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The Huron News-Record, 1886-09-08, Page 3
tI . . r i.. , _ T _ - ..... 111..1 , II _ I -. ' I a . . ul i- e r - ,, . i, , .I ' • e n • .. �. - r ,cjI'L PIAN E,I'mrlrUlli ..... s A ,i"ttl:4>!(utrtl Altetllicltl IYtr>!)>t BUSINESS ANNOUNCEME�iI a 1 Al1IMU. -M1l�eS,oR xoUNG $ M�RDLMAGEa MEN. GLj,N'�"O;1,N' ' .. ` • 9CO1tjt1F.�k-0N kEAL'b — lfuly $1 by 1111iu14,'Postll AI d. J1'e ;•cell (it till thrice be leoaecl b Tlid tuuxlater of a rural ]arteii.be- 11104ettfiv a�aMI)lc Aee to A11, � ^rte 4" t : l 11n(# CurbLucles result from a doblllttltet#, f You alb tlehdtag a nvbba p �i► dJ t+eecire iterlts (if atcua frow our quirt inn oncesont for to athopheld s:bouse ilnpoved lied or hapure condition of -$6 "p Y ►'1 Cu11 and (•gdt�gtne--._,._ i c riGrra. fl"c' tc(trtt xt f)vorl cul f ee- to "91i1 isteit a 1ue;1n1' tl slid tat Duck. Ulooti. Myers. Sarsaparillf► lirovetit3 andpl� k v "'•� )R u ibe rd. in l "c' oa tiX(6 ow tzb•catty titres these erUtitidtta and painful tumors, � ~ ^�^•� f,. , tanLlanl.I:ne100. 1Vas lr[1113ti for, the clu'iAtenln4 tva, by removing tltelr cuuse•,'tlie only efretcta, : _OFA . IF'r-h.. , _ s ( A.cstltt(h2, to �eratl tt# ,en ' Like ,Most hood a children, those lu ual wa,r of tildithig thont. In and ]` op Bugg�eS,- Qv-� t �!):(+11tl9k,lt,�rr , Llsu 11ousd 111 gitcstivn lvtlie a1191v(d Ayer>s. $Tsitpttrllta lies bbxevelltet the QIBf770frY12`1S'a• Pf7CQ�l�¢,/1C ,; ;,. •v�, i " iiaqal eourad .t liulla,tVhict Lave pallin .� w . T y n I i - �i8%lI!'(l e� ci l Z' $/otsi h@ 5 utrtllaa tcltu do. rant z t(t,ff �i f to hill 1.9tlud about halt 1011d, and tliti ,14tressc�tne every scuyul► for deveruii j; •������,k of 1►rut:IN�a- Itea?ember,, ib ytatttt 0eli'P i jears.� Qeo, scales, i lafnvtile Xleli, A QeN ! , , T les arts +nava >isthe best mate ,curerzrjzcZc(zly fiDirt cher(<zflel of loli•ered witil 1191-* foal' #rout bv- '" LxhaustedVitalit)',MVVnusatillI'll%41cmllo• '�"'."I'I-Grown,'li' . �lats•a I leas bads troubled lkftlt l'ttn les. on nl it ,� S , nd ewer ri tltl'rtlr It their local ,l)Ust (,,dices will �. � p bisyt],1!ruf/tnturaDeulfnbill�ltiny t:rCorsof Youth CutttttrS'r bit el t ill'C)<iil�l'. ti e a � , � Vrittrtttated.. / 111114 ClU9]S. and I.1Stt3 at 1110 luau Uf tit face;, l)sa, lvitli u Ilac Idpittioll of the anti flip uutoltl luisoites rbeulttttg It'out tudisuro• ,,lit '01 oil inerit, • . Q llkG peddle rig, through t uplfcr (t ,f(at,vt Lr/ z vlrul t%ii0 at this t� t tl, ittp tv:lsxl►. showed '6 1e�i ill u Iv cl' rk .,ten or xeV'btiNa.. A bunk for eves w;su, ,Dual;, 1 /('C IL0v. ' ( I'll i, oU b fila. C'. rSttliacr i ,tivrc may 12r11� el'i. 11110 -WAS obsel t ed to• qac ipi tclie$; No patettitill troll Merit id lilore u,fddio agW Wild o1.U, It contains ids prescrll+• - --- - ...•....: n se( stuek. . t iflee (it once. . C IltlHertCe tzl`. avkrl tilitC: ✓ iWtlSt Of -110 COCK hilnsolf. 