HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-01, Page 8The Harm No o=Record"TIE CITY ox CLINToi,," was the
retnark passed by main) on Moiidaty,
WedkiesdltY. September list.. Goon Exollan yen: EII blixisTER.
• ;--],farmer (to country minister)—'•I
n kin bring you in a couple of bueli-
In and Around the 'glut)."
to Mas. D. A. FopnESTEB, Princsess
street, Cli,iton. �.
Apply to Mrs!, Ja3ncs Moore, Cont-.
tncrcaial Hotel, ,Clinton, 395.
fur any quantity of Wool, at the
Clinton Woolen Drills, 403
• CANTELoi -wants 50,000 barrels
of choice Fall and Winter Applees,
Apply at Cantelon Brps, grocery store
Mn. JOHN I#;0tt31ti1t;attr AND MIss
T110IIALAN .are in Toronto making
2 iarchcisca for the fall trade,
- CANTELON BRQS., ' Grocers, want
any quantity of "Plums, Fears and
Crab apples; The highest price.will
be paid,
. Mn. C o. E. Pax; is now in Mon-
treal and the Eastern Markets. The
public can •certatinly rely on having
Cieetzp Goods. this fall and mater.
?rest place in the county of Huron
trade your Wool of A full 8toc1i of
all 'kinds of dot1 on band at lowest
rates. Don't pass us, 395 '
els of apples, domiuie, if you'd like
'em, I've got a lot o£'emgoing to.
•rot.". Minister --"Thanks, Mr. Hay
seed, I would be very glad to get
them. Have you then tried feed-
ing thein to hogs:? I hear they aro
very fattening." Filriner--)'Yes, I
offered '.em to hop but they wont
touch 'em''
•Vnp MILLERS l AE'r._-Thc mill-
ers of Huron, held a meeting in the
Town Hall of Listowel on the 24th,
when a local association was formed
.and the following -officers Were elect-
ed c.—John C, Hays, Listowel, Pres•
dent; Noah Wenger, Ayton, Vice.
President Wm, 13. Hutton,. Wing -
ham, :Secretary -Treasurer- After
considerable discussion,it wad unan•
imously agreed to abide y a uni:
form scale, then submitted, for the
exchanging of grists; also to pur-
chase wheat according . to its tested
value. For example, if wheat tests
601bs. then the current market
price is to he paid ; if 61, one cent
per bushel above ; 62, two cents 3.63,
three cents above,; and, if below
'standard ;then to pay leas iu propor-
tion. .This plan' is considered. fair
'and equitable'for both :miller and
•furea er
Mom F.tdTonIEs.=It ie, rumored
that Mr. P. W. Hayward will apply
to the town council `for a loan to aid
him- in carrying out the contemplat-
ed establishment •of a • factory to
make carriage:end buggy material.
.for ' the ' trade only. • He will bind
himself not to 'retail in a• way that.
would conflict with the business `of
carriage makers established in town..
It is understood that he he will ask
: that a' loan of $2,000 bo given him
for ten years without interest, he to
pay $200 back' each year during that
term.: He will give satisfactory se-
curity that he 'will do so end also
that ho will employ at least •twenty
hands during the currency 'of the
Load. There will' no depart be •a''
diversity of opinion as to the.ad-
visability of .complying- with Mr.
Hayward's..request: But :we have'
talked with a number of ratepayers •
'who look with favor upon it:. There
can be no manner of doubt,' that if
the Council can see its way, :clear to'
'do so; that the town would bo. great-
•ly'..benefittod• by,'making. same
,rangeluent •with.. him.: •]3ig oaks
• from little acorns grow;: • Asa trade
paper remarks, :•• "The' small; unpre-
tentious shop :or •factory • is. of Inn=
portanco and ndt.second.to the larpe
ones employing hundreds of ergs-.
ans." This is a critical• time in' the
history of ,Clinton.. It•,wo.. do not.
secure •more• factories .. within .the
?oxlcn.— 4,iy ..2.aersON' ,finding c
Itile-w.eiglt 1g nine,liounds, carrying
rt No 44 cartridge,svith••a.grey cnvel,,
between the:Maitland Falls and Clin:
rain, will be LIBERALL v REwAi DED.br/.
leaving the ,Salus at Robertson's Great
Cush Store,. Clinton, or at Fridham
d3t•os.., Gadci'2ch'. .
