HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 4--1- ..-:._ .. .. New Advertisel12c311�5 t�l�S Da largely to the financea,of the toren The dquncil of Clinton havq not —'- -r---*, b enl 1o' tn" abci to'a.iar a extent, 'P, p at in this EDIT `OItXAL NQT . ,' allowed the tune to all a Gralnd display--J:;cl.satn $roe}, a d e owuexa o't tkie labor are ivay. .t';:s soon a$ they heard, Sea. . ,. Rifle Lost,' forth was making a move, they at The Xowat .:Gakepment have , 'll i.Tailoring.—'�:I: CpttiGr, thereby kept bora and �zecesszri}v ccs had tlteix.by-law pr ares and coIIuludec'to i?aotu'Arento, for elle UOOE�SS m ' Property for.sale-,-iv', C. Searle, nay titotr quota to 'the public fund published and•the rate � yera' *111 benefit eta glee% 9figharchy, at the Furtltor- Reduced Prices—John of taxes. 'lytic man or figln that ern- vote on ?t on the 13th of September expense of the Province, by Bora- a n . , Y lt�abertson, . ploys a dozen hands, ChougI he may and there is no doubt but it ~will. be mending the electron of ,new Ptwlia- : H -s once again crowned our efforts to,�give tele people BAROUINS bofore - as$ed and under the most favorable unheard of, and being encouraged by that ",ucor,ss. we have decided to ' - not own a dollar's worthy' of real l'• ,mentar3 buildings that will cost the STILL FURTHER REDUCE O.UR STOCK b� SLAU(1 • I�Tt , circu»lstau,ees they will have several y Ill` »..ilG ,estate, is a ;much inure important country X1,000 000 or so, OVII GOODS and thus make room for nid4 now goods in tine fall soiuo i1t'. �%ur0j1i NG'IIJS-RecOi'Al p months the start of its, �vhereaa, had �, • ____ _—_ �_� 'factor to the welfare of a cowruullity the Seaforth council taken the quos- of which have, alr$ady arrived. %'ta otter tii'ociitlessi.ny, Atrltst 2tlt.., than the individual tv]to awns $0,- tion Up as if t}gay itteant buainass AsPeci,il dospatultto thelllgntreal ,tad wore fn caruast,. the could have >Yzlllcss, Aug: 19, says; "Sir John 1i}? 1Q Ce?lb Pxxths Fal' f3 C 000 or even '0 000 in real estate Tats: 8 cult Prints for, 5 cents, "`' ► been ahead of thew. In fact, the Macdonald and party arrived ' ' X5c Git]�'lrall�s fol' S cents,' it _�fUNIG'IPAL TAXrf'f'ItZRr and employs no labor: delay of the' aouncil may be the '75e 1. weeCl$ for oU Cents. • lei'- Sir .John 15e I)rieSs £xrlotls for Joe. SOC' 13ik CtlS1lTTlero fire 140�.- Banff, yeaterdrty, awl o means of shutting us gut of having Soma ownera-9f real estate• with .�G1TT I3F. Z'TWAI-Y Tl%'ISV, XAW -a ollegiate Institute and the prize and oilier ntewbeas aitl►o party tricep 0-50, Cent a,li,-tiXool Colored .Cashmer'e for 35 ce "tS. �' it buildittgs upon .it are in the habit' FUU11'I) i?UDLI,SII. ,nay gp to Cliutou, Should tufa be baths, but Lady Macdopald diel not. . P "'g ;- of referring to the taxes they pay , the case it will only be a a i'opbti- They, will next stop at r,ogfua, find f:. r On the 13th day of September, as tion rif the bousogiteuces of ileo halt- mach �Yiunilzeg ori Saturday nf;;llt." ��d" " • s upon such pi contril i,tion tun aud liesatattum conduct pursue , will- be seen by publklied by-law, a a, p This out Boswells I.,'osytrcill. what GREY FLANNET.S, 1'iEU .I'I.ANNEI.S VET VETS to the revenues of the withici alit by a former council solne_years ago 1 , ., , PLUSYXES? s; p Y, -,vote of �roporly qualified elector$ when the question of the