HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-01, Page 6, tri - -III I I III W11�—�..�_•_.--:-`c'Uar:sr. •.:. �..,.r «.+w-_�._.-. +«..•....... .......+t�s.-mr., 'i.w,a bricks, It eigbing 75 1'0111)(18 �.�® ch, wke n]ade lcaelltl3. of silver a'., a '-New Goods, Just Arri'Ved., )in the Rabbit Dluulllaiu rune, ®® �• �U111tL, v. ' 6 r OR..- -- Bnr\it0 li1ctTII I , 3B NB 1NG. I £aTirhosTrroinu,lbliulyoyoalanRt,nssgo irihtos, � bvlo,olId. whii ll (;hia'esv ornsse u WrIOktvnl`s Val ves'NP ch is tIT\LkI(l11T� In plug letter from II• 0's Gold. jelly, 'llai.V' egir, I'kliles, Aruour's Tnnieb 'l/nlglltl tcl'n tlref airtl 01111,lMl , :lc, ,Ap(Betan, ti. ti., 11e �4 �laBeef, linuvle<s Gllllct, 1)lU.:, ilI1:Gj,1iyti bee, 4) 11, iilatl l)1Casi))g, Pioserved Gium'), SaGtlon, IollstcAlavkewl, Sardines, Akildie, ete. ettuaiCfth, ttn:i i:.s R, i•tl;. t`I balleye wS:l'p it•llQt for eoilndneclilo'fconpt#tutton'witL:k,QestRttllahMlf 34� +^ a . irdookc Blood Bitters I should' be it, clolrie>tl;Pos��alDtaanvcrYy'curasalilitimors, °., j ' r; A y grave." It qui the of kidney Seo,ntltecou2ntontaiu:ple,if?ptch,oreruptlan, lya* 1 1F1©CY CE�'([YlQ`�, E 1;�.(r� � 1 "��m- b to the worst Scrolpulnr .or blood -poison, rs� v .-x� Y�,ly �jj,nos of .i I,ti U %,,t� 10 i- l.w R �. c: d livetrcoinplaint and generiki cls epiAlIyliag #t�QrerCll.its'c1licAcyln conn� i liver nearly roved fatal. altrh nm or lcrtcr, Fever -soles, Hep-jptnr, ,�, ;uglisl ;:siva , OCCAIUT'il)bulk 400 `yeti. - ]ty, wk Y p Y)ts.asv.,vrotuloue Flores and t1we11in;s,Ln• "' AND Si1UC];S, L?nton'b L)t, l .i Dt tsdC ,, , 1 "a. larged Glands, and Vnting Ulcois. 3 • • t ' ' Of" Golden Medical Discovery cures Consum � r -711C ,t ltks forthe .et1O1t tion Witch Is Scrofula o4 the Lungs),, by ��s b � �? b � :,. TeCtSy �Q��eG'S, .SugAi's, TobaCCt)S, /I�eG;J �f.'DC,1(�1'�, G'1fY3SGUtXi"2 nbborto-the Dondillico Par11Aillo-ut wonderful blood-pnrif:,'in(i', invigorating', rndA � � � L, Ilitltlimaud have been i sttecl'I nutritive propci`taes, For weak lairs, SFtit, �Zs ''0 Call and eaamitto our ctvok and prices: . ' tingot lllpod St urtness t)f )`1re ith,Broneliitts, �' to noauiwition will talcs place on bevere Coughs, Asthma, and kindred aiPea , tions,it e R sovereign rpiuedy.• It liromgtly t4, 9, iR' 14 '�+ "'on, sobers D first, noel th11 ' election ou the otires; the sovsrrpst ('onA�s• Qj ,� *hill" tteAlllol'• tor Tarilid Liver, I311>,oi,snPtss .eta "Liver o A S C, • l ` Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it to ci an unequalled remedy. 'Sold by druggists. •;iZ - - _.. .-- ._--_.___. _k.._. 7�PIC6 P71FE£flII 9q PWIZ 1"VITS - Ana-' HT A .ovicr. "1'o Mo.r]1Lttt,,--A:ro you llisttU'�?' ?lillious; anitl .dlostany'9.ae. - ; ' q� at ni,eht and brolit'll of ,out rent by a 25e. a vial, by drildgiuts. o !r4'p� S9 �_ n' �,' ii' �Ikt �� kc el,iltl sutl:et'ing aurl erring witil Imus N: li��, - i ' ii ry' h' f s, send at ouee aud: �t a § "I (Juts 1, reel t l - ' IMFO"�tTA proved my g�eneral lieaitu, —'h', 1See1Qr, 1L, nlouners i. tilere is no ailHgtr{e auvgb it., - n •- "M Z4 - . Amherst, hf,•tss. It cures Z)yscutecy and Dkart'herr iegulatts a'. � �j ti `° � 2 ' , ! , t �, the Stoinaclt alul 13,0vols,, dups �1 uicir ;; ADVERTISERS. P Speoial attention is directed to my stock of I suffered from Const?nPation, which SINGLE.;HARN, assltmed•s}tCh itn obstinateform that I ' Colir•, svt'tens the t�Auis, rcltttces 11a11•l,uwat faarod it would cause'a stoltpa a of the tion, and gives. toile n,i,l e]tvrl y. tp 'leis �'" �' ■ 'mE�qbowels, Twoboses.ofA er aPiiscured 'Wholes atvin.. .'rlir:s, 11 illslotr'sS:fotlliu can learn the exact COSI r rq`" ■ • Y y' k' a' r' ■ . me, completely, -D;. Burke, Saco, Me. Syrup for ehildrou teething is hlowtiaut, I • r �• "b:1 131 �?' It -will be foun.i very complete, gnd'for 'dnrability and finish c'lunni be expel?ed'lry to the taste autl is•tho pleserilftinll of one of any, pro used• line of Q any one. As l emjfloy••iione but the best, worhm,?n,'and use -tile best materiel to be Ayer 'P �'''� S, of the oldest and best teruale lrh,ys'cinu;: l J' • P , ; r ar d Dr. Ayer Co, Lowell, Tildes. :end nnr'ses in the United States, all l:, hy`o rs bouglt't-lu the market, all. who m,ty fiwor mo tvitb theirpatrouago way !'eel conHdrnk 6 pp pr .