HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-08, Page 6.
—On I'rttfay elle rt200i', aC. .�....-..- p��r�•just 7� �
lllaciclvok tllredli ed for Ilud]aw New Goods,. +rL �����•
Yo u . Children lei IM4 xassagmveyii, 1,113 bushels ytiRo ��
Are constantly exposed to danger from ut lvlitlat in 45 illilitites.
Cottle, Whooping Cough, Croup, and
dige se : peculiar o the threat and 1 's� Zi1;131:�G@. s ' * til;ll S, Crosse S 13)ackttcll'. t`nlvcg 1"str
r li s pe a t t t ii illi! li lilr 't1; 1 Itl'NCIi' A1tTS1111C0AIS, 1 1AB AN i
1^or"wttih7•ktit,";`ran-down," dobiJitated ,. Jelly, 111uIt Tillp ar, Pickles, Atmour'm'I:ow-h: `louAtie Gl,tu ittci'uuil Chil.l+tt
lungs, For sues ailments, Ayer's letter frout John dl. 1 a11r, oboolteachers,ininineis,RiaiiBgtNl2$aga, OlfEO'
Ina lOug It ., mon enOrall� '' � �� lie+ci', !3a}teltss Chi I)ucic,. Ttultey, 1'!I't ]tech 1)in SVt'litddzieattilG')rta5itgg.
Cherry Pit ,oral, promptly udminia- �tdt ebitrebe 1 leservett illgel Sulloun Lvbsturs, lllaciceril, ,.$) ll , I ,
of 13attttfck, Cape BI'taton, ' •' S., ht . k r. Pierc s �A $otiite,!'Tess Iption to th0 besi li + +
teres, oilers!. speedy, relief and caro.. tf D • , "
l,.„. a„ys: 1 lu0lirye wt>t'e tt not !'nil agallresta> iroto ick; ItiQnotaof ole 4a
1#s a ren4ody for FPItSopping Coiigh, : littrdock. B10611 !litters 16110tlldit,e to t>lttadmira 1ptulti 134§11i 5oriiz r till �hase �l �+ �i (�y j(��1 �j{� } '�jj� �,� �
ttitlt :�yhielt pian ok'0ur.:chtldren Sucre „ being a i t,pO C +� L1JLlfs' w L uJ a tJ�tuVlY urtM"'"`'
my grave. It ousel ale of I lldnex l3hroniOSV �e8ses and DLaeasea peculiar to ■ _. 1
t thio wit }yomuch satisfactionhe past
A erla and l{vel' colnl,laint aide! geltera'I t women” I �Cs a Po'R'�'fut, several as well o tr �. , sidu 0 Qi1ICU'1'siti bulk, 9Ce tie lb”
Cherry Pectoral, t ) y
I'Or this affection, �vO bilit which neat! Iravecl dotal., uterine, to to and nervine, and imparts, g AND'SAVOL'S. Litttuti 5 Lul,ltsll Pt,s teed G C
lY ) , y and strena h to filo whole system, It prOirl$tl
conic er this preparation, the most etii+ _ - cures weakness of stomaelh,fndIVztlon.bloafR s
vaefous of all the medicines which have . tt z, ing" weak bl ck, nervors rQstijitton,debility � , FF , l g, t� /asswarts
Powe to our ktloivlod ti.- ItTary Park, — deified` Sin]ietl "AntiXi p �.� b Toes,, r5'lr CIESobQC9tS, t?L�1 f!'Oe%f:er
i� a And nomonoitliersex. TaveritePre+ �:cr
-.� horst, Precegptress, Home for., Little
appears �, -the 11.tUlttt'ectl r�tlu, Clt'it1'g^ Oari])ti0n is Ealtl'by-drUg(;ist8 under oui'7,nsi- � �.,� b ti � - Call-and exatttine our stock aitcl 111'tl;Ctl,
Avanderers,.1)oncaster, 11id. a > xtirs %n tine guarantello Seo wrappet around bot' le.
