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The Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 2
_ . _ _ . -: - • '� ---- __.____-_._ .._. ..-_.___._T_ _ _...,__e.._ __ __ ._.___ ___....__ .. - _ -1_1._11_,.. _- _ , ,_ . - - -. �, 0 • S, > . e .. i ' ., • t - w�kf' tltly'A1C1Ve1CAx ,IHS "IiIP�I;D" IIAY AGAIN.. In an arid waste,^ naso #rich, ...... - ' TALb7lAG1: TALI, --- til]; t1) same a'ne Abort ygtlr soul, - w . I{��V—s$4t1t1, r11aIATla, W19CQI1St11 ' Is, I+lrnl.ISIM) fart4ler named An(1ro\ar Sloan, 1 : pastoral district of the Nile delta lie .' p ' —'" 1 , The Rev., Dl.. T. Dewitt Taln a G s People of God l , pray for that man I and Illinois of pastures drying tip ' '; :very. W ednesdag 1Mornirg' of West G'willimbury, .Ont,, died has dlscovere(l the rums of that, )alaee Built as the records of its text last Sunday tiYas John x., 1G i s, other elreep I have,..which cafe not of this fold:" „ and failing,. - . . _0Y_ ' j h��e\� To,\�1 last Wednesday night as the result o£ wounds inflicted, it believed, fotinatations $Trow, by Iffng Priam, "Other eheop I have, which are not fold." - rt �...__-..._ _ _ THI; °tGI.OIiI+," A'1� ITS 11> llT3t" J �. his hired' man; Albert Felly, inotiob:us I., to which "'the remnant of thus STRAIGHT FROM JAPAN, WORK- AGAIN. ' AT 'TIIEKA OFFICE, . _ ,by Sloan and Helly had been 1n the of Judah" brought the daughters of Ting Zedekfahafto} that unfortunate In my boyhood, next to the earth- try sohool-house: there was an ar•+ Y ' ARRIVAL OF THE FRST TRA TRAIN ----•-- - 't'duurs, ' Albert Street, illiltOX, Qf7 '.' barn together, And Kelly returned g ' Y monarch had been led a Mutilated. chard f a les, owned b a \Fer $ pp �' Y _, OUR TIM 0. P. R, AT The communication that lifts all. 1' to ills llatis0 and told Ills, Sloan. cal tive to Babylon, These lame loan, who, Although. there were 3ici x'rnrAn, 1)earecl fIt'thG`GIuLr, of ills 3rd last., 1 � 'I. ,t (xdtaxtce,: ✓F not so read, $Tie had. better luau after leer 11us- P Y roinains of a go ral alaco, which have hither, �, p appfes in the place perpetually de- • . — On Friday night last the first nils must have awakeuad painful resin• +' lectiur,s 1n the mind ut'avel'y (,athu- • Tl r t1 O1 'ofTl[ri'tOn1ltLOtTNr1VA leap op et s biLn(1.' hili'$. Sloan, in hal' eVidene0,; stated, that Dally cattle in and tools to escaped the notice of Eg r atolo- k tail caging and'. by scores and scores of tl•aln 0\'er t110 CAIladIa11 PtlCifiC rill- lie Nvilo may have reals lt,,and whine :, ' back to } . t ' Ita\:in�, pttt'Gl1aSCt1.7,thq.1)ttsinesS and plant Of +1'1119 Ilu T 14rtoltn, bill int ftlitll'q a lilltern'-out to a. part of the barn gigtS are still htnolPn t0 lvanllel'Ing 11 i buslidlli; never would allow any o£ 1Va al'1'iVe(1 at llloutrDal railway � n,etnary dues lreriud of • twenty-five or thirty'{E�ly0ial'g ,agU. tpablish tlloanntlgantatedl)apetsinClinton, tlso(i scttnot ,nos as'n carponts r shop:. ,( ,M Arabs as the Castlo of the Joly s us to touch ilia fruit. r „ statioit from. Vancouver. he Coca- Those were the lulppy rtiliiva when unt}cm the title of I'TaLr Iiultov Ni;ws• ' iiltaoltn," - Her hlisbaud remarked that it was daughter." The proofs foetid b daughter." 1 Y Well, m, friends the a are Chris- Y sign is anrportant As marking t]io thatj,l�aal)er rule lt.itll vengeancts . nMilton is the most prosixerous townln `%le:stet'nOntario„istllgseatorcons,tlel'able daugcrous to be al'Ound a0 • 11111011 • Mr. Petrie sooms conclusively to identify this place 'as the refuge .oto tiara men who have the church undo" g, fruit severe anal(. There is f t lu this first event, of the trail© betivooll 'Can'ada an(1 t11a empires of,the east, �a the i tutestal]4I1u1 s(', when twor�y, tiling dour t0 ills Uat.hulfC Ib071't, h ° 'antk tllaltitfaettll'111R and ilio C('lltl'q of t110 illll'St A l'icnitul'al gestin» 1111 Ontario, i with a 11 lit and lie would pat a g l stop to it, was about nine ilia Jewish ,ri C s ”" . Jewish 1 u e sos. ... of t110 `interesting orcluird, for the whole world belt., ' • au(1 lllo diversion . a poitlon o1' .. ...