HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-01, Page 5• . AR"E¥OU LOOKING • • FOR. THEM-T The Cheap Lines 'OtDress Goods The Low -Priced Usiery T.Tie Big Stock of of Prints. - -* --Go, to the place where they keep them CEOs E. PAY & COMPANY •The Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. GO DERIOHW ify first we eta Monk? love. Mu sendis the end of race 14 third we all would like oho • My whots's a lovely'lovely place.. The first pon solclinu a correct :solution' of the above. charade wiltbe Pltoto'd free by, 11. Scdlow. , • • MissRoss returned' to town last • -Friday. • . "Mr. H. V. Elliott, of Exeter was • in town last 'week. • ..Ex -Reeve Harcly, ,of Exeter, was • in:town. last Thursday. • • Mr, Simnel Sloane has -•returned from his holiday trip. ‘. The =dente ohm • will assemble on Tuesday the.1:411). inSt. - All the schools hay.e. beeniteatly. • whitewashed. -during vaention.. • Initiaticnket-the meeting of Htiren 'encampment 'on. Friday 61en0ag.. • Tlie herVad May be said •to be. Completedin this neighborhoCod. ..'Jtidge•I)oyle,.. will preside 'et the • sttting of the Division: Court te-da.Y.! The. Templeton Mikado company performed in Victoria ..,HA/l...last. night. • • Plums and peat. .have been shipPed in great abundance the past • week. Tho , store recently Occupied by • Mi Geo. Acheson is being divided into two: • • Mrs: W.: E. Bothwell, of Galt,, is • the guest of her mother,. AIrs. John ' •: •' • . The regular •monthly meeting of the town. council takes placcvon Fri, • day evening. • • • •• Miss Marks of Bruccifield, Who is visiting in town, is thegUest of Mrs. T. B. VanEvery. • •. •• . . . • The regtilar monthly meeti•ng, of the •eommon sehoOl board, next Monday. evening. •'•• •• • • Judge Doyle held conrteat Blyth, • Winglirtm, Gorriefiirussels, Clinton and Seeforth,•lait Week.. • • Dro..F. W. Johnsten,• •has been appointed 1).. 1); G. M. :of Huron Lodge No. 62, 1. 0:0 F Charles .Crabb left for Hamilton last %Saturday, where . he enters niaihine shepas-a student. Those desiring fresh groceries et fair prices should, „oive To. Jas: Heale; manager of the estate of Geo: • Grant, a call. • • • r.flie brokers Office of Cox' & Co., •of Toronto, of -which 'Mr. Radcliffe is the manager,'seems to bo doing a large business. •••• , • Mr. Wm. Vanstone was in town 'this week. ' -and4iiss Newcombe have •returned-froin their tom .of the lakes. St. Patrick's "wail school hos been painted on the outside during vaca- tion. Rev: Mr..Ttn.k's tricycle, with its infantile •• seat, attracts much atten- tion. The Steamer Ontario of the Beatty line left port on Saturday morning for the upper. Lakes. • The barge. Pipafore with lumber •from Port Frank arrived in harbor lest, week.• •• The schooner Enterpriee of Port Albert landed a cargo of lumber at. the G. T. Dock last Wednesday.'. • • The Schooner .gvening Star sailed fos• Detroit last Friday with a cargo of cord: wood. 1• The steamer- &situate Valley made her usual calls oialtursclay and Sun,- . . The schooners • Ariel and Carter arrived last,Friday with lunther for this pert; and,'sailed again on Sun- d..ay•for the north. . • • Mr. David Fisher, left IAEA Week , to take in the various American Fairs. • Tho gentlemen will Occupy sumo • months on the tLip., Tennis is still the fai'orite game • in town, although the' lengthening. • of the nights shortens' the: enjoy -14 111 en t attached thereto. • ' The -Mobile Ministrel Band, • paraded the streets WS:Am:clay and • Monday. The diversified custtnnes i)f' the bandsmen were very a ttractive. Miss Aloorehouse;,of Pinconning, Mich., end Mis4 McDonald, of Lon- ' don, Were the guests last week -of Mr..' and ...irs..Moorehouse, Bay field.. The Xorth Street, Methodist church choir piento. was held last. Thursday, u? the Itivt,r. All con- cur in sayingit was au 'exceedingly • 1 vleasaut occasion. • Harry. Rolton and son, of Guelph, ore spending a week in town. }tory finds hand ehalting with his many eta 101,1(l 6 HIOSt pleasurable exereise, The &Word School is again largely attendod ith Jarnos Wil4. Miss.