HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-22, Page 2iptc giurint *to 6crord Is rvnbisuzu Svery Weduesday I4orning 1:11S1,li, °Most 4 Med -reel; Clinton, Ont.' ltot so raid • 1 ' 'The proprietorsof Tti e Go ova ton Yaws, leaving purchased the business and Omit Tim ituitoN it...EQQ1m, will in future- .. Itublish the anialgainated eapers in Clinton, ender the title of "Tun ltunos NEws,. ' • It000tiu," . :. . . . . • • 'Clinton is the most prospereas ;town hi *ester.. Ontario, is the beat of considerable niaaafacturing; and the, centre of the -Attest . 2.,rieultural section in Ontario. •. Thc combined circulation Of .T1-11,1NEWS• Ruceitc exceed.4 that ofany:paper pub. .isited in Alto 'County of litwon. It iS, .,thereforei unsurpassed as at,. advertising . . • iitedititn. leliates of teIvertisingt liberal and furnished on application. '00...Partie8 making contracts for a. speci, lied time, who tliseontinue their'advertise.- Melds before the expiry of the same, trill ' be charged full rates, . •• • , . Advertisements, with -out iustructiona as • to spew and time, willbe left to the judg-- , ment of the compesitor ut the display, in- serted mitil: forbidden, measured by a St1a10 of soli11 temporal (12 lines to the inelt), and charged 10 (milts a line for first insertieh and .8 .cents. a line for eaeli.sub- . seggent itisertion- Orders to discontinue advertilementainust'be in writintr. • • ity. (Cheers.) Now, we way be tauntedfur this with want of leyalty, S%'4111 ol"patriutisui, want.of eubui is. Bien to caustituted authority, but -wish that there 11.11.01114 bo nu nil& lake about it, aud therefore I tell you ogtiu that we are determined, come what will, to resist ty the bitter cad all legislation that would sop-. .tre Notices set • as ltItA lu NO 'MATTER, (ineasuott by a sale of solid Notipariel,•12 lines to the 111011) chargrd. at the rate of '10 cents.a.liae for eaelt insertion, , t.1013 *, We have. olie of the beat appointed Job Wins west of Toronto. Our facilities in this department enable us' to do all kinds . of work-froin a calling card to atntitiflIhtlt poster, in the 'bast styie knownto the trait, and art the lowest possible rates. • OrderSby mail promptly attenkicil to. Addre • , • • • . The. Neurs-keedrd, • .cantint: (int • December, 18S2. , , - - the _Alliance foutata its protest upon the sante grounds as 1110S0 1.11./SU Wiliell the exelusiou el Itottian (,'ath- olics from tho throne is futuided. 1).AN.GERS ../.%ront Voirelintan. arate us from the British Faupire awl put us 114,101 , the dowitli00 itt inference' ia inevitable that these so-called Nationalists. (Cheers.) the: peculiarity of 1,te li`reueli Can - Mr. Cintiripan and ti;4.int1emen, we adions which exerts most control it , are attached to the British EmPiro) keeping them st.iparate and in mak: we cling to it not merely. because . in them a foreign and unfriendly our connection with it is a source of security to us, a source of happiness, element, in the midst of an English is advantageous to us iti many val. eivilivaion, Is the peculiarity, nut of noble ways, hut- because we have ft. lace nor of language, but of rOli;donh partnership in the Ilritish ]!1u1)10leo a 11 the re-st it w re WI .' • n t added that -(cheers)-we have contributed to they are blind adherents of the the.military -renown of the British Empire, (Cheers).perstition, aud ate com- may 1 not lt01111811 SU mention in this connection the Duke plutely under the contiol of the O f Welliugton-(chears)-and Vis- Ronda' hierarchy, it is at once seen count Wolseley 1 (Renewed cheeis,) why they should contiette to be These are Irishmen of the true min, The Huron News -Record • Wellnes40., Septembeir ft lad ONE AND INDIVISIBLE. (ER,,,,p, aliens in the Canadian commoU. nine ,stamp, in my opinion, heal). lre .have contributed to the wealth and lioetito to its English statesmanship of the British Empire. civiliztttiOn. The situationis occur:. ("Yes.") We have contributed to ately described, and -the causes of t the administrative capacity of the. 