'Xhe that- temporary', good, Jger'y ftnot)w tions for µl141;ita end ehronie diseases, each of k rt11a Cftea ed whiull is invaivatilo. do found bethe Author; �" 6 I I ' ' ,ULIn' 9te1.a donlltless inade plan " whoseetcpe(•iahco tw 0.1 yearsis quell as y,robablY 'tee 11 I ' • , � �Hover before x911 in this lot aft ady physioliui. JW •-�= , ;�ll�gr><t'lrSlcs. , Perfect cures, Sake refivIetious,on bre voracious illi- pages, bound htbeuutifbl J._ .bultlslin,emboss- i ]md •I •have Ito- Veen troubled since,- •� A,dcar'ttber•s will please ileal• ilk vrLCHtl nal'(] to #ice p' guG tp'l, 4. r • ed covers, tall _ gilt, „uafinteod to be a Muer .. - '. .. .- ', . t Petite, b.ut took t, 1 it �i t i3oddy ,laver st., Lowell, Dias : work ht every sense thtni soy other work sal, ill. � 0 T M� � ' Haat till "Cltttnyus" [{f adt•ert ltsem0its, ilia I-aach, li niollth Ui:• tVVo after, , this eoutttry for >z2.60, or the iuonel' will be ►w• :0 . i t yN'ItA 'tivliblecl wtth .II�ltlsi 1tn(l t �' funded In every metauee• Price only 41,00 by :, .-i11AN1Ji A QTII1t1:1t Use -- i`u lasttzfl (rtfiYr ttU71, S74uttltt lir imlrtvl{lckt 1t'heli tlr.d 1lllnlbt4l 1t ,t5 b}s;tlq„ 111 jte.titU IVa`! Illllb ► 1mt)all! . T lie6illi utail, goaipdti. IllnstrattU datuplo free to ung later tl flit 11111\Ip Y TUU.\' t t e )1111511 he Cattle l)atili t0 the. Ftlle Udilly" J1 Yai'le Bal'gitp7tI111 t�„ tlhd, 111 ttu� bad Scutt floti•, gold nretl11.1 A%ilardotl thh author r• fza' not lel r 1 if ll 1 ► P /e� /� tithe tile. er4littoas tin tfisappearetl, flail ny the NatlCilx! Aiedigal AsBoelaeion,yu the i•rc- Q A R R I A.G E' WIl Z O N ' each ireaP. liold's not again, And .,As he seated t' �I/!!�■■�' �� %A �V �6. 111Y AutI1CH 1V4a. 4otupletely Iestote(1,— didant of whtcli, the Ifo41. f. A, 131ssU11 dad �, ■� illi►lstllf Ill uu .atilt chair by the f}ro tlo1it111. I:ilvtnaY:1✓uitbr ,5tatldey (ilpsel i ez.°y assorlato pincers of the llonAl the ,flavor is , e r',' t:I1tQPt71,.t'>Z'I1/N. a hon and c11i91ans luaiclfed in hay Allietu tr1e, N, G'.. Cell s Su1oi ed of �iPe is worth mere t file yaunsetf18;r 8: llli'oil FLTId Ot'al iStreB;�SII,INTdN. • ' • I was troubled, for a ion; lune, 5vith st.. and mlddle•i;Xed n,eu of this guneratwu thah all • 1 lIE N11►'s I.roultn luta 'ci .1u'�r/er sup the run of the hatlsv as usual. h Improved Tl ' kin U - Et eO a t W ,,, . , . , hnntor which -appeared ou lay facts in ugly oftill,ev d mines of ed.- l'ttia ami the stliror uili,ed T. a ?1 , i!• crrc2alct't<ura tlutlt ort utller ?Iftpur. cat 1lie children seemed tcilllle(l, but 1'itnpled unit 131gtched, Ayer>d Sursaptu of navadaeombined.-•S. N oJero,tmle. rip' a J " ' r Poultry r rtili cured n1e, consider it the best rhe Science of life points oat the rooks and lir burability -Lightness and AppeRrance edunlled Y lto oilier, r tllir 5Ct'tiUYt, clllcl lXs alt .(tlllGl tladla/ at leaf rushed fllbetll'eeu the { 0 J 4 q'fielsandson Whlali tbocoiistitntiau and Ifopes r 9}. tl' lit 1�a3 l!!U equal's in ()rttCtr4U. allil Mlle nlinlfftCP a11d Cried : 't. aU ,blood lrUrtilet' ill tlpa 1Yn1'I(l.—(+11R1'.lt'•B-H-'.., of yuan) a young. tuan have. been fatally* lvruked, - , - � � � . i c^t tt , f. l Suilth, North Craftrbury, Vt.. .