• Mary Nicholson steadily iniproying,. and is, we :Ire pleased.to-• note; now considered Out of danger:. •• . • Misoliuld, the American. Moen, tionists, -who WA alai pest of Mr. and Mrs. F: F. Lawrence, returied to her home, Buffalo,last week. • Mr..John Reid, the Court.' House caretaker, keeps the flower beds around the'•'•-jmildilig in. splendid The tstcips at the Northern en- trance to 'the ..courthouse: becomes' the Homes of. our Court house • oft- •. • ' The Town Band .played e choice programtne on the Park last Friday evening. A. large number of pro • menaderti„, listened • to • the musical treat, • The, schooner Ate. _Mcleod Of this Port; lumber laden, reached the G. T. Dock on Sunday, afieThoon. This is the first appearance of the' McLeod in Goderigh harbor since last fait. • • • • Miss LOgne, who hes been the guest of the Misses Polley the Past few weeks, lefVfor her home, P0111-1-.• sylvania; on Monday. Miss Pelle)* accompanies Miss Logue, and will 'be her gnest Tor some weeks: • Mr. }L W. 13a11, will,. on Saturday, the llth September, comMencing,at 1:30 p. m., sell ,by public auction, at the residence, corner of Colborne and St. Patrick streets, the whole of the household effects of Mrs. Ferguson, who is leaving the town. The tug F. A. Folgery that arrived in port on Sunday from Kincardine to coal up, brought between forty" and fifty citizens of that town with her.. The Poker has been engaged the past ten days in the neighbor- hood of Kineardine, gathering tO- gether a broken raft. The schooner, Annie, of Port Frank arrived last week with a eargo Of staves for M. COAL The Owner sold his vessel, which is capable of carrying 9000 feet of ,lumber, to Angus Matheson, for three hundred dollars.. Mr. Mat- thespn, it is understood, intends to use his new purchase for trading among the fishing Islands, 1 ..elefeeee.,..e.O.Pere,0*,......,A01,PePeeeeQ,P.,••••••••••••,. .•• ea. ern We are 'showing a very Large and Altractive Stobi of MUSLINS AND WNS; also New Prints, New PringhaMs, New Gloves Sv.4oeiery. Summer 1V141inery---Stock very complete. iL See Our Goods and Compare Prices. . • Estate late JOHN .HODGENS JOHN WISEMAN, Manager 5- per centoft' for Cash. ward sohool vacated by Miss Blaelr, illy, John Hicks buying for ,A.,. M. Polley& Co. of Goderichr ship- ped from Galt, Aug 24th, A car lead • qf heavy draught horses for Tenn- sylVanie, •good judges pronounce • them to be the finest lot ever shipped from Galt. •• Duiing the past two months we have received numerous letters with. the •request that they he answered in the Goderieh column. • Of those reeeived we answer : CONSTANT Bin.—For remov- ing tar er ink' stains from a silk dress. --a sharp pair of scisiors. LOTHA1R says that he hes,become deeply enamored of a gushing young: goddess of seventeen, and vows that he cannot live without her. That beint,o the case would advise "Lothar" to got the gushinggoddess to swallow inm so- •that he may live 'within her. . • • Youxa Loonfilien asks if it consistent.with the rulesof etiquette to 'crack walnuts With a .lady. No; the usual way is to take a hammer or yourteeth. • SIMPLETON.—No, Mary Queen of Scots was not burned at the stake; like yonrself, she was beheaded (bee- . heeded). • S.—A'suitable inscription for the tombstone of. a photographer would be •"King Death crieil `follpwine,' • and he answered in..the begAtive.'! AN'XID118ZN!ZIJIRER.The original version of the poem you refer to it ft, follows: , Mary"s pretty little lamb, .