,On officers of the Board the readier Is • - ry "Deed ityejlt Said Al;alt Tran' itis Roc ltiicuuuit lint, when ilothiltn else ,eapg0tfnny retorted. �i6 er of_ .H1jrQI1 slid Oran�9 L�itreB�H ?I.'tiP �r ,wS-1i1s4L?Ii la �tYtb• C4 ltfi•I,�l°.i , ) tYORid. 1t 11a�J $l'liileitted, pvely trace o,t Tho,sclonce.of Llf@ is worth niore to the younf '' f CLINTON.•=�t - a, the wife's d0in's ; if vas dear- iiisease fret" Illy —torn. --ii. li; fiiio7t, and luitltilo it�'ad ,r,en of this irenerat,lou than u1l T �] : cdrt ulatiu✓a tlra7t ]tete otlt[a' �raliet` eta]llauagee Ilotci T3cliuout; Go{vc11,11Iass, the old+atuos ofCalffornia and the silver f ii • The. 1� rovbd ,T Ilm � . or . (tad twelve months Tll no b#lea 0f1ve1iutaromhined -S. k' CJtruni0te. u vat e P p ,g Tau �� , ,� C �,�$,S%e sicca section, [tri[] las u)a a<ltetttat)l[ y Tp DurabLlit I,i htaese and A d ,✓ 1 wai,dnrin ttlan nlofttll�r a stltlCYei Tho bcfonc4 of idle pointa•put the roc•)Fsniiii . . y, � ppetilranee.e$ualled b noOth r. ttterlilta7a lads fClU ['ltuls IQs il)tfal't17. 11it11 at{vefill Ilse all' 1118 heaVOIlS, Oily , fr0111-0lil'ollio ltheumatisln. ,the. disease quicksands an which the constitution and (ropes Y e. . that• books Ca, , ujre7a to. /104:, U*110 111[ire than ',:rti0l'." 111111cted Ino ,grievously, Ill sprte of all the 4t many a young man have 40011 fatal] wrecked. all the latest 'nr rove y . " - J relllediQsIeonld and, until I eotaineileett Y l p d chicles kept gonstautly on hand. .ltanchcetsi ,�or. Fig 'P'''it.`LASS . 1ltctt7a bras races, , un[uta Ayer's Sursapfu tna. I took sCVCrtil TheSoienco et Life to 4f greater value than Ril B. LAC KS � IT H in couneetioa, •]test material 'sad wprlingansllip in alt _ This setticcl tl}o elergyTnan;. And bottles•o'f this preparation, slid was &ricers• G�14 meGiOal works pubiishetl In this country for `branches. ' 40111. PRIA`�'1Q4G. aucl tbo farmer nex=t pnt ill his ]rota; fly restored to.ttaultb,.,--J;-lt1-retuil, •hide- o pita 5Oyears,-AttantaConatitifiioii. ! y `' . peudeuce,.'re. The Science of Life Is a suparb and masterly{ . ALL WORK WARRANTED. . ' PRICES REASCidABLE. The, JUl) q22 art)nvnt Uf ribs ,l07a)•- "The InilliSter'B'JL1St JUI{ill'," sat he . treatise on norvous au.l physical debility.-- , ,-. r d 1 Detroit Gree I r ess. - tilt] 8tr UnC' Cf site beat 6gta11Jj)ed in "`abogt ye IOOkill' Sao: 1{'eel: I coot Ay e r S $ c"i rs,a p a r i I l a, ' There la ne member of soeleti• 'to Ni•hom Tile • Re alrinQ' aril Re din}] a' P ^ l } , Science of Life will not b0.nseful, whether youth, p p it neo ^ 1 Ql�'p 1�% '+�je if ed . �io.: .1{• Crete)•), Ontario, and a eallp.)'iU%' - . , ' - Prcpparea b}}•� 17x.,7. C,1LyS er F; Co,; T.4•vell,.11fae., lar0nt mtrdinn, Instructor or eler • 'i tan _ Alit]{, the hlal'l'yl]i8 Bann tale 1x0 001dbYallDrubgi'at., 'k'rice$l;.,sixbottles,}fl. rgo,7icrtE _6x-# ..