—AttkuopcsterA1trror. .All. the latest Improved vehicles kept- 4onstandr on blind- F'IRS'T'- CLAM Map fiigrs %1v ojx,tt & .ticuse tehu lwtt' ! Cite '1va' 1' `filen they walled f The Setenceof [Ate is of greater value than all B ACK5Ml;rt'H .iii ceunectlon. hest material and worl:tnaushlp in al'1 { ? yuee(tt GAtslraesa. their dnidiies and r1l llusli't' it►o Heil A y e C $ $ a 1'S a p a.P i I f.1 the p i%st real works publishedata.in this country for �' brandies. thogusta0}•earn.—rltlaltta.Cc„ytitutiom,. _ ' . a incl e'ltiokelis 'oot of the house, ox- Is sold by all, druggists aitddealers in melt• ,.Tho Scieucis of Life Is a superb and inasterly _ :Dai/ i'rt11iT)liii:, Cltli1,11ti** ttS c1te • seatu pt red over iehie. disk for 1tYer's Si�rsuparitlu, Rua t*eatise on nervone aft, phynieal debuity. - ALL WORK .iNARRANTEQ.. PRICES REASONABLE. �� S 1 DetRdt Pree Press: ' ` . It ol) 1)<r 7ttp trlr(rlt n this �LIrW- elle do oAr step--'=`\vliish 1.. Whish I .'do not lie Lielsuadetl to take any other. Thero is no nmutber of society tn. Whom The ,•n ,c�_;;' The a 1 f ,t Repairi _g. .. R,opaintinng Proinptly Attetldod to rtcll is orae U the best erzti r',ed 'ilk rin•;•rill l thata the luau that Ott or Prepared by Dr. J. C,.Ayer..IkCo.;Lowell,Lfaes,$cienceotLitolcfllnot.tructornl,.rllothervouth, ” + •f X �rC , , x'riq•'8LI c1�c Lottlos, Yb. liareut, gunrdiari, instructor „r xivi'yytuan,-- 11'eitrlru` (d,tittKel, Land a:;-wzcl'ieriuz faither" .. �ttylrmaat• .. _ — . Address fire Peabody"DieilleaI Iniitl+utn,•or Dr. %itis of 'tour k is vll(4ra d iuml (it' 'Cory. � •-,_,,,.,,, 1V, B. Parker, No; 4 Bultipch Street, Wotan, K ,fess ,i'vho-may be uoilsu)ted nn all di•toase tie- -SH nluder•tite rate l.. uirinl, skillund oc erlenco. Chronic and obs n•. , �� �� - A 1'I'iACrICAL ULU& —On motion of Aid; 8, u.nders ate diseases that hates bathed the,slrill of all other " ." - orontoconucilwasrecoulniendedto p)tsiciansasiit.4itlty. 4ttthtruttcriBUcm"fella . I . TRAx.TIU.N. withetit Illi instance of failure,, 1llontion mus U\� 1�'1i+1 ]\f.UGI� hQIZ HIlI. increase file license fees fur circttsrs xisws•ltecoao;cufiton, ant. 3si y OT ,■ u r froth 100 per 1a to,. 51)0 olid for - . rc Lt>;ivrouce )N elduu, it �litlge of the p pay a , n ' A local proacha► li as holdlna forth court of a >oal told a re �ortei^ re- "adv shows front 1D_ iia _o jYer. . r. • 'os, alld tvitls tile right kind cl of 111niiuiuition, at ` slut 1cnil,o silica in the pulpit of a i coil ' -hut Due of' fLinillCsi'ine d- : `i l� - t r 1 .8. . . * . L . . 3 1. _ t ISuraltiwntr1�itiltul lvhen.tl]o.bv- .r ,,. Y.iA�t.R• JEsANDERSON'S �ESTURAN:T. . 