� of gettidg satlsfaction. 1dliyalYDtugt;iets 6rtd Dealers in Mildicipa. fpr sale by all tlru;,"tsts tllrounhout't-it• . advert' In American . norid. I)riue.tttcut3.iivv poufs a bottle. ors ` "�1i AY DOW To 130 sura. and aslt for r'AItis, 1VIasLmw" ' ap • by. addressing ] .L •yam �y �•y —ilio' 1Zonnted. Pulico oat- con- 1$1'oTtll\u SYLtuv,," .and take .Ito. • other . , Find. 3:)1-y a Trunks and Valises in, gree variety' -and Prices Low. tract, 315,000 l)ountls, bats bec11 Geo. P.-'ROwell � •Co., 1. eat .to Charles-' Stonart at 3,•c. a Nowepaper AdvertIsin Bureau, yound,, —Tour Douglan i>illes'which wo.o 10 Spruce St, Nov g York: recontly our; lip in L'rifish Coluilib'a Send f0cts., for 100 -Plage Pamphlet. , H,ARMAN. co« taitled to 0tller,?0;58() fact: 1'110 ' NATIONAL Pirir,s,will cure consti•patn - ".bcst was 55 uc]tes in •clittzneter.. • . ed bowols and reguitkte the river. !l mala named Will iiln'I1'nll•ai A CO\11jLDvr&i3REAKD0i'i' stole a horse, lxalness, btl,,,- ante ` For •ten years," says Jennie T x;38 !a 111011ay it"i lyc!el front- 1Ir. T,Iarrett of NVAllaceburg, Ont•,., ' 1 Ikulcail 11[01Tannhtoil, 011 :1toi'ttt' did not,seo it well diiy-lode,, all br'olc.. NEW STO&K 1 ' .• NEW 5 -TORE en �clol n with dys' a sin livSr coin - Koppel,. with whoul by I'Vits 0311'111031- .lamb on'.tur,rh oar!' de.bilit -Three �' ' ed, but was callturetl' by Chu .cluol. l6otocs ttY,tin,lauerl holfe Cor me,.wl]Pn �"h '�� 9 CLINTON� � • ` 5. r of 'Police apd. Coli'stlble DoilY,'as Burdocit-Blood I3it•tiai's oa.tno to . . 'my he•,was about to leavo by foo Atha- rosea .' It is the l)est mellicine . I• JOSEPH •CHID�EY`Dealer -hi Ful�iltire. L l len. have. ever, taken. [ say this for the Gull at tile Now Store and see ihci,stoel: of •� ,, , ben611t of all stiffening as I did.",. .r 1 ' -- - 11 GPEA'l',gr1 «121I3 P>dl\,Cr, �,adroom _ and Parlor S'0 ,qull�fiS; Sideboards, C]lair8, : April gs; ,. -Tire town of I)oi+togn In 1lattrasses etc: Bull `neral ITousehalr1Tnr»ittu'e: The lvlrple Stock,is front the v0t)^ ThGte ls. ti great B,vaitentnof the' t q bete `mail •oratins of •the-thes •steal, is ii1'fillancial ' difficulties,. Aild�•it bast nuutat4Wtu)'crs, Pictin•e rratuesAnd Moulding s of every tlescriptiou, ba 3 _.. w ienever Burclack 131oad.Bitters a,e. ,]i',fig..l';ltlliorod last a eelc.ilastt tbo i0)yn .I�D�. 4;1@IIIDLH yl. oars t.clai• ii'�Si of ]:Dichsottt' Book .ss$flitc. �;.. ., 4itkeu. It arouses th,e tiirl>id Liver council'inteutli3l to.resigl ina 1)od3' to action, regsllates hese l,oi1'eis' and nest 11olid4 ' lliriltt' On. account ot% � tlie'.1ddi)eys, puriflos the blook'I>. ".nil. ' Y ' •:t%n Il'ot aac0 t " ru. tha opdito]s of tha to- t restores a healthy tone to tete aystetu_ _. Y P� y „ :— cneiall _wt, (lle,.oiler.of 'settlotnent:iiiaclo b5 the'c'odlicil: `' 'Whiilesale tied Retail Dealels-in.'' —Tu 1u Scotfr'�cttii,tl' at St:'Tlloili:. - •: ^ • . � ... � � . � o_ o.; .. ..•. ,. ns id,ro witnesses stvoro: thn't: i,liei' 1Vua•vu.itts, 19h icii>v�aef;< Men,'p�;, h� �� ml��,��� Fi®:�.. t C G9 tFcr.eirt 0, �i� L + � i ' b.!d drulllc, bottled' n:le -wllioll, the'* �'pn are nllowcA 'n f+•ee irild off' 17141 '' 3 'drr, s cif t to use of I)r• Dye's Celelara'ted �• ¢. 0. �' ,'' rr 'iL1 ' StOl'0 Y. ✓. 1.:. s .. , 3 , '..:.: '' � d5 FZ`CI, 1,�'.�d r�r �, , I.ias3. 'Bt sin'ess Le, n, ' l ltt,bt at detend tt a . Ul1 voltaic Belt ii4th Mectri,e. Suspensory • Feed, Ott red. McQ'is,-. Spices, Ftaits,, 0nnea. %7, 00 . , 9 s]itl it was °`what ishuown' tsStrolln a �gplinnees, .for GUe speedy' .relief, anti .\ „ ntities are ordered, ...leas n s)eoialf *. b.ar 'ox .alp . but lie-dia t know Armatient ctire of Ndrvous Rehility, loss Sl)eCia1 I31clucenlc lts•t]lieii,qua 1. 