A Sit ART Thit is :wan.ied at this'
elfice'to learn the printing business..
Mn. GEORGE GREEN, of Rayfield,
formerly. of Hernial:, is .now visiting•
friends in and abodt Gorrie.. '
GOING AHnAn.:-Exeti:r voted on.a
bylaw to 'g.r nt•$8,000 for building
n town hall.. The • bylaw carried
b% 01 majority.: ' Great rejoicing.
'WHIT'S IN a.' JVAst.-In an • an
swer : to the .question,, "\\'ho• 'Was.
•Sir Walter' Scott.?"•o'n ene,.of the
e ati'ance eeabmivation. pullers, a, Park -
Lill boy wrote, "A celebrated. Scott-.
i h novelist: Who was killed. by Riel."
'Roatls1N'G LAWYER.—At' .the
51•iv sioti Court'11eld:hei+o on.Fiid'y .nett few years, .other. towns and
]st_ W. It—Hustings', of• Seaforth, other railways will very soon pre
—ePppeared•;as counsel; i'or one of the
defendants'. ui `a• certain •-suit. It
v••as evident from the start that he'.
a•,td a poor case; yet ho fought hard..
dud so ably acquitted 1ii.,ciself. that
.1. hen he' got. through. hp was conjpli.
)!rtnled: by several gentlemen pre-
sent.Sun. .•
. WHAT . DoEs ICE; 111n tN?—The
(' l in ton
News -Record says.—"J, • '1',
''iti'ill.10 writes:us iii. reference to a
l..aragiaph • we' .copied from the
1•, ingleue Times which stated that'
las proposed engaging in the tnanu-
i actureof musical organs in that
town. •' Mr. Wilkie 'says•the only
riga ns ho m anufactnres are `such 'as
1•eople masticate, meat and raters
�ritll ° " If this is .the ease, it will
• ate in, eviler or Mr. Wilkie to; rise
o ud ex'ploaiu 'Thy he:wrote ote .our coun-
c•'il in reference to establislaing.an.
elan factory: ),ere,: 7s be trying.
. t.0 play humbug]L-Wing1nl n Tames,
d TAKEN ion ' k• .Harman PER.--
While`at Luolcnow •recently the
. J:evImo r'epresentati've ' stopped. at,
• Whhitely's hotel. :After .dinner he
. •'hold conversation 'With the , 1 riid-
l,ird. Asked cares thou?"
the editor repliecl'from'IC.fucardine.'
.fiarveying. 1ais. embonpoint .form,
i ae hotelkeeper continued "and
•hick hotel 'do you run there?"',l
This recalled an incident of long
The .late J. V. Detlor, of
Gaderich'was on the train gourd.
e fist from that angular town.. At
Seaforth a nuinber.of gentleman re-
Kulved on haring a "drink,"
3)etlorwas cordially invited to join
Cie party. Ile declined eoturteously
•3.,atfiriuly. 'Ito baa a very rod nose,
]'uinting to that gentleman's crim-
son nasal organ, _one of the party
'observed to°AIr. ]Jutior, in a jocular
vein, "he' ought to talc() in • that
• Faga."'' Mr. D,, . watt a good mean,
not adilieied to strong drink at all,
end the party subsequently -made
. couple explantitions',and Mr, 1Jetlor
aeemed to enjoy the joke heartily.
Now, this all goes to show that ap-
p ar.anees are soihetimues tnisleading,
and for Kincardine's •only teetotal
'editor to be taken for a'hotelkeeper,
and affil that the :word implies out-
side a Scott set comity, would have
• SO1.00r. BOORS..