route of` next wall be, considered impoxtRot jEIiSEYs WT.' L?TLT,S LU1tTA 1 ,, and that it conies out of their .awn s to TY NT,TTS, etc,, & C. will be taleeu to euchre the .high tile. LonllUil, Huron and T3ruco. rail- enough to furnish. by "%Il tial des- pool;btg, .Such %s nt}t ilio case ii, ,School IZoa> et of 6he'toivll crf(llinton, wiry teas. ucin ,lecided.: Patch.", , Zt corialiuly moat l,e of rut I for if the propertybe'a prodne, to raise''$4,560' for the, "ur )os0. of ,. tit a one tele owner receives the taxesn b P 1 _ _ _._� . nion$o interest to a-apfrig•tv8rlxl to , Slalciitg adclitiotls etc., to our Iliglt know that "Sir Jubn:aud Ili$ fr•ieuds v fr0 IR om t•1io tenant- It i$ gut of they n'cliool � Sltatw �+ PAZi'S01Vb 11.A'.IA..i'DLITI'C'S Y L d' .}te lie -tare 'c4rly foal: a. bath, brit Lad : Macdonald W r t FW' ' � I pocket'of ilio tomtit that the taxes ileo schgal reit} b0 gr,ulctl as a Col- die not,", ,1. y 4mo,.rvllotller tlitiy ars- legiatoIusitti4e nd a lalgcr ambuut . At the Cuclericli dzetrat itieetfttg`� �/�a� "� e invariably b included to the amount he pays in of the Naibodist dhureh held in The Cutting casowhich basalmost ' 1 } of liioipa • grim' .�vfll bd rd :. WANTED, Uy & t. 6til, Smart Apprentices for ilio form of`rent qx ulletiTrer he priys ceived f5'oln tileGovernmenttbau at Holmesvillo lust week, �,I easolutiou brought about oval between t1le P Pi t11eu1 dfiedllj* ns n soparato item of pre ent, Shotllcl ileo b'• -lar tiwns pz�ssoil by.tthaso resent dj$itp- United States .tend ]llexfco is a Millinery, i'eS6 �Ln(1 Mantle M�;,l�lila. . disbursment, .1'%o will 'illustrate )assP 1 500. will 3 v not • praviug of the .etfurbe pursued b * 'very simple ; hflair And ought . -.. have t0 a, ] 3 a what wd nlban, I3ro7�=n:iitta iuono T 1 , t Jl rtt any tats }t the COLIC. Council in 1failinn o .re- : not ••to..:.'re uire anis cit tom- 'servattvos that could be nailed and n 3 bo elponded In iajpails, otos, on rho Y t q p , . spirtna to dafiaud ,the dit3m out of which lie does'not wish to put. 'into ' lligh 'Sc ' .m command a . nfd. Z'.glico 11lagistxa e' nG to settle. � Cutting is"'odiCor of a ono of whom iwili be namscl in gao s a hgol butldlna, b3 the tottn, T.• a t Y o a adoral tlioirsriud. doliazs :for Bolt trade, neither does he care to invest . for Illaren; This is an instance of paper• on' .tile American borders of ' time, Gan beat 1Ii' • Cameron so ]lever furnislle 1' _ � • ol.ss two shall lose the present Gov- d i Tia of Hotelrtiid $ , in°stocks or put it out upon l.o. an, : ,eminent mart of 1 4.00 the old, olcl style .of.a, folw mrinibe,s I'Ioxieo,, Ile, published •. libellous, .badly that thorq, will be nothing of o •seer - a n , ante the a P i . .loon or ptosacutfoii' of ttra' IIe finds out what Ire .can urellaso bringing seandal. a ion t statements concerning a 1lexican him loft to hide. ' I p count grant a sfnl lar atuotlnt: a a 1 , les clinrch' . $ . - at lzons ,of .hitherto itnlaleti7ishccl ruuT estate.fo.r aud c4laul.ates what_ It is Held b• 'b o• v by thrusting their individual o in, , Non, aud afterward,'hadm occasion . c 11 M 3 those ti ho famor the p Scott c�ct roliibitiou does.pr character was made ttit the itlstigation . rho erection of certain .bufldfngs ' passage of t}le b •-l:aty thii ions before the public under cava. to cross over the Ii1ie into 11.