'are indicated when it is si51d..b3e.A1 e British Empire. Taking in Couada, Writer whose paper is ant etn- of tries& men. may I not mention the brilliant Earl of -114604 7, (En- idoration, that "(ite pease). , ir•I:e- thusittstib:-oheerine ) . 'Why in . the.. bki.u. with their patuis . the pre-rero-' . .. , . 0! name 01 coininon instiee and. coin- lutionary, ellarttetei- tittine)eli of tli-e m ' on decency should we .be thrust i tilegiance once shored betave,eu the out of the British Empire Its it Wo king,. the seigneer; taint the PriOst,. had un.lot and no inheritance 'in it 1 Aaul ful•therinore, .as . .the Ilritish 'almost the whole ienow paid to the Em1i1e-1ms • • . . . priest.". In other welds, the Roman 1 11.6 .A GLOntonS r.tsT . Church 'Maintains in Ffeneh Canada in promoting the happiness, the an imperiunt ii4 imperiv, whose char A YIV IT) 1E1 !•01,1,ECTION, rho Vt tealatuck ity .710,../010 vouebes kor the tint'', of the append- ed story t "It is ekccedingly curi. on6 how hidden treasure is biought, to Only a fuw dip ago ttn aged .getti lemon frinn the State of New Yorl• aupping at the O'Neill iluuse Wood-ooelt, Ont, and dis- cussing matters connectedwith the 1iisti4 of this country, referr- rla to the war of 1815 end in par- lioular to the reircot of Gen, Proc- tor, after the engagement in which the gallant Tecumseh fell, lie gave 'now -version of the circumstance that for years haunted t'Ite mind .of the late Col. Wm, Light in .the rob- bing of Proctor near Beacliville, and bo enlarged ou his oWn Suffering' from a gun shot wound that prevent-. ed his condemning the retreat with .the troopg of which be was a Ment- hol., Ile told of passing nearly a Week with only sueli sustenancc. ea the woods supplied, and bow, la iast, through Um' lindnese, ot' an Indian .1te'rivas enabled to puisue his • jour- uoyiliuiTward...4 Almost incredible were lati deta4 of suffering, that ended when he crossed the iagara • St. NeWtaki UOW :NIT:1M; but the most .extraordinary . featuro. of his tale' was relating to his styordt, whieb in its last service with the enemy auffored it noticeable.. injury. The person With whom the old, gen- tleinali was eouverSing. spoke of the finding of a sword some timo since in 'East, Oxford -a weapon remark- able in more ways than one,' :lipon this' the • old American, for 'such he appeared to be, • became interested, and when prOffered it sight of the aneient relionanifeSted intense in- terest: :The .sultre, 15111011 is in the possession of lir. Donald llacpber. son, our market elerk, .wtts then ex- hibited and the old man pointed out •ft pectill,irity that once identified the article. The gtrawrest has. yet to be. told, Thdold'inan after' a few mo-. monis of Mediation expreSsed his tont:idiot that if accompanied, to a eertain spOt...in neighbbring oenntry, he could., •puint'. out where . the • sword • Was, found after Iyini; in lust -fur ttilat..fitty, years. ' To' test liis he was 'knowledge and' tlio,liberty of. Man- t is :.not. merely religiqua butf: oivjlizttiun, . 