�..., • glass of ut>rl; 'is Ittr4r<c?itcer ill ctrl . ))7U[lYTtttC pestes, heavy on yo; ye IOOk aS-if ye lv0re, . ddreSstl,e Peabody liledical Inrti•uteiorDr. , �`�"'�`�""""'��' A tiv.' ff. Parker, o, A Bullluoh StrOot Boston 1v R: , . --T _..__.._ _ __�___. giLnn illtb a,consumptioll." i-1ltasa:, %'Vito maybe consulted on all diseases re- d T� �}�'Sp ■■ , i. , tinlrh,i; skill nod r;-xperfenee, Chronlitaud obsthi: { J , , SCOTCIT �1NEC.DOTLS. "Ye'ra 1{ rano there, ni1n;. roplied ate diaeaaos that bare bnllfoil sire skin at all other ; ` . . .. E L ph} siclAns a epetut ty.. Such treatedsuccessfullt — _, hI1Ch'; ttL'1l1 �1S clear 0' CO.n3llniption x•ithnnt an instanoo of failure, Afention A ' f SPCO\D•IIAVD QopFINS ' ' , ,' Ntsws-Rrscoalt,Clinton,Ont. $S4—y �H-OT- I: 1, , . As a cat o a sarh;.Its the want o N S '.. t ybole meat. that incl eS nle thin;"' . t- --�-p res, and "Kith the rinlit kind. of an muni I' . About furty'years Ago• a lila . _ 0 1 tion; At mttu, uanled linrr} sot tit) a general • °tithe want o' meati" exclaimed �-�-`" � ' . stove in Stranraer, whore..,ldo solei i111 tie farmer, nettled, for Ito got the I ' •,BUTL JADES - ANDERSON S - RESTAURANT'.. . .1, l{suds of ware; front sill{ steel.lug of hungering his servants; tcyo 11 • t0. salt herrings;_and oil mal]{end s rcet ata Unapproached for. ...`r q o 'Ifluol'I 'IS yor skin can hand."' - '(ionic and On-- OUSTERS >n Shell and $u�k, by Dish or Quart. i Quality. . he lirouId Stialtd outsi{t'o: "itis slaol7, trail; ay," .safel`�11icic, ."suo11 as .it �,qsp :CANDIES''1Qc. pt;r goilnd.. GRANGES and:LEN1ONS'.2'G . e - �,ca�r�s lcr�sch.061/'`o //ffiiti h (t C �+ �, r doz;: , .. W . elyiilg t0 the faP111a1S t0 C011. In g; but food 07xy17o4j, oil berg heal 0 - s- fJTILi. AND. sfrE_ USS 'And sea h'is 'eheap ,foods, For 'a an' btitterinilk tin' it'll tai.'' then]• . .' •,Cin onti— _. _ - - _ -__._ _w _�_ _._._ _.._�.__-T_.-.._ .tinea ho secuie to carr" e{;erything loon." ' 9 I • - .. _.UNION'. before .hull, and it loill.ed ts,if rile I."Theto's.,waur feeii_iu",.tIor ]Toro.= �' 4� nittiv6 shops were to bo `c(osorto{l. ,,` Q79IITICt70I I►IICIGt;'i'(iitY. y I I . meal Scones, Sa, ' %110 f'tiruler, 't°an' St. Pati] a Churobe4crvloes on Sunda • at .11 • . . A�� ■ �T a Ou4 17711!1{Ot. !lily 110 ]tact a roiLt 'we cnnnll'tlll'011' tI10 ber4 aWa."' 2 �t I,dro ht. Bible plus 10'atn ltlllay.. �c lop d P•m: . orvl0e ou lyednesilrtl, 3 p.lu, 0� t cr0ivd around lila door, {vTloil Nathan tcCauna yo s' xfiv: w1LLIAJr CaAta; B. 1L, ]teeter ; , ' aw turn on ser scone 11T�1 isle d10te "of tilt, f2t `t t11"lt i r T. L i1I'Taldroch canto up • to look alit] Rattellinm,$tr0ot\reEhudist.