-,_ tile. practices, the c(•relnolit 1"; , sacraments of . the Clitu'cll--w(rru 11 ' nle combined circulation of Tun Ninvs- .:rhfg o'cl'oc1t,' Soon•artar 1C.ell • caalne in 3 features of thisdiscovery, a : the lialiea rough an unsympathetic athetic Y a I Y P ills enormous taacto \5rhlch lllthel'ta . sitlijPct to tile. and nluet ' ' - ;;'i,rcuim exceeds that of au•/'l)allet' l ub- Huron, It (,. .' and said You had better` g0, and is. the probable i(lanti flcation of the, way of accostlug outsidersi As thouali found its way via Sun I'rapcisco.' ,$ltanderons 'vitllpera(tiulls r whoa .our dslied in the Count .of l,, yy lhglgtmdl, uuanrpasset. as at! atTvortls 119 V look�aftel man" 'Shu ~vont very pavement of bnc�ld \yacht mon- they had no business' here, thuilgh , Ilio Canadian Pacific railway has Y Co111Ctlts find als�lnius ut' charity Tttedluill.. your Cut and found her' husband lying 0n tinned in the forty- third chapter of the Lord wants them all to come. reason t0 couglattilate itself ell t11cr \vbre.stlgnpatlzetl u'a ]talc i)ettortlltttI brut] 618—split, if possible, ` wurso, ` s• Rates, of adrerthtllo, liberal And • the grouTi.d. - flisensibke. With the Jeremiah. The prophet says . sail take the largest and ills xl )0$t g 1 +' gl'Oat $l1CCCg$ 4f''thlS {•hell' fl 'Rt 1111 a ' t . I .' inh(lluall alld ati-veiOtlg Still';---- - Varnished .Oil Application. � ... 1�I artles tnalciny.contracts rot' a spoei-„ Aid tll0 $GrYant she brought hitu'' t,.. Then Caine the word. of the Lord fruit On the premises,' "live you an ' dartalt]ug of the kind. The tea is of the oargo of 'the clipper W. })bell tho unfortilttato oilteasts -fruln . ' 'ficcd tune, wlio Mies ntinue- thou• advcrtlse- ,of • into the house. She .oalle(1 ��' „ unto Joroinialt in rah •anlies X1 ring p` 3 a' were baptized idea. that because you \v i b 1 tlzed .start , r 1,.. Flint, which heft ,1 Yokohama I cin,' victilus of cruel laws and it. ' irtonts before the expiry of tl10 saute, will 1>e cliarget( full.rates. -IColl but lie_ dill no'answo.t. .Thor ling- r Take (Y'eitt stones iu.tl,fuo•hantl and a at thiTteel months of age, and be- t June 10, and Art in Vailconver Worse than Draconian , ]and Code - Worse ' il�(yia, .1trou ilio iuedinl,i of' tho : - ' . , _ •Advartisontents, without histriwtiOns as o s,a O atld tit1,C will 118 lgi't t0 tlie.:utlg- t t o, a band died between eleven and G1ve1v0 and hide thein .in mortar In the bl'hek\vark which is. at the entry of cange yell slave all yrOtll life. been 11 dor hallowed influences, thaat : on July 28.. .Cite .tea train loft Port l'IOOt1 Oil Jul .3U. The train con-. Y Y ;I1 galil0 ht•111s1a ag[,llCl'e$, t'hreatane(l hent of the contpositot' ill. tbq (lislAtty, ill. sorted until' forbuldon, tneaslugil by a ,. Uplook. - '1119.9 Annie Parl(s, the ser-. , \ant roforrod.til, 8ta'tod tllilt Sloan, Pharoalls hoaso Ili Tal panhes -in ] tiiorefore ou have ,a rf ht to one Y g - 'sistod. often car loads of toil, eight of ivhich•lvoro loft atFrockvillG, to yvith a wholesale lnitssaere it' they atto]n pted to make a Morale in till r s•a a t' solid .non lareil I2 lines to the ( 1 0 1 f %11:'.11%, sad eliat'getl to CCt1tS a lliie fol• ilrst referring t0 I�Clly''$ wOrll; i.n' the'' the sight Of th , 111Cn o£ Judall ' ants them,, :.]