HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-09-01, Page 2I � -N, . - - � I I � _.1qMj1mFvJW__ 11 - I .. - �_. _ -..-- ..- _ - __ __
1. .
I �, . I . . a —, — . I—. I . — - - _1
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. 11 I ____1.__--__._ I—— -.-- _.... .. I - - - _________1_....1.__._... 1. I -.- -, -, _,._______ --..I-,- -A-- _ ____._____._" _ .- -1_1_._-_.-. . _______.. _ ,------�""�,-,�.,*.,--!,--.�-....'�l-.---.--..�.�'..". .. _-1-11--l- 111-1 I I— 1-1 _-_-_..._-1.___.1_ _,._____, I I—, I
. .
11 � . . I 1. � � . � . i '. .. --- - I 1� � I � I � ..�� . I . I :
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. I � I . I 4 _. —_ � , . - � . I � . . .1 � I I �
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q . I I � - I I _.. . I . � - —, . I .
. I
1. . � I I � I I . . 1. . . . I
I I �
I . . . . .. I
. � . I . � I .- .- .
. I . . I � . .
� . I . _1�,
� . I . I , . 'I .
I -1 � I �, I
. I _ " - ���� � � 1".. I . . . . . . 11 ..... - ---- W . . -1 -_ _ _ I _.______. �;_ -V__ - ______._____ -_ rm sm . , I I I � , ..,
11 I w -1 I I � I I . - I - - __ -___ --.--. � ' - __ 117' ____ - '' , __ _ . ,
- ,. .. ' Ny Lor(l, before tile nallie (if" tile road that tile "itoro heepey bail
� . ` 8 110M.141 X "T -
. I 7()JIV �Ijjttrojt �j FORGER, AM) ASSA881X, Mr. Coulter—f any positive. . ,
� .rjt!# T%,CrprXj� � TIMAt . � ,
I . , , 0, — � �lir.'Ili-uli,,Ii,,�iii—)Vli,,it inaltes yvu Thuttiva ("ralistuft vas signikil abilseil Mill lllo4 Almillefully by giv- ,�
I La�it week tile luivor re-l"M cOtl6t .
. I
. I � is rUPLIKIIII'D . I.,,' Was vis, Jilo 1111d. (10- Thomas Crilistun was ill() 0111nor 6o posiLivo jo � to. tliat instrument sunto Other I hig, billy Wily nine ovilts 11, polill(l i
I - . I . Itail by a terr, . . . ' I name had betin affixed. It Awls fur 1013 limplo sit"pir.. 111111t; gulde'.11 - !
� I cry NVeCxUOsd1'tY .',�TOruizlg structivet storm. It tiNtolifliA for � seratell(A out wilh ('reat Carn, but I hiln," '4ilill 91will, -with a clllleltl(�, .
. 04.6 of nxtolit5ivo iron woritsaf I'lu%widli) Mr. Coultor—Decauso, it Was tbo
11 I �P,'L � . ilft t1lout;. ,,in Stafrordslilm� Eilglaud. Ile wio, day ttftor lily brith(lily. . m . I I
! . , � .100 Illil..-s inland, df'stroyl g . 1. a � * ' tile. filet. is lievvillieh�8s apparent, "I got evvil With Ilim, fur I put i
, I M r, D Iron-Imin--Alifl. tbat onables you .will. ollservo Oat t1j I lvfit�ra -inur'il two dw.on Immk(lffills. of witter �
� I unq of tile first to titari tile ameltilig, 0 1
. '\Yv�\X,N-�� 8�-. Tw&&11 aw�ls Of liullsoll and ilivolvilig po . . 110 I Q a 0 ) taft � I I
. I I I I . of ore there, aml littrolf.Itsed.lankland, Yet' to ,',vivo t d; t to ( r ity only bave been removed, the mijac- I'luto the still lit-FOra I Mletl it." i
I . AT IVIIIIIIII, Ori'll1r, . I . 01111itITY . 1 088 , Of 311101Y 1111111U118, orvatetl all tile nocesifiry baillitill;, - , � ; .Mr. Coultor—U does absolutely. olit paper remaining ulltulmhl,'(I.�' I - . .. . �
. I . - I Among tile, poorer' classeq great dos- . 0, . .. . I
0 for.t'lif) manuffietitre wbieb lie intend- A SURP1611. . "I seo", "mid the, jud"o, "it, is AX UNPUBLISHED POEli l
� r) . b.r .
. Nbert 4treet, Clintok 'Ont. I ol,,tjul�' Its fe disttimL A Capital J lifts been . . : 1; It I 1, ,,� s,. 1.
. . . I 11 � itilist prevail, I . NV were � ant; .ry I
. I little to' , v�o aily floll-Aiderable portion ed. to plit-8tio. In 1812 lie Iva'i ,III- Wbell Mr. Cr. ,ton "vasillit upoll VC . .
s� . Ite stand, lie Was c-'alillined.t3tiblitan, ('1`38NI 41111 ,1 811,1111 u (IMI It c3pit41 .
-01-Of 5 ;n advtozec; $,? iY wot so paid. readf in fit pr6sporous Way or t1181- L � . T lyas been substitutotl. 4 vary . Ff vill Mqht: 4 IM11 I ast. I
I � I UfAlijk, stuall posse.q.4ions. front tile - t1ally thus : . It 1, ' .
. --.:-- � negs, , 'it yel I �
. I
� . -, C. I ional vI1N-r,wm', bgviier�,30Wroclz, Tile entire crup. Oi . alidju till , r tualcillto 104 " Mr, BroIl"'Slialli—Did. ,Yon swil distinet. The lottors Jo of the wul-d Dr. C:0IIlJI:?Il, of 8(tarort1tj 11,16 �
V. I 1
1. . Tlie.propirtormil"rill . I fililploy John U ..coultor, a Illan v tl . 0 Julin have been s6ratcluAl. utilt witli, r0ceive(l the full'utiviii" front anativo . .
. Ily ,,One . 9 ioso itistruniouts ? - . 0
Ilay1g, )III-elm"04 tilt, bu,isivss will lilmit tile pretsent; year is practica , Sliarp, 'blado,r aud ,-I capital T Tias I I i
. o N �tg W' - - It .
, -Itvlto.,�, Itook.11,11, Will ill filturo , rim, ill list 11bulit forty, w1lo "a a goo(' Write.' Mr. Pranst6n_'_Yevci ; of )l avl . )ul,3 lllaii.Nli, Ayrshire, and fin
, a . blien, put -b r6 11. 'Xll(.Il thIr 11 lins
. . . UtIblish t4l) almigttillatk-d Imp'l-A ill Clinton, alid. ,It vast Ilval. of sliffi) e � e tile sigull, , efo .- I I ,
'. . 1111(l buOlt-It 'OPOT, null Milan Of Plaill tures ,fire forg.ml s, I adildrer UN4,I)eItIllillis: waltull, �
I �jjjllpr tilt, titfie'of -Tur HURON N.J."Ivs. onslio, especially 51,1031- tho nt'grm, been matlo into ail o. After tbi t it
10"volm., . I ,,lost Of -%,v]L 0 � allyd, unpretentious exterior. Julia �Mr. Brougham - ThOroarc no Mis- Capital G liati been crased." . 'Ittlin 100j, Mff� G. To (Im atitlior of ,F �
. ' I
. , CI nto � . Ill oin ,,ire Without any Oiled 'in tile sli'llic hul.180 witli Mr; 'talm about it� 7. . I ."My 1.61," said Mr. 14�011-1;fllll i'Thil JAUld Of 1), . U132A." Dear 81r, ,
I . I i iii.qtlto ninst pro,poroitsi town' area re, . . . ,
I I o 111011,318 .O� Lilly Itilml. It is fe, L � � n I
I . l� llouvirin', i-.,tltt,,,,,itt'llf(-�),.,�-i4li-1-:1 I Cranston 11111d. his family, whielt Coll-, � .Mr, Cranstoii�-Nolic- -w1iiitever. Iltbis man Coulter forl"ed dils littlilo —AS I Svc' by your boulk that vult
. WVStM rown_ .