in; Gabriel Milluut with C-)WRIdice price $1.00, or six bottles for; $st,vve, ^� l�
XY children have been pectilfarly sub- , , + p
cc to Cron and X failed tc at lIisll Lttel;. sued l,.tioche, this i Alar otretttisaanTiisease9of �Yamen pro•
7 fuselylustt seed with colored plrites anh nu, N A f e �'L G' ! �+ e
#Lad any effective remedy until I coil}- Contra -y to the gellt rid Opiniou @ll mireus�Pcod-euta,aentYoriQeentsfnstumps, Eft,' o A ;3 �f�V,u. &.7 I S% '?••�
inencW administering Ayer's Cherry ti utuont'3 clistlaeter. Address. �Yonrn'st I)rartxstitty Iiinnra+L t5 c t ca
Pectoral, This, preparation is Ch the te1t9111e11 f D Assocraxcax, tiffs T,fu.n Street, Buffalo, N, Y. ,------- — !,... ,Y� ,....�, — •y ; ?-+w-t .+ - �..
t 4lifhculty of breathing and invariably a c s
AsSOCI TION, 601,11liL• 13111nus Fltatdaefle,
cures the.comploint.—David G. Starks, WORlis CALIsL LIUcli ,tchht:sfi und<Janstipation, prOmptlyourrd py b •
Chatham, Columbia QO., N, Y. wr; PiercO s'Pellets. 210, a vial, T
amoung c11fldren that kt.eeutan'r yydrni;gist6.
X have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral VVurlu I,' (ler$ will surely cure. y, lti'��l iLe1t •
in my fatally for in years; and y IF-
]lave fountl it especially valuable in - . m n I'e RT.ANT'. _ .
1i°hoopping.Cougll 'This mediclite.allays .-1i large nuiriber of residents ill �' � � � � nL thanks to in
man frieutli4tiad patrons fur rust pairorage, I W041d: .y
nllfrritatton„preventsinflammationfrom Dakota Lvl]o artt.ciisaustetl wtih that a to retur og _ y
cxiending ta•the lu)igs, and quickly sub. ,• ,, like to cull their special attention to my very cuntl,lete stuck of
duos any tendon' to Lttn� Com la)nt. countr y, have petitioned the iidlla A � y
`t` o
J, ellington, Plainville., hi ah. stop iiinistorl Of ,Interior to. soli `a” ~' HARNESS, ' WHIPS, CURRY .. Comos, RRIlS!tES! ETG.; ETC.
s X (Lad no: medicine so effective, for SI)seiitl attent!on ie dirocted to-my stOcft of
a iu Nva
Croup and Whooping Cough;ag,,,Ayer a p ADVERTISERS
. apart u tOivnalii > in Dl:;�nttob'
p I
g y vas t le ans of which the, can settle. c• t ,''
Cher, Pectoral. It r
saving the lyse .0 m .little boy, only six tiro o * � ■ '
>rnonths old. carryi11g 11,m safely thr0ugli nvrel r0 ati+rllrus.-Are you tliyturb ,�
the worst case ofrhOoPing,Couglt I Over
can learn the exact cost 4
a sa1r,=Jane D al ne Ptne rl is Ta n. Oil at ui •ht'and bz t+l:eu of you refit by a „ ,+ r ,yy r lz+. �?: _ . It will he f6a.ntl very cntn�tlete, and' far iluralrldfi and finlslt ertnnctt be a kc a!leu by
U , .. Y A, A o b 1 61.11: .L o. o led line Q�
d0k.. child snht•rill" and crying + with nut, - o o t� an one. As 1 employ none but the best wcr%ttt�n� and_ ise the best mater i l 1 G
" . A ergs Cher, Pectoral of Cuf ting l ectlt ! If so scud zit Ouc a an,Y >+ o bought in the market, all who may fstvt)r .me tvitll their patronage may YOei cenfidVnt.
w J t gilt u bottle of "Airs 11'u-loo`s oaotltiva Ot' getting sitttsfuctun.
