HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 5•r y YOU L..O..K.1NG F.JRTHEM?. The Cheap Lines of DressrGoods LQwPxi,ced Rosiery. 44 The dig Stock of Prints. --- Go too the place where they keep them UEOIEPAV 1. OOMPANY Tlie Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. NO ROM FOR ANOTHER SHOW LIKE •IT! A Deluge of the Delights of Exhibition Realm.` ADAM■rflgEPAUOH,8 ■ MEW AND COLOSSAL IBL - : .TURF .SNOW. �1i�llo�; .Two Exhibitions Daily. at .2 and 8 p.m. Doors Open Oao Hour.Earlio• r. 'FChouarm\Tionn ierwfinnlgSSoliuotP, uopItdst,io1OW]oirilidd,saattntdh'.11 00 Shots, Kings 01 the Shot -Gun and Riile, and his . WILD WEST 8e-• BORDER •SHOW•, • Introducing Realistic Portraitures of the dangerous life and Heroic Deeds of early Pion cors of the Creat West. Wyoming Cori• -Boys: and. Ranehtuen, Mexican 'experts with the Lasso, Fwarthy Vaqueros, 'Wild and Unbroken Bronehos, Buflalo•atd Cattle, Paw- ' nee and Chi•ycno'Chiefs and Blares, the Pest Boy and.his•filet.Mustanc,s Encounters with Knife, Pistol and Gnu, Trappers and-. Hero *Pioneers, Banditti of the Plains, and wEsTER the terribly natural scene of 'U S. Mail Stage CJo:tclx. Robbery, near Dead= 1 wood, the most thrilling and novel innovation ever attempted under 'White :Tents. • t. or 8 ct ei s We ate showing a very Large and Attractiue Stock Of MUSLINS- AND LAWAIS; also New Prints, New G ngha,ms, New Gloves 8E Hosiery. Summer Millinery ---Stock, very complete. See Our Goods and Compare Prices. 0 Estate late JOHN HODQENS JOHN WISfMAN, A9anvger. 5 per centoil for Cash. BIRTHS. DOY LE..=In Gode rich on Tnec;ilay 17th Inst, the wife -Jas. J. Doyle; 'Railway Mail Clerk, of a daughter. FORRESTER.-In Clinton, on tlie 22nd =inst., the wife of D, A. Foriester, of a son. 1iiL l`Y.—In Summerhiil, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. M, Iiilty, of a daughter. • FRrr9:1tA:Vf s. lOEM roWnERs are safe, sure and speedy to remove worms from children or adults, MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) ' CLINTON. • Flour $4 50` to 4 50 Fail Wheat • 0 '70, to 0 73' Spring Wheat: 0 70 to 0 73 Earley 0 50 to 0 65 oats ' .. 0 28 to 0 30 Peas.:....... _ 0 53 to 0 53 Apples,(wintei) per bbl 1 .00 to I.50 Potiitoes .. 0 25 td 0 20 Butter ...0 11 to 0 12, Eggs ., 0 . 8 to 0' 10 flay 8 00 to 9 00 Pork ... 5 00 to 5. 00 .Col,nwood ,8 00 to. 4 00. Beef 0 00 to '0 00. : Weal " ' 017 to020 4tU4l\EA l.0. owv..t,1.0.'!. Only horse ever Trained to lea `;if' Iioi7e • 8L® I Climbs Caldee ra Rouble by: Round. . Trained byAdam Forepaaigh, it•• • . Its Expenses for a -Single Day are Imre than 'the Gross Receipts, of any Other in .a Whole \Peels.•_•Qur,,University-of Wonderful Dumb 13rute Graduates under the able tuition of A'dant'Forepaugh, jr. F1 E'Pi1ANTs that Speak with Elogaenr tin 2 ];LL'l'1�1.ANTS whtt,h 1)emoustrnte Superior Sense. ELI PHALLUS in Pyramids, Musical Accord. 2ililetio—Contestsand Whirling in Waltz and Quadrille. The Smallest 'rtn.el all Earth's ,Biggest-G)•ou/i BOLIVAR■ 19 -Foot Tall Giraffe, Tlvice'the It. Ilippopotatnits this•siile of, the Nile, .Enough, Beasts to Overflow 120 Cages, and 'Without Doubt '1'.L RBEh• TRIES 1111; MOST, . STUPENDOUS MENAGEItIE Ever Gathered and Exhibited tinder Tents. 