HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-25, Page 11,=M___-- -- 1, __­ ----,--. _­ �; " - , -1 7 , - 1. 0 _ __ . W �ltrI fI I � � . .. I I . . I . - 1. . . - __ . . I . � . .1 . . I � - .. -- I .. .1. 1. I . ��� I .. .. I ". O..— - -1. . . . I ---" . ,� . O" .. . " I ­ - . . . I . � - 11 - "I . . . � . i - I , � I . . . I . . �� I I I , . I . . . � . . . I I : . I , � � . . I 11 11 I � � . . I � I I . . . . I I � . I . I I I �� .. I I 11 � � . I .. f) .� I � I � I I . . � , , . . I � . : �­ , ; I � � . I M . . . � . . . . . � � . � � . . . . . I I , . . I : I I I.... � . I . I , . . . � . � P; � .... & . . I � I �� I I I . I I : I . . I . 11 - .. I - _. �. .. I . .11 . 1. ­ I'll .. .-A&-- "".Mb-- . .. � � . - � � I .... I ,- '. I I I: 1,1_1-11 ­.­'. 11 - - 1. � �� , , .. �� �� -U .. .- I ... �. $'_ I , . .. .... .� . I . . . . r . _. . .- I . . . � .1 I . . . . — �, I - .1, . - . __ 1 _­----�—j--­7---­---- .­­ ­ �.­_­_. ­­.­__._.­...—­ It ..� _. .— . — I � ; __ . I 0 . . I , � VELUXS:1-41,25 per As"Pinklo5jiftiAdvonVet I . . , "EYLIFUMMUNT 11Y ALL 2`11,tIYOS, XRUTRAb IN X0219ING." I q I WHITELT 4 TODDip ZsLaMiallctim I . � I . I . . 1. I ,. - I . . — . . 04 . . - . . .": - . - I � . . I 11 , : , I I , � I VOL. Vt1U--N,Q... .36, CLINTON,, RLTRON COUNTY 1�,,ON'T., WL -SDAY," AUGUST, �5, 1.8' . . 1. . EDNE4 a 86e WHOLE NO. 406 . . -0 — - - _ --- -_ . � � 11 . I I I... -_ . I � I - - . � 11 I ' .1 . I 11 1. I.. . . � 'I. . life-tirve Reformers, because of !its . � . � . . FOR SALE. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR'. I I Xr. Jas, Buchanan is .around have, gall enough to )told .to the .. Blyth. . . � i I .1 � 3 BRICIt,STO"E" _______ ---- ___ abuse, are threatening to refrain from again after a severe illuoss, contrary. , The fact is Goderich is . . . I A FIRST CLAS , ill�' With the party,nutil the. lead- I . MiSs 11athaWa. I 11 . . . . Wil tuishit to 4dViiiMIMY MM80800d that 100 do act - -1 yi, of Morria;, Blan,, . , .. , , "I I Sol- � ness, )n Seqt1o's block, ou, vat Alitif ourselokka flesputisitilefortho, opotivois erg stiair in some way or other Miss McDonald, of London, is so beautifully laid out,,. with wide, is the guest. of Alr.-Joi I ... tablefor ativ buiti , , I re- . I I ha Z, migh. loug'Teruis of Credit, Also' , . in, . i ox,prwst�d bil correspon4wits.- 411. N11*11-HKO111), move, the cause of oftbuop and while trio guest of tile Blisses Cooke., agnificout streets, tlIat the business . . I - — __ . ; 0 � I Mr. AY, R. Blitcholland big bride .. I ; ,� ONE DWELLING HOU .1 p,7 ,,� . . I every other paper in the Dominion is ­5jr, Geo Robiuson, of Clinton, Portions of all the towns and vil, . . I ., . . I � SE, = , .1 I I returned home 6n Saturday, I .. ;Awhitot, wii-Roaord. . I . urging its frierids to orgattize alld be Visitill,., T61-, ,lag,os oxi,the. line between this and , e Centrallysituatod. Pot fortherpartletilars I I was ill town last wook - a Mirs Maggio 1-lartnett arrived bere �i I . Dr,Alt Si%-Yoor correspondent, of the prepared to bring out every possible � Stratford might be placed on her . ,. . APOY to I i1th hist� A I atives.. .. . on Thursday from Bliffalo on 0; visit- , . . . . ,lit! Bilious, des6rveg to be coin-, � vote when t):ie time conies; be, till, , dways without causing any � . � . IV. C, SEALULE � . I . 4 1 , . . in- , I . . . � . , CIANTON' a ' nilek.1 for his expose of the attenipt niade selfgaiii 't, d I 11r. Jilo. roll . � to her parents. .. � I . . � I . 400, !i4 1 - cient organis . ismisses the Durilig, tile past mouth oonv.enience. ' . . � . . $ . . . . _. — in the "I'Tow Ui ra" to create fun at tile ox, Nvarnings of life-long Reforruers, Who. Soobie hits been . repairing and im- . . . ISfany ,of our citizens took advant" . I . � � ''. . T. .-m. � - _. .. - ___ __ .- __ ­­ Pealse of deceitcy, - A watit of"docency is . . � � I . , I Successfully battled for, the gaure - in proving salt workS. of the -oheall tripjo X - . I I . I . ago - . jagara I I . - . . I . . a wunt of.seum. Altlioogli the writer of Huron long before bis advent in the . SilivinnerhIlL I 11 . 0 . , � . � � "I, tbose Ioathsonie detaili� is unicnown to ine, pounty;'as utterly unimportant, by �Ililoner E'veithty St a 2 - i.;41.r - . Falls on Saturday. . . - I I The S6 1 � I I . . . . I ,�- . _ . ;01 � 13Y -LAW NO, 7v FOR1.18864 I feel safe lit lkaying that lie is no ell ' . . . " ri'ved fi�in Detroit lq�� Ban I y Bliss Grace Wri.lit returned on Col. A. M. Ross, MY.P., splvt a - 1 , . I il . "Is, the'audacious and insulting reiriark: � I ,Saturday front visitin- frionds in I . arnilikirity with tile I - - .. . � jjan,, litit front his. I. 1110TIlium � " . I I . 11% , �ord" )ro is doubtless it "profas " , T -"Oh, lot the wet souls go, and 7f6r . I 0 1 Stratford; Her cousin,MiFi ouple of days* W!e visitin,;,bis. . . . ., . . L $011., 0 - R Jennie c ,a I . �` B, -Law to rai� d4q;crIho* tile, l4puling, anti pargill"', 0 a . ,,Infant (,,ity,,, tic- frionds and supporters. I -1 . .. . ,k A t4! �ii by tqa�. of 70am 11 f ::ovory one of that elass we lose, we The.plum business is new in full lyrigilt, of the . � . 