HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 8rhe Huron News -Record Wednesday, August 25th. LOCAL NEWS In And Aroup4 the eflitub,!' &I:110r Zallt.• MALE; SERV ANT WANTE.P. Apply to M. James Moore, Cont. on,ercial Rotel, Clinton, 395. ITIGIINSi, MAIIICAT PRIOR IN CASH forany quantity of TVool, at the Winton Woolen. Mills. 403. .0.4A*TELON Bnos., GrOCCPS, want 'any quantity of Plume and Pears. The highest' price will be paid. D. CANTEnotl.tvaiits 50,000 barrels -of choice Fall and Winter Apples, Apply at Cantelon Bros. grocery store. CLINTON' -WOOLLEN MILLS 'is the best place in the county of Huron to trade your TVool of, A full stock of all hinds of cloth, on hand at lintest rates. Don't pas s s. 395 • . W. II. CoTTIER, THE TAILOR, will this week open out in the tailoring business i24 the Mop formerly occupied by Mr. Geo.. Shear one door nort1. of liodgens Palace flouse. Ile will be glad to give .prompt attention to all orclers in his line. - .• NordE.—Any person. finding a .14/le weighing 'nine pounds, carrying 'a' No 44. cartridge, with a grey' corer, 7betyjeen the Maitland Falls and ton, will be LIDERALLY 1ZEwzul,DRo b.)/ leaving the sameat Robertson's Great Cash Store,:-Clint(M, or at Pridlainz Bros., GOd,erich. . • . •ORGANIzINe,—One .evening last week the Wits and Reformers, town end vicinity held a. meeting ' in. the town hall- for the. purpose of taking tho. initiative in organicI '' in g forthe forthcoming general elections.. There was. not a,i.a.rge re- presentation present, but presurn- ably enough fortheobject in view. Mr. Cameron AL P. and Col. Ross. M. P. P. were . preeent. It is though -by many that the Ontario . House elections will .not take place until some tiine in. March next..and the Dominion ones a month or so after.' • ' - TOE WRONG MAN. --Mr, M. 0. Cameron was walking down street past the Masons bank one day last week When a waggish citizen said to a prominent tory brother, at the same time pointhig to Jr. Cameron : "There's a gentleman that 1 should'nt wonder waiiti to see 'you. I'm told he has: lots of money .he wants to invest." The. prominent tory being' of .a specula- tive tern of mind proceeded about half way across the street towards M. C. 0. before he discovered that the gentleman alleged to hare "bails" of money was none other than the veritable M. C. Cameron, M. p. for West Huron. Our tory friend quickly retraced liis steps when be discovered his mighlice, and reinarked that he didn't want to have any. "truck" with .a man. who. holds' that the killing of defe. ce- lees settlers in the 'Northwert, and our volunteers -sent to .protest em, is not murder, and that the Mu ,er is a patriot that deserved well of the country instead ofpayinfr -the penalty ...for; his misdeeds On the .scattold at Regina. A SuAns° Bor. is. wanted at -this office to learn the printing business: • • .. Sonoon.-The Clinton. -Public 'School well on Tuesday 3Ist August the Model term coml. inence Sept. 1.. Those- interested well govern themselves accordingly.. •CluoNET.—In .11. 'match. game at Detroit 'last • Week the. Detroit blab beat the:Clinton club by, 30 runs. In a match played et Windsor, the Clinton club beat the Windsor club by 32 -runs. ' • ' • : . • .' • • OVUM. Q._,Mr. Wilkie writes Us in reference to a paragraph- . *We eopiod frOlti • the 'Wingliarenites which stated that he ivropoiecl engaging in the Manu- facture. of Musibal organs in • that • town. Mr. Wilkie says the only organs he manufactures aro "suelfas people masticate meat and filters. With." • , • Mt:nevi FOR '.01,1\o' --Fore-. • paugh's Great: Show: will exhibit in Clinton, ..:Artg.. 30—Monday,- Ang. 30., This, gogentia tent entertain- - inent will exhibit this county at Clinton only. . 'The„ opportunity for seeing it only 'Offers .once in several . years.. It is as interesting to see as • it is immense, and its educational • tendencies aro On..a par.with. its size and its ,thany novelties, .Only in • Clinton.' Monday, Ang30. • • INADVERTENTLA k.roITAY;.-L Last down like a wolf on the, fold; and • froni informationlie 'bad received. • appealed before,. Mayor' Williams and swore out a .search. warrant.and '"saith , that lie. hath reasonable ' eauso to suspect and cloth suspect; . . that intoxicating liquor in respect to whish an offenceagainst the :see-." - and part of The Canada Temperatibe 1878,. 