3 d in *lead of an 111111 r ill ilio .l'i' tin- Lille, wi11 find.it to, 4 And ever3 ilo y u S . .. a 1' o. 1s!aetl]er'. it SVa5 ilito�iaatiurr Or: nOt. of Vitality and llanhoodjand all kindt-ed : . r • a ' r Lll :r disetis •s A Splendid; Stock of . Sugars; all'nrrados, fors, p:leservin'b time. tbei>' advalltp.ae,:t0 Ballon or atlzlraas teen 1110 othor 1)iiti's erinrill3r iilortyut as tro )hies. ' Also for mal r n e t Comf)lete• restoralio n to •health, vigor ,•, t r , to its Intoxictitfn propertisa, "'till ,trid .ruant)pbd nlutititeed. ' Iv'n, ri'k Is. > Fa;rM` - Fr d CB 't� a l: t I �1 s$ . �'�ice. did not intocrifo ]lien. Uu , • g :. Mum C x incurred. TINstrated parut,lilet, wire) , r e ,• �il� r,► OLD ••itr�pp Y �1 •y fir T � aa ((��A;rr Onythe IUl1co Marn,gistrate Tial, iltfarunation, • fertns,_, etc..,. mn:iletl fSAC Y'S ii i/, $Ii5' ,�� �4.�s:RTS 59.L�1.�.{3��!'��6b,7tJ® disiuibsed�thecase.'', :i :froi by''A'ddreasing•Vulmie, Belt (10.1 ►� 318y -c343 A Sure Curie"'fpr Su,lliplev Gam-' ' There are likely to 1)e son?e in• F,ATTE'sE 'ill Rlll tS.'-,Pt•o0ui.e fro,ul Qat druggist tel'_eStllh 1)0111t$�l?l Olhllt. out 111• t11P _ city l! cent bottle of Dr. htlwler's a,l ,' `�t�, , t•. a test case which will sliol J ,collo be i (�' t ) �/ ) �. 113Xtract of.IViId klrawber'1y:ati l use /•"A M il.�ti,i 5111 f'�'•/l .' .aJ7rl 4(�i ei.-Press Job : Pr1 c�nL l foro'tho ootlrt's in log-irtl to rho On- , ;<i. r LlthOf�' acvprdirog•.to-dii•ections. ,It is iilfidl,• • - ; tario `Licellso •.Act. Accordinrt t0: ]:I,Ie for I>tallhUa, .Gholela. lielbus, E �RACTO 10 -' T,L' 131Lx,S,•' POS EPS the 'Provineial -Act"ilio. witliess in. 6'iurlter of Clio Stomach and I3 Wels,. ,\ r n'Cautiiia. ,3'. tele c'lse.�.li;ilalo t:o fillip: the coir-. � � i ; II1�:L1S auc] G(•IQF�eta I _ •. I :. DOD.GE*RS' I:Y S • , restore )olllt is 'tlmt "Heeler' 0winon• p II�+ t • , 1 _ • . •• , .,. ). ., rt u �. 1 1CAfIU�S 11ip,It�T1I11o�,. —l'I.anitoba' crvlx-' tal,olts: ltol!.e,•]n,tv,nlltl �iltlolt ,lnstl.oantan call ,• .• • .,, •, I V 1'eceutl' . )tiblisil•esk ,lllr tele Troe notbeajrineecl in the witness -.lox t0 �.: , �ti�@f�, ~ ) T J1�VLIJ6%'TS Se. J 1 I' „ SIIILI'IIM AGS, a Press. The wheat ' yield.' is , lu0st .;IVs eridelite. NvIli,cli will erinriunta itttiyfitctoi;y. 'Au iyverage of 16 to. `llitilself, _ p -- DILL, HE S, T1TrttoICTS,. •20 busholsis pont )edify, ropul•ted,:.' : r l r ' +� S :. \ '�. T :..• suet 0•lts'vary from light',' to fou. '1'6''1NIiD, iiLSCU>;: ' ' ' m0cp-EMIC.1i ST1.IN. l3INDI;II, , NOTE IIT:IIDS; IhCLLA1iS,. 1 t u) to tltr, avel4tr�ts lila u.: It EA P1 .C:S 147hWT1.S, 1 tile3 Is no 1 e. f when all otl)e1 1 emPilles fa)l, fol ,' f LETTER :ItTt1DS,' CAPtiDS, root crops• aro i1 satisfilctory ,enol). :B0wel Odiriplaiiil,:Colic cmrn is Dy• SEED DI{XI,LS, X101rS .�i13 ts. Oailiowltolorosults'dre:bettiirthnri $erste)•s',/Ya.,."thenDr;1r•`owlerH's7;x• � 1 .' , "• PLU�1rS,','-''�;:.'. ,4S'1` .T1;11,Eti'.CS.,_ GL' r,,RAL�PRII.TI1G• - c-,xpectad„ antl,tha elrouth.hns been tract oliWil+lStlil-WIleirv.come$totho T i ar cl; fescue. 1 fins writes NV; tL Crocker, , � e a ;gE r a' CUTTING DCXIaS, S11Ii;1.I:I+aTIS, . ,pq �e 1`a;si iujalic tis than stns fe 11ruggist, WiiteMown, and adds' that n :�, ITC,; EKTC., THE LATEST 'STYLES. • O " CUTSI. —The St. Thomas 1' I)tes' `itvers. :t ge "nil ?ncreaa?ur•..' ° tit it city is ill a bike way- . morally, its axles hire l:ir. L t r tJ o 1 h , And all Inipleule.u,ts used on a farm Numbers u'of )r �•1te `?louts aro .let -�-rr _.: -r 4 as 000A •as LhM Best, aild as Chea ). ----o' 1 fur the lmrposes of nui)llltlo lin(1 a te; - — ✓ a as the011capest, at dliillciu died their luui.ates are not. 1 2 slwas of the one set Zito T'ifltn� ~, V INS h s como.to tha.coucldtsiml that tvben Y ?3111 -0 Ay ©� � latI Sr o s ; , IIII'LEiIIT;NZ 1ut1•i 001VlS,. these utl,ln01'ttlilies ftoui•is1i. iiudol �: y, �. `� '�s .� :�� � \ r \ t!la Scott Aar it is impossible not tq , .. � R� n OLIN ON, ^^ (1N'i,4I I// l:cyarcl the-abolitioil. 01 ]?reuses as iL ; r. s` ,i;; 4 �� , d Of all''l Inds, in the'bost st31e 1cuolen.to illi] craft. �s �._ i. i1� :► —`nit— - ' A sca-serpent 80' feet 131 Y'onA ll• t. } ry �� S, S �'P8KI1s, � 13AR Al h.ls Doan soon p(t'tllo c.cast of 11as- �d��P• 2!-.Z PE�C,°7`.�.�.J:v.i•:i.� 0 i e Lr I1llSettB; ''Phil ' •11ont�real. TiYetnesa . ' Arogltiaranbtot:.1•o. Containihotr:om' :. .Tt],LZ�Yi'e tYZC: •I�', t' aof inaryina 0ttr u.ti•:o, Ia n info, w irn, "ori atxrctuar r b some )1}CQilill $ b . _ 01016�oa�`:• P , ��'�g ,, a-- -011 ,�eclaIty, i. Peculiar destroyer ofwormAAnCWhIrt•nor,Adv1W, Cllghest xl)aticl'.t rrtpo pn1d:. Bring 1 tion. ,con' ludas that -its' appearllnco : them along, s,soibothlno'to do with thereWrIl...R�,Qlid4l E2 Y'�1 'dn�S�> °a�'.