—servicr,,,at 0.30 r ( III, .lvZvs-REbo,w) has, ' ' grim then `1" said Aleck; "an' n0 1110 'a•.m:.3ud.7.00 p, lit, Sabbitth, School at 2.30 p:: �� ' �S ' m, D.Kv,,tllt. xorgn'r, pastor• - ilElcleci mare, ll(I7lfG ,jlClP. I1eSY': Llb$Crll7C'1'S clllriilo tll0 L; listen. the neebcrs crylu' Ore Larg Sl,elet0)tb Cailada Prullyterfan.—Sereices,it11 a.m. rn3 - •. 1.i r . "Gentlemen," .eater Derr, "go lide- , ) il.l0 u. Sn, 3;pl;]]veil ,School, 2.30 p. lixy t flo T. •', �-" i 4 }�0 1 , 3.e�. n ajiy otlir p�ilxer ire .t lits sectic�t . .at us; 11ore s ualiQ o us `diL. bo' , Hi. 87'FWAam, Pastor. rel; i tll�l mon and ]edit%S 1 'tial. ate 7 and"look T 7 J 1 seen tiff rite firm .in' daylicllt, ,au' if . Ontario Street liethotllst,�s4r4hlea:at to 10 a- ore the fR t ;e _ for yersols, I hae the best -tae an' Otl '170:01. al. and 7.00 P. Il. Sabbath'Suhool, 2,30' p,ul. '.• . ECOTW ha'S d. lilro,cr'Circ*'u` y 1v !'ell' ill wl sill 0'' US after Rrv, w. \i. Srnitt,tad, pastor• c that TTIE .N, 1, Ti. lutiou tllt�n any otllr p�tpez• ilz this sectio t; sugar in «•.1nt04t nShll'cl in, lily Sh011, dad'1{ , Iiatitist bhurcli,-Survioc'at e.30 p. at. . sub . . ; L6rd. help them I . •belt :: {l hath Schcal, 8.30 %%ir,'Rzy J.'GRAs, Pastor: L an' I can ISell't'fOI' Z dttal't01, less flg'!tl'leTll OUtO'.ii `ear's'rfOiPth:" •��®Ei�i��i .: Y, .3 n l Note the .fact that Tm; NF,ws-PEC01ID leas one rice: on] * ' : than 5tialliAe- fit. •I. }tae. i•ho`be. . "Eave a sow,, o' • whisky, Alick;' - r : , ti , — and t P :' y, . t,.arion Tots and'fr'1 pans aii'tlfo IItIIiI.G�I I\} S(.]ri1E 1 Iltlt'pI'1Ce ie€tSOnaU1P . ties, anxious to change ' . _ . _ - 1111SC.1tL L7 -0 US•• _ 1 J..Z10 1 . very best muc11- Tal 7s an b Bio, sand rile fel _ -. - i 3 subject " Of course, everybody kno{vs'what clnuts ariade1 � � . I hno. rets lrorrin' fit 7eizE 1>r:1rrlL vESSnL.' liustlos lire 'and Hilt lvo all {' a'"• p��,+ pp�� {��r 5 0 1 N OT fio. _TH cos Y A.:T I . % for 'a king; rind silks and s Ln tins" AAarlt Gallaway eras a Saltcoats Client.; • There is ree]]]ls nothinrt iuBOOKS* ' {rid niak yor, teeth 'water:40 tool{ Asheriliali. who 1 lif n ie their a) earau' b 9 The � � . � "*_ L , L ' '` at thein. I hae 'draiuiu-s x iii ii"'.. ii sat �lnlrricd. to 1 P-. oe ialci111tet1 to shod{ I,, es, u . Yancy 11I'Gaw, a ``born deevil'.' of a. '•f;lle most delicate of sensibilities or, .. . ' chow, t.obaec0, tin' goon -p. fit for .iConlan NvllO.,Ite it'him''in consta -bring.tlie'blush n£'in'uretl mod BOOKS". .. � � .. . T,eddy,_�5..tair. ' I ,ilea brunc1. hes and I