• •Was lost to sight one Monday. • Aud ;there appeared with caper sauce A oharmiog. eight next Sunday.. The several schools opened for the winter term ou •Monday. The only change in the High School staffti that' of Miss. Byfield who takes the junior division vacated by Mr, Sharman. In the Central,.111r: 'Thes„ Porter becomes assistant to son, the Prineipal, takes. ehrirge of the principal during the modelito the senior classes, and Mlis Kathleen tor, and Miss 'Watson takt43 the Da114 the ,jtintor4. fiens departineut of 8L Patrick's varlei is 'hereby 'giveii• • that Con rt .1,11' will he held, paanant to 'The Votes' Lists Aot,", His Honor tile Judge of the County Coat of the Cotnity of Huron, ,.iit the Council Chamber; . Cid NTON,„ on the'. ...tLEVENTII DAY Or SitrItithlusit, 1886, at, • Ten o'efixik' in , the forenoon,•• to hear' and determine the .sevetal complaints of errors and omissions in the Vefers' List or the municipality of the Town of Clinton for 1886. A]1 poisons having tipsiness at'tlie Court are requirted to attend at .the said tune and ,plece. Dated this 30th • day of •August, COATS, . Clerk of the said Municipality, \!,OTICE hereb,V given.that a Cour4 LI will hilield pursuant to. 'The Votei.W. Lists Act,.". by His Honor the Judge of the County .Court of the County 'of Huron, Subscribe for THS Ng'ws-Rucoun —only $1425 per year. A LL PAItTlESINOERTED TO VS will please 1-3.. pay amounts to .1. WISEMAN,manager of the Hodgens Estate, before the 1st May, as after that date accounts will be placed In Court for collection.—C. J. TUTHILL at CO. 887 STRAYED FROM TIIE SUBSCIIIIT3ER'S PRE. •MISES, Blyth, on or alma thel7th May•last, 4 email roan horse, aged ; bad been blistered on bind logo. Any person giving _information that •• will lead tolhe recovery of same will -be suitably • rewarded. R. SYMONDS, Myth,. Yuni,. 20th, 1886. •897. Blyth Pump Factory JAMES IFFILG111.80111 Having removed his business' to the premises for- merly known as THE MOUETOASTLE MILL; would thank all old patrons for past Wore, and Is in a better, position than ever to promptly fill all orders entrusted to him. A stock of GOOD PUMPS on hand. Ordered work a specialty. -Wells dug and completed on .sbort notice. All work guaranteed. . Prices reasonable. • Orders by mail promptly attended to. • Ilst.tf JAMES FERGUSON, Blyth,' • 1886,Fivir-v 1886 paginaw, Bay 'Goderioh, Detroit and Cleveland, AltltANGEAENTS.. The Elegant and- aibily6414iigAteaumn, ISAGINAW: VALLEY" W1. !tOA4)1I iUaster, Will inu during the.Seasen of Navigation .• . follows ' ' Leaves coderlph •overy"rbeteaer, at 1 ti.eloeic p. 'Fdr.Llay City and Saginaw, calling at Sand Beech, Port Hope and TIDN'Alii totting connections with West.Sbore Beats at Sand Bieck for Roger City, Cheboygan, IdimicInac island and gt. Ignaee, satiudmiaaty.thty. otea. :ners for Harrisville, Osaeola and Alpena,. returning to Gpdericb on • • Leaves Goderiali every Sunday. at 12 o'clock noon, for. Port Hilton, Detroit and Cleveland,. . returning to.Goderich on Thursday. Thitvroute will be conthink during4be season of navigation, - • r.2.1.0-K*14111.8 For the Whole ROUND (e01,tineecs) win be .• tssuo for . , • . • . el2.00si • . • • °Comf7. ing eight days,•meals and berths included. . . • For vacs of freight and Passage, and,all 'other information, apply to • , • • Cos. New Rosary Trimmings. New Dress.Buttons and Clasps. New Beaded Ornaments, • New Dress and Mantle Fringe New Plushes • , • • ,. New Stripe and Brocaded Velvets. " New Laces. New Black and Colored Velveteens. New Dress Goods, • ' Bargains in White J. C. DETL0 & Co r , • *• .