80 wo beii0vo taut', Political, and is antagonistic to tlio establiSlacal ,eivil authority • of the Divine Providence has ordered it that the British...El-1Th e-sholl have Duminion. Taking. . advantage of -future, :and. 510 1.110 1100111/111iti0S Of race and' lan:rru- mean .Sharo in he1. futui•e as. • • • age before spokuii of, 1:nd Cif the its 'hex lug • a :share. in her itast: Inline; ol' cOmmen justice and coin- the French population,. ltonian kind, in carrying forward the cause cv compactness and homogeneity of. (C4ers); ,Why, I ask again, in, the „Men tleeency, should. we then stand Church is able to sh'oW .fts hand in • aside while tur euvenoineil Canada. and. tJ. openly .resist tho, of ale• Jiro (Lola riding. ideas of...English:progress and attaelied 'tlte.•throne of 'her Grf),- the Canadian French are..-ignerant• cions : it,tjesty Queen.' 'Victoria. . • ..ct• ' • • ' S1.11/118. 101.18.fl.111 111Trogressivo,...ar beine. dealt 'it the heart and centre Jittltsll • 011.9ers)... 1.io.s4los; wo tiro diyl'Off.diy Th'eyestilt is•that although \t' -e look:upon:her as the, inferier the English in every ele- model soVereign of !the' country- inotht)r, modef:lueon--oud -savp 114 'S, -Irloss"able !emit of • Moral aid greet- warnatint Model the QUeen. elteeth). • 1Ve resist all oh:Lille...I, • efforts. 'assi • Ilev. Dr...Kane, .rector of .Christ's • 'abattoir, Belfast,' spoke. in the .1\lutual 'EAr.set skating., rink, Lot onto, Jost Tliursday night.' We..shall make .t.), ... 'few' extracts , .• • ' , 'As for mys.' elf r.ain. a' clergyman •• vers' , engrossing. and. onerous duties, and •Icoeld. only itive the, • 'knew how extdted example'. and • .; • .1 • • . • • late ..tinen t le rest of. the bods. i niltienee. has. lifted .soeiety En,t; Antwiett, SO' tlitit the rich consitior .an.l. :danger, • '1'11Ciintaii. the:poor, end ...the pour. Confide ing of it is that 116Me :It is •there (114 11011 . a's hos never .inten k hewn found lterself.in.pOssition to sot the in any age.ur iu any country of the. I, .,. ' • • • • land and Great .1's:rite:in, and' in 'Millie, and are a sconstant S01.11.00. of • othbe in open array agttais. niouern tri•epressible con - •(Lotid cheers.) 11 hy should •i.rivilege of being With you tvnight th,3 pule tan monarch being superseded by a •trittnivirate,continaiti,d of ,a pci.sun of., r,,,- Parnell.'e• repttnttion.-of • :•1.1 Li:chit:el Pay Itt's,' an c.x.:eon vict, and. v. Patricl. 'Egan, tut absconding treasure:1:7 •:NV lty. shout d'We 00.11,11ivo at the authority. of, the t.tiiien beittg superseded by a. .collego. of proles- siunel (Igitatoisl f, may here be- met witli the reimii1:, .`• ti aro not threatened with separation, what 'yea :are 'flireatened '.11 Lit is local government," '..Nuw, 1 want, to, tell you .liero, •gentlemen, 'that -a fair scheme' of ,lecal geverninent 'is •nut what tve Irish Loyalists are 01)1)080 • . to -that 'we: aro lighting a,,itaiiist 1 Lome wo are net 'fighting agni ifst fair local gove.i.n mein, ( 1 Lear, hear.). • AVe are.ligliting.against the dismemberment of the British Em- pire -(prolonged. . choers)- which Means diSaS(1.1' I10,i 01113 f01' 11011111d nit for the British racc-(ronow(41' o11eors)-:7tt fit.ir selie101.3 Of local goy. ,ernmeut could :be aPpliod, itiodith.:4 here and thoi•e• Ai the cir- ounistanees .01 -places limy demand, to. the whole rnited • Kingdunt- (11(1,ry hear),, -tinder which the toy - al istitild l'rotestant clasaes could nut bo persepiated and 'boycotted. 80)1111. 6.. ritoT.E.5TAN'i'is:sr." The sdorthili: • fil Vet ft) CUllt4tiet 1.0111 RItiltiolpli . • Churehill's reply . to•. its; Protqat a. 