HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-22, Page 8•t5r_n`ez }.•.rft=sou.,sww .#1:+ww-4111,i•
The Huron NeWs4leeord
Neth* edam esti olba-1,' ftlitth'
ll'n aIu% Around the "HO
. 1i0,11 U��lt�ie
CANTELON waned 50,000 barrelrb
ilf"choice Fall and Winter 4;pigea,
Apply at Cwdelou Bros, yoc,'ry store
1i.1n1aLott Boos',, Grocers, want
any quantity if Planis, .Pearce 4anl •
Crab cc11ples. 'he highest price 'will
be paid.
b ' Zc u'rence's Grap1c•ascop e Car
is the Orli latest lisrention for e.eltil�•
itiily Panorama 1 iele'S S/te 11"tOre
.yon,,kace react and the mots'/onlenozo.
the better yoga wilt cipprec'iatc3 this
• l..ehibition, In Clinton oi? Fair day.
1In,1loT:t4.0ownr now offers for rent
A 200 acre farm, 150 cleared, on 8th
iuoii.. Ijiillott, 54r miles from Clinton.
This is an excellent chance for a
gaod, praotioal,i:u1tntor.
Sunt. ---Butcher Scrttton
bought a ,eir' of twin •laillbs from
'Ur. John Sinclair,: near Brueofielcl,
'.•the other day. When dressed they
weighed exactly 73 pounds each:
Ir'AR11 Ii1NT15D-11Tr, John Col-
1 t h has rented hisfirm of 120
acres, on the ' Baso Line, to two
z oung amen from Wawanosli, at four
dollars an acre. .
MAKE .t NoT1i of IT Tliero Swill
• bo two prizes of two dollars and oup
dollar tor. ono year old gelding or
filly in• the Agricultural or General
Purpose horse Class. at the 'Clinton -
Show, • • • : •
.• Cont. IxsT:—Mr. Manning has
positive assurance from .the :minister
of Education. that so soon • ithe
'high School bu'il'ding is erected the
standard. will be raised and the' in-
creased annual grant made: .Plans
and specifications are now being
Made out and work:will be colnlneuc-
ed•at the earliestiiractioable moment.
`1,'Esirl;liANCE:CQVVI;YTION in Sea-
forth Sept,'.17.. • R. II'ol}nes and Ii.
Foster Were present from Clinton.
• T. D. Smith,'of.Gorrio, tvay• .~willing
to 'accept' 4 • police luagistsacy for
'Fust Huron and a:'•resolution. `was
passed asking•Ir.:\lowatt•to appoint
.him. The • Dominion.', •Alliance
pledge to support.•only pohibition
candidates for municipal or pallia-
niontary positions was oudors.ed by
tle•.Iiui'on Convention., • .•
• Mnssas.l:L'. MOTAGG.utT,Rtiaccy,D.
11. Kennedy, Joe. Colin, E. 1� loodry
•' and : \\ , 1. Whitely were among
• those who attended the Tory d niion-
stration. in Loudon last Thursday.
• There was a large turn out. from.
Huron...L'eeidts 'those •niontleiled
iliswwhe,io -ive noticed \lessis. ,Jos;,
-Goldthorpe and: Deputy peeve Bock.
of Colborne, James Johnston' laud.
Robt,•.Medd ofWaww')nosh:. •
II:rLi' A DAY Wi' Sooxiwt 1Ve
• hlniost 'overlooked the fust th,it...he
deet Celedontan games over h4T ,alts.
Seafortlt:carne ott'•inthat berg a,fcw
d,£tys ago. .There seems by th.o long
list of entries for the various genies,
and judging by thcir.nomcnclature,
•tolbave been a lai'genumbor ofbraw
lads and lassies Chore. The proceed
iligwound up with a.conoor.t in the
oven tug. t which, Dr. Campbell, the
atthor of a life of Burns, preasided.