`fills whole side . of this .Lord's. table f "(� ,� spreading. out and taking bo, cousignetl,.to cl:ffi'erent points. in a g' forests, "`" p, It 0'1. the vii In fores Sottiti . those people," "o al(i the �Ul'L t1 ' h so peopl s.• t Puritan, rl ' ias61't101] find 3 Ce11tS a1li1,P for CACTI sari• ," 1 • sat rash t 111SC1't1011. Cyders to 'discontinue sltbp,. said he wits not going t0 have say unto sttltll the Lord , of hosts, of the God of Israel':. Ile- yourself - uta the on tire Toonl `f .,I, tell you'ixQ,.. the eastern. states, and two Cttine on. to, Aloutrehl, being consigued to , � oraole, ill. o111` inldst: land wo. wilk -second: <Z lvertt9etllents'ntnst be ill. writiuir, &T)�TTN(3 i v t" ,; oil \ as.,'d , that if it was. any good I t 1 hold, - I Avkll seucl incl take lTebac: ,' you will have to,liaul in your elbows, uiorchniit8 thorn. ' -"' have a secund Connaught,. a . District, of C4uobac—iso roads,' nu 1 Qe Notices set as ftr ,3lA1'1`rn, "' 1 a SCalq Of sUllll l7gn )all'iCil'.12 ttnea:,ule( by l ' lie \Vag at lie' would not min r' -, t l :. a• 11' 110u Felly Call10 back lie had 'a haanozzar, the -I king of Iiab ylon my ' a Y 1 y for' Istall to -day lace .on cithor y P. r, T - i hat (lo. You think of the-- sac- first scltuols, no pruoress,r': 1 . lilies to the inch:) ifliorgted at the fate of to CADts a line for eacli insertion. stick in hiS ]laird: -servant an will set Ills throne u l • n t to l 0 $ISIe of you those -,vhom you -never Y Y cess of the tea cousiglilntlnt over the Claanadiau PtiClfic railwta r!"asked y e I will be •relnindod thtlt this' Offal* y . I - . • ( r`" - Dr.'Stovenson. testli7C(1 L3 the r1)- • ' ` these stones that I have ]lid: rand lie shall sliroad his royal pavilliou over expected would sit there; for, fls Christ said to tylia Jews long ago, so a Gazette. l'epa.1t01 Of all OfilGlal' of •tile company. .ion under consideration' mis the , work of ;'a corrilapolident, and thiat 'JOS W WORK. • 1Ve have Ana of tho'best appointed Job ' stilt of tho.pos-ircolteuz, to fiuliiig a fracture of tlib skull. The. \voiincl them.. And be shall come and silaite it he says to Y'0u*and to me : 0ther . , . ,,It is the ltlClcest rtnn ever nla(lq. q hence the editaritilshoulders sbould � be Erna from atiy Tesllolishl�llity. , • 'Qtliggs west of Tomiltq. Our fa(itities fn this de mrtnlent enable us to do all )rinds could not in his opinion have been 1 „ oho laud of ,L+gypt, W-_ ' shoal) I have, which are not of this (old. „ froin Yokohtima to easterzn• Ainerioa• There is 310, Other: conte Can Carr • I'slifl �!',! • Any,one COnV(roant wiill11 oe,vorli i'iontacallin�cardtoali,itTuaugtl7 b politer, iii the' best style known to tile,; infiictocl .by this club prociucecl if' 'hie, The .rtivi9ed version blvos as`•tin g e. readlna for ' the brick- 1I c Icl t o , Cotehm n . hflR a Don't . ' 11 5. a ' Y the f>0ight tis tlt5icl:ly as as.we have (lolls; Tho- Alllerioan. ,t11e hondoli Elil'tterl'iscY iVhon it'wilg w the echo an(1 Gttiug associtate of the ' a . craft, and at„tile lowest�-possible rates• Ordi;rs by alai] promptly attended to.. . struck.by a right-handedAlternati\ - Ygtraria. vias taken to Barrie • next da work -Which is At thio entry of Phar- Y four or five doion ]load of epos p . "1511P,a' ea111i0t. do it,' as.tih6y hili a to lea. I many r , . - J yruaito Globe lir tti.b tuiholy work- . of calnuinlating the ' Priests and. • ' . Addt'o there to awai.t't ial at tllo ua.' y' r xt As= ,. ' A011's house the words pavement or Sonne of them ale. broivsiug ori ilia .. transfers. ... , eo; iso of the Ct�ltllolii 'C;hurch, cull '” ' p I a%i7L' la%2lUS^Record, sizes. TIo is a•mali of a''little over . .