��t of Sir Chas. Tul)1)el t0•Gitllatla• '1"110. lyrosurCPkldq of a' ph,tslalnn tubo , n■ �s'® �/ il/ 11 t � B UTV H ER has had it life longoxpottenj0to tr one a) )OSLtalle3s w0 Ch11 800131 eon- treatin fownte disonm Is, used c '�. o Invite 1! 001Y11ltti'3a011 of One t1*ori IVttll that elf lnjr other. office Y l t gg CLili1TON as;,tf _ e_.Q,. r liaatltlg 1110 two evenl-a, to 1Si,thia ftCCt y¢;� tudnthlt With purfnet suer/is by • west of rTorouto," ni-at-,10;000ladlos. 1'leaswit, sate, CLINTON tl it t1te.0ol'pont 1S' 8oliletilm's rofor offeetaid, Ladlus,astt your drug sa l t0 as thtl 8 '11]l]Ol Of It ildC1,11. 1:ut' fol, Pennyrovill Wafers anti M ' , CENTS tnko n' ScAe part, di lnotuso)ids3 SPECIAL A07'IUE:. .� OU N D,, W °I'il0ub11 it is ' ]i'Ot'l)]c01y 'than; tll;e CW a ePoi•satlurl nrtiuutNa. Sdidt, _ _ _' o '" T)tv. L tialtaR Gnis, I AllstQo 1 Dnriniv A r/lmlia - 'I Weil inailMt'iivsj this rorfuo �' p-•o-� la ctnrbd tilea}lttio:extt)1 rho silstYollt, t ��P•�,5 ( STRICTLY of ,\ir �ihat l0sfBtatCfll]]att8h•i t , ly"tl lYp"8o l:in,Cilntoil ll' J. f1. Cu nbc and dlu lets n'ry` ' '(or a shuiflo ?`kola, l;Vr Clxriir *. A�� � ■ ■ �: �-� LAS S., 131 S 1> y 3 t;s w0tilil have qu']to agreed tvllh It hail•• agnFiali,, Bas --y thaw mill at.atd,1, TAN, t lutaaGl9s, PISIVIAS and , _ _,;_t . 1010TdmrM leadsg the skin soft, ctoar turd Wand. x)le �OSt 0Y81 O$016t4 tY1 t111S Did 10110 so: 81-p C Charles llrcs hideed �' fn1; ai>xd. fhotti alons fur' )irodueing a luxnr)ruit - Q;=--�••p " ' t ' ' ' fotvthuf:httirdo a bnkt bran pr suu)nthPaco. 'the fol telt] )]10I1e�. nilly boon• illfoa'$or to; Sit JQII I1 11,1 r fiila' GrBat $11g�1gil PTaSorl tilon: , ddress,: inrlurliit(I tostritzrg• ttLN. irANDCLi k i • 9ttIt4S114(tllftlkt) that has, A 'suoceasC'ut ,riodicinc tust,;d,. CO., 00 ,1iin stroet, N Y. B)z5Y ll lac pt t 1 1 , A "'ecl, tie';t'dars lnthousu,dadf ---- - - �lstr,. fko2teral gROCE 7fES,: Sod our stock of Ctttq befitic yotTor(ler, 1'i'ii asconalstout'wlih goocl'�vork., V.,Iialtod, in 1)1.1aiu; t✓lttlrtt%:t rts.,sncil t casos., L'iomptl�t euros Nero• �y�[ /�t�p e'qu�119 cheap. y nl tly attended -to. uttx Pfwstb'rctuni Weakness ss n A N:H:�I'0 D , orders b ail proinl) fan allviill).10.1)031tiolt' that rivet}Yak /irdf,i,aSpia,ttC4or,C,ai)d(fir•) lrestdrdiC. AInntietuanharhit 3tuiodenttycon. r 4 tt11U 1>lalltitsllllttlll:ts• ri0i' tat'? o]'s Of exnti.ve wv aus of ctthor sex, Jenyhrsiohlt and all' tr:rstodthc habit of solf•abote h) I,.4 -youth, and ]i'�,O LTA, AND FIE�"D alw ftlt� : Ret` )C11 ills,:ewaso(I b} hidisoio'tott or nvor•exorttoil, Bis, ht. 000segnence suffcrrtd all bilo burro`-11f,Sextial 011,.ha lfi'. ■. p�;' �j O 'j� (� ride '�j j1,�� 11tJ HI) JJt Artl0ttClt.Y.'packagobare�gt owiitied tooffpot itoare-w1lonall lncnpaeity,Irostaranitddd„t'lryelwil Urtait ;(eon•. -t-- Whitely; (Xi, TOdisl�' r4 4kN11 Ur Itk� PJ�il eiKlei, p{rilitl',I1'ltl'i10(] Ol]:1 100 )1C t0 fitly tloiy']l; uthvt:inedtcfeds Coil, ,)ito pael:ago sl, six )lack• onU 1'rogtration; ,'oto„ 'tiklYy out of syiirl tiry torr �:' 1' rr nqo+3:,,by.ai:d1,, 1,lctnfw lJa,li JpCet Address hisfelloasultprehs,mrdlCro+r•thotduipabyatrlvh It' tto]ship tiler t;laat s nQtd seinen 1 1st hp t t rpp.Str ,ct.0 .r botrnit \ihdt. � aider? lin erns Penne i` du`n`e, Adtlydss iti cdtrt Qen<o. li `� t�f�� /q �"�" PIL w $tt 1110 8lttth,0 U9, �.. Ctiltt,uhy'd:11,,1C ulba.uid;atityietssgneiuill,. w:•SCYC{A%1�43.ou,tar•9t,nlatit�Cahk« 8flPj N;ei�+.� i� �.����' �1i�� UTA . y .x. ' r. , t, • i • • Constipation," Is A universal and most troublesome dis• order„ It causes Xeadacbe, bfental Do- prossion, impalro the Sight and hearing, destroys the Appetite,. and, when Long., eobtinued, causes Enlargement of the i Liver,, Intlammatlon of tboBowels, and I'iles. Constipation is spQvdily Cured by Ayer's fells. For a; number•' of months- I was troubled with Costiveness, - #n conse, nonce of which I suffered from Loss of disordered • ...Appetite, Dyspol)s#a, and a liver. My eyes troubled me, I was ,also co all to �l ear a shade over them, . had, at times,, was unable to bear ex.. posture to $110 light, I wasentirely CURED BY USING three boxes of dyer's Pills. I have no, liositation in'pronouuelhg titin medicine ' to, be the best, catbartie-ever made.