1. I sum of four th , ; I . . � ; owqand fi�le couiliati.y ofsea-siuk Oxetirbioltists, In'the feel. assured that a number of 61(17 owing, a lal"re number of our towna-. � I 0 . cowtituied her., . A giLpat number of Blytbites in'- . : _ hitUdi-ed dolIM's fo?' the I)u'7)use$ words. ot the Lord Jesus, as used by the, "time Conservatives, of clean Ips and People beino, on(yarred thervin, I I . . I I � . 0 - 0 0 . Qu tend takiug in F orepaugh's, a I . . gi:c,,tt Apostle of tile Ge�ltil(As in it ,)lost ,'good i4tentious) will crotso froT our . Uo a iiumb4�'af,farmers'in,tbil; � irejus at . . � I hareb4cVIter . wfvztionedl� tender' unit alrecting parting scoue at. "opponents and fill the gaps in our . The lami) that, stood on the bar- vicinity have finislied barvestWg Clinton oil the 30th. insb. I I . 1 . . � I � - - : . I ,; � - - I Ephesug, for the purpose' -of inaking, a 11ranks UP And now, Sir, I beg'of .bo,r 4ill has boon retiloved to Kill-, and are busi reparitir, Ok 0 � . . IIPMHAS THE 01.1.11TO � N 11101T SCHOOL I Olin), 0 , . I . 0 ly oligagod in p , , ir merchants are getting in a . , . oMun- laugh betokens'great depravity of act .Yoursblf and readers to believe that ston street.. . 1 at. large quahtity of, goods those days - . .� W 13OAR 1) Itu inado applIciltion to th or, it is nothing short of defluneo to the . � . I . the soil for fill wh * e � . , . I ' . . .1 ibon, in the this is no work of pleasure-po the - Stanley Ilays broug,lib as a I., in anticipation -it brisk fall trade. , li;=111L I'o of tile town, of Q It -a a,liunioroiaq *ritcr, 11 never ' Mr. . d - of , . . . ar fl; fox- the �nni of Folit'rhousand deity, Sa,% writer, but a matter of duty to -a Braitter Chas. NATilli'las, of ul- . ; . Irivo trundrud dollars lot* Ole jIlLriloso of ell: sta, ;apor even with wild profanity. ... . I I Our ban . I i . I souvouir from Windsor a .sp`raiuod 16tt a short - distance from here d lilts � -been engaged to . %Ill, In lit iny I cause -in which I ha had a life-long' P . . I., cald Heard to orset.atl addition to the lnl��111� t1ka lit -at I)la(,e'it is Nvickod. In tits ve ancle, causia" running too .fast at 2 1 1 � School building, lit said town, and'to eklilip tile . interest ; and I now call earnestly . oati(flit his too on ,it, nail while itinip- 'attend .it "harvest' bolue" festival, to . � . . . . a I I � I Smile mo as to tillable bile said Marti to ti,pply second it. is not ftililly", Is it possible upon.,tl e leaders of 'tile party, and cricket. I . I fllg'qvc� a few nse- liblield in Dungau 1. . . : i lumlor 48, Via., cIx,q3.-5O (611t), to 111WO tile skilit that the writer of said articlo ]tits fallen' . . ,,e ktild-as a ;O , non on Sept. 2nd. . . � . I . I !, , tile Reform press of-thd cotinty, to . Mr. The-,,. Poit(Ir has accepted the 0 ­ -in, 'dislocating I INfessrs. '!BlbDQn,1Id and Caldwell, . I , iji,cij, School constitutett ii� coilogiate Institute; ,-o low as to be linconsciotia of guilt I I'lle ' . - . ; quence ;el � n his ai Ived, *1ko -ed Nvords *give voicb* to their opinions oil this , . 4 � Ind whereas tho said Council has rose position of assistant in the �;entral It. , . .. �.! . I . ])argon who Could use .those sisol ,",ij,,re, in:ti)ortant subject ere ib i to I t or ,, find al o broqking. one of the ,Of Exeter, paid our village ,it flying . . . I raiiso the wild sulat of woney for tile purposes - I 00111LO'd011-iS to be PitiOd- a 0 a e, I . 0 . . . . . . . � I I . aforesidd; . . . . - ,� Ill-stle, I they will be respqn,'3ible for wlikate�or during the autunin model $01061, bones. . . I I . . visit tbis,'week, . . . . . � I ' there is it o 'reve eat ice for God's word, there I . I . .. I I . .. . �. ,_ , a. A d whereas the tatal autount of debt Intended - torm, - . , � .. . ,�� - . . Dr. W. Sloan left here last week ' . ' I it" line tireated fiv this iiv-i,aw is tile suin of four isiloreverence.forGrod. Tobeirrevertint injury may accrue to the Canso, from . , - . " I . . I . . � . th e - - lE .1st wilitiv.-Inosil. . al . - of the -, - I : , .1 Otlk,lilld IIV.0 Iiiindvoil,'dollitrs. I . is to lie wicked. - "Tile fear of the Lord -is-, tile infatuated course now'boilig bur. . Mr. Jno. Rob'fts, who recontl , Y , to. attend the nutilil ane�tiilg . . 1, . ' . I . W And whereas it Nvin re(tuire tile suin of Three the beginuting of-iviskloui�" Alas 1 Alasl sued by the Huron signal., . met With an accident that resulted A Henderson is very low ; his son -Domil,liuu medien]. assootation,411i ell - . , 11inadrad fill(] Sixti�'Orjo dollars and nine conts to' , out- Ohilrel es are fast filling tip xvith 'I beg to .; in. tj,6' in a broken log, is noW.ab)o to,be lVilliam i6 1 ol o res ' . thank yQu, Sir � 0 1 11 ai V cut, : , ,is boi iv held in ao.bec," I bo ridged gtinutfll�bv spucial rato for tile P1,310b"t shanis Ilyllocrites, .00-winell, forinalists, . . I . . .