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The Huron News-Record, 1886-09-29, Page 6
.� r 11':nT4azs C.tT:se ,, �ItcTl • Stutr.:clsss • , . ;� �, ; ' _ ■ O I ' emsraeRilsrn.,oe,ciu�ris+e�k' • • , A S�uggl t �.iver afnounl, Girths will. that ]"wile. au'd i f �� AM Good fir! �, s r: errWed., _ n 1lCot•w l'osvtiels \\ill. surely cure. �.' � � ` Causes the Stomach and Bowels to he- come disordered and the whole system —lZlly AIi Iuttlewull, . saJ+c , ; �;, m iota. to suffer from debility, In €411 our 1t'uurlstoclt is the ultly place in (.)a- RMT-1 M SH1i0011fS, l'1':AS ANI) III AI\1 Ciosse it: fllactclvtli's CalvN :rVe • �,1 ~+ t i P y, Thoroughly It JOIN, Dlalt S'iuegar, l'ivlaiv,- Al luuut''o LimrL 'lull;. ne Cion iicrl unll 'Cl,i ,l,atl teases A3'©xis ];'ills giro ,tom t x41i4.t, 1't)rtl �xhvru t11ts Sl.ult Act is lkut @n• ( 7G'ltorou •hl olettuso the blood, which is: the 1 Aftexrnitcll sufrerin ,from Liver ancT tul'uet1, ' cuTlieli o�hesltlt,bYveln Dr.Pierce'sGola- t a�, 13crf;: }iuhllNan Clii,.l.cu, Ilnc'1:, :l'tul;eq, l'im'n Dort, ;1hill:cu's SWacl I.tudan;l;, Stutuaclr troubles, ave finally been cal Discovery. ant gand digestion, to ;, aa� E.: t;hfnedt 1'teserve,l (lll,ger, Sallnulr, ! r,hatets, 111a01.erel, t?ardiura, liutloiic .stn. Effie skin, buoyant sl,irits, vital strength. rina , rural by lnd tt Ayor's Cathaxtiu• 1'.Ills, _ sululdlleW of ounstitutton will, bo establlal,t•d, Ialivayd$ndthellt tomlltandtboro4gh. I Scrofula akin tall' forties of soroful 11101dealledtt:41liseove curosaliltµmora, kr' 't,. � ( A rrYY 7� A A In their ;action, andtheiroccasional use 0uc ctiseltdes 1l1'e l•li jolly 'urbe,l away frointho oomalou ,IUlple,blotah,oil eruption, as ..5 ,, j11�; 11 p�q1` V /] o �j(c�1c(t-�Y ft . keells too In a Perfectly healthy. condi- r I l J to the worst ScrolluIli, or bloodpolsun.. L`s, =F' .; l t l+ i',i� E h3 � �il%f:}J v f f L lFt rt1Y f 'Li t CClf i�r1; tzou.-1ta11,1r1tieeutan, Anual,0ls,Dlt1, l'x fife use of t�J'a°r''s nrsrlparilla, relally lolls it Prcicu its efficacy i ourin: xya ao. T !j, Twenty-five. n ---- - - - - - altrrLtu,n of tc,tter, Fever sorra, 7ftip-,ioiu„ e� }. ° AXI) SZt {:Iii. Liutuu's kiiglit-11 Dussit•atIII COCOAN1: T.iit lntlk 40c ct b« y e years a„0 x suffered from -.-- Diseas'. Foroftl:ous 8nrei4 and Swvilinga, lin+ .�� ., �-a1 >F , f m �' t` � � t 1 I & torpid livor, whfol1 Was restored to Ono da), last \S a til: 14 son of . lari ell (ilanAs, Suri TtatinlS U1ecrB. /` /. healtirY action by taking, Ayor's Pills. 