HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1886-08-18, Page 8;The Huron News -Record 'YVednesdity, August 18th. POINTERS FOA Ot lt. Aa'L. SOCIETY". «-:=.II'ovsc speeding in connections with the Fall Show ; and bere•is the way - they get up intevesting prize lists out in Dakota t "Premiums for the LOCAL } 1 n( • T - NE r biggest baby; the 'prettiest baby.; ..the smartest' baby; trans, triplets and four of a kind,' are offered by the Farmers' Alliance, of. Ilatrlos couuty, in that state." • • Mus ICAL ATATINEE.—Q•n-•the•-Mar -• et Square, at 7.30 Friday evening,,' by the Doherty Band, under the Inanagetnent. of Prof. Blackstone. Programme i March.. "Nassen Memorial Ball". Pettee Waltz: , , , "True Lovo", —11, ,1I, Round Ovetturo , "Polyphoslie", ... , l'otteo Waltz..., "Loving and•Ueping",II,Round Overbill) ..:.,..... "Das Bleu",. Pettey Waltz... , . ,')ream Faces"... II: Ramat Serenade:., "Nellie's Dreana"..T. T3: Boyer Colslri.rlNG wiTII TUB LAW.—The. Privy Counoil of England, is held to have* endorsed the view of the Supreme -Court 'ofCanada that re- tail r dealers in liquor' not ougag- ed in trade, and that as a cense- gnence the Dominion Government has not control of that business by virtue of power contained in the Clause of the 'ritish 'North Amer- lean Act which reserves- to' the central Government exclusive .con- trol of.all' matters relating to trade and commerce. In 'view of. this some enterprising hotel men in Scott Act counties, have secured. Odra -ions . quantities of hollow' porcelain egos which they fill with whiskey and seal up • and pass over the counter at so much per dozen. These dealers now" claim that they are now engaged. in trade and that the. Ontario officials have no power 'to interfere with them, So far they havo•boett doing a rushing business, though, the goods come too high. for the king egg merchant, .D. D. tie's l son,: president of •the 'County Scott Act Association. • But 'they will• readily soll at 50.. cents a' dozen and .aro likely •to become a very popular article of ,diet, and there is no cause to fear that • the big.• demand will• arouse the jealousy of th.o growers. of the natural egg fruit. I#t an4 Around, tete ." llnb," U Oittl>< rte . • 'EMALES: 2 -PANT iVANTED. fslpply ta bar's. James Moore, Com - 'mental motel,; Olintbn, 395. IIIOREsT'MARKET PRICE IN Cass ,for any quantity of Wool, at the ,Clinton Woolen Mills, 403• • �. O yT1 Lo. •wants 50,000 l'rttrrela aof choice Fall and TVi'ntet Apples. :,Apply at Cantelon Eros. grocery store CANTILON Bnos,, Grocers, Clantoy, 'will pay the hitJhast price for 20,000 arrels ofJ'a'll and Winter `Apples,' and 30;000 bushels of Plufns and treas. 'CLINro* roow,nN ''ruts is the best place in the County of Huron to trade your iVool of: A fullstock of all 1 inds of cloth on hand. at lowest nates. Don't pass us, '355 A SMART 1 or is wanted at this, .'office to barn the printing business. STATION STors =11rs W. Foster, \Tin. Foster Miss Annie Foster, Miss II. T,ola l left for Des Moines, Ia., last 'Week, and Miss I;owley sails by the Vancouver August 26, for Liverpool, England, tZ '\`TILL NEXT TImB.-A young Juan in a neighboring township Lias been fined $5 and gave bonds in. 4100 for• putting his arils around a young lady and not kissing her. It is presumed that the next time.'the young gent puts itis atm around n young lady he •will kiss her. and .avoidprosecution. • ` ' 'STRATFORD .BOOMETIl.—A 3120,- O00 by-law was carried. in Stratford Friday last for the GrandJ gunk 10- 'comotive work and carshops by. 868 hr majority, only 12 votes, being polled against the by-law.. There is great' rejoicing here •over. the ry salt, as this secures to Stratford all the above works west of Toronto, . 4-l'Aw's,Agent.—Mr. W. W. Dar - 'and, of the editorial' department .of the, colossal circus. that is' to be here on the 30th Aug., called' on us Mon- achy, We found hint a thorough business man, gentlemanly, and of considerable literary_ acquirements,' Foreliaugh evidently 'secures the. best in every line.' ;Nam En.=11Ir.•Andrew •Goveulock, of Winthrop, has been named by. the Scott Act Convention 'of East 'Huron as a proper. person to fill `the position of Police -Magistrate for that section. They recommended his •apjloiutment, aaithout salary, by. Mr. Mowat. 