[oaifco p p ' of ' tlseroon. will eo$t li`ul. e • a -by-law, t t]ie. , an ea employe, an. acl.iioivled-eci - i 1 w111 : , bit,'exultivaly ilenlare the admirers a `' ,' 5.3,000 -of the amount, lthfcll is fbe of the chutoli. I3y ,�iis resolu,lou when lie -vas immediately arrested,' , , fat *'Infl fugitive from 'ustice theli »' 11 assume, that the ordinary rate for sixn the 1'lothod•ist C i tech of thatimpotent measure, as. they 3 t� M t In excess cf w1a rte $hall to 1 t is made to and leas since been found gullty.and, ieslaing in Dtatroft. Llie Grit genas ` j money six per cent. Leo finds a p ierix as a vbr� church lu litant sotltonceci to iii risonmon, at. point to a'large number of convic a 7r , au evout.be be eom polled to spend : I 1 Y iu p hard .. I 1 1 Mayor Hotvlanda action. 11 . thatlie ohn rant t'o-Jouos'or Robin- y • ,,...•1 l tvurl,7) ana ter .« t • ,.. tionsAfo violation of it. Put tiro • t y k an .thP UUiltlin�,. ttl]l be recouped Y t s. ibe io,Qlution labor b. allioxican court, for an ot- 4gat,ls Collseivld>iveItrninanCritholiC ` son jproporty and buildiu'gs that tivill. g « evidon'cs of Herres iu lec.tlftios where , to,tll0 town. by,.the esLra Govurn- goes'further"and,exrt•essestile.hopa fesicapommittedmin'the:UnitedStates. • p DbrusandVonablesonthotestianun L :• • g • the m dblivictions Lave takeli dace ` :: tt per coot Flet,, aid ment grnnt.. 'I'o as • intni e$t and thrit:' stiolt cl scrfmluatf.on will bo ' C ttt)na is aitril tabu a'seoirndrol • lint ] of a fugftiv fe onI rotulri 1>I,It d'ght a o folon, 1>iit dvnorrnec . -hs pato.-"k, .tliq Jau'iltlings,' Suppose' form siuici' g f I Y 'weed b Y,the electors of.ITin`on a 1' ]ifs arrest coif o f goes to show dint the il'leaal, selling , a building ua. u.ucl so that a ]eau of J t t le c nv cttou uu ileo facts g „ • . the aetioil .of leap of IIerlgeils on theL IL a lot is worth s�00and tete 3:000 xvou d b aplji'bar:hiug. nulniGf pal eloatians ri as given is clearly "hien' goes on; all the,srttne. .elle St qtr Act t stye bLrildfng' r .+ 1 e .ltrpecl otlt in n 1 s - y gal aud if o t,iouy, ,of resp etitble -Ivftnassc, . t. ' . a �I,800. 't� a ha.ve.Hero au will retailer, ih'o r.e iei;ition of such a' ostablisl eel w uli'' t' .does prohibit legal selling of liquor, ' 1 twenty years, would at1 aunrial tai 1 e ill(!,* ify.thb Unite'd.. + biichi:il by a rejpo t of :the Council. r, iiivwtmo3Yb�• Of $1000, . Now, in a' gf'abaut 2I5 a year auI. vote iml)ossJblo,," histol �isie plete .States ill tho. a as of tbo'worlc • but it'door not prohibit the .illegal :Cattltl 'i u ` * . g ' . • , . d it is• o,.- 3, l Y i . to uco sistcttc3 furthet.,,o, A . town•such as Clinton the: takos,'on twi"11 '.itlata6nCe9'Uf-file', _ 'iu g.. ' selling of. it. ' Aiad right here ,we Y, ,• pQctocl, :that: .tete YCxovortimunt grater r i},alinyof re sisttna upon reparation ane], in ltioritau Catholic aucl'a (,onservativo that, Property wotild'b0 about 30 may say that leading Scott".Act niott y S , to tl�e'jiroposed Collegiate:Institut' �1ig'o7s,l,ailies'ttcti.iio uudei t.li:L,I c:iso of not receivfun it declaring '.: � have critliinal roeeedin«s tak or ono' aud a half ler cont bccaiI M.iso a' atorshi „ a o ,In Various parts 'Of'. the countr are P 9 do 1 ttouli. Ue about 5300 it.:�aar,tnore pot an arbftaary and 1pt,atcd vitt J ; l Y against1bem by the 1Ti13•oi: of fur it woi l'd not likely bo' assessed fur terry , ,. failing