HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 6• ‘. • • "11 Saved Saved My Life" Is a common expression, ,often beard front those who have realized, by per., tonal use, the, curative limiters of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 441I cannot say enough ill praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be- lieving as I clo that, but for its use, I should long since have died, from lung troubles. —E, Bragdon, Palestine, Tex. About six months ago I had a severe Treinorrhage of .the Lungs,brouglit ou by a distressing Cought which deprived nie of sleep and rest. I had used vari- ous cough balsams and expectorants, without obtaining relief, .A friend ad- visod xne to try ' - -Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. di9 so, and am nappy to say that it helped me at once. By continued use tliis .modieine cured ray cough, and, I am satisfied, saved my life. -,Mrs, E. Coburn,18 Second st., LowelI, Mass. have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for over a year, and sincerely believe 1 should have boon in irny grave, bad it not been for this medicine. It has cured me of a dangerous .affeeti0-11of the lungs, for Which I had alnaost'despaired of ever finding a, remedy. —D, A. McMullen, Windsor, Province of Ontario, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life. Two years aero I took a very severe Cold which, settled on my lungs. I consulted physicians,and took the remedies they prescribed, but failed to obtain relief until I began. using Ayer's Chorry Pee. toral. Two bottles of this medicine completelyy restored my health. —Lizzie M. Allen, WeSt Lancaster, Ohio. Ayer's Cherry Pectora,. Prepared by ])r. J. C. Ayer st co., Lowell, Isiass. Nola by all Druggists. price ."1; th bottles, • Nervous, Debilitated Men, . You are allowed a free trial. of Shirt?) days of the 1180 of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric SneoenSory, Appl•ianees, for the speedy relief and perrnanentcure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality au d Manhood, and all kindred boobies. Alfo,for inauy other 'diseases Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood *guaranteed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with. ilifollniation, terms, ete„ mailed fres by addressing Voltaic' Belt .0o., Marshall, Ylich. , 318T-76343 —On Tuesday 3rd Att, a disl- trossikig..and•fatal accident' occurred at the vi11igo, of Napier; about tivelve miles frum. Strathroy, when .Jam's 0. 8 utherland, aged about .17 years'second son%of the J. G. Sf.it11-• erland, lost his lac; in a very sudden manner. Ile was in the yoolen Of his brothor,,and .While tryingt� adjust a misplaced belt was drawn in and thrown around several times, striking against a stairmse at each, revolution. His strut was broken and • he was otherwise so .brtiised that in half ,an hour he was a. corpse. Ito was, a clovor and ..intelligent. young, intim; , • • . • . CUtL • CONSUMPTION An old physititaii:,:retliett .11:olp 'practice, havinf, hail placed in hiS -hands by. no East India missionary -the •formala• of a shnple-4;cnetable remedy for tite speedy aud permanent eure .• of Constunitioir, Bronchitis, Catarrh,: Asthma and • all throat and Lung tilrectuaus? also. a pos. itive and' radical•ciire for'Nervous Debility end all Nervous Complaints, after haviug tested. its wtinderful, curative' poWer,s in thousands oleaSes,. has felt it .1.11s-duif to make it known to his sutf.erbig.rwuao; Antuated by thik inerive and .a•desire t� ieliot'e litiitittii sulret•ing, I will •sund free of charge, . to all who kiire• it, this re- cipe, inA4erican,- French. or English,. with fid directions; for preparing and using. Sent by until by addressing With. stamp, Miming this parr, • W. A: NOttif4 149 Nam's. Block, lopltesler, N. Y. „1.183%re.p,•w. —,norerrin„,r, to tile poo t? ed to have been recetved. by ITOTI, 11fr. Chaploan fora settlement of the el: srs. Smith 'and Itidley, contractors for the branch. of the 'Canada trill to Goorc,,rian.bay,the money they .