'gaiest. the appointment of 11enrY .nattlieWs Id the 11 olito•,,8eeretary. Ship, which was On the 111.11. lin a...Ruin:1'n Catho- lic. The Paton, tor .of the. Alliane4ylins addressed a letter to Lord itandolp Churchill, in which he soya Yee have penned an insult:111;4'1'61;1Z to 'a ItTspectful 1.0YAMsT.ilim1131AN's Plkspromr). . public - ductime.nt. Although you aro notV Clabinnt "Minister wo Olri 'what NWS 1141, upposPer lu Mid...what we . servo wan itstunisiinupit, and regret tautletermined to.the Miter 1.11d is `stparation front the that you lt.tve .not kohl aside those • :Empire. (1,uml phew's.). That would 'weapons of ohmic. with , wit ieli sou Isecansc I Was trilliug 1,0 utilize: what aay. 1.1elfast •friends Nvollia call my 'N•,•ell-earned' (Clietirs),..liul any of you latlies.dr gepttemen 1-iforin me; for Ihttre 'not yet aseer. 1 tined it, what:prOfosSiOnagr, Mich - nal DaVitt ' has 7••••• (Hc it, hear.) 'What .profession 'Itas 'Itir. '1?ztt rink Egan.? : (ltobber).: 1Vill 'you: . tell. tte What these Men who.ore asstitn- . • jag tbe :right. 14 goyern 1.11.O Li ult Eniiiire-(langliter)whether they Lt 150 any means Of divelihoo.d; any . • . N means. of support, excent •whattiver this agitation )(lay prOiluce them 7 ((Jheers 'and laughter.) \Veil I say their profession' is the i.rofession of agitat hear) ind they.41ovo realtided the • con- .1:act, el it to A041110'1'; .411d 110(31) 1.0.0 1.1001 140 Mid to ers, -you. Lo.yal ist rish men alto .t,peak out, . are , allowing juiTg- iaent 440.utt.. \ve.t.hout.o..it 140 bue.;,4,11Ls nothing to do but' • talk. (Li:tigh(er). \V e leen' un- der 'the ni.teessity of carting our livelihood in itit hottest way, nut by 5.tiposittg upon the people, Wo • ). tve, limn. silent because we had to latend to 'ont. busines-:, autl •we now tip'eak ant bacause we are threittened with' logislatku v.111(.11 yettld- (1O- • prive ..tis‘."01' the acettmulated '.1ruit$ a the industry of otirselvi.s aud our • ineekturs, 111111 w011id Change 31 14 most disastrotis way all the Cif- ennt.ititutttS= '• QM; SOUtlifidfl. ',(CI1s01%.4). 'SOW, M f. 01.41111M; 1st to gori straight up to the (piesflon of 1 tome Huh: from lite civiliitatitu.. Tito .flict which • she carrieS etory- .• • "where noainst liberty mid :prOeire6S• IS 110t errried on sderetly,rn Canada as it is iu the United 'States,. but it is there conflict. •.There .priealS organize resistanee to. English government, .51101 ed P'roces-. stung carrying liely • banners .patade the 'streeiS,:the poPe's legate. is'saltiV.• • . • . . ed ...as., a political••••funpliouaryi. anal the Card inal• of 'Quebec iS, regat•ded. net merely. as' an„ecclesitistical dig- ititary,:but aka tentriOral prince, the 1.(..Senot it and. vicegerent of .the real sovereign; 'who •F•dts• :on. tho throne of. the Yatican... • The•purpose • which they .elieriall• is nothing less than the wresting; of 'Canada frinn its adherence to the•Ilritieli..Crown, the extermination of English civili- zation. Within its • borders,.. and. the •stibJeCtion.of it to the:complete con trol of the ltonnin' See: -Should they succeed in their, pUrpose,• it is easy Lo see OM. the lesult will be . Attie:strolls, not to roligion 'only, but *.te civilization as •well. For. it •is, •notorious that .of all the,peciple or otomtt, tits pe'brito • whose political • ascendancy nioans politicitlAtml degrialatien.and degenet acy.. • • . • , and .1 tell you• one word: that 1.1e14.1 fortis oppre'ssion---(1tear, hear) uma,1 your way to powl,p. It is a. ..--persecutien ,--- (hear, Int') ex. national ealainitv when hien piteli. tinetion-ch tar, lio.try -and thitre. juiu • 81.)31,4tion) ur anytili 8„.. tiott i'orked into high 'positions 1110 , I) , i0 mimste it) (411011010, I. .0V1 to , . t le, trace of opime„ PERILOUS EXPERIENCE.. 