§quare. •' Mr. -P'etrie found, in . the :44t`l6r; seine of thein:, aro lydyili .. 07iow much dtoes the company have :no trouble- in. `renclibig the ' . clibiton. ©nt tiveiity-ono, of. avaraae l,uight, stent c011rsO'af his excavati'o'ns fucili6 the ' " down'undor thio tro(is genie of thein ', snake. on those transact]ons I" COnC1i1S10ll thrill the' villiai2 nus ilia- r .• .)•. " becenilltir, ;832: .. .. . ,. , . , . • ...' ly built; and with nothing• in his entrance, of the build'inm an Area of a' : ' Ara. in his yard; thloy ,Lo scattered "The froig,ht for.the four -tea shf )a a l cllatterecl for Vaubouver. this tribe signed liC'atl'oUail4 in the.11 a , Globe of the 3rd hist., whs COUCOCtt d . . The Huron News=Record f'aDa to ii dieate .telt iuurderer, Tie continuous' brieltivorlt. Tegting. 011' g a]'oUllCl In eight OI Aon (lifferont .season will be About •$1)'100,006.: . •i.n ilio office 'o„t'; lliat paper, :incl that - _ is a, tcetoher, and has always been sand, about ]Gil : b 60- feet. . The .. Y g places.' Calneron, his' - neighbor,: ” :. _- _ - .. - ` t, , the stlnctfntonious Deacuii (,tamer= k _ I I-��'c€luestl.ry, Anf;tpsi- K�Lh. - so: „ , br;icit\vorli is 'two orahroe feetthelt,. and .\vfls alprareutly designed a8.1.an t( comes over and 'sAys:' I sec you .)nave thirty . 811061);, ,I hove just „ TIIT+; STAFF OF, ilFr. on is its aittiaoi'. , "Ctitholicas" Cameroli tells, lis,of _ — . . •A IiA.PPYFAMILY IN AGLASS. - SCENES .OF7 BIBLE, HISTOi.Y. n open-air ,pintfornT £or••Inoetillgs, fol the. transaaction of liiiblic•businoss. Coulited -them." "No" 'sa,s �1IaC- r.,. . 3 ;, .. n . •Donald,_ I bavo a great many more citatN ROTTINo-. el -1,;.: Owinrc to raip ItnZ'" tile-disorilorl. soaps which occur . y s at1lic ]ic-nic gathorings and )laiu- ' 1 a ' I ; 11 . JI,OUS1�3. . . . .. g Over thirty, years, ago, when two, The, .,alacii. 'was dastro ped U ,fisc l . 3 Y ' sheep than that, They are seatterecl a Y' weal ri diiriun h It n , g the pi st•. fortnight g,laln ig lY lt'ints th Lt 1, Pests unci )people al]ILr) ± aloe gGt clru'nlc' at places. :'',: .. Torontotvorid. . , oT three 1•;nrylis nien ga t ' ; g h bog n ho 1go1h and: it is re toduable 'to believe that all :around about: h have four or' rotting in fields ' g olds rand farmois aro .these ,, t" " • - . This. certainly; .is stip. atrocious ltbdl, The Globo has ,iiiade tllo revival. �� . p g of collecting in* a volume:�tho ).now the toreli \vas a i )lied b this soldiers . 1 l Y five illo.nsaud in m flocks:. -Other y ,, . greatly depressed. and the good Deacoi uinsb :hays go . n . of the ceiitriil'irison ..eontrovcrsy . ' t, ledge then existing about the'scenes' +. , g of, the Babylon hing when - as; ig ellen L liavb, iYhfcli are not in this 11) .,. ,. ,r , a \UIN(i OFF IN THE wITMkT CROP. beau' aware tl]tit it was _so,, lvhon-lie ..� tfie •occas,ou, o ':a great many faults of Bible Motor , th , ; becai, 0 very. Y' _. .. ..:. : well known lrebughhdnezzar vert- ' tUl(1• '1 _.. , , „ .The wheat Cl'0 '' rrfl2LC , 1S as I- . p penned the..scm,dAL, • . p ' '+ ' :, ;anrl ser rat rho. Press? teilan Re rl Y. tuueh. fm'pross0cl.\vitli the seantinoss fiod.tha \\ ortls of ilio propinot by.11rs In the :first dace, I remarit that • 1 ' mated at:1Q6,0.00000 hectolitres as Catholi:e priests will I' o vine ro' - 1 ' I ' b . on ul - ,. the eyen'..tenor . of their iv,<3' `,: view,' which`It.purslies with at vin- of the,>ufolmation they sonaht and invasion of Egypt.• . , r the -heavenly she herd will find 3 p . r a, imi 110,000,000 in .1$S5. : , . desplt, 'tho••ntalevolent ci'iticisills of : . dictiveness ,altogether out of ro or- . . . , a P.. . .. , the hapham d manner -Ili which it .till these. 