. in alluraetildn"', "11141 flin eviltro Ur tile, fliletlt that inally more pooplo Were (I * ' .
. . l3w�l of ,a Nvifo and. two young Mr. , Droug,lihon -TIm plaintill' —t'llilt ' is OlIT tIlOPry—but, bein(f 0 . I I .�
I . P,,rie tilt it val sv�!Ii(,il ill Uniario. oil at fildi�anola, Tile lower vild of 'i 0 ) . I 11110111 ill M1 ,j ace . I . I . 'doined, of . Course, to sigii Ili � I fire a groat ailm,irtir Of lily favoritq*
. . ;, -\ -1w., . � " Between, 1812jand: 182W says y?.0 sIgRei, % 8ailler, , 01 " +L1 &
al,ile otitniani-il �ivi,til;fti,al or,Tu _ I, ellild.rell. . . . poot .1111(l cultillrylliall — illintul
. . tile pellinsilla is Completely washeil , owli litinw, he befrall to SE?n ilt, to . . � I
Hrvoml execells t1lat ol 0.11Y 11MIK-L' 111111- , I . . . m O f ',"I C o in lValsall, . Were yuu� ever , 0 It, Burn -aku tile, liborLy of vint- �
I . (is1wil ill �tllo collylly Or fluvoll. It, i4. a,way, 31,illy Peoplo are 111188.111g, 'both tile cllildro . diefl'. 0110. of tl and Iml. pt its fi,r . , s�l L . .
' I tis initrimiont, , �
in tilat offical *_ , ..
. a4vortish)g, I . . .
I - tlivilit fell off it bijam in one of tile Q 'Llitic", Ured, his hig, you Oil(.) Of' his ftIIIlIIbl1'�llvtI .
� I . . . theroftro, im,ivirpit.sed as fin. , I ' as 'John Or.' NvIlen'll . OV " 01F
. ') I . 11 and thettiforo nothingtan be l6ni-ned - Mr, Crail-itun.;-1 never was I.,, - I will pru'lact) elvarproul"s 0
Illedimil. 1 M workshops, Micro be Was allinsily'r ' ' . blifind(.tv, Ile then Ovmsud, Wo Jet- J)Oen .
IFIrIlvatea of mWvvdAv- libvi-al will ulit-il till, angry 'w,atcri recede. The . . 0 ]N r r. Ilrou-bani—Do yon rollicill- F I 4 .
. .1 . lijillseIr of a Saturday al"tQvition, and a ilers its you Ruct, mid wroto in full u i's k`lll'l`ll`N 'It 'illy t"ttk), 'it I ;
�rqrlkisl it'll Oil RI)plivati011, - � ' ' ber Where yvtV irm oil "Marell � 3, �t " havo � Utelil in illy pos.wsrifull, 111111
.. . . .4to'clu aarne'In tho slialto of ahur- I . , , -und,anO, . . I
� . . -A-21'artieR In al'ing ewl trilets for a slipm- It'. Wators Of tile Orul . froso tllo,�'Otllvr gqcidolltally 91lot himself 18211 .,; lie nilnic oroo aof . w ill be lutplly tj do so -if call.vil
. - ililvertist- riwmc. TI I - ItbT8o_pjStUI boltlurrin(p At tbacloso of tile tritLI t1lo Court ,
. rietl tillik', who (li,(,(;jl I thillo filvil witli, an old - 0 -�N r r. Crau"11,011—I ollot; probably f,1111(l, 1.1int the's � i,enattirvs Nvore .I'UV- UpOil fur Uj� Hmmi, Timi, Mu-
. . ,()f tile 8, . .
y anla, Will 111), all ,I ill, tlll:o(,. ]IOurs tilt). �Vjjillu . ,O -1 . �
I . � . It I - LN, . I :
. tilvilts bAbre thu oxi-111 , . . - . f vis ;[W(l ", FA D X , . I ; I
. . btl vIll'u."vit full raNs. , , - to Ili,, father. it B10%wiell. "ol avo jild"GilWilt for tile
- , 0 . TO TII-R� POTATO. ;
Ativel � tisvillerits, witliont ill4trili-tions as� 1,011insula in 'which Indianola is Ill 1820 Mrs. Cranston was tahell. Mr. D.rotiali4in -,tootl� -IOM " ill Idefetiflant. 0 � . I . " , � : - . !
`0 slitickN ail(l iimw, will lit, 1��ft ta tim-511(ig- situafeil is. utillor ten fvvt oV water. - I I . " ' . Gilid 0:(:llt,,uly Oil 16:qUainvInve Cr011ifil 0
� . . It a ft few moments. sud- C ,
IRVIlt Of till! CWfll)()1'i1M- �11 flie, diilplli�-, i ill,.and.aftor it short, blit � infal thonglit fur 1. I
. it- . 0 - . ,
. ,Qlllt*e,r Was arr"tbtl for forr'01-1, I'm ob I ) sm, t . I vom lue b6litliv ;
. In �, 2 " i
. . , , I llo�ve Ito . I
, � 'lly it T110 tutal los,st, at, roW known, to - duilly -lie bvirst oilt m-ith ; ", a m I's, there ie, Ile film , ;
I . affi-fed 1111til ('61-Miltl6ill hiv.1"Ill'i'(1, . 013,810iiih, . . .and it Woman worliall w1folu'llo Nvia. 01'JI't1l., . .
. : � ` . illilless, Which ballied, tile I . . , I . I I
_sk,aye of .mqj(1- 1)(m'ptfreil (12 lines to ti I ('1111 ilm"vIl wit th(.6 -, :-. .. - . A,
. 16 Toxas from tile- sto.Tm is I',,, follows " I . . . 11 It aiar� Mr C-1-hil- Itopping,pa9tilso locked lip. -'r) s *1
� .- Do yn lceolli;" .. I ., - ) it' tlw0.l'Ix iiiiie,
. Well), anh vllfi,l�g,:& 10 evilts R Hilo Tov Ili,,. -,t I , . she alsd died. � - - . I . . , . . . I . .1 . " I qne,l;f1nll limcl . . . .
. * "
. . I . . illsortian alid 3, ('Ll) ts it, line kw vaell Kill)- 1111111311 li'VeS 16st, 38 ; loss . til crolls, stollY, . . . . went,"" WAS -VOIT bittOr tl,"llin�tit CO"ll- jA,t ll.it,it,to wo. . ,�
I .i;eqil0nt.hnttrflou. Orders t(*) (lisiloutillue. 0,1,000,000; loss to City and town - . AIN LZZT;XPECTLD Ct;.U.)IT . . I I I (I O t, ir , , was 11je roill y, "th011�011 tbr, Mid IMVO evidene-o"NrIliell .wam . . � . . .