3' Circus Performers,. Carefully Culled from Every. Cirens' and Atnpii-• .i theatre in Europe, Nast time h<+1c. 19 riOIilendous.Leaping Ln lith `�f Greyhounds flow ten Nunting ]'arks of tlic British Nobility. I1use- toils of Savage People. and Living Human' Freaks. 20 Newly Imported Russian, Ital iau and Arabian Stallions, I3icyele Battles, Coini'cal Anil Classic Roller Skating and a C3'elone of Mid -Mr 'Breath.13attling Deeds in 4 Ih:ingf4 'and on the Grstnd, ILlevated Stage a Whirlwind of Ilippodvonie Bases: FUN 8 COMICAL CLOWN ELEPHANTS,, theorist Velocdpedo'in Mid Air: Anothoy,'Traveises a High Wire, and 'o.notlierknocks .ont an.Expert Pugilist in a Boring Bout. The Confessed' Finindest Jesters that ever set Aatlienee and Table in a roar. Comedian Pigs, Donkeys and Canines,; and 12 Motley Monarchs of Mii•tlis NOTE. --After having witnessed+be' Superb, Original and. Gigantic 'Performance. of this Brilliant 811oW, there will be no desire left to see more, because thine is actually and truthfully nothing, more to see. -••--The ;I 1e114ii11y ylul•II1fQ1'Lziitl�r .an(t Gold-Giistening Pageant a Sciutilating liiie°of•Glory. Moving Piles of Gold. Statue ornamented Dens and .Lairs. , Au innovation and Surfeit of -New Delights. Regiments of Men, Womenand Children, Rich, Robed and Resplendent with Bullion, .Velvets and Gold and Silt et 1'mscl.412 Supebb IIoi:9os, Midgets, Shetlands and more than a Greet Zoological Garden Full of unlettered Animals, led ami driven in the 'Streets. • Wind& of 141teptui ing 1llelody, forming a .Triuntphol Pathway of splendor' and (late at no absolute cost of .,,1,.750,000. Seats tem. -204000 Pro le'. —Adnaiss,,on 5,0c. Children under yrs. 25c. Reserved Num- bered Q;iiairi4 hv,tr;1. Fur"the aceonnnodatinu of those, rho desire to'rtvoitl the crawls On the grounds, Reserved Seate can be obtained at Jackson Bros. Fur- nishing. Store. • --PALIVI;IST0, Saturday, AUG. 28' --ST, , iARdS, "u esdny, AUCI. ivrirT O:V Pl11 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY' will be run tit J'.J .JU 1.71 1J the followin Low Elates with ADMISSION 1•'I f: T 10 'elle 8110W and Return Homo on ANY'. TRAIN t -P10111 kinrardins u...r S 2.10; Willey, $1.85; LclsOw, $1 f0. ]tcciu„lt, \i dnl, 11,25; 1nlglnn Junction, 1.20; Belgrave, 0..05 Blyth, 85e; LondCsbnro, OC—Exeter, %AO.; 11"oilsall, 90c;1(i tpon, 85e;'1,lticetieltl, 70i.—Undericli,, 990e; l;ioinleyville, iJOc—Seb'ingyi le, $1.40; ltlitche�l, $1,151 Dublin, $1.0,); 13rufbi'th, 7e..• -Air D - industrial aid 'art Exhibition, ILtiND®i, CANADA, ' Sept, 27th to: Oct, 2nd,1886. . LIOOAAL •, PRLIUS ! Conzpetit'ion Open to Ike' 'World. The western 1'nil is the great event of .the season for tito. people of Western Ontariio..Tho Directors tire.'dcterthined that the forthcoming Exhibition shall equal, if not surpass,any of its, • predecessors." • The Coinniitteo.on Attractions are preparing -a splendid progratiune for each day of the Fair, full, particulars of which will be published later • write to the Secretary. forPrize Lists,' Posters, PrOgralnihes, or tuft' 1nrorntittion required. 11. WHETTER, 1 :'tY GEO. monnei01f,' • • President. • Secretary. CANADA'S GREAT.