9 I , eats of Ilia career: as a aeutleu►an', of , A fiU1lL 1T1T\G.. .. . . . . ' .loved.partlier of llea joy* w°na c(ulse t11v bar, happened sot'ne yeais ago at ,A -Sure. Cure' for Summer Cam -: L roll— OYSTERS ]ri,Shell. and Bulk, by Dish or Quart. of Isis sui'ruws 'burst ill upon 411 ' i J,iclaofdfilltl, X1L �1�illiain O'Ilrion Ulaints. I''rtloure•frot a Your cTrif�rist .. „ •err % t elle 137. cPnt ure-N of Dr. I+gwtet• t; CANDIES 100.. per pound. ORANGES,and LEMONS 266,: per dozi sttu'tled cuuol ( aatluu. �t 's many: `t]le noted crinlinll lute 'I . triol] of Y : School .6 lo o k s.. , Ing , Extract of Wild Strawberry* and use. 4ALL:AND .SEE US. N� ON t iuleut gesticulations luetic till :tile TCOMA, lvaS opposing dbuaseeL , "Ile according to directions.. It, is mi'ail _ _ _ _ . - . — ;� XT GRAN© UNt • Iueore art11. Iiniatic. by bared arins and' 'leas the worst li.row beatiag barrister 'ible for Diari-liwa, Cholera liit+rbus, • _ � . ---' — "-- •uucuvered-,kolttl,, slrls struck.iii, u lou have ,ever •nom4i' s' lel' Weldoll, andib i le'raortIa ane uacl` ,and, lloivtlla, L v I* , a, anti- Cholera Infan6ulls:' ALPUM �. Iter turd : . .The witness was A tarty who, ainbled : - _ 1 . . ' Culrt, c Dols ,Dot u' that:. o and , , ;• i , ' RS 11 . y •with a crutch, . 0 Beieu was latidgcr -� ho utlfiy of Stut l i4i, o1]v' of file ' ® ^\ fir+ - . boollutirel !" :!'hall,' turning. upo11' .,011111,, nlen.-drowned in the s�a Iiia � � ■` ���R�V�ir� * . I � , � I • 11 ,all , rinht and left slle ex_ i ►ng ller tin,lllorcifully, aiI4 hail' so 1 iil'Qu lies ' r : the cul 1 ) a. , , ' acht disaster 'ou L, t.e I , . r. A'rouudlleraruuu(1tlrathertestiiud'ny y ,' , , .; ('1u A'rals't;''it T10t0 oftti1(' i1lCi tl,l t 'j.in .DEIN-s-P oilD ba§,. . Claim )tn. Aa uondul ;at ye fJlkb COW18•aA}t9i0 at ]'ort I+ianks.. IlliS if�AT.4/H�L� was all •thing but beneficial to those 9 add6cl. more bon ;file new 'subscfiUCrS din—ino- tie s;ittiu' heor for half an '.livor on a ) ° I t Tha.1 nnikQs.f►ve bodies'recovered, Uorri- • 5 . ti t ll listeuiuh to that f ul that's '.who lulcl.sutirt Glad her. , l e y , n e �1 > miss- )1.eSent' year than Lal]. , other paper in t �' 1 c pe ke tf'aireautrol'of' icor teurlper ufltli scan s.btliaia illy sail' cru o.Y �.S 1: 3' Y P . '.-.'nue Away And all the '1]ricl:fist in - - . � - - . n. .. . the `uaglnp'. (hove liar, to sheer do- do- ipb A-1 T BT -c _ ' 1C ;_: _ 1S SeLt the huu5u cal Itis 9wit spelt•, t>ud s ped'atian. Tal a?ioistorousaud lilits - l�otp tile?%te:t tll�lt THE �Tl.�� 1llcCOrp I1�IS �1. 1I'r C1ICX1- . . uuwt lett tor'•1va.r (Ulknors" 1 . T3>;I.SL111VU 11'S WAR -NINA. I 1t1t1021 th- 1x1 Uil1CI'. )LL )e1' lIl 1'S l s�C 101' • to111 bra O lilie"u doulauded :: jr . .l 1 ...�' t x 1. 1'heapparitiou clisa{i{ieared,..lvlieu . , r ° 3 BU 1. .. . � How.lid.he strike lif]ri m rood. `dried. in the-balane0 aok.1' found . aha rre;wh. r Ceni7U'ked; with a(1Wtii= , , �' a wantin •"iA the' enerai verdict. ren a 1 ,, . , tivoival] l . �, g GOD RICH', t7c�.t lo'fact ti1�t T-H,r- I .ENVY-IiECOI,D has. one; price'onls. . Able. self-pdssession ... 'eve �llard , r ,: del'erl against most of tlse so calls d' r . .11luot 8ololuon'.s aviedoul anal, his 1� hy, y'ou see, sir,,he.stood rures fair lung troubles. S11tli a de'' ., . tllatpriCe ref solnatle... , i S ' as 'dit'VCllt• 'But• boNv lli( lie ll't hula t [, %\ralit cision ]lits .n.ever, been given. againeci • . 