'T1114. WEEK'S DOINGS. ADVENTilaus Or TWO NORWIMAN's Vino WERE: TitriNo To citoko rim ATI,NNI:10 IN A SMALL ifOATt. VW, bark Kory Graham, which has arrived at Liveirpool from Que. boo, pieked up the' ..7Nortvegian boat down with two men who were try; ing to cross' the Atlantic, TheY were found 270 miles front land, air the banks of Newfoundland, The. ;Noon measured five feet 'six inches in breath and forteen,feetin length, The Ocean started on the v,uyage ,ou l‘lay 25. All went well until the Gth of July, when two heavy gales were onebuntered. On July • in lati• tude three north and longitude twenty-nine west; the boat was;cap. sized, but they Managed to right'ber. On the morning of August WI 'Cm Oecan was 'again capsized. The anelfor tope was carried away, and she lay broadside to the sea for thirty hours before she .could be bailed out. On the 11 th of Sept.: the adventurers were sighted by tho • bark Nary _Graham and taken on board,/ -Three days after this it heavy gale struck the Mary 'Graham. 811e was running., before rkburribane and i plied it tre m en dons, sea, sshiIi carried. away. allher boats, smashed in the front of iter.,cabin, and clear- ed out all its contents,' spoiling all . provisions but feW canned things. The captain WaS and the first officer , with 'ono . man was washed. over board. Mist of the.crew Were. severely injtired, ono roan having his Leg and finothOr his armS broken:, 'Thu deckload Of ber was 'also washed overboard.. ' Gligg's tailuiingand cloth- ing SfUl'et ENA11.01',. was broken, into one night,. anal futir pairs of pante and one vest wurt. stolen, 111r, Treblo's boot and shoe store was also elltered,autt three pails of line oboes wore taken. 1 --The Orangemen of liana:11ton District Tuesday held tCbig meeting in Larkin...at which they presented Rev. Nape, of Beillud, with an ad- • (trees and a, (dwell. for the Loyal Patriotic Union Funds. Dr. ltne and Mr. Cr, IL Smith made Loyollst speeches-. It, is believed . the Canada Peel. tic Railway will probably be able to secure the tranaportittion of the ratV stlh, importea annually from J.tpan to tlio 'United States, au inthistry secoud only in oxtent to the tea, .trado, the -freight paid- amounting to about a quarter of a slob. liti•s a year. - fattliew Irotheffer, it keeper of the Zoological Otti•tlen, Cincinnati, was killed by a grizzly bear.. last .Week, 110 woe sweeping fi'011i. Of denowlien the. bear reached out throtigh the bars, caught him. by the shoulder anti held on until the flesh. was torn to shreds. The man was remuved to the City Hospital and ' • died • list night of' his injut•ies. . - A young sun of 'Mr. Ryan, liv- ing ou. tbieen street, Ottawa-, was recently tom ceountablY' ill, and after srveral -weeks, his lite was • almost despaired of, vomited ' a• lizard about' an inch in length. . Lt, is Suppoeed that la:swallowed 11 itt drinkjug water flop thFcity . pipes, as ..111rs.' Ityan says that 'cis sey't r ' oceasions lately lizatds .11a:ve been noticed in the water.• • .7 -An exchange of • habies fouk place at the R. C. Picnic in • lager- •• sell on Tuesday. • ilia wltat could be ' expeeted •,1"al1ter Flanuery, with inimitable drollery, seletted • as judges a handsome young lugef- soli WIllOW 4 pretty and accomplish.' .. WIIITE-WA.TE13..." • ed y.oung 'lady' and.--:•aud 1.1,...rrors., a . ' •• . ' "'Woodstoek .bac.helor 1 1‘..lio can A rITEX0'.ur.Nof; lg.. Ton• CAPE. .8.1.!31..E. li011(101' 1.11Ilt thit. lirike twins liave• -.• . Y18/1.titY "(1",P.87 7 - . , pi3OVQ(1. not to ,be mates; Om winning • Irish. Loin •baby a- Sautch t.'.anadiati. „ ' The cape Sttble fisheries, lIttlifax, hallbreed. and Worst' of. all the tit•at• N. b. have suddenly dwindled, 1.6 Prize buy baby has turned •Oitt to she : almost nothing. A short time -Ago a 'pretty but precoeiutts little ..iniss 1 Great Seutt 1.