HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-22, Page 51 . ARE U LOKNG THEM.? .,Thehem) Lines of Dress Goods The Low -Priced Hosiery. The Big Stock of Prints. Go. t0 til0•171aeo Vi'1101:••e tlae r l.eel? t11c3x � --.�-- E PAY & COMPANY Tho Dry -Goods Emporium or Clinton., • Colonial Exhil,'ituni ; tht advantages whish the C. 1', 1t hul.alvoa•ly•co Tarred noun its; of lqn.0 tial matte Anil how the expenditure ha(1. i ,ereaased' wit1 tiro expansion of • tl country, stater( that •pinch of tit expenditure was ler the purltos.e aiding railways which the .Teves could not afford to Flo, . 112 DPpl T-1.13)17 \(8`18:1 \x'riti`. u.‘•rf1 1e e of; . TII DI,tlT.i 1IT I TEXA8 els 1'r�wv 1.cttl•;"earce;s Pad, r1, r; Cctl• dl•rll 1M One r .I7u AtIJwe.tc Mos titthej7' /7 tll•�, .DoN't Mew Jteme till :;Ant a J�aec:rc)t • Ire would Ile bound, anti his.Gov- 0rulnent would: be 'botuid only lav • their own ltttet;anees, not.by \,chat Alilgltt•be said by thuso who on slime • points might 8p:111i801imo with thein. They had ft bully of Conservati\'e newspapers of • whish they., Were IUntl a: a" •ese' 7 S tl ( hurl �l � right (lite( e 'V )e. y `('hey were lid to get their support. But. those •1lelvsprlirla ,were not bound in any wiry to support .the 'Government, •nnii the Ctoverninent would nut elbow. it' to 1)e held that expressions of Opinion In 1hosQ news- I)ape'1•s were binding upon them. IIs• eulogized ns preliminary • The London Fite Press And tho Montreal i.Tkezette. insisting that pitch of these \vas • per fectlyind'i'11endent of the Government, • and at liberty to —:,):i cups 't o1 trcvtla, and I>ruee&cic71. —"So with T.heTurontoll'ail. Wo are proud of that. paper and—gad. •to have it support us, but I tell you I. lila allow. of ulr anybody t . i ' o call its S utterancesthose of Si,,John ac clonald. .I -will give ,you ono in ' stance .to illustrate the. poi•iit-.;The Mail of late, by correspondence or nytielcs—cog respondence; I believe,. - but perhaps -to -some ex:tc)it by•• it tidies airso, hut t.hiairaii alter no dilfei., once=attic ke t}le ecclesinsttcal• sy,s- tetu of Loper Citnada. 11 011; you-` ticnien, i would like very well to see` • al1 our friends in Quebec,: inc1u1ing tiny •friend and col leagoe• Nr:. Chap lean, tenet+rt> (1 to otu:)•ellgidn but eve can't. all be.of .the' same mind, ;and' he le nut bound'byliiy :opinions. 8s I ani not bound by leis I won't Gellow lienee to spe'tk for; ate.., The. Trench Canadians havetheir law ,,,end religion 'gu rentoed• to them,• It they, want any altcirations. they• can got than through their: own leg- islet tire. '11'hy should wo iii. any lvay interfere •with them 2 • This shows how dan;;nrous it is td .deal with a'subject thatthe peison is 110t • fanalliar•with. • _ Tf3i: SYSTEJt (]]•' TITflE5 • is claimed to he an Miga'itlous hard- ship; and one that eholtld be abolish- ed. If a luau be. a'Cat belie in`Que- lane, he givl`s a certain portion 'of his grain crop to the, priest of the parish. if lie r;tises roots, hay, or cattle. he escapes..