- Jamgs Eccles, Poland, Ohio.. I sneered from Cpnstipation, ante, con. acnontly, from Headache, Indigestion, tinct Piles, for years. Ayer's Pills, which I tool;` at the suggestiowof a friend, Have elven inti effectual relief. T commenced , tri - -III I I III W11�—�..�_•_.--:-`c'Uar:sr. •.:. �..,.r «.+w-_�._.-. +«..•....... .......+t�s.-mr., 'i.w,a bricks, It eigbing 75 1'0111)(18 �.�® ch, wke n]ade lcaelltl3. of silver a'., a '-New Goods, Just Arri'Ved., )in the Rabbit Dluulllaiu rune, ®® �• �U111tL, v. ' 6 r OR..- -- Bnr\it0 li1ctTII I , 3B NB 1NG. I £aTirhosTrroinu,lbliulyoyoalanRt,nssgo irihtos, � bvlo,olId. whii ll (;hia'esv ornsse u WrIOktvnl`s Val ves'NP ch is tIT\LkI(l11T� In plug letter from II• 0's Gold. jelly, 'llai.V' egir, I'kliles, Aruour's Tnnieb 'l/nlglltl tcl'n tlref airtl 01111,lMl , :lc, ,Ap(Betan, ti. ti., 11e �4 �laBeef, linuvle<s Gllllct, 1)lU.:, ilI1:Gj,1iyti bee, 4) 11, iilatl l)1Casi))g, Pioserved Gium'), SaGtlon, IollstcAlavkewl, Sardines, Akildie, ete. ettuaiCfth, ttn:i i:.s R, i•tl;. t`I balleye wS:l'p it•llQt for eoilndneclilo'fconpt#tutton'witL:k,QestRttllahMlf 34� +^ a . irdookc Blood Bitters I should' be it, clolrie>tl;Pos��alDtaanvcrYy'curasalilitimors, °., j ' r; A y grave." It qui the of kidney Seo,ntltecou2ntontaiu:ple,if?ptch,oreruptlan, lya* 1 1F1©CY CE�'([YlQ`�, E 1;�.(r� � 1 "��m- b to the worst Scrolpulnr .or blood -poison, rs� v .-x� Y�,ly �jj,nos of .i I,ti U %,,t� 10 i- l.w R �. c: d livetrcoinplaint and generiki cls epiAlIyliag #t�QrerCll.its'c1licAcyln conn� i liver nearly roved fatal. altrh nm or lcrtcr, Fever -soles, Hep-jptnr, ,�, ;uglisl ;:siva , OCCAIUT'il)bulk 400 `yeti. - ]ty, wk Y p Y)ts.asv.,vrotuloue Flores and t1we11in;s,Ln• "' AND Si1UC];S, L?nton'b L)t, l .i Dt tsdC ,, , 1 "a. larged Glands, and Vnting Ulcois. 3 • • t ' ' Of" Golden Medical Discovery cures Consum � r -711C ,t ltks forthe .et1O1t tion Witch Is Scrofula o4 the Lungs),, by ��s b � �? b � :,. TeCtSy �Q��eG'S, .SugAi's, TobaCCt)S, /I�eG;J �f.'DC,1(�1'�, G'1fY3SGUtXi"2 nbborto-the Dondillico Par11Aillo-ut wonderful blood-pnrif:,'in(i', invigorating', rndA � � � L, Ilitltlimaud have been i sttecl'I nutritive propci`taes, For weak lairs, SFtit, �Zs ''0 Call and eaamitto our ctvok and prices: . ' tingot lllpod St urtness t)f )`1re ith,Broneliitts, �' to noauiwition will talcs place on bevere Coughs, Asthma, and kindred aiPea , tions,it e R sovereign rpiuedy.• It liromgtly t4, 9, iR' 14 '�+ "'on, sobers D first, noel th11 ' election ou the otires; the sovsrrpst ('onA�s• Qj ,� *hill" tteAlllol'• tor Tarilid Liver, I311>,oi,snPtss .eta "Liver o A S C, • l ` Complaint, Dyspepsia, and Indigestion, it to ci an unequalled remedy. 'Sold by druggists. •;iZ - - _.. .-- ._--_.___. _k.._. 7�PIC6 P71FE£flII 9q PWIZ 1"VITS - Ana-' HT A .ovicr. "1'o Mo.r]1Lttt,,--A:ro you llisttU'�?' ?lillious; anitl .dlostany'9.ae. - ; ' q� at ni,eht and brolit'll of ,out rent by a 25e. a vial, by drildgiuts. o !r4'p� S9 �_ n' �,' ii' �Ikt �� kc el,iltl sutl:et'ing aurl erring witil Imus N: li��, - i ' ii ry' h' f s, send at ouee aud: �t a § "I (Juts 1, reel t l - ' IMFO"�tTA proved my g�eneral lieaitu, —'h', 1See1Qr, 1L, nlouners i. tilere is no ailHgtr{e auvgb it., - n •- "M Z4 - . Amherst, hf,•tss. It cures Z)yscutecy and Dkart'herr iegulatts a'. � �j ti `° � 2 ' , ! , t �, the Stoinaclt alul 13,0vols,, dups �1 uicir ;; ADVERTISERS. P Speoial attention is directed to my stock of I suffered from Const?nPation, which SINGLE.;HARN, assltmed•s}tCh itn obstinateform that I ' Colir•, svt'tens the t�Auis, rcltttces 11a11•l,uwat faarod it would cause'a stoltpa a of the tion, and gives. toile n,i,l e]tvrl y. tp 'leis �'" �' ■ 'mE�qbowels, Twoboses.ofA er aPiiscured 'Wholes atvin.. .'rlir:s, 11 illslotr'sS:fotlliu can learn the exact COSI r rq`" ■ • Y y' k' a' r' ■ . me, completely, -D;. Burke, Saco, Me. Syrup for ehildrou teething is hlowtiaut, I • r �• "b:1 131 �?' It -will be foun.i very complete, gnd'for 'dnrability and finish c'lunni be expel?ed'lry to the taste autl is•tho pleserilftinll of one of any, pro used• line of Q any one. As l emjfloy••iione but the best, worhm,?n,'and use -tile best materiel to be Ayer 'P �'''� S, of the oldest and best teruale lrh,ys'cinu;: l J' • P , ; r ar d Dr. Ayer Co, Lowell, Tildes. :end nnr'ses in the United States, all l:, hy`o rs bouglt't-lu the market, all. who m,ty fiwor mo tvitb theirpatrouago way !'eel conHdrnk 6 pp pr .