1417. Govonlocic.'s gull •ed his willingness -to serve if aap:' pointed. Son u. To PART.—We learn that Mr. E. Doherty, fol.-manyyears traveller for Messrs. Warnock & Co., has severed his connection with that firm, and is about to'remove to Ham- ilton, where he has accepted a pos- ition with Adana Hope & Co. Mr. Doherty is welliknown -and esteem -- ed in town, and everyone will regret ' tis ehifing.-Gat Reporter. THE LATEST Gate.-lt is 'now rumored with an air of.•probabil.ity .that Sir Richard Cartivright will re- . tire from South Huron and that Mr. 'A'. H. Manning; a clevor lawyer of of Clinton, will be brought out by . the Young Liberal or third: party,' while Mr•. John McMillan will get', the straight, Reform party nomina-` tion. Mr. F.,.1%.:. Powell; aa rising young barrista},,GQIibe "hub," though a comparative •stranger, haae .been '"seen" by some oleoters in, the rid ing and asked to. :consider whether he would accept a nomination as a third •candidat+e, at the hand's of the Uonsetvative of people's party. 1 -bow TO MAK f TONIC—TIore• is w receipt for making a good. town . Grit. Push. Snap. Vint, En- crgy. Factories. Churches. Schools, Colleges. Morality. I nterlii•ise. Ilar • molly. Advertising. Cordiality. (heap property. xiealtl'iy 'location. t }nod .country ...tributary. Talk about it. Speak well about it. Help to improve it. Advertise in. and road the town papers. Patron- ize its merchants, and merchants show good example by. patronlisin g noire tradesmen and meellaaics as +titch as possible. Faith is exhibit- ed by good works. nlonest eonr- petitiou in business „elp call pub- aio enterprises. F>th ect good men to office, speak well got• its 'public spirited enterprising citizens, awl bo .one .of thein ,yourself, ne- iiwniber that every dollar *pent in your town is that unnr h on interest. Always cheer on the men who go in for iiepl ovements, ?wit portion of the cost will be nothing 'only what is just. .The Great Discount Sale .at DICKSON'S Book Store will be contin- ued till the end of ,August: TORONTO ZY.DUSTRIAL I' 1IR.=The sueeess which , has ,attended ttie 'In•; dustrial Fair in the past, appears. li very fo bo eclipsed..by the.suecess of the one forthe present year, which opens•at Toronto on the '8th of .September next. Already the space in all the.. large buildings •is nearly. taken .up; and .the. diameter and •novelty Of the; eichibits will be far 'ahead of those' of :previous years. The latest iniprovements in twining implements, • arraehinery and . all•. kinds of.Manufactures, will bo found there, and the number .of entries already made in 'the limo stock de- partmeut ensue e a magnificent die: play in this respect. Our . space will not permit to particularise; but' an eacellent.programme of special attraction has,; been ,provided, and: the roptitation-of.tho.Toronto show: in this respect justifies us •i i saying that they will be of an interesting. and novel character. Cheap esc-r sions and.reduced fares' will be given Onall. the railways. •A largo ,nurn- ber of conventions and other ;attrac- tions will be going on in the city at. the time.of the Fair, and any of our readers contemplating taking a holiday, +vile not liave a better. opportunity of spending it with' plelisuro• and_pi.ofrt _all nl.,.tniking. a.. trip. to the Toronto Industrial Fair. Eritries in all departments .cicise on the 28th:of August. For'.prize lists and all particulars, drop a postcard to tier. Hill, the Secretary, atToron- to. . . Tarn Mitchell Advocate .referring to our item last week. that "Clinton town clerk Coats had recourse ' to considerable: corresponclen.ceWith• Mr. Robt. Porter's old 'friends in o veer to find the gentlernan'saddress, States: that "have ler. Coats written to the editor of the . Advocate. he would have been saved all:this cor- respondence and trouble, as We (the Ecl. of".Ad.). have been ,,acquainted - With acquaintedwith Mr. Porter's acidness. fol+ years." W'e called Mt. Coatsattention to his stupidity in.the matter, but he fails to see the Point.: ..He says that he has for years been aware that there was such en entity as Mr, Porter but unaware of, the 'existence of the Advocate man. and insists that