• INDUSTRIAL FAIR .AND Ag*'�`cuI ura.1:_E. :TORONTO SEPTEMBER 8TH TO 18TH. ' An immense Programme of Naw sun GnitAt ATTRAcr10Ns fs prepared for this Exhibition. Cheap .i%aree and ?teen nylons on, al1lly'a ' Copies of Prize:List and Entry Forms sent to any one on application, bypost card or other Wise, to. the Secretary at Toronto. Entries close Saturday August aCth. H. J. HILL; JNO. ). WITHROW, Manager and Seo'y. President. , Toaosra LOVELL'S GAZETTEER AND HISTORY —CF 7Ii1 DOMINION OF CANADA- • Iv NINE VoLUJIEs, ROYAL, 8vo., TO 1111 COMMENCED whenever a sufli- 1 ('feat number of slibaet•ibeis is oljtliiu'ed to cover emit ofpublication. Subscription to. the Nine Volumes $75.00,'to the Pro- vince of Ontario or to Quebec 812.50, to. New Brunswick of to Nova Scotia $11.50, to Manitoba or to British Columbia 89. 50, to Prince, Ed word Islainl Or to Northwest 't`erritories `.1iO.5O. Each Province to have a Map. Please send for Prospectus. JOHN LOVELL, : : Publisher and Manager, Montreal, 4tli August, 1886. VOTT:itS LIST,. 1830'-MtiNIOIPALITY OF TIU•:'POW.N OF tilitET )i —Notice, is here• by given that I have transmitted of deiiveroa to the poisons mentioned le the third and fOtiril1 sections of the Voters' gist Act, the copies re• roiled by. said section to he so transmitted or delivered of tho said list made pursuant •tel said Act, of all Poisons mment1ngby the -last revised Aiisessment Roll of the said lnunicipallt. `t0 bo entitled to vote In said'nlunioip•9111), at elections formcinbcrs of the Legislative Assembly, acid et Municipal Electionv, and that sold Ilse was first posted tip 181 niy r,illec n t Clinton, on the 21st day nt July, Im0, and Pernains there for inspection, Electors Are reed upon to examine the seal net, And it anyti�1inlssimiA 'or other errors aro lotted therein to take lInn,arlfate..proceedingd to have the Paha errors corrected' according to law.-�-1V,, COAL~, Clerk. • $ubscrihe for THE NEWS -RECORD --only $1.25 per year. ALL PARTIES INDEB'1ED TO US will please pay amounts to J- WISEMAN, manager °U lm notions Estate, before the 1st May, as after that date accounts will be placed in Court for collection.—C. J. TUTHILL & CO. 887 l0'RAYED PROM THE SUBSCRIBER'S PRE. '.MMMISES, Blyth, on or about tholnth. May last, a Snell roan horse, aged ; had been blistered on hired legs. Any person 'giving information that, Will loan to the recovery of same will be suitably rewarded. 11, SYMONDS, Blyth, Juno, ,20th, 1880. 897, Blyth Pump Factory JAMES I ERGI JSON • IIaving removed his business tothe premises for- merly known as TI'IE MOVNTCASTLE AI1LL, woutct thank all old patrons for past. Payers, and fs in abetter position than ever to prontptly.flll all orders entrusted to hint. A.steak of GOOD PUMPS on hand. Ordered work a;. specialty.. Well's dug and eompieted on short notice. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable, 'Orders by mail promptly attended to. 8844( .LAMES 8'&RGUSON, Blyth. 1886 mittf0 1886 Saginaw, Bay City) .. Goderichl Detroit and 'Cleveland, SEASON AIt$A..1%GLlI1 NTS.