into lino with the.views con- M.than . is. now : gft en tq the IIf�li c . •a3, A.nd Che ars a,er i.ho potvor onto tvllo•;iliippens to be of :till.' aver X1,500. Tell li thio r i ureter a A foolish falsehood. is doing dut• sisten.tl advocatod : b tIle. NE , p 1. . Behoof; . ' .ho electors_ .in;thfs case 'of the cl'lnicli 41re grouter the'tyrilnuy u� 11lotvat s $triT9ti curl tlib Crrit press 3 Y.. Y 1. cunsicjoi's tthiit'^lens;,_lie 'should re •+ . in tbo Grit pros$,to•tha effect, that Rrcoiln That: rbhibitieu of the` .h ttotrll be lieu)ay twfso gild poiiucl Over the ca�lsbibnt e df l.s tltllofieiit$._ P at once tat e it for grtiiift>,el. flint the .. l Sir. Jolie," A, Ma' on- I .said oho ilitl,eU r c:?o-e o .- s ")frit ' f ' a Y r' ''' f f h $ at drinking' must be guilt a • cofve,. II o�iaectsoral}sper'canteur foolish in not supjiolting tl;s b lllerti is noezcitse'forthellTothatlist uLlt.lieir-rosocution. 3 novel was 'i n orangorntin, nVovar set. pro poses is .the bul . '"reel aril .e a 3 1 itis money invested, ono and'- half' .tare 11rwa.:tivould as autaoliictlifug 'chmcli grip• Inoro than tbo Iowan I y j ata- thoiiglz'at tiha instance of a Yelon i, per cent to pa • - � : ' i Y a•, ' a foot insidoa,a , hyena •' • " tivb of the sa ' o a • 3 I over , a 10.x; ear 5:ecer.v I 1 3, iap.cs, ,$a otic per s - Cat)i'olic.cliurc}i tntelfet'i1.n to .5.tata a..labm• Thi s tl. Ie f spirit,, as a raver dictated b the highest. nrotit os aHyl '. vent ,3 ,. e.ot-er 5000, 'g is the o•1 br ag Y o.. nt fog iala,u ance (it actuals I ould t• or glum r pa d ostn sttil,..4 dyed-iu-tiro- -e,, .W6 have,alwa��:helil.axid;stiil ;; Y arid' llave..the.w3,000 fnaResbec" fil'ex- c I 1 mations.• If ti church the iiii>e$t 1patriatfstn, l,nt, thouerh'. ubt'be so inuch'as oul tl wool lid. manufactured )s i _• ,ltokl,that if is fig to a • "` 3 le bpildin�P n 7j=1Il `iatorfez'o to ,i , . y 1naC1'uj) t o a so11 utoi crit *civil rocaedi'u+Ys nye til ' o teiid'iliA the high School to the good ],'event'• liberty... of : g . 3 p - t, ton, by ivoald bo tnsrkred'.and that fiat. far 7 col c Mous. Grit scribes. ' Srr J'okn.iaeti,,y dining boverar os, it is•a still -I, tdr at end of . 0 yea]$. Itis culcriti4tecl is tendo ul cti.11, miittei's what a . the' 1fa3 ai. of Iiotzcloii, who hajipens' +.i:.' its full valuta i'olle" ante• it 3inlf . ) r i wd?"S2 6 a Stg16?41e1zt, 'd nicd. ' Ile 7Vio7ig to niantifacture'them knowi g � •, ), lel that'Che excises per an,iuru of grant ttonIcl'otioex.lpeeE.of ~hat cliurchhad n_ lig to be"a Cousillvativd' in "the invois I contM4. M,fpr ;re )airs. etc. Ildro the liar e b eras rsdezved itbu$a tibio and again 'that the twill be,so sold... A "over } , to • tho Colleniat0. I:n,tit'trto - over. `. it rale p.otver ati:'regnlitte ilio. eon- o Y a u . �atipn nbnfl list Dr. Dolton ' fila of - twelve ler ceilt'twlric}t tli 1 from 11I. C::Carp e on tlient•tllat �vill'lf o so ' 3 1 0 lancllo.r 3 pntdrest code stnktn� ftin.i .ivr screuce Of rile pen 714 lu rule riaus . 