..fitivertiloinents inast be in wvitiiw� I . It . In Aumist 1823, John .Coulter I (Ili n't j put ) down ovory I M ,ictod-mlvj I t 's 11 0 IV' firm ;n o It ' t t ]Ilk �;hlvo.)VvL Tivoli Nve 11-40 - . I
proporty, $3,400 000 -'loss to sllip- .0 I � I . . Ilill"". Qlat flital-to Mill. II(A Was Cum �. , . ,( -ail -f. ii,te lit will m,� Im ;
I .. ire Notwes sot ati ltl�.%.mxt., 'n.0--rm, J I. 2 . . ,aust . . . . r. I I ,Illy 43) 1 Alvilooti's N - (
I . �, . . . . . . I t - quitted t1for employ of MrXi 0111 happolkq." . $Cut -to Bot, ay. � � 1:1111i�41) pov(.11i'V (jelte I'lau its .
. I .. �, ljjojjtnyjei1-j)3� it seale, (ifsoll(l Non1mviel, 1:) pill�, it -a d. harbor . .itliprovon.ion St. , I . .. . - — � . � Wit I . I � .
� I 11 - " I . kl.a illontil Ither Mr.'Crdtist6n. war- (1011,11 tile - �01110f' occur- . I . ,� . . Vilo thilo vil"4tiv , . .
� lilies to tile, ille.11) ellrkrgefl at the. rate .of ,".900,00(), . : - . till . . "'Y0,11 ])Lit I . �'. .1 1. - . .. � . , . ,
� 1 ,7 . - . . . I I 11 . . .1 � ., � ild. ti-tith I holm yi. N1,11111"t left, -us I �
. -. , . a Iliort- relic0s oe eaell. day 7"! .. N . ,
I I 1.0 cents a linti for eacla insertion, - , ilutit'lild. fliat C6111tor hold -, � I I .FALMLNG. FOR FUN, , I Tilt Mr.11itb if lit lily. .
I I � i . -1-1 I - � � �, I - . I . . � I
. I . I . . . .
— I
. .. I . , . I � . . �- . ,ys. 'a"o. oil his Bloxwioli prop . ovty fol, 41T.tjol 7) . � . .. . . . . . I I . . . I � Il I nil . lit' niv bilaw yon . I , igbotin . ein*gr ivendier . ,
. -
� I . . , Pork. packers fire beginning , plave, the 111tol it bowl �r treuclier . . .
. . � , . .. . 'rest Of Whic r it y 0
. i . ; .. . * .1 lito - - I
. . ' 03, WORK - I . . ?10 — � 115,000, tie i , "HaVo you that di3TY'W; h. � OU V 'to I .
� p .7 ,'S,S OPIN10 0 Z) it fu * f 0
. . . . , . . � . . .
I - . . � - JiOnny Instead of . 11101asses to M, floo .� il, Illilk 11,4 ill'up'L6 �tili e'ller ; , �
. 'Mro lla�,D Olin' of tile best appoilitt'll Jell I - ALWAYS Till:', 8.01�. itlio I a,, It a ading Juno 30, 1111 is in iny saddle -bags �t 111c, use. . 11 .
. .. offices West. ol"NrollLo. Our ravillifeKili , . .- . dn I trol wittiess: I . . � 1 8 21 3 .t if, . if ye, � . id. Mr. cral]ls- hotel;` - . : � . � I I , � , I . - 1, . 11. enst. I 11:0 if�; . . . .1
. ouro Imills With—it is moro Coll -oil , 11 s1lUw theuJall-l�, I'll", Ilatt flinuber,
� . . � this department �1141)10 Us to. do. 1111 Muds. - � .11 - . . 11 J. fall not . boeii pit . I . � . I . , . . . 0 1 . . I . . .
. . . I When Once I said it.
ligi:!"il-11 toaliltultill * V, at. i a -I g - ' . .�Jlo-vi-ihlloss Was 110'rillit,ted- to "O jal to, t1lo. acs. . , �: _. - - .. I . �
oil, .11, 1.1"O(Al Rollift9catilolic , ch . . . ' L . . .
. of Wovlc�f'rolir IL ealli tell Wroto tod' lea ,R,, Livi-hrup, of Lin- 0 . . .1 . .
. . . eposter, in tile 1)("qt titvifl known WOO, LQ tlliA oftho'Knights ofLabor? (whi's, Inn, Loudon,, Mv'.. OuAltor's ..to tile hotel ,%till procuro - the diary, ' - "Personal Points Portaimill" - to 'Ver llo�v ilia pool, foll�x' breAll anti s no 1.
. � I O.. . I . . . 1) . to ,
araft, anti at tile Iov��-t possilila, rates. I I I ' . . .ft witli w1lich lie returtiod *Into -CO - tlrt� Partic . Lklir Poo . plo,"—Tliis is a, liqad� Iind-limigv� I'llctil" yv,�,ql: stull, voil - . 4
I . I I I Orders. by pitivil I)VO111j)tly, attellile(I to. " . ,.. � If. 11.0 li8tc,M to Cardintd Tas�llo.roau, attornt!ys, and informed. tlfolj� th I . ' I . . .
� . . , , . . , . i I i guell Illort_ .j 11.j4'ijj(I tjIn date ",illa 11 3, 182f", . ", .. , * F�atj inn -to -him fliat His t1to tif�rov � &I - 1. ,;
. -AdElre, , - '. , I., I , . . * Ito )V,ill coil' ILL, the:P-Ope bas lie 116d. Ij(%VL1,r..-1NOn'ft1.1y . . ro a . .
I .. . clude th, � . I . "It' . re thatllisestatc-'Vvltsu . ninom . iiII.ev- Mr. 111-olic,lialli 811ifl, . I- I. line Ili . country pallor, aild tylay be . 0, hoppy Brititill ; , � . . . _ ,
. I . I t, r, 1. . 0 I . I . . . ilaitli ynmig ,I'll atil(v iiiint, wife and Nvean, � i
. ,
I Y . banned, the association and that all ' I d Tit' w'itut-stairuellove I . I � Yull .1intl(I thela eatill.� �. . . I
The Uug-fi`6cord, I . r t,116 loavos* clitssod ,is green Ilia. . . I .
. . . �
I � . � � I . .. . . I . , don'r I -, to . -it m . -i I 11 -bo exconiniulim od, alid t1i'at lie lirtil never borrowe (11 I H � . .All I milch Cows should have .. a . . "..I I . .. '. . . ... � . . 7
' . 11"11111ton. 011t -who-bo . . . 'Of' Mr. Coultor-iii -his life, ituUt lie reachmi. Itim req-nired. date. * I � I . I I
� '� . a. , I . 11 sixponco, . - - . .-,----,, __ - � . I ., �. � .
. . I noceinber, 168,2. . I . - , , * 1. . . - he. I -]'I is facd. I *plentiful supply of grood, pilre, cloltr� -
.. . � . . i6tod. If - Iisteai� - to Cavdili.(d Tile- reply fo.this Wits 1.1.10 service of -�V�Ayylilo illuminated. . I . . � 'illilielloo -Cardinal Mis- -
. . ____ _ . . . . J . � �. , . I �. IT is E .
______ .______7,__,_ -
. . .