- . .. I I . . . I . . . ,- 11, 0, , -. ' - % . . � I of said deiii, uPki iinqrtsit its hwehnater Liidn-. I I 'ers'. antl . Migious � scotinilrols. name.of Reforni in West Huron, for titiound on c6tches, , ' . On Wi3dilesday last the funeral of ' . � . I � triekst Win. Rath purchased. a team of � Cloned - . � - * g .ace 1or the * i - . . . I Anil 'wl)orcfts the aniount of tile whole ratmblo Tliesii estiniable christigns never orr ; they . your.kiii(Iness in givin ,.sp . The sebobner Z671,age from wal- the deceased infant of Mr.'Robort . . . ' k i S. &bove -comn . . I hors6s from E. Livingstone f6r $180. Duruion, of the Queen's hotel,. wa ' . I . . I '4'.. lirwertv (it tile siad cortioration irrikspeetive of occasionally inake lnistal;s , . itulication. . .. laceburty Nvith a cal -60 of' ho6p,s i'ald ' a . . . . . . � . I - : , 0 . I . I Gep� hiltiGoivali. sold a herd of 5 followe( ­.. . - hay futitre increaso.of .the game alid IrrigqPuctive . I ONE, W110 LOOKS ON', I . RE, FORMER. s6vos ?dr Blessr.q. 114,wtiu Platt, fcattle foTod Wation, realizinrillore- I by ic largo -gathering -of . . I . I 0 incimits !it the'nikture, of tolls, interest, . . . . . . .., . .. . I - I . .) . S . . . . '. � I � d! an, s, rents or fees, from the said property, . . . I I . � ' I I . . friends to tile 'Blyth uni6n. cemetery., I I . P lvida.d � I . I . Godarich, Augu&;& 1880. ' . and'others, ar&od last Friday. " - fo r $ 2� 4-6 . . .. . . � I oiia %igo iqespective of an.\, Inerkine to lie dorivZd. . . . . . i I . I . . I . � . I . , . .. . - I I t, - - . . , . tilikkinlCatiou " - � . I . � 1. Rev. _J.. D., Taylor occupied the I I . . . A% I rank bile tomporary invilitracilt 6f tile. sinking, iwenittypreft000the following col . . . I . I . . -.1. . . MISS. Mary, .Nicholson who has Ariss J. Doy was lion I � I . � . . . . 11, . I lin(i lick -e! jjaftikk� iu�litioiied, or %iiy p�pt thereof be remarking that lie feel, "In hotior bound" to I I . . 10, from pulpit.of the'Prosbyteritiz church ... . . . 11 I 11 inveordint, tothe last m1sed Assesentont Roll, of give* spitoo to temilerateir written papers on any : . . .been dang6rously ill the past few, '161inesvillo on it few day's visit; on Sun'dfty in orabiz- ;-Vf he rd'v. gon� . '- , ' � I. . I . 0 . � ., - '0%'O%� DER I C ri, .. . trio suid coli'loratioll. heing for tile �,oar one sub]ect* of 'public colWaill, li'llethel. tile.%' C-01110 UU I . . . Waeks, Jit, **P hilo pleas�h t ) . . 0 1 thousand eighb littudred al�kl eighty si.\, . . O* notes 'she hits -beeir Rway. a lon(er) t'* � . . . $583,670, . . Was front friend or -loo We can vouch for Clio . boua - R st,inds forRecord, In Photos its A 1, . ' � ' I . I . 11 . 0. "'no- - tlainan: preached ,an eloquent dis- . I. . . . . I I Mail of."geforloor,', Though lie, considers usi a . sieftilil . . . I S -stands for gallows, lit, whoin the work is done, . ..Y. !Ill I) ro V A. n g. . I I egation.. '. . . . � .. � . A ,lit compardtive strwig6r, wt. have not lived nearly: .1 , Robt. BloGiiivafi; wsr., sold a herd course to a large 61ongr � . . . . I � nil whereakitheninount of 1ho-exl4thig-do A stands for Attitude, 'heres, Where wo take thi;, Prof.. .Mrk, organist of 1�no X, , . . . . I of thosaid corporation its it� filllows� - * . fiftv vilars lifthe countv without Itoing actilikilit- . � .1 � . - 0 1 -to T; 116 -ss' : �taining Mrs, A. McNally's inall, !� I I , �, t . ed with tir iontlainall 'ivhO bits taken elicit 'it,' � atik * a, I .1 . . .. ; - . -,011111,0112 is about ,'to ',Vippn a store ill of eight Steers I 0 ., 10- , y-friendtk . . .. .; *, '. ,. I Vor principal tile gain of -.$27,500 together with an 8 '�r Likeness, oxaci,is, what we take, a handsome fl-ura. - . � . . I , :Letivc opimb,,cand 4 judieiklas onii %vithal, it) tile TIOL " I -Lovelyijastm, , 0 �. . Will be glad fQ lioar that .9110 bas so ' I I.. - . Intarot on thaimuin of M600, front the first dkxy� iffairs t, Reform party. its le basklone.-I&IJ G stands fox - litit our piarons say,. 'Acheson's block) 'Yes't Street,., as a � � . �.. . � - � I . � Jull:,tD 1880,-�l,n,to"th.esulllof$10,000,'fl*bllI " 0 btll.lida for iMfl;a ,,tylki bli*,�vins it ivay . . . D� MoKiy, of Ashfiehl, is at far rocovbre.d fron horroi&ont1Ilno,,§ _.., . .. 11 1 � ; I tho 0, lityl llav 4 Jtinoj A. D., 1886t anti ou the The Vilitroft. I slanif vs. Retorill,k IV stands for Whining-�-your piott% ba.liyl�luea 111LISIC Store. . 1. . � . . 'to., be ' . . . . I L � inn of A,:51000 froin Clio seventh day at Julv,.A.' � Should be seen Ili Our SLadlov so itill oi-litil and , . . . . . . progeiA- visibin,v Alex, and John' so as able tb take a short driya � I . . �. I I . . . . . . I . I � 8 , .. Interl0sts ilk 1111ron- I . . � L� � . I I I Tho, Steamer ,Sau-biqw. T`477ey Din-welf.. - .. : Q. � . " - ". , - .. .. , I .. . . . . . I . .. I I . ]I., 1880, anki cla the .�um of ,413,060, frokii the' � . ... . . I .gfilt0a ., , . . . � . I I occasionally., � I � q I I otiventeentl) day of .little, A. D., ISSO, and no .: � ,. . . __,� , . . . � . � .. . � . 1 : Anakosbekr�usual calls. Tlid T.Vley 11 I - I . . . I I . I . I -4, . . a [ - , --T6ro wM-fluite a St.jr in,ouT vi�IL �. .- . . ' . . . . rindl) I � - bas-MeA . - . - v -iIi'ati(�i 'from -Middles I . . � ". . p. I al or biterest Is bi'arroars. . , . R e v., C UftUuS,*OfWindS Toui�i i ex . . ; . I . Eiditor P'eivs-Rdcord- � 1. . I - or, hits bad full. passeb -,Or 1 ii$ti t1re *1116t - . . I . ' ' ...