• l:f.he. ell 00808 to turn Protestant, as any pian is' at liberty to do, he is 'exempt. • 1I1, ('haplenn said to -day in the Park, "1V° are ell ('h)•ist gas. Tho fact ..that we are, (on`111i'v:tliVOA .7't 1ir'int[[ jacie evidence of that. Each sub- scribes acc(rdlnp. t:o his meets, ts, to- wards bail$i i` land ..nmintaiititlg his Church. In an-!;9`griculturttl.dfs frict the Quebec jteoplrl,prefer to flay portion of thole grail: erop,i. If•there is a large crop,:.tlie (;.parol( benefits it' otherwise, tile• (Church suffers, •,, fr•otestant•s cannot cotn:.lilain of that 'becaulse they have nothing to do. irich it. Why should we, iii a).>ar�tlier 1'rovincc and under. nitonretit insti tntions, try to get tip an agitation upon a point of that lcuut 1 Gen i tlMnan I disapprove of italtogetliei'j Speeches were Made by. 3110,5S114. Thompson, Chaploau, ("rifling, and. lrcrdith, and one of' the must en- thnsiastie meetings eva, held in the City of London, broke up about midnight with the 118(0(t' cheers. . At the close of t•lio'tneeting a ban7- quet of Young C011teirvativoa was• held tit the• Grigg ' House, trliero speeches wore made by leading mem- 40:44 elf the club thoresponse to toasts. 31allas Tex., Sept, .0,—lir. A. 1I - 1 1:a 1>y, 1Y;.i)1•esentiilg' the Central i -u1 lief�coilranit•tclo forthesu(telc'rs from the drought in J'oliesani Stonewall cottiiti(1s, :arrived here yesterday. Le said Tt iu had not fallen iii those coutities.for:fourteen months, that a majority of the•scttloi:s have left, aged that about 400 families who, were unable to leave aro in .exttonio dbes • tirateon> being, only:kept tilV0 • the' willingness •of hosey • who have. any thing to dividowith them. • The region has• been t)ans.foi'mod•iato a '(leserbi., .The, sufferers have no seed .for crops this fall,. and unless assis tango-cotnes from the more prosper- ous section of the .State •1(hey cannot • possibly ,'tide Over the winter. •Throughout .tho buret district per.; beeps 3,000 familes are destitute brit AT 0 p__0 0 Have much , pleasure in announcing their Grand Opening of MILLINERY SHO ROOM Vire w .11 also show throughout' our various departments the Largest, Cheapest • and Most Co fete Stock Us. We extend a hearty welcome -to all to come GRAND "-DISPLAY O • NOVELT1 ES. , JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. 0 ST o• n Tho undersigned has lust peened ai new Drag Stare, In fACKSO 'S c NEW BLOCK,' , o i .!loll, �' � ' Ur IIiLL.t two d t �•' ooh west the ao Cit • t Bork ''Score, where will he. round' n cpnlplote assortment of nitre .11ti lt1r5 :and4litei.11f :tis, also: .li':at.:°tlt ; 5e4I6i tares and lint •. lilrtttt.kgis.ts'.:,ttitthPieStill Chat•the public piny atic fol' ill thosa A: WORTHINGTON: .•• — . Clinton,' V411 January, IS$0. • P. from resi(enee to shore Et 'A hecrnre nndee•tbe'linspices of ho WOMEN'S l boiail contributions of seed, :money J•oREr(;N AlissioNAht sounTry a( llrr.Lis a11t1 la�evicrrtnq,;ara 1tetly_ r p�n�lA1 7 (331 0034, 111.1''rON, will be (loth -urea lir• • FAN G,E WAS - DISAn- roliv 'tet me hero .a>, good fishing; pole;" said 1118, I''iingle to a. clerk- in' a. Sporting goods store, The, pole was selected ` And some flies,'..' .' The flies were chosen. ".And n• fish basket," The basket was brought. ..oyv.,you may put' Me up Ra fete,. flasks of whiskey" •• "Whiskey 1" replied the astonish ed clerk:' 0 don't keep lr li'isic03 ", ."You don't! " 1Vhy, you ghave.. a • crird in the • window, Bich': sags, `complete fishing outfits.'" . • —On !Tuesday. r. of last a • , st .