. . I ��, ON ns, of Daltilime, he w.ill -coil-' imP618 ill It' suit to furdloso the Illort-.. * I or. Tile nlilkilian.cAn do with- .
... . . � . I . t )o I . I . .Njr? Droug, imil—AVell, :wlin't d 6. wat' A' (1� - I i
. - I I � .. . � . ... . " � . . . . . clioi6all, lilt$ ju 1.�Cidril a sollil, .
.. . . . I ?n ew-s-flecord. cl -it tI I ' has tho ZN O - - - - ' * . - . - - . ' ' . - . : : YOU filid th(lie V' , , . . '. I 0 " (".110,10 - ,
- . . I. J udb th. .to a8socit tiuyi out. Tile -Witter sliould. bo�p�t into what Curious - C-11so. : Tli,
. . Tha Hum' N . . . . . .. I t I . -r q' osted1ii - . . . llelq_
.. ___ I . * blessin- of U - CIA . 11 ' 'On the 'a.ftorni;ton . . 'atliulique; pf Qttf!b6c citi�j ,osti' i '
. . I I - . . , === .tile Roill.11 t1lolid . Afr. Cranston then 0 11 . Mr. Cranston I cows, and not Wto the milk, . C, I , . . I
_�_ .
. . .. I 1. I I . " .. . . . D . . I attoriloy toL,6wid an :expert to exa-_ Of` 11111.0 - . . ` , , , iij. or- b6i litrellil, ..
. C %: 0.111ITell and that Collolics arp qu i te , . . .
. . . , .It 3, 1821, 1 caind to this city . 'Cotted )w. Mb ..
Wcdillcs�lfay, ScIA inflil"er. .1 St , ,. I Bear - in, 111ind. - that wliitev�asli .1 . . , I
. . . . . . � . . I � . ' : . - I mine his books.. A, Mr. :'Morrisoll On'bLiAiUNSS C011neCtOd WWI Illy last . . I . '13*6ttlel, Of Lltbai-Vs boel" Who resides , I .
. . . . . .- __. I- safe ill it. . If Ile Itst6lys, to ArCII.- vilt, , aild 110 it, oricu, Went to . st , Pell Str of, litienuso r. *�ilo ". - /-, ,
__ .. - - � . I . 'd , 1101-0 - avorl-pu
. . . ':=___=____=_T=__ "-,--- ". . � WAS Ivira's estat(s. . I stayo ri&st aud ''beautifies''at tile ,sallib ill 1, e I 0
. . . . . . I . I- ' ' . .. I
. . .. 1. ?
. . . . . .bisllop L�yicli, of Toroilto, Ile. w.11 -V 4ork. tb'invetitigato the afrairs of LIke March 3rd, alld returtiod. hollid on' * tinie.'. It should.be used f'reely ,ft -Ili.4 In- I,` i
. . -1%',r,,E IVEND. ' ,' . . . .. . . . � ID . i
. . . . . YA.',\ � I ' I . - * 0 . I .. . . . . , . . . . 11$0 by.him of' ft -L�imirilo on.
. . . . . . .
I . . . b-ogill to tlii.uk that. it - all. depends. irull-fililstok. . . . tile evaning. of March ItIr. d: Of ISels. � Tit 'llicilibers of the Circle � . :
I I . . . . . . I I � —"-'7 . .0 . . I I . . . . . . 0 � 1. I _ . . this I s6tf6oli ,'Of.' the.year, td War . . . .0 . I .... . .�
� . . .1 . .- vir, QRI!X'S . GARDrx. . 'Upon circuilistatim,. .'fm(l tlutt_a, .' Froin�tlie..titnq Wbou ..,12.1r. . Coulter. . � 4 domtohoiLTION, ' .iti6s -6t tho roo . up 0 . Were for, . 1111ddoli to inivollaso his IfJQ6 I I �
� , 1. . . . . impill .. you'vill ,
. I . � I - . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . -0 - .. I . � I., oil accoWlt of"this 3rils.ollio cut , blem'.. * -. - , i
. .
. Reports froill - vit, '\Lr s created a seusation. Ili court. frolil - ton. . . i;c�o a,j)I)e' -0. t-11 , , 't-8 Mr:
. . fious Iffinnosote, . Catlyulic Cannot be a' ' menilior' of the C11-stdi"llo "'to ' , 'to , 6111ploy of ' - - Thi � .\!. C. Calfle, . . �
. . .. . .
. . Crailt"toil.to tilp.day of his I i witioud, - - .. I . I - O' . .
I I . .. . . . 11 , aVIII(r2 Counsel for tlib aiatiff I . . . ro , alill" t , COLI1 .
ikil. Dakofa ,points phow, illati tile association,' iniquclseo,.,Lllat lie cif�. . f e' , . " . pl, . . graills ,I 4ittou - before ... ,I
. . . . I . . , - . ost hlid earliest - of 1� i I : I a i III � � ailit., I .
.,a . ,ill thb books had been in- INU.- coul . butjoile of 1,11 . The b � a, coulph
. , ,
. � , . . ritoriii,ofstin(l,-LY,,-Lftcrlloon, md'uigU �iri'tb*e Vuitad, States and t1l,it he, can, ter's..*13flial, - Cie.' , He bad rvcoive I d � a 11!j - olli. said .: . .. I .. � . .. � ' I ' . . 0 . I .0 is'pli.*eve,iii alill't .. I I
.. .. . . . 0 . . - cf�� . ' dodge—,-ille Intitylu. corn a I re . t1j use . im . ct, to tlkb bulf . of, (jardinal M, � 1, Ire lattex . .
. . I
. . vas .unus"IlIlly sov - ... �. f, - They fottli.earlior, matti �,
. . ib ;. t1litt.it all depositud. all yylolle�,�s, paid a I I' (I (I b t s, .. f, f'Tliis is ,an old ,. ilat, I'Al'ic J 1
. � . . . ore A'.t Fai:gc, -if"bo li , kos -: in -Y oroll. . . _. . 111,111- A . . , I g . I I 11 O ]Ills jiist. decided. t tile tr4do Iii . . .1 - .1
. . . I I I . " , I It ditiri to "Croa�. It rb .m.', tI o cob... '. . E . in ques. -a' ,
is.a runfor that'a Cyclone Visited d6volids it , 011,04 personal attitu(Itt Juld, ill fact, had ul,whalloilge't: Coll- .0 . '. � tiqu.k.11ot it Wasollid sji, f , 4
, I 0 . . . - tj , � ' m . F0 _ . !I
11, t. . �. - , � .".* ,, I .
lue 800.1 . goorter,atId yield. earlier and. U'rolleror �
there I - Let I . . .0 I treilil, Nvill now talte-actiutil.
I . - . . ' 1 I . I . . I , . trol. of tlio fi�.naticial,-affnivs of tile 11 .. - Mi% .Mon . $ , . � i
I x .. . .1
: EFockenridi,e, Uinu.,.ivitli dislstrou.�, ,6f the llii;illof)�oftlio diocese.. .11-liv .� - .. 06unt,iol exam i it ed. 'i't, R i(l than plants, 'Several yetirs? expericlit:6' . � . . w .