1I r. (Jh:trles , rnr wa 1111szu tun r+ T J 5t ll; J s _' n , Goldr n Tfedicnl lliecove cures C0nstlrnP� + , rws, Cof oCS, (� ugaf s, T o ral0004, Nelfl Gf ockef'0, 1. i a.,,su' ire. ellzce•'thot duce I have never been with.. tion (which is So ofgla of the Lungs), by lta d t7 b d � . It ' out thetxl• They regulate Mlle bowels,. shot it bald ltl'l,'lt:l.1 etlrtrle, il?C'aSll l'111g wonderful blood..1� iltifying. invigorating, Illltl i4 't •G� , , , ,- ., - . assist digestion, nutritive `� Cull au11 u%faunae oqr slut,. abil luleir:� atzd increase the uppu. u;t;llt featflruin til, to lip Of 5yinna, till^otlllcPc PSLaitincs aRl athi'Bni%clllil A =' , `a a lite, ]bore Surely than ally othefi n,uui. Tl1U SlleCilnl'il \y;tn sell to tt ittxitlul'" Se�tlEi Coughs, Ast7unn, and kindred aifecIts - �. clue. -Iyaul (llurchill,lIrtV4rllill, blasd. tfonh, it is a sovrreirrn remedy,. It lmvtptly a �'`� , y _,:•�� Ott ORATED utiat lu1 lit'esclt l Lttiuitt, cures tt•, save that Coughs, c, j N' F, ra Q►,,O �.+ Wei e c! ',r!,"' i'c vi s * ___-_ _ _ _ For 'iarpid liver, liiliotisness, or "Livek � ltno5c of no letnudv erlual to Ayarts Complaint." Dyspopsla, anal Tncllgestlon,• it la ` o S � � Pills for Stoula4h and Liver disotalers, I;� `1T.,:1s()N an uu4qunllpd rernedy, Sulci by clttlg;iata7. � ty �� � � i' '�' -- - .•., '"" - _..--- I X suffered from it Torpicl Liver, and 1)ys. It is now Itl season to warn our LTE&,. f'i,EEitMOS1. P1rta lf,lFTR - Anti.. � � Q � � M ,? tipellsia, for cighteCn uronths,Al.), slcfiirealiyl'a !1"atltst flit° sttcloiNn atUt•Olcs �+ lions =tytul (atBsitwtic. ry:Was yellow, anti lrty tounue coate, Z,, , a viol, by cirugg'iss. �1 � �M-PO"RTA ITLad zto. apPutfto, sirycerci`l frotu IIead. orC11ole"I'l(.1rtmlr, i uljc l+u+l the vat'.nolle, was halo and etnaeiated. A felt' lour Bo\vel 01111l/latnts ultlidentto ti,cN�' hql hosesofAyers 1 ills, hikes fn moderate sewton til'rile fruit, vegetitl,les, eta.,1. A._ doses, restored .)Ile to ,erfect health.-- I1r. I'�a)wler'd Willi Hlruwt,ci'ry is file %o cv°, w b, `<, il't41do Aliles, Clbyrlin,IIiU. - Ayor's Pills' tore: a 'supcfiior fan,il.. ('rand specifle for those truulsles. ,>Y y In returli k ttluteallto i s coin. liutienli nd panirotls f't�r.,roost palmr,ilgc .I'w'oI;Id y S 1. t t:y very ec nil lclu stuck 0f . medicine. they strong#tort and invi, t [ h' n o nF �¢qn (1 t'p �g �/ /i(�p n�+ B pr �1 (f . orate ilio d1"C511v0 Or all$, create aft —()Ile -of strati rd's uldoisi Citi- - ,� ,�'',,, I`,, H tf:Ct;L � 1111IMlt S, V1.O.r,n Ul'�f�iG s. data L:S1 Emil Fria. tinpetite; and remove ttao heel#bre tiff. rales, 1\I'r....Tl4nles Powell, llivil' till o• '"! Eression and des,oudeno r resultin Tuesday, ti N m a Spetial attention i4flit•eeted to+lily Stuck of from Liver Complaint. I3ha5'o user 'after; an illullss of soillt ADVERTISERS tll4s0l'illd, in uiy family, for years, and. J'Cal'S. Ile was for ab6iit. a tltlartel F .0 ` .