1.Ida�(+ lsuu2lrud v ve . , ' tlfISCF,:LLA.ifT•Ut;'S'' 4 ai'aa Ileo he rat on wi' the it, .Lot, to know 'btst ilorv.' i • : Dr. 11. 'ar. Tierce's "Golden .1lIvdical , . , ' o n .1 ,'> ] , Discovery•" On the' cont]•yry, 4 is ■ , ' . as ve a hard set .to bei cin ally that , Tin a•trytn WWII yes 1 Y e. Seo ,, '• li thousands who. havd � •' ,,r, , �. conceded'. Y . f�TE 1'Hf 3uu o ludas,. " . .Mike' was•a-standln. tried it, to bap the oily remilly for ' can't to p'tu h I►i'' all that ! I rconsum )tion (aet•ofula, o.t tine lungs) BOOKS i ' '' . `.., r • . +Av. ',. - I C,..•.. �"'. , .Q , and'reL•1.OfUlau$'tliseaaee 'PnPI'al'l It l.' •••..:?Dube-..'irulati:on,- - 1 O w:1ut to Just stn -, , t)i1 . hU11 1111 hit 111211. + y• • • • • .. will not cure when both: fangs are . Gl ATEFUL 1 Olt A •� You 9, tell u;' strai1.ght sltory,. (lull.- most gone but it token when file tits; :. B'O O KS, . .. . A tough-lookuie, aia-tl entered the you ril . . . i+ . + . /� L�8 TO. 7 H '� i S I �� ' . . easfi: is in 'the first stages it -never fairs . ' salictuWi of a San llauclac.o.• ,lpalpel 11te 4iolliali hesttate'l, wlsereupon .It is also $pecifle tor's.dull scrofulous �;Of : ' e ly a (i Said torte inlu,tto : the couustll bollou,e(i forth; r:If' ou' t►ilecttons'as.feversore$;' whlte`swel!•' - He .1. . , - , , 1(.c,Tlt. n lI .' y. 1. rJrj lid.` � . P - . . . . :. . 1. . ,i . t.fi :. ,vill, `oil inbs.liil{loio.t'disease;:and geetit elft -At :�� ^.�•'.'�7�p v0�. vfi 'rare cull the editor ? have cutue to , tOa 1 y, 3 + V. �J. i1.C1a.LL �1 1 . �. lug Meer -d *find fol blood' folate gc,► ht> ve file rrUUdlie�S. tU "tl'll lntl 1,011 thl �ANCY� 1 . . ,. * • •"- , � o , ver .cause. ari ,1] • . ies,su, s1.as. the.l i ly.. . . blow,lvasstruc0, , slauY, from wlate s s• GODER10H�. PLAIN OR rr1�'dll I .have' come to see,; you . : I3y dt uggtsta1.... „ OR As<,`a,.n or, OF ALL .i�x\D2;, ," . . '. , ,.The won au's.e ,o.blazed but,. site - . J ,.1. . . . : ;Aboat A p'tece'.ln V'Giur Paper Un0 da : . . . . ' W. . 1.1. 1 1 :.. u ; anstvuied c uietly and raiang 04COt Oal.villes ]t,u'hor :debentures n . quietly, .. . 1• we k whit i sa •s ,thltt in• 1i ice ` - -for'-$103.30.-'- 15' f,ner%s7r .E?/ork parade ' . . .. tat e. J ., Y ,, t. her chap,. 111ted ,iter..aiutsts fl,nd hat>v beon Scud foI .wkU3.30, The, ®B ����U. s . fro I�,�ayGoo _0io .keepis a caludy , store, ;uu doalG the oiteli(' - a 'stliilu- - bloly pay five 1wr cent, hili yearly, an'd I .. . , -- alt S4 A�� 11IoD�, P ;1'E '� zims. •streot is gather fuitd;'of tlhl `soelet that,. sent hitw rooling into a earner, tire ,"drawn for twobty yea. , . , Jt :_•-CAI.-, oN. � : 9t BIITLERS ss �, . . .1,llat S ille-' lvay if ''el• llluSt 1.IIow.'' speaks ave11 for " he .town that its . - .. , y pl)imu,s ..� `� �f 'Ulllla -Heid." . •r .. , . debenttdTt's co.nlllalltt (Lith blah w t► C I� y/' '. ,. , .. ,. 11YU11�10.