• Mine..Chapleau,. La Min- erva says : "We are authorized by a dispatch received. from. Mr. Clutpleau to completelydelay this' accusation, which is apparently:now lirSt issued. The idea •of bringing the name of Igadame clImplean..into this alfair is simply monstrous... Tho' secretary of state telegraphs that ho has iu his possession. all the necessary' documents t0 overthrow this accusation • it, he...be.pVer called; before a tribunal' competent fo kulgo . in • —An iinbecilo clithl lies n Jail ai Montreal uniler tiro. ; following co nun ittnentt..—".T e, aeon , versus &t. child, unknown, who does not speak. J -Ie is, charged with being a vagrant,. looso,idle', and disorderly, nut found lying on• 11 sidewalk. op- posite i)r.. 114wartl's house, and he slitl notthen there give a. satis, factory account iyf himself when called upon to do so," porus the selitenceono dollar or two tnontlis . at hard.. .labor., The ' jailor is reported to have,sm "The poor idiot wits left on the sidewalk ta question by two police- men and then., picked up by a third and charged with boinga loose, idle, and disorderly eliaracter,.1, isthen sentenced to two nionths•nt hard. laborby the, Recorder, who nfust two loaown that, lite was 'not ev.en, Alato conyey his own foodi: to his' month. I. toinembet tlint„ a, foW years ego the Seine gentleinitit Sent with•liit,a.• 1. • -6,-;4,o11,41,1 row's stILI'Lttla so•AP should Fe found with every toilet. It Welcoming and healitm. ': • • t A PLEASING' DiTtrro 4Ci feei it my duty to say," writes LXi'. John Burton, of Desert, P. Q., "that Burdock Blood Bitters cured my wife of' liver complaint, front whielt she had been a chrooic sufferer, /Ter distressing,. painful symptoms sooti gave way, and 1 can. highly re. commend the medicine to all suffer- ing as site did:' —Joseph Super of the Scott Act 'City of Guelph, has used 750 doz. bottles of Montreal Ginger the dur- ing the past year, The best medical authorities ac- knowledge the.ralue of Ayer's,Ctith. artio Pills, and .frecoently prescribe their use with the -utmost confidence, as the most effectual remedy for diseases caused by derangements of the stomach, liVer, and bowel, .—the farmers of Perth report that the greater part of the wheat and barley crops has boon :lumped - in exctLent condition, • and th • yield \of both cereals •in ,lite . sur- rounding country cxcotds that of. last year,. ' " JUST TUE THING. • W. J. drUggiet,:of.Newbury writes "Dr. Fowlers Wild Straw- berry is just the 'thing for Summer Sickness. X .sold out my stook three times last. summee. There was a good demand for Dr.. Fowlers's, Extract of Wild Strawberry is in fallible for ,Dysentery,- Chile; Sick Stomach and Bowel Complaint,. ' •--01.1. Tuesday, while -E. R. Cor- nellufarrner,' on lot 18, con. 4., 13e- vci•1y,. was assisting in thi•itshin,,o• Wheat at.tho barn of Mr...14611:1rd 13aiineu, his left hand. was caught' in tlic fanning milt of the machine, and three of Lis 'Engels .wcro•takon - • . • • ' • DO NOT 'DELAY.. •:• 'Dchnot delay, if si.iffering any forrn of -Bowel Complaint however mild apparently may be the attack, hut use 'Dr; Fonder's Extract of Wild Strawberry. . It . is 'the reliable euro for all loons of.Surniner Ootu- pltiiits that. reguire prompt treat.. ment Ask your: druggist and ali dealers. in patent medicines, Do you wish a beautiful complex ton? 'Filen use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It• cleanses and puriftee the btood, and thereby retnoveS blotches and pimples from the skin, making. it smooth and clear, and giVing It a bright and healthy appearance. Vor womout," "run-down," debilitated school teacthers,nilliners, seametremes, house - Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prcso o i e 31tritl rietrtertall keepers, and over -1y rice of all restorati ve ton les. It is nota "Cure -an," but adinirably fulfills a singleness of pnrneatzlf being a most potent Specific for all those Chronic) Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to W0Men. it is a powerful, general as well as uterine, tonic and nervino, and imparts vigor and strength to the whole. system, It promptly cures weakness of