'hath.lent OM:muted; is concealed in the. house of '0: Swarts of the town of Clinton in. the ,county. of IturOn,"pte. etc:., Armed. ' with .the proper and • edema- .. pitied by Chief :Paisley,...Mr.-. Yates visited...the- preitiises ' in question, • and proetired what lie. .eonsiderei sufficient evidence tosecure. •5 con- viction; :Ire seems tri have impress-. vl Mr.' Swotswith a similar '1:1.ew. or 'the ..situation,, and the, hitter. pleaded gnilty, and the statutory tine of :I1150. and,Mosts..was imposed.: So far-a.S. rk)te.,-cati • glean of the eir- . • comstancoS: it appears • that Swarts had on .1iis premises a quantity. of ale. that had been- in .stocki:. it .1s.: said, from a period prior • to. the Claw. ada Temperance. Act. Coming •into force. '1.111at this ale was found ou the premises, and. also a bar and - appliances similar. -to these 'usually found in • tareins- where spirituous .or fermented lignors are ace:Igo-mod to bo sold or.traffieked. These also had. been.upon th,e premises .prior • to the Scott..:Aot coining into. tome and had inadvertently -boon. allowed, lo remain. • It ic -rumored' tit at Mr, Yates will visit our town rute OftVil in the future; that he has thally. pressing. invitationa te A°, and. •MA.GisrnATEC Coura.—Oharges were laid by Capt..„ -Miss Speck:non, of the S. A., - before Mayor Wil, Hams • against Messrs. Desmond, Torbett Driscoll ,Cooke,..and Oass- elis disturbing •the Salvation Army meeting. in their barracks last Thorsehiy Tho cam- Platuts: were. investigated Saturday forenoon. The firstbnamed defen- dant is A married man whose' jnotin- benande, Judieates a mature • over., .Wit1 i mischief, and. rhose hitt-tips of reverence would probably' need the late_ lamented Capt.. Matryat's patent. .CoMpress7,, ing , and eleVatin„,o appliance to raise them to. a standard that would. enable him• pee. anything •but pi‘'oceecling • ktt the S. A. Meetings. • :The other fent! were, youths �r lads, who it. is said took. their- cue frotnnesniond and .smole • audible smiles while the Captain was reading the lesson for the evening, or 'Mayors in Huron that there are and according to hisOwn admission not,more • S,cott. Act,. convictions, Driscoll •' dia. even More than. but it is clearly owing:to the.bulk amileho laughed loud. enough to of •respoctable public :eentiment be ii'eard .the adjoining, meat: beingagainst the enforcement of Capt Spaekinan testified to: having the copious shower of rain , to request:the . quintetto named - to. here "Monday night. ,. Au exehange.1on the 'Streets,' especially Sattittlay deeik from 'interrtiliting :during the ••editor . up north wrote: f`The dop- °iron 111)011•• frObenr wives reading of the IOSSon,.and. that cluf- thus showers Were • not .01ough for . have horses in front the,stores. ing prayers they became Mere :the • thillthen," old the Last Saturday evening it was. only so much Wet she had ',to go .down to to .them and order Torbett and'beS- .inond That they pleaded. in- nocent of ivrobg doing and laughed tohor face When: she ordered them out. These two wentont,and the -door. was battered by sticks immediatelY •atter by whom silo 'Could ilot.saiy. though a heap of Machine made dirt ro2had--to---clonsllurrac ' • afm4tlbeeimthiod.4tt=ltitn' to the disorderly.. conduct of defen- :said "the. pioseentin,ef council a dants. Tho. •Robt. Own:. '‘.‘seed recent Scott Act trial, to a' witness, them latighin" and •J'arnea Young • "come sir, answer 'Me, holy ;often. the busy hours of Saturday nights else corroborated Mise ;Spackman's did 0U buy liquor of the defendant :said W. COok has rented his brick statement. Mr Aikens was . Called in the aggregate 1" "Never," store' to John Steep.—A Correspond - by Torbetti and though ho ,did: not the, witness, "Iralways. got it in the. ent; whose -letter we cannot make sample room."