. There ought to be enough Scotsmen
aneLth(ir disc`endants 'those pai•te
. • to eatable :. them to 'stake• a special
Occasion of this.kind successful. • .
tJ•7tA `Ga .-1 •he Companionsof.the'
. •1toyal'Searlet Chapter,: i{ull.ott_Dis
•• trict, alar at Summerhill on Friday
dight, , in the hall of 02S. There,
wore- 1esent:from Olin
ton Coniptn-
ions 1to dm5tt.tt Todd, lIi
and Beacom; Several candidates
•'wee advanced to the illustrious
• • groo of ',loyal Scarlet,. The meeting.
wvit5 very ii'lt'0iest111g and insti:uctive
'rho groifud on wyltich'tbe.' hall of
• 928 sttaiu1Siwwas 'freed sevt'ral years
age front 'Bro. ti tobcut••Millor for a'
term of'99 yoai;4, The lodge alight
own it, brit I'iPtestant • members of
Parliament have. not enough of the
spirit of just.foe in their • hearts to
, • ive a loyal body of mei, the right
to'o*11'a.few foot of land..
• \VE Mita ti: • ItvEt i!G Sept.. 22,
t Paul's 5011901 Nouse, Prof. Val-
aile0•, -,' ro.f. Viiilalico :appeared
before' a 14%08. ltU(lieacu ort Shaftes .
bury.11itll last night, and. created
a most favorable impression by his
• mastery of Bloention and clear dic-
tion, The Professor showed a won-
' clerful versatility seldom witnessed
. off the` stage. Ile also possesses'
uubonndod appreciation of humor,
by tvhioh he kept the largo Mouth.
ay lu rollioking' good humor for two
troths. In "I he Starling' (Rev. Xol'-
,1•ilaii1 lti0leod(, A. 'Eras -rent• Woo•
in;;' (Rev. D. \tati;rar),. and ''r'ititt
()',511 titter',? his powers wrens lett to
n a:overe test, Pact hes t i1tiitted hini-
self with' horror.'.•--,•'TOI•uilo' Tele,=
;yam, loth Feb.) 1886,
I3[ till imm.•-•-:MMr.•.W. J. "fortis
hoe instructed T. At.. Carling to x1]ll
his property at the t"olborne side of
the Iloilnalvilla bridge, by public
unction, about the lwritldle of Octo-
, her,
A'-1"f,u'I:IvTIo�l,; Y�1'lle lady friends
and acquaiutanobs of the Rev, W.
W. Spalling and Mr. and Mrs.
• Joseph' Whitehead aro preparing to
give them ti, suitable reception iu
'.the basement of alio O'ntario St.
Methodist chiu'eb, next i' itlay alien-
ing; to welcome thelia back once
More safely in our mldrt. May the
trip prove beneficial to all is the sin -
cora wish of their many friends in
and around Cliutou.
Tull Ilomo N . presented the
Musical Coinetly. '•1'11ree Too
Many," a piece bubbling oyer with
fun of the most uproarious descrip-
without -vulgarity, combined with
• th• ohoicpst utusical tit -bits' of the
day. The varioneparts wore caipit-
ally sustained by the members of the
• Company: Tho most uuctnoni nig-
igger made beautiful as his name sug-
gests,; "Magnolia .I3atlin,"- £a typical
policeman --a dude—a sailor—a.In0-
dern divine ---two girls of the period
---and it, cheeky "help" named
"Smart." These diameters in A
piece with a d.istinct•plot,. good. act,
ing aiid good singing kuptthebouse
i'ottriiig for two hours Alia a half.•--
Tot'onto Mall; •
Tito Bairn Conuivr.—By a parti-
cularly regietablo. coincidence of
other ellgitaellleilt9 on the nlblit of
band concert both our reporters
were .out of . town that , evening.
Ire-wover., front. all .we can learn the
affair vas- an• agreeable one to the
select •aud, appreciative audience:
present. Mr. (Blackstone it the-.