}opl;'a re- port ,was. circulated 't11roiigh the neighborhood that three bears were Seen entering the .bosh on. the farm of ,Tas. Shaw, XGth:con, totliais1rip of Grey. • A crow.' was oniel ty collect ed, .armee( with several :gnns, clubs' a pitclif'ork an(l.,slu axe.' The on(+ bear that alas .kilned ;is a beautiful • specimen of its' kind and. will be' quite a.ti;of!l y#oAIesanderStojvai•t:. • :11AitIi'1 'l' I I:PO1b:CS. (Corl•oetod every Tuesthty tifternoor)a)' . •CLlN90X.' Flour,.......: $4.50 1(3.4 50. Fall Wheat, tasty t1'i old 0 70 to 0 73. (firing IVheat, i 0'70.1 0 73 Marley.....• .. .............. 0 50to 0'f>0 t its.... ....028to0ti0 roes 0 113 to •e .53 Appies,(w.inter) per bi>I 1 00 to 1 $0 I'oaatnes .. 0„25 to .0 25 Butter.... r ..a.., 0.111to 0 12 1�bak • .. .. 0 11 Co 0,18, Ilayr.....:, .i....,.,.. 8 00 to 0. 00 - .Pork, ,. 5 00 to .5 00 Cornwood 1..0....3 60 te.4 00 'Ilei!( • ..............:.. 0.00 to 0 (10, Wool • • 0' 17. to 0'20 MARK THE DATE:, An Evening withhpopulai,Authe rs Prof. VillIfINOEF Tho 800(11s1r Olocutionist. edge day, 'Sept. 22 t pt. u PIS Sallour, Hausa, OLIN” ON. ,.. DIU SIU\r, - - 25 C; (v T. Estate Grand Dasplay Tlias Week Lode ioJi Marble Works Ilnvini bought out Jc,sr•,rlr,•];:,a.rsTosr, in.(iud0ricli, we are now pi•epafelal to fur- nish, on rcasouable terius, TON -ES ,AND 11[0: tI1f1r' Tq (IIi,A1I1'1. A SPECIALTY"; We are prepucd to sap cllenpet than any other. firm In tiro county. iltaa Li wis 1 ,r.u>rT; of Goderirh, hits hent appointed. general agt;nt 1oi 1111' • cnnuty, and ratio's wnut111 anythini; (13 11314 line will find it to their interest to r080)'.: their oi•tlers Hite( .130 calls. ROi1f'11TSO, fi BELL. 11ay:.1ilia;:.1S81(, 302.3Ia =o. Tuesday, Se t. 28,''86;. 413Y EV. B. 'HO 1E A Native of \Ftiunt Lebanon. OBJECT, PALES -II IN E.". ,sfliniSsit0n, . Afliitlth Chihli eft, ': =0h RES 0000 : 000 And Trimmings ':to Match.. See their immense;stock of PLS USIIiS. The Styles les in MANTLE . y. Man Opera Co TOW Ai friALL, AIR 1IGIIJ'.8 'Thursday and Frida . ae)te111ber•'(3 :tjild g4. 1' iziwe1cty 11rfi t, THREE TOO 1ANY.. ,'Friday. Night, YMASG'OTT," Admission/ 25e.; Iroservcd Seats,' 500,, on sa1e atIicl,so1128 ]look Storo'I. !Xte1s1la. $l1el1Dl Sale —or^ SOTS !. rjjan Id I'N1)1'01F10Nhn will offer for sate, about 1 thd301ddle of October, in ` -LOTS OF In ABED. 20.•.11C11ES,, All that tract of i'aliahle bush !nods eft 1110 HSast side of Mte :Maitland Conger:den, C'&lbarne -.Township )unnctliately,adj enrol( the bridge to Ilolrilusvilte, Wait consists,of . ;ioee Gl , i11:1jl1c. nod Soft 'ii i11I4 iitt.:I111ftCit, 1 ,S'eelrrrtjr Sick, for date an(i other pai,liertict,;s. - i'. At. CAItLtNG,„•w? J, 11, I1AIiRiC, Auctioneer, Proprietor Com;a c0.., COMMiss' kN BROKERS; .IVlembei' Toronto Stook Ezohange i'rittnte wires fo TORON'!'0,1r0\'I'1tTs.i1,,. N r,11' V'Oit�l:, 0(1r0A(10, ata(, • �y r1 Otr, pf'1'V:y+t�. rid ,r� OOONDti, (1It/1L.V, PI OVIS., 10S Anil OIL, bought. aih1 80111 int' rash or regin, • �-•r X 3>r ry� 0�+r1�' XCi,Zy, corner Itatteibmy Amt Albert Stn, ras,: Tho�y. . ���ont Wgr. (Minion, Jtllj• 341,0 