-,..-:11. out .. tuck 1,.c.t alt. boat and inshore craft were ,getting. , One day last -nab •was discussion at the ,•,)lethodist Genera.17"---Cim .treA "-white water," as it, is coll9qtd-• motion ltov. E.. • • ally termcd, made • its appeal:awe, thet in -view •of,:.the mo baWard the' west.. "'This is a. •1'oct that. we 'RS )1eople' have' not . •• • phouotne,non i•ttrely. if ever before., position and tunnel -tee in 'the management of tile alien's of the wituessetl. there. . Tho • fish i•etrottt (Muni to which our numbers anti : .intel•ligaineo • entitles 118, WO :recoil. - mend •otir peoPle to take 1y:deeper. interest in :the pulitical.affairS of the , countrY, stipptirt each other • mere strOngly than :the ,pasti he disetission wae ett tort. by- l?r, lliseh un.tying•'iliat the motion lie upon •the.taible, Whiela,wa eataiad 1.14 'against -8t3; accident til last V+ 4(1 evening on the .:Nfirtrtak.43k ,st. it.,tilit.y.,•elo4cs to. V' ((11(111 by whip w name(1 1.)acey 1111(3 • ItiLiLti • . . Wadi:big .m11 k y cerrent of else will • • • . accompanied to the locality which had been Ills home for • nearly a wiielc:-it week Of: suffering and sus- pense, and strange te say, 'as proof ot his story and .of his potrers of Memory, tho buckle's. of. .the , Sword were pick'ed up 'after a Search at thy spot : Where. the. sword had been k. TAM° 1:17$ MltDER.. CA.SE. The 'jury in the/ ftjnons inurder case of 'Marshall' Piggott, tried et th rOCP n t 'El gtu •haye aga n isagrited, s'e'veil'bein644(donvietion and tiVe for acquittal.; ApPlication for bail in the interjst of lIovelock 'Smith was refused. The Crown will likely seek a' •chang0 Or A third disagreement of the jut y will 'result' in the consent of the Crown to allow the prisoner to be discharg- .ed on iris own recognisance to ap-. pear wheneallea upon, which would virtually leave hinraoquItted. 1.; AN Amp atit,m• mononntin ,,o nrtt11,9V6g 01 4.\11titT 1) AXI) neft:Xlm. . • ...A lit,th3 -frame hense which StOod. . . . within it• few hundred feet •ol--the' river,' opposite Ilerringloni'Island, in Genova; 111.; was the home of Airs, 141011.11nm, an aged. ,Gerinttn. woman. She was to be in comfortable .circunistanceS and to have. sayed . considerable money Which. she 'kept' about the liaise.. Etrly Thursday night the lninse was diseovered to .be .on fire, and 141 ittlertipts to ,extinguish it were fruit,: • less.' '...V•helionse was nearly 'consurn- cd,. It was thought that 7.1.1is mira had oone• to visit -some friends, as no trade of lier outild 10 found, anti the people..wero• about 'to give . • up the'seal ph when one happened to go to ',the ohieken house. iluelimirWs body was found 131 ng in the centre of the little house. With '11-, 'cloth tied.. tightly ai,outi(1 lter throat, indicating' tlett.she' had been. stranglea".1:15 ha buds', was F,Ong'in it ersimped cuplition, with' tho limbs drawn up and the cloth bonnd 'st. tightly around, the throat that the tutigue' protruded. 'rho hotly wits quite tititf, and the crime must have been committe1.. two or three hours befor4.. The theory is that Iluclimira was utullered in the house and the budy carrird to the •outhouse. Tho perpetrator then returned to the house, ransack - not bita while it. is itasaincf.. . . . clay ,before."whit;t3 NVAter" was notie- ed boats. found fish -Trite plentiful eveiy Where,:...The:next, fl ay a few of theni e.tught, Over. twenty,' and* the Scareity still pret,"0414, thoi.10.1t1),3 sea 'has ,res'unted• its -1 usual. :cleOrnes4.. Ono man describes the, sight as a.: toost: singulOr antl.'unaccaotuitable- .