. . . . . .0. . I . . .. . . 11 . . ... . . I � . conoorp. , 'Yho &xpQj-t, -�\Ioyrisoli, d is-.- . . I . . - for daintiges tqg�diisthis detractors: k 11
. � , but.tho, ol'ild tli6no be stidi difforonces if .. . , a * . I i ! �
I �
. . . results to. life 'alld prop6l.ty'. � sh ., . . . cover6l that about si\� Illuntlis-aft"er tltrii�v it ovii contemptuo.usly. . 'i .convinces us that thoso whiull bloom . �� Says' tlio Clalt Rofornier-: Oil - , ', � �
I - ' . I . 1� I
I 'kvire I , IiAn Old trick, iny,10id," ho -said .; � -
; .. . there is oil,-) lufallible1ioad of tile . Ill.s. c,,,. , I .. .st, ill - thil Sp it 1, are near AUbilds. ' ,lit it * - `
I- , h and Lila reports 'call . � ilustull's dcatli and, A the 4
. . . . . . . , � : . % I _. fil . . rin6 ti, ,t) , I last a in, -11 (I. , .,
. I .. . ato -of the IIIOrtqa& , 11 Y , 1:' Ilrov , . . ", . , . . y aftoryloon . - 1 - !
. .1"011iall. v tile Colidern iv,o must II,kvL t If - I I 0 lit ,fr - 6 1.
not - be xcrificl.L. A. cyclono was 1161Y Catholic Unlrell fnlid-: 4, - , be t . if than * . .., . �
I '
� . . . .11 . . . .1 . Q - - - I I i . . . .! . . . tho. base; A .little " �Varm Weather NVOIDA11 (N�Itll a` YOI 1 9 I . (1) , 1 iv " ( ,
. . . . I Ire I iv Tind been ereditedl,�,N'Ttll .tll'(3 61111i Of that," , �� � . . . ., . . . . . at ofid of Olir 1101616,:alld re,,��'tpretl . , I
. .at Afbert Lea but iI-as ' 'me, `Iu4 (11 . offil"i its - Ile Y , tile . I
. I . . :sieoii . - � I . Q , .0 . I I - o0o ;;Ivorliii�g' as ,�Ii Ifilvance 6.0111. . . . I . . . . . a � (I "thoy borrin to- slioot,- ali'd tile , . - �
, 0. . I .; I
. � xp)., . I 44 . , -� d "�*ifo. '96thing oocum'( I
. . . . WN, a will "ive it:to*,Yoil �iiv d tit, I , - " I j " as ,111 , im,
. . � I ' . I 0 . . *, , Pain ccul les . lj�toiavatio.. �
. . I I , in iiccol,d,�Iljo . . an', n .
. 'too'- Ilia i, to , bo Jlangorou�. At � ,)�,*vl.c .Over l-lud-flotill, J. ,,, . I Kr. Outilter. .9i%l niblitlis latet.the I �ti b I Y � bsitioll:tllat� t
. . . 0 . t) . . . . ..(3,9) to -lead O*tlI )p � lley �', � . .
. . " , , , . Ile," Ifr. 14:011g,11tviii retorted" . . I . � , . . t o.sill, .. . .
� '110 Pro . Se - -1) ,J�s showed an , " v6st I . �, " rolls. N I ..
Ellctbu', 'DakqUii, � -tile doput Was With `h . Ild 'InuttO. — 111)01 � . . .
11 I . . . I -2 0 entry tli;it 111W.1 . are strott'gorand. inor&-vl 0 . � ,�o - fliall What they represcil t- .
� I I I .. - . . .. 1: I .. . . . . 1. .1 ..., ., t� o 'ro othol. . I
. � . I I . . . . . . .Mr.,Gi:aiistoII,'Wh0*ny did, yon: sou: : t1ley
. . C d, , i - tile - "Citil6liti eudahl ? , � . I �. . at Old. rate, of. 5 p:er colit...pol. anyttillil - 11 � I I , � m .* . - 0-ThIdge Nvlio havo tit 1, - themselves td __ '
. . 11111.0of . 'at I . . I . " . . q f . � . , , 0 -tbat . owasion I" , . . : rlurici i an : . %1-od ,b�omtil awexcited' i
I I. . . . I I . � ... I . � _—_ . � . � 11 I I , . . . I .
, .
. : , �c I I.. .. :. � ., . .. . I Ind. . been� paid. *.upol� tile allioulit! I . . . . .. �.. - W" anrrel, Ii-rrived, oii'.tli6 7�30- tmin I I
. chul )ibloN�Ii TTom ibs� fomi dit U011141 . " , , " .* w .seasoll Oxperimented ith tobacco , str . �
'. . . I I .%� V1,:Ttt,.,vrIm�, sm�xlm.�". , , fitry, 11 IN . . . I D . .
.. . � .. .. . . 11111(1!8b\� illonthe la . I � "' , -in T41abassee cotmtto . (4-1101pli the folldl�inglylorjiill'g, "I
I a , . ., . tor it shililar W .Arr. 13rostIvell'; Im is* I I ,and* I
. � . * . . P . . , . . . .. -wet, . I . � . I I lb I . � � . , are very woll frol�l . I - . . . Y I I
� , ,
,At-Lan.moro,,-D4kOta the Pi-cgby-, � - I . 13.0lievill" liltelilgelledr; - -1vo --'�-a-liltc. sil Il. sbortly bet re � ii, ,oat'll all 11.
.. . . I � . . . sho . t Itft�rnloljb of . . J. I 8, � d. I . Is -results .Wo linder- : and gained'access to the roolli.oftlio. I
. . . . pleased 'With I . I . � I
. - and. it i fa Ill, , -s ,wore. don 'ifilivil, by, , Ity paii� -a ii tiff 6 .. - , I
I l6wn.--dolivu , -- The ILI x ,rald thus cleyorly -.it I I I
te'riall clinvell Was b O . . . . - K atitj � . I ,
. . .. I . . . I . 1 . .. . f,O r tllo.,, 16, 1�iirposti There. liras books, Iya p e I taild that one crentlonfall, .1 North- ., ild )YO Ill litive, in,
. . ' i.,illcr,f.i',iiii6btiihlili,o,s . shows up �Ii& ill till 1161,11in'r ' show, hoWeVer, , , li . . , , 8 D - . .. 11 Ii . . I
. I 61) I � T' ou$ tilctics tif"the .to- %v. ore- liTe., , its I kuoW.ju illy suirow 1, was - tobltC06 .-rower, - who .T 'apatefl. li'VI lie' not I . I
. ti, 1imlib0r_bT- . . . - I .� , 1. a -
I I .. I . 11 I . .. I , . , . . I I , .. , I I 11 . I . ,: � . .. . .. . I � I P � (31:1 - 0 � )I sh�ort Work of fliom ' . I . . �
. I g, I�Ay 411.1their. fqn.aiie'll. crusal. 0 ellis isull Of X15,000.11"Id "Ouc... ... . .!tile qns�Nver. . 11 . . .� . . . - '!
p . .�
. . .. -find Cant wel 0 1)10�li "ifAO tlio riv*L�r, J rit, . 11 . � .1 � I 0, � .. . I . I . . � . . I . . tile, "l6und., himself, � plaliteil flic, - boon . intdrfotod.' -vvi Lit. * � Constable .