6nitful. res al's man . of his - s ee a amid thb ii n- Y l h. l .. l Q TIT hQIiTiI1V1 ,�T 'II.\RVT5T.. . the' G'10be,• ftirilisliin ; t'oi thioir pest- - 1.' tion to an mfsttika "that •the latter -, Y was'gathered. Out of -Aber re )ort 1 .not only serve to'.elnci(lato -ills g n " �� • n . church goers. -There are congtega. AdviePs fr'oni ri6arl over station 3 Y 1)10 �.r}ltional an(l in11QC0nt'�aliluse- ins have glade in .sttatiug that a ;. Y • a on this subject gre\v 'rho Ptakestin.e g text of'the Sacred vo.hime 'but they '' titins ii1•lere they. are till Cbr]'stians, "iu llanhtolia indicate that'the'har meat+ fostorlii •-a love for lair anti . x . g aneiilber of the Ontario :^Overnnient a ex .loration' fund, which f6r 21 ears i1) Y aro also' affording new flniT. stril.ing a . a ;' :and thea ,echoed: to be completely vest was ubou't finished last \reek order;: 1pn(1'ing- n stimulus, to efvili- . . . kation sail Gllrtstianity, thus'receiv- has 11 a� s demanded o£ his eo a 'ties the • :. ' • ,.., . )fist has I.o pt its 'o 1 1 _ 1. Il olors rallSs5U1 - , proofs of the great fact tliat the finislied; anis thio rolllind • ono of Y l g A l reports agTee as to the, stipeikor in�r tllo 'osteoin 'of all not blinded by warden's re 1''t at'Uni (r': ,: S , s gl} 1 , In doing • lll(r.tlle.l'lliils 0 ancientGIvili ;a g £ z trolls. ' v Til he 111 5t1 f7l a a r. T- isle i9 t o og c 1 and reason- i the.skelofon leaves.'-\viiieb b che111- Y ualit of the errs'' 'al ilg q y g an, ,trio gh tiro Globe,.-, artizallship • and )1'Oving p . 1 , ] n . a.aaA '1 _ `-f the Globe i.:. \; 1 i - o. . 9 .til o.e1 m•.the p rho world nit*es' to: tllo t\'oriz of Haig r tilde of hooka. 1i e llnow noir mare' +I. , Teal lal'epatatiol list e .riser nIl tlioi:r average rfelcl' \rill bo lil�ol in.(lor . t1 n el"es to bD'in'roalit' }vl,at bLr . 1 e>. s, v y . )ubliculln(lsuehtar,uuosaud Com- 1 . 1 '.; .. society,:a ipl lenlbnted 'b ho taltll-: Y . ,. '. full .than wo ever understood be- 3 ". -greenness: soil .votdntdl...'takon off. -20 bushels: ` ,-l-, tTahnlIacdontild'saial thi >\Vere.oji •''`. y _ the,oecasion of ti• x66. In -. ` )arisolts as: Dlu . 'ogre unpleasant I P.. l • • • .., ' ttulttul .labors of pts. callea+,tios 1 o fore tllc discoveries of recent years,, 3. ', :them .aud•,aro.left coli) anal ivlii.1 ., ., TH't 'UNIT7:D .STXTEs. ': ' ent speech P . England; and before an. au(I anco of ':. • to.the habitues of fhb 1)eaeou•'s glass a. . , g .' ; = Egypt and Ass3 iia, the idontific<i . . that tho.o is no boort in the world and d'elica'te llothin r wantiii. but a. , . . o S . '. ^ +,� at ''' The Ftcrnrca s tier ie2vsays. Rains .Tublslitlien, .vlien,tllat grbat'stsitas-.: ' ;House on.. ILiug' street east. 1ho .a `r tiun'\vitli more or 1oss.cortaiTit -of Y nioreworth �of,invesaigatioii. 3 a.. g ' - slags case to .rant over thoiu: The, have .iii >rovod thio los`ects for`' 1 P P Irian'• i'onohncocl this Canadian. ; - .. . p. Pro) oriel v' :' sl yt 1 I e ie v is a ie,rfectl . 1, ..Y •host of the-Illll,ol'tant places, men°' . _ --�—:_ _ _ .. _ niiDistei: of C rist has noth.inry to' , g .. Cor' .inportion30f Ajinnesota, Iowa — g ,, p riesthooel as Mliou st tho finest' g. ' 1 gitimat. . simaer cut -, " to w. 1 l enterprise, tkoned fu .the hi.blo.' . .'