Wolf, . rya's exicorod as was • 11r.
Reeves in "Three Hearty British •
Cheers;" liis own' composition, which
monied to rouse the enthusiasm of
all present:to tin almost .uncontroll-
able exteut: Miss ltobcrteain''s recit-
ation was given wvith.,]'1er usual dis-•
tinct eitunciation'.and in atone Mod-
ulated to snit the .vai:ietis inflexions'
•ot' the _ words.. • • She . was heartily..
cheorocL •
. -1.I+"OoT BALL Cl.un. •
..The teachers and:'boys' of the high
'School •assembled last week. iii' the
University room for the purpose 'of
re -organizing tlteii'' FootBall Club.
Mt.T.utnbull took the chair and after •
5tating 'the. Object Of , the meeting •
imine a' few chosen i:elnailc.s tesp.act-
ing;the advantages aper.tiing iaolrl
participating in: the gttr)ie. A'ltln
other 1)relimiaarius title follewiitg
officers wear •elect d by; ballot .witli
.the exception of :,lie 'president.w.bo
liie.,hold ,lis position since tlio or=
ganiiittion of the glut', .being un-
aniuiotisly nominated . • ..President,
Jas: 'Turnbull vice-president, W.
J..Ogilvie M,tllocil ;• sac treas 11'ta.
McTavart•; eofu,, Messrs.:Wilkie,.
\IcI.cit�ie,: •MeQuarrio, hough and
Gibauu. • A Curator w1'as proposed
hut.was ruled out' by the president..
Itis' ]ieipcet tluit, the .cluli will dis=
tinguish itself • this' season. Toot
brill his been 'ail • the wane for the
hist •fi. a yetnrs, at the school in respect
to plttyiug niatches. St1ayed. -into
tine high ..School' promises, two.
youngste3rs of the male Ter—Suasion,
and a poodle: •illoOwner is reggested
to take. away property=costs amount
to. nothing. Lot •thie be .a timely,
warning to lwn that unless he door
the uudertakur play fall heir to a.
contract a8 the lads alio'in donor of
beiing.struck liy•the;fout.ball or rut
over by .i layer. Coni,
THE ' :Oi.n OLD .LAND. --Whitt
sweet. meniorres ..cling to ono all
through life of the oft told tales of
the land of our immediate, ante:toi:s
Has it been a mother at dewy eve in
the witching twvilightivho has;relat-
ed of her yoting days'? . 1t Mayhew:
been of how the young people eu-
joyod theiniselves,of the •quips and.
larks' and omartings and marriages
which to our young minds were as
wonderful as tales of; th? Orient..
Whatever it 'play have been, • there
woe ••a love of the, old1,laiid, its as'o ,
elations, its religious 'privileges; its,
religious pahctices;, uppermost •in
mother's tales. .And ;patty' a good•
lesson, wits inculcated 10. these home-.
ly talks that l aeverb.een forgotten
in all the Wayward ywtindorings
thf•pngh this diverai'hed w�al.e of tips
vita downs.. But utero;is an older
land than the one We refer to. ..'There
is' a• land the birthplace of the
human race. With' all the -glories
of six -thousand ,years , associated.
The .cradle 0f religion, civflruatfon,
arts, oln:istianity.:.The 01(1, 01 land.
Which was an old, old land ere
Monte was built or Britain 'inhabited
—Palestine, Mr, Howie., a, ntative
of \lobar Lebanon, will locture,iit
'Willis c1►urcb, Clinton, 28th Oot.,
Tuesday evening, on "Palestine."
He is spolcuu of as tieing a very in-
ter' t ] )
a.s ii s r wv IL .1-
1 speaker and salt e b
liove an exchange when it says, "Mr.
ilowie's. lecture was very iiitoresti11g•
0llal Wits brimful of iuform ati01),
throwing light ou tunny asst; e5 of
the I11bte, 'T1,e' Ieetute ttlionl;hout
Watt a LI eat,"
Chis.. Dickson,. Clinton.