Dickson, ' Clinton.
occasion on which he added aa'da:ugh•
.tear to his family, Was. crossing of the
streets; as engineer Steep of the
waterworks ivas.catising. along with
the !'eprinitler," which- had .down
brakes until it reached the crossing.
.Just as the, 'elderly• gentleman got
well. within reach of the distributor
the tarnal. thing .voluted water out
of a myriad tiny openings, .and the
e, had had bis broadcloth saturat-
ed g. d
With •.Aclain's'alo, without .money
and with price.. •Ile was the very
incarnation of astiiiishulent for the
moment, .as with head:poised on one.
side -and hand. resting. on .his cane
he gazed vacantly at :theretreating
machine.=Division court last, Fri-
day, Judge Doyle presiding, the
business before 'she court was dis-
posed'of in about en hour.—S. Frank.
Mitchell spent.a few 'days in 'town.
He is stationed at Stu•nia,—"Joe"•'
Chainbers- took .in the • circus.—Mrs.,
J. Dodds nee ,Miss Maggie Cameron,,
is among rfriende in town,—Messrs
Geo. E. Pay •• and C.' C.' •;Ranee .are
away to•T'oronto;.11iantr'eal and eas-
. tern points., ou• business. combined
with .pleasure.'—County Board of
Examineislnet in Clinton Saturday,
and transacted •business. Thore
'were present Tom, Malloch -and
hlalls, • the ,latter acting as secretary.
—The Dominion Rifles,,Association
vent us '.fnain having them at all.
,just look at tire'' town of Godoi•ich.
It let: the golden opportunity pass;
didnot establish factories or whole-
sale marts when it was the 'chief
distributing point in. the county.
It..coiisequently lost thein' forever..
Clinton is now the best:•.distributing'
point in this section. ` It were wellto
gtcllee' tli s advantage while We may.
We know not the day' when by other.
railways to•the.nortti and south of us
' we shall be •shorn of our glory. But
factories once established and busi
ness connexionsonce made we. would
likely be .able to retain them for all
'ante. " 111x. Hayward's • proposition'
Should receive tliu best`oo`itleration_
of'uur town. fathers.' •
Ramp lady's dark straw.
hat • with canary ablor'd ornament
was picked up iu :front of Couch's
butcher shop•the other iuorning;ai d'
'was hung up in front of that,-plape
ticket'd "first: •prize."yA ;young
.t1aa1esinan•of town took tltlto'hiineelf
a 'wife Bast week;'. His place of
business was: closed during the splic.:
lug operation, aud 801110 parties who
mourned `hila as one lost or. gone
before them to that state .which they
would fain -enter, tied•erape on the'
door.—Mr. 8:j. Andrews will oper-
ate a eider nciil by steam power.
He has secured a note 8 -horse power
ktoiler4oin•Chtystah and ]31ack, of
Godel'ich to .'get itp the necessary
steam.—The horse 5f a medical
gentleman ran away last week and
broke the buggy. Wo 'were asked
not to mention the matter, and we
believe so was our cototn., as the
gentleman's wife is nervous and
would likely refrain froni riding be-
Jlind such an animal in the future,
Ourtotem., however, did refer to
the matter no donbt to -the annoy
duce of the patties interested, though
the matter was not of any- concern
to the pitblie..A photographer not
100 rnites froth Clinton went into
raptures the other day over'the ''in-
nocoitt" features of a picture he had
made copies of, When told that the
original 15119 one of Lho demi-monde
he lost his faith in reading, counter-
Brit presentment of the human Rice
divine. An elderly gentleman, in
Goderieli Township'
14tr. S,liaeltzer has sold his farm of
the 10th• con., to Mr. W. Cole. 'Mr.
S. will remove to'the neighborhood
of Wilrgham. •
Old Mr. Sterling has sold his
farm of 40 acres on the 5th con. to
Mr. Henry•Hastings, who has had
it rented : for some 'time back, • for'
$1,500... •0
Considerable fall wheat has been
put in'already.