1) -nit other C u _the 111RullfaC- .Liudneus' ..notion is 1,, 'dei s .'1 l Il meet 1 L. b o kd sat IvorllSl.re riire to.ltare'on'Iii'ou 1°1 a .popish pau' derets.an account of -h' , .ture of intoxieating;bevera'nes a ' 7 .., s t , y au}* uicieasetl current e�_ pen es for w t.t0ts 8 I.t tt as . tlie;,itltal:errtnae of 1 M.is o.. _ a t ei.l • R"aiust a ILaformer' by a «jari.isa in order. to.u:dt hien rely 1 ; cobnoxfon teeth the' Oran l,peit'iiir* ' thin !, e a ": 1 ` ?:, C.za t per cent are < < • ; ,r the I.on` i nae Order a wtenufictuiel ., . ,,.MM p„ a tilc4 ,etc. �t 0lza enot.4erlk'10d 7 au C t hoIrc chutc'a that led. '.. , h lTa3oi, rvhuse,Goudti:cfxs,ttnfan. LOU it: . Ie .;. ; non-;hb 's a ,� a inns li �;I L. I would tlieisfure et deet + ed. for vot being fin t c epos,, of then for consunl i- ' 1 tha eal,eulation$ :Tigre given .bat ' e o r s.tllsrapi,,on and the' Liefq.rwa-' i tt c , a . l _ +` !,.a. , b ; 11 t.� rcU M., ....... , , �:...:; ta:. r L I . • . raline { :-;,'.�; -'. ;...:.-: r - t for that uo. )el t x•1(1 pet O a ,man. .. Slr John is linrlced s C. its a uevaia r,, iiiid flleii sactfuns .,•. l 1 3.. 1. Ilevo they c.re subytrcntiall. c�'rl0ct. teen:: 7t::ivas' ileo in oierarrco of .fere a 4a> ation�a. , . au u u - -) uersittile.c] 4 ri law n r . ..1�ncl reaps i:n tl.' 1. tactor if tris o p oven futendecl. io pro] ib,t• tl e::sMM I facaIit3' I, Lit suppose i lose :tee cerci n `t ;': , , . I6efuriuec p ts.. ., j ) ,alo : - 11,[iss Inti; jril' • liC . 11 ., l0cctt c ani .. 1 Clchurch' ,i.11LA Starfeil out y 1 s resi Iliad 'her+ .-:. are as-'rule'full n) gra to"bo..lielieved ivlt'el of fere. ver' thing t:Iias enc > t I t}iay are Y l - ltzed, is duties as to 3,,j to tills stLntl ''filc;0asatl grater=itis e lfl.el . coti;:.��'hftfiuicl:.ancl the.�S'eslc`s to' tat getter in tete se)luoiho>0. : ard.. It 7uill e ? •. ...not. "a fs a I'a pl •t • g. acln I, Is' " be s,en lhnt the ttssuin p' tin,•eno'—.tj r .,1. s ,flu,0iauaeinau, n- }eQV. inconsistent fC 1Ir; .' V: It; Oliver'one of erre l° a y. io avern e. 11X- is •el, the:•foundttticn' oE"tl,e.,moat success , ellz _ tion that til r 1 3 - ri `re ii7bIicau-an naf. a r `al . •nil l ,, �,: e I.li1d101d 7a3,S tete ta::es•, tv o't� 1, nexatio12ist.; an iii. a ly: fraucluloiat gait... 7.o apo. young men is'`bt co nJn ver: 1 h s ames$ed-'or say,.$000; 'iwc.uld fol t;olfoious tieo.v'enien.t, the World MI �.tlllant 'to' filo otlnrr gad' a Y a fallacy, ]las no .iauirclattun In Irrialist a free tr der, a. iolcc:tioi- °'bo` ,consistent tlio Si:ctti:.that: sand'- a . 3 a res here. bo to del, only some. thh.Ly .vents. per`' has over seen. Sttcccessful.: 1�acause ' p t 1. ry [io las several' stif.ngs.to }ifs 1poty ist,.accordin to t}io greed o . tions law inteaded to rohi 't't. a , — .. ° a f thy. , p .bi bra .au j' i'act. Tllo 1'tllii '. that: tt o liavo. _laid ,hl2uurn'in uriror�to 1)ay,olf.tho3 U06 relay aratisdd ti votirntar' . riblic sen- , .,. 31~ i no doulit: Idols hapIly with down ' tt'flI e`lierull g lying scribblers of til '. ; • •' sale of intoxicant e 'o: r, +, . g 3. ]told... hood, `whreh.i Via -with' t17'e e pt on f tirnoiit void 'br< n 3 a s. opp.o. 11 s x..opt, for :ins. .,mcllone..tvheu t othor.done harmer', :, _.. . 1 a the by. a . li a •?pytluna tilde „- c s hart -;them o%a6 ,irons as u7lie li gross aux. file. occasron: ]put '; sinal', to' . ti -anti niecliaiiieal' pur- yaw a• +, p. , n...t o tatvn �o expend ur riot. There are: force„though tha.; ofceu met with. 1 .. .,Su ...�..... pr ) Y •g l 3 ] oI arty lies 11110 ar pvlidu file p1. ro . , • John fs no.bt tet, . Ile holds .to the poses, should in.all fairness prUli bi't ' 11'lessis. Wisner. aud _. j : llrr�n3' ways IIt ii•llich, a collo iate ..ph3!st`calforc0 a} d civfi: lines ill - .. 