Chris. Dickson, Clinton..
Hopp Ac1Aii .---AQuehcc telegratn
off date 20t}i Sept status that the S.
S. Vancciurer• arrived: there that
inoruingwith the Itev. \V. \V, Spade'
tug and Mr, tuid Mrs.Josepll White.
,lead of Clinton on beard, They
wore all well and expected to arrive
here this Wednesday, evening .by
the 9,15 train,
ELECTIONS tv 1887.—There .ap-
pears to be in many quarters an tui-
pression that the Dominion. 1.'ttrlia-
1n ut x )'re if notro •iousI tits-
d e i s �
1P y
solved., on the .30 of June, • 1857,
and this because the: last: elections
took place • on the 20th of June,
1882: lint ih•is is an error. By the
express terns of •the 13ritislt North
Atnurican .Act, the five years rein
from the• return of the writ ordering
the elections. In 188-7 tlio writ ivas.
returnable en the 7th of.Augtlst.: `. So
that the 1)resont House of Coa►imons
Would expire onlyon the 7th of
August ,of next year,. if . not sooner
dissolved by ,trot liimation.,.
LiTi'I0-WurrELY.—A. very. pleas-
ant altiiir occurred at the Whitely
Ileum here on Wednesday inoriliii .
lust, when Amelia, elclest'claughtor
Of the genial proprietor, ' i1Ir.1•i. J:
.Whitely, 'was • unite(- in. the' holy
•bonds of .ivedloek to Mr; W, J.
Little, • of: this village. The' Cor-,
niony, Which was performed by Ilio
,Rev. Mr. Shaw, took place•, in, the
presence of the menibers•of the fam-
ily and ;ta few invited guests. The:
groom's best man was Mr, W. Con-
nell, while Miss Edith \s' hitoly, sis-
ter of the beide,. acted issbridesmaid.
The ',stilly couple left by'tho :10.30
Walt for.Toronto,•whei•e they intend
.spending a portion of the honey •
inoon " L•ucknow 'Sentinel. . •
• Tllr LATit. sfn. WA»r1.—Tho fol-
lowing' is from "the Se,ifotth I%t
posit,)r. 'Deceased "wwas a son ill -tun
. of i11i Ai.t.httt h-uno.i of1-1o'1Tno'sville.7
We steeply' regret to • annoanco the
death of.Mr Wither titer \V talc,.photo.:
.gt•iphtt, of utile to'iwn,• whist took
place Ft Itisiosidetce'on\VucinesdaY.
evening. last.: .Mr. 1Vlide had been.
t severe sufferer •f'rom an incurable
disease for several. months, and in
his case detith must have been a s'e1-
cotne lelluf. ite was a young. niun,
being only 36 300'i of age. He line
Beet a resideut of Seaforth fm seven
Pr night years,' tin(1 during that tine
.few had more fully won tll:o unive-
,sal respect and esteem of our.
tells Ile :stood in.,.the front rank
rut' his profession, and .wasdoing. a
largo and rapidly inci•easilag • busi-
netts at.the tiiuo lie vas ia•id'up. • Ho
leaves a widow and family of entail'
children to none,, the loss of a kind.
and thoughtful. husband and affec-:
lioiiatefaller. The remains W0re'iu-
toted in Clinton Comutary last 'Sat-
PIEESB VI` BM' OF I1Un0N,.-i 1iSSio.n-.
Ary meetings:, ivitlti'n the:.Presbytery
ho 'Y
follows' ; AtClinton,
will ht,ldns
October.1'2th, at 7.30 p.m. ;•Mullett,.