. I . . . I ., ' , . . It :. . � !1! - . lints cultivilted eigg�n M;ns so�t f r allit the , t
I . . � 'At Dzt1ton sonic twcnt� 'Ittlindin,44 .6. aitl8ttliopreillifiv: "ItitlWom . . ; T'l I TRIAL. . ' :' - HII singulhr all (I unexpected seeds put ofit.tIld pI' sle-v , .0 . .,
. I � L, , 9 - .. . .&I"-1 . ... I E . . .. I .". I .. -tn , - � ) I .
.. . I � -' "ir !k 0 I U jW�g.11al)pfI . An old �reiitlolllnl�; t . 110 cliop, 0 ttlie tobacco yind-is-liomi- ivoiliall: mild. ]lot � iiaraill . Q.11-1, woro, - - I
, . " ii, ill 0 .1 . .
� wevil, ujil.d. foil, ,till! :tanding, grain ful. vlif 1i � Ili amn S ,' ]ill A,� Wilt n tliova so. canto,on. for trial 0- . u . - . � .
' 0 s. 0 0 � . I .. .... - * . . 0 tit 0. 'oil , , to pr(- ,' I
. - . . . - ,r with swite sopava -o roonis
� � -rily Who Ilad been , listeiiing r i 1) it' lockefl. it , i , t i
la Nv as bit Ll I y M11oklOWNILI -� IOTO WQn_1 Mr.- GoultoT . T. ill
I in'tEd1raoic or ti , stor*lyt * 1,>Iia still 1, appettroil witli ti�u hi watchim, it,. throll-li, . .. . I . . :
. . . I . . Tor'o 0- tho tvinl, .Callic. f6invard 'pro o 11 it, ".td his fil't, -11 voui; a bloody tra,rp.tdy,, nutil. sonto . I
. . . . . . . . . L
I Wits N, It Ile bad. Ill F il -and it ,sted oil Ilia claillill in -*+ 0: ss, Its rftwli (11 rA . ;
. Imatizil down, aud. diat in sbook derful, V ,fit It. versat an lie 0 COLIUSL � .1si I . * . , * I , , ,
I � . 1. . � . I , Cy. 1111(i �tndc;l,�)oketu"iNfr4Cr,;Lu,,t(fii'sttttoriiny. Nr rt1l, to , ell"dilf-TtIl(I Come to Leon satlo-nien-L :6ould be efloladd.. The . ,
. I � . , It )o 1111011 . 0 8 . . . "
' NvIleii sked Where.. tl I . r . , . . .
I -� scatt;irred.- Th o1in-lAn ing 'flid. Amoll can bo.� 4ast. no%v lie -is ljjAlig ablis-1 I'llo - attorlicy wllispored� to Mr.' colility, .and. on"i'00 in iobiteco irato husband 'would bear' of.'noth- - - �, -,
� . . I I lb . .-, - - . .. I 0 . (,Pon(,, lifs roplied fliat soon after Mrs. . . . 0 0. - . . � I
. I . . ' . : ed t1irili(thout Que.be'o .by Laur, P, 11 . . . I 11sto . Ii W . its .13li-66i,littin, NvIto ,,it once IlWiiissed 'oujtll�e. , , - � . . . 1. . .ing Imt, "guru"--at'first� but fluall�. .�.
, A .r,. (,,,Vall,tol�,
. I - -,Iftmfi,;v� noax -2f9orelve.all, ]\fittil. - 'r, -. 0 - I I P , ., S cleilt1l -jqy. ,Ora * . . . . I - . " - I . I
� 't j�l . Cranston and. put 016. Stratigoi *� * tetlice(I to accept V00 as'.a balill to .
� . Lallie Nvas'sfruol�-`qu(l illion'reLurn TvIldol" Mevbler ,.�- Co.,, a - a all �. or� ill. the . lm.bit of- absentil.1" hi * Illself r 1. ., . . 1 16 seellis that nq� far away Its Chic- N . :
I . 0 . . I . . I . . � � � It , .. . . ; . . --oil tho stand. . I I . . I I .. " 0 . " . t for th t, - . .
v . , -0 ' r froni'liolue sovdral days Itt a time, . , I I 1 ):40od. Fa�.11lillg departnibut lli,,.ijijtii,c.(I�f:u,-(�iiii,,ts. Achequelvas
-..---. lliff , ; hsoi6llsiless I'doid, P - . promptly d.raNvil Oil ataillotill , ,
., to, CO . , , L' , billiaelf allgiste " ,,is - a - flOTO 1)6 -secutur* of I I !Ill leartiod,tilftt for� 016reir- a JI'S III1,1110, ho 19'tId,.IVas ,,Io,o,, "titoa. 7"exas Bluc7oli(in .... . .
. I
. 1), . . �a . ,v - -, — I , I AlOmndc . I- - I . '. . . . a � tl�d . :ai , i:'.6-millont I siftylef: To - i 't. - , �
� . '111(f. . . I . 1.� I . . . G bliblies; 's It ("MaAiaii 1"isillavoic "11(1:13.0 , , :, - * ll�o Was is f'pl�rea o . 0 I .
. . . . , . . . . I . . ____ Y Nh fash- 'Mastors, and. foi- lilftn,)� yorti's, (1 I lievill,
l . . . ' . ,�'(` 1.1 r 1) 0 llfldlt(ipt.lft, ilii8tr(M � Gaillb . see t1i'lit diflUri'lloo .§116i.11 ,
� 1� . . y alid. Ail)) O$0,11rent In .. I . . � : . f , I. .
. . . 13LA10"S Dr,A=Fia:ro : - - V,11.080, duty by dty I t 01111111, -in. , cle 1 tile a4ldlworTrulll Airtlior prosectitiuly. -
, . . . .. . . I - I '. . 1011111.116 -style at Divilillic . . �k to':Mri Brolit\�611.- lie tilunti'- � :111alco any differeti'm - Yon.-lyivo got J __ A I
I— T Ii o 1110s.t 'terrible.storlir 6�or CX- V iii -lit, is Ilow-bo"C-to'stilivert ft.11d: wllrwia�dliro.. , , 111) d. a.-Ood . d, . Ther , Nyere no fund'a to .tile credit I
. . . . . ... . '. Y 0'', . I . . .. . .2U. Coil] wr's colill- , fied M.r. Grallstoll Its a- client) - 13 (qtfartilleilt; and thol-ii is- 31(? .0 ,
.. . . , , , I of that wo .
� . , 010, catho to 0.1111-01": Ab It I t1lis (I istilletly rommulleved his ( n why theye should - not, be
-it 'Of �Mttriuu , 'I Sol .s ill . that'if N Ivtls� liceilflif 'itilim"On* I., I -thy, I'll tilt) balil" llow- .
I . jluriel.icr�:(I.AL t1flit llurtitli . destruy . -, 0 . ("ISO I .. I
. - * * .
-, I - . , . In- mr. breut' Qlt ill'yelatiou: -t 10 prubtibilities aro-diat'.
- �,s -,- llica,i,6, NV116- W
. . ('6UIAN-1 111.61=,tbe,Bm�ilfl�rc ez. owo'. -tile .C."afilo, � I ii. Calil"61,611" of . I .-. � . , e .settle, ovoll . n . . .
I . I . I . ljl�'. Deno . ' w0nall wolfld.t( tify dint ,)Jr. Gri , Nv , : . to . It . 14 d . .in - Q
. ... . , . . . ,� . . � - 0 as,.�d , I . . � appreciato a goo(l t1iing, no maW,, ,tl!13 iaij,tirva imslmlia, Iviii never re- - * .