•, •The Elegant and Commodious Steamer,. ":SAOIRAW VALLEY" • win. Iea►tCII, Master, . Will. run during the Season of: Navigation •as •folloivs • Leaves Goderieh every v Thursday ,- at 1. o'clock p. iii,, For Bay .City ami S gicaw, eallinq at Sand Beech; Port 'Tope and...Dorm, waking connections with hest Shore Boats at Sand Btech for poor City; Cheboygan, Mackinac island and St ignace, and at Bay pity with steamers for Hnrrisville, Osceola: and Alpena, returning to 'Goderieh on Suy. Leavndaes Ooderieh. every Sunday. at, 12 o'clock noon,. for Port Huron, Detroit and Olen eland,, returning to Goderich on Thursday. This ratite will be continued during the season of navigation. ,.7C'ICxa '.$ ' .For the'whole ROUNiri ucD' TRdtor'IPcohtinuous) wili;be Occupying'eightdays, meals and berths included. .For rates of freight, and passage, and all other. information, apply to • •:•' Agent at Godorieh:I Notice must be. given by parties wanting Thursday cacursions 397. • 'Having bought out JosE1'u• V asfrfoxT, in Godei'ich, : see are now prepared to fur; nish, on:rensonable terms, HEADSTONES • AND MONUMENTS. GRANITE A SPECIALTY. We are prepared to sell chelperthan any ether firm in the cotutty. 11I1t. Lawes 1'rLlo1"i'.of ,. Coderi'h ' 1 r, has l e'en appointed t otnteil. general' agent for the °Minty, and parties wantinganything in tits line Will find it to their interest to reserve their :oi•itors until he calls: . • I ' • . :.ROrERTSON & BELL. May -17th, 1886. ' • 392.3in CO CONIMISSIUN BROKERS.; "Mems ersToronto Stook Exchange Private wires til TORONT0,MONTR1AL, NEW' YQOIL ItK,.. CClI'•I•ICAGCXr. O, anal 'STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, PROVIS- IONS and OIL, bots ht and sold fel' -'cash or margin. C7C.LIN'JC'01i' O 3E'CCC€, . Corner Ildttenhary and Albert Sts. , Jas. Thompson, Mgr. Olinton, Jaly 14, 1880. TO THE FARMER'S Study your own interest and go where • you etu1 get Ila le Ilarllessi 3 lnanutoctnro none but 1ho User or 3Tdea, &tears n1's/sops that reit cheap, al{ O,e/ have got to fine rtol' 0111 and get prices, Orders by Matt promptly attended to. • J•073CN 'JC. CiiZ3t"�CQ,. HARNESS C,11X'01t1[`SY, 1HL7i Tlltf ONT. • New 0 Rosary Trimmings. New Dress Buttons. and Clasps. .. New Beaded " Ornaments. , New Dress and Mantle Fringes, New Plushes • ' New Stripe and Piro.eadecl. Velvets. New Laws: New Black and Colored Velveteens;'' • New. Dress Goods. Bargains in White Quilts.. EPHARD'S Superior to • all 'others. ar :Superior • Steel Nails. Car Best Brands a�1a�S Refined:.0I. uly,.1886. Iran and Uardwarc'.lM erelfant, . JOHN JtNINGHA1YI Ilas been appointed sole' agent for this celobi ted• `tea. Of itself it is the best Value in the market, besides which A UANDSOME•R 1' BSENT is 0oiY011 to every.pullehltser of..3 Its arid ilpwartl. It put ° tip in half- pound' packets at. Purolistsers heed not'',1)iay, 3.1bs at once in or1ex to geta Present, 100 different books to choose from. Try a 25-centpacketof Li-Qltoi::C Tea, i Solo agont for r i.EI$HMANNts nAsx, the best in world. John Cunningham°, ' Clinton. RUG STORE. • 4 • f. The nntlorsir,+tlerl has 'oat o rued a now DragStore •i7t TACT SON'S NI;l1' l3l,0cR, enI a111?ItON S'CItEI;'1','tt odonee xye9tofthe Citr 13ook astoit, 5511(30 elle"be fntttlrl a collalllltc assn1ttntei)t of I'iwlrt4 IIrnet Iilld 1`114tnlirtlts, st1 o Patent Illcdiehtes and Ilt`ftist5' Sundries—ail that the public May ask for in tiros* . I111es. .. runtntl,l,'ilkJanuary, xsa . A WORTHING TONt Pt a.—Onlee chose .frem ieraden'1 telt+