1 IIlniilton n'ictor 1$ a1KU the d ` ” ' 1 • 'Niel $ of the area p rho ntanufact re )aid us a, 31i 1 visit.aft ,i 1 ccujiier, Th ,lustitirto twill benePrt Glia tunir as • rbsrtton to thoni: 'But v - . t ] rototylie••of n of ,it except for ilio 1 . 3 of rpendl�le 1 the did not pc`rs011' wh'a oecu'ains'a Y Oritinnsfsni. and kilo deal scene use : Zico thU snrnluot. Tit LTucle San's `cotatitr 1 I ted uttliacs the antnst tthich tele. )al.tr anneal racy a a pea] to'tlsaar,ngf ilesh.or start a oc ted. princi s neo lh$ u ttiitftactnre, J '� no pert is the n l.. :3 I 1 . . rt�t3'" :les'• of the r iR �: and•to be 'ust Our doctor is Gloing a rushing a - , .. p O ai -e Order ... Co: J two most lfeduso the "business and , scones.: t i n property 3. . o e Who, pays Clio of. thirty* cents oitalitl:ndt for ane' onactnrcuts, no mare tliail 'out SaI(-,- of „ a >o lual�m taxes, Alice. tines sliortlil on be n ', ,,' ... Iporseelite no tii'4it for conscience 6410. . A� o 'would tilde, to see the b' . . ... a, o rieitt to tvc%li. ',Clic • Seaforth for himself aifd, to irupiess.0 iuu'f.h,+ ulanoy very fast, lith not fu tele meet• basdd tujtali the: prod.uctivo' capac'it3r T�� ,or itur relilarks "ileo pea , i' sake. ” , coitutry tested on,1'lohilaition of fhb ilial 1in17, ` jp11La ITIAV I I lc tha tvicl:ecue$s:o£si•nf'iti bon- ° ::•_ . Of Ipraporty. It is upon this plan n ,, ' ' r r rits, .except for ....M manufacture of shi 1 oto. C,lintau :if tt e only early out duct. ,Rondor, unto .Caisrir• "ltbu ,v o speak 'b tree book when v' A. 1 b. ' Y , ,e m ual., scientific and mechanical' , eiplo that our statutor3�ltK.pifovides:. as;tvb .leave conliliencorl in the Col thig,�rs tltitt aid edict 1i0rD II'„UCFI'.rIiA'N POETRY. a Cizser's„ arirl unto city that.no one, jet least, no. one lege= . us Rk.: ; . f'or Ilio retiisssiun of it, 'leg]ate.Instftrrto bio"ri r ., +., os,'vs.:. The licensingoftllo.ma�lii a= a st css. '41 e shall God tela things thin are Gods. The ing autharit3t to do'so, Has �n p p> cacti- ' 11 factnro' and sale of s iirits as under Perla p$ there' aro• ovoritsorl:c 1 tees oil tnlildi`i18s not uebul)ii d for quote. ficin tlrb 3�4no,,ataa" to , trite founrlars r,f 1lrt•hodfsiu r 1 i t 5 el. tij)on eel' lilt. Iiubdit Y error with a vft{w t 'e C colds A , i lolbyinbrt and perhaps ps tll'oro'aro riot a oertafri Ienailt.of time. And also. that the intelli«e g ll I Act., This will,have to ., ti. Y , i I, . , tit editor of that .the ht her ott':er to carr religion 'of inclucoinn hiintb acc0.'t'it Hari'- but Geo. W. Curtis•wrltesas:follo " `' it is in abcorclauco with this 'flri br : a a . n , . . ' 3;. q . a' p to X06nei• or later..;•..lhe pts bo fere •icer' mans fijli.etions : lIo r: y Tuui,zccZ is alts a • to 1110. importance . a>id .neoiallty to tha mass0s of tire. matron at ileo hand of ilio . Coilser g of a., clergy « t that of )ensu o . reside'ilcd6 all till- legislation' with Tegard to axis is , Iiunriil, to, Svhiulr- -.. : 1 d of sdculma the. Collegiato Institute peoplo, ,Lhey.'relied uZpaii the mtida . 'vativos, o£ ,:tijrest IIurorr, as, •stated. is,- in fact`thli town= rouitcls are. assdssecl .inttcli below for Seafq thin liquor liusinoss, nvould bo e):- :over •badyC my c'orrimit the truant a ... , rth -= ' laftl.,'toren in stere word of God, Gild by otic town cotern. But were 1Vlr. til:efr 11o11Ail1al vatted, `.1'he 't55e5 01 tl0ntely fat`C1C,i1 \wdre, it.11ot a Cl'ii1�e, fanatea that nobody elso.