I . I - ston liml expe'lldo.d. .oil lier move tliair c Ivil'o'�q, Vaini. _:.. , . 0 1 . I .1
I � I .
. . . .. . .111ilwity, oc'etirroll InAt '%x)! . o1c; Itmu' .tJ I a, Glubo, is busy ,ibowing, t 1.0 pe�- ,4,15) ObO (Yr .oVell 420, . M10 si]IQ � C. lie .. '. - . .. I wl (3 i ditqt,�ilcc. - []"(['I Ot 8/o,,t/,.-. cei6 a'- Cent. Xm,ot inti oil's � , 14
- , i . , , . .. . . :J� f �, I)wz),trolialn—Can You fix t4o, )fit th , .1 . . . ,
.1 � . 0 I
� -trotifii8 plo . of onw'Tiq what..ti, renf5g, 1 ' ' . . . . I . . d . : - , .
. io-1.1 ill tovv'tfits and lit -Vo I-, . ., , it fililt, 1111140 Tf*6i!-,ft-d malut,flu("(1, �! :(I,iy � - , I I , ik alm n6ti to that tlli.,.4 W0110 gullig oil all :iy "I'lLesday ,-,�
. . I I . . � . . . m . q _. , t . . 71. (lit ,Will ] mso t, C I . .
. . .
. -t olum, Nute.4ailt he ts- 'in permitling 1jis . . . I . . I I . c d, with din View of coillin'l, to' A01111i : . I
I . . � swelle(I ill all. hiert'dibly sliol I re: quit unad, , -
I . . . � . M, . � . Mr. Cfilllsi 11 find, Ilk-lawyr ) SM 061JI.Css IS-I)II 111torat . . . 0. .
0 ,, i I r, I ast6ri I -1 '
. . - * , ' - , SItti8fiketUry SLIU10111011tj bIlt IlUtllill"' -
:u dovouiliv, fl," o'di, i'flitt'r to 13U bvo I 11 111(i , .) 2 I' ,--:--I ti ink I Call, if s too Warm 'for titfl'y..] I n
. 11 Y uIlly gmild-ditt., 111'11t� ,pom,od t . idt u.;abaq I kii find -my book ill w1iielf. I ontor- . � � . . till
. � Of tillin 1 4. " J)oliko , . 0 , . .. , : ,, .0 flt_:._AL thkIIIIJO � 0 1 ATelitheri. . . pears to lilivo lievii oiftvote(l. Tilt) . .. '
. , . ' .
I � I 1.10 . 1,11111, 1 a 6 it .(atlTlio, till � I all all solivu ljjq dutio f'o v I I r. , "Is yotir pa ntt Leine, little gidl"
I I 1. 11M I ). . � llivu'lef, -m-Iiiell 4 llp�* It ),Ulilll 1, I d that .."tatolitent ItuLl tlio latter aske(Illeavo, 11. 11 .. . � . I 0 . Nv011ifill 14tartelll Off on tile (J. 1)" It. , -
. . � , * , . ; .. .. . . . v i ,; . 's . . I I .. . 99
. pill (�11.sil lit ill, Ull(l, I , 1) i Ov - ! Ii -alifloul, to cc . .
311,11-1.1 XY pv,!�tl . RU'rOSS _. . I lusti-It I lioil, of i u It t, .iks tho ro. 1"'rell twell." I . . . I yels" str. . J)u you. Wish to -see train (Itivill"g the. Mirternotill, tlioJit'44- ' ' . I
. . I . . . .
I . I 0 , is,. that lifin'll, . . .1 � band rottirnod'lo 011tollill, Wbile ilf(Y .* I
. . . oMhiary- sA-myn Aoso in liuss t1irin an Oil t Ili H, stilt. I'llm, � aid fluty. �voro - willim, Io. � m,, 1,6wdaayvf�1VbAro I I I � . ._.- ��
, ,
. , . . . � . , s soil, 1.111-1l'it, tlnq� 11Y I 0 IvIls it prot, , illoilgh stivl)ri4v({ by t1m. 0 '' .1 . . . P . .1 . I .
. . , '.n j , . . . 0 . (10111 . . I boult, -Mid huw souil Call you, 1)1,,O- . I., , . . 7 . .
. . r,clic through the, (-' , S1.10 I'I't One . , . an li'llov Caused tho.-froublo is sai(I . . -
Ilutiv until it� 'm ,;jtli"ljQ.,..QjIIt � dallg1dar, .stitt', ilienbi of' r' - "Yos., I In, .
. . I . . I—. . . the jilaintiff"llid, .1lis . . . . � � . . . � I . 1.
. . wholo vo 1 ley frulki � bill"to Itilli 'Onit.- WIjO i,4 lwinu vdImON1 ill her Illbill. oollllewl� , " , . . .6 . cufo it il , ! , ; lilltIt YOu-wdjj't'jtjjOW'1I1I1l &YOU to Ilft`VC VVIIIIII'M'd , ill uj�yn:,/ 'Tiro � .
� � .
I . . . 0. . - . I I . . . . .r.nst'krs—Tt is A illy.1101t8l", AU floo lilill", . . . . I
. . . � . . . � .....J, * lmr; I, . , . . . . . ''. : : wolitaii, who N 06fively to look'fillyno . .
I I rying byidgo,-) mi(T fviioos, baryis aml vv'� fl-li"ll -V Sil, Jobli, ancl Lady Itives. CdN�!.Ilj, 11 . .
. . 0 IN, . . .. I . I . . Tllp� I)OII;I. ind i mortty-tirm wern ltlit all(I I 0.1tif litucilro-It, in 'five Illil " . Ilat.".9.010 111,11tter 1". is said,to Ilavo II(Iratbl'O'C' boruo a �
IIII(I evell hu-mv9, iilf.;'it. At B�lllr- ,1111ofluilidd, Willi �vllulll si Io , I ivoti. ill 'evid01100; OutlllsA 13fol, .tdln (to- -
, I . � " 3 fivaotur. � Site .19 av�, � ,
. . . Tile Nvituolis went for it and oil tr�od ell. - It, . .,been Ill,
. � . . . . I . felisn Was 'N11% )III-Ongbafil, just t1lull. � . 111voll, -�, oil sco, out ill-tho co.ull� , I .
I . . . . � . -racksvilk, sev-ilval' ball,lingni were W11 I at, ill(ItivA Sir John to.11110<0 � '. , - , . . rettli'lliAl"'t 1),rodilood. it', 81101villf; Illy, . . Ylfld .for sov'vvat voill's, anti 1111.19. A .
. ". � . . . 1 14 . r1singilito flalliq as it lawyol. . . fr , � -oil ollk 1,41,111 a. Illim and 1) is, -w i fil U1110 � in GrI101311. * Tho'. � I
. de.4troyed. J61111 8n('!(1,iv1Y, - - �rll a florm 110rail"istul -UIr-11Iii--PAIst-�itIn , - � ., .� . __ - elitbo, I'mPelltry of' tilb work done for 't 601111'urtal.)10 II . . .