� o R-, E .� ■' they nal er fail .to give entire satiSfac• can learn : t Ie exact cost ti S . .. 1 `1 N ° ''' 1-1 tion.-Otto..liluutgoutcry, Oaliltosll,lVis; of a al,ut tory tell uiljcer of Ilur 111ajes- ct to -- r . r „ 7 LJr's custuulS in. Slratfurd. of an � It \vill be foll.n.1 very cnnlplete; =tad for darabllity tsnd Guisl, cuunot be uxcellyd by Nyer s. P 11s _. ' y proposed.line of Q W t r ally one AsIolmlolo), none bill IIW bxBt wtrlimm, n,ld lisp fLN goat ninlerbol to 11e ' f'repnfedlyl)r,tI.C.Ay4rRC.o,;T.o\vult,�fass. , - . r • , to .", buughtfu the wail a, all who way'bivor nte`with th0l,patrc4al� wua fell uu,,tidelit Bel yy.all.Drub8late aua Dt:alcra iu ]4ludiclue. A l�Tr1TIU AL H1 1 L advertlSln 1i1 American '� t J f g4tt't tcti. There is no duestlon but that Dy. � �, V T • ^ - ---_ spellelt4 1s lite .tuttloual �Iisease of i,ur papers by ` addl'essln� y . d 4+iw� ' ]t .°�"CE AWA .i DO" 'Z . tj .Lill fgr filo SaturdnJr @arty cuuutry,. and \vbel,..0odiplical.etl writs. _ _ __.. ____ _._ ._.._ . v. ill, -+- 3. ! t ltldi114 of ta.\ erns ill Irish to\� us diseases' of the Liver and Mol lee) s .is' . `.�run,,S and TaiiSes ill great.Vilrlet wid Nees- Low. Geo P. Rowell- Co will be iuticduu(:d in ilio CL�1111C- ' the cause of.ulttold illi ery. Burdock, . •) b LuXt KISS IWill, I31o0c1 13iLtf1's will til rOS6 ltll'al`Ial,l)' Newspaper Aduerti$ing , $uroau, Pure tlt4 avor Lease known. 10 Sprtice St., ilTew •York.1-0, R G' /A i N w Send iocts. for ',foo-Pago pamphlet, E�' If your hair is turning bl sy, don't l .. + I', use the poisonous dyed which burll I ,tisk the 101 wll;lo shovoll4na out its lil0 aild proliuC0 jdany dis; nrytill in the tcip 01'a. big: \iagtzr:t eases of the Scalp. flyer's Lttlit I+'iills.fluuaug arti.11; 1'ell itilu thoibull- -r -- -- _ - . - -- - _... _ - -- -- _.__ ___._.__ _--_-e._ . _ __.-. _ --__ __ 1'igor is, liarufl.ess, and wilt,. restore lier,`slid, for uiglity- fait thrOligh a s the Ilatui'al color of the batr, zOuiu• slltiut oirrhl by Lull• ittultt;t,s ill sirs', �T ` —T TZ. �` � �v late its, Ilrun'tlz, fend. tiring. back its idol sltu6 colt ullhttrt Willi sixtuns. t yout111tt1 gloss ulld Ilt;auty.. Ot t+. mill 1116*ilrcar Stalldillg Ull till' -E`Y STOCK 1 i'1 EW UI —�hhL'lC -]$ ti +r105vit) + e@till + tl•'1(,li be10�5°, - % e o��f. ,M9f .4. ��+ a -y T B L O M.. I MI"!! bb f oitt' ��lSo�tl'�� Ci::il i,��u,+�� EL'.��0�7��u•' d�"•i,. 