_..: I 1 +' bPw' VTD I L1S., Ll. A'' (lo`. th such' Christians but to coma- :Illinois oilio • a d I an as ,. n s ., while i.0 ,,.., ttmorah police" Tu the world. ,;' p , Iielfeeyly t1i libolty't0 diGe'iss every " These tireless.ex explorers with. \iith.their 1 . , _ • y, > :. Ia>TIC-1hIt... :. truce•, eok,;andwitli ostrich feather . Inr1]aliai the so orfs° indicate •full p I raiiiaii' Your truly, niatter'.'of ubl c interest Mand not• p ' '` "' spades sash eographical halniTiers. g a • a I . of the aCcumulatft n of this lyst averano Wil. • Ver' larrye.'sections Y P. 1vluvaor�tx. ,, ; . likely r,' , - y t0 lac p .. .as Tllany Lnj tis 0 . dig ng . into ancient tombs alld sol CHOPPING UP' A IMAD BODY TO Yrnmy • .. . . six day a, leavfn 'diem bright:,aud a c tisk ren afii%iirl COtn-gl'.pwln � Stratfor - t14° 1356. ' d' ,. a ' ., PTC _. _-. _. __-_.. __, O$ araC nilAtaltes in a .yeah iaS lt$ a7. el'Ullibl0l'1S Tnag g g . every e1 CONFESSION, . Cr Stlall•hle°ad before. But the Other . Y .in .,rho g States .have., had no fatom the - - - . ' censor dyes ver da .' [t plausible C� Y Y p .3..,aogues,mapping ll ln; e„l' a1oring fall the Caverns and • L o . I', rtlRsaIs Aug. 0 1886.=ATI ex- '' g ' It1nd •of a cliul'Clt 18.x11 ar]n01'y -lPitl .rel'ief. ()roil h afid're rt are• 1 ]' r' t , 1)o, s v.con In AT.WA15 REQUItt19n- A girari ctithaltio: ' a'e,sov fou- c(is'tllmol to tv11' ti 1U`llp : _ .Y ich - writer e0u1'sGB,..Are 'b'rl'llginb t. -stage • fraol•ltliiiary: experitneut, unpreced- perpetual sound . of 'drum and "fife, .no a which . would. indieete. a 'faflurd, of medicine: National Pillg Will not i a voi'nt o (i s p_ y u ' it has been* subjected may be foilhd ossa which .•the di"hltlia of`...sacred •bate l iia judicial annals• was, none (' gvg gathering recrirfts for the Lord of. g - tho.crop in, wide aims. In nlmter- . • J . liit - the existence in and about thio` , ,,; . history was enacted .clearly Irler re . through here, yesterday at the Hos-, Hosts. We say to every applicant; 'oris counties in. Illinois tllo.usands of. •-. All the imported cattle in cl.day. ' I Globe aYlice of a gnbor combination - hostilb to nu colli i.etition O{%1'ed Y the :e es of modern students. • It is Y .Saint-Jean 'u' phial aler ..connection "Do •,ou want to he .on God's side ) . ' a. I are reported Trained, . anis the . aD'Unb at. Levis uebac -will be. 'to, ' ' . 1 an older laflesbyteriitiii .'publication, a ' )Teciou8 I g 1 1 boo 1 to 'this geueration with; tile* vaso of the woman eat in tho'lla a p 'side. and the safe side 1. I I.Y au,tlook, even. with rain, does not slaughtbred revent the spread, . spread, • __ . t ho proprietor of \vliiali 's brothel_ •' tl'iAt.these lie ig .' • w 1 g11t8 hAve been soli-, .'iieces by tdto mill\rife Rodeket and If so` come in the armor and' got ' Y a • in more titan hahf a Drop., lir, of of pl'auro-pneumonia. hey aro. 2 00,000.. ill -law t h ' ,; u 1 o t eGlobes tuariagci. r110 ' plied to lllnm,no,rts ieseaiclre8 into 'her:lover Mas uelier. Tho - former• q '. a .ui a hod. Here is a bath ins -which sial t I 1 l . ..Ohio” the .general outlook. for Dorn: �. late editor of the Clir' (tai re' - ld P sbyter ran is ,ll$0' a 1Cadillg wrltel' on 'tile the greatest of boosts. . I�Istory sari-. . 'who deliitis the accusation tried, to ' :. throw d'scredit oil lfasgnolier s can- g to got ct(,,lnscd: :Aero Ara sandals has beau m noved'b' rains \ritli a I Y ' . ]y�1( DItUTJS .CoCCINDI TION. A. tiG�._•' " g; a Globe. It'thege.gciltlelnon liossoss-:. .not be sttrdled..intelhgen.tly without ',,s' inn' hath \ fc9 ton by stat g. t e was lihy to slut upon your foot. I eco 18 a -llro5l act of 85 per cent. of an Aber- ' .' one ,or the inci9t d'an;er6'iis coli+il . eel more prurience a11c1 less io}il they 'would �, nla as, The strident of Lui'o ab ii l t, 1 1, thus' ccn.tury t , sicaally incapable. of stinting nl•p a helinot for. �onr brow. -fore is a: 3 r r"hart Hero is breastplate for 'n ago yield: In'several