� � . Xtid whereas foi.paying the interest -and creat- ... . I . . .. .. Wn-'rolativiis in* . � a I . I are V-110. 'nl6sts *of Gro-oi McGowan lai"O on Monday hi consequonce of - . ,, . . . I ... . . I . . ,,, I 1. In-,aneqtiitli-e.,crl%-siti'�lngftxi)rlfoi�ptt�-iiigtlio,uaid - SIR -1 think it must really.surprise IS VISL , .. town. I - . ': throb or four trips.. . I I I . , " I 0 it being Division Couxt; day. The;�i �- I . I . i � I I . gunk of q4,.596.66 i'lliti 'int orosi-as h6r,Lna,t,rr . . . I . . I . I I . I . �, . I . .. . . anti. fillit i ly.. , . . I . I � . . * I inen- . f Detr(iliti '' * , . .1 . .� ' ' - It%,,,, lied Ilk a domprListive ' ITr. John McDougall, o . . I .. . ' � ,�' '. ' 1 " . you to b � Was a Iaiac . nuniber of cases licard ., , . tiqned requird an L 'i 0 Jaines has-been . 0 � . I oq%tl kii(iiowal speviii.1 rate 9 a9 ' er , �p8tead of the usurd Sk Geover * o's I of tiveeitchtI.Apr a nill n ,a iiar In addition stranger, ,",he is� also a � political o -, is r0visiti)l the'seelles of Iiii; Youth. .8-1- �1 - . asses, � 4,I) 0 W . MdGowan, wlib -e his - Jud, ' ' . .1 . . .. .1 p . t U( ay school, 61, or , ill befoi . lionoi - 1, I 1,. . to all other rates to ho-lovietijil caalryear; * " . .. troubled '"'ith inflaninintory rhoilin C -t I' go Doyle. .The - I , ,0111, - � ' ' o". , � And wbor6as it I,;, trado noces-ary Ill, law tl;at, ponent, for the favor of space iil'yb%3r )AIr. Frank .Kedglie 1oft for"hi . I iras ]laid. in the Orange liall.I �. . . . . . . S -be a ell ildron�s'ger vice in the chuVe. I . ., 0 . I �, . 11 �. . . this Ry-Laiv shall, before the final `pUiltlf.thcril 0111 . mus,* ta .0 e ittention . of tl liGnio, Clevel.aild, on Sunday.. ' X . . . . - - a*t' 81111p:is slo%vly-illiproving. � " .. .. . . . . �,w I . . - ( all. til . . . le � . . no t 8,unday.aftelmoon at 3 p.. ill. . . � 'Pl . . . � 11 � I 91, raceivill the nFlient ,it tile ciectora of sit it Man: 0 1 . I , lifiss Mary Welsh�- dau* f E. . � I . I .. . . �. . . I . . . � ielpality, dult. kilvillil to, vote killed tile stillia, President. Sedretary,,'and other offi- : The ' ste'amer *Ontark� made, - her jfv. Jis. Dicki6n, who: Was coll� . . . . I . .. . . - . I I . , " . . . . . 911�or` 0 , * . A 31ANTACAL CALF, 1� - . .1, . . . I I . L . Hill() aIS6 lor tilixt, purt')V�Q, taaf)poluc. the ti tile anti . . ; , "Illar call',kist-Vednesday. . . fliled,to the house for Some -time by. 117'elsb, who hits been in I'lostoll .. � I _. I . . � I . . . . .. . . lakic for taking tile votes of tile said electorsi at cors of t1lb Wist1liron 1teform Asset re. . ,P � � I I , . - � .1 V * . , :� , :,� . . . . I . . . arrived home ImL -vx�ek.-,., : - - Gush I gush I ih, the columns of *tbtN..t I *. . . , � .1 such China krild Place. . . .: 1. s op'e__n_' ; n',e*xb' illoudiy� � a Severe illn6si .0 . . . . Tlyth paper. .The astute, originator,: .. .. . . . .. . 1. �. - ' " , I . . I I ciation- -to bd t to repieheinsible, Writ- - 0 u� : stlibol' . 4 (leliAt�,&big kipany. . . . . . . . . '�, . Be it therefore enacted I)v tile corporation of . I .� 1.1 . I . . I . . . I. friends -by np,�)'entrin!�r ou-tho Sl David 'Stewart ' blaoksinith$, of. a mania . . : .. . . I the Town of (Mijum, in the 6d.unty of"Miron.: - troots I I .. . '. . .o. Dead -1, It is dead 1� A , , : , - .� .... . ating and exasiJeroting cour9g. pupau- for, the-wiliter torul. . . I i � 01. . . . � 1 A i. . . I . 1. That.it Milli 1)6 lawful for the. islai6tv of the' . .. . � .. I - . .... I last Saturday- ' . ... .. I . . Clint6i)o was vl�ltlnrp ills. old home suicide, through ,.absenoe of lbe-litill . , - I . . ; I � said corporatiou,lo valise by way of loall"froill I dd by. the 'Brother EMI-6rs of . the ' 11r.. and' Mrs. Talinei Were in I - , , I Q�ads I telv. "' . � . . I . . . I . . . I , ". I . . . . . � I . and fr! I It. .. government; it raniaerer th rough: lack, . � � ��, . ally persq) 3, Wdy'or bt;dios,00rporgo, ab6vo named journal i , - town oil M ohday'. , — . .Tile. *:schoolier, - Nklorlll Itiln )er , - '. . I I . . . - - . I 11 to Ljs ey.ory- . . I I I . . . � � . -pec . I I . .. I � i I I or 11111iKso Ili - . ',t -) �It- ' I who Inav 11. 11 kill, to advan-ce file sa, . -So assassinated I - . . . I . k", the credit of the dolion Ltireslieicl naf ter Or"' ' ' . laden,- ari' 'Ivedju ',port,�oal;ly last �. trio Aniericalls are. ex -ed .of'self denial3 y I P � - . . � .* I t I" 1. . an , ,�r ono,'-%rviiether Political, frielird or foe ` - Mrs." Sliarp ,is spon.dilig td: few . . I . . ., � I ravings. Alitrk its., desired epi. . .: . - 11, a SUM Of, AS101M.Y not eXleCkling Ill tile W11010 tile . . I , . . . NVednesday inornift'g, unloadoa and tIl is Week to Visit thd' Blisscs 110- .w' 1 1 : . 11 istim of Four'I'llbukiand 11vo flu"odred dollars,. �With Whom they may have the, -slight- d4ysin t9wil. ., ..� . � . I . ., I . ..; _:,� . . . 