11'11s11iligtou that the __tat bolo"lrt• ? � P 1 NATIONAT Itl,t,s %sill etile constiliat• illclli \\'1lI llal•C to back d'uwit; oil .ed hu}vels Hurl regulate fife liver. Cr , , e u (!111 Alaslcau SCILllres. :. '. - Oi�EPH CH DLEY, De�lel 112 FL11I11. ire, e Ncnr:Store-aud"see tale stock of Gall at tile .hp , r _ Y Y-'•,Soven . (b6il3alill- + persons a1 l ; �, , AWORD Ol'E�YP.I,.1\.1I10�.'CGliarlestouare lUC(tl\znptatiptlbfto,p Bedroo11 ,iud Ptlribli Sa- ts,4 LQLi11ges, 1„1aeboards, Chairs,.. Sp>r'ngs, I'lle liver secretes bile t0 wove tliu ,SU'bsistenco Cointlnittoo. IIllattlasacs;• etc,, and ;;('iteral 11o.usehuld Irin•IJ re. The Hhole Stool; is front the vcrJ u ~t S+ tile bo\vel3 ; life kiclueJ s secrete - , ----,.--- + btst Mnnuf'ar°turers. Yiuturci hiames tiud \luuldimts of every itelseril,tion, . tll'llle LU CRl•d'y C+fl•,•uric racldI-10I.1Ch'.•�Uy'rGL'1'U,lilU'I'Q.'OIIIIIstlll'b•' v,oS. 1 `1.l' 1 -% •. 't• *'-,r ''Boo]y:. rl:.:. .. - . would l)oison the-blood ° t1re Stomachat,). d9 ,plzil.H.1', cilli ;i' oo 11 ktst o1r �.+la,L.soet S �t0 , � I ed nl�llt Stitt btirlcul al'„yuut: rust by a l rtiecrNtts gastric orae, tet di ” st oilis. -- d i 6Sic 1. uhil,l yulleiiih soil crying Stith pull solve thef'ood, etc. Bui't1o,4i:.T,loorl of owting.'ltietli'( _I(so seutl of once :1110 , caa . us Bitters r,Cis liiiott these •orl:ano ''atlrl get u hottic of, 'Mrs ,11'ill loo's 'Suutliii, 1 urilfes the T1001l III' cleansing 'all Syrup" fur Childrtili''l`eethillg,. Its vtiluc � � '� " ��� the secretions of tile:systen): is fuealcitlabId. It will Iclfrve the poo, T(1'llulusnlu and Retail I)linlors ;li little sufteter f llmolfatclN% llelugttl tlpnl: There are 12,GGO stile�ns In it, Mothers , thuio in no niistalcu abrntt gn --a - 0 .. It Oures.1)gsoittol;v an,l Diarrhu'a iv;gi ltiti's �� 9. ' / � r�, r-' � ^# ' Now ]7orl; olid 1,auDkly'11 and 4 00G � .q0 dC ; °oa 6 , ' VtfCaa�.�? ic.G e, ROU�', I- + Lha , tuintutlr ayd 73uu01.i; titres .11'iutl �° ill Jersey City, TnSvaa'1;; alld Patter= CuliA, sol'tvustileU'au,s, rcilat a Iuil,,nuua• �1 poll, al t1"Jiw ' 00'salluous ill sight tip u, .tad iii is rr,nu iwd,..encr;> to 'the F66d,:'. Cure %. Meats, � icLsFf lilts, Canned Goods, Eto:' � �i �� � ..�S �".�� t.� �.�� 11;,5 �� ' cf Trinitys iTe 1%liolo5ystew. 1111: \1'inslurr'sSuctliili� 9 yin'll , for ellildlell :teething lti •11letisllit ",spocil,11'Inducenleutb ivlicn diiautiitios are ordered. 'Teas a s1).eciiiltJ td tLu taste nlul is,tb'u neat ti ,tion of elle "... And ever.iLody in ueetl, of auJ°tight;; 'til .the ,illitirr, line i)-ill fzzitl. i. do �. 110\LSIY, TUE BI:''1' 1'OLICII : ui'• fife oldest; 'tiud rwstt foliall' , l si .i', ' A S �luutlji� Stoclt. of Su'raxs all nratTes for )a(rservjn+* tiino:, .. n 1 ' 1, l I J l ley 1 p + c� + ] o t114i1 ilLlyanl,IsL lu c:tll.o11 (ir ad�ll 1,�; elle Ali honest uleeiicine. is•the n06lest and uursus iu'tha Lii ituil States, -ntltl -is �t�. �h �„ tva Ic of ntaU, ti'nd \5'e call assure'ou;. 