•!eircimnstance.: "white Water" 511114.11 8110114.41 leng. distend° On • '•the:surfaco, 'and Seemed full of min-. ate. fibres Of curd -like donsisteuok, NVILS 011 its western edge asperpeinli- cular• ae:the walls. of a. lonse., [and a.Pparently reaelteil to the depth 'of thirtYfethoms.' It wtTs inevint 13'.• ' od it and scoured all the booty he ir IThrit Onto 15 SW11110111 or hard awl then Sot lire 10( 110 house (h.stt(* 1 clam • \Amid lead to separation we, ore da. t tt to of docent in runitra.0) tml.„ a on rkson a worn, Will Jo nave., Lirmined to kesiet to the hiot extrem- o-amindes his letter by saying that tiatud. TIIE SEA-SEIZPENT MAKES A 1,AXD 'VOYAGE. • . _ CrANTOX, . 20. --,-The interest in the sea -Serpent in this . vicinity hes suddenly been., • OX... tingeislied by the' appearance in the noighbOrhood of 'an onormeus land snake, Wilich is playing.lievoe with' the .itoe;k. • The most.extvivag- ant stories .liai.•e,been told Within the -two little gh.ls.lbst, their lives., the trai(1. ciyflp iouit.l a. c •enginuer saw wolk.ing on •the bridge ovum an and .two Obildren ; tied- and put on brakes:, but the dis- • truce WaS too's.hort. and the engine ran over theainforilinate trio, mang. • • ling them lioi t titl3 1 Ito trein.was pulledtip and thebodies taken to the .depot. . The parents .of.the °iris had g'one out; ()flown and hatrir'bert the children in charge ol'Irs.'1)acey, who did washing for families.. The girls; trim-, were 'between 8; and .9 years oitl, Inul.gene on•the 'track to play, and Jvs, 1),icey had gone after them to bring them 'back,WIlren . all met their•deatbs. ' •- . . -1110 death of Canon 31forgan; • of Ilarrie, is anneunced: •,••For•ti lung time past he hasisue11 111 very -feeble health) and about; ityenr , ago the? • Mahon found it neceessary. to • an tissistant for him About twd weeks ago Canon f.liorgan, after marrYing it couple in Itis church fell (lorn.sevoriil steps leading fromthe vestry and broke his. thigh. This accident lia(l'o fery serious affect...on: . It 113 alrea(iy. much intpah•ed health,: and aggravated and intensified his • other ailmenta, to which .he finally. sticcumbed. 1Ie wart born about, 85. • yeare. ago, on St. A*Ineent 11''est Indies, where be was min- eated, and inured the Chet oh of :England, For many years he • labored in the mission -11111(1, . be gave up in '18:55 to come to Can- ada, • Ile was lucat•ed i llarrie,• where it a acted as curate to the, lite ltev. 8. 11. -Aidagli, of • ilio :English past few days of the ser1e11t's-14ze. Tim lengtIi. given vaties from 25 to 4.5 feet and its, circumference from that ortt two-gollun jug to • the size. of tv barrel, It is believed to liaye been the same reptile :that escaped 1801(1. it • travelling menagerie some four yeare ago 'and NV4Ii 110V01` heard of afterward. Tito lust serpent was magnificent boa, sotne'2.5 feet long, 'The serpent that, 54 now tensing the excitement has been seen by several and nightly sheep and ettlVes 'disappear, it is believed through the 1ttstautu9ntelity of the monster. llands of .11untan's aro. out, bat they , aro badly frightened at the proapect of meeting it. The serpent. haunts the swamps to the north east of Southbridge. The loss of stook is Clitit•eit there. At X1r. •Avilitgli's considerable. The towns mention- death he beeatne rectoi• of the Chin ell, ed are to holtl meidings to devike and was afterwards etooted it canon, sC‘Ple loeslls of 14(l'llog Ole conlitIT 110 ie (4 n family of two soils, ono uf the dreatlful visitor. of whom is Judge Morgan, of Toion- • . , . -James itenahlson,,,was at, Toronto on Monaloy while .shunt - big 0,1180 to, and three married daughters, all dr Whom aro living. • lie had benti an incumbent in the Episcopal Churell l'(,)r yeals. t