nt o J este lint water, slid' as ho vas not at all to the most; unsalphisticatsd of . -. Of mill' 7iri?zcls, TALKS I THOU,O. " . SANDS . g' hist]{ e1ip, tin' ninilcteos. au' ear inclined t0 yield .to Ilo.r there {vas ,a :oheol.s: et, after eve have l7ounht T riugs. I hae I' etches au' bumfla{ir» ,' o � 1 -v 0 wA-. ® e diiily fight' fol; surromacy:: �ti hon ole. of them, if, we undertake to c cr- �� �'1.d'���� �� 1�1f�y ,p � Ci!3 au' boll, w0.0 {L'1i081f3'. aIl? `aCa- elle °I1]inIStCP ; tan10 `:round - On. his 1" it. house .wn3 -som6hoiV til1{'a 's ft e1 Tt1YC i �C3iY P�AII. F F sl)uue,s; 1:11 a cheapor by a' half than' , ..G,OOEi�O(i�'1i..ob � I - vlsitationt§they woi ld ones] tell their, Iik4 going around by, the back e': Ar.y.,:tar ort1. oily mail .in 5tralhraer ciiu Sill them:. Or, ALL hK, - gi`iow3lioes to, Ilint, 0,1011, of course, stye .. tend sneaking-thiotigh ,jille F, ' Toiusua 1 . . J LI2 Y 3.e at a'ulinnte s (settee . tvishtliM b Lint -to declare th0 thou for....hever�-was.,a 'bustle no :ulat'ter. g, tri' tin: thine f a o to , � � C '8 Cfi0�i io Wor'k L,f H,b n 3 a 1 e idn aiichoT tae a 'be'ill the wrong.. ho{v carefull ' ivra 'ed lip, 7 that d' ����� �`'I .� ,���'' ��� �� of , 'r'I6a t`�- * needl:o frac a. riddle tae '� .. a pp. I t td .J tt }�onlbazeen • tt „ fa' �l" b� 011, Adluu, ho .said ono: da ' n t ,.posifitvely roftiso: to: be 'palneil. , , CAY,h OK On-=-: ci, . �.I .:'�TOI)T:Tis1T�:'I'.TCS.: nicht=much.. tiVllatavor. '.}'e.' want < . 3, x> g': <� . . X , T think the n.o e1 7.lau is Or bff as ail .:other article .of fel1L At:I3UTL1 RSr �¢ Allo . vA u t 111,, .ti , 1: p. I # the .., Y :,�. .,. r , : . ,_ } t lli `. �� . J s o c t . n tut an. 1; ant 1t In your roan to �r'v a. R p, " �1/� Cp i+I' . •j' A , :,�►..f . . . SI e.ln t0 itis {silo for •oil ,•attire.. itijtfif\S:T tiAil�f �Ii7 TRICHi ': .r" y fj� . � hand in five' I 1. 0.nilnutes an'' Cl1Ca 7e' J Y�!► �$5, / fY� T '' . A . _moi ,, I'u fact I liat'e Gften Sol'entniy - Ache than dirt. l > weroilve ldsn'1'ii trio ivoivaI ' Is .rite , . 1 ves,.el. prnf4tlsed inyself that I {{-o'Id'ne' -L ,, h , IIe noticed \Tithall inShin, r t� .. r , - , 1, a lel ,S"olla sink It ' i" - 'ca'tr. a . t3+I3UZZTP SZ;LLS CIII;E1P�It „ , ©r . e�clalill . Y 1?ustle (ln a,.plpar ,,select , , . r� G> NTs x{ ANTEn�G ale " tlacc7t iattru)te u t R s or' Gentletren , Wstet, an{l.takinn 13tm foi'som •rr- , I� u� u. -the ecartl... itur�id'I�'L. - o e 1 Ailaln .'!' ,i r •l f a •C?_ QOod contaliaslu and work Wes+. At • a, In passion, if slte.S til© weal.