1'er salti I,v rill tlrnr�• lits throualtuut tile.' ���� Jim K o {Ice 1 ���F°il� -°a Ri 13'F;rst' �l�li�,'i�� , ivorltL LI'ioe .t5vi uty het cents a' bottle. ��.t re'adef's that Dr, , Fuavlc r e I;,c ti out Be-of Wild SLtltwberl;V is not only.. reli. Be stere awl a,k fill \tris: • 11 Ivsf;uw'a FIACEy s . CLS• ,NASI®, ALBERT SSR 1T, CLINTON. 1� able, but is stillest inial ible,to dire S"olnlsi: 8 Air;" autl take• no uthel 1. w. News, CC kilid. 3i17 •y Cholera llotbus,.liys.eatei•y, (Janl:er. , °r;•• ,. : � �" --- -- , 'Ort _... and bowels, alio the ; tart me .,ompltlults" wilose 1 ho Knights of Labor ;hist ac [ ! •fAtacks aro u,..,.: spddeii aUld fatal. 'fir ` %i% •AT.T�iCB:OIT-1 (initted� Cil* tl1U .Chaise Of C01iSj,i1'aCj' fir > , ®' b it .aiu,.t to Nissutlri I ac-ific' J.". R. -�-T11U' Ittlllitll [:,•Uy0•l•3l1'1('11 '` 'fir r r a+ � � : ' l thastl= iyllf bleu softs a.+?icrr.ttlu'+ "'Si) Ut G F s tis- s - P: �!;'�. iii19- S ■ 7 - I .. <lae(1 to of 'fife nClotho `;YQ'nc>r' LettelY P'ree3s oG`' :frint�rr . w. n d Juautla fro. ,4p,iulst,tlleLoulpauy.foi-ui luious r r. l.tal\. �t oacc:utiuti. ': j 00 ,r, . Si1LL DILLS,.-,.1'0s ��.>«s; EXi'RA� CLIttAIN LUBE t'Ltnr. `:I,otv.Shi.•rn: tt Cour ."s 3)0'v.C1 IitiS' . FLY SI17'E'J'S " clival? and bantl.y .form of obtaining:-" ., A .Cctt>V oils Clioi.l til-1'Tolrltts :-A' , , 73ttif ivr cuiiit' iot`thirs +tri ilia honling.Vi:rtues of a s l thut.hatt : INY'I:TI�TIC).i� S,' '_ PROGItAI1�11C1:`z",. y ugelous oom l r � 1'� l .� a_ . in u�� , , I .: • 1'latut, and fOr all acut'�:-ar •' clu+onic a,T,`;_ • . � •' S'IIlI�3.-Zw1'Cx 1s1G''�,. Ix\1'IsLC1.LS Rc. 1.1 r v. Yurrms of Bowel Cunll,latnt iuci/heut: " , ICI ,,,• ,t u .„Y,.-, .. — o ll of t.I1 � r, rc�1LI��:�c� �r ,. ;. t 511 once Sua l 1, ;is found fu Dr:. ' : -” •, t:, , utvlaa''sl�xt It id ,1nsf as•. •essential ttiat' the �.; I;IL�,IIIrt1I3.Sy IN�'OIt LS, rA '. Extract, 1i1.4'trawbetrJ.l r �:, } Ilan.' body ' shotald ' fiavo� . ore to be''procur- fro,n'all tlt'u +gists.. ' I. hJ' '- , a d llut,UI.111ICI ,; EI,F..J,II�D1+.1tS , {7 .t ,` r 'j,/,Tr �r' t?`1 i 1,IADS,:.., J-1%V 1.LAztI., :blood, as that a h ee or 1)i.ant should • 11EAPERS, AMO1FEItS; have stip to nourisli Land invigorate .. ,;,• , s , LETTI LI� l rr_� I, s, CARDS, , . °--itfr.•I alucll s I1•i',ll ' �.itnil IMI its �roivth:: learly u1l oulihotl'ily ills '• m SZ;EI) I71tILLS, 1Ib1tS �' 1tA1�1•as, . lwas rejected in tho':C.0Ill tll-uns Ly 2-9�r arlde from • utllreajthy ' bfc)nd. ' I3u5+ " � ` 1I �) _, , PLUWS1 §J �1L1 EN S, GENERA1, PRI11I.I�G, ill 0 rlcclt L1ncid Bitters I,uu6ey'thls fount " "� , `: CUTTING I1097L SI3EJrLEItS, ain of filo, snit rel ulateti'all' Clio ♦flat organs to u-healthy acttoll.;' {' ° r,Ca' .,h u,Se r'I�i. .