� of gettidg satlsfaction. 1dliyalYDtugt;iets 6rtd Dealers in Mildicipa. fpr sale by all tlru;,"tsts tllrounhout't-it• . advert' In American . norid. I)riue.tttcut3.iivv poufs a bottle. ors ` "�1i AY DOW To 130 sura. and aslt for r'AItis, 1VIasLmw" ' ap • by. addressing ] .L •yam �y �•y —ilio' 1Zonnted. Pulico oat- con- 1$1'oTtll\u SYLtuv,," .and take .Ito. • other . , Find. 3:)1-y a Trunks and Valises in, gree variety' -and Prices Low. tract, 315,000 l)ountls, bats bec11 Geo. P.-'ROwell � •Co., 1. eat .to Charles-' Stonart at 3,•c. a Nowepaper AdvertIsin Bureau, yound,, —Tour Douglan i>illes'which wo.o 10 Spruce St, Nov g York: recontly our; lip in L'rifish Coluilib'a Send f0cts., for 100 -Plage Pamphlet. , H,ARMAN. co« taitled to 0tller,?0;58() fact: 1'110 ' NATIONAL Pirir,s,will cure consti•patn - ".bcst was 55 uc]tes in •clittzneter.. • . ed bowols and reguitkte the river. !l mala named Will iiln'I1'nll•ai A CO\11jLDvr&i3REAKD0i'i' stole a horse, lxalness, btl,,,- ante ` For •ten years," says Jennie T x;38 !a 111011ay it"i lyc!el front- 1Ir. T,Iarrett of NVAllaceburg, Ont•,., ' 1 Ikulcail 11[01Tannhtoil, 011 :1toi'ttt' did not,seo it well diiy-lode,, all br'olc.. NEW STO&K 1 ' .• NEW 5 -TORE en �clol n with dys' a sin livSr coin - Koppel,. with whoul by I'Vits 0311'111031- .lamb on'.tur,rh oar!' de.bilit -Three �' ' ed, but was callturetl' by Chu .cluol. l6otocs ttY,tin,lauerl holfe Cor me,.wl]Pn �"h '�� 9 CLINTON� � • ` 5. r of 'Police apd. Coli'stlble DoilY,'as Burdocit-Blood I3it•tiai's oa.tno to . . 'my he•,was about to leavo by foo Atha- rosea .' It is the l)est mellicine . I• JOSEPH •CHID�EY`Dealer -hi Ful�iltire. L l len. have. ever, taken. [ say this for the Gull at tile Now Store and see ihci,stoel: of •� ,, , ben611t of all stiffening as I did.",. .r 1 ' -- - 11 GPEA'l',gr1 «121I3 P>dl\,Cr, �,adroom _ and Parlor S'0 ,qull�fiS; Sideboards, C]lair8, : April gs; ,. -Tire town of I)oi+togn In 1lattrasses etc: Bull `neral ITousehalr1Tnr»ittu'e: The lvlrple Stock,is front the v0t)^ ThGte ls. ti great B,vaitentnof the' t q bete `mail •oratins of •the-thes •steal, is ii1'fillancial ' difficulties,. Aild�•it bast nuutat4Wtu)'crs, Pictin•e rratuesAnd Moulding s of every tlescriptiou, ba 3 _.. w ienever Burclack 131oad.Bitters a,e. ,]i',fig..l';ltlliorod last a eelc.ilastt tbo i0)yn .I�D�. 4;1@IIIDLH yl. oars t.clai• ii'�Si of ]:Dichsottt' Book .ss$flitc. �;.. ., 4itkeu. It arouses th,e tiirl>id Liver council'inteutli3l to.resigl ina 1)od3' to action, regsllates hese l,oi1'eis' and nest 11olid4 ' lliriltt' On. account ot% � tlie'.1ddi)eys, puriflos the blook'I>. ".nil. ' Y ' •:t%n Il'ot aac0 t " ru. tha opdito]s of tha to- t restores a healthy tone to tete aystetu_ _. Y P� y „ :— cneiall _wt, (lle,.oiler.of 'settlotnent:iiiaclo b5 the'c'odlicil: `' 'Whiilesale tied Retail Dealels-in.'' —Tu 1u Scotfr'�cttii,tl' at St:'Tlloili:. - •: ^ • . � ... � � . � o_ o.; .. ..•. ,. ns id,ro witnesses stvoro: thn't: i,liei' 1Vua•vu.itts, 19h icii>v�aef;< Men,'p�;, h� �� ml��,��� Fi®:�.. t C G9 tFcr.eirt 0, �i� L + � i ' b.!d drulllc, bottled' n:le -wllioll, the'* �'pn are nllowcA 'n f+•ee irild off' 17141 '' 3 'drr, s cif t to use of I)r• Dye's Celelara'ted �• ¢. 0. �' ,'' rr 'iL1 ' StOl'0 Y. ✓. 1.:. s .. , 3 , '..:.: '' � d5 FZ`CI, 1,�'.�d r�r �, , I.ias3. 'Bt sin'ess Le, n, ' l ltt,bt at detend tt a . Ul1 voltaic Belt ii4th Mectri,e. Suspensory • Feed, Ott red. McQ'is,-. Spices, Ftaits,, 0nnea. %7, 00 . , 9 s]itl it was °`what ishuown' tsStrolln a �gplinnees, .for GUe speedy' .relief, anti .