1"reparedbyDr. J.X.A1verRCo„Lowell, Mass. Syrltl,'' for Children'f'i•ethith Its vale, advertiSll�g lli American _
r cfo M TT(���ji1cc e T��%� '(�%��j
i3o1d1rY.til]i)ruggl.e• rtce$li Isfauxlcn)uble
It relieve the poo, ' � ' PIRICIJS A YV. AY D® ltd'•. O _
little filill'eler inilluMiatoly. Depold ppou papers by addressing
-Woodstock liasseti a b'j-taw 'Iteu o�1i]) st atvi'eau lDixli`�nt�ebiRe 1 r�-+�� Trunks and Valises iia gre�lt vaxisty ErtlPrices Low.
granting ; 10,000 bolius to, the Nlrest the 3tolntieh and, llotvcls, eases Wi4il Geo.' P. R QWell;&:. l.�.i
Ontario Pacific lrailwziy, COuipa'uy, Coli«,.et)ffelra tlteQalnlfi, Iet.1t1CCS Iltflltlllllla !levy■papei! Advertising )Bureau, GE-
fti> an extension frons 1Voodstock to tigtf, and gives tans incl clu rpy to elle 10.Sprtxoe St., 3levv York.,
Loutt�au, by1U1 lnajcfitJ'' wilolosystctu. I-Alts. willsluir'sSootllll% Scrod Wet& for SAO,P-a0e Pamphlet.
ajiu )” f'or children t6ething is k,leasailt ' • SHARM.A,N
ix ----^ to tho'hacte and is the pleseriptic�ti of Onc• - �-
I�ATtONAi. PILLS evil) cute cons t'lpttt of,the .oldest and best female pliysiliaufi-
ed bowels and regulate tile liver.-.. and nurses in the United States, ailed is - --- --- -----
a ler sale by all �iuu;gists.thloughunt tilt.; s
Attht}r Arnold, Iiwgston ro,itf, lie
Nu Price t�centy tivL tsits,-A a bottle. T
. lie sure ttu.tl uz.l: for Alus;• �filfiai.ow's•
_ Slti'•1'tillderad,' 11illiself ill the I')oli4b- 50OTIIISG IS]11Ut," - slid Jake ito otliei t �
}lead a eters, Toronto lie. M,,as kbid,
GK ! -,NEW -STORE . ul.
;. �tanted oil.''charge,.o Fame ulpol] r .�L�� ■ ��■'
> y � � �e t,a IL t� i��Ieil,;;� 0'��a' ELLIOTT"S BLS+ i \.t
dill+,lett Matte leo e', fW-!niece on : • o n rr !
Lay 28th, last year Juror rnat t)n. Char1CS, I);ili.e and •Lord'. in, o
u as laid anairist. !!flit tlld: fc�IlOtt"i]1m
„ who re'quntly passed thr6ugll �� in- JOSEP3i HiDZEY, Dealer In Furniture. s
•clay,,. blit:Ite !lend ' Jearetl oat:. 1~lln ni mg o'n Weir, to dre Pacific, _
nilmg y Call ,it`tte lett Stare and 5tee the stOOl. of
litece is a young ilpziriiod `veytn tn; ;tt it'"as 8(4700 by the Nortl►-tyest 11Io'ulle ebOaidS ChaarS �" ria S,
present rcisllttug tvttl> Ile)` Lusbzltitl •ed`1'ulC a oft entering th:01crritories, Bedroom, and Paxl0�' Setfi, Itolinges,. SId t. ► . P "•
it . + to • ..%, . _ � "'n• . � '.._' ott�f nPtrefaXlOuseitt,lrl:Tortrit�tn•e. ;.'01'he-Wh-ole-Sttw.T. is -from the very'
i llesl. itou. Iie•�ras .lenlaiiclt,d• for,containi 11. 1101. Hattlasses' etc, i
a r1 * o
_ i re very drscrtptiou:•
'Trite loom fe rs ' dos )onilil) U best plaltn actgxOi 11IDLZ T, one. tloo'r IV,est, of DiCUSoi►'s BOOk Store. s
6 y'. P + l u- Nervous, Ili Wlitatul li{,n. JOS. C, ,
riesvVs, and weariness, idiot iu'x.11y coca-
You are allowed'a free b•ial of dill,!,
plain of, woul.d disappear were the iia d.uf the use .of U;' 1)ye'a Cel !)r,tteo r min
1rl•ood made `ptire and healthy before '�
roachi'ii . the declicate-vesnels'of the . Votlaic digit affil Eli a�riO, St s;e'ris and
C1 Q ''jT� ���� • �� s+
+� - ; Aphipnces,• for the slreedy te+l,ef and `./,.�•,�+t s
brain., Ayerl4 balsaparilla •lzurifies, erni,inant cure ufNer¢uus,•Debility,`los- ? ; in
tutt> .vttatizes .the isloocl i ilius llroyi0t'; of Yitaitty and Illituhood, and all kindred A hole ajq and Detail lSottlel
ing lttalth vt.irody andttautiy of uttriti: troubles. -Alco, eor many outer diseases . + �' gyp; Four
Complete rilAeration to 'h+errlth, 'vigor' Glassware
Fou i•
i yak �o�/
olid manhood, uaranteed.. 14o risk ffi, , �it QC•�f . ``�'/ �r�c e j
• �---G � i%oFlin; of �It)uttoal lids >�
�` n• incurred. � Illustrated paiapblet,. 'with
,peeled an ae.tlon for �a,Q00 aaaillst Merchants Business s Men,
"• 1iilC a'lilur #t•l.on, "terms, ete., inailed Feed, C�Ured AfeAts,. f p.1L'es,`Frliits; i+anne.(i:Goo[ds, iC.