:Deputy -Reeve •Beacom cut over
200 acres of wheat 'with a 'Massey
machine without a byeak or any ex-
pense whatever. foie repairs: •
Blyth. • .
AIr, .Ii. Hartnett left here on
Wednesday for Sault `St. 14IaI;ie� .
11'tiss Hackett, of Toronto; is the:
guest of Mr: A. Elder at present.
Our Town 'Fathers met for busi-
• nees on Monday night in'the Orange
Hall,• '
Our public schools were reopened
again on Monday after being closed
for eight• week's. • •
Ohu•'bandgoes to Dungannon `on
Thursday where they have,beon .en-
gaged for that day.
', We won't have a sport ` left: in
town"on Friday* ae they,. are bound
to take in:the 'races at Seaforth. •
'• Miss Annie'Shano returnod'ltome
on Saturday after an absence of
several weeks visiting hersister in.
111'r: W. Hawkshaw formerly of
this: village,. but •now of •Setiforth,•
spent• Sunday here with friends.
Mr. Alfred I.awreirce 0.h:as, had
`both' his: shop and riesidence renovat-'
ed with a fresh coat of paint.
'Many •Pour citizens attended the
circus firClinton'enMonday. •:They,
seemed to be :wellstatisfied with it...
:11rx: John I!`reeutan, one. of 'pair'
cattle 'buyers,' left here on 1uesclay.
with three'ear loads of ; lambs for:
Mr,: W. Bell has removed•
family 'into the. building adjoining
his butcher shop'aa; being more con-
Mr. T. Daly will . lernove the re-
minder pff his grocery business to.
Seaforth When he intends carrying
. on •business in. -that line in future!
Mr. C. Hamilton leaving received'
information. that. gold loss been.`
discovered on ,his farm in Algoma,
intends' leaving in .a fen ' days to
view the lucky spot.
On Friday afternoon a game of
Base ball was ' playod between the
Blyth and Clinton teams,• resulting
in favor of the home team. Boys,
the chink is still on hand if you
have any conceit' left to try agt.in.
The funeral oI'' the deceased kr.
Alexander Henderson, took place on
Saturday. The body was taken to
the Episcopal church here where
the beauitiful• burial service of that
denomination was_.conducted by the
pastor,, after which the body was
conveyed to the. 131yth Union' cein,
otery, followed by a large • number
of. vehicles and friends.
One of our, citizens has endeavored
to show to the }}publie the benefits to
be derived', by having the Scott Act
in force in our midst. Halving this
object hi view,belonged the Teniper-
ance Order, Forgetting the solemn
obligation he took, he went in for
having a jolly time the other even-
ing with the boys, and drank freely
of croak, spruce, &fie., 'after leaving
interested the. comiaanyb,'for some
time as to the amount of wealth ho
was the happy possessor of, and
things in general,. Land feeling the`
effects of what he hacl poured down,
he was allowed to retire, escorted by
a friend to see him safely housed for
the night: Come, Tonnhy, any boy,
stick to your oplors.
inet at Ottawa,_Monday, 'Mr. N.
Robson is attending it.''At the Meet,
nig of Ontario Rifle at Toronto last
week, ' Messrs Johnston, . Babson,
Anderson and Courtice froni this
section ' made a good - showing
12,000 people nuder:tlietent at Forc-
paugh's show atone time on Mon-
day,, and • probably ]calf as; many
more perambulating the streets.
The. exhibition was :good:—Some
night: owl:drtfticed; the windows sof
Cox & Co's broker's ,office;' "like a:
thief in 'the night," one evening
last week.—Fotepa gfi .discharged:
several of his employers , for dis-r
orderly,. conduct, at the . Salvation.:
Army 'barracks, Sunday. night'—
Goderieh, Seaforth, Blyth, and sur-
rounding country, even to Kinder
dine, was well 'represented at.
•the circus 'held here on Monday.