- y z' s lal�ap I.t4Bl[' le&firTiT:�1L blit, to:. good Iosolutlous aro •. itiIwki,A '. TntF NFks,}t5iuotto; chnt4n. 3s¢ 6 ` itOLnt cretLturo'o'iaL;th'ainer.,rosol:red er vessel li .1. -, s o ,should tally. loss sail Tnac.1 to-ba.l?lokon, ; go alt wag not ibt . . AMVINO' �' f to relit,,' ills fun oft ]lieu. So , be' tlleu •just Iool:'{vh'it a whrniu Heel to all )turps sing tit tt I lied a bit5tle in ���ance �'� J - aecostecl Mina {vitll,c`Cotne'ttl. ".,Old 5110 `wa»ti;t`to, tali on• leer heirs 114 -bands the other aft'-ornoon whoa f . I ,. I''..- . . ... I . 11. ... I,, Y. •0'.�'i•f(s'E.L ... L . shaver i ,Sold again'1 . Just say the ye5torrlrLy tea gang tae the ]{ire{ {vi' T joinocl my,Charles. 1luryustus. 01' " �vo.rd . au{l I'll sti p. �l.t a lvi' an - .a a ° The tnulera,gli,ed' are a nil. . ('to act's. i I 1 f Y Y • u fflont foil{ 1" And 110 drew course;; be insisted on carr rintr ill `,' n anants. •in ti,r6 R"qc , 'rr g : forth alio lvifo's neiv bu J o y ..fit 11I1S T ns -L P� er'.' Pat✓e]'T1;3 ^ ' t l stall of-' 'Goiltrich (err .C* L, tiling So want,'' Did .fie ,%]rant it anal: hunille tltonrtltlslrrendororl.it r` Ri t11,s Corr,prtny:, t1h]y, ire)sou ,Yi lril•;.lq ;,.:' I .� :. ' . r a I with LSold iri Stri ps Fol ,: '• ; r . instu•e ill ti , . azo] foI the tl ifo.4 ".; I 1 t ];nrl ]giQety, Tiranlilig, 7 this. tflrl anQ. reliilhlr It'atnfer , _.. � ft,al and�trezlibiLntt.,-..T:.tole] ilii that etc. els n , , u . ai CV+�1i,a. 1)t i►Idtt.tt tl IiIQ,11 . It . 1-t , o f et 11)letc::tltsi us t'or .Sli ,act's - Cclppany sbntthl, apply to eidwr Ti 7 . "Hae S=o:All =second hlri coffin i>' a . ' you ' nre. al lodvFd c t ivm A irael:ets; A ju'nBs J idfea Curies •Snilokin � Xt"I i•AN8' I'ifn'loc t P. 0. • r ' ' ' ;Y.f),;e l)itrl,tlflhtrly. l �,.. c11tn.C,$,o;-f4n.te1ll, And hoed, -'•� - � .,' :,,....�.. rI , ,. „ SA.11t"]r.-. ` 1 y ,.:1. , Ciips,'. etc._ , $:✓, ,Lbd:Aefiln'lt Is.'lvarrantoo, inKYl(`.11 env ,,.unt,0l'tl a'':. said "Jathall whon lie got t0 th0 d�lysof. he,:gte of.Or. i)ye'a Q,elobra:tad � (� a t d , t 1. .0,..`I'rorn,b '•• h16, "alV1 would - o well • al• ,. V tlltntC. 'I;elt' wet ., ti .. +• ,t ;...,g SC Col .AB. d .not to"el llfnP i,, ull'the Ia.•,crwlfia 'iei,n,ar,'t0' ittttlrttf))il R'lll-b.6 •fveli. A.•Yfl, • 1 h pi tate Sns angor I f l 1 b ` fron't,. G 4 . y,. g. noir . ut1. lY titan 1 rr f the Irl-Ifric when traust'eered * tt -API)l ."fo1• ; lha'.,S ECiI' :fi(']iet std h, d w0.r 00110 it ` iJ10C1{, 11 011 0 4 01' ? - - i . :� 1tIC1i711n t;, ,It]nC 3r'tl ZtS$fj. •; fir. ,. - 1. •. y - , , s ,lcieclitl sesiRrimciit •ot" i .3, .3 ,f „.... P Y t 1 ` SeCOTItI ]]anti Coffins j Qxelal.lYtprl p?t;mant nt C.nri i)t:Netvutt9 I)ebilit, 7oc,l allies . ,• . y, wi en Y a{v titer tho.sf;riu" iv as slip- - S AAIB D77-77 1 herr ctI) „ of Z ct:tLltty and giauliood' and LI $ . o p . i fey .: n i I -�j ��,y t . i I ltindredAirti ' �i�t�t�' Ri11J1'�i[��1'. �,itiL.L. . , o yo }vent to be. bullet]? run {{as 1ieff71 . arae zed wield - t.11 � Y. I troabies.I,q,'fnr,maps<otliei•`diseilsgs: p o' Y p 3 '¢�11 it 1 L qm Ilene rested , , . �"'l'V'.DE C .