0 1 . . , I I is 1), gq - to - figli Qllg� find pri, lio. tfied. to , I
. ,Nlt,. .111,011viliIIII-11 (I . .'Tile hand4umoniall" ill t1lo '611.4o , � �
With llis wil'o ali(l, four 'Cllibtreh of tile Mtmvq�.rivr.r, and to be m,cll 1 . . I " 911(1'*dll AM 1'. CT31I.St011y'llthl It At'lltUnfOlft tllltt stop Uielli.1, -
, . . 111111 mortgago 1-mi-pol't to have .1well it It"n, lit " 011, I ilidae(l ii it . k. ,q sil'M - - i
� livee"48ary to Sit Lit) all llig I is not Intlell to 10 )k af, all(I f
,. 0 1 (
... .. live(I 61.1 Dmiltal-A 211ilv, aw6ko ill. � tool Of tilt) Jesuits Oil 11113 WVA sigile(I on )IttI.Cl, 3, 1,�;Ij, (Iij t1ley . Ichill, frolly
. . 1. . . . , , tyent of. ,
. S I � . . to, (10 it, 013 INIr. U'vanston wap rohli'll- , I to b(I 11, some . . I
�rlc 3li-lit t6.,. filid. tilt) liouso Sur- 410" it' is' impusidbla to ,;fly ,� but if' )lot, .1 . . g. aly
. 0 .. I . ing lluillo tl (I next I * 'I'llis entry yes , YOU'd 1)(,�UPV call - *P%ill, 'Toronto. '1110 injill-KI, hilsball(I , :
I . . . � I I . . I 'l'411't . lk", now, ,— it qmarg to 1)6 . ft vorv. 'I'milec ) .
'Toillilled by Iviltm-A whi, I 1) Urml, ill We 111.0 t-G.-Tyi, ,V6 (' . ritg t1lat js . g. I ,I,,- - Y (I ltlluw. till le, ,
I . a 0 ,lio t 1( I - , '21 0 wol , . I -
'111k ), Ur� Co it I I P I —' .11 I v y do. That. Wns IIIIdvr (,Life of'.mavell 3 18, 1 .
1 . I f , I
I . . . " i .1�""_J,)?1'q1( , it, ,
. at; , ovor (luov t1l)(I - Will 10W. M, I tilt) NVity is actill't, '(lilt(' is 11poll flic-Ill. This Co fl6vlml Mr, C Oil I s tv., t - '01,111. . I 11mv-d-wol-king IlItIll'alld. is qaid to bli I
. y , , Ilm". oitt villiml, ��., . " . .. 11 - ram'd . 1. vt . 11 1,11to tho'n llay-t
. Jlla(lu Ilis way out to proo it'll . I, m
. A 118- I It Can scavaply 1)o pi.issiMo fbitt Sir ' )IT,, Bruu�lI;1III._'1Al'Iyo drow n1vil y 11 il in'. tilib"011 with tile .entry. Ike Sloan Was a fal,1116, lilt(� otlier fliltievvilig Of 11 1) t r
I I I . . I .y. I . , , . I vermolltel-A, but iva-81111; 6.�acfl�; One iliff his lionin broken, u. 1), ill this
mistaliev, bat lwfuto. I . I I ill lit 'n . �
. ill l0tivill.4 his '101111 is 111tvi-Il"t his little, gralld-elli ),I .010111, , � I . s dial , Of tile fyi)(3 W.111U.140, "Ol'UtOrs" allil shilinot'Ill IllalITIM1. . . I
. � , I n � . I
, With tlin I . Tim r1l.0'r, _... . - -k..-., 1. - .. --- . f
wil'a 11,11(f.twu (41111ilivil We're (INW11- bl'unghil ,up, it Cmilolie . M v. 0,61111-i-r—A scri'viiiii!r, iifttiivd I I t 111. vegotables always bi-ing muto alleY . . I
. 0 . . ,�i adlt I . , , I I
� -r,.of Ivallsall, sililem (Wad. I
. 4;41. Olm vVelfill- two Itliss"N'l, 'vivtv Of evolitimll,y imil-doring her " . 14�1` a illoro I'villarkablit-thillfg Was tll,lll tiny utllv� peopkit's. (1),111 the * Tile gloonly I'val-4, '(feimponding. , .
I i1j . ,
. 'it- t to (ji,itill"lliSlI 1,11i.4-ti-jiLl. I 1 vlow.m'; alid 11�v.ikvitless, that Ilially
Mr, Bivighmn—And. Owso 1% y ot , I
ellililivil wory fl�llml. ill Jllo, .Nioll- I ill ()V,I,..r t1lat )w may "Willie 10"ll m ) Usepli. 0 Contrary, it' t1love wil'i -lily difl'ov'MICU .
I I I � . 1 nosseq_ClInNes Jv,�slllj awl, , Mr. Drou('1111fil took the lit'r.f. ImIgo lletwvvii thn livice tilat he I got for h is eonl1fl'ain Of, W�Otlj(j flitialil)(111P, Wt'1'0
f,�!I'mllldft Rivur ti,overal Illib's from ! (I"op ill J'al4st 111OU'l " Mr. AII-11111 N�, ,
I I I . m illll�tllvy avo llmul also ? , % It'iddly .
. . and (exilliline(I it Nvith I illuch Care, prutlucts and. tile illatket rate it Was tile bloml jilade poro and I , Ase 8
. dll��scollu (it, Ow dis:kSTA-P, 111:,ilrua(l � ill lljq frisli (2,ft)juji(.'vvibqIw, ONI-11. I Mv� COIIlWI,_Tllq ailt,.. - . / �Mlvalllflgvo. (.)Ile I bef'oro I'vim lo'dolicitto, Vol �
;Ilolflill," it. ar to tilt' -till IIv to, Ills [lit "I" "
. , lit ,
0. I glit 111111 set - goliera )m bmin, Ayer's Saximplivil fir ,
.. . I I i I r., D 1-011g) ill Ill ,� Iv You Sil ra all (I Ilizilly ('j'fqy Int' -f, of,it. '1111,11 [m llay Oil bih Way banIt
I raffio. wffl,4 consilli'l-ably inliwil!'(1 by I 14 lly Sout-oll PI'vsb,�;lvrkIl:,) .411un)(1 1 ) from tho v ,t,,�,flvq alid.vit"AlIzeq 010 won'd �, flit ,j �
. stomill allfl. ol . I , C, Ijv Judga - lag i", pvRtl0XFthl6 I ,q, , , I . Ill. allity, �
t1to -oll4jil jill"10 AvQ- I 1p, 111)JU to solIvu till, il td;mi.d (Iro:td., ; puNitivo tiv-sv illsti-11111vitIs Iverl, No- haff(Iod fit(. Ilistilinwill,Q) t 'tl If(' dium pfailloll bliterly to flif, 1,0 ItIfilt of boi y at s
" � - i (1;ji-d Oil 11141 datvii whiull ilivy Iml-14 " fill(I ""'ki'l ; I . I lik"Oldu with IvIluill Ile- Qssij�v(j aloll" , 4 fly , . . � I . .
, - 'i 't, I %'Vj , , , t -olifi/ly Vdik(ll, � . I 1,111 111Y.4tvvyi . L I � C., 0 hill, . . I . .
I . I . I . I . .. I I . . . . 7' . I
. . . . J I I I . . I � . . . I . � . I . . .1 . . . . . .
I i I"? . . , , . / I I . . . .. � . . I . . . .. I .
.. . . ..., . . .0 I � . I . . I . . � I . � . . I . .
1� v:,.:..':i I , , J.,. . I . / ,
; I � Yf, . I . . .. " . . . . �. . . I I . 1?1 1:
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