'tai'll I ,."Cruelly assassinattid by �i . - � . .. � . ' . . . . . . . .1 � . I � 11 l, I . . . . . . . I * . * left again for flie iiorth in tile eve- , GowalL . _ . I � . df." - 0 ye muses, celebrate in s6bg _... ` I � , .: 44ad to pillise the sarno to be paid into the hands ost . . . . . . I . .14 0 - . � . . -impolitic - .Bliss 1laud Rtl , nin,cn . � � . . . . . � . I.... .1 ,� . .ftpjly, hall* I I � . . of the said. Clinton, High .Suit ol Board for tile C-Ontroversy. .Their. I I 1s6u .has returned - . . . . . . A. ill, Ross, Ar. P. R' -was aluongst Tit's biogi . d ib. down'to pos- . I I I.. . � . I . - I . " � . I Purpooki ubol�o mentioned , , . . .., . . . 1, visit tO'Strai-rcird. : -. - ' ' flawing letters of Liulely '. . � ­ ­ j course, long deeply feltl,i4 now.wa;rin� from he . I - I . . V 2. ThiLtitsli�111)elieivfulfor�blioagild�ta.t*brto .. disapproAii ugly spohibnof by . . - � Tire Godorich".c.r.i.clee.tors, 1*11-flic -solllo ,of his Wit- 00.11-redel ates, I Oil I Uvi' I � . - � .. . - I . I., . cause nil v aunihar of dolibilturus. to to made for iy .and -. , Inspect6ir of Inl.1nd,.R'e'Vp.nue, A.- Ina .last �Vediioisday a, ]I , Friday he visited R. UcGowan. wnrtl'yjn�jg' tile 'greatest phenonign§n .. . . I .. . . � . 1. . . bach sutilis of/111011'el. as lilay (ivory sincere Rk: uformeri as being. -most I -%vas1n'to on F�ridayi . " tell - . gning.t. i e. . . I . I I I . � t-hati i�ver visited ( 3bristendorij. Orefitt": . .* 's : . .. , :,.:. .: �. � � I I be'remAired not, less z . , Ca-vail, . I Wn. , . . , , . I . . . . :: . . kl�,:,, than One flundrod dolhirs eacli ,.%nil that bile i3ald itijurious t6tbe'cabsovand calo,ulatcd � - ,* . I . .. . . I lVilidsors, ,at !\Tin&or,. niliao .the -A e . liftryo.st beo'..'tbok.p.lade.on was:Dia�na bf th'e Epilesi�lls,­greftter :" . ,: ..,:� , I . : �­ : ,.. r � debentures sliall be w.aliall' with.tho,seal of the . . . I . owinct-9cores.. I)II(Ildy I-Tolines' the� f!"T111`11 of 1). Diinbail Who ;iVas ,J,.tliis %O'uld-be litetean 7q6a6uped'. , . I �. I.. � . .., .. . I . . to lead to.its defeat in EWron, if not BIT. Y W. ,]folin.gto'll took -in the foil' 0 � ­ 1. . W. . �'. $;,%ill corporatinn and sii;nekl�by the Mayor unit- . . . I .. . . . . . I - � ' . ,; . once lit , . Onie way Or . I , ffityq._2�, a . poisoned iy�Ch.ivy. , '. ' I I .'.- .. llarnl�t .massacred I I bu,tcber . ed by -ii. I - ii . . I . .1 . � Treasurer thereof; - , - . .iLt .A. a Stop to in is Niagara .excursion 14t Saturdit3% 5.1 Stanley nd.Mr. Guth� . . ... , 1. � . . . ,� enturesshall bb nuide pay . - ( - other . ' . . - , I ... .. � . . ... . '. - . . . � .. . . . 1. 1. . . . . 11 . 1 rank ril 33. - .1 '. L),Ist3 ball is :dead. igoi,16 of tile panittoa calf!, a terrible triigerly I . 4 a Si That tile said deb' )r hy -the leaders of, the party. . Tile bargcNixaii)re, oi.�01,tr . . ) . . - . . . � I I I . .. �. . .. . . I I ; . I . . � � . . - . . . I . . I � . . - 1�, . abletti2Oyo;tl,StLt,ftirLliestfi-uliitliod-Li-3-iier6i'laftZ't Th6sejot�rnaliAq sooii to Iia.v6 for-' W, .. . , . 0''itipitei, I 0 &itdrn'l 0- Veriuilr , I . . I . , . � . - .. ,is -in port last wook. .. b 6 ys. sa y that , � on . � i � - . mentioned Mr this By -Law to-ttikii. effect at the - ... * "' , . I I';_ I A number of'our,�youiigr ladies . it will so : be vesur- . I I . I . . . � � offlue of -the Trvatiurer of tIn-said cor�;)'rabliinijgottft� iEtiley,ever'linevv,.bl4ittc6&TSe, " Ex-Depa - I I . . I . 'Forgive I X-orgive 1, it, knows 60t Wll&� : I , - .1. . ,. .0 thew couponsJor '; tb e' : n1uniber of our young kocted. � ... . . �.� .. a nil shall have attached t �11� - language is'not str6Dg langUag e - at , AY P000' Castles, Of scorted' a'. . . . � . . .. I � . ; : , . . . . . 0 , itdoes. O',' Shickespeare-I how dost . , � _ . ;1 i & . Valitnent of Interest; I. . . ...low:abuse, vill"ar .slaug, slid cant Stanley is ill -to %vn last Friday. : - .11 ' or, ''. �. . � . . . i . I . I -, wr � trentloiriefi to'.a . party at �tli'.e' palace. : if.r., v" Rb�q Inaves. this� *eek f tb6u keep ,silOnt ? Why ldost� thou - .,O .. . . . .. .,I 4. That the said debentures shall beat, Interest naer tile �Clbilk ,,, of 'Mikion are I n . e I Yor. �, . a ay� "P.r . I I ­ I . . . I : 1. . � at and'after the nite of Five par centuni per an. . 11 . I . :. The '&,',.&ci mqpirc was ,in - this . rolle'r rink. on 2.10ild '.. Chutoll, %VIIQKo lie b: i ri oh lloChviillge 016 in.4111'fer? Happily � . ... ; ; . .. I - it) . .pgills WO . 11 . . . , , I I ,_.� . nUlufrolilthodato thereof,:Wbichinterest Shall' ;h-oceptedip ani illtelligent_� corn in On' harbor last Satut1ty wrt6ruoo '... , -E"00116ht music, and a 0 y severite'sn.-redt.of 4inother earth" ... � . . I . � . I ..1. n . go d suplitiv Mondayj Aug. 30.: - ..i� - - - - , th . . I , ' . � � b6 jin.yable'lialf yeariy-on the ,20th,days of nurcit ityas�argtimenib.on%n-)rguli(-,cb,NN'li t- . � . . I - . ,- - : - 0 . . - . . . -is too ponderous -for thy - Outraged .' - . ,. ..- 7'. � - � I 101 . . . .. RM Ili eachypar at this"difleb of the . � cotil. fi.ko -verbs j J-1 ,was Provid6d. Vancing did, not . �� ' ' . . . � . .) 11 -, : Why al -O , t 0- . I I . 1. 0. . . . 6 -A' JM7.11iel t6 thii lake is talke'd'of. ' - - ­ . . ' .. I . . . . ' . - - I L . said Sall'on, . AO expIai1V:"I6, "' "' , . - I . . � lire-glik!'