that CItJ tot. Tulse arrestiudci elle fca•t ley. tlYessi ig Voltaic• Bell. Go., 'Toas'
f0.11owiut'eircuutstances.. 011 Satter 318 `-c343 •et deists ftl�en uanti•tibs are ol!.dored. • 1 as a specla ty • d Lines' in tl]o printing lice; evil! find Witt
• a Jdarsliatll,.111eh.. ) Q®`".S1ieclal;•):.ticlixo 'i q, - 11nd:Cvet3bo y,iu aced of,an�t .. a
clay ifvenina wvlieta.l<4i. T tavlili was _ ' aeserrint+ time.: • t11air adVuutago; to call o>i,tii address elle
irOCeedinn slap- St. iYitincs street -A Sjilendid Stock of lilt ;ars, all g�raaes,. for, p a
I o. a T1to Archbifihop of Montreal
r Tto. i)assed a Coustab10 llavina.a. tOto it t l Lr t0 tl o elert� t 1 hest, Pr1Ce..
it-tete tiiith a. woman. Devlin told has addressed. e t , a) tFarm P.otluce taken . a g
of the dioeesa 'yPeolliluen(ling t11ew1 c
ilie policeman that he ivas not dotnn. , TND ALBERT STREET CLINTO.,N. e,
o to exhort elie f{itlil'ild lint to attc,ud RACEY $ � Q $ A �.,.: i
.lies duty,. whoieu :on the policeman
,.. , .
P.. , I
'rho Itolitiral meetruns �v11.tclt are be-
afrested hxm> vevIi..0 w63 locked in, rr. t
aRs i.4 nearly kwu !tours.
Ino lieltl •ou Sundays. bits• feasts o
4he c • r�UNtratton, its shell' dtiys:.-would bar I
bettiir,ol3selit3d•3n. )ra eS'aild works �: ATT:ENT1.0 IV .
...f1CR1:>`'Cil,ti`AI;`1rNi\G,._, I. .•� •.
ere ,s `a great .a.tvaicerling of ti,, R. �.i h ra: h :� r�:. L.Btter.-Press:. Job : Printing
Lit og
flugbish orlCan.s of the humst'n.systen) .. '1;t1_'tHE RESCUE.
�t whenevet• Burdock B.iood"Bitters are ; S AL1; •11TLT;S POS'T.1:I3S.„
Alik•eti, It arouses Lille torIgd lait'er ` «When ail otliei t emediPs fail, .f01 0 ® B S ,
to act{oit, rPgulatvs the Wwols 'Snit Rolvel Coniplalnt, Colic, d.ran)l,s Dy. ® IRT •
1 jl� 1 " r�ov1:1
`. tits Iddam, purifies tl►e bloo,f `and. acatery, Xc., t'dien "D`r, ktiwlers's Tx I r�. i mels as ■ °
S `" FLY S1v ,'� S
iestores aheattlt tune to the s stein tiact bl 1Vilzl,�itrawbt3rr} celi7es t0 the
y. __ S . y
gquera.1 yi rescue., Tliuswrites iv. 11.Crocicei•,. S
Drng}�Ist;"�lt►terdown" and adtlti that'
lmplemen ► - G !`.,AGS, I1 t'LLOX'L'S, ZC�e.