�b�\..I 'tl'a, nal" said Nathan, no' jus ells ].inn to he;alth,.. v gar ' hovroi, 'lend c0uldn t have. Silo l)i n to Er"' r. • J Y�1 an 7nnnifood gnattnpteerl: , Ir"Q .risk isper;;- oolts4eill, yeti, r; but thorti's.ti hantle o' .Ayr- 111 1irred.• Itlustraied'' pin tiller have Save(I my life, 'It w.as ono "ol' a.. - - -- � '"; ��� `h� �J . Shire flrmers ileo]] my {va'y, ill': �v.e'- '.full. information,' 40fttls;, etc,,, mwiled: 'thosc.dr'eadhil stitt.Lv lin aft'iiils' anti . -1 . ' y . � ' r0 a' wanting. rill ' • , • , free by. aildressin Voltaic C3elt'CO" ' . ' ' «Tr ' " ; 4 — U. ,ti1011l n`� �. : _ .. ,_ , . u tLs G. S'� ..bl dW6,T,A\D •SUIT- ' U� � ��11till �i C1tJ +:.wilenionco it I cr . to spleeclq tlloro I\'GS R 'CIIOCTaL1tIN'(,IS' ' Marahail, ,Nick. 3 ley-es3a . tint© they„. yvoro ilolil, of ywly, blit , %vas il0 Stoping it•. ClilLrles•'11ugt�t- , - _"•R T - IVA'hfos4r Pif.r.t RI'f7 ill Irp119t31Itl : %�,-,. ..+ ; ..,. - ..TTavingbolirfi..tiut..Iosu - •, v file `wiLS en rl'US Cc1'i l ? 1iIAhytO\1:;P.I.R t, they �Claurua deo 'fur feiv'a silo ex^ p e a 'u t to dtsci!i . tionGbl.(,II.1t� 1;I,I) 'SUI1'I\GS. tC in c,uiler]cla .lCegaro llu�N11 to splr�, n711d, yil tba'oiigh, lturgat,vP, . £, l'' ll,O1kSL+I,I nt ]awes ti, fur- ,, .,. , 1 I It ]tense, sir; so T thoellt I ]reel ink' actirit; upon the biliary'' organs' of his•sensatio>ia 1GLhe (list werltliilrt, �t'S, • tiiah, Que'cusbl�tuble terms, revs -three second iiiilid tonins d0on Promptly and et%etu.aliy. {viler o , ' ' ' r r ? r II•EADS'1ON1.5 A�Tl) hlo. 171iPivTS: . i "-i----. .� -- e he Officiated as test roan, anti TTtL�C,II_A1I) I,NGLISIZ 1` QRI : ", :. • . {vd me an daizvle their. eg11.a bit; l,4►i4k!�illllINTIi11V Glllltrl) - for tiltb`tliil'ht'no ice it. Sl'I:IJ�GLO`l'1tS: C1IiA:�ttL A b17:CIALTY'.. ..� 9' t . ' , ; Au odd lh ; "i t At last ' tltq are .rte tarot] to soli Chea ,' 1�." e ork ' An' then they'll be feciltin whit ino 1 yyrel n, retired frons ,praehce, ' lie obss weld 111 ..salted � f 1 Cheaper thein any , y having had p)zaced ill Alis irunils h di, ..l ., Y expl'egston, .11fta[le alp to Best Sf/lle-a't`ld If'ri7"1'• other, firm nt the tonnes. .}l i,. Lnwrs � , . 3 , hl,hlul'1', of (loderu!11,. 