- VV ll taleY= . _8 c lj 111 Titr.1)l�,n-t1 T—It mw•oal'd ba branght t}le irresrstll,4 though ten- Porter a resident of Clio a t , a i co. nt3 w.e against common sense and, Society. ate upon tele pastures and Iawns .of . • I , r �•altld lsefug ulatle to ooriforin to that tt no doubt, to the satisfactiou of tiro soon,, pow•ci' of a:merciful Saviour t filo nbt'Icnow-of an_r i ttr y life attention. IIe 1 o y o.ze ho:ivotild -- s a rotten -punt i of .lis proLluctivo valid. her iu- ratepayers if some meinlior of the t turn :P It at wllrcb everybody ni """' town-.eariucil tvan.lcl ex pla.i t' a t Hien from the e, tat of, tl,efr ?io mote aceepttlblu., to oleo I.tberal Gtit tneon$i.stency is very roiiinrl,- may, fill lifmsel£' . n t Ir Y y craned, a residniieo and, grouvils aro .. 1 Y rt teeth advice, Ile is a, town -bell,. a ,. is;that tl,erti lynx been sa surrcll dela . rva�s. 71]any 'of tbo latCer . drt3r Couealvritrves til West .Inion thyro 'irblo, 11lay:or IIoxlbons,.of I;ondon twitter cast 3 , to summon, oveiybo'ily to. ovary col»- r ?,000, ,Choy aro oc- Wietleod.ists ]rave fallon'sadl : aiwii . 1VCr. Robert P' rtor. As 't has s )e l jL +, iu sCtTp�nfttinarto' the f,lttj)ayera 'ilio y 3, o creed be su j nc cid DI,:Peltoil, tele meds, mon etttotprts0. lee is a totvtt-boast c'ilpied by. tha otwner aud if iowed .b3 ].tri , to • raise nionry. 'fur Ilrgll from' tbo teachings of tele fol, d6r illg. too than f r' f),outaeanziltercial stand School hll - a s a y or.Ilim, the facts of real siipeltntendant of the. Ioriclan :of lntrdell, to carry. et eiybodsp.lcl,,, 1paintshortld o I provoineuts'i'eferrcrl to in. of Illi... Soriet •, ,7'l'rov'•wolticl f:ri- ileo ogee re Vorso:t ' 1' : n With all. this he must have ' p'rodcice -.rental of fit. toast ; '5b0', tiidsd: columns .'sal»e months a ra 3 a I,ts pas,tton: C)no Hospital, jpendrna the farther ill- . , v a neat g glia pretty house, and a comely and �' , It is note over' two nionth:ia si tae b prove . II th.e Ialan +af'the Alm,igh trial of ler. Porters .mettle by Mr. resttaation of jthide were 1,,11 its a,lixattei of fact the could, attractive w•ifa, who must be alttays •5 y 1, rho. Ly. as adalpted'la3 �X'csley,. '1.'he ilae� Cameron teas all that< the ltftilite eporte.d tweet founded b a coal r .eoilncii fleat•took 'the.5ubjdrrt .Ittu ) �•, Y ready and well-dressed to the pallor, not b0, ientoil for uvGr x;150, `Thefi` cunsi,leratigal code' cos vet no de trine of I a pe I rue Jr,its a'r ` � In T .. : •.- y l s rl m ite . i in.z lionsly einbet. far. til alt . Iluion gales mince of tete council, 1Cisyoi Ilod- althaligir silo calruot afford to hire • i commercial valtto fled .alnouut far acifbll lids liacil ta.l;eir, t1'lrv'tics fluclfng itstva "lt g _� ,, , �, which ddia. a T h u the teaehinas of about.;' 111. J'urtbr boat' hien on tIle ;obs is alleged. to bo a Consorvattve, help. Aucl t]ia good vans chit i c 1 they should pioasses�cd aught,, y 1 It is ngty tug lata to hada san7e•'iu-cal}r cl evan«el'izilp "sec(,s lsustilxgs .1)eat hien g r' ,el dreg nitr$t be rvel'1 behaved a rl :,' rite tvurk lJrocoeded, with this 60.1180 i, a a , , � to al-nmeut, � • �' ton a ' lloforrilor: ti�'hele- . al lit flet. to �,oxcood ,,100.• ,Slay insitintly! 