.611, . . . .. .,� - . ever. But, me year,and, t 1 . ' ' I spirit. Woel Woe ' I -Where? -0, I I I . . ... � ! L r­PjjjIjjjlg�- c_ ar - reti(ilal!,-,ii�6c,ttilajr,-"..ort �qe.msq, gi����,*-..��-.,r-1,,-L.7-.-,-�� _� the T ,8. .. . That,for-tho-1purp6se of-forlitiltir I -;:bi�lf-ago-ii-soniewlia"',-iiku.lar'--aii(l- -dAus they , e I Z5 , I . . _�Aw,n , ,Dt;Il(r ., folk As ' lier".%-Lt.tf�,-CR,I.f-?"-INI)AI�'llaulear�t,.,.,,"--,,-.,----.. ­.­ _. � L 15. �_ f �oj � e , .1. 1. I -W. . . . '', t, . , 0 I(YC 0 3 Ot�jl" I i - - ­ " I . I - disreputable piece of t6wd Own - ective a Olson- Katek..A�nAtffi, Annie MoI�or, and _ adi wiithing`1nL.th'6 1419b enbrenlity fund for the pa3 nient of tile said debelit,tras ancr I . L occur' def , ,�t 16ast so 0, YS 1STiell . , es PY� t kin" it was % " : * j� t, TL I . , . , 0 . i . , I .. , I . I the interest at. the rato afor6said to bworno due roil here, ae a Tileotilig Oi th*3 � _ 'It -t ' a bepli admilt I ed I.Id of i . it , 4 sliqcess. ? , . of the agonies of death, utlering Its - . . .. . . f thereon an equid,speolal rule of fivii eigliths. of a . h'a' best handled I iole in town Minnie. Noble have L "i'l I'. . I . . . L. I 'L . .Scott ,AeD party in. bile toWn 'hall, NA'at. " I ISLit 1%, I will on tile dollar i;ball, In additioti to till other L, no . rates, be rahked, levied and colleetod lit aleh.�:eat autiter the..recent d * spell, was� the to% the Hirill ,School. ' These. latest .'Goo. and McGowa.n7 -and vitulipo bleatinp. GonE . L L -pora- When e' leaders wore prepa,r- . a %. I ry . � . . 0 -evee? Gone'*t -its uisister� . . .. . .. . . � It the ratable property W Cho said cot . . - . *illp ,)Ill)er pa d 1.'boa. Roj�s finished harvestine, on foi - I , while th ' admissions ninke �nu sse . I , * 0 -Atito.- duringthekkontleitiancoof thesaiddelikintures ing for the business, .the door*,.was . Pump;. - '. * - I - L .4 I., 1U. 011n, a . L the fo6t of L I ey VCry. .-ApplAud, ye rn*ortals, strikejoud'the ` .'� . : * ' ' or tin I � . forcibl* broken-, open -by St. Goiirgd's Sunday School classes f.1,0111 .tile Central Sclitio-1 117, liud r, ridny,, , The first two", lifMill, . . . .. . ., . I , y of Chain; . 1, 0 L I . . . timbf0l, tire opilresso- is gone. [tow - - ­� - 11 I 6. Tli,�tblicvGtesoftlio;ltil,i,qtialiflociel.ectorEi.' 'highly imprudent; and botrhoadec ' * 1). in. again Mr. ri inbally leads tile va'h. -- lar"O crolls. I I . . ,. ,. " , an I Willi froln this, date" meet at 3 . . .. � . in I I did it -iirifef, tile, infernal. domain I . . I . I . " �L r)f the said niumotpa. takoll on this I rg�man'L followed by a motley ex- each Still � I 1�7'eL � John Williams expects to.erect a Would Ch,,tr6n condeff'cend to. ferr-v a - I.. &.1,nn, on Monihiv, "I'' shall, I of Skiptoniber, 0 c 1 day..' L' . , - . have. witten tile folloliving. . I � - I th-1.1 I nder Rnch . . I , 01.0 thousuild 64,11i I'�",,,,�dbb,.i,d,i"�3�li"ll6s- AX, will" Cited cr6w& of both SOX ** S '11' . � � � a .fine, fraine barn. neXtL $111itiiier and c If a ,,If, IrAvina mad? .Wo�il(l I , . . . Tho-fial'al, ., 0 , C . 0 e in 0, ,oducati6llists I W� Will . not leap tilion 1 . I - , e - L' & � . ni,dqiehig at the hour of 9, o'clock j" tile "Jor"ittst a lidad Of Steam AS to' driVo.down tile I ce r Iler rijil 'Was ,well ' il - bduor of tb ' , with this end, in vlo take out libeling k With. drea(I - . and front theucti u3itv tile hour or d eciock Ill tile . ttended oil , r�(I�X Venill" tile lie are intro'dLieffig th' no system [ie corilih- iviritkir. * � ... harkings and rend it in Illece.0 . . . . . . alternoon at.tlie followin.- places.-- . - stove -in -018 Tuiddle of �thq, roon]. I a , . ,� W L I . . �., 0 NY . till I iber tl I . , or , f Spol lliil- � . . . , . It t ? Great . con- . L 6 oj� t L le atirag , . . . 86. Aiii1row's ward, .in the Town 11all. git. shall, not trouble you, lie WoVer,,, �4itl)'L L town.band wa . . 'tions.. 0. 'are (thid to%,�j)urt -tivjt.jajIj6S Woulcl Pluto adan i I �. . I '. I . )f tI,e Wrangle W.11toll " . -�, . , " : - We ­ . . I . , , ;L ' ' F]oQdy, poputy i4burninx,ofliaor. . LL ,a description 4 . . V.1' (1, B,E,sd I .ewco.tiiho' all d - Tuan.'s till i hird nit Q anti ,it u Xvil.b.ap, Putter ig aiTdKid as usual, altbougli st,"nation in' tile- neither reglolls . . � . -?s furnitiurd ware fk." IL . - . . . . . . St. Janies's warci, in ohlilloi follo-wed, - Suffice it. to *gay tfif6b frorn Blias tiz7io left -for' Clevelaild. last X at this end .411011 118ti ". , . - - - jN'OrI.:,.Ije ; -i on, .Its cooling; but it . I . I Ll . r -wins, Goo. Pluhl,*Sr., Doputy Returning Quickir. I that day o the Ore an(i a Y itild all 6 9pe'l IT! p 0 * liny . 0 S ill I I � L t, s6ut - lionr, from 8 Awl all not- d1ding, . WoLlild priiii . L L 'St. Johl;I8 ward; In 1111113blill's carrl�,�a shop W I 6D;ty oil. the '$agbiaw Vafle�. ' - . I a . ra - would be instantly. hurled. into tlio* . I a Do � I . me come , what is 0, 811611ar to (10. - I ..� firqt,ratD, healbb." ,-.BIn,y it 1011'� eu.11- - - - . I I . � L. 11. Cooper, puty Returning Odicer. . that ititei-apdrate corg, it n -b of a .. . ' - , . . . : .. . . 