13th, at `3.30 p. tyi. Loudesbo,y'o,
13th, at 00.30 p. m. ; Blyth, 14th, at
7.30 p. m. ; 'Smith's I1111,0•1 5th, tit
2:30 p. Ill. ; Manchester,. '•1 nth,, at •
x7.30 p .in. To bo •addrepssed .by
Rev. Messrs. Stowart, McLean,. Ram-.
slay.duel Pritchard. At; Godorieb,.
October, lath', at 1.30 p; in. ; • Union
`Church. 13th, atll a. w.; Bethauys
13th,:3 p. nt ; 'Bayfield, .•13th, at
7.30 p til. ; 13aMe1(1 Road, 14th,
2.30 p, 10.1 .1111110,: loth, 7 p. tier ;
Graig Bend, 15th, -2.301t,„ 111. •'ro
be addressed by Rev. •Messrs, 141c-
1)ouald, \I» sgrave, McCoy; -Siinpson
and Mr, 1).1). Wilson. At S'e iforth,
the meetings for the schemes of the
cliureh.-Le osito) .
Matic lin LosT Il:is MONEr.--'Tho
Volt Iltlren Times says; Tho fools
are not all. dead, Win. MoCtish, n.
Stanley fanner came to. this city
Friday, He purchased a ticket .at•
the Port 'Huron & Northwestern
railway depot for 1larlctte. At.the
depot he met a young man who rvas•
•going: to the salvo place. The yoting.
titan stated that it would be .:gine
time before' th'departure 0t' 1i
train, and invited 1c
ash'to take a
•walk. They went.;,to.1'ine Grove_
park, where they tact two other
inou who.NVere. going tar Marlette.
Tio--mcn began to tell stories of
their adventures in different parts
of the world, and one of thein sug-
gested a game of cards. Tho far'ntor•
. refused to ply. Betting soon coin=
mencod, but the stranger would
have nothing to. do `yitlt the genie.
Finally' one of the men, told McCasli
that lie. didn't believe, he had any.
Money. •wit this McCash drew mit-
ata roll of Lilts, rind told thoni that
:he had enough mousy but would
'not bet. -on cards. • Suddenly a
yoting mau'w'Tio wore a greon.patch.
oiler his eye, grabbed the money and
ran :down the railway track. • The.
'ratan who retained told the farmer
tlliit his 11 friends were merely • trying
to fool hilii and were
Would of it go and
briug • them back.• The. poor fool,
according to;,; lite oryn statement to
the chief of pol ice;. Slit'Oft the. ground
for two hours, waiting for the 'Men.
to return. As they did not' return
at .rho one, :of .chat time •ho rade
0oui1.)I tint :at: police' .headquarters..
McCash • loft for Marlette a at -Miter
dill, Wiser mtiu. Re Vas • gilt $120.
PALL 8fl;O\VS.
IFii h1t, Clii,tfx�•Sept. 23t t -a •ol• 2-1•Ni,
1'rov)netal, Guelph, Sept. 20th to 25th.
West' Ittirou, Godcrich, Sept: 21st and
South Ilueo27thn, Sealbrth, Sept; .tend
28th. ,• .
•Colborne,,;Siattll's.11111, Sept. 23t1i and
29th.: .. • J
Cents,, 'lanaltbn, : Sept, 27th th Oet.
\VCstei•n • Loudon, Sept 27t11 10 flet:
last Illli'oi , I3lnsaols, Oct. ith• and Gth. •
Listowel, :Sept. 30th and Oet 1st.
East Wawintosh, 13e]gtave, 0rn: 1st.
Stephen'an l Usboi•iee, ) xeter, Oct: 4t1t.
and 5th.
- :Morris, Blyth, Oet. 7tit ani] 8t1t
Stanley tiaucli. atkeyfield, Oct. 11th;
and 12th. •
11'ingham, Sept. 23t11 eta 29th .. • ..
'countyCiit cncy. .
—A petition is being'ciroulated
iu 13russels .asking to have' the. sen-
tence of 0. G. Martin shortened.