-f flee, 111:UCh to 'Cite ,ChaEi fJ UARL G�LE V a6kE11t �O.i1, sal4l.til, ..,. . � . e Cd.i' . tor, asi It a'kt M. .. Q... s RD s Nezv� T e A:c c . • 1}u' of, lfe.,o a oiinr attorice 1>rices ill thy, i t. i N ,E .I I lie cast his eyes aruttud•tl>e . 0oll►.1L' 'd' 11'' o .. , y' r . 'htiiiibeis. . - `. N * . 5tl,iicli of saute �r, airuu' of detelice; " -- •_•-- , •;-„� 3llr. L. l� . (� eof i thl' j > _ and sueiv'* 'n u luol(c(i out filo. ;.. ? w';' ».. .to}in hih oL]Sast. URforc}; m f vii - o , SdOri AC :.LXI'0RCBME_ J.. I&-BVTLTIi SELLS'CI;rF.rli'LIt, w D�imdies or gbntleiren.- >,' • r ' r ' ascirtuus loss Wednesday eveningbf GENTS nNTr, i9XcI(TLLOA 19.0'l"1l,AL . vviu(lost to e(11� 1•ite :the distance to' th'" (irlyvlm lift tt,l)'vf tile. tfti'tt't. A _ ; • .... u last. week :�.-Dugiu',v ,fllde (lay'lde 1daC1 Good commission and work easy. Addletls• l J groulld,, I ha -d nothring to' •do The Globo. '_( / rl1Ui 1 U]'n 1)1111 'Dili of Tuh Nswit•linconu, Clinton. „ 3$4 t I ,with .ilio publication of that- ai=ticla . Chief Inspectoi 1� inning, of the • � l - ,4 cal;e,n a fine t . Ills staUh •till Put Hint ill the last; eand'the zlipurter who lvroto that ait- Provincial Seeretat�y's: officei .is, on a ' p 1 y� � �- lI'E ' 1lSAl 0 Y auto svgs uliric ld(11;ged' Inst Caatuiilay, tour of the cullnt}es wliicli have ttre to gist a;littic e�(lclse,. IoivllldS QQ� q n '( 1 1 , 1' i r ev9utllp he lvalked out into the ioad, U YY OUdSI NU YY GI.Uo4f ll . ,r NOTICE::.. . , _ . ]rut I �� til Mali filo f.l 5(,{.uli ic.at uu .passed .lie Scott t4ct, tuq.utling into v worried and oliused he undersigned �nei a e appointed to act as a orrected with pleasure." ' >• l t closeted lvhei,tl he was f'luflotlrct� Alblt nd '1 t s o f . 1 ,l I t 1. ed Paris one day and Yas c • along to rho rat111ay ol'oes►ug Uylactvi/rctlrle Allizlzprs. ltr(•ttta 1u: the lownsltil. of Gixlerieh it,r Correetdd.I ..1\ hy, 1, ivouldin t, the (3poriit,ioi irof tltt ,,Acct.', 110 Visit` a iv 8 lieatad 'and 0 • • v. this :Coiciinny. A.ipy }phrson t% —jig to - some boys. H act o L j icse's ctrkr2 t11aA1aau'arr,.7►vtl iG corl'ected #'or' '500 Tev- with 1 va peotw lid il.ldwarilag .for flu, ' z iustire lir this ohs xittl ,reliable F,n.wttr s . 1 tired ottt wlls:u lie got; -to the cross 1,u) -Se's aqui. li tilled$. . ,ect to snake. a .fortune out of it. :I1I hour. 'Un bei'za•rr spoken . to Mr. Cougsaliy slutulti nhhly to either Ti►u1,tAit 1 s, 'v , " .. did, alp; that lav laid doth oto the tr ek. . �ilttl suld'.nloto Gaud this aitetc� l�atllallf� s,ii�L by +lid nut care to „ p� A s, ll11 'k 1'.'0., (Ir'S-iltful. - lite locolootive .uck the'bu.11.with IAN, Sc'alorth 1. .0, 1lutii,lt . h] t1 than she did the 1v.Ilol� say ,ua(nnt11S' iplake nililie ills inL lresstous its to'!��j'!�I<ii®Ow-' �tte �ti�ii will ht given, 1 . 