\ „ ntities are ordered, ...leas n s)eoialf *. b.ar 'ox .alp . but lie-dia t know Armatient ctire of Ndrvous Rehility, loss Sl)eCia1 I31clucenlc lts•t]lieii,qua 1. 3 d in *lead of an 111111 r ill ilio .l'i' tin- Lille, wi11 find.it to, 4 And ever3 ilo y u S . .. a 1' o. 1s!aetl]er'. it SVa5 ilito�iaatiurr Or: nOt. of Vitality and llanhoodjand all kindt-ed : . r • a ' r Lll :r disetis •s A Splendid; Stock of . Sugars; all'nrrados, fors, p:leservin'b time. tbei>' advalltp.ae,:t0 Ballon or atlzlraas teen 1110 othor 1)iiti's erinrill3r iilortyut as tro )hies. ' Also for mal r n e t Comf)lete• restoralio n to •health, vigor ,•, t r , to its Intoxictitfn propertisa, "'till ,trid .ruant)pbd nlutititeed. ' Iv'n, ri'k Is. > Fa;rM` - Fr d CB 't� a l: t I �1 s$ . �'�ice. did not intocrifo ]lien. Uu , • g :. Mum C x incurred. TINstrated parut,lilet, wire) , r e ,• �il� r,► OLD ••itr�pp Y �1 •y fir T � aa ((��A;rr Onythe IUl1co Marn,gistrate Tial, iltfarunation, • fertns,_, etc..,. mn:iletl fSAC Y'S ii i/, $Ii5' ,�� �4.�s:RTS 59.L�1.�.{3��!'��6b,7tJ® disiuibsed�thecase.'', :i :froi by''A'ddreasing•Vulmie, Belt (10.1 ►� 318y -c343 A Sure Curie"'fpr Su,lliplev Gam-' ' There are likely to 1)e son?e in• F,ATTE'sE 'ill Rlll tS.'-,Pt•o0ui.e fro,ul Qat druggist tel'_eStllh 1)0111t$�l?l Olhllt. out 111• t11P _ city l! cent bottle of Dr. htlwler's a,l ,' `�t�, , t•. a test case which will sliol J ,collo be i (�' t ) �/ ) �. 113Xtract of.IViId klrawber'1y:ati l use /•"A M il.�ti,i 5111 f'�'•/l .' .aJ7rl 4(�i ei.-Press Job : Pr1 c�nL l foro'tho ootlrt's in log-irtl to rho On- , ;<i. r LlthOf�' acvprdirog•.to-dii•ections. ,It is iilfidl,• • - ; tario `Licellso •.Act. Accordinrt t0: ]:I,Ie for I>tallhUa, .Gholela. lielbus, E �RACTO 10 -' T,L' 131Lx,S,•' POS EPS the 'Provineial -Act"ilio. witliess in. 6'iurlter of Clio Stomach and I3 Wels,. ,\ r n'Cautiiia. ,3'. tele c'lse.�.li;ilalo t:o fillip: the coir-. � � i ; II1�:L1S auc] G(•IQF�eta I _ •. I :. DOD.GE*RS' I:Y S • , restore )olllt is 'tlmt "Heeler' 0winon• p II�+ t • , 1 _ • . •• , .,. ). ., rt u �. 1 1CAfIU�S 11ip,It�T1I11o�,. —l'I.anitoba' crvlx-' tal,olts: ltol!.e,•]n,tv,nlltl �iltlolt ,lnstl.oantan call ,• .• • .,, •, I V 1'eceutl' . )tiblisil•esk ,lllr tele Troe notbeajrineecl in the witness -.lox t0 �.: , �ti�@f�, ~ ) T J1�VLIJ6%'TS Se. J 1 I' „ SIIILI'IIM AGS, a Press. The wheat ' yield.' is , lu0st .;IVs eridelite. NvIli,cli will erinriunta itttiyfitctoi;y. 'Au iyverage of 16 to. `llitilself, _ p -- DILL, HE S, T1TrttoICTS,. •20 busholsis pont )edify, ropul•ted,:.' : r l r ' +� S :. \ '�. T :..• suet 0•lts'vary from light',' to fou. '1'6''1NIiD, iiLSCU>;: ' ' ' m0cp-EMIC.1i ST1.IN. l3INDI;II, , NOTE IIT:IIDS; IhCLLA1iS,. 1 t u) to tltr, avel4tr�ts lila u.: It EA P1 .C:S 147hWT1.S, 1 tile3 Is no 1 e. f when all otl)e1 1 emPilles fa)l, fol ,' f LETTER :ItTt1DS,' CAPtiDS, root crops• aro i1 satisfilctory ,enol). :B0wel Odiriplaiiil,:Colic cmrn is Dy• SEED DI{XI,LS, X101rS .�i13 ts. Oailiowltolorosults'dre:bettiirthnri $erste)•s',/Ya.,."thenDr;1r•`owlerH's7;x• � 1 .' , "• PLU�1rS,','-''�;:.'. ,4S'1` .T1;11,Eti'.CS.,_ GL' r,,RAL�PRII.TI1G• - c-,xpectad„ antl,tha elrouth.hns been tract oliWil+lStlil-WIleirv.come$totho T i ar cl; fescue. 1 fins writes NV; tL Crocker, , � e a ;gE r a' CUTTING DCXIaS, S11Ii;1.I:I+aTIS, . ,pq �e 1`a;si iujalic tis than stns fe 11ruggist, WiiteMown, and adds' that n :�, ITC,; EKTC., THE LATEST 'STYLES. • O " CUTSI. —The St. Thomas 1' I)tes' `itvers. :t ge "nil ?ncreaa?ur•..' ° tit it city is ill a bike way- . morally, its axles hire l:ir. L t r tJ o 1 h , And all Inipleule.u,ts used on a farm Numbers u'of )r �•1te `?louts aro .let -�-rr _.: -r 4 as 000A •as LhM Best, aild as Chea ). ----o' 1 fur the lmrposes of nui)llltlo lin(1 a te; - — ✓ a as the011capest, at dliillciu died their luui.ates are not. 1 2 slwas of the one set Zito T'ifltn� ~, V INS h s como.to tha.coucldtsiml that tvben Y ?3111 -0 Ay ©� � latI Sr o s ; , IIII'LEiIIT;NZ 1ut1•i 001VlS,. these utl,ln01'ttlilies ftoui•is1i. iiudol �: y, �. `� '�s .� :�� � \ r \ t!la Scott Aar it is impossible not tq , .. � R� n OLIN ON, ^^ (1N'i,4I I// l:cyarcl the-abolitioil. 