...The Bluovale base-ballers' have
reeeivett a challenge from -Mildmay,,
to play a gat)to of base' ball at Walk-
erton for $100.. 'The challenge 'has
been accepted.
ww t well,'
an t10
].sown horsewoman, of� Brumfield,
Competed in the -;ladies' liot'sebaek
races at the T:op•ontoExl;i.bition, and.
'wilt else. a1tli0ar ii ..Lonclon-und St.
`11iomas: • ' . '
—Boars -appear to be quite plenti-
'fel in the south -oast corner of Grey,
for ns John Tat was drIvito. along
•the 17th .eon.', last Saturday: he:no-
tioed a short distanpo !ahead. two
•dark objects, whet piton coming .up
he discovered they had life • and
•proved to be a sho-bear and crib:.
On being disturbed they turned tail
and leaped' into the.•thicket.
t)'ctolier 511, itt 7.30. p. m. ; 1)ntl''s -r ' �r11t'l'II . "
ohurch 6,th 2.30 is m. ; \Vin- S0tJTEt ti wife Tu' Myth on the not,
, , at1 � last,, the wife 'of .111r. \\'ii►: Southcott
tlirop,Gtl ;sit Ili. "ul.; Egtnondvillc, •lnet•chant tailor, of it son,
7th, itt 7.30 p. in., Blucefield, 811i,
at 7.30 11. In. To :be . addressed by
1'tovds. Dr, 'Urs, Forest anti •Cllr-
rier°, ' with a• visiting inisssiionnry
front 13ayfield Road. At IKippen,
(Wolter Stir, at 7 p. m. ; Chiselltui'st,
Gth, at 2,30 p. m.; Rodgervillo, Gtlt,
at 7 p. n1..; Exeter. 7th, at 7„30 p.
ill• ; Kirkton, 8th, at .2.30 p• m.',
Thames Read, 8th, at 7 p. m, To-
be addressed by .ltov. Misyl's. Stew-
art, McLean, Ramsay ty anti t'rilcba1(1.'
.A, collection will lie tajtenaateach of
'Nervous, Debilitated miter.
You are allowed a free trial qf thirty
days of the Ole of I)r. Dye's Celebrated
'Voltaic ,Holt with 'Electric. Suspensory
Appliances, for the speedy relief and.
pPrni %nrnt Cure of Nervous Debility, lose
of V110.11ty and t1Gu)hopd,undiall kindred
troubles. AtQo, for.mau7 other diseases.
Complete restoration to health, vigor
And - manhood guaranteed. No risk is
incurred. Illustrates, pamphlet, with
ful'1 information, terns, etc., trailed
fee' by athlressing Voltaic (telt CC.,
Marshall, Stich. 318y -c3.43
The above out rop'xesents the
We have them in THIIEE PRICES AND ALL SIZES, Our Stook
eoiuprises a. wonderful selection. of every conaeivablas shape;
BOB'S aqui Gflifflter's }Iats
Pick it up eareefull ;'i,ido it with zest,
Weep: o'er it prayerfully, give it :a host,
Tell not its history, past isits tial',
Shroud it in mystery, it gives you away,
Bury it carefully, quickly at that, •
Tlottin it riot tearfully,.Yoult Suua1I R STEW RAT,
If you want a haat or cap of any description' conte and see Ps, Wo will
try and suit you in any class 0f. goods.
al(son r
The Famous Hatters.
:Have just passed into stock .it.magnificent range of
Tweeds and ' Worsteds.
'That'cannot equalled outside of' a fino city trade. • They have, also put'
into 'stack a beautiful rango.of •. • •
orstea overcoats.
For Price and guilty- cannot be equalled elsowherb. The price they
ask for then, is
LY '►1250.
Remember that that is the prioo of nu ordinary Tweed Overcoat, Don't
forgot when in need of a SUIT, pair of PANTS or OVERCOAT to call
and inspect
Fine Selected Stock. 1.'lices .ower than the lowest.