1 terrible i'orce; tharolvinp i 861110 :fifty B ', TH' Of tall: !'euclN,' rl. adn' than evef :' . a -- i � t ,.11 hef:arej olid as I ant not tlitp the ntau 'tile JV,orlan of prohibitiou.iu' Ori-' ,,. ��� +►•� !t•a ! Ai`chilto t Jtsiiu,3f;(l '1bsa, el)F,-f '. . to lappet a favor. `'cast carne aroltnd :tarso. It dt1 tiu(lurstuod', Ilolvover, feet ahead of rile en sue, and ltltl(.cl =�•'�/� •� [, LL ' a, I ,l , r the au}u►a1' illsta>Ztly. It was valuuil TaTkBt s nape and�•a•• O'rf r i to pay for the advertisoliieut.. ]'isl'e's that ileo accounts froitl .that sectioli �i f i . '')41j . tl� . a�t $350.. , X101"S ,AG.V11'1', du, ail(1 of you put rieailothvr 1piece ,aro not •satsfactuly. •io the deitart- , ' next �vualc 1411(1 ':Illal.a it a 1}titly luept lie reiir('gwita, and that 11e 1s x')1tlsiii `tt>tct after the idol (� (� 4 .. ' i :;tl'oilrer 1'11.:ra flu , 50. ivakill�• in fair iib to tcllati irruuutlS robellioii ill the Hurt)► west It large•' �" .. �� "'�'' iie.lVCr ,I51ock ;<!S)[►!� t3'1'01lIC. 9 l y5 �" b . erg s. B�rth� ue :.. oxiai for ,tile' cobllplain't ►►lade tluulber of the nllltiaoua halt` broods, .b -- _.... . Ir Yovd1 (ntt.0 is 5atrapu rn or hard abaius:t the,Insiiector Feu til:esoore of . tiuding thein 'Canso 'lust, tuitd' It.. . • y'� . �1 e^ I ¢ , rr . ., (lt's•fro]u Cuuacla to )ti- �'D:�SYI" nI+` ].\ GI,A1 n S1Si'#'� 7 tom, ai . to adnsittifstet mechcino to, DR -(S L . I I r..l�nw s tatllno to clo itis fluty. T1ie act .ls „edivml e. 0 1F . 7'leasfult 11uru,'Svru'1 will IrHGI l to riot held lit ilii es�e►vtls flee iiia Meta, feariltg arrest Rud iltilll atoW- 1\CxS cC. Tl'1()[1.SI:1,1Ixw8t . . 1 . 1!� g. �'•'kaurki,lkdslRiflllllugol(1,Seatle,e, pprlb: uiatvd. lorikS�.of Pwris.Illeople, over -those, incut. ..Arrived nylon the 410orlc,tn, & s• `!'(:II T, N'7 14) hU:P1i��IGisu` &- • ! ' . t• Car•ot''Seed 4W. s,rlb, G.0 114.Ite 13clt,lati i l tiNacla'it.ivae -sassed .liar th(. } otos of tii(ic of the Bite tale, llttciu{reed -to '1'1.1(dt ;°1L1ZI1(sS, 'I'urni i Sve(i 1ulr. ter tU". —lir, llicll,lel avfitt ilea prvuuis. 1ec pie in t11e .rural ntuil'ici )alities, ti(lce lip hand. tilalral$ U11dor the I • ` 1. 1 , L 1. .. 1 10601 z. { 1,. , . , States hind lairs aild se('e►•a! T I XCII ANtl)1'NOLISII \trOli t1'isattrn Csiru 9'oe; liu(lcitlpCi?t 7ue. � 7 , °,ea to visit lalonto,••1. 'N' 111oceediilt,9 baare Moll ilia' tlltUCl L ntttd , 1 (',l U1'litS Oil Calci $9. r,0 lrer rlvt, '' lQY" a,l yet i'ur iiltitictiull4 of thufirnv'ill 11ltndrv(1 of them. ipreselitti tllelu- S11yU , , n + A FRUIT UL SI.ASU\L tUWti ttuct hence the complaints lints solveft at the Doll's Bike laws office y y y > i want a lot or oats in ollelltrllrre'fol, p } t : , • ' , , , ., 9 1 ;` , : , ' ,r "nhl, tt',il` 11 ttlttl; 4f/l 'lrZ l7nNt ,�LrIIG i1Ptt4 li�}(it' ", Otltllleal, 12 I'1is, to the lriniir(i, � " *0't. all ti3illlNy lll+.v :' 111 �11 'Pl►e fruitful season of this year 4S, •ag%tittSt.tlie Iiii11(,Ctol, who, being a til tllill.e their fjltllr,5. 1t.a s tta;lri r tit 111r"ttlt"10 "litlrt3. . l,roliffe with many tariffs of Bowel resident of a village seven 'Willes Lord teas lir doubt as to tlteii' rigli s 9,i t Iciv hAlitha' OHIO l'OlA'Jspi" 1'0'I1 3 f'onlptnnts. st1(hftK Uityl'rhoor+, J)y$Nn= .aivay,.•eau scafcely, be in a position ,uuilvrtifo;luly, and a{I[,eltlu(i .t(A the SLsI l9.at nuc, tier bushel. BRICK 8 '.. . '.L .