011. L0VI 1.3-18: Wonderful Vallis in FLANNELS,. A New Stock of READY MADE CLOTI3I�1 G., THE LATEST STYLES IN • ilk L NE AL Rx�xNc - 2DAIJ,15r_ nargaills in. Ladies'. and Gent's Und'er'clothing. AZ TTE ' 'AND 1118OR:, I H> EPHAREY: 91111... DOfai1.6r1ON'•:OF CA 1A1 A,, • 7v 1a�1•l .V or,t'gra S, R(iAL Saga:, I: TO 'B) COM \lf N.C1 1) whenevcr•a sulci ',J.. limit manlier ot`subscribers is obtained: to. coact costo( lnildicataiiu. Strbscriptiun' 'to the :Nine 1 o1uuies $75,00, fa the Pro-. •vibes ol"Outario' or tit Quebec $12,. 50, to I�;eft 1irifuswlcl. 01' to : of a Scotua $11.50, to, \lali1toba or (0 (1(1Li.!> Col uoi 1,31 „iJ.fyO, , to ;Prince 1s`ahvord 181.iinl or to \oathwest "Terri tot les $0:50. 1'lac,hPrgvince'to leave it ;(lap. Please sand for Prn pectus. • J011N 1 of ELL,• 1'ttb1t Iter nuc( Alonager. • \rnntroal, 4t11 August, 1350. ' TO THE' FARMERS • Study 'ypttr own' interest and go where' you Own get Reliable . Harness. ss. T nt anufaetO ro none brit the fi>'sr TIP terOck, Bele (> e 1>f ahopn that sell cheep, am Greh have • got to 11,8) ,101' cali,ionl. get ;hires,. Orders by mail p(0mpt13 attended to. 11A1(NLSS GlIPOI:Ri;33>(, 111:YT11,•0firr. Blyth Pump Factory JAMES n:9ttlATI ON Ital•rng removed his MN( nesti to the 'remises for: nwtla known ars TOW :Mnt';'C'PtlaieI i;l'1 ,MILL. arnnitl thank Ill old patrons for pant( •'(i 30rs,untl IN in abutter position than e*ov to (iron pth 111) all orders entrusted to hint. 'A steak of (3(10f> l'I'atl S nn haat( Ovtleted work n. spovialty. wells dug and, Ooanpleted on short notice. A11 work guaranteed. Prices 01darrsl4 mail promptly attendttl to. 1354.(1. JAM LFa r''1;it(1('80N,1313.I1), aEO. POTTS, Nouse, sign, Li. nviir>1 1(//;dKIM 1 PAI\)'ls'll, fn Poor llirc n, rtrd htlnr ueikrrnlhrng vtrnrl do/N, Span lihrcbo ,ds d Nu Solis•. fauns„ Guaranteed and p�riers with the fi»reg• 1koitlence--31o> r/ ,Street, ('Ll w l X. 33 • 1.1 PA I311kiS 1N1lrnr[•lrn TI) 1'0.x8(19 please A lady °mounts to .1. w1P,s':,IAN, lumen ev of the 13ndoong h'stnt(i before the. hit fiat, off 111101(031? date a eouan' win be Owed in Cr tat for relletthot •- (3 ,i, ry'l•'r1111.L & ('0. • .,1.7 . N13aa S,rOr'1:.•0 ,arta ENVMN, (01140 dmf colorer(.), jtn.t the thing for 3,113htess nen, Y•411 hominess 1111(11033 be priatad on the oortter, rakes iew (awl e.o1 ccs a,unidxs, (0,800 CO1(10 Iit'.IIN1t S r..1a0I30, et low flgures. Pee them', Printing of ail kinds in tilt hest style known to (Taft, null n1 'eery latreinj'54 rates,--.Tu;a Ffi>am;r ridges tIlIrono,: Cllnton., Superior to all others.. 11.11. :r.Superior Nails: Car Best B - ---'t5.• (frim ':tote(' fl:tr4p,tarC MCrch t, , .jury, 1SSG,,” JOHN CVNNING II;>s_boon ap )oiritecl sole agent; for this celtfirate(1 Tea: Of itself itis,1110 best.iai:alu(rin--t}io market, besides -which . .X HA:NDSOM R.,f.JSEN .1:: fh given to every 1•u1'e t(ascrl ,of ,3 lbs and itpwar(l, It, is put up in half,. politic' packets at ; 50 TO 70 OE/v7sP59pOthv/,, f n•chal'8/. noecl not buy' 2 -lbw at ottag• i'n order to get a Present. 1.001r, rfi(foroitt books to 0110080 from(. Try a ;.tri=cent packet of. Ti Quer 1,'ea,; ge..'8ole''agen,t for X' CJ)18Itlt,t: lt'tl YEAST* 1t17o best iii the world'. JQh 2. Cunningham; Olinton., <t