--LEx-town clerk, Cal-. lender, is in toile for, his .h.Olidays, roOm for this week, calls attention • to an alleged political speech Just so "A .man't a Man for a' that," 61'3 'Ontario street Methol., deliv- sion et defendant"s Conduct asa whole and in spite of the .fact that citizen erect frotit dist olnirch pulpit last Sunday eye - did not lesson the gravity •of the., al- Harry Cante.lori' takes to 'the has heard .cif Catholic leged offetc). ' His; Worship-consid- way for weelts*at a,time in the inter-: - He ornA I III The Great Discoun.t Sale at DICKSON'S Book Store, be contin- • ued till the end of • August. mosimuceminomorimkomberm. Bain" Bits.. ---Miss Swan, the graceful equestrienne from. Bruce - field, who secured the prize at, the ' 'Western Fair in Loudon last fall, on Wedresday had a horse, which was attached to buggy, tied in front of °Defies store, T116 animal was 'so annoyed by the flies that in its en- • doavor to free itself from its tormen- tors it got its off hind leg over the cross -bar of the shafts, and while en- d.eavoring to get it free suffered con- sidrabio abrasion of the skin ands° strained sinew's of the limb that• animal literally walked on three legs when released.. It was taken to 'the Commercial stables Where it was found that the injury .Was only of a temporary nature.—Messil Rob- son, Johnston and. Audersoo, town, and Courtice, Hohnesville, are at Teranto this week. tak ing part'inthe shooting- practice . of the Ontario Rifle Association,—P. L. S., H. B. PrOndfoot.has returned from a stir,: veying expedition in the wilds of- Algoma—the disputed territory that was. The mountain ozone and the aroma of the plentiful piuo 'seem to have agreed with the gentleman. HO thinks ;their •id pine enough in that seetion.and of sitfficient rhino to pay off the national debt, of_Can- ada and Groat. dud. leave a surplus suffieiently large to loan oni American. cousins money enono-,11 to pay • .off•their. national. .dobt.— Out of twenty-four Scott Ant trials: in Geelph . and these before , a Pollee .Magistrate., there was only oneconviction. And yet sonie .people. yearn for a paid Police Magistrate Huron, where recently' Ont .of. . fivo trials ,there; weie'f01.11!' • convictions is not the •fault .of the . magistrates of _Mitchell, is visiting friends in lown.—Mr. and Mrs. S. W. perry and children are, on a. visit to rela- tives at • Brampton,—Fariners .com- plain of the depredations committed by sparrows. It stated that :these birds have eaten up .Whole fields of grain, and the. farming community 'would like to have the pests banish- ed,, --The Misses Yates. and COok. of Gederich, are visiting friends ' in town. ----Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Robert: - SOU and daughter aro on a holiday trip.—Clinfon Fan Show' promises a, number. of extra. -attractions this year.—Mr. Win: Young has had Alm front of his stpre, remodelled. The change is move convenient and is an improvement.—Miss Linnie-Young is visiting relatives and. Mende in tOwn.-Mr. A. W. Carslake has. been "bitching" for several Months,. and now thinks: it is.; "not good to be alone." • He hopes to: wear a :Moro cheerful cOuntenance. in a. IOW att3*—The "apple king of the west," Mr. D. Cantelon, a large nuni- ber of packers. in. the country and shipping is in order. -.-John founder and -chief proprietor of the Witness publfcations, is dead: The Witness is the best all-reund daily on the .continent.Sif John A.' Macdonald had a big7lemonstration.. made in hie- favor' on. his return to Winnipeg last Saturday. Ho. will be at Ottawa this weck.=,..:Miss Davis, of town, and her. cousin Davis, Of Ooderieh, are doing Grims- by and the EallS.-..The Y. M..0. 4ssociatien will get up 5.big deriuni stratiou in: Loudon not later than the 15th September, in honor ofhe veteran. chieftain, Sirjohn.A. :GoPd. eneugh.-÷drenry •Beatotn, (lode: rieh tp.„liada valnable-three 'year= old Tonti; te 'colt kicked intim neck by .its' 'playful mate, breaking its sesopha,,,,Tue. - The animal lived seyen clays without' food, dying last Satur- day.—Town merehants... are .much. annoyed bY.the beating.druffs. set ' up `Mrere not enough tor the by herculean eflotts of bystanders milkmen.—Apple Ning •Cinfelon, thd several runtiways were preventis ed, which, had they taken plaCe; handling large quantities of appld already. The bontime.uta, stacks: would assuredly have resulted in of 'barrels that are to be seen toted loss of life TnnrCliant par .0colar has.11 is trade m u eh interfered along the highway8 "for •Cautelen," show- that "Dave" is, not deta.yet, Ayala by the beating, of drums, etc, on the street, and, though averaStO • slciandaw t s4ppress the nuisance, will lia.ve to do So unlesS the-ptantice is •abated. `Cod& not the Army keerf off the principal streets during CKSO ON MONDAY. NEXT We make a likgilificent Display of think Torbett. laughed immoderate- ly,' and tie was sitting closer to him tlian either ilio•wn Young, Yer_ . eredthe ease had been made out gainst each of defendants,,and fined/ ° them ",separately • one and :costs.: In doing so he. remarked that this being the first case of .the k hid *Ought bolero 'Min in his 'ofti-. (Mil calamity, he'had dealt :lenient- •ly• with defendants,. but gave' them 5114 others ito understand that "the statute gave hint the powor of im- posing a' fine Or $20, 'and tbat'.1in the fitture 110 would not limit' the: drain,npon the finances of often- ders eases to $1.. ' Those meetings for religions wet; .eltfp, and kindred .purposes NVOtO entitled to pl'OtO01011 'and he would see that they. had he had from time to time heard of the S. A. meetings.being dieturhed, and be hid told the offieersill they laid Complaints before him ha Would, punish offenders, • The officore,heir- ever, did net wish to take legal pro. eeodiugs so' long as there was a possibility- effecting their put - p080 by moral, suasion. They said they were prepared to bear with of- fendere so long as their Was a pos- sibility of doing them 'any good. thathe cannot consistently with the Patience had at. last ceased to be a proprieties of his position much virture, thongb they wonld alwaysbe • longer refese compliance with some . of the numerous palls. est of Armstrong's .cartage bard - ware busineesy; we recognise, in his visit to Clinter, once a Month 0) 50, the -fact that he' has not forgotten home or friends. lie wail •toNin. over Senday..--Miss Noble of Rob- ertson's dry goods store visit Detroit and other leading American cities Awing .the next two weeks, and will no doubt treas'inre up a re- collection of thn latest novelties in ladies' attire. She will return on Sept.:Uh.—Two .Goderich young mon who left that town mere youths live or six years ago hare • hen' en- gaged as machinists -on the C. P..R. ever ainee. Ono of them, Mr. Hos- ker, is now mechancal. Superinten- !lent of the 0, P. It. division from Kamloops to 'Vancouver; the other, Mr. Y...vans, whose father,. Mr, Geo, Evans,'still lives in. 0f:061.1014 -was engineer of the, first train that ran into Vancouver. Opod for the boys. —Mr. and Mrs. Ilidillecombe have rotnined from visiting friends at Ridgetown.-14mmense quantities of passes are being shipped froth town: —Miss Sarah Davis is in town, tiro guest of her relatives, Mr, and Mrs. - S. Davis.—Mrsi, IL Prouclfoot is home again. after visiting•friends in priests using the pulpit, on Sundays to deliver t political discourse;.but he .cannot.imagine that any priest ever.so far forgot himself as did the Clinton pareanlast, Sunday. evening,. Several farmers havn 'commenced their fall work.—Mi'. 11. Pethick) of Blyth, was in the "lath" Monday,— Mrs. Carlin°, of iowu, will sail.for Liverpool per S. S. Vanc•ouver the Dominion Line,• on ',Thursday, 26th August. eneemenieweeneeacia. 4" A Our Stock now comprises One of the most elegant seleetions ever seen hi this County,. and to all visitors to the GREAT FOREPAUGH SHOW we' pxtenda hearty invitation to' ice our:FamOns Estabiiennient.: OUR WOOLLEN' sTocx is imported- direct'frorn the manufacturers • :England and excels. for, . quality any goods over shown.* Our • prices have neyer'been.sp low and Wo would say that no efforte will bo spared to show the finest Workinauship. Come and s6OPur Styles in • HATS AND FURNISHINGS.' • • • - ;UoJinesvflIc . Mr. Beale, of London, is visiting at Mr.•Elford's. • Mr. and Mrs. Wright and family are visiting at Mr. Kos. • ' Mr. E. 0. Cottrtice is attending the Rifle Assoeiation in Toronto this week. • Several of any villagers took in the excursion to Niagara and Grimsby on Saturday. •, They revert having a good time. On Saturday last Mr. Angits Mc- Leod threshed, for Mr. John Are- Oartney 220 bushels of' wheat in 1 hour and 20„niinutos, The lawn social Uhl at 11fr. 111, ford,'s nu Wednesday last %vas quite welcome So long RS they behaved. To"onto anti elsewhere the last I a sttecesa, contrary to the predictions themselves. areata Or More, --Miss M. Mortier, 1, Of sonic of our irilIagers. THE 'FAMOUS CLOTHIERS -2,taicrszwareetirg. egrent, THE GEAT HUB * *. : * * * • . 0. Not only in Tla,Me, but for isil Of our Clothing,- We deal m iot1ing but FIRST - CLASS GOODS Every garment we make up is just as represented. We never advertise anything we do not fully futhil, and a 7' -visit to our establishment will convince you.. • Remember, we earity every line of Goods manufactured. 1 • Don't forgot when buying a Suit or pair of •'4 •Pants' to call on •• 0. 11 0. The Hub..01.otbioi/15, • •