}�'�'�, m h`w`'' 0 6i. .Ir Z otfi f.,rrlr,D 1S BTl`111301'n OP ltnrcl i e . ®. .w �.. O 1�' , @�.T+t„ W - - �� B �T to administi rinedicine to, ,Dl'„Low s, . , And all Iml,le,n)eilts USCI.1 oil a farlar ' Pleasaut 1\'utiuruy will Beall we ItdGoo(1 its the Blest fttid as GhN ---o -=- -; , f41. , 1 ' as'the Cl)e'ti..... ,tit '%� ._!"F - .,, •-'t'y, ,,�+ .iro3 . s ' mil , •�'' a, iceJ; ) x •.O' l:t his 1,e@u ctc:cidi:d L Elle I)o ,, �r-�— -- ' ,.. ,. ; .. •,per �niujuu.'LabilieE thiti' all 'i t S: HM 4 lr• %SCOtt 'ACL t, �.. ® 10y ._.6 ?0 � . fiaes.allall o•to.tho v � % %' C tl( soil .t0\1'1ti "I 7 1 ; r o n 1 t•11iI'L1r111L+�nrJ i}'AI I I Ogl\15, � flee(' � theJ•: arc levic,d; 'to be until . � �•- �• �'- f 1�.tg � r� t t ' Tor the ur lbses of f11a Ad',.. C; s rs ;v )lye alt f ,� Isit f4✓i (�.11;A u,�;<�1�. ©N ,tit1C( 1 1 e - # all'lciudd, in fife Lost sty=le known to, t?te croft. -holt O t Nervous, 1►ewlir tte I. Men, T 1 You are allowed d•free lrilli.of lhirll, rgt%� Y i +^v ID 1J.Li PSKI1, Aino rMys.of the use of t)r, 15;v-a's,Oelebra(e'd. © �� -�t�� ! I SARGAI ij'r •. '1'oltaic Bolt with HI-II ttic Sus, ensoly TALLOW, 7� p 0' . Aro ploanant to t iM. Contain their mom ALLOW, tY,(1 tlifumiances, fuf the speedy rel,ut and, L'nxuativo. Ia a eufo, Sure, au$ ef1'LctvL!q,Pim,tnent cureof'Nervt,nn Debility, inns },rintr `f �DC/(R Pork (�i J/rfYftallt and blauliood and all Icirldred destroyer oPrxvrma>ti.`7.ildltuoi'dclult b b 1�(,ir� Y , than aloe0 pada 'trolables. Also, for Uonti>te(e restuiraiiun to bealth, vikor PENNY /�t�. �"1r/�- � ■ htid mnnbood guaranteed. N0 risk is RB. �■. GOUG .� BUT' i{ Iicurred. Illustrated lrntnpblet, with 1're:criptlon of i% phi'sidail•%,:h,, ' Gay btt(t a life 10111( 0xpal`,e,it:e ii, # fall iuformatiun, terms, 'este„ mailed truatiirg#onntl0dtseases. ls,asod oBGbtf t 111enthl J95 ` 1,, e,1 vito a CCYlll)A.rison of o'ttl' ,oro) : �yit4i t11at of i41iy� ('tiler of3ice” 31t f*e0 Uv ,a�dressiag' Voltaic (lt'1L On., 't y t+•Itl1 p0rfnrt suutb:i by o--o>-• Of ;hUl' L.arsball, lfiefi 3I8)-C9�3 0VU 111,000 bodies. 1`;0 tti,uit, sofa, - - _. �. Offo timl. Utllua, itak \air lifug - 1 - 04 for ltonrrcro�al 55ld ' anti : i , , , , ��{.. 6nt0 ,� � _ i�"1 `lfta� it L 0. , < ' )1l t'v Al1tL111S of taken%, aubatit11to of hlt:lu+•i, ,oat CII 1fvL NOTICES. �L)I"� - , \ CS I i., .. 5 0 tY ....0 0 -`0 0�--0--� j -.Last \\'801,. � .