't hatever ]retards boatlli,u in-•crcifdtir, treat hien )t all it pori rile GlaLe s1 •s tllnt .lixa properly clad; and lits 17anse be a ;l`lsaro is a class iif gyro a.crt * t, and s) 7t halo year twill lyre loci, but �; l . y . yor ktud -.of hotel for the travelling 1 1 3 oti, ners fall Info ,our hands was tiro order five attributes that -make ti a leer's %Iod 'ons is a t, artisan"that a .e . av011,ng hall tilt counnil fatten up the 1»;r.tti,r 3 .,. p „i•.- ,� p , dad ilretllrreil, . Of co11rse, be must be a . however, folia do pay fele tax art •HromptlythF Who'.e thing,Coultl hAvo he gayb']Itsraul(l,erslrosent tol.�ranco later or a. statesman aucl beat bin) Bevis made u oil Dr. Dolton because p- a ren scholar, find fainIIiar .twith' citerent . ;r . ' the property,iltey hold,beeatiao they been settled 1,�• .this time, and in t] 0:, to tial) Cbc C'alhalics n+ritinsti ileo at the polls of a �a «' ? )r es cert of teed electors ],ei a Reformer and a llot]iodist, literature, and lie, array justly he l polls; g Verdict lits tile ho r$. a also ui;iliy0 it, wake , it y))•olluottte, ng 7u favor .npuenots and Calt'ltti4t's int tlicfr hi Tl uour't of tile.peoplo, but b + the 1tlaybr" llow�lind, of Tot, al is expected to fit it lialf deet bays ' of tho 4ahelllr,; as we they. y. , a r , Mr. Jas. Fait who bays ltearl,r $3;50 11"lit for ]ibett bf bonsbfcller . clucanaly oto oltou.tsand rho tern sup supporter of 1Ir. iliotvat, 11C *, . for') college every Stere, . ilicse nio Ii faxes )di` 've.ar, IJuliari • t� Cq, tt it are, the cattiract abrlld hava boort l .t Y pp.. p 11 a, cn but illustrations bi' f.ho . funbtfons 1 r 3 r . b aHyl tl,d rvvrlt 1pi'bceodcd w itli. tbfs "S'hty t]ri3 muuia ped lroretids,,Y say t•attabxa of a half tear°erx stspltortets" ablo$,' the chief engineer of til:e • . - Ito is to fulfil, and always without . fray o.ves $100 .aud the Fulmdey Ca,, sea:3uu ancl•'luipht have bean bunt• tho conscience ittarfering soetarw Ml'. Porter teas boateia on the axe- Toronto tiE".ater, AVcrlc, g I a s, 1$ a Can niui �nnuir- , ti.ml for till Ire is to be who par` gvurk,$110, thea Woolen . 111vtr•tl so -016 new ureter of things Inn$ who sock to laalit le the omni)- eution of the Will t7t 1ho 7co 10 scrvativa scs . is I' end to get it > ttall e u I 1 p of , atrablt Burais, a g a ] c. Dori ttbibh Xill..,b'o, , etc.- aro of reefs Blass. coalcl crave toturueitar d is illt.tlr0 grew illi ar.�1 g " r , , otc,tpt sayilio giace oftslar�bat.portot West lruton. As It was, the will wealthy Roman Ca'tholic.cual near- can 11 c y 111v,� the ogres of the . iretn l,ut air account of t}ad dilly. . �, 1lrtry. itot only really pay the amourif, ` " l ` +, ' . °n : ,. year to etllnr, and to know f tlJtlly,»g of ileo buuneil It �ttll. bb ay bnustna tt and j)laI 0 tllcn dc' Of l,topld stns only tllwaitod.lpy chant of thatet'ty. lfityor Howland a Clint,' tares the are ho ,liould sndde l3 dla of ov elrworl,, . y .,sscsN0t1 ,fol bat1. 111,$ tuna next ye,a' now, before tho f 1r01rddncrs wpon the ,l�trny efforts of . a false Ittoj.ol•ity of;12S, Mr. Portet leas; sCtspundeti ybal4b}es nnct caused . ei>d irldilaCtly tl't0 uluaua ra° ntldfit%r xtaty ta1'tltr Can do r0 ° • as l,o probably twill, Iris twit's il>tclt Y at1�l that of 1lurns for ecn� ohilclreu rwoultl be bcgaaxs,", , lag tc d a alt, finite luat'l Hud Itis ritalCafl le tsltttztatt� c nl ren Dile cif, a; rXoxbis rdsldouC Coo tuts arrosi 1 t g Z I • , - ' , -♦ • . .V