ho was not remarkably stupid in writ- ing to Mr..Porter's former neighbors .for that gentleman's address, instead of sapling a to flim unknown quan- tity. All of which reminds hug of the story of the9Yanlcee quack who had a specific 'remedy for "fits." Ile used all manor of noat•nms to pre- duce fits, then he Was in his element, he was "death on fits." Mr, Coats holds it would have boon a much marc roundabout proceeding for Trim to have found out t,hsat the ArZ- &icafe man Was possestied of the ale- aired information than that Mr. .Porter's old• neighbors were, "but floes riot cloulrt that if he had once carded the ''+tarot of the ,rlcli:oeata he would have found 1hst.gentlemen "death On information," New Goods, Just .Arrived. i RE14C1I 11USIIROOMS, PEAS AND BEANS,' Crosse& Blaekwell's Calves Feet Jelly, 'Halt Vinegar, Pickles, Armour's. Lunch Teague Corn Tinian.' Chipped Beet, Boneless Chicken, Ducl:, Tarkey, r'ig's Feet, Durkee's Salami Dressing, Chinese Preserved Ginger, Salmon, Lobsters,' Maekerel,'Sardines, Middle, etc. ull L nes of Pure Spices; Flavoring Extracts i rOcers. �J A off AND S UCES: Lipton's English Dessieated COCOANUT in bulk, 40eper•lb. Teas, Cees, Sugars; Tobaccos. New Cr'ockerj, Glassware Call and examine our stock and prices. T. Cooper . ��011., A RAMA Avis.—Letno one: here after deny that there is occasionally such a thing to be found as a devout editor. Here :is how an American editor publicly returned thanks .in• his• newspaper. recently for restore tion to health after sickness : "By the abundant mercies -of our Heaven- ly Father,,, the much kind attention of many dear friends; and fere skill of Drs. Folsom and Tnrnipseetc we are able to resume- the ' editorial chair and .put our family on the con-• valescent list; 'Bless the Lord,. . 0 niy'sotil.', • ' . ' Coui'oRATIox RnsroNSIB'ILITT:— The council on Monday night .de- cided to offer John Croydon. $75'. to ,settle his )ling for cbairages against 'the corpot•ation...'Itwill Croydon • hadthat last .WinterMr.: Croydon had liis legseriously injured by go- ing,. through • +,defective•, sidewalk, :and.is is laid up for, sevcrail'weeks:, • Hesubsequently presented thecotin .cil.with ti claim for '8150, which amount it hadcost him, he claimed, iu doctor's hills and loss:' of time: Thematter' has. hung fire ever. since until .last'Monday night, when the. couricil'offered•the $75 as a cornprom-. iso. Mr. W. Croydon has not as yet .doeicled to accept or refuse.—Wing-:. hair Times • PARCEL PosT-Tlie. following is a list of the post offices in Ontorio at which..parcels • to and from, the :old country can be mailed and .received at the into Oft, �55 cents per lb., in parcels not exceeding three ,pounds: Amhorstburg, Berlin; Bellesville,' I3owmanville. Brantford, Broekvil le, Brighton, Chatham, Clifton, Co bourg, Collingwood,;, Colbouine, Cornwall, Deseronto;Dundas,'.Dun 70lle-E.lwart1sbtrrFort Erie -Gan--- anocltie, Galt, . Goderich; Guelph, Hamilton, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kingston,. • Lindsay, London, •Mid- land,: N orrisburg,• Napanee, New- castle, Niagara, Oakville, 'Oshawa; Owen. Sound, Ottawa, Paris, Pem- broke,: Peterborough, Piston, ''ort: Arthur,' Port Donor, Port Hope, .Port Colborne,' St. Catharines, St. Mary's; St. Thome, Snrniti; Saugeen, Stratford, Toronto' 'Trenton, Wall. aceburg, Whitby,' Windsor, Wood- stodk. • MAirn,IED.-.I3v the. Ron, Alex=. Stewart,• at 'the residence of .the bride's father', on Tuesday morning, 17th inst., Mr. r. H. S. Cooper, of the firm of Thos. -Cooper & Son,. to Susie, daughter of Mr, Jos. Chidley. Miss Lilian Philips, of ,Bayfield, performed' rho pleasing . part of bridesmaid, while Mr. Robt. Logan. supported the groom. Besides inent- bers of the families of the respective Jprincipals, there were present Miss ackson, Janres Doherty and C. C, Ramo. The. happy couple took the morning train for Detroit. ,Tun NEwS-liEOonD 'wishes them a sue- cessfnl and extended voyage across' life's ocean. Ola, stvi+etly the billows gra sleeping 1 Froth the rosy, the 'radiant shore, They have pushed their boat; are keeping Thea• course for Evermore. tightly away the breakers play; Lovo their star, and -bliss :their way. —A. M. T. A minister in WairkWorth, Ont.,. Orn a recent Sundayniorning offer:di • up the following t "Lord bless our servant girls who Aro detained •from ,joining hi the worship of. Thee by' the sleeping of their lnai$ter8 and mistresses." A'CHANGE *WANTEp,—Some time ago. the Grit organ of Godorioli came down on.Bishop, M. 1'. 