Nansls.coun- tions is a neglected kidney cont lain t. _. I' •-r When you suffer from 'weary Rehm -;,:-=_ not'have ravai:ecl fhb exist.; p tlequnes, a sotlCs :Sri body 111 the. mane described by you . e ties there is rolpect of it one-half p 1 ' back, ., tiveaknesR and n1-1 ary . in" and wide )road 1 oliet that thc;;i.r• a 1 1 lila ps',to enable ]ani t1) understand 1 himself. - A sword f'or' your .right arm, and alrerage yield of corn. In lllnne- _other troubles » 1 to the bock a 13acdacli ' ,IgE Y hntlt]us agaillst thio :lak etb is 1lurelY '- ,019011aL1 and spitefu, l.toreover l l 1 j, the . tnofiieutotis . at d .n11i11Broils• "' ) '. A BLOOD OURDT'TNC O,P> n.\Trio r, , , y 6nder"is the : , Battle -field: ()rift " g, 8otn corn . attained a lowtit of g Porosis Plaster, and . take :Burdock -. Blood .Riat'ars, the btsat syst'Pm reg: • tr ,: th( Gluhr, nes be hind the e(lttorr,tl CIlal1g� n political bonntlaries':froul. Iii cousognence: lfaRquelia •wits, yourselves like men. , six to eigli.t. feet, and the present ulator'known for the Liver I i 1 's td le) -r t,iV „ a* '., a to stay. that the hditors• of this the rifle of xN%poleon to thO't5'aaty'Qf � renuestod by the alltlloritles to cut rap at the IlOspitial''dn Srlint-Jelin TI'loro A b salon here \vlto say : i y outlook is for near ,a:full- avora(rci nearly g , Stomack sailBowels. ". - t' :;:. - 1te\ to\v sash "ol' tlib �19rcal,„aro ultra Ilerliu. fiothese ro ani; re e r'ha c s n c 8 .tho' bac) of a .dead woman ] ring Y . 3. a rt g, I, stopl7ed 'going . to Chltrcli to or.. , Drop,' Throughout i\Iissouri • the . -»-lI(issrs. Glasgow i� �lifl, 1jotll nlollitancs of°opposfug faiths.” . It ," o so hap'iPns that the ultralliontraano fn Ilil)le .Itaaa(ls aro restoring .to the n.. „' there for 'disso'don, 1'kas tlol]Gi. q twent years 'ago." I.sy brother, is Y rospect is riot oad for more than p l ,. g formerly of Landolt, Ont., have y , � ,- vditor of the Roman Catholic 11t I" ass most 1I portant lnfurinatibit. '' assented, And the etperilncut tools, it not strange that you 8ha11 bo the. Ont, -half to threo-fourths Of'.an,avei- rulobasotl the furniture alar t it - i tt c '' b rani oi' wllee i attach lir, ' hi9sie . .. ,... (., �'l o can now trace riLth a large race os'erda . before tl5b ''u(l'ees .1 y. t Y judges b hast Man I ghatl_.tallt.to to dayI I age yod�r. 1'lie,.lel)orts froni Wis- . airing, bits in I.uckuow from , . roulpiaiiis il.1 a totter' to the Globe, (10 -00. Ot e0tt,0111Y the iOUtO of an(1 A crowd of medical Authorities, ItnOw' ll your CiLSO 1) kn01V it very donsLu do eat glvo "the ln'.o7ntge til' ]lir', tiY:,11.. llillor; and are now in � 4: ' ,, „. i� also 0110 Of the , (,TIUlIG,Y leader , . the L�odus; �1 b ciitl correctly ilaee lt<tsgilal]er \vas at first very much , er , . , • . asset, but 1l.CUVel.ing 110111 l T11U 'A \ve11: You.hays riot been aecustout- .eaooed ono -Half an average yield• full Possession of the establishinont: . A. 1vei'tat', so .Inst while 'he fs ahs i �, t P l$ ug • lir, l'] Ass]a ]n the one paper, he'ntaq 11)' on t1le,niap of Lay hat iri tll(i• eastern Egypt halt' daltti tactile .iI1R , - Mon. lie tool; rap ti kitchen knife and ed'to collie into a roligitlus aasetilbly, Iu Xbbraska tale ros'iect Continues p • I tL HAIL! TIUItROUS I-IAII.1" ' 11'1) t'ttlll' itln'r h1t15 1n anUther 1 The Y a of the tI e land of' ' i C1101)''1e11 ilio logs, aTln$`Alil1 hGtld Of hitt 111aVe a Stl'Tlpl'1$111g annon.TT00- '. good Ol' neAl'Iy, A frill average Yield. :is 1$ tin f'X1pr8Raion of l�If .i i' )ton rPgar,fln„ ,,. _ C;; t'urco at 15 )oDl isv could no tel thus Goslion where Joseph bade his the d(Atl bud a actly' its he hush ala- y llrCnt to rualto to you, You aro going r chin quality of the winter rti heat u' - . .. " aha. tuft rash WOt ltl . 