� . �tery, Colic, elloleinl Morbus, Cliolttra tU .taikid sUfo.k.,uf what iia transpiring soord,xv'y of t;11e b1terior fbt histrue- . rrr �1 e�''�" 1.1gaututu, sic.; ss a saleguard and there.- The litto lus pector ll r. Ink- t}oYls, Ite,V118 nforul0d that, (•ltcs' dater .ill afnele aw of the,, claealrerrt �;r STEEP, CLQ" A O� I x o ,-tile 24th ,iIu •. • 1 osidve cure ffpr .those distress,1119 ,,:,,r dangerous ti bat'el ryas' a I'mis iu(ul, and acted , #1,tlt`-breetlSi :1pf i.pi; 1lttiiiill:% .rvitltiU uiecl Lt%at atul i'a 1>t 1?I IT& ,OF , I.L XENI �, Sind erten sudden and/t with ekood ell'bot imier -the ,Dmikin the nleauin of A llleric,tn lily wete tacks uuthing call, (su►'pass tl lit UW n h' , ICI- 'GZ%1AS11n '" i TE CLOTHIN ` tiled rehalpie 1ne(lioiuelDr, ] .wlct s ot.' but he would not tindertake. debarred from partitii'ilik-60lt ii► •0i'a W �ryy (� �j�R �j1 ENt.rilot.01' Wilt! Strawberry, . the duties under di'd ,Siaut,t Act Iighfs of citizonlihill, olid Coulti 94vu est 'RULL.L'1R J. LO l;�; N't. 1i111111i.'S & ]11.1,11 t1"' .__ _ ..- :. without a Salary �t" at hast 50(1. wake ontr'y.of public lauds. The. /ii�L� (+i..dT:"i$. AT gi`�.1v1 '1>;lt a171Y'1`. just all,�i;,cJ, ]ttctsittl a L4flil pis:tclufllrtillielct '1'lto Scutt Act, which :ls 4i fu iii Batt-4.reo(l ais,lijlxutitie(1 ill tbc►t , rl '1`e i pin et9d. S,, i y 1e" ] i 1111 1 S el w at • ' ll 1r dideutotbaillfrlioviolur <'"arletun count. ,', iii Being Dart -1 lie w 11tent,ivlls :in Dllko't>, and lu�iitrg A Full line of G.Ca'.tYI FULL- BRA %. ♦ y the ton di'' '�+''wt. . � t �1 J' of, Ipu ,11u i►s y . o l" b ; +C,141.t4it Spix s�lsult ilWalt (, it cal' llvcllclne'II,1t, and ltlst.rveek 1(tcttltl; tlw hotel-#ieepors ill rtuoat their fear of t.hu 1)aniiWiatl guvetai- .NZS$lar� All1tA31ntocki 11't` lillc, 1'�lt tl✓'l�">i`. ' } 'a ' came tlerosy . thein] and planes sellhig openly, and 'tlleie tuout, • il,ive :bceli r'lin'itll,g baolc over i7clfvere,l free a"t cher'>eauywherelli totiar. ; , /,►n Indian 1 r,. I It lath rclh z crit ;to ctt�l oft 6 ilnW hfert'al }'our---tllrobttllf,>tli(11;)v0 builib 1Wvru drulik(muess now thltu the lroriler lulu are ipre}pari11 to � ,1.J %i%]'$. Bh'C,�E�%�%ir, nalc�. ,L�/�lh` 11-1"hr►t�,„ a"utrs. lltelu -*Vult vi llttf-u 1x1 1116 tliere rwas last gem" bufur(i the ,flet tllke tip laical agall► lir Manitoba anti ��I � � t ;t:Li.,10. W44 t ewilo Iii iurGe. filo iryrthwudt tel-ritvl;):, aB'�u A!A �. �T >r 'lhas. Cual,crs t,l(Ixtuutl, �. ,ttC,rsu 's ]iLu(1cA' to w..�+ Apia I'' . . / . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . I.. , . I . .. . . I I . L . . I I � , . . �. . I I . ! . . . . I I I . I . . I _, . I 1. . I . . . . . _ ., . I .. . I . I . . . I . . . . I I I . I L . . . . I.. . . . ., 1. . . I .1 .1, . . L . . I I . . .. . L • % • � .- . 1; . . I L. I I # . .1 I L I -.1 .. ..... -.I.........- . ... . .... t� ... __,_ 11 -.1. I ... L.1-1.11 ... � ....... .. _ .. .. ..... ... ...... A---'---- - I � . .._,_, ,....... I. ..., r -. 1. .. - - n_