- 81-1EPHIkRt) S o I 1Superior to all other's. Car Superior Steel -Nails. , Car Best Brands RefinedOil., ma •,-. , • , . • • . Iron, Mitt RitraritIrc..111C.ITIMIlt; take moat' be given by. Goileriehparties wantinif . DIMTr1101\17.... . • . . . • . • Agent at . , . ,Thursday excursions.: 897 Ju1y 1886 " • ,at theTow HALL, Varna, ox Mon- . • odentliarble o ks day, the Thirteenth Hay of 11 September, ISS, at tem.eloelf. in the forenoon, to hear and determine the sevearl complaints of en Ore aiitI ornissi ns In the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Stanley for 1886 Alt. persons having biisliies At the Court are rectal:tea to attend at the said time:and' place. Dated August 3004 3.886.—GEO. STEWART, Clerk oft he said Municipality Hatinr.bougltt out ostmt VArYSToxE, •In Goderich, we are now pmated to fur- nish on reasonablelerina ' P P • likADSTCP.NES AND MON'UlkfENTS. • GRANITE A -SPECIALTY; • We tire prepared to sell cheaper than any CANADA'S GREAT oat& fil•nl in the County, Mn.: Lewis EfiliIVIT, of Cioderieli, has been appointed ' INDUSTRIAL -..FAI wantin,g anything in this line will find it to general agent foi• the 'Connty; sand parties • their interest to reserve their orders until AND Agricultural Exposition 1886 • • : TORONTO • SEPTEMBER p-rm TO 18TH. An immense Programme of NEW AND GitgAT A+TDADTIONS is prepaDATOr this Exhibition, Maar Pare* mad Eircaraioas (mall Itg'is Comes of Prize List and Entry Forms Sent to any one on application, by post card or other- wise, to the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close Saturday August zath. H. J, HILL, INC. J. WITHROW, Manager and Sec'y. . President. TORONTO. 1.0VELL'S • GAZETTEER • AND HISTORY DOMINION OF CANADA, - Ix .LitiE VOLUMES,. ROYAL five., r10 BE COM MEXCEI) whenei;or a .1 s0111- ebent nUmber or stibseribers is obtained to cover eost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes WA to the 1/10+ vinee of Ontario or to Ottebee $12:60, to New ,firwaswiek or to Novo 6,cotin 611.60„ to Manitoba or to 13,itish Caulk ibia 40).1)0 to Prittee Edwoid Island Or to Northwest, l'erittottos $9.60. Each Province to have a Map'. Please semi for Prospeetas. • 401-114 LOVELL; Publisher Mill Managers • Montreal, 4tlk Aegrait, 1888, he calls. • • ROBERTSON & BELL. May 17th, 1836. , • 392.3in COM & 00 COMMISSION BROKERS. IViemhersToronto Stook Ixohitnge Private wires to TORONTO, MONTREAL, •• NEW YORE CHICAGO, anti OIL erry.• sTocxs, BONDS, GlteIN, .PROVIS. 'IONS and OIL, bought and sold • for cash or margin, •CY,..xXXIVON Orr:CC-A, Corner Rattetibury and Ansa SO. Jas Thompson, Mgr. Clinton, July it, 1886. • . • TO THE FARMERS Study year Men Interest mid go whore 'YOU can get • Reliable Trarliess,.. Manufacture none but bile Amer Or PTOOtti Beware iv' shot that sell shear, ax theg hate got to tree sr Call midget price. Orate • by Mall promptly attended to. eT4DX-XISC 5xY.. azaa.vrnxt, HARNESS EMPORIUM, inarnit °9T. JOHN; CIINNINC4FIAVIE Has been aPpo•intod. sole agent far this Pebbrated Tea. Of itsel'.f it the ' •••best value in the market, besides which A • HANDSOME PRESENT is given to every pm:oho:sex tb$tericrupwerd.. It .is put up in LW, • • pound -packets itt • 50.7:0*700ENTSPER.P,01#10. Pitrehtisers need snit buy 3-/bs at •orme in °tiler to ,,,e4 ts• Present, 100, different books, t& Cliciose from., Try a 25 -cent pcsiket Of L1-Q.11a): Nea.. • Ara7"Sole agexkk for lotirasatt.i.tresIEAST, the best in, the worm, • John Cunniiighame - Clinton. • DRUG. STORE, 11tortird'ertifgned WS just apnea a new Dreg Store, inJIASXSOX'S: . I'4.f)01() on MUM STRUT, too, d'*ors west of tho City. 1:31)01%. AMORD, where wilt he found .4 eoniplote asaottment of Drags auit Oltitilliials. also, Patent illedielnes 81114 DruggistpAtrimi—atithio the, subtle uuty, 44. tot in tbows • Rom. • Al WORTRINGT01% • Oikuten,13th 3anuary,,,..086, ebantea tog r4Pictcv4 bklift•