stomach, indigestion. bloat- ing. weak back, nervors prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sox. Favorite Pro. seription is sold byalruggisis under our no:4- We onarantee. Boo wrapper around bottle. Wraeo, S1.00, or filar bottles for $5,00. A large treatise on Diseases of Women, pro. fusc•lyillushuted'with colored plates and nu.. =wens W00(1•4311t(4‘ sent for 30 cents in stamps, Addref.s. Wourm's Insrnsissny Mumma Assoorasnow, ,Stroot, Buffalo, SK ICrp1•4116.B.Ciffiri, Mous rteadsoha and 0. onstipation, promptly cured by Dry -bigot.; di'llsegtsiz. a Wait no,•• • a. • —• • •ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertisin6-irt:Atterican papers ,by ddressing . Geo. P. Rowell& Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IQ Spruce bt., NOW York. Send 10ots. for 100 -Page Panaphiet. • TT 1NT TT IR, --NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE' EL.LiaTT'S SLOOK, OLE NTOrl. • JOSEPH CHIDLEY,:Dealer in Furniture, - Cal, at the, New Store and see the stock of Bedroom- and Pallor Set, Lounges, . Sideboards,. 0 Spririgg,. Mattilissesote.;•. and general ilonSehold Ftu The whole Steck is from the very.: best manufacturers. • Picture Plaines and Mouldings of every description, ...JOS. CilliDLEY, on door We* of Dickion'S)Boolc Store. , . • . piesAa\Taimpo:INT 3E3ofs. • Wholesale' and 'Retail Dealers in GrOCer:69, Ctockery, Glas8ware,. Flour, Feed, Cured Meats, Spices, Fruits, Canned Goods,EtC sp43.1.Incluedna exits when quantities ate ordered.; Teas a specialty. A Splendid Stock. of SUgars,.all grades, for woserving time. Farm Produce taken at Highest Pried. POETS OLD STAND ALBERT STREET, CLINT04. Unlocks all the cloggec aVences' °tithe Rowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the sante tit e Correcting Acidity • of the Stomach; curing Bii- onsnes;, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn; 'Constipation, Dryness of .the Shin,:Drepsv, Dim ness ofVision.,,Tuundiee, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas,- Scrofilla, Fluttering of 'Dthee.bittyeartl: Nervousness and Cleneral all these. and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the Imp); influence f OCK BLOOD RITTER Sample Bottles 10o; Regular size $i. 1 ' For sale by all'clealerS.. . • T. pulariaaN ace.. Pro/Waters*, Toronie • . • PENNYROYAL, WAVERS. rreiwripttow 00 a phYsieinn who' has had a 1100 hear 05)901143110 111 treating female disonseS. I used monthly with perfoet success. by over 10,000 101108.. Pleasant, safe,. effectual. Ladies, ash' your dein; WA' for Pont*royni wafers ani talk no-sobstitirtei or ineio,e pest. , Age for 'sealed mail:Mars, gold by• all drovisti, 11 iter bok Address 'NS neass.k. ./1.114tiiidA1• , nstaforr, weir, fl'arSoid in Witten by J. II. Gontlie.anit dr.ttig4pw generally.. The Great English Pregoription. /A successful. medicine tested over 30 1.311.9ill thinft1113111$ of .wtses. 1)roniptly mires ..Vitus. /2 Ptaxt Potion, IVeabiestl B Sphial Vord, and v(lea. erative ryane of tiler sex, Bethisiens and an 'ins 011118041 by infuse's/awn or over exertion. Six pacangee aregitaktnima to.oltnet 2 on re when n11 other medielnes fttI, One package t, six pack. a0x01s85, by natii. Write far Pamphlet Address .mcinittA (jilMIICAL00.1 Detroit, Mirh. ltif),tiolrl io. ollimon by 4, .u. combo and druggi,1s generally. AMrlon 'to 111.61m.mits.e--Arc you disturb- ed at night and broken el' yentr rest by a sick child anffering and crying with pant of Cut ting.Teutli'l If so Send ittPplice and get a bottle of "Mrs Minim's S'uothilig Sy 11111" for Children, Teeth in t.f. 1)5 nu inetileitlalde It will relieve tho pour Iltile sntfejer inlInediately. Depend 'upon it, tnotltn i ; thercis no in istaloa.labent it. It cures llysentery arid Diarrines, rt.galates the 14toinsch and Bowels, eines Wind Colie, softens the C4tints, reduces Inflannint- 'lion, and gives tone 41111 energy to. 1110. whole systein. "Mrs. Whislow's Soothing :Syrlip" for children teeriliug is pleasant to..the taste n inl• is the proscription of one or tho oldest alai best female physicians and nurses in the United: States, and is fin' sale by all druggists tlitoughout; the Wni'liL Pi -i� tWenty-fire "dents A WWII. lie sore and ask for tirts.