01 ]?reuses as iL ; r. s` ,i;; 4 �� , d Of all''l Inds, in the'bost st31e 1cuolen.to illi] craft. �s �._ i. i1� :► —`nit— - ' A sca-serpent 80' feet 131 Y'onA ll• t. } ry �� S, S �'P8KI1s, � 13AR Al h.ls Doan soon p(t'tllo c.cast of 11as- �d��P• 2!-.Z PE�C,°7`.�.�.J:v.i•:i.� 0 i e Lr I1llSettB; ''Phil ' •11ont�real. TiYetnesa . ' Arogltiaranbtot:.1•o. Containihotr:om' :. .Tt],LZ�Yi'e tYZC: •I�', t' aof inaryina 0ttr u.ti•:o, Ia n info, w irn, "ori atxrctuar r b some )1}CQilill $ b . _ 01016�oa�`:• P , ��'�g ,, a-- -011 ,�eclaIty, i. Peculiar destroyer ofwormAAnCWhIrt•nor,Adv1W, Cllghest xl)aticl'.t rrtpo pn1d:. Bring 1 tion. ,con' ludas that -its' appearllnco : them along, s,soibothlno'to do with thereWrIl...R�,Qlid4l E2 Y'�1 'dn�S�> °a�'.��t of Sir Chas. Tul)1)el t0•Gitllatla• '1"110. lyrosurCPkldq of a' ph,tslalnn tubo , n■ �s'® �/ il/ 11 t � B UTV H ER has had it life longoxpottenj0to tr one a) )OSLtalle3s w0 Ch11 800131 eon- treatin fownte disonm Is, used c '�. o Invite 1! 001Y11ltti'3a011 of One t1*ori IVttll that elf lnjr other. office Y l t gg CLili1TON as;,tf _ e_.Q,. r liaatltlg 1110 two evenl-a, to 1Si,thia ftCCt y¢;� tudnthlt With purfnet suer/is by • west of rTorouto," ni-at-,10;000ladlos. 1'leaswit, sate, CLINTON tl it t1te.0ol'pont 1S' 8oliletilm's rofor offeetaid, Ladlus,astt your drug sa l t0 as thtl 8 '11]l]Ol Of It ildC1,11. 1:ut' fol, Pennyrovill Wafers anti M ' , CENTS tnko n' ScAe part, di lnotuso)ids3 SPECIAL A07'IUE:. .� OU N D,, W °I'il0ub11 it is ' ]i'Ot'l)]c01y 'than; tll;e CW a ePoi•satlurl nrtiuutNa. Sdidt, _ _ _' o '" T)tv. L tialtaR Gnis, I AllstQo 1 Dnriniv A r/lmlia - 'I Weil inailMt'iivsj this rorfuo �' p-•o-� la ctnrbd tilea}lttio:extt)1 rho silstYollt, t ��P•�,5 ( STRICTLY of ,\ir �ihat l0sfBtatCfll]]att8h•i t , ly"tl lYp"8o l:in,Cilntoil ll' J. f1. Cu nbc and dlu lets n'ry` ' '(or a shuiflo ?`kola, l;Vr Clxriir *. A�� � ■ ■ �: �-� LAS S., 131 S 1> y 3 t;s w0tilil have qu']to agreed tvllh It hail•• agnFiali,, Bas --y thaw mill at.atd,1, TAN, t lutaaGl9s, PISIVIAS and , _ _,;_t . 1010TdmrM leadsg the skin soft, ctoar turd Wand. x)le �OSt 0Y81 O$016t4 tY1 t111S Did 10110 so: 81-p C Charles llrcs hideed �' fn1; ai>xd. fhotti alons fur' )irodueing a luxnr)ruit - Q;=--�••p " ' t ' ' ' fotvthuf:httirdo a bnkt bran pr suu)nthPaco. 'the fol telt] )]10I1e�. nilly boon• illfoa'$or to; Sit JQII I1 11,1 r fiila' GrBat $11g�1gil PTaSorl tilon: , ddress,: inrlurliit(I tostritzrg• ttLN. irANDCLi k i • 9ttIt4S114(tllftlkt) that has, A 'suoceasC'ut ,riodicinc tust,;d,. CO., 00 ,1iin stroet, N Y. B)z5Y ll lac pt t 1 1 , A "'ecl, tie';t'dars lnthousu,dadf ---- - - �lstr,. fko2teral gROCE 7fES,: Sod our stock of Ctttq befitic yotTor(ler, 1'i'ii asconalstout'wlih goocl'�vork., V.,Iialtod, in 1)1.1aiu; t✓lttlrtt%:t rts.,sncil t casos., L'iomptl�t euros Nero• �y�[ /�t�p e'qu�119 cheap. y nl tly attended -to. uttx Pfwstb'rctuni Weakness ss n A N:H:�I'0 D , orders b ail proinl) fan allviill).10.1)031tiolt' that rivet}Yak /irdf,i,aSpia,ttC4or,C,ai)d(fir•) lrestdrdiC. AInntietuanharhit 3tuiodenttycon. r 4 tt11U 1>lalltitsllllttlll:ts• ri0i' tat'? o]'s Of exnti.ve wv aus of ctthor sex, Jenyhrsiohlt and all' tr:rstodthc habit of solf•abote h) I,.4 -youth, and ]i'�,O LTA, AND FIE�"D alw ftlt� : Ret` )C11 ills,:ewaso(I b} hidisoio'tott or nvor•exorttoil, Bis, ht. 000segnence suffcrrtd all bilo burro`-11f,Sextial 011,.ha lfi'. ■. p�;' �j O 'j� (� ride '�j j1,�� 11tJ HI) JJt Artl0ttClt.Y.'packagobare�gt owiitied tooffpot itoare-w1lonall lncnpaeity,Irostaranitddd„t'lryelwil Urtait ;(eon•. -t-- Whitely; (Xi, TOdisl�' r4 4kN11 Ur Itk� PJ�il eiKlei, p{rilitl',I1'ltl'i10(] Ol]:1 100 )1C t0 fitly tloiy']l; uthvt:inedtcfeds Coil, ,)ito pael:ago sl, six )lack• onU 1'rogtration; ,'oto„ 'tiklYy out of syiirl tiry torr �:' 1' rr nqo+3:,,by.ai:d1,, 1,lctnfw lJa,li JpCet Address hisfelloasultprehs,mrdlCro+r•thotduipabyatrlvh It' tto]ship tiler t;laat s nQtd seinen 1 1st hp t t rpp.Str ,ct.0 .r botrnit \ihdt. � aider? lin erns Penne i` du`n`e, Adtlydss iti cdtrt Qen<o. li `� t�f�� /q �"�" PIL w $tt 1110 8lttth,0 U9, �.. Ctiltt,uhy'd:11,,1C ulba.uid;atityietssgneiuill,. w:•SCYC{A%1�43.ou,tar•9t,nlatit�Cahk« 8flPj N;ei�+.� i� �.����' �1i�� UTA . y .x. ' r. ,