0 . ploza vatide.-hillf, and annihilated; oi- . I L .. . ­...., l I nal hat; - Rov'­Mr. Turk preached it s6ruion. Than if,also all .1 nnd.hii i aiid�a E.!j�(l till , t -I ii 1100 , - ­ . .. .. !. . ­ -- ' (I . neg. Wwander along the banks of the : . - . . . . . . . I . St. Georgo's Ward, in LegI16's chrriage sllkip,' t6n)PPI!41166'01�uSadf, tile k'LN ;, . . . , ,jiEr . , . I � � � . . � , . -pell ".cido" ' ' 1V'6o ell. ,13 ty X . . I . 4. 0. Sti3vollson, Doput3 Returning offter ed, both by eaitorial.s and ill lbelilary of t1l'o, late Jane Canto- � . It itntl ed s . V. .Corbett of Clinton �Plng denlod tile thrico'-spl-in I . . . I . - IuMns of.childish iwaildle, evidont- lon, last S.nnday nioriling; . -a' nhtll,llg, Inteli ,(� L - a ' spoilf.t. ' $ le k'I t � . . . . 1. That the fillI3,iii of said -iiunlelpi,.tkl� corpora- co . Tbel s _ rt to 1 . I . . tion, shall attki at tile T9%vrf Hall In tile tikkitt ., L I . I ') -was ill this Section duriner tI L ed chist ? Dead I Dead I The mail. - .. 0 . to' do -but tii,­� "and. cotlil 4 Sioux- lfillsj� st cole.' Fro -is w , ' ' I . I I . . . . . I . - a � Blasto q for , IL L ' 1� - , . . . . . ._S,g,lO . CONVII, ittloo'clock a. Ili., on Saturday/this ilth .ly from the same pen, but under.t1i , r Pred' Cattle leave� . ey ill. ", . w I . . . 01090 OfIA W ,d Ilk otked �jac is.dea,d I . .. . . I I .. "I . of September, Oita thousand eight hundred espo�detlb,' to , - . L . . . . , , do%* pretence of a boguo corr, ,%ZVe, aid j7jjjjq1 to- 'a larve.-trade in this localil . , . ,. . . Iola olghty 01, for the librIlb8ii,of it )oIntilli -Polir fourth it,A vilest vitn�eration on.. St'lginaw Oil tile. lit . Last Thuisdiity Percy, son of mr., . . ill') 0 y .. , ��4j . z . xx xnuow,tir. L . . ; , � ` .. persolls ,a littojad at tile viLlions �.Iollrllg-placC8 . etives excellent satisfaciion- - .' , � I .— . . . . . I . . L L � I .. .1 . . I . I . . 1. I I . I . - Olorkrespoothols,;tLikilon b(iiiiLlft)tt),L�i)cl-s�iltitti-' ke6porg ; 'and also upon .all and sun.. .110 St. shot , by ii ollarrjo :rfl;OM a, fowling (I i . t. I . I . . . �, . L . I - , I . terestied inand prilinkotingor Opposing thep�ssaho . .18 a Iliecting . of t 0 ell fil'%!S. . L . ,'. P I . .. I I ,IN I . , , . I �.., . ;� ' ittid at the final suffiniting tip of the votc8b,8- the tile heads of all tavern a -ad hotel, 11101TOW- ',- �1+ .� . I I ThoR. A., Naftol, ii,as* inceidentally 0 out- teAeller, A. M. L'urcliill, visits - . , I . . (try 1010 way enter their'doors, -for � - iher I o' w I D weekly since holid I I . I -_ L , . of thim Ily-Litiv r6spectively. I George s Ladips' Aid SIO'ciety in tile piebe. , Tile lad was gatherill" fruit "rhe popular qjjcStjon r I . . I ­ � , , L v ' I . - 0 . 0 , Oil NVII , , ' low is : .. . . . I .. .. . . I . . � .� , is th att'raot'L a "O . '1ORY I . . . I R. Thai the Clerk of gai(i in anicipal eotporatlon',. any putpose whatever ; itud-to `t'g- iich6ol room on Blonday Mnillg7 1 in his errandfilitherog ovoliard )� li . . .. . � . - 0 . . A - P . I . . sliallt at lilts offiepat-the Town Vill, iwkiaid town,. mabizo, till, political f rioud or oppon- , 0 10111, Suill, � rl AID, I L) r D. . I I .i— � : . I .. I I . . . : i I t the hour of 12 o"illikii1c noon oil Wadnesday tire cut., who would not accep6 their jPki,t' A largo number of ohr summer' so, lie 'One shot at the folace, one of. go fitr no,. to stig"eat,vory probable . . I I . I I . � 11 t Un. L . . ! 166h tin Septeftilbor, one thousand oigli L . 0 . . . 1, dred 1, kilghti, OIX, $11111 111) tile Lit - 0 I - ling it and-l'odging IS. .. . I . .. THE I . I . .. � J�A "A ,;%� of I uniber of %,also d1xit,. as beilig the offspouring f visitors left for' Detroit 64 tho sagi .the sbots ponotra Solutf,01 I . . . . . I I I . ,, ' , given -for and agultimb this Iiy-Law. gociL I ty, Public indignation has ut naw Vit . Ilay, last Sunt'la . . ill the boyig facti jtlst over tile, 0yo J I . . - F ''. . � I I 1.� I 9., Thattlils Sy-Lawsluill takoeffatibAndeoillit last become so Rtronot agaiwit . theL . y . M r-13, J'All Lindsay and her Inoth- . . — . . � - . I Into=ttlan ul;oil tile �Oth day of September, , W11. The woufid eaus,ed grefit loss or� Airs, McLaiiablin, of Go(lerich . At �& JO'I A C I �. , � L . . one and eight hurldred and cIghty,0x' paper that retaliation in oil Shape or Tho -water piduped frorn the artcm of blood, �ut useffloal 'aid Wiig at, ' . . I I . . 1. . . . ;: � � . I I I I . . .1. �1: . � .4r . � L� , , other -need surprise no One, And yet Sian wpll on Eitsti stroot is Said to be' . I . township, Were visiting at tile B16.5- . Cruelly Assift.4sinated by a Calf, I , 1, , I 0 1 . . . . I band, it was soon atLendod to an(l, Sra. 11arri I IS`. . They procend �to their I . . . V, � Sir, it is ,violl,known that bbis in6dol. oxocedin�ly pure and ai�rocitble. . . I � . .1, . . - n . .0 I the little sufforor is now doing well. 0 , , , r449rlired L .. I . . . TAKE NOTIbM. apostleaud 6u,minple of temperance, Last wook. was a ,yrelit, one for I , L ' !­ �;. old noit"Illjorhood where thay will . .,hg I . 