1t is not too • ,'. go. When Next file I)encull 8t -to t brothel's dwell. .�V'e know wrier'(, sCTibod. he tot operation lasted twenty-five filled •to become 011e Of ilia Lord's shoop,' 'p generall 'reported as :abc,ve the a Y much tai Srty thatrtlloAA ,calla Rl1ff('P t �1r0111 , !o tllio%v,.Rto'Avs front b(hind 171$ the Children of Israel reared the lllinaites, and I • t110' �PitireSge$ will h01'i•or, whilO d1 ,, tt" ,, , () ( you say, it i$ lmpos4ble; you, r average. the belly 1$ l)ltlinp and The Catarrh would thus ex WesR U1PnpSP1VPa ahoU i�, J- - about'that li'itiP.ASP. Lor tl'allg )al'etlt VC'il Ile light let gt :_: 1 Ought at . i t tl take the r10^,Orli Ut > , ,, tTeaRlu a city of I ltl►oul at 1. Ifataoli s convincin tile 'udr es of the accur- . I J , dont know how far I ala train Any- ,..... hard, giving a promise that the ggratn tul% Anti desTrau' maria theirdaily ex; istPnCe. t• .. .jal'PCatitlalT r"' pulling down tile blinds, C011llltanCl. «rD linU1V It 13 1)CIiOVCCI ' ,, lac of l� rs t1t`1tQt g COnfbHg1011 y" „ all thing Ol ;that ktnc�. I re , will ta(ld unttsuall tv(,11. l lris is \ g Y lfirrwevei eVPY CASH'eA1t l,a. ' y Cured by fir. 8i'90j Catarrh Iteol�dy.' .-- •• .... _ --- s,", the exact spot wheroJotaln!illl stood `-- , -_ : _....... yknoty ltbDut at. I. have 7Yalillleltd ilp anti the t$rlar of roparta flo.,ll Iitn9as, Its prolprtptOrR have 'for Years hlne�e - , , - .. `.. :. .. ►;; --Application for probate of tics �Vh n the 1 ('t , . ,. e e l e)' 1e listened to aha Nary ,' ,.. 4. T .' � SUCGE�SI UI. I11;fiC. . i : ..... ; 'an - ,. down the world and i ilrltlotstand : ,. :.,.. ., Tile Missouri, Illinoisand Indiana Tile to l3ttlnr `.. 1 Eing offer in all the gPwsllapPrR kn' g ' late 1.111 0 11, I1Athbuti ill at rho a r r' • fo tibnOa 0f arae of his ra lib�iap, a q i p p c 1<Ir. ''r 1 (Ie r writing f ot►t i an t n it y, b i ,: ' a ' •I out ongo; I have a ,till luoro. ata) t- tr - . . , held of spring th wheat in Iowa ran es Y I g a .r of $rule• for an ,incurahle,case, It . sntiedily subdiles all bad 0£ l)t1sPr0Ii't0 11319 b(lcll fll0fh in ilia surra'+;atacourt.x 1 ll a ills a '1'hD t 3(1 \ Not 1110 t0agt 111t'CTOatlllo Of tllesls ,SAAfAI tlY, says : I pr,i • f1ARFC1 (1176 C,attfe of litirtlook'13far1d .Bitters t(ti , - ling alluoun'cenrent 'to matte In lb b , + . from 112 to 22 bushels to the acre, smells, iR thorou Irl Y ClPransing, Rnt']APTitiC6 a • 1larsotl tl. "ilatate_ of ilia testaat,rt' is TeseaiSllrDs is fhb d2(carery yustu5arlu * purity my klMatl. It did >urif it l 1 Y 1 , r g g gilrilttl oil. I ori: Arb uotou oin Y� g g In 1llnnesata .rho lord l9 reported ( Y 1 soothing g and herding in pts t'mots. , . valued' at lt,rG14GU, and the jildgt' A b thorn very folttill;tte ex'11tr1;Ot• AMr, Y 0,10 ►low I have exOellont health." tO became Otte Of the LAd's tlheop, rat froill 1't1 t0 lt5 11t191r01$ tO t1,G acro', --. - 11 .r r r ' ;.:11,. .tolnmis9ian is 0500 tile. OourtR i ' ]}'liildOt'$ jretl`fa 11r1t0' last year till.- ' y As it blood ptirifying tomo and Sys tPitl regulator the r.sultof tak,ngll,B.B, , blit you will become elle 16! -day. Y - , . .. in Nebraska from t Ii ' g` t a „ G o 1 bttshrla. , I+TtL573t,1N S 1tonJa rewuDTtg tar Anto , sllrp Anil Rpepdy to rDWRO t~ , . . rile$, htllrstanitsl etc., t0 $86.0, . I earthed 1Vaultratis. is Always successful'. 1 Y g "i ou \t ill go ,front this eervioc . to The colillilaintg lie Gouet'at. frotlP wornl8 fY'otn claildlen of adults, . I. w L,:! • r . , _'1 . �, _ 1 ., r .. I. .. , • ...... , . ,• 1 „ •. F'. . L r <. '