� fursm%l0tllinrtjmthtra: $01%1 by' •'"'•' — .50 /t ,l'�/L1 111111 r . MS tI'llid'fCCUivUElla.lettCry 50 iniffled ill rens. ELI] dNngo.4ts,sillatbox Addrasa Q I will well Hatstt)tilereulr+a. ' ., , " ,r ,, , • RHA 01,11411CAt, C.Q., T)ST14 Al tial. � 1 � , fur a siinplo M.Y.'.ttTAl,tili liAtN. - - , '+'. - X t31t IT, 111'011, :;COtltail Li1lo fLltlr tlullnl:� A�/botd.iu.t llntoa by J..11.(,011I1reanddrug'g„t, tinct will lib:>n,vr TAN, t'aaestaN, Ilrmrf,rii ltl,i# O b WORK {ems, to ■ , +:` a. ' wlnrtrlit lncmt l i Kltlt,y' Ull „go(ls foully, p13..y' tir,uToll,sa leaving the skin sof', ele,n• it oil buatltl. ALL .YY O R K ■ STRICTLY id C � � Ti� �Aq . w'hlc}t' file i \yl'ltel' lit Shill loll,. gun fitl; also ;nstriwAlous'(oil prorhtoing a laxuritult Tl)6 S9Bt 8 VOr offered In t�11S . r�io. , If 0o tG tit 111th• ou a baht head 'm' smooth into: aeross the frontier. stiuzo tulle t►-to), The Great English PrQgori t10n.Vicinity for,the money. - o �•o _ r 'yy�t ' tddresys, ineludh,g 3c atruitp.111 N. VANbh i+l' S( 8 rV• Y CO.,CU 110 Awl Street, N. Y. gD2y. "1'lle s111Ltg1 1Cry 'who Was 41 .lady, navC A. aaaceAstitt inediulno to+tell At$o' Cho r :n licit of Viawili,i-dod lit''lides, nlilon -... •,5 oYor 30 %cars in 1,110-,ulda 0t . - - - 110 sI GROCERIES, _ , "...,.. , . -,r - rn zg Sr @ otir stock of Cuts �c f`out r oil olcicl. i1 tCC9C01tF;fii@zit 1v11I1 OUtl ivOfl % 60.1 1'l fdAm.,' Irak avers• j�� plI Lel./'\ yt Kq equally C1hA>1p. Orders by Wail lYr)inptly atteildta to, 4'.'111C13 10UOi$ ilttll 4lI0Cs 11c1t1 eliief nnv rr„xtrt,Ann, 11'unkileaarr,/ ■�w�� ft�0�7%i.�\*6'$J l;tee. ]fell S;li l#lt8 Lt)ef't 41'8 rr Ifrrtirr, 5, t„rll un,rl,,4nd ir• RestortA, A i+cuticli,en T,avtng tnnucentl,y' aha' I 1 o era4,at+ur,/aux ofoither sNx, F,.,a,.xa,nnx and ort �'f+OCTII �a\ID F]iED always �. A %meted tl,e hotbif of 4olf-abnee In lila yuutly atld Ill' , ttl 101' CUI13C1!.fICQ 050% 81)lCp the Illsuanaud b' int tistnuri0n or rsv'or•e, oetln11, six is em,segatneo suffered all the horrors of sm taf 011 filth O " t, l+nclattir a ale yud,•dntead to e f -et a uaro %vben all 7nan • r iP,is CU11111t1ttOt1,, to tilydC vC1tlC1i, Ofhulnledich,esroil'. One rnekaga $1,3SC pack. r I'mty.i:t,atManhood; TGysiCpt i)cu;ty Uoit• Whitely , add Publishers .'Glid 1-i r 1 oral I toytratSoa etc.. sill, antnTstvt % ,tot -� �rS, �.1C 1'C11r1N1 cie�, 11lrt0 Lt10> 11' 1t' #at hu- t o, 95, bg,u til. 1ITr+'t6fiu• %'tint/1,hlet' Address 1:1 tlsie,% t;nseleAt co.,, betrvdt \flit&, %,n 5plil "I 1,15 fallow snilmora, mail fico thore:eivi Ull ot•hlih h " , itt:ivasllnnlh^oared: Arldr+svutu'riitidulruul i q B 1 + t�1� � 7%119 °I �6��Jj�+�•A*�u q9 1, l 10 l dual. (hnG u't{ ,J, lir t urtiba'+rni tlru rfsfa t uuu:at� • t.. 1'1 iA\iii' �2 Certify A I1aM' 1'wl�. � T �i It �M: T Fr' E ��i . ?i4 iii t�, e •,�.R t