11716 heo.tl iL 1T011tte(1 0£ itll l+ends, at,- �y di, first, tae' get .l7ulietl' it1 yin . o l:,lst India nllssionary the tier"mitlli of a and, following rile dre.cttunS of my t)ttt)ta/a%t) cat rl Lrtcltcant S)utt/a s. t l s1n7l,le veletubke lclucdv for the s y tri general Agout lel,• the Cotultq, 11141 tarties' ` . them an' cavo•the. horrid expense ,. peed flxod tae he tliseoverotl what he i :. • wnutiu•tin ihinr inthlslinowilliir;ditt : ami pol-wanrnt Oul•C pf Cmistitnition, o f, Y d ey . . 0 to tie\S yin. 0 ntay llitIltl 1110 OOt 13rbnehftis Gatiu'rh, Asthma Atlil' all lutd in lite hnritls. x draw A veil ' their• interest to roserve their ornle,15 nihil L , ,9 . .. hes versa: RICK' luitf•o-dizzeu,- T : daursay, ' 'Jrhat's throat anti Leine,Afteettou+i, ellso a f�io. Ndfv itz 3foc1 one n tine. chew )est - ttive a11il radical C]i, e for Nt trans behiltt ovei the harrowing soone. le tg •too f Z . Teo ,hT.scx ,Ss ]IXt,I',7,. X' or tile' 27th May, . . . . 1. the piste o' •file u t" Y tilt] Ltst stud's of Alny I til, 1.886. . . 802.3111 I ��sd all•1`TCt'VQtls Cor»irlailltN, vire]' IIAVirtg fl'Og1d In 1lly,1e111011t''bl`tLI]CO: '. � pAsl> ` Xtt�" ��i +lrl(•r ,r stet.( its ivonderfitl curative tp%vers. in tf 5 OI A;,L I i117S, Tile crowd roared A114 Kerr retired thongartlls of eases; has telt it: his tint to tivoly' cannot dwoil ul.-wit t.- Ltttiy xU�� LIl1;: r WINTER CLOTH �.. r in iliscontfiture into big shop:. As slake it knotvii to his sulfel'ltlg; follows, Car. . $a I .ROLLER T ' Actuated try this motive lout a dewire to '• __ FLO 7'I I AZ?I'T,T�S tit BANAXAS long ,as ha stayed Ili Stratlraor' lie relieve ituntall sntl'ering, I will send•frre - �,. I.I. Garrison, of iVew Joise AN C�"© �`�" ri'i' �L^ 1 r "ust arrived. WAS_ worried -with applications for; of charge, to all who desire it, tins re, A Iuonrber of the '7)tokinson Collrtre � , w . , e1 to, tit tlorfitau, Pl'enell or kllolisfl, with o A Full Line of CxEN`I'S FUR RAIU' "' '': th l`OJ1 I' � TAmillies supplied 3vith Ica t}oGand-tlaintl co�lius anti thn otl>tt Football tq fli was killod on Sat'U" t 0 . ClU . 1 . • tui itu'ecttnnw far preparing atld ,,sing: !'ISHING dW s ZIL 1JtOCli, A '• t s Gttatli on shot'% notlr o. ,shopkeepers sent him inquiring ells. Sent i)y inail by ad( refosing with -stab]!:f, (JAY ill tL 4llateh, He. Nv:ns tlfrn{vu � . ... 'I 00# �i I,li BCW 1'4, .. ... - . he was o p 1"ow¢r a l+)elr,7,'ociies/er,N. Y. ael tit the' -base of the blain, ausillg JJR14,ir JOHN it,�ylsol1', CIVI tutu Ayrghilto� ' - > - 001'•11"a,w. . doatal,illi A fow' olintltop, $A19AJ SP1�iTlfw ThgN: CQAiter'icold sfulitl CI.I�TOA*, MRS. QODERI cf . . .. .. A ,r/rc7:`iGNfS l •uogl) ThImn,6THN.51t . . . ` ' . . ' . , .. , , . . . . . .. . .. . \. .. . . . ., , . ' ;. . _ i.. ,-"__- z,..o..�_—i ... _,,...s -o .w,.111"I" .x. w ..,,, ..naw.._._ . ..... ............:.... ..._. _ .. 1 .- _ .. . ._ . .i�y'i ., �+ „— :..,.