113ioa-a-a . a it -till I" I . . I. . I I . � '. ( That tile above Is n, trite copy of a. protiosed 0 gljipj)e( I . I I .� �j - ',One of big flialits 4(ou bit,(! b un ' The'froiglit I fr d a few dayo. - V. ttel I . L . .1 nyal,klw its tile sallia nifts' be tillicell flj'W colitflddr- c uring )AI-tiosi one Or 11301.6 lilwill" Ohl the G. Opel! . r i 0 - L ' L . . . . . . , �"! lk Often itind ultimately imsed hi- tile nainfolyal wing," returned to fro'Wirinal one fino .given eaelf'-day blit Silturtjity,. - T, R. station -for* 04 week cii(lim, Janies. 'McGuwan bas I returned . � I . . ' ' � 1. . .. . eminaii of tile corporattom of the town of Minton, a ftbrnoon, near Stratford, 41to liftivo a . . I (IL houle aftPr a protractod visit �. I - I _. .. ..� ­ . .1 itfterOTICint.)iiblifr,)tii,tliefiesti.�ulil!(�tt,iot)tliet-ent Bir. J, NV.181nitli, P.,C. P., Ifils Awn 2I, ainoulitod.'to One Iftindre") to � L . ... I � X.- 't itubibillg liVc Stiff I , 0 jLjo S:jYS 110 11, 00 . (! the date of the first fixtiblipatioxf of which in Tin ' drink ;" Alld, 4fte I . . I-ItIRON NEWS-HU60111) newspaper was VVedneg(limy, horns of sotnothipg ateonger thai L ,been appointed, IMMAX, of Huron and, thirteen full cars, and loveTal frionds, ad ,it g I The, rriends . Mid itelluaintances . - of Atiflist, one thoosand ehoit hun. ditch water, brougifit op M (11 C " Sion BileamplIlent j- 0. O.'rl, L ' c 'bavo the heartfeli, syniptaby of th*0 L � tile i8til-dai 8 Its .1 . No. 28...I. miscellaneous -lots, ' Thefu 11 cars de's- Little; his grand parents, �T.r. awl entite Cotillijunity. Two Or three of , , . 1. . .1 . I . I ared and eighty a xi, and that the vote8l'of tile B.Irs. AlcLaxon, of Milton 001111t�'L - I . . 11 Mactorsof tile said Illutildipal -(I lalliflod ,with a Graind Tru condtictor, a - B,riq tch6il were its foil OwA,: Al' oladay 1 9, . . . . Ity" dul,N nk , 8 Xatjtl,�011 T,, ' pit . . t f Clio chief letters of condole'noe.- . ." __ to vote ullon-the shose. will be Caken thoreon oil kill Volumed from ,.VueS(jjjY 18" J�Vednp panied lifin here on I% visit to _� I . ' conscientious advocatoof temperance, - her �j8l,t to tbej�U ,Sdq 19; Thurs- nodont . I � I 'If t, must have -been a Grit,'t-J', A. . . I .4 the day and at tile places lit the said ByjLiviv t rost,Oity'on Alou- Ftiday 29, Saturday, 20. .frIends. Ifel), , L . � . ; � . forthand the poll will be opened utthesaill poj�j`�g �bk declaring that the Scott Act was day� . . . da 'he' Present njollth as IjIaIjV .L Clio 1ilyth 11A,taniac" L . ..� Plates at 9 of thettich In tbonlowlingall4rolualn a fallure and a hanibug, and that lie . "Data" find I �.� . . . . open till 5 of the clock in tile afteinooti of the was 'Its it on tho votees' list, and if so I L I . . . . Prepared to talce thq stump - Bliss Campbell, itieed of Bli% '"�m, � D'11.1119"t fall cars. were. shipped iii ,have givon' vent to."burgLq O' elo- can it vote at tile itext election --the . �� . . . . saine dity ; . . . I against it Oil tile Very fiMb OPPOrtlIn' Cairipbol I I was ap as zrty does nearly qtlefice find JIQ%v _N , . � I A ad take notice fhat tile counell IlEthe rorvka. rM011got to Detroit one day'. As Godeflelt � Of' SOUIA-" NVOO rev,sion polirt, is 6ver',t if I 01 0. . . . on of tile town of 01111toll have appointed OX. some twelve nionths hence I per the Valley last Sunday. AS jj1jjoIj�bUgjBeS$ in this line as aft JO tile vanquished. "Data" deservils -P. X. � . tl 4 Ity I ' I ' . . . 41AII's foe the' best." I , , , � � . ' , *E I'l - - .,P -'-, '�, ' ''--I "R,O �­" E RE R1 __ I T! t ,-,.' WS 0 L I � 11 - - � I .11 I .1 173 1. D4Y, the Wtb 0AY Of SPM�113111%1t, 6110 thousand Brit, to cap tile clitinax of this reckless - . 1. I , . . eignt hundrod a"d eighty ON, jig' tile dav for . arousint, arnoll,18b (be (I't'lle. last state is wase than the- . � finally considarluir the gal� 11�,- Law. ..' RIA egotistical joulhalist's folly as Bliss Marais Smith was a paq. tile iltatiom, between it and Strat� croaft for 0 " I . I ,. � a Le i . 11 , . IV.% MAT8, I ,tile organ of &political party, lie, in I, Oil the Raublaw Valley, last ford.0ontbilled, it seems SUVAII90 fliftte littlit chil4vell *AXIII ill T00 '14 91 -so' -s. A. 'cou. - " . I . I Clerk of said MthlolliMity, the f1100 Of a g011Ural OI0CtIDn, W 011 . I . 'Sop's fablear . "'...-I... .L.11 io . . I . .1 . . h g('t'ilu'd"ily. . pooltle fr6lil. C1111ton, and S�.afortlj X 1, I 1. j I Mmi � . - � I � � . . . I I I . I I . I � 1. . . I . I . . . . .. . . I . I . 11 � . I , I . - . I I I . � .� I � I . I . I L . . .1 . L . L . . I . � . . . . L , I I . L . . . I . I I I . .. . . . . . . . . . I . I � . , , � . .. . I . .. . . 1, � . i 4. I . . I : � , ­ . ­ . .. � I ..­ .1 . . .. 11 � � . � L . I I I .. . . . .. I 1. . I.., . . . . . . . . I ..., . . ,�.. .1 �. I . . . ... . I / L . . . . � I I � � . LI ;. . . - � . . . . � . , . %, . . I . . I I . . I . ,� . . � I I � e_�*;:"'.'.;`e'*­ ", � "::'�.'4�"-'.'���'��"�-��.-L"' ' ' ' ''­­- 1. 1. .. .�, I- -!!'M'1&-' ­­­ . L � L .. I ­ ­... . ­ "'..."'.."L., L . . . . . . ""-"�.L""_''"''.,,�'a'.��,��.,.,.,�..,,.�'',-",L,'',-,",".�,,",.Ll.'L ....... ­­ L . .. .� L, I ,, , 11 I . .