•--A newly married make froth' Clin-
ton while on his wadding trip . was
thrown out of ilia Pullman berth on
to the floor mtic$•to his chagrin,aud
the Merriment of othere. '.aha acci-
dent, it surmised .occured, throtiglef
tlie narrowness of the couch and the
•inexperience of the gentleman -1i'
sleeping ,double,lin such confined'
•quarters. accelerated by the- oscillat.
idg motion' of the car.—AIr. J. T.
"Swarts has bought out Mr.' John
Morgan, of thchiver hotel, ]3ay0eld,
and will take possession next Men_
day:—TZr..-' iSwarts:' will no doubt
keep up the reputation of the village
for .having the best hotel's in the
county.—Hullett .Show in Clinton,.
23rd' arid 24th September., It is
expected that this will be the bust
exhibition for years. $15 in cash
will be given in two prizesforlaclies.
work by Cox & Co. and $25 for
base ball competition.--11Ir. homer
S. Cooper and wife returned house.
last week and the: band boys did the
handsome by the yoking couple one.
evening . The band also discoursed
11'lce music on Saturday evening,—
One day last week charges and' eros,
charges were hien gilt by'Mrs, Rands
and Mrs: D. McDonald against each
other. Mrs. Rands was fined one
dollar . and costs for using. abusive.
Language 'to Mrs. 1'Ee1`)onald an l
daughter, and 2" charge by Mrs.
Rands against Mr. McDonald ' for
threatening language or assault was
dismissed. In these two eases Mre.
I%tauds.was put in for. $6.50. Chingos
against' the 1148Donald'women folks
for assaulting Airs. Rands were con-
sidered, but his Worship reserved
his decision until another day.
MUULLOV. Clinton, a u the 26tH hist,
the wit of Mr, John Mulloy,'of a son.
SCItUTO.--•Tia Clinton, on the 27th hist,
the a rife of Mr, John Setuton, of a sun.
--Parnell% amendment to the
address was defeated by 304 to 181.
—Prince• Alexander, the recently
been regarded a most dneoutogirig i his Sunday go-to-nheettug toggery, rnotirgnn,--Tu iTullett, un tags Seth deposed King of Bulgaria, has been
nirctirix>It luso.-�Yl lucurdluu Ilvvzetd, i pith day last week, the day
ileitis alis . -agoras, .10111, Thompson, aged 51.years. 11iiv;ted Welt and has returned.
You will, shortly have to stop and think what you want in, the tivay Of'
Clothing for the coming season, and to help you out we •
would like to say a few words about •
nr (rcat ��Ec��eO:r: B
In the first place, We can show you' the largest and ' finest selection , of
Ever : shown • in. Clinton, our ,Fall. Stock being purchased by Mr.
Jackson, Sr., during his visit to the old country. They are a class of
Goods rarely seen in this section, and we, can guarantee, :them perfectly
firm and free from all shoddy. The styles and .patterns are the very.
newest things to bo obtained in the Old Country ]4'Iavkets, and we :would,
like everybody to call and see these goods. before • purchasing elsewhere,
We Guarantee the best:of Workmanship and Trimmings, and our prices
no higher than what is 'charged for inferior. goods. •
'• CJ:• ITAT.'AND• CAP Ali p.
rn'gtiin�� ..De .art ents
ensu �. g p.
nowgoods for the Fall Season, and we will coni -
Are no�c filled with n �,. o . ,
thence the Great Booiu by -a FREE DISTRIBUTION 'OF HATS, thrown •
from the top of our 'establishment. .Watch for tire' ate next ieeek. •
�.. tottiers.
Not only hi name, but for '. '
rIees:' uag l
Of our Clothing, We deal in nothing but.
g rment we make U P is just as re presentec1 We
Every�. . n
never advertisetanythin„ we do not fully fulfill, . and a •
yisit to our establishment will convince you.
Remember, we carry evei y line of Goods manufa pec. .
Don't forget • when buying a Suit or pair or
Pants to call on
1ante oil
The Hub
othier s Clinton,