• Wt,xst,ow's „ )1'10 00. other TTEN71710 FARMER:St WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, D,Y8PEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERMG JAUNDICE'. , OF THE IMAM., El?YSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF sm.r. RHEUIlf, THE STOMACH; HEARTRURN, oprNEss HEADACHE, SKIN, And every speclos ordfsease arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS 0F( eL000, . T. MILBURN tc g0.. Pr°Pr'ralisciivro. CAS llIBE i SUEFFSKINS; ' TALLOW,' &o.; Highest market, price pnid. Zring them along. A. GOUGH- BUTCHER CLINTON. ' SPECIAL NO1PICES. PIMPLES, toIr.11114,11,),V01c7.71,1;17.0.1!?8,11: •that, gimeatas, PI311,1.08 and nurremls, leaving (141811111 soft, Meer nod belitItt... kik 2180 instoetinsis tor producing a luxuriant growth of 11210 on a Inad head or Smooth twee, Addros, Ineludins•So stoup. BEN. VA NtilL'IX CO., 60 Ann street, N. Y., 602y MANHOOD Restored. A gentleman baring fiumeent4 eon, traeted.tho habit of self.abuse in his youth, And 10 ewnrampence suffered till the horrors of Sexual isestmeitY, Lost manhood, Piqsjorti boor, Gen. era1 erostration, ate., will, envoi sYlitprithy tor 1118 follow sufferers, wati11 tree the sweipe hy whieb s tr 1 I 11 • • obt • • 7r! • • McCORMICK SEliF-BINDERS, ItJAPERS, 111 ERS, SEED DRILLS, HORSE BAKES PLOWS, GUTTING BOXES, SHELLERS, ETC, ETC,' •/ 'And alijmnlements used on a.fitrin as Good a..s the Best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest.,. at j. . , Ilip.LEMENT:WAREROOIS., ' OLINITON. • • 'DNTULXO A BAN 50 MU,. 50 The Rest ever offered in this viornity for the money. Also,, 4enera1„ GROCERIES, equally cheap. - • rr,,o1Y11 kiln:FEED always on. hand. iflt FARUHt1 , , , • . • • • • . NewQoods, Just Arrived.' • •••••10. VRENCII MITSEBOOMS, PEAS AND lirAxs, Cross & Blacks -ell's Calves net, ;1 1.1 Jelly, Melt • Vinegar, Pickles, Allbfales Leneh Tetn,otie 'ecru beef and Chipped Bect lionelvss Chicken; Duck, Turkey, Pig's Feet, inititen's Salad Dressing, Chinese Pluserved (linger, Salmon, Lobsters, Maavrel, Stu clines, Ututdiv, ere. of Pure Spices, ,..goring Extracts AND SAUCES. Linton's English Dessteated,COCOANUT im, bulk, 40e pet Ib. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Tobaccos. New Crocker!), Glassware f Call and examine our steel: and priees. • • T. Cooper 17 Son, Grocers. IMP 1 r . FITANT•• i‘NNillifiCifillifit.. .,.......,.....,...„....,,,...,...„. 4,— '-.7..''''...... 7.*,-,P*,*41.***.•••*.***...**. .. . . . . In returning thanks to my many friends, andpatrons fur pest psi tornaw,, 1 would . . like to mill their special attention. to tuy very complete .., ct.ek uf .. HARNEBS,- INII'l.PS, CURRY 0.0MBS, BRU6ICESI. EVC.,,.. E.T.D.. , . Special attention is direeted to my smelt, of .. It will be found very-amplete, and for durability and finish e nnot be excelled by any nne. As I employ none but tile best' wrrktuen, and use the best materiel in he bought in the market, all who may favor me with t lair patronage may feel eotfident • of, getting satisfaction. • giPRICES AWAY DOWN. Trunks and Valises in great variety Prices Low. .EOROE: waializZE7..=•:•TUSISSIA*771"*Ii . , JOvirrTri mereha-iits, Bvisine,st Men, And everybOdy- in need of anything in the printing line, will find it to ' their advants,re to call on or address the • ' Lithograph.,and tetteli.-:-Pirsg Job Prii-tiii41.1 SALE. BILLS, • 'POSTERS; DODGERS; FLY .KiEETS;. PROGRAMMES,. 8uIpPING TAGS, iaVVELOPES,. &e;. T4TT T. TIRADS TNTOTC-F,S • NOT! HEADS; . • 'ff ' ,.1ETTER HEADS, CAEPS, STATEllENT, GI N1JAL PAINTING , THE LATEST 'STYLES OF CUTS. Oel y • • • ?! rtiating! Of all kinds, in the best style known to the craft. Colored Printing Speptaity, fl"Wo invite a Comparison of our work with ,that of any other office-tiaL t Eirwest.Of Toronto. -tila . . • ALL : WORK : STRICTLY : FIRST-GLAS8. aryraietetesneodicisdisttoe.nt Vi.th good work.. Soo our stocli of Coutim,dbotosfotrye ymoathoprcrleA) Whitely Todd, - Publishers and Printer, CUMTON, 0.147,MVO 4,