'for South Huron,: dubbing finis, lin "Ohl stick." It is not often we agree with. that "delectable" sheet, but we thorough- ly' fraternize. with it in 'its distaste for ancient, timber: Bishop : is in- deed little better than a wooden Man -.in the Assembly. There is some talk of replacing biiii by•a representative, Ivan and Lieut.,Col. Dr. Coleman has been • named . a fit and propel person. . The Doctor is certainly not of the wooden calibre, He .is an intellectual gentleman . of progressive .ideas,: and"a substantial business, man. Candidates who Passed at tihe Late Departmental Ex.ttu • lltatioilS: CLINTON. SECOND CLASS —C. McDougall, G. G. Brown, N..Gilrore, A. Mc- Ewen, E. Richmond,' A. J. •PFain- mer,.C. A. Taylor, J. Hunter, :J..W'.. Sloan.. Tuiatn.CLASS.---S. Blackwell, J. Cargill, M.. Campbell, C A. Hal- liday, J. Pl.ununer, C. 'Robertson,- S.J. Rath, F. II Hodgens, G. Jen- kins, J. 11, • Lowery., J. Landesbor ongh, J:14IoTavish, R. J.Riehardsou, C. G.'Williarts, J. Johnston, H. F. Kinsman, J. TI: lI leer. SEAFORTI•I. SEC* C.LAss —11Xr Barr, M. McKenzie, J,• Killoran,' A. I\IcLean, A McIntosh, : J. Mcradgean; : B. Smillie; J Nichol, H. Beattie, W. McLeod, H, Campbell, I.: ldwards. • THIRD CLAss.—M..Cash., T [. Mor- -i isoli; -L.- Couch, T. Elliott, J..'flogg,< A. 11'IcColl,' A. Reymann, E Me-, Laughlin, P. McDougall, A. Ander'- son;: D. Dallas, T. W0.011. GODERICEI. Second' class -- Williams, T•; Rolpll,'. E. Third Class -.Aiken - heart, ' N ; "Sallorya,.' .A. Allen;. J,; McLeod, M ; isteKay,' A;- Bee croft, J.; Wilson, .T L ; McLeod' 1:l lt;'Ferguson, 11I J; Rusk, M,; Seri;- gins, E ; Robertson, W H; Struth- ers, W , �Pilliarns,, Q H 'Whitely Ih Wedo not know how many wrote -for seconds at each centre, but the number passed is as above, namely, Clinton, 29, 0 seconds and 2Q thirds; Seafort11,24,12 Seconds and 12 thirds, Goderich, 17, 2 second and l5 thirds, • Goderich'Township Mr. Itin,,:Gurrie hae an inflamed hand which he supposes was poison- oned by.nsing harvest mitts mole of leather that..hitl been tanned by a now process. 6 inexorable fate is fast decimating: the ranks :of the few remaining l'lionocrs• of this township. This tKe it is Mr, Win, Colclongli whose material body has been consigned to its original element and whose spirit has been summoned to appear before the Great White Throne: Ile died on the, 13th, and Was buried on the 16th, Aug., in Clinton ceaiteto1;y. Ala mei' What changes since I first knew deceased nigh on 50 years Ago, • rattIMAu's WOlart POWDERS aro safe, sure awl speedy tri remove worms from children or adults, JUST . Figure This Out Five yards` Tweed, Boy's Suit, at 30c., V.50 ' 4 Seven yards Tweecf, Men's Rust, at 30c , $2,10 Flue yds Tweed, Ladies' Ulster, at 30c., $1.50 The Tweed spoken of is a Tn three different colors, and is sold in the e `uliar.way for O5cts.: It is the BIGGEST BBRGflIN Ever OFFERED In Clinton,. and would be gobbled up -by Hundreds of peo- "ple if they could only believe t1it;at it is a bargain. But the people have been. fooled so often by the iiumer- ous sales that it is hard to get them to take stock in an advertisement when a wonderful bargain is offered; Wo wantpeople to come and: see this' line and we stake our reputation that nothing has eves been offered in Clinton tto equal it. For boy's' wear'it is the grandest goods that 1J grandest can. be.bought. Come and see this great lute. Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. THE GREAT 161 .41 f * * :.• * * *. * . * * * * • ;ti: Notonly in name,, but for 'ices, Quality a�� Sllle Of .our Clothing. We deal In nothing but ' FIRST- CLASS ODDS Every garment we make up is just as•represented.: We nevanythingvertise anythinwe do .not fully fulfill', and . a visit to lour estU/bllishment will convince you. . • a .! -T emember, we carry •every line of Goods' manufactured:. Don't forget when )3uyinir a Suit or pair of Pants tocall on Tile Flub Clothiers, Clinton, 4,.