•'Its salt's. are large attc! increttsutl;,"
--lila Tssox Centre : MalIhutitettul-
ilii {�onait toy lvattit to relnot'e thq r WELL CURE OR. RELIEVE
tvorl:a t�tlit I+�ssex (lullti'e' tat Wille � {� i��� Tu �] %11.�u■ B/L1Q(ISNES8, DIZZINESS;. ;,1CrtV 111ICY _SE I, ,.BlNDI'a3: S, NOTE DI ADS, C11_=.LAll,81
t,uiut where there -aro 'betted- allil,= DYSPEPSIA,
aiut� fadilitiea. Tfse �'t'�iitdsot• , INDIGESTION, +:- flfJl TEft/N!l ; itt"TrUl, 11! !ADS,.
nibn Council offer as am iilducemout • w T LTL1ILl\TS, GE1'1:I AL ]?Ill \7'II\Cf
i'oi' tlto cOlnp tiny to hoea#e .411ere, es R 0 ERYSIPELAS, AC/D/TY QP PLOWS '
clniit>ou' frolli taxes for. ten veal's, a HEARTBURN,: DItYN> S8 GU.1"1'IN+G rtoXE STiELLr m,
ou condition tlttrt the (:elm ilni� HEADACHE, .11E WE SKIN DTC.:; L+"1`(:.,
rive• steady eull)loysiieut to 50, melt: And ever, spetiles of diseaso arising from
An i17A )Di'tant )ttl't 0C the (iUllt )i121,''3 ed venues of tete 41sordered LIVFR,, KIDNEYS, STGNVIAGty And all Ittlpleiuefttb used 011 tt >�artll w, '
l ). , 1 J • Unlocks all the clogged . a rr BOW111.4 09' BLOOD, asG••teoil .aY the Best, and as•' ChleHi
1+�tsiltem .is Ilio prinl)ftlotute of Siete! $owels;gidneys and laver. ca y)�
Proprletora, 89 the Clhea est at-
' on r•ctivall. witheiat weakenia the s scent T MILBUIRK & CO.. >
ploughs. London also ollipta tittltice- fi • 9 , 5' y � � .. n,RDNro> ® e
Y y. p
+ ail the un unties and foul humors •ot the i
ments to the iaonll)auy to . bring • P J. B.
t=��t �•�p 0 .� ..
1 Acidity€the Stomach, curl
- aJ. .[�. YY .�1«Liti
their"iVor,Jcs tri thin )loco, secretions ; at the s tins Orme :curing Bili•��:. O D
ousnes,, Dyspe slat Jieadaches;•Diz- 1.11PLUMENT I'VARE110-031S,
1+yer'a. AL►is cure, when used.-ac- ziness, Heart urn, Conatipation,CA
cording to ttiret emits, is warrant ted to Dryness of the Skin,' Dro sv, Dit'l,S-H I�
nessdfVlsion,Jaundice,SaptRheum, CLINTON. O)1'I'll�[ ,
cradicate•frons timsystem sit ilia larial 1 Of all kinds, in the beset style known. t0 t11t,� Craft..
. a disoasep, stitch' as Fewer and A,j;ue, Eryslpel", . Scrofula, Fluttering of " -)FOR
-- ,
the. Heart, Nervousness, and General
0sil•1 Fever, Intermittent, Uialn).ttant;y
Debility ; all these and many other slmi
and 13i11ious FevPts� anti difinrdtirs cif lar Complaints ield to the ltnppy influence i
t:he liver, Try it lite dxperitiietit rt BURDOCK BLOOTi'$STTBRI3. � 1 "�L� ysrl,y') A BAFIGAI 1 �; .
will cost you nothutb of Azure is diet Sam le Bottles Ift; Roollar e e $1. � U p r 1_,�o/01, Prrn t�,��► :. "a,
dor sale by all dealers; I11"hest u)arkPt rico p+ltd. Bring
—The Sillvzttieu Army ctauns Co T.-&TIM11IM-Aro.,rrorrietorm,Toront� ditrtii t{dttg"
a ]hive 611V.od ,live, tlivel,Aw'tTpers in the
. I'tllllierstan.lVislun: �• C llCHCHE
' , Presi.ription of.a phys,eintl who $ t-
tCitTlYAU 11 P'r ilotV C11lti 111 : has Wo a lite long experlenme in owl
Tllt'it0 tt cosilp(1t'ip015.Of Otlr a'orl. With tf, 1rit Of. ally Ot�ll t oil',Ce"d.af
t Ali ollt'hll;ysiciau retit;tstd trout ln'at fico,• treittingt�a,alu dlse,tsca, is used CLINTON, 1i3ltf +o-� o �iV68t Of ioronto.`94t
pini"nti pati iia , t! in, tl8s ltzuttls ii' all ntnnthi)• with perfaet-,necesH by
$ 1 , Joyer la,OoO t r&rae. c,tsant, edty
T'A,)t 11clia .1116 ta11NI. the fi)tm0a. of a effectual. Ladiwt,ttsk )•our, drug --- - - * ,a NT
iutple vegetable reated� ter the speedy gist for Petim ai wnfars and ► - e o 0 A
1 ite.trtnutosa4+nst• bI I.Cr,1it ICl1'1'Il'ki1,po,
nit,t ,grnlun,ntt Ctire 'oY t�'mmil tion
take, no suhstittti r ulawa. Sold by 50'AOPOUND,
t u for au;ded n ,....,.,.,.. ...... _ "�.... .....,
itron+Mitis Catarrh Asthma autl all
tt , aQ ceras,, ist y, l liar ho Attdross i will +nail Bnsii} tbo lmoll)b--o--0-w w CT � yt T"'
,h tlfd'U,it allll Milt; tlll'eCttnit3, also 9. �tQSi. 1'a1S 1•�URN,RA C.nl;1NCAG l.a., Drt'rRU1T.,... iineti.
PIMPLES. t .. .,p.� L. WORK \ �S`T,R �.,.`' :.. I S L�Sa�
i;fvo alit!, ra+tint! Clare for ;`iurvaas 1>ebiilCy ?f SO4l.Ln WLntoaU� J. ti. Uouthound 6ruggints L . for a Abs0o VxoMrylztit 13Al"tt g ,
gelferalW. 3t'H-•y that will ltsaurvs TAN. Platut.rs ]'nu•tfiii and
oall)l..Nil lvui'Valts (nniltlalintti, after having avocilm, leuviti the skin ent4, cl'tAt un,ihencrtl. Tll6 $bet ever O1IBrbd in tl]is'
_._.._ .
Its tsatUlorf'al �elil'atiV.e llatt'et'ttnr tut; also 10etrtlCflend far l+tedctGh,K a IakUriitnt � - w.•--tet) ' '--.."O . ,
+ • Keowth of hair nit a haltl head et• ewnnth fiieo, iQ>i>uftq for ills in0lie .'
t It'etttafitis et oases, 11114 fOtt it 1113 duty to • File Ptieat En ii Prewi ti011r Address, lncltiding 4 Mcaalp, BEN. VANftLLi0&. t, .
to ike it disown to ;lits sail'"rigg fcilolra, g , n stud CO., 'Wendt streot,• N. Y. 3b2y i�&�so, Odtieral GROCEME8, tr ret C7t Of 1i itta lie%i'C tt 1)tl1<sr, i'i lctlsay►tl40blit Nvith good word..
Actnatod liy. this tuutivo zutil a desire to •. A succosstul nhodle a to _-. _ _�,,,��___, SCC Ot• 0
nvor 30 1 enrrs •h, thuosatala of C i 1 111tL 11r )m tly n te.l] t0.
1ilually heap. () 'cis s by it . li t tied
r++ldlfuhuwad sulfe:•tug, 1 W1I1' sisal freh, ouia'. I+roniptiv cures sVard• RiANNt�tit�
4 dllst''o, to 0611 tvhO''Adsleo it, tltts re• mrs Prhstraliaf, Weakness of "
c > b !!rain S 'alai trend and heti. Voitotwj, A gentlemai) hovel,,;• innueentV con 'FLOU. AL'SD FEED .91WAYS s
etlett, to f`+oivt:ttt, Hraneii er Ftilgltnit, with y {
:. a< .. , , .. wrvuldc .�5111iid ui